Free meals for pregnant women: how to get it? Allowance for nursing mothers: documents, payments.

Federal and regional authorities provide support to needy mothers. Among the types of social assistance is the allowance for food for pregnant women. It is not issued to all girls who are in position. To obtain it, you must provide certain documents.

Normative base

Pregnant and lactating women are a special social group entitled to financial support. The procedure for its provision is carried out on the basis of two federal laws.

In addition to federal legislation, there is regional legislation. The subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to independently determine the amount of assistance and the method of receiving it.


The food allowance is state aid allocated from the budget of the regions of the Russian Federation as social support to special categories of citizens.

  1. Pregnant women. According to the testimony of the doctor of the expectant mother, specialized nutrition can be prescribed.
  2. Mothers who are breastfeeding. Assistance is provided within six months from the date of birth. A prerequisite is breastfeeding the child.
  3. Children from birth to three years. Special nutrition is provided to a child who needs it for health reasons.


These persons are entitled to receive benefits only if they have medical indications and financial insolvency.

Only a doctor can determine the need for missing nutrition. This is done on the basis of tests, studying the history and lifestyle of the patient. If the doctor considers that she lacks the nutrients necessary for the favorable development of the child, he will issue a medical report. It will be issued in an individual card in the form No. 111 / y. Based on it, the expectant mother is entitled to receive a monthly food allowance.


The certificate is issued for a period of one month. For further assistance, you need to re-apply.

The form

The grant can be given in two forms.

  1. Monetary. A woman receives a cash payment in the form of an amount established in the region.
  2. Natural. Foodstuffs are provided at milk distribution centers and special food outlets.

All nuances are determined by local legislation. The amount of the allowance in all regions is different. The national average in 2018 will be 580 rubles. The amount is indexed annually.

Conditions and procedure for obtaining

Not every pregnant woman is entitled to additional support from the state. The legislation establishes a number of requirements that it must comply with. To confirm them, certain documents are provided when applying.

Conditions for receiving:

  • the woman is in a position and is registered in the antenatal clinic;
  • gestational age at least 12 weeks;
  • the applicant has the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • a woman does not have the opportunity to fully eat;
  • family income is less than the subsistence level established in the region.

Wealthy families with a normal income are not provided with free meals.

You can get food:

  1. unemployed women;
  2. employees of enterprises;
  3. individual entrepreneurs;
  4. military personnel;
  5. students.

In order to become a member of the state program, you must contact an authorized institution in your city.

The order of receipt involves the following steps.

  1. Collection of necessary documents.
  2. Obtaining a medical certificate - only on its basis will social assistance be provided.
  3. Writing an application for free food.
  4. Personal appeal to the center of social protection of the population at the place of residence or registration.
  5. The staff of the institution will check the information provided and make a decision on the appointment of food for the pregnant woman.
  6. Upon approval of the application, the woman will be told in detail about the conditions of the program and will be assigned a place to receive meals. If in the region the benefit is provided in cash, the pregnant woman will be notified of the timing of payment.


You can apply not only in person, but also through a representative. To do this, a power of attorney is issued in the name of a person who, on behalf of a pregnant woman, will apply to a social institution. This is true in cases in which a woman, for health reasons, cannot do it on her own.

Terms of receipt:

  • natural nutrition is issued from the day the decision is made by the social authority;
  • The cash payment is credited to the applicant's personal account within ten days.

The benefit is provided until the moment of childbirth or artificial termination of pregnancy. After the birth of a child, a woman can apply for food in a different form.

Table 1. Nutrition allowance for mothers.

Benefit Note
For lactating women A nursing mother has the right to receive nutrition under the condition of breastfeeding, an urgent need for specialized nutrition, a small amount of milk, and a lack of nutrients in the child's diet.
Children under three years old The allowance is provided if the child needs specialized nutrition due to an incurable disease, the recommendation of doctors, the need to receive nutritional and fortified mixtures.

Only non-kindergarten children can receive benefit products, since it is considered that the child is provided with good nutrition in a kindergarten.

Children after complex surgery Nutrition is prescribed by the attending physician.

The documents

Documents must be prepared in advance to receive benefits. The main one is the medical opinion. It determines not only the need for additional nutrition, but also its volume, as well as the order of receipt.

In conclusion, the doctor indicates the names of products for the pregnant woman and the period of their receipt. Based on the needs of the body, the list may be different.

In addition to this document, a number of others are provided. Their presence influences the decision of the social body.

Table 2. Documents required to receive food allowance for pregnant women.

Document Note
Statement Completed in writing. May be submitted through a representative.
Identification The original and a copy of the document with information about the place of residence are required.
Medical certificate The document must confirm the presence of pregnancy. Issued in the antenatal clinic.
Conclusion of the doctor on the need to prescribe benefits To be completed by a doctor.
Help from the place of work Provided by each family member to verify income for the last three months. If the financial situation is less than the established minimum, the social institution is likely to approve the receipt of benefits.
Employment history For the unemployed. A copy of the document is required.
Bank account number Provided if the benefit will be issued in the form of a cash payment.


The exact list is established by each subject of the Russian Federation individually. In some regions, it may be supplemented by other documents. You can find out about their list in the social institution of your city.

Grocery list

The law does not provide for the same list of products for all regions. Each subject has the right to independently determine their volume. But in all cities it is similar and differs slightly.

The basis of nutrition for pregnant women is:

  1. dairy and dairy products;
  2. vitamin and mineral complexes;
  3. cottage cheese with a fat content of 4-9%;
  4. kefir 2.5% fat.

So, food allowance for pregnant women can be received only if necessary. To do this, you need to provide documents confirming the difficult financial situation, and a medical report. In it, the doctor indicates the reason for providing specialized nutrition to a woman.

The amount of the allowance is determined by regional legislation. In each region, the administration independently determines the type and amount of support provided.

The number of state social compensations assigned to expectant mothers includes food allowance for pregnant women - in 2017 the amount has changed. Under what conditions is such an amount paid? What documents are required for prompt transfer - we will consider all the nuances below.

According to Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1999, the right to receive a monthly food allowance for pregnant women in 2017 can only be used by registered Russian women with an average family income below the official subsistence level. Each region of the Russian Federation approves its own regulatory legal acts, which determine the payment procedure, sources of financing, and the conditions for obtaining this guarantee.

Note! Grants for good nutrition for a pregnant woman for a period of 12 weeks or more can be provided in kind (through special trade establishments and food outlets) or in cash. In the first case, a medical report is required with a list of necessary products and their norms.

Who is eligible to receive maternity supplementary food allowance:

  • Employees of enterprises and individual entrepreneurs.
  • Unemployed.
  • Individual entrepreneurs.
  • Students.
  • Military women.

The main requirement is the availability of documents confirming the fact of pregnancy, as well as citizenship of the Russian Federation. As a rule, a certificate from the LCD of a public or private medical institution, a passport is submitted. A complete list of required documentation is provided below. At the same time, the provision of a monthly allowance for food to a pregnant woman begins from the period in which the individual applied for the payment, but not earlier than registration with the LCD. And it continues until the birth of a child (up to the age of 1 month), and in many regions - until he reaches the age of 6 months.

Important! In addition to payments for food to pregnant women, there are compensations for enhanced nutrition of children 1-3 years of age, as well as compensation for the nutrition of nursing mothers. The conditions for assigning such amounts can be clarified at the territorial department of social protection authorities.

The procedure for applying for food allowance for a pregnant woman

The responsibility for registration lies with the bodies of social protection of citizens. You need to contact your place of residence. If the registration and the actual address do not match, the application should be submitted at the actual location. How to get food allowance for pregnant women in 2017, you can find out at the MFC or social security. You should first familiarize yourself with the list of certificates and other documents, then collect a package of forms and submit them by visiting the responsible institution in person.

List of required documents:

  1. An application of the specified sample for the purpose of the allowance - the document must contain the bank account details for transferring money.
  2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation - a photocopy and an original.
  3. Help from the LCD - the actual gestational age in weeks must be indicated.
  4. Income statement for 3 months - provided for each family member separately. Used to determine the level of family income. Taken from employers at work places.
  5. Family composition certificate – is provided to calculate the family income. The issuance of such documents is carried out by the departments of the district administration, the MFC.

To assign a food allowance to a mother who has already given birth and is breastfeeding, it is also required to provide a birth certificate for the child; a certificate issued by a medical organization on feeding.

To assign allowances for food for children up to the age of 3 years, it is required to provide passports for each of the parents, certificates of the fact of registration for the child.

If all documents are collected correctly and submitted as intended, consideration does not take much time: usually it is 10 calendar days. After that, a decision is made on the appointment of social payments or on refusal. The transfer of money for the previous period is carried out before the 26th day of the next month. The amount of food allowance for pregnant women is approved at the regional level, annual indexation is carried out by decision of the municipal authorities.

Conclusion - the state provides the following types of food allowances. These are compensation for the nutrition of pregnant women (from the period of 12 weeks to the age of the baby at 1 month), payments to nursing mothers (the first six months of the child's life), child nutrition allowances (until the child reaches the age of 3 years). The amount of benefits is established by regional acts. An appointment must be applied for at the place of actual permanent residence of the pregnant woman (mother).

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Everyone needs to eat well to maintain their health. This is especially true for pregnant women and young children. Therefore, for those who cannot fully provide themselves and the newborn baby with the necessary food, the state offers its assistance. How to apply for food allowance for pregnant women in 2019?

State assistance to expectant and nursing mothers

In the Russian Federation, the government is trying by various methods to increase the demographic situation in the country, to help people financially so that they can confidently give birth to children and create families (). The state especially supports pregnant women, providing all sorts of benefits and benefits.

For women who are carrying a baby, the state authorities have developed a program under which this category of citizens has the opportunity to receive food allowance for pregnant women in 2019. There are two support options:

  1. Material compensation.
  2. Providing assistance in kind.

The procedure for applying for benefits

In order to apply for food allowance for pregnant women in 2019, you must contact the local department of social protection of citizens. It is allowed to visit this body both at the place of registration and at the address of current residence.

Conditions for obtaining state support

Pregnant women must meet certain eligibility requirements in order to qualify for a monthly food allowance in 2019. These include the following conditions:

  • the presence of pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding an infant under 6 months of age;
  • raising a child who is not yet 3 years old;
  • permanent residence in the region where state support is provided;
  • registration in the hospital;
  • presenting evidence that the woman and her baby need to improve the diet.

Assistance is provided only to citizens of Russia.

What documents are needed

When applying for allowance for feeding a child with breast milk or for normal nutrition, it is necessary to collect a certain package of documents. It includes the following papers:

  • citizen's passport;
  • doctor's medical report (it is issued by different doctors, if a woman needs a benefit with any gestational age, then the document must be taken from a gynecologist, if for a baby, then from a pediatrician);
  • birth certificate of children;
  • bank account number.

After submitting these documents, the woman and her baby will be registered for child feeding allowance or additional food for the expectant mother.

Timing of benefit payment

Calculation of benefits for pregnant women for food is carried out until the baby is six months old. Assistance is assigned 10 days after the application is submitted.

The amount of the cash payment

The amount of the allowance for good nutrition for a pregnant woman depends on the woman's income. As a rule, the amount of state support is small, therefore, insufficient to provide a full-fledged diet.

Applying for a food allowance

Provided by government agencies and payment for enhanced nutrition. Citizens who meet the following conditions may apply for it:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • the age of the baby is not more than 3 years old, if he needs special mixtures, suffers from an incurable pathology, is registered in the hospital;
  • transfer of surgery.

Help with products

When drawing up a medical report, the doctor indicates a list of products that are necessary for the mother and her baby. The document must be drawn up in accordance with the standards approved by local governments. On the basis of this conclusion, a prescription is issued for free receipt of products.

After the issuance of such a prescription, it is allowed to use it only for one month. Some regions create specific sets of products for certain categories of the population. Their content may vary. For women who are carrying or nursing children, vitamins, milk are usually given, and for children under six months old, milk formula instead of breastfeeding.

The allowance for full-fledged nutrition of a child under 3 years of age in kind involves the provision of free natural juices, purees, dairy products, and special food kits are created for babies suffering from diseases.

How to apply for a subsidy for good nutrition for a child under 3 years old

State assistance provided to children under 3 years of age is to provide a woman with vitamins and dairy products. This payment has one feature. It can be issued only for those children who do not yet go to kindergarten.

To apply for a food allowance for a child under 3 years old in 2019, you should contact the USZN and submit the appropriate package of documents.

Regional assistance

Local self-government bodies have the opportunity to develop their own social programs, which provide food allowance for a child under 1 year old or a pregnant woman. For this, legal acts are created that regulate the conditions and procedure for regional assistance.

Currently, the Russian Federation has social support for pregnant women, children under the age of three, and nursing mothers. This assistance is provided in the form of benefits aimed at providing a certain list of citizens with high-grade food:

Child food allowance:

  1. The first year of life - is paid from the moment of birth to one year of life of a child registered in a local clinic and being bottle-fed;
  2. Age from one to three years - is assigned for a child registered in a local clinic;
  3. Children from three years of age are also entitled to food, in case of prolonged illness, after undergoing surgery or in the presence of incurable diseases;
  • Nutrition allowance for pregnant women is paid to women who are registered with the antenatal clinic in connection with pregnancy and have a period of at least twelve weeks. Payments are made until the end of pregnancy, that is, childbirth;
  • Allowance for nursing mothers for food - is assigned to mothers who breastfeed a child until the end of lactation or the child reaches one year of age.

Collateral terms

To provide funds for the purchase of good nutrition for pregnant women, lactating women and children under three years old, it is necessary to have a certain list of medical indications that affect the decision of the medical commission. This decision is made in accordance with the legal normative act of the executive authorized bodies in the field of public health.

To accrue benefits, you must contact the local government to provide the appropriate package of documents and write an application with a request for compensation.

Required documents:

  • Document and its copy for identification;
  • Application for compensation;
  • Medical certificate confirming:
  • Presence of pregnancy;
  • Artificial or breastfeeding of a child under the age of one year;
  • That a child between one and three years of age is not enrolled in preschool institutions;
  • Children's birth certificate and a copy;
  • Statement of monthly income for each family member.

Both the mother and the father of a child aged one to three years can act as an applicant for monetary compensation. This allowance does not apply to children who are enrolled in preschool educational institutions, since they are already provided with the necessary good nutrition in these institutions, purchased with funds from the relevant budgetary and non-budgetary sources.

Timing of payment and amount of food allowance

The allowance for baby food for pregnant women is calculated from the moment of registration at the local antenatal clinic and application for the allowance. Payments are made up to the month in which the birth or early termination of pregnancy occurred. The amount of food allowance for pregnant women depends on the average family income and the amount of the current subsistence level.

For nursing mothers, compensation for meals is accrued from the moment of applying to a state institution until the end of breastfeeding or until the child reaches the age of one. For artificial children under one year old, payments are made from the month in which the application was signed and until they reach one year of age. For children from one to three years old who do not attend preschool educational institutions, compensation is assigned from the month of application until the moment the child enters kindergarten or the child turns three years old.

The procedure for assigning monetary compensation for good nutrition

After submitting the required package of documents and an application to state bodies, in accordance with medical indications, a conclusion is issued by the medical commission of the healthcare organization. To do this, outpatient and dispensary observation of certain categories of the population applying for state support is carried out.

From the date of submission of the application, within ten calendar days, the applicant receives a notice in writing, which contains a notice with the decision of the commission to assign benefits or to refuse payments. Families in which the father does not work and is not registered with the employment center will in any case be denied food compensation, as there is a deliberate worsening of their financial situation. The only time the commission gives “go-ahead” in such situations is when the head of the family cannot provide for his wife and children due to health problems or disability, which must be documented.

Most pregnant and lactating women do not even know about the existence of this kind of benefits, with compensation for children, the situation is much simpler. Every citizen of Russia has the right to legitimate state assistance, even if it is not great, all the same, these payments can help improve the general situation for families in need, so do not miss your opportunity.
