How to treat stretch marks at home. How and how to get rid of stretch marks on the body: general information and effective treatment methods

Skin stretch marks are deformations of its individual segments, accompanied by shaped changes in the natural relief of the skin surface and a change in its pigmentation in places of formation.

This disease is also known as striae, stripe atrophy/atrophoderma. It appears in the form of numerous uneven stripes directed in one direction. They can be different in color: from red-violet to white and colorless.

U ordinary person The manifestation of stretch marks most often occurs on the abdominal, femoral, and buttock parts of the skin. With intense sports activities, they are possible in other areas.

Reasons for appearance

The nature of these manifestations is different, but all the makings are reduced to one thing - a traumatic factor. Nodes are formed due to numerous microtraumas resulting from stretching of individual areas of the skin.

Let's look at the reasons in more detail:

  1. Pregnancy. The increase in the size of the womb leads to stretching of the tissues of the abdominal area. A strong tension is formed in its lower part, which leads to numerous ruptures of capillaries and tissue structures. Also, when breastfeeding, nodular structures sometimes appear in the breast area.
  2. Intense weight gain. The formation of stretch marks occurs in places where the skin is most subject to stress (on the thighs in the groin area, lower abdominal area, forearms). This is also facilitated by deteriorating blood circulation due to forced compression, the result is fragility and loss of elasticity.
  3. Sudden weight loss. To maintain an attractive shape, women often resort to various diets. When decreasing total mass the nutrition of the body cover deteriorates, which affects its quality. Experts have recommended methods that allow you to lose weight by no more than 2% of your physical weight per day.
  4. Teenage growth. During the period of active bone growth, tissues do not always have time to develop proportionally. Due to hypercortical processes, areas of increased skin tension and numerous tears occur in areas of bone stretching.
  5. Sedentary lifestyle, physical restrictions on movement, as well as frequent stays in motionless positions ( sedentary work, lying in bed due to a prolonged illness, etc.). Prolonged distribution of part of the body weight over a limited area provokes atrophy of its protein masses and feeding tubules, and microtrauma.
  6. Failures in hormonal secretion, processes of chemical imbalance. Catalysts: deviations menstrual cycle hormonal suppressing diseases or drugs, poisoning chemicals, inhibiting the hormonal system, etc.
  7. Genetic predisposition. « Bad skin“Sometimes it occurs in a person from birth, which is a birth defect (transmitted to the child from a parent with a set of genes at conception).

Depending on the nature of their appearance and the individual characteristics of the skin, stretch marks are accompanied by different symptoms and have their own classification. Let's do a detailed analysis.

Types and their features

Classification atrophic scars gives an idea of ​​their origin, stage of neglect, and choice of treatment methods. Therefore, it includes several subgroups that allow us to form a clearer picture of the complication.

Distinction of nodes by shape and structure:

  • filiform– shallow stripes of whitish color;
  • scars– pale pinkish scar nodules;
  • longitudinal- similar to filamentous ones, but at the beginning of manifestation they have a blue-burgundy texture, which decreases over time until completely discolored.

The color spectrum of scar formations tends to be white or red. The presence of the latter indicates poor blood permeability in the places where they appear, and a purple tint indicates microscopic ruptures in blood flow, stagnation of blood removed from the circulation system in scars.

According to the position relative to the axis of the body, the factor of their origin is determined by the manifestations:

  • horizontal – more often appear during hormonal imbalances;
  • longitudinal (vertical) – observed during pregnancy or weight gain.

Stages of color flow:

  • pigmented nodules, purplish or red, characteristically visible during initial scarring;
  • with further progression, segmental clouding, fading or fading occurs (the main shade often does not disappear).

Scar formation also occurs in stages:

  1. Manifestation of a scar contour with mild inflammation often with an aggressively contrasting red or purple color.
  2. A white stripe or nodular spot forms on the surface of the skin without protrusions and has no signs of deformation upon palpation (feeling).
  3. There is no gradation, but palpation reveals a slight compaction in the upper layers of the skin (without color saturation or with deep dyschromia).
  4. White scar, stepwise, 1 or more centimeters wide.

Taking into account the listed evaluation criteria makes it possible to make a correct diagnosis. Based on this, the most appropriate treatment drug is selected.

How to choose the right product

The main risk group is extraordinary:

  • young men,
  • young and future mothers,
  • office employees,
  • athletes (arm wrestlers, bodybuilders, weightlifters),
  • people with physical disabilities,
  • pensioners, etc.

The most common medications for stretch marks are creams.

Based on their operating principle, they are divided into 2 groups:

  • preventing the formation of scars,
  • masking them.

If the risk of the appearance of nodal elements is known in advance (increased gain of muscle/fat mass, the beginning of abdominal growth in a pregnant woman, multiple increases in daily loads), then it is recommended to start using a cream from group 1. In other cases, when symptomatic therapy is required - from group 2.

When choosing a cream special accent needs to be done on its ingredients. It should be based on herbal ingredients. The composition should also be well moisturizing and have regenerating properties.

What is contained in creams that prevent/treat stretch marks:

  • acids, collagen - they increase the strength of skin tissue and reduce the risk of damage during mechanical manipulation.
  • ethereal/ vegetable oils, extracts from algae, plants or microorganisms, vitamins A, E, panthenol compounds - create a comprehensive moisturizing and supporting effect;
  • regenerating synthetic drugs - not contained in all formulations, but their presence has a positive effect on treatment severe forms scarring of the skin.

The main objectives of the cream:

  1. strengthening,
  2. increased flexibility,
  3. reducing the time to restore the integrity of problem areas.

Since most of the components are of a simple herbal category, there are few contraindications to such creams (they are possible only in case of personal intolerance to individual components).

Particular attention is paid to formulations that can be rubbed over the surface of the breast during the period of breastfeeding. Their presence in the market is also numerous and comes in different price ranges.

Video: Important Features

Review of ointments for stretch marks on the skin

For clarity, let’s look at the compositions of some brands that can be used to treat stretch marks.


Broad-based cream almond oil.


  • hydration,
  • recovery,
  • natural antiseptic.

It also includes:

  1. deresined naphthalan,
  2. urea,
  3. salicylic acid,
  4. D-panthenol,
  5. Sophora japonica extract.

Rub in a small layer up to 3 times a day, completely absorbed. Main course: from 2 weeks to a month.


Cheap, effective remedy.


  • sesame oil,
  • aloe vera,
  • beeswax,
  • tulsi,
  • yashada and tankan bhasma,
  • neutral base.


With a simple composition (retruxel, regestril, water) it is effective even against old striae accumulations. Harmless to any skin type and consumer. Perfect for care during pregnancy.


A powerful remedy for stretch marks on the skin. Complex of vegetable oils, citrus extracts and seaweed effective and harmless in the fight against any signs of scarring and replacement of natural pigmentation. The disadvantage is the high cost.

Green Mama

Algae based:

  • spirulina
  • kelp.

Completely natural. It has drainage properties and high penetration, due to which it also supports the upper muscle layers.


Created on the basis of water from thermal springs, due to which it is rich in mineral compounds. Excellent supplier of collagen. Removes even the most advanced stretch marks in 3-4 months. Intended for all patient groups.

Pharmacology today has hundreds of different names, similar in principle of action and application, similar to those described. Let's look at how to use them.

How to treat correctly

The timing of treatment for stretch marks depends on the degree of their neglect. Sometimes it drags on for several months. With this development, it is recommended to change the treatment creams, using each for no longer than the course indicated in the instructions (after completing the use of one, it is better to take a break of 5-7 days, limiting yourself to a cosmetic moisturizer).

During pregnancy, it is better to select therapy with an observing therapist or gynecologist. If this is not possible, you need to make sure that the composition and individual components are harmless.

Vegetable oils are widely used to smooth and restore the skin. But their use in pure form not recommended due to the high concentration of active trace elements.

Main types of oils used:

  • Coconut, Miroli, Shea, Wheat Rostov, Jojoba, Olive oils are natural moisturizers enriched with vitamins E and A;
  • Cocoa, orange, tangerine oils - contain microelements that help smooth out scar accumulations and heal epidermal damage;
  • Plant-based essential oils (lavender, carrot seed, immortelle, nerol, jasmine, rose, etc.).

Ointments based on them can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently by mixing with baby cream or massage product: 1 tbsp./l. 2-3 drops of oily substance.


Sphere preventive measures is a comprehensive health support. Active image life, reception healthy food, compliance hygiene rules and monitoring hormonal balance is the basis for preventing conditions for the formation of first stretch marks.

With a sedentary lifestyle, it will be useful to develop physical fitness as a daily light gymnastics or jogging in the morning. Taking a cool shower after playing sports will harden the skin and create the first prerequisites for normalizing its condition.

It is important to monitor the moisture of the skin. It is periodically necessary to use moisturizing lotions, ointments and creams for dryness, and drying masks for hyperhumidity (for example, with goose bumps).

To maintain hormonal stability and the integrity of the immune system, you need to pay attention to diet and its abundance: food should include an abundance of ingredients that create a balance between proteins and fats, animal and vegetable fiber, including vitamins A, C and E.

The best prevention for weightlifters and other athletes:

  1. avoid excessive one-time loads,
  2. adhere to the developed training system,
  3. maintain the required level of proteins and vitamins.

To maintain immune stability, immunostimulants and hormonal drugs.

When losing weight or pregnancy, it is recommended to consume pumpkin and carrot juices to maintain elasticity. They retain a set of epistimulating vitamins that will help strengthen and protect skin tissue from destruction and formation of nodular anomalies.

Photo: Before and after

It's important for a girl to have beautiful figure and body. Stretch marks on the body that occur as a result of pregnancy or sudden weight loss or gain will not go unnoticed by the fair sex. The question of how to get rid of stretch marks at home remains always relevant.

Eliminating the first signs

You need to start gradually, with the smallest things. It is quite easy to determine that these are stretch marks on your own. Many small stripes, similar to scars, form on the body. In appearance, such skin appears flabby, although in life this defect does not cause any inconvenience to a person.

The main reason for wanting to get rid of stretch marks as quickly as possible is aesthetic. They significantly spoil the appearance. Those who have received such “beauty” due to weight loss or weight gain need to start immediately. Special creams can be used that will tighten the skin, giving it elasticity and returning it to its original appearance.

Important! If stretch marks have formed due to weight fluctuations, then creams alone will not do. We need to put it into action drinking plenty of fluids and the most proper nutrition with vegetables and fruits.

Localization of stretch marks

The problem must be dealt with taking into account all its features. When stretch marks appear, you need to choose a variety of treatment methods, because they appear in different parts of the body.

In what places can stretch marks appear:

  • stomach;
  • butt;
  • hands;
  • breast.

Each area has different skin elasticity, so you should not choose one method for all areas.

Striae in the abdomen

Such a defect can be easily hidden by clothing. But if the condition is neglected, the skin will gradually begin to fade. Important task- help her recover. The younger the “age” of stretch marks, the easier and faster the treatment.

Note! It is easy to distinguish old stretch marks from new ones. If they are pink, then such striae are young. When they turn white, it means they have been on the skin for quite a long time.

The most accessible method for everyone is compresses. You don't have to spend a lot of time preparing them.

Milk compress

The basis will be full-fat kefir. You need to add rosewood and rosemary essential oil to it. The mixture needs to be mixed and a cloth soaked in it, which should be applied to the problem area. You can leave the compress overnight, wrapping it well around the body with cling film. The duration of the procedures is at least thirty days.

Marine mask

For it, ordinary kelp is useful, which you need to buy in dry form and prepare yourself without using spices or salt. The soaked algae should be placed on the stretch marks and kept under film for several hours, then take a hot bath.

Softening lotion

You can periodically lubricate stretch marks with this product to moisturize and nourish the skin. To prepare it, mix rose oil with essential oil tea tree. Using a cotton swab, wipe the areas several times. Can be combined with other types of treatment.

Stretch marks on the butt

They appear not only as a sign of pregnancy and tissue relaxation. Striae on the buttocks can also occur in people with excess weight, which likes to accumulate in such places. Athletes who decide to quickly gain weight by choosing the wrong approach are at risk.

A procedure such as massage provides effectiveness. It can be done in home environment using emollients such as jojoba oil. Movements should be soft and careful. It is necessary to restore proper blood circulation. You can also prepare additional remedies at home.

Note! Each product prepared at home should be tested on a small area of ​​the wrist to avoid allergic reactions.

Softening cream

Dilute the mummy tablet in water and combine with any moisturizing body cream. It should be applied to clean skin once a day.

Oil compresses

It is best to take oils that are very fatty, which is why they will penetrate deeply into the skin.

  1. Combine olive oil with three drops of rosemary essential oil. Rub into skin. There may be a slight tingling sensation.
  2. Combine flax oil with almond oil and massage well into problem areas.
  3. Mix wheat germ oil with a spoon of kefir. Moisturize your skin twice a day in this way.

Stretch marks on arms

Mostly occur in people who play sports and count on gaining muscle mass in the biceps and triceps area. Jumps in size significantly affect the skin, causing it to become flabby and stretch marks appear.

To change the situation, first of all, the diet changes. Getting rid of flour and fatty foods will help you recover faster.

Important! For more quick results You can buy vitamin C in tablets and drink it throughout the week.

A compress of liquid honey will be no less effective. They need to lubricate the stretch marks and wrap them in film. Leave it on for an hour or two and your skin will noticeably improve.

Striae on the chest

They occur in almost all women during pregnancy as the breasts grow and prepare for motherhood.

Taking a contrast breast shower will help tighten the skin of your breasts and make them firm. The stream must be alternated from warm to cold. The water pressure will also act as a kind of massage, which is why this procedure can be called twice as effective.

A good mask will be made from cucumber. For it you need to take fresh and juicy cucumbers, peel them and grate the pulp until a mass is formed. Together with the juice, it should be distributed on delicate skin and kept for forty minutes. There should be a feeling of tightness.

Essential oils are considered very beneficial. They can be added to the bath or used directly. By mixing oils such as lavender, eucalyptus and rosewood, you can achieve significant results.

Important! To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is advisable to regularly nourish the skin pharmaceutical products. Retin-A baby cream or ointment will help get rid of stretch marks.

Affects skin condition fat cream based on chamomile or menthol, which needs to nourish problem areas, leaving the product overnight.

How to prevent stretch marks

First of all, you need to make sure that there are no sudden changes in weight. You should only choose long-term diets, when the results will appear gradually. What other measures should be taken to ensure that your skin is always smooth and beautiful?

  • proper nutrition;
  • skin care;
  • hormone control;
  • physical exercise.

Now in more detail. You need to take care of your skin, because due to polluted air, wearing synthetic clothing, which does not allow air to pass through, eating fatty foods from fast food, her condition worsens. It is important not only to change your diet by eliminating or reducing the intake of junk food, but also to act outside. This means that the skin needs to be nourished with moisturizing lotions and peeling done in a timely manner.

Physical exercise will help tighten your skin and make it stronger. If you constantly play sports, then you may not encounter such an ailment as stretch marks at all.

A common mistake that humanity makes is not drinking enough water. Everyone drinks water only when they feel thirsty. In fact, you need to drink a glass or more of water every hour so as not to deprive your cells of nutrition. The condition of the skin largely depends on water.

Additional funds

Always useful simple recipes homemade scrubs that need to be used once a week to keep the body toned.


All you need is the grounds of ground coffee, which must be rubbed on the skin, exfoliating old particles.


You need to choose thick, candied honey. It adheres well to the body and can quickly exfoliate unnecessary cells.


It needs to be cooked. Mix sugar, salt and butter in equal portions. Rub into skin, then rinse well.

Stretch marks during pregnancy can be treated at home. Don't expect them to disappear after a week. It may take weeks or months for your skin to recover after childbirth. The main thing is to act gradually.

The changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman affect not only work internal organs, but also in appearance. The expectant mother's posture deteriorates and body fat in the thighs and buttocks area, skin elasticity decreases. But most main problem, which in advanced cases can only be gotten rid of surgically, are stretch marks.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks appear as small pink or purple stripes on the skin that discolor over time and acquire a dense structure. In medicine and cosmetology, this phenomenon is called striae. Stretch marks occur as a result of rupture of the inner layer of the epidermis, which, under the influence of progesterone, loses its firmness and elasticity.

information Immediately after they appear, stretch marks are pink, red-blue, or lilac color, since at the scarring stage the connective fibers are entangled in a large number of capillaries. As the epidermis tightens, the striae become pale and remain that way even after childbirth.

Causes of stretch marks in pregnant women

Experts consider heredity to be one of the main factors responsible for the predisposition to the occurrence of stretch marks. If the mother or grandmother of a pregnant woman suffered from this phenomenon, the risk of subcutaneous scar formation increases by almost 60%.

But even if blood relatives On the female side, we have never encountered stretch marks; the likelihood of their occurrence is quite high. It's connected with enhanced synthesis estrogen and progesterone - the main ones female hormones necessary for gestation healthy fetus and maintaining pregnancy. Under the influence of these hormones, the production of collagen and elastin, proteins that are “ building material"for skin cells and are responsible for its elasticity and ability to stretch under the influence of external factors.

information The rapid growth of the abdomen in the 2nd and 3rd trimester with insufficient synthesis of protein structures leads to the fact that the thinned epidermis ruptures, and dense scars form at the site of the ruptures.

The fact of the formation of stretch marks, as well as their number, is also influenced by the woman’s age. Young skin is more elastic, it stretches and returns to its original position more easily, so the risk of stretch marks in women under 27-30 years of age is slightly lower than in those who have crossed the thirty-year mark.

Other reasons that lead to ruptures of the internal epidermis, doctors include:

  • unbalanced diet with insufficient amount of protein;
  • obesity;
  • metabolic disorders during diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and other diseases of the endocrine system;
  • sagging abdominal muscles;
  • rate of weight gain during pregnancy.

information Most of these factors can be kept under control, so the expectant mother needs to make every effort not to encounter such unpleasant problem like stretch marks.

Where do striae appear?

In 80% of cases, stretch marks occur on the abdomen, since this is where the skin experiences maximum stress due to the growth of the uterus and an increase in the volume of the abdomen. In some cases, stretch marks may appear on the chest after childbirth. This occurs in women with increased lactation when milk is produced in excess quantities and stagnation occurs.

Stagnation of milk in the mammary glands can also lead to incorrect application to the breast, so it is important to master all the intricacies of the process as early as possible. This will avoid not only stretch marks, but also more serious problems with health: mastitis, lactostasis and other complications.

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks?

The statistics on this issue are disappointing. Get rid of stretch marks without surgical intervention Only 3-7% of women succeed, so expectant mothers need to pay enough attention to the prevention of this phenomenon.

important Some women believe that ultraviolet rays will help make stretch marks less noticeable. This is wrong. Scars, which are stretch marks, do not contain melanin (color pigment), so they do not tan. in most cases it has the opposite effect - on dark skin white stretch marks stand out more strongly and are more noticeable.

How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

The main way to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy is to use special cosmetics. These could be oils, lotions and rubs designed specifically for pregnant women. It is important to pay attention to the composition: products should not contain hazardous substances which may cause allergies or irritation.

Most creams and lotions contain vitamins A and E, which are essential for healthy skin, as well as collagen and elastin, which increase the skin's elasticity and make it easier to stretch. Constant use of such cosmetics will help avoid ruptures and prevent the appearance of stretch marks both during pregnancy and after childbirth.

To the most popular and effective means for the prevention of stretch marks, include:

  • "Bepanten" (ointment and cream);
  • "Mom Comfort";
  • "9 months";
  • "Mustella"
  • "Pregnacare";
  • "Avent"
  • "Lierac" (ampoules and gel).

Apply these products according to the instructions on clean and dry skin.

Advice During pregnancy there is an increased tendency to allergic reactions, therefore, it is better to start using the cream with a sample to assess the condition of the skin and general well-being after applying the product.


Excellent prophylactic in the fight against stretch marks is. During pregnancy, it consists of light patting and rubbing over the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and mammary glands. To enhance the effect, you can use a massage mitt and massage while taking a shower - steamed skin reacts better to any influence, so the result of such a procedure will be much stronger.

For massage, you can use special oil against stretch marks or essential oil of orange, bergamot or grapefruit (in case the expectant mother does not have it). Can be cooked Massage Oil on one's own. To do this, mix in a dark glass container:

  • olive oil – 100 ml;
  • aloe juice – 100 ml;
  • vitamins E and A (liquid) – 5 drops each.

information Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator. This oil can be stored for no more than 3 months.

If the pregnancy is more than 24-26 weeks, patting should not be done: light rubbing will be quite enough.

To reduce the risk of stretch marks to a minimum, just follow simple tips. For the expectant mother recommended:

  • introduce good quality vegetable oils (almond, pumpkin, olive), nuts and leafy greens into the diet;
  • eat small and balanced meals;
  • control weight gain (it should not exceed 10-13 kg during the entire pregnancy);
  • wear special maternity underwear made from natural fabrics with a good breathable surface;
  • starting from the second trimester, wear a bandage;
  • engage in swimming and other sports adapted for pregnant women;
  • eat cottage cheese, fish or meat every day;
  • avoid products containing flavorings, flavor enhancers, preservatives;
  • give up bad habits(passive smoking can also be included here);
  • walk at least 20-30 minutes a day.

information Stretch marks are an unpleasant cosmetic defect that is very difficult to get rid of. In most cases, scars can be completely removed only with the help of surgical treatment. If a woman experiences moral suffering and psychological complexes due to stretch marks, it makes sense to think about contacting a cosmetic surgeon, since emotional condition from the mother is quickly transmitted to the baby and negatively affects his nervous system.

Stretch marks on the skin are familiar to many bodybuilders, especially those who have gained a lot of mass. Note that not only bodybuilders have stretch marks. Unpleasant stripes on the body often appear in teenagers, pregnant women and other people experiencing hormonal changes or suffering from problems with the endocrine system. Externally, these stripes, as a rule, have a reddish or purple tint, changing it to white over time. Which, in turn, remains so, since the stretch marks do not contain pigments, and therefore are not able to tan.

Stretch marks are stretches of the skin as well as tears in the dermis. Theoretically, they can occur on any part of the body, but in most cases, the stripes form in those places where a person has the greatest concentration of subcutaneous fat - the chest, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. For athletes, this list is also supplemented by places such as inner side arms and deltas, since during intensive training these areas significantly increase in volume. Initially, stretch marks have a pinkish tint, the skin on them becomes thinner compared to the rest of the body. In addition, they may be itchy. Over time, the stripes fade and at this stage it becomes much more difficult to eliminate them. White stretch marks are called “old”, and they acquire this shade approximately within a year and a half from the moment they appear.

At their core, skin stretch marks are nothing more than microtraumas. The skin is unable to stretch due to quick change volumes of the body, and therefore is injured from the inside. The body, trying to “sew up” the wound, fills the area with connective tissue, which in its properties, specifically external, differs from the skin. In addition, the cause of stretch marks can be specific hormonal drugs, this applies in particular to corticosteroids, which are used primarily to eliminate certain inflammations.

The manifestation of stretch marks on the skin indicates that the body’s production of elastin and components directly responsible for the condition of the skin is disrupted. As such, they do not pose a danger to the health of the body, however, if the root cause of stretch marks is associated with certain hormonal disorders, it certainly needs to be eliminated. In the case of stretch marks, a much more negative point is their aesthetic effect; unlike battle scars, these stripes do not adorn the body of even the most brutal man. Not to mention the fair sex.

Thinning of the skin and a decrease in its elasticity in areas of stretch marks is explained by the hormonal changes already mentioned above. These, as is known, occur in adolescents during puberty, in women during pregnancy, as well as in some athletes who radically review their diet, or use. Actually, it is not even the diet itself or the use of any drug that plays a role, but what follows - sudden changes in weight, both in one direction and the other. This is why the problem of stretch marks is so relevant for bodybuilders, whose training process involves gaining muscle mass, or, on the contrary, focusing on the so-called “drying”. If these processes are accompanied by the use of pharmacological support, the risk of skin stretch marks increases significantly. By the way, last but not least, to avoid the risk of stretch marks, nutritionists advise that when losing weight, try to lose weight by no more than 2-3% per month. As for training, excessive loads after a long break, or, on the contrary, a sudden cessation of exercise, can also lead to stretch marks.

Stretch mark treatment and prevention

Considering the complexity of dealing with skin stretch marks, much more the right decision there will be timely prevention of their manifestation. However, some of its points can also be successfully applied for the purpose of getting rid of existing stripes, and therefore we will consider them simultaneously in both cases. So, to prevent and get rid of stretch marks, it is recommended:

  • smear problem areas of the skin with special creams and oils;
  • maintain optimal water balance in the body, drinking at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • try to eat as little food as possible containing salt and preservatives;
  • pay attention to the required concentration of vitamins and minerals in your diet.

We are talking, in particular, about such components as zinc, copper, vitamins C, B5 and E, since these are the substances that increase collagen production. Products where they are contained in the greatest volume are: avocado, liver, green peas, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, whole grains. Protein, which is already the main component in a bodybuilder’s diet, also helps restore tissue and prevent its rupture;

  • essential oils or plant extracts are substances that stimulate blood circulation in the body.

The best thing is to add them directly to the water when bathing. Or rub it into the skin while bathing. You can use either one oil or a combination of several at once. In the second case, you should choose one of the oils as the main one, it is best if it is an oil rich in vitamin E, for example, almond or olive. For one tablespoon of this oil, dissolve a few drops of essential oil (geranium, lemon, orange, mint, rosewood, etc.). Rub the resulting mixture into the skin massage movements. You can also use a combination of pure essential oils, mixing them in a ratio of 2 drops each.

  • do a pinch massage.

The last two tips are most often used by girls, but this does not mean that tough male bodybuilders should neglect them. These recommendations are effective and universal.

For the prevention and direct treatment of stretch marks, you can also use various kinds exfoliating scrubs. Moreover, their recipes are quite simple, so you can prepare the scrub as follows:

1 cup salt + 1 cup sugar + 0.5 cup oil (ideally palm oil). During water procedures, thoroughly wipe the problem areas with the resulting mixture, and after taking a shower or bath, lubricate these areas with cream.

Also for water treatments- very useful for preventing stretch marks cold and hot shower, strengthening both the skin itself and the smooth muscles underneath it.

Preparations for the treatment of skin stretch marks

In the case where the streaks have already appeared, and you do not want them to remain for life, you need to deal with them immediately. If we talk about specific names of drugs to combat stretch marks, among them it is worth mentioning the following drugs:



Special gel against stretch marks and scars.


Silicone based gel. Optimizes collagen production for problem areas skin.


Capsules for internal use. Contains vitamins A and E.

Help from professionals

Modern cosmetic and medical clinics offer a number of ways by which stretch marks can be removed from the skin. A few words about each of them.

Laser resurfacing

The process involves exposure to a laser beam at the sites where stretch marks appear. The beam is able to reach even the deepest layers of the skin, destroying the internal fibers of the stretch marks themselves. After the procedure, the skin acquires a bright red tint, as if after a burn. It sometimes takes up to several months to completely restore its cover.

Chemical peeling

This procedure involves applying special acids to the skin, burning everything, including the inner layers of the epidermis. The process is very painful and is carried out under general anesthesia. Just like the previous method, this type of exposure is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

As an alternative to the two methods described above, future and real mothers often use seaweed wrap. You can buy “raw materials” for the mixture at every pharmacy. Dry kelp is diluted in warm water, after which the composition is applied to areas with stretch marks and covered with thermal film. One wrap session lasts 40-45 minutes. Instead of spirulina, you can also use clay, cocoa, and medicinal mud.

The method called “mesotherapy” also has its contraindications. Its essence is to perform microinjections under the skin. These injections include vitamins and herbal elements, making scars virtually invisible visually. However, it will still not be possible to completely eliminate stretch marks; in addition, it must be taken into account that this procedure is prohibited from being carried out in case of illness Bladder and a number of other ailments. Therefore, before doing mesotherapy, be sure to consult your doctor.

Skin microdermabrasion is also one of the procedures offered by cosmetic clinics. However, it is not suitable for large areas of skin and is accompanied by painful sensations and at the same time gives desired effect by a maximum of 50%. Therefore it is used in in rare cases.

Among the more gentle medical methods We can also mention ELOS rejuvenation, during which the skin is simultaneously treated with a laser, light flux and radio frequency radiation, which allows stimulating the production of collagen, as well as ozone therapy, according to which healing mixture, consisting mostly of oxygen and ozone. It is possible to completely eliminate stretch marks only through plastic surgery. Surgical intervention V in this case provides for removal stretched skin with abdominoplasty.

However, even the surgical method does not always guarantee complete removal of stretch marks, especially when it comes to old scars. Do everything necessary procedures, including medical ones, it is necessary in a timely manner, early stage the appearance of stretch marks, this is the only way you can “help” them disappear without a trace. And be sure to use A complex approach, combining different methods of dealing with stretch marks, carry out the procedures regularly, ultimately focusing on those that have the maximum effect positive effect on your skin.

Stretch marks and methods of dealing with them - Video

The problem of stretch marks (or stretch marks) is familiar to many women. It is this skin defect that 60% of the fair sex encounters after the birth of a child and the period of breastfeeding. Same changes skin s can be caused by sudden weight loss (for example, when losing weight from 80 to 50 kg). However, stretch marks can be observed not only in women, but also in men, and this cosmetic defect upsets a lot of people.

Typically, stretch marks are observed in the chest, buttocks, abdomen and thighs. In essence, they are scar formations that were formed as a result of stretching and microtrauma of elastin and collagen fibers. In this article we will provide you with information about the causes, manifestations and methods of prevention and treatment of skin defects such as stretch marks.


Stretch marks may appear during pregnancy due to hormonal changes.

The main reason for the rupture of fibers, causing the formation of striae, is the lack of elasticity of the skin and its low ability to recover. Places of microtears begin to be filled with connective tissue, and unaesthetic stripes of varying degrees of severity and color appear on the surface of the skin.

The following factors can provoke insufficient elasticity of the skin and its low ability to recover, and hence the formation of stretch marks:

  • hormonal imbalance in adolescence or during pregnancy and lactation;
  • some pathologies of the endocrine system (for example, Cushing's syndrome);
  • weight fluctuations;
  • heredity;
  • taking steroids and others.

Sometimes the suspected cause of stretch marks can be determined by the nature of their location. Typically, horizontal striae are observed with hormonal imbalances, and vertical ones with rapid weight gain or fluctuations and after childbirth.

Stretch marks themselves are not dangerous and are only a cosmetic problem. However, one should not underestimate the danger of their appearance, since sometimes their formation is associated with a disruption of the endocrine system. That is why the appearance of stretch marks, which cannot be explained by overstretching of the skin or sudden fluctuations in weight, should always be a reason to consult an endocrinologist.

What do stretch marks look like?

The clinical picture of stretch marks largely depends on the structural features of the skin, its ability to stretch and condition hormonal levels. It is these indicators that will affect the severity of such skin defects.

Localization location

Typically, stretch marks appear in the chest, abdomen, buttocks and thighs. In more rare cases, such skin disorders can be localized on the face, neck, back and other parts of the body.


The color of stretch marks can vary from white to dark purple. Its intensity largely depends on how long ago striae formed. “Fresh” stretch marks have various red-violet shades, and “later” ones gradually lighten.

The connective tissue, which essentially makes up striae, has a reduced ability to form melanin. That is why, when tanning, areas of skin with stretch marks tan less than the surrounding skin area and become much more noticeable. Only sometimes, with a certain skin phototype, tanning can make stretch marks less noticeable. But even in such cases, ultraviolet rays do not have a therapeutic effect, but only smooth out the existing cosmetic defect.

Dimensions and quantity

Stretch marks can be multiple or single; this indicator depends on the degree of stretching of the skin and the characteristics of its structure. Their sizes also vary widely and depend on the same indicators. The width of the striae can be from 1 to 6-7 mm, and the length - from 1 to 10 cm.


The relief of striae can be different. They can protrude above the surface of the skin, be retracted or flush with the skin. These figures may change over time.

Striae with Cushing's syndrome

Striae with endocrine pathology such as Cushing's syndrome have a characteristic appearance:

  • the skin becomes thinner;
  • the vascular pattern of the skin becomes more pronounced;
  • areas of peeling appear on the surface of the skin;
  • stretch marks are localized in the abdomen, shoulders or mammary glands;
  • rashes appear on the skin (subcutaneous hematomas, acne).

In addition to stretch marks, stretch marks may be observed on the patient’s skin. Melasma at this stage of Cushing's syndrome is especially pronounced. The patient also has a moderate redistribution of subcutaneous fat characteristic of this syndrome.

To treat stretch marks, in addition to the methods used to eliminate stretch marks, the patient is recommended to undergo a course of therapy for the underlying pathology. The treatment plan may include the following drugs and treatment methods:

  • steroidogenesis inhibitors: Chloditan, Aminoglutethimide;
  • removal of pituitary cortitropinoma (performed when the tumor is clearly visualized on MRI images);
  • adrenectomy (surgery on the adrenal gland), performed by a surgeon using a scalpel, after confirming the indications for removal of the organ.


Diagnosing stretch marks is never difficult. To do this, you need to consult a doctor, dermatologist or cosmetologist who will examine your skin. If the presence of diseases of the endocrine system is suspected, the patient may be advised to consult an endocrinologist for diagnosis and treatment of the underlying pathology.

To determine the age of stretch marks, the doctor compares the following indicators: the presence of dilated vessels and fibrous tissue in the area of ​​stretch marks. With “fresh” skin changes observed a large number of altered vessels, and as striae “aging”, the number of vessels becomes smaller, and the amount of scar tissue increases.


Treatment of stretch marks is carried out in cases where they represent a significant aesthetic defect and cause anxiety to their owner. In other cases, correction of such skin changes is not required.

It is important to understand that treatment of striae should begin as early as possible, since the effectiveness of therapy largely depends on this moment. Stretch marks that formed more than 1 year ago are less susceptible to successful treatment, since scar changes have already fully formed in them. In such cases, the cosmetic defect can only be partially eliminated, but thanks to modern techniques and such stretch marks can be made almost invisible.

Treatment of stretch marks is always a complex and lengthy process. To eliminate them, they can be used various techniques and their combinations:

  • chemical peeling - performed using acids that burn the altered epidermis and create favorable conditions for the production of natural collagen;
  • laser peeling - performed using laser beams that “burn out” the changed tissues and stimulate the growth of new healthy cells;
  • mesotherapy - is performed by introducing special preparations (enzymes, stimulators of collagen production, vitamins, microelements, etc.) into the changed areas of the skin, which have a beneficial effect on the process of skin renewal and bring its structure closer to the structure of healthy skin;
  • microdermabrasion - performed using special equipment that provides mechanical resurfacing of the skin and the growth of new healthy tissue;
  • LPG massage - performed using a special device that performs vacuum massage skin, stimulating the production of natural elastin and collagen, ensuring normalization of metabolism and blood circulation in the massaged area;
  • RF lifting – is performed using a special device that exerts a radio frequency electromagnetic effect on the skin and heats its deep layers to 40-42°C, this procedure helps to activate regenerative processes in the affected areas of the skin;
  • therapeutic wraps - performed by applying active substances (for example, spirulina algae) to the skin, which activate collagen production and increase skin tone; can be used to treat “fresh” and slightly pronounced stretch marks.

Sometimes, to eliminate severe striae that are difficult to treat with minimally invasive treatment, radical plastic surgery. For example, if there is excess skin and stretch marks on the abdominal wall, abdominoplasty is recommended. During this operation, excess skin is removed along with stretch marks.

It should be noted that most experts resort to radical removal striae only in extreme cases. This is explained by the fact that any surgical operation always involves significant risks: purulent complications, blood loss, scar formation, etc.

The use of widely advertised cosmetics (creams, ointments, gels, masks, etc.) to eliminate stretch marks is in most cases ineffective. Such local remedies cannot eliminate scar tissue in the deep layers of the skin and only sometimes contribute to a more rapid “maturation” of scar changes and some discoloration of stretch marks. That is why most cosmetologists recommend using them not to get rid of stretch marks, but to prevent them.

Folk recipes for striae

In some cases, with mild stretch marks, you can use various folk recipes. They can help make these cosmetic defects less noticeable.

Cream with mumiyo

Dissolve one gram of mumiyo in a slightly warm teaspoon boiled water and mix the resulting solution with a tablespoon baby cream. Apply the product to the area of ​​stretch marks twice a day.

The same cream can also be used to prevent stretch marks.

Olive oil with aloe and vitamins

  • ½ cup olive oil;
  • ½ glass of aloe juice;
  • 10 drops of vitamin E;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A.

Store the resulting product in the refrigerator. Warm up before applying. Apply with massaging movements.

This product is best used immediately after peeling or scrub.

Massage oil based on fatty and essential oils

Mix 20 ml each of wheat germ, almond and jojoba oils. Add to basic fixed oils petitgrain or neroli essential oil (3-4 drops). Apply the resulting mixture to the skin and massage areas with stretch marks.

This massage oil can also be used to prevent stretch marks.

Peels for stretch marks

The following compositions can be used as peelings for stretch marks:

  • 150 ml of natural yoghurt, zest of one lemon and a tablespoon of almond oil: apply to the area of ​​stretch marks for 20 minutes, massage the skin before rinsing, apply 2 times a week;
  • a tablespoon of wheat germ oil, gruel from 1 avocado, 2 tablespoons each oatmeal and blue clay: apply to the area of ​​stretch marks for 20 minutes, massage the skin before washing off, apply 2 times a week;
  • 200 ml red palm oil, a glass of salt, a glass of sugar: apply to the skin and massage for 10-15 minutes, use daily.

After carrying out the above procedures, you need to apply a special milk for stretch marks to the skin. It can be prepared this way: 150 ml of regular cosmetic milk mix with 10 ml of petitgrain or rosemary essential oil. This product must be shaken before application.


To prevent stretch marks, you must follow these rules.
