Good men's shirt. Fashion brands of men's shirts in different price segments

As part of the rolling study of Roskachestvo, consumer properties 29 samples of men's shirts under trademarks Allan Neumann, Fortunato, Brostem, Dobroshiv, Conti UOMO, Authentic, O'STIN, VOGEL, Greg, Bruno Banani, River Island, Bonprix, H&M, Zara, TOPMAN, V.B, Galta, SELA, Hans Grubber, Baon, Oodji, John Jeniford, Favorite, Incity, Tom Farr, MNG, Chkalov, Livanso, Bellford. These are the most popular brands of men's shirts among Russians, which are called shirts in the state classifier of products. Almost half of all shirts (15 samples) were produced in factories in China, Moldova, India, Bangladesh, Belarus and Turkey. The presented sample indicates a fairly high share of imports in this product category. Each sample was tested for 12 quality and safety parameters. The cost of the products participating in the rolling study ranged from 800 to 4,000 rubles per unit of goods at the time of purchase.


The standard of the Russian quality system for non-classical men's shirts, in comparison with the current GOST, sets higher requirements for the breathability of the fabric. In addition, it included additional requirements for the hygroscopicity of materials and dimensional change of the product after wet processing. A shirt of high quality should provide maximum comfort to its owner in terms of hygiene and withstand long and intensive use. The required level of production localization for awarding the Russian Quality Mark is at least 75% of the cost of goods.

The address is not a house or a street

According to the current law on the protection of consumer rights and the technical regulations of the Customs Union, the labeling of each product must be as informative as possible. The packages must bear the name of the manufacturer, manufacturer and supplier/importer (if any). Moreover, it is necessary that information about each of these legal entities be supplemented with contact details - telephone numbers and addresses. Regardless of the particular country in which the product was produced, when it is sold in Russia, all text must be presented in Russian and be available for viewing and identification. And this requirement has nothing to do with excessive bureaucracy. The fact is that the consumer should always know how and to whom, if necessary, he will make claims. Comprehensive information was not contained in the packaging of shirts Bruno Banani, TOPMAN, River Island. No data, except for the brand name, shirt size and article number, was indicated when labeling the samples. Fortunato, Brostem, V.B, Hans Grubber, Bonprix, Baon, John Jeniford, Favorite, Tom Farr, MNG, Livanso. That is, in fact, when purchasing shirts from half of the participants in the study, the consumer took unidentified products, the responsibility for the quality of which was shifted only to the outlet where the goods were sold. All these cases are regarded as facts of violation of consumer rights to reliable labeling. Control authorities have been notified about them.


Shirts familiar to everyone in terms of official terminology are called "men's shirts". This name was assigned to the product due to historical reasons: before, the shirt belonged to a fairly intimate wardrobe, in fact, being underwear. Shirts are divided into classic and non-classical (sports). Most popular today sports models can be worn for graduation, pockets are sewn on them, and the use of suits and ties is not necessary.

Synthetic deception

As shown by the early fan studies of Roskachestvo, in which the properties of other products were studied light industry, falsification of tissue composition is a fairly common practice. As a rule, the reason for this violation has economic roots. Buying products made from the more expensive "80% cotton" products, the consumer sometimes received almost 80% cheap synthetics. Men's shirts were no exception in terms of falsification. Deviations from the declared composition were found in almost half of the products presented in the study (in 14 samples).

And if the actual fabric composition of branded goods Allan Neumann, Dobroshiv, Conti UOMO, VOGEL, Hans Grubber, John Jeniford, Favorite, Tom Farr, Livanso, Bellford differed from the declared not so much, then in the case of samples Fortunato(claimed - 80% cotton, fact - almost 80% polyester) and Brostem(declared - 80% cotton, fact - 80% polyester) gross facts of falsification were recorded. In addition, sometimes manufacturers surprised experts with very unexpected substitutions. For example, like this: V.B.(declared - 100% bamboo, fact - 100% linen), SELA(declared - 65% cotton, fact - 100% cotton). It is difficult to explain the last two facts in a logical way. Cotton and linen are natural and quite expensive materials so that the real composition of the product had to be hidden, especially under the loud name "bamboo", which in in kind very rare and very expensive.

All these facts are regarded as a violation of consumer rights to reliable labeling.

Erasing financial losses

Unlike children's clothes, a men's shirt goes to the wash much less often, however, over time, under the influence of a centrifuge and moisture, it can change its size. Shrinkage or stretching of fabrics after washing in the case of shirts will lead to a loss of the aesthetic component and funds from the family budget. A product that will not sit well on its owner will quickly be taken out of service, which means that it will need to buy a replacement. Given that average cost shirts presented in the study is about 2,000 thousand rubles, the savings on the "sustainable size" has well-founded reasons. The requirements for resizing after wet processing in the Roskachestvo standard are identical to the current GOST, according to which the product should not lose 2–3% of its dimensions after the first wash. This requirement was met by the vast majority of products presented in the study. Separately, it is worth noting positively samples under trademarks Authentic, O'STIN, Greg, Bruno Banani, H&M, SELA, Zara, TOPMAN, Hans Grubber, Tom Farr. In them, the deviation from the original dimensions barely exceeded 0–0.5%.

Get off on color

Modern fashion trends have provided men's shirts with access to all color palette. used in the manufacture of any textile products dyes, as early studies of Roskachestvo showed, are a rather weak link in terms of safety and quality of light industry products. The fact is that any textile research includes tests for dye resistance to various influences- washing, dry friction and sweat, that is, all the main operational mechanics. This parameter refers to the safety characteristics that are embedded in the mandatory requirements for products. It is important to note that the requirements for the coloring of materials in the Roskachestvo standard have been tightened, also because the shirt is the first layer of clothing that comes into direct contact with human skin, and therefore represents a potential danger to it. During laboratory tests, it was found that in the vast majority of cases, manufacturers used high-quality and stable dyes. Relatively easily, it was separated only from four shirts that could not meet the standard of the Russian quality system in this parameter. And the only sample that, in terms of safety, was found not to meet the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union, was a bright shirt under the trademark John Jeniford. The dye was intensively separated from the fabric under the influence of washing, sweat and dry friction.

It's all about the seams

Obviously, the men's style of shirt operation will differ slightly from the women's. A sharp wave of the hand or carelessness can lead to the fact that the product will quickly go to the seams. Requirements for the quality of seams are very clearly formulated in the current GOST, they were also included in the increased standard of the Russian quality system. According to them, all sections of the fabric must be carefully processed, the lowest seam is made with a hem, and the side seams are made in a lock, and not by stitching. All these requirements are aimed at increasing strength (as a result, the service life of the shirt) and improving hygienic performance. It is gratifying that with regard to the specified characteristics of the seams, almost all the samples presented in the study were able to meet the strict requirements. The only exception was four shirts, in which some of the seams were made by the stitching method. It should be noted that in general, the type of seams does not affect the safety of the product.

"Smooth" shirts

A high-quality product, according to elevated standards, should also be symmetrical from all sides considered. Sleeves, collar sides, pockets and even patterns in every detail of the shirt should be proportionate. During laboratory tests, minor deviations were found in two samples. These facts do not violate any existing norms, however, a man in asymmetric shirts is likely to look less stylish.

fresh look

Although the shirt modern man rarely used for sports and other activities (usually there are more suitable clothes for this), even during everyday quiet mode sweat glands the stronger sex work more actively than women. Therefore, the fabric of shirts should have very high hygienic indicators, because both the health of the skin and the image of a man depend on them.

The hygroscopicity parameter of the fabric determines the effectiveness of the material in absorbing and removing from human body moisture, the accumulation of which can lead to various skin irritations. Interestingly, none of the current standards, including GOST, sets mandatory requirements for the hygroscopicity of men's shirts. The reason is the outdated approach to the concept of a “shirt”, that is, the current standards do not consider a shirt as the first layer of clothing, which means that the ability to absorb and remove moisture is allegedly not so important for it. The Russian quality system, taking into account the modern realities of the operation of shirts, and the vast majority of them are worn by all men on their naked bodies, has introduced this requirement into its own standard. According to the results of laboratory tests, each of the submitted samples was able to meet this requirement. Branded products were recognized as the most hygroscopic shirts Chkalov And SELA.

Breathability determines how well a shirt will breathe. The microclimate of the body under the fabric, and hence human hygiene, depends on the ability to pass air. The requirement for this parameter, in contrast to hygroscopicity, is established by the current technical regulations of the Customs Union. The Roskachestvo standard also went further in this part and included more stringent requirements. Most of the products, with the exception of five products, were able to comply with them. But in the samples Zara, MNG, Bellford the fabric practically did not let air through - in terms of breathability, these three shirts did not meet the mandatory requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union, which means they are unsafe.

Overview of shirt brands by quality (part 1)

The article was updated and supplemented on July 27, 2016 (first published in the summer of 2013; previous updates: 09/18/2014, 07/25/2015).

In this review, I talk about the shirts of various brands, focusing on the presence of various signs of a high-quality product. And I described these signs (in relation to shirts) in.

Unfortunately, I do not have the opportunity to describe absolutely all brands - if only because I simply did not deal with shirts of hundreds and thousands of brands. This review includes those brands whose shirts I either wore / wear now, or studied them well personally, tried them on and know the opinions of the people who wear them about them.

I removed the prices from the review (as they change), and the review itself was divided into two large parts. In the first part, I talk about brands whose shirts can be bought at regular (non-sale) prices. up to 90 dollars / 80 euros. In the second part, we are talking about more expensive brands. If you wish, you can go directly to the second part - just click on.

I'll start with Russian shirts. Contrary to the skeptical opinion of some people, good shirts of the lowest price segment are still being produced in Russia, which are sold at very reasonable prices. Personally, I have worn three of these brands, "light werewolves" (usually they are sold in multi-brand budget clothing stores, where their origin is usually not hidden). These were Davani, Pace & Setter and Romazotti.

The standard material for most Russian budget shirts is plain, unfussy cotton with polyester added (usually 20-30%). The quality of tailoring is decent, but not outstanding. usually absent, but “two-needle” shirts are stitched (read more about this moment here). The coquette is ordinary (not). The buttons are plastic, without a leg (“shank”, in English shank - see for more details). Collar fused (read more about this nuance).

On Davani shirts, the pattern (in my case, it was stripes) coincided along the pocket-shelf and sleeve-yoke-sleeve lines (although not quite perfect - see photo below). This is a good sign. I don’t know if all Davani shirts differ in this or if I was so lucky then.

More interesting Russian brand With Russian productionCotton Experts. I have not yet seen his shirts live, but judging by the description and some reviews, they are distinguished by an excellent price-to-level ratio (mother-of-pearl buttons, pattern matching at the joints, side seams with high density stitches, cotton fabrics 2-ply, sewn yoke).

H& M. Budget shirts - as a rule, the quality is below average. The cheapest models are made up of half or more polyester, look frankly primitive, and do not differ in wear resistance. More expensive models already better (for example, 100% linen shirts), but the quality of tailoring is again not brilliant, and the fabrics can hardly be called durable. Sometimes you can find decently stitched models, but in most cases the material is still some kind of primitive.

Naturally, the buttons are plastic and sewn without a leg, there are no gussets, the shirts are sewn with two needles, the yoke is ordinary, the collars are fused or soft, without padding at all (in casual models; read more about the types of shirt collars, and about the collar pads (interlinings) - .Production countries: China, Bangladesh and other Asian states.

Uniqlo. Japanese brand, which produces good-for-its-price shirts from decent (usually natural) materials. Either 100% cotton, or 100% linen, or a mixture of linen and cotton. The cheapest models are with the addition of polyester. Uniqlo shirts are well made and have an excellent value for money. Some Unqilo shirts are sewn with a single needle! The buttons are plastic and sewn without a leg, there are no gussets. In general, I recommend, the brand is very good in its segment. Production - China.

OGGI, Oodji. Cheap shirts of average quality, usually made of cotton mixed with polyester. The appearance is often not very pleasant, the quality of tailoring is mediocre (the seams are not always neat, sometimes the threads stick out, etc.). Plastic buttons without a leg, side seams with two needles, a standard yoke - in general, absolutely nothing special. The brand itself, by the way, is of Russian origin, and the production is Asian.

New Yorker. German brand with Asian production. Here everything was very good: many models made of 100% cotton, and very durable and solid. The quality of tailoring was good, the service life is long. On the other hand, when I looked at the New Yorker a year and a half ago, I found that the quality of tailoring in general has declined and there are quite a few models with a significant addition of polyester.

The stitch density of New Yorker shirts is low - 4-5 per centimeter, although the seams are very strong. These shirts are sewn with two needles. The yoke is ordinary, the buttons are plastic and sewn without a leg, the collars are soft or fused, there are no gussets. The pattern (in my case, stripes) matched along the shelf-pocket line, but did not match along all other lines, including the sleeve-yoke-sleeve. The buttonholes are first swept over, then cut through, sometimes they look rather mediocre. Country of origin: China, Bangladesh.

ZARA. You can find both beautiful and very high-quality specimens for their price, as well as shirts sewn “on hastily". If you search, you can sometimes find very good options. Materials - either 100% cotton or cotton-polyester blend; Of course, 100% cotton is better. The quality of tailoring varies, so shirts should be inspected before purchase. Tailoring countries: Portugal, China, Turkey (the brand itself is Spanish).

Personally, I was lucky with a ZARA shirt: the pattern (stripes) coincides along the sleeve-yoke-sleeve line, the stitch density is 6-7 per centimeter, and this is a very good indicator for shirts in this segment. The side seams are stitched, however, with two needles, and there are no gussets, but the shirt itself turned out to be very wear-resistant. The coquette is ordinary. The buttons are, of course, plastic and sewn on without a stem; but the buttonholes on some ZARA shirts are made at the highest level! On my shirt, the loops after four years of use look great.

Marks & Spencer. The material level directly depends on the price; tailoring is almost always neat. Cheap Marks & Spencer shirts (this is an English company, made in China, Indonesia, etc.) are made from a mixture of polyester (30-65 percent) and cotton (35-70 percent). Far from the best the best option, although such shirts are very practical in care (they are ironed without difficulty, they wrinkle slightly). I had such a model, and although it looked very simple and cheap, it served for a long time and was withdrawn from circulation after three and a half years of wear, being completely intact!

Be that as it may, the more expensive Marks & Spencer shirts are nicer to look at and more comfortable, made from 100% cotton. The service life is also solid, the shirts can withstand many washes. They are sewn with two needles, the yoke is standard, the buttons are plastic and sewn without a leg, the collars are fused, the pattern at the joints partially matches or does not match (the degree of coincidence depends on the model and, possibly, on a particular instance). The hinges are stitched with high quality, but not at the highest level. Stitch density: 4-5 per centimeter per long seams, and on the collar and cuffs - 5-6 per centimeter. Gussets are only found on Marks & Spencer shirts from the Autograph line. In addition, Marks & Spencer has more expensive lines, but they are not represented in Russia.

Mexx. A somewhat faceless Dutch brand. More or less decent quality of tailoring, more or less decent, but generally very ordinary materials. Typical average. Plastic buttons without a handle, two-needle side seams, a standard yoke... - however, you probably already know the standard set of characteristics of a typical mass-market shirt.

Massimo Duti. Many shirts of this Spanish brand are sewn in Turkey and China, but some models are in Portugal and it seems like something is even sewn in Spain. I have seen a Massimo Dutti shirt with buttons (though with defects on reverse side), but this is a huge rarity; almost all shirts of this brand are equipped with plastic buttons, and buttons are always sewn on without a leg.

All Massimo Dutti shirts are stitched with two needles; there are often gussets on them, but still not always. The yoke is standard. Materials: cotton or cotton with linen, usually decent, but far from top quality. In general, Massimo Dutti has both very decent and mediocre shirts, you need to look carefully.

Sangar. Estonian brand, Estonian production. The shirts are stitched with two needles, but very carefully. The coquette is ordinary. Collars glued (fused). Stitch density - about 5 centimeters on long seams, about 6 centimeters on the collar and cuffs. The buttons are plastic, but on many expensive models (Executive line) they are sewn on the leg. There are no gussets. There are different fabrics - both mediocre (including those with the addition of synthetics), and very good ones. Several models of cotton "bio" (organic); several models in Albini fabrics. There are models made of fabrics, but this is not 2x2, unfortunately.

Separate article about the brand.

Henderson. Good for the price 100% cotton shirts; sewn mainly in China (the brand itself is Russian). There are models made of double twisted cotton (2-ply cotton): they are stronger, last longer, withstand more washes. The most expensive models are made from the fabrics of the Italian company Albini.

The quality of tailoring at Henderson is good, but not excellent. The stitch density is 6 per centimeter (very decent for this segment), but the shirts are sewn with two needles. The yoke is ordinary, the buttons are plastic and sewn without a leg. There are gussets, but often they are not sewn very neatly. The collars are fused. The pattern along the pocket-shelf line matches perfectly, along the lines of the sleeve-yoke - when it does. My Henderson shirt, for example, has a complete match along the line of the right yoke sleeve, but not very accurate along the line of the left yoke sleeve.

Hawes & Curtis. English brand with Asian production. Quite often there are models with an adequate price-quality ratio, but since they are inexpensive, they have a basic level, let's say so. Plastic buttons without stems, side seams with two needles. The coquette, however, is stitched. Collars are non-fused, traditional design. Stitch density varies from 4.5 to 6 stitches/cm. Fabrics - typically 100% cotton 2-ply, but obviously not top level. The 1913 line (more expensive) has better fabrics, including 2-ply 140’s that are quite common.


Brooks Brothers- line Red Fleeces. American brand, Chinese production, two-needle stitching, no gussets. The coquette is ordinary. The seam pattern does not match. The buttons are plastic and sewn without a leg. Overall, absolutely nothing special in terms of quality - and clearly not the best value for money. Fabrics are quite solid, but often quite ordinary. They are usually made from 100% cotton.

I talk about Brooks Brothers main line shirts in the second part of the review, as they in most cases cost more than 90 dollars / 80 euros (unless we are talking about sales, of course). The second part of the review is available at.

Undoubtedly, qualitymain feature branded shirt. Branded men's shirts from our catalog are made from the finest fabrics woven in Italy and France. All of our shirts are impeccably stitched, making them exceptionally durable.

Another property inherent in branded shirts for men is relevance and keeping up with current fashion trends. Branded men's shirts from our store will always remain relevant. They are sewn according to recognized patterns, tested over the years. These are real branded items.

Prices for branded men's shirts in Moscow are different. In our online store you can buy a branded shirt from the new collection By affordable price . On the "discount shirts" page you can buy a real branded item, and in the "new arrivals" section - new items for the 2017 season.

Boucheron is a brand of men's shirts, for which Italian, French, Turkish fabrics are used. They meet the latest current fashion requirements, and at the same time look impeccably classic, stylish.

You can always distinguish branded items. This is a special approach to the choice of fabric and decorative elements, their color, texture. All elements of branded shirts are perfectly combined with each other, make up a single ensemble that fully meets the style chosen and created with their help.

Of great importance in an aesthetically clear form are neat lines, careful cut: even with the highest quality of fabric, the mistakes of fashion designers and cutters will be noticeable, and this is unacceptable in branded shirts.

In the Rubashkin online store, the collection of branded shirts makes up a significant part of the assortment. This allows each buyer to find among them the model that will fully meet the needs. Boucheron shirts are sewn on their own production line in Istanbul, and representatives of the Rubashkin online store, working directly at the production site, monitor the entire process of creation: from the birth of the concept, the manufacture of patterns and patterns, to the stages of packaging and delivery. The impeccable quality of Boucheron branded shirts is confirmed by the absence of complaints from customers over the years of the Rubashkin store.


A distinctive feature of good branded shirts is tailoring from natural fabrics. First-class men's shirts are made from cotton, linen, a mixture of cotton and linen. It is extremely rare to find branded silk shirts, and the presence of polyester in the fabric of a branded shirt is generally excluded.

The specificity of tailoring also affects the quality of men's shirts. A branded shirt should fit perfectly on a man's figure. You need to choose a model that is a little fitted, but does not restrict movement. It should fit perfectly on the back.


In shirts from the world's best manufacturers, you will almost never see plastic buttons. Branded shirts usually use mother-of-pearl buttons. They can be light, dark, bright colors.

Henderson shirts. About company

Henderson is a Russian brand, but almost all products are made in China. Henderson was created by the Polish clothing giant LPPS.A, but then the brainchild of the Polish company was bought by Russian businessman Ruben Harutyunyan. The price category of things of this brand cannot be called high, the prices here are rather average. But this does not prevent the Henderson brand from receiving awards in its field. For example, this brand has become best brand 2007.

Features of Hendesson shirts

shirt making

The material of the shirts is 100% cotton. Things are sewn with a stitch density of 6 centimeters, which is considered a very decent level. But the buttons are plastic, not mother-of-pearl. In Henderson shirts, the drawings of the pocket line - the shelf always match exactly, but in the lines of the sleeve-yoke there are failures.

Style and product distribution

Almost all Henderson models are sewn in business style. On this moment in Russia there are more than a hundred stores of the company Henderson, though outside the country, the brand is almost unknown to European buyers.

Tommy Hilfiger. About company

The Tommy Hilfiger clothing brand is owned by the American company Phillips-VanHeusen, which is the largest corporation in the world. The company was founded by American Tommy Hilfiger in 1984. Interestingly, the founder of the company, Tommy Hilfiger, is still the chief designer of the factory. Clothes are designed in America and produced in North Africa and Asian countries. Price category shirts is considered above average in Europe and high in Russia.

Distinctive features of Tommy Hilfiger shirts

Quality and tailoring

Tommy men's shirts are comfortable, simple in design, high quality, but not cheap. For the manufacture of its products, Hilfiger uses, as a rule, natural fabrics: cotton, wool. Rarely, but you can find the addition of synthetics, nylon, polyester. This is done to reduce the cost of production. Tommy clothing is considered to be of good quality, wear-resistant, pleasant to the body. However, there are higher quality items on the world market.Design

Things from Tommy are more likely to be attributed to sports casual than to classics. This style of clothing is quite popular in the USA - for bright, independent people. Such clothes will appeal to sports lovers, those who are fond of sailing, fishing, skiing. In the stores of this brand you can find shirts and strict style, but it is difficult to call them official, classic clothes.

Etro. About company

The Etro brand is owned by the Italian company Etro SpA. The clothes are designed and sewn in Italy. The Etro company first announced itself back in 1968. An economist named Gerolamo Etro founded a factory that produced expensive, high-quality fabrics. Already at that time, Etro produced and sold expensive products. The world-famous paisley ornament appeared in the 1980s.

Features of Etro brand shirts

Fabrics and tailoring technology

Quality Etro shirts considered above average. Almost all men's shirts of this brand are made from natural fabrics: linen and cotton, sometimes silk. True, there are models where up to 20% are composed of polyamide, elastane, nylon. The workmanship of Etro shirts is quite high. Thanks to sewing in two needles, such things will be worn for a long time and look good after a large number washes. Shirt style

In terms of design, Etro shirts are bright and unusual combinations various patterns and colors. Etro designers have not changed Indian motifs since the creation of the brand. Of the stylistic decisions, most shirts are made in a standard casual style. The color range of Etro shirts is very diverse. The company's label is almost never applied to shirts; the company is recognized by its bright prints and ornaments. Not all buyers like men's shirts of the Italian company Etro. The brand has its own category of buyers who are willing to pay a considerable amount of money for their products.

Paul Smith (mainline, London). About company

British company Paul Smith Ltd. owns the Paul Smith brand. The factory produces high quality clothes, differs in original and interesting design their clothing patterns. The first store was opened in 1970 in Nottingham. The first men's clothing collection was presented in Paris already in 1976. This marked the beginning of the creation of the Paul Smith brand.

Brand Popularity

Prices for men's Paul Smith shirts are high, in principle, as is the quality. The British produce their products in China, Portugal, Italy and Spain. From famous people who wear Paul Smith clothes can be distinguished by Johnny Depp, Mick Jagger, Tony Blair. Even the Manchester United football team ordered a kit from this brand in 2009.

Paul Smith clothing lines

The PaulSmith brand has the first and main clothing line - Paul Smith mainline. The items in this collection are highly priced. excellent quality products, good fabric and unusual design. great attention given to details, bright combinations colors, branded stripes. On the shirts, only mother-of-pearl buttons, no plastic. These things are made in Italy.

A more popular Paul Smith line is Paul Smith London. Things from this collection are more famous among buyers. Prices are slightly lower than the mainline, but also high. There are already plastic buttons on the shirts. Some of the products are produced in Italy, and some - in China and Asia.

Distinctive features of Paul Smith shirts

Paul Smith brand items are characterized by such a zest as the presence of one button of a different color in a shirt or jacket. Men's shirts can be found both strictly classic and boldly frilly: there can be cufflinks with the image of naked girls, men's shirts with a print treble clef, with flamingo print. The quality of the fabrics used is the highest. artificial materials can be combined with natural ones - mixing cotton and nylon, viscose and silk.

Marks & Spencer. About company

Marks&Spencer belongs to the huge trading network Great Britain. The brand has many stores around the world, including in Ukraine. The world first heard about the Marks & Spencer brand in 1884. Entrepreneur Michael Marks, an immigrant from Russia, opened a store where everything was sold for one penny. In 1894, Michael began to cooperate with Tom Spencer, and by 1915 the partners already had 145 stores. Characteristics of Marks & Spencer shirts Design and sizes of shirts

Shirts for men have a strict, seasoned style, there are also sports models. The size range is very varied. Many models large sizes, and some men face the problem of lack of small sizes. Shirt colors are different. bright colors, mostly black, blue, blue, brown colors. Marks & Spencer clothes are mostly worn by middle-aged people, but young guys also have shirts from this brand in their wardrobe.

Prices and quality

The prices, as well as the quality of the products, are above average and high. Marks&Spencer manufactures its products in Asian countries. The seams in Marks & Spencer brand shirts are neat and even. Shirts are different good quality despite the use of both natural and synthetic fabrics.

A shirt that you put on with pleasure, that courageously endures numerous washings, and serves for a long time can be called good. But how to determine if a shirt is good while in the store, that is, even before buying it? Let's take a look at six features that are characteristic of high-end shirts.

Excellent fabric quality. First of all, the fabric should be pleasant to the touch. Touch it, try on the shirt and see how comfortable it is. The composition is also important: good fabrics for men's shirts are made from 100% cotton or linen; a large percentage of polyester in the composition indicates the low quality of the fabric. It is great if the fabric is made from double-thread yarn (2-ply or 2-fold cotton). Shirts made from such fabrics are more durable and withstand more washes than shirts made from single twist fabrics.

Successful cut. A shirt can be made by the best tailor in the world and from the best fabric, but if it doesn't fit you, it's not worth buying. Of course, it all depends on individual features figures. The shirt should sit well on you, emphasize the figure and provide the necessary comfort when moving.

Good tailoring quality. It is expressed in neat seams with a high stitch density: the more stitches per centimeter, the stronger the shirt. A good shirt will have a density of 5-6 stitches per centimeter, and the best quality shirts will have a density of up to 9 stitches per centimeter. In addition, the best shirts - and here again Lino Sentiero can be cited as an example - are sewn “in one needle” (single-needle stitching): on the outside, on the long seams of such shirts, you can see only one line of dense stitches. Thanks to this, the fabric at the seam will not wrinkle after washing.

Another sign of a good shirt. They are more durable and look nobler than plastic ones. They are cut from mollusk shells. The best are thick mother-of-pearl buttons - such as on Lino Sentiero shirts. On Gents' Stuff by Harridge shirts, you will also find mother-of-pearl buttons, but they are thinner. It is not difficult to recognize mother-of-pearl buttons: mother-of-pearl is cool to the touch, which can be checked by touching the button with your lips.

Sleeves sewn on at the end of the shirt sewing process. Neapolitan tailors sew on the sleeves after assembling the front and back for more comfort. However, this does not affect the strength of the shirt. Checking when the sleeve was sewn on is simple: if it happened at the end, the long side seam does not match the inside seam of the sleeve.

Manual Operations- like Lino Sentiero. The sleeves, collar and yoke (upper back) of the shirt can be sewn with an ordinary needle and thread. These shirts fit better, soft seams provide more freedom of movement. Cheap hand-sewn shirts don't exist, if only because tailors who use multiple manual steps buy best fabrics. Finally, the hand-stitched buttonholes and hand-sewn buttons look beautiful.
