Interview with Buzova in the new issue of "7 Days" magazine.

Olga Buzova

Buzova blames herself for her divorce from Tarasov

Since mid-autumn one of the most discussed star couples are Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov, who after 4 years of marriage decided to get a divorce. The couple should receive official papers on December 30, but in the meantime, fans are arguing who is to blame for the breakup of the young people, and also hope for their reconciliation. Until recently, the TV presenter and football player themselves preferred to remain silent, but finally Olga decided to speak up.

IN frank interview Buzova admitted to Dom-2 magazine that she blames herself for everything.

“I could imagine anything, but not what happened to me. I am trying to live again, but in order for a reboot to occur, I need to fully understand, experience and overcome this situation. At the same time, a colossal revaluation of values ​​has already occurred. New goals have appeared. “It’s probably all my fault: I put my personal life on display,” said the TV star.

Of course, she didn’t say anything specific in the conversation, but even from these common words, you can imagine how difficult it is for her to experience this in front of people. Olga reported that she has now become more a closed person, and he and Tarasov did not need to make their personal lives public. And when the whole country began to discuss her divorce, she dreamed of only one thing - to disappear.

Buzova did not comment on rumors that the reason for the couple’s divorce was the athlete’s infidelity. " Real love and lies in the fact that you are ready to accept a person with all his problems: his pain, mistakes, failures. And when the people for whom you were ready to go to the sword, loved, were betrayed, leave without saying a word... It’s a knife in the back,” Olga admitted.

Interview with Buzova in the new issue of the magazine "7 Days" Olga Buzova gave a long interview in which she talked about her personal life, family, work, creative plans, revealing outfits and attacks from spiteful critics. - Olya, readers are interested in what is going on with your personal life now? - I have always been extremely sincere and now I won’t make things up. Although I could embellish: they say, I have a young man, he carries me in his arms, cares and cherishes me, that’s all free time we spend together. But that's not true. And to be honest, personal life, or rather the lack thereof, is my sore subject. I'm still alone. I even pester my dad with questions: “Dad, why don’t I have anyone? Will anyone ever love me? (Laughs.) Almost a year has passed since my separation from ex-husband. I was sure that I would fall in love in the summer. Did not work out. In August, I had some free time, and I flew to the Seychelles for two weeks. Since my friends were far away, in Moscow, I was left alone in the evenings. And I thought about what was happening in my life, and, of course, about my future. Many people mistakenly believe that the life situations that happened to me have hardened me so much that now I’m not afraid of anything. This is wrong. After all, first of all, I’m a girl, and I’m tired of being strong, tired of being alone. I still can't figure out what's wrong and what's wrong with me. I'm not closed. It’s not written on the forehead: “Don’t come near me, you asshole!” I look good, I smile, my eyes sparkle... I can honestly say, I even went on dates a couple of times. I felt that I was ready for a relationship. But no one could interest me or hook me. One date was in America. Very handsome guy . Brunette. But this communication did not end with anything. I flew to Moscow, he stayed in Los Angeles. This relationship was doomed from the very beginning... But I really hope that somewhere on earth my person walks. I would like to receive a message right now: “Hello, my love! Where are you? When will you come home? And I would answer: “I’m finishing filming, I’ll be there soon” or “I’m on a plane.” And I don’t want to write this to my mom and dad. How nice it would be to come home and just have someone hug me tightly and hold me close. But now I only have my favorite job, concerts and performances. It really hit me when I realized that almost a year had passed, and I still hadn’t walked with anyone by the hand, no one had tucked my hair behind my ear, no one had kissed me. And I love kissing! I can kiss for hours on end... No one has touched me for almost a year. And because of this, I had a very strong depression in August. I'm very lonely, it's true. I come home, and no one is waiting for me there... - And I know when you will meet your man. - When? - When the fear that love will hurt will be less than the desire to love. - Yes, but this is all complicated... I recently met a nice young man. We communicated well... But I stopped it. The reason was fear. I was afraid that they were talking to me only because I was Olga Buzova. I'm afraid that this fear may develop into a complex. It seems to me that men are interested in a public persona, and not in me as a woman. But I want them to love me, and not my stage image. I'm really wary of men. I have been betrayed more than once. And before marriage too... It’s difficult for me to trust and open up one hundred percent. That's why I came up with this thing: the first thing I do is refuse men. “Will you give me your phone number?” - "No!" “Olya, can I invite you to the cinema?” - "No, I am busy". And that’s it, usually the communication ends. But I want the young man not to stop there! To say: “Busy? Where will you be busy? I would answer: “At work.” And so I would leave the set and see that they were waiting for me, like Carrie Bradshaw in the film. Remember when she ran out of the apartment, and the man of her dreams came after her?.. I know, the matter is also complicated by the fact that I have a very tight schedule... When we were flying to the New Wave, my friend asked the question: “And How can you find time for a man with such a schedule?” I say: “I don’t want to look. Let him make sure that I have this time. I want to be an 18-year-old girl." I need a man to make a decision, for him to take me... Not in a vulgar sense, not physically, but emotionally. One of the songs in my debut album “To the Sound of Kisses” is called: “Take me.” Yes, I won’t lie, I have thorns, and it will be difficult for a man at first. But if someone loves me, I’m sure he will be able to heal my wounds, open me up, give me protection and confidence in tomorrow. A man must be strong, must accept me for who I am, and be a support - guide, advise, help, change the wheels, in the end... The TV in my house does not work, because my dogs Eva and Chelsea chewed all the wires . I want my boyfriend to be able to fix the TV... I need this stupid concern! I’m even scared, to be honest, that I’m so used to being alone... What if this is forever? The person must win my trust. It takes time for me to relax. And men now don’t want to waste time on girls. And the girls are largely to blame. Nowadays, many are ready to do anything to attract attention. They are ready to hang themselves on married people and take them away from their families. Especially women who need to organize their lives from scratch - these are ready to give themselves up right away. That's why our men don't court. - Aren’t foreign men an option? - I don’t have any restrictions on this, I can fall in love with anyone tomorrow... A manager, a waiter or, conversely, a Hollywood star. I never attached importance to nationality, social status, financial situation. Love is at the level of vibes, looks, touches. Lawless Heart. For me - for sure... But I don’t want to waste my time. And therefore, in order to no longer torment myself and my family with questions, I made a decision: now I will be alone. There are advantages to being alone too. - Many psychologists say that people who have a wild lack of love become artists. - They are partly right. I didn’t always have enough love from my parents and mother. She always scolded me, and my mother is still my harshest critic. We're doing well now. But for a long time the relationship was very difficult. And even when I went on a reality show, my mother didn’t know about it. True, when I got there, I didn’t think that in the end it would acquire such proportions. As a child, I wanted to be an artist; I knew that my place was on stage. I still don’t understand why my mother didn’t let me into the theater, although I begged her. But she didn’t see any talent in me... At the same time, she sent me to school at the age of five because she considered me very smart. I was deprived of my childhood. my younger sister Anya is lucky - how is she normal person, sent to school at the age of seven... It seemed to me that my mother did not love me. But now she says that, on the contrary, she loved me so much that she wanted to give me the best. And since she is a tough person, she expressed her love specifically - through powerful pressure on me. For many years I dreamed that she would pat me on the head... And it happened. She started petting me now that I was 31 years old. I come to her, lie down, and she strokes my head. We have now ideal relationship with both mom and dad. She and her mother divorced, and that was also a drama for me. At first I didn’t understand my father, I thought: what else does he need? Two daughters, a wife who works around the clock... In general, what do men who leave need? But time has passed, and now I don’t blame either dad or mom for their separation. Because you can't live with a woman when you don't love her anymore. It’s just that men leave in different ways, and, unfortunately, many do not know how to leave with dignity, because it is difficult, and men are weak... - Weaker than women? - Until I met a man who was stronger than me. That's why I have to be strong. I want to make great music, shoot cool videos, provide for my parents, buy my mother an apartment, go on vacation. I want to do something nice for my loved ones, I want to get dressed, and in the end I want to buy an apartment for myself, which I don’t have. And who will do this if not me? Even when I was married, I was still responsible for my life and my financial support myself. - It seems to me that your arrival in House 2 was the most important turn in your life. - Yes. But, one way or another, I would still end up on stage. Everyone who says, “She’s here by chance, she just got it all,” doesn’t know or doesn’t want to notice how thorny my path was. I love my profession, I love House 2. I worry about the guys, I cry with them, I get offended, I get upset. I communicate with many outside the frame. I can’t just come, work and leave, I’m alive. I am alive wherever I am, be it filming a program, a stage, or a red carpet. And everything I have today took a long time to assemble, cube by cube. I'm very afraid of losing it. That's why I work so hard. I’m now in such a crazy race: I’m filming during the day, rehearsing in the studio at night. When suddenly my day is only half occupied, although this happens rarely, a terrible panic sets in. I can't relax even at night. I constantly have dreams, often terrible ones. Recently I had a long flight, I arrived home, I had exactly an hour left to sleep. I set the alarm and passed out. I see in a dream that I wake up, and all over the bed there are bloody kittens that my dogs are eating, there is blood everywhere. I jump out of bed, look down, and there is a cat giving birth and giving birth to these kittens, and there is blood and squeals everywhere... A terrible sight. I call Sonya, my assistant, and shout: “Come! I'm having a nightmare!" When I woke up, Sonya said: “You really called me, but you were silent on the phone...” Fortunately, it was just a terrible dream. - But it’s impossible to always live in such tension! - Yes... even before going on stage, which I adore, I shake so much that I think I’m going to die. Even my legs are shaking. But then I’m happy, because I know that I’m performing great. I recently received my first musical MusicBox Award. I had a cool room, the bed was flying in the air. Another ballet of ten people, complex lifts. Immediately after this we had to fly out on tour. But after the award, we gathered as a team, drank a glass of wine, celebrated the victory... After performances, I am always euphoric, but the next day I continue to work. As always. I'm not relaxing. There are plenty of examples Hollywood stars, who at 60 years old are still proving that they are number one. Madonna puts on an incredible show! All real stars plow. - Why are many in the world of show business so aggressively opposed to you? You often become the target of malicious ridicule. - Apparently, the principle works: if you want to shine, insult Buzova. For many characters who are not often remembered, this is an occasion to remind themselves. Fortunately, there are many people I respect who are on my side: Dmitry Nagiyev, Maxim Galkin, Philip Kirkorov, Dima Bilan... Well, the rest... I assume that I really piss off many women from show business. But I don’t understand why males insult me. If only you were next to me worthy man who could protect me, they wouldn’t open their mouths, I’m sure. And now I hear disgusting, vile insults, this is not even criticism... It depresses me, upsets me. But the only way the fight against this horror is to ignore. Simply put, I'm hiding. I really don’t understand why these jackals chose me as their whipping girl. Don't know how I can irritate you? - Anything. For example, your outfits are wildly provocative. - Do I look like a provocateur? - Yes. Sometimes. - But all these are stage images. I was often reproached for performing in a bodysuit. And so I wore a full-length jumpsuit to the MusicBox award. - But it was completely transparent and there were only panties underneath. - It is guipure, and the chest is covered with a pattern. I think it's beautiful and sexy. Why do Madonna, Rihanna, Beyoncé, when they go out in revealing outfit, not a single person says they are women lung behavior? I'm on stage, I'm an artist! Some were shocked by my costume, in which they carried me out to MUZ-TV in a shell. The idea was that I am Aphrodite and this is my birth. After all, “MUZ-TV” is the first award show at which I appeared! How should Aphrodite be dressed? At the same time, small decorative shells in rhinestones covered everything I needed on me... Listen, I’m 31 years old, I’m not married. I'm young, beautiful, free girl . There will be a time when I will wear knee-length skirts, and after 80 years and longer I will have to wear a skirt. But if I look gorgeous now, I have an amazing figure, why can’t I show it off? No, I will continue to surprise and delight fans with both outfits and songs. - You will soon have such an opportunity - on November 3 you have a solo concert in Moscow at Izvestia Hall. - Yes, and on November 2 - in St. Petersburg. In less than a year of my solo career, I give two big concerts, I released the album “To the Sound of Kisses.” This is the hardest work. I work hard around the clock! There is not a single free day, I have everything planned. My head is simply exploding with ideas about what video to release next. I spent my only vacation this year, ten days, on a trip to America to film the “Hit Parade” video and two more videos that viewers will soon see. This is a new team, ideas, locations. Everything is just beginning for me, I can feel it. A year ago, many said: “She’s going to cry, write a song, do some shopping, change her hair and calm down.” This is wrong. I have a lot of strength, I'm not going to stop. If there is a goal, I take my will into my fist and achieve it. I sacrifice rest, leisure, sleep. I sleep very little - three or four hours, I can’t do more. Today I flew back from Turkey from a tour and immediately went to rehearsal, because the day after tomorrow I have a performance at Crocus. After the rehearsal there was work again, and after that, almost at night, I went to you for an interview. Moreover, while she was driving, she was learning the text of her speech. And tomorrow is again scheduled from morning to two in the morning. And the day after tomorrow at eight in the morning I already have a plane. Then I have a tour in Germany. And I still want a lot of things! I am greedy for everything - for work, for emotions, for new heights... - You need to be cloned. - When I was coming to see you, I wrote on my blog: “Excuse me, but do you know where people are cloned? I need to go there." I don't have enough 24 hours a day. Mom is very worried about this. And I'm worried because I'm not a horse. The schedule is inhuman! Plus a huge amount of negativity. Many people think that I am a soulless robot and experiences are alien to me. In fact, I can get incredibly tired, freak out, come home and cry. Or pet your dogs for a long time, play with them to calm down. If people see that I persevere through difficulties, it does not mean that it is easy for me. I just need to be strong so as not to go into severe depression. I walk out on the red carpet and my back is straight and I'm smiling. But no one knows what's going on in my soul. You think I don’t worry when I come for a prize, but they don’t give it to me and they also ask: “Did you think you would win?” It’s funny for me to hear: of course, that’s what I thought! I come only for victory! And of course, it was a shame when I didn’t receive anything at the MUZ-TV awards. I couldn’t hide my violent reaction and left immediately. This was not a demonstration performance by any means. I'm just being honest. I can’t sit with a forced smile when I’m just bursting with resentment. Everyone reassured me: my sister, the director, my friend, my PR person. And the tears flowed without stopping... It seemed to me as if I wrote an essay in the fifth grade with an A, but they gave me a D and kicked me out of the class. After being bullied like that all this year, I wanted public recognition... So that everyone would come up, pat me on the head and say: “You are good, and we admit it...” But nothing, I didn’t take “Breakthrough of the Year,” but, apparently, the organizers decided to keep my awards for next year. They will have the opportunity to give me " Best song“- there’s a whole album to choose from for this. Or " Best clip“- I took off so many of them that you can at least pick them out! Well, I’ll organize the “Best Show” in November. And further down the list. "Singer of the Year" Why not? If you can't give "Singer", give "Singer". Give me something! (Laughs.) - Self-irony is wonderful! - Yes, I can laugh at myself. And I love it when they laugh at me, but in a kind and talented way. At the Comedy Club, Pavel Volya and Garik “Bulldog” Kharlamov recorded a whole comic video, parodying my works “I’m getting used to it,” “Halves are not enough.” When they start parodying it, it’s a success. - Olya, can I ask a question that interests many? When will you go blonde again? - My mother is convinced that as soon as I fall in love. When this happens, we will make the cover: “Return of the Blonde.” (Laughs.)

Yesterday I attended the Fashion Awards New Year Awards 2017, where she received the award in the category “Breakthrough of the Year” according to the Fashion TV channel. The press immediately noted that last month The TV presenter has changed a lot in appearance. The star's face has become more rounded, her lips are fuller, and her eyes are more slanted.

It seems that immediately after breaking up with her husband, football player Dmitry Tarasov, the TV brunette turned to cosmetologists for help, who thoroughly worked on her face.

And a little earlier, Buzova gave an interview to Dom-2 magazine, where she told what she had experienced this month. The beauty said that she never thought that she would become such a hostage to her popularity.

“I could imagine anything, but not what happened to me. I am trying to live again, but in order for a reboot to occur, I need to fully understand, experience and overcome this situation. At the same time, a colossal revaluation of values ​​has already occurred. New goals have appeared. Probably, it’s all my fault: I put my personal life on display,” Olga said frankly.

When her family suffered hard times, the TV presenter wanted to hide from everyone. It was then that she realized that there was no need to shout about her happiness. "I have become less an open person, it’s just that everything that happened to me was an experience. And I’ll be a fool if I don’t learn a lesson and repeat the same mistakes in the future,” admitted the star of the Dom-2 broadcasts.

Buzova tries not to talk about what caused the discord in her relationship with Tarasov. Olga’s relatives once admitted to journalists that Dmitry really wanted children, and Buzova planned to make a career first. And the house still had to be completed.

“True love lies in the fact that you are ready to accept a person with all his problems: his pain, mistakes, failures. And when people for whom you were ready to go to the sword, loved, were betrayed, leave without saying a word... It’s a knife in the back,” said the star.

“I will remain true to myself and my principles, and the actions of others are on their own conscience. And in no case do I want to turn into an angry, callous and complex person. Although I have a lot of internal problems, which I hope I will be able to cope with on my own,” Olga explained in an interview with Dom-2 magazine.

Let us remind you that Lokomotiv midfielder Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova got married four years ago. For the sake of the TV presenter, the football player left seven, where his daughter was growing up. It seemed that Tarasov had finally met his one and only. The couple constantly showed complete harmony and love, moreover, the famous TV blonde recently released the book “The Price of Happiness.” Of course, autobiographical, where she told how lucky she was with her beloved husband. Therefore, the news of the divorce was very unexpected for fans. Some say that the reason was her husband’s infidelity, others that Olga was offended that the Loko player asked to register a house under construction in the Moscow region in his mother’s name, thereby expressing distrust of his beloved.

In the event of a divorce, Tarasov and Buzova will have to resolve the property issue. According to open sources, almost everything was recorded on the football player. Olga Buzova on paper is only the owner of a company selling jewelry.

And behind Tarasov (and the athlete’s mother) there are three plots of land in the Moscow region with an area of ​​42 acres and a huge mansion, which experts estimate at 160 million rubles. Plus, the football player owns an apartment in Moscow with an area of ​​56 square meters. And three Mercedes cars worth about 15 million rubles.

Officially, the couple must divorce at the end of December.

The project continues to be viewed, most often, by young people and pensioners. But the main audience of viewers is always interested in another question: how much do they get paid there?

Marina Afrikantova with her mother. A woman knows how to stir up conflicts. Photo: social networks.

The most bright Star“House-2” Ksenia Sobchak (hosted a TV show from 2004 to 2012). She did not hide her income from the television project. Ksenia Sobchak, after leaving Dom-2 on her own initiative, in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine, reported her wages on the project. Sobchak said that she received 100 thousand dollars a month at Dom-2 - at the exchange rate of those years, that’s 3 million rubles a month.

Ksenia Sobchak is a “first echelon” star, so her income was higher than that of other presenters and co-hosts. They say that Olga Buzova earns about 50 thousand dollars a month - in 2018 this is an average of 3 million rubles.

Unemployed youth tend to work on a television project to earn extra money. However, not everyone is lucky.

"Oldies" TV project.

Firstly, for the first three months you will have to “build love” completely free of charge (not counting free food and residence in the Moscow region). Secondly, luck does not smile on everyone, but only on the especially lucky ones - more precisely on charismatic, arrogant, punchy guys and girls with a good tongue. When you're lucky, you can earn from 20 - 30 thousand to 200 thousand rubles a month.

Participants in “House-2” are prohibited from talking about their income on the show. But after they leave the TV set, they become more talkative.

“... I haven’t been bound by a contract for a long time, so I can say: yes, the guys get money. Any work must be paid. The participant’s fee depends on who he is, what benefit he brings to the project, what authority he has, and status in the team. The amount of the fee is from zero to 200 thousand rubles,” one of the most stellar participants, Stepan Menshchikov, states the truth.

Now Stepan is a husband and father, as well as a successful event host.

Olga Rapunzel earned about 200 thousand rubles, Alexander Zadoynov - 100 thousand.

Those who settle their families on a television project earn decent money: they can even save up for an apartment in the Moscow region. Fans of the show remember the bright couple: Marina Afrikantova and her mother Tatyana Vladimirovna.

Buzova and Borodina have permanent, well-paid jobs.

“I yapped all day, and they paid me like an old woman. I took such a blow... Why did they pay me 80? I became hoarse there. Moreover, I know that the same Olga Vasilyevna Gobozova was paid 130 thousand rubles...” - Tatyana Vladimirovna asked for 150 thousand a month, but did not get a salary increase and left the show.

And here former member program Tatyana Kirilyuk achieved an increase in payments: “I sat in the suckers for a very long time and received thirty. My aunt, when she found out about this, lost her temper and called the management: “Tanya lives there sincerely, she only spends twenty on antidepressants after Bogdan, and you spend thirty on her?”

The winners of endless competitions on the project win apartments, cars, work for free plastic surgery. The producers of the project financially help the old-timers of “House-2” in difficult life situations. When Andrei Chuev’s legs gave out, they helped him pay for treatment.

"Dom-2" is also good school life. “The most important quality in life is a sense of humor. The ability to laugh at myself, a participant in “House-2,” was taught 13 years ago by Ksyusha Sobchak on “House-2,” admitted the main star of the current television series, Olga Buzova, in an interview with “TV Program” magazine - I had hair extensions, everyone knew that they couldn’t be wet at that moment, and they pushed me into the pool. I burst into tears, wanted to leave the project, Ksyusha caught me at the gate and said: “If you run away now, then you will.” They’ll break you later. They just threw you into the pool - you don’t have to react so seriously. In an awkward situation, the best weapon is a smile, the ability to laugh at yourself.” "

You've never seen her like this! In the shoot of Harper's Bazaar main girl Russian Instagram demonstrates the sharpest things of the season - and at the same time indifference to haters and the ability to laugh at oneself, which never go out of style

“So, where to go? Yes, I don’t mind, do whatever you need,” Olga Buzova came to the shoot a little late (“It took an awfully long time to get from Lobnoye”), but immediately got into work. The only thing she asked our producer was to provide her with cola, water and smoked sausage. More requests, whims and suggestions from main woman there was no Russian Instagram. For Harper’s Bazaar, Buzova is an unusual heroine. And that's putting it mildly. When Dasha Veledeeva first proposed filming her for the magazine, half of the editors considered it a joke. And Olga, of course, understood this: “I don’t have a single free minute now. I haven’t been able to paint the roots for a hundred years... But I just really wanted to get into your magazine.”

Well, really, why is Buzov worse or better (underline as appropriate) than many of his colleagues? Hold your jaw: she graduated from school with a silver medal, she has a diploma from the Faculty of Geography of St. Petersburg State University and very good English - look, for example, at her interview with Marion Cotillard and Michael Fassbender. At 18, she found herself on the world’s longest-running television project, “Dom-2,” first as a participant and then as a presenter. Since then, everything Olga does automatically becomes successful. When Buzova sings that she is second after Putin, in a certain sense she is not exaggerating. You can discuss and condemn her as much as you like, but the facts speak for themselves: more than 13 million subscribers on Instagram alone, a dizzying career as a singer, and finally, the world’s largest number of story views (anticipating questions: yes, more than Kim). It would be stupid to argue with the fact that Olga is successful. To pass judgment on a society in which Buzova becomes the number one star is even stupider. The derogatory “people hawala” is an amazing manifestation of snobbery, primarily in relation to a huge number of people. Yes, she is not a brilliant vocalist at all. And yes, this is hardly the kind of creativity that will always be popular. “But people come to my concerts with sparkling eyes, they make posters for me, they bake pies, they recently brought me salted mushrooms. It turns out they are fools, and everyone else is very smart, right? I don’t care about such attacks,” Olga retorts.

But here’s what’s strange: in Russia there are so many young singers whose creativity raises, let’s say, great doubts. But Buzova is naturally hated. In harsh Vladikavkaz, she was even threatened with physical harm. “I learned to score. “I don’t care,” Olga admits. - Although... who am I kidding? When last year they didn’t give me an award from one music channel, I cried like crazy. And the tears were so salty and bitter. I was publicly flogged so many times, but never praised. And nothing, I survived. Today, humiliating Buzova is bad manners. This is only done by losers who have decided that they can simply criticize another person. I do not like? Lord, don't listen! I will continue to do my job, and in the future, perhaps, I will produce some project myself. You never know?" I must say that Buzova withstood the eight-hour shoot like a steadfast tin soldier. Although she was literally torn apart. And during all this time she never asked for a break. The interview was scheduled for the evening, and journalistic experience suggested that this conversation would definitely not turn out well, since the heroine was not made of iron. “Anton, won’t she get tired?” — I timidly asked PR agent Buzova. He laughed and replied: “No, what are you talking about? She doesn't get tired." And he turned out to be right.

By the way, Olga gave Anton an apartment for his birthday - simply because he wanted it. At the same time, she is definitely not a spender (may Buzova forgive us, but our film crew heard how upset she was because of a fine for illegal parking). “Everything I do is not about money. Honestly. I’m just the kind of person: I want to be in demand, popular, I want to be loved. Well, tell me, what's bad about this? - Olga is perplexed. “Sometimes, of course, I’m as tired as a horse.” I have nightmares almost every night. Probably from overvoltage. Yesterday morning I looked out the window and thought: damn, I would give anything to just take a walk in the park right now!”
