What style of clothes to choose for a girl. How to find your individual style? Competent selection of clothes - smart wardrobe

The ability to choose ideal things for oneself is not given to everyone from birth. Of course, you can turn to a stylist who will help you in this really difficult matter. But then you deprive yourself of the pleasure of expressing your own creativity in your appearance. And, besides, the services of such specialists are not so cheap. Fortunately, develop a taste and ability to create your own unique style any woman can, the main thing is to constantly try something new in order to choose the best for yourself.

But it's easy to say, but much more difficult to do. How to create Casual style clothes to decorate you and emphasize your individuality? The easiest option is to copy the style you like of some other woman, for example, a movie actress. But it is at the same time worst way. After all, the appearance should depend not only on the features of appearance, but also on character, be a kind of reflection of the inner world. Thus, imitating someone, you run the risk of wearing something that not only does not show your personality, but, on the contrary, hides it.

A lot really depends on the character. Think how comically a timid, sophisticated, romantic young lady will look in things aggressively. sexy style. Or, on the contrary, bold, cynical woman with masculine traits - in lace and frills.

In addition, what style to choose is strongly influenced by the profession and lifestyle. If you are a business woman, then you are unlikely to Everyday life things will look appropriate sports style. Just like on a fitness trainer - business suits.

But first, let's figure out what you need to build on in terms of appearance.

How to choose your style of clothing according to your figure

Of course, every woman is unique. But, fortunately, there are only a few types of figures, based on which you can select clothing styles. This greatly simplifies the task.

In ladies with a physique called " hourglass”, the volume of the hips is equal to the volume of the chest (or these parameters differ from each other very slightly), and the seductive narrow waist complements all this splendor (remember the classic “90-60-90). This is a very feminine, rounded figure, which suits things that emphasize the waist. Ladies with such a physique are advised to wear clothes with a belt, starting with dresses and ending with coats. Things should repeat and emphasize all the curves of your body. Women with this body type are suitable for:

  • flared and bouffant skirts different lengths(depending on the slimness of the legs), as well as a pencil skirt
  • trousers with a "regular", not low, waist
  • dresses and blouses with neckline, wrap
  • fitted top
  • jackets and jackets that reach the hip line
  • high waisted skirts

Women with an apple-shaped figure really resemble a round, bulk apple. The volume of the hips is equal to the volume of the shoulders, there is no pronounced waist line. The body is large. Suitable for such ladies:

  • things with vertical trim (seams, stripes), visually lengthening, stretching the body
  • asymmetrical tunics, dresses
  • straight cut clothes
  • corsets
  • high waisted dresses

You should refrain from:

  • clothes with pleats
  • tight things
  • ruffles and flounces
  • lightweight materials
  • flared long skirts

What the type of “pear” figure looks like can be guessed by the name - a wide bottom ( big hips) and a narrow top (small chest, narrow shoulders). Clothing should mask imperfections (full legs, wide hips, small bust) and emphasize dignity (beautiful waist). Thus, perfect option- Flared bottom and fitted top. Women with this type of figure are suitable:

  • narrow straps at the waist
  • fitted things
  • push-up bras
  • upper with shoulder pads
  • light ("flying") tissues
  • mid-thigh flared trousers
  • A-line or straight skirts
  • waist length jackets


  • hip-length jackets
  • tapering trousers

The “rectangle” body type can most often be seen on the catwalks - this physique is considered “model”. Chest, waist and hips differ from each other in volume quite slightly. And although representatives of this type of figure cannot boast of a magnificent bust, most styles of clothing suit them, so the choice is quite simple. The main thing is to emphasize the waist and chest. You should only avoid round necklines, cuffs and fabrics with blurry patterns (clear geometric patterns are ideal).

How to choose the right style of clothing

How to choose the right style of clothing based on the color type? There are probably very few women who would never have heard anything about color types of appearance. There are only four of them, as well as types of figures: winter, spring, summer and autumn. The choice of shades of clothes depends on what type you are. Some will suit you perfectly, others, on the contrary, will negatively affect your appearance. Spring and autumn - warm color types summer and winter are cold.

Women of the spring type have a thin, as if transparent, fair skin warm yellowish shades (golden, Ivory) with a pleasant blush and freckles. Hair is usually blond yellowish tint, but can also be chestnut, with a golden tint. The eyes are transparent, light - blue, gray, golden brown, greenish. Warm “sunny” colors are suitable for ladies of this type: all kinds of shades of green, coffee, peach, light coral, turquoise, cream, golden. But it is better to refuse bright white, silver, black and other cold colors. Representatives of the spring type are Kate Hudson, Charlize Theron, Scarlett Johansson, Keira Knightley.

Among women summer type the skin is cold, pinkish or bluish: milky white, may be with an olive tint. Hair color, like that of "spring" ladies, varies from very light to chestnut. But the shade will always be cold, ashy or light brown. Summer is of a contrasting or non-contrasting type. At the first - dark hair and eyebrows, the second - light. The eyes can be gray-blue, greenish, gray, hazel. Protein is usually not bright. The summer type is suitable for cold pastel shades: blue, grayish, lilac, various shades blue, pink. Wine, cherry and raspberry colors will also look advantageous. Warm ones don't fit bright colors: orange, yellow, piercing green. The summer type includes such celebrities as Kirsten Dunst, Natalia Vodianova, Cameron Diaz.

The appearance of autumn girls is rightfully considered the most "romantic". Their skin can be both pale and golden, but always with a yellow undertone. Virtually everyone autumn women have freckles. As a rule, it is incredibly difficult for such ladies to tan, they burn very quickly in the sun. Eyes can be brown, gray, blue, green. Hair - chestnut, red or even blond, but always with a golden tint. These women are very warm, clean, rich colors. Remember autumn - what shades then prevail in nature? Red, yellow, brown, golden, dark purple ... Black, bright white, cold blue, muted pink and blue should be abandoned. Celebrities of the autumn type - Cynthia Nixon, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts.

Women of the winter type have a bright, spectacular appearance. The skin has a bluish undertone, it can be either pale or swarthy. There are freckles, but always with gray tint. Blush is rare. Hair is usually dark - chestnut, black (although platinum white is also found), but always with an ashy undertone. Bright iris, rich color(blue, brown, black or blue-green), contrasts with protein. Winters, like women of the summer type, can also be contrasting and non-contrasting. In the first case, the skin is pale, the hair is dark, in the second, the skin is olive in color. Women of this type are pure saturated cold colors: silver, steel, cold shades of blue, raspberry, cherry, burgundy, dark chocolate. And this is the only color type on which bright white and black look incredibly advantageous. Avoid orange, red-brown, pale yellow flowers. winter women- Dita Von Teese, Monica Bellucci, Liv Tyler.

How to determine your color type? Hide your hair under a white towel (scarf) and bring fabrics or sheets of paper in cold and warm shades to your face. You will quickly understand which ones suit you and which spoil you. "Try on" the tones of different color types to understand which one you belong to.

How to choose your style?

The eternal question - should you follow fashion in search of your style? The answer is simple enough. Of course, you need to follow the latest fashion in order to be in the know and look modern, of course. But this does not mean that you should immediately put on things that are at the height of fashion. After all, trends are different and, what to hide, sometimes ridiculous. In addition, even beautiful things are not for everyone - it is very individual. Therefore, a few smart novelties, provided that they suit you, will not interfere with your wardrobe. But at the same time, it is necessary, first of all, to focus on your type of figure, appearance, character and other criteria that you consider important when choosing outfits. In the end, remember the words of one great woman, which no one could ever blame for the lack of style and taste, unforgettable Coco Chanel: “What I wear is fashionable!”

Try to get to know different styles clothes and try on different looks. And in the end, you will definitely compose your own unique style!

These are just a few of the most common styles highlighted in modern fashion. You can determine which one suits you best based on your age, your habits, position in society, work. Every woman is unique and unique. This emphasizes not only the wardrobe, but also the colors that are present in it. It's no secret that there are colors that are suitable and not suitable for a certain type of appearance.

Some make a woman pale, she seems sick and tired, others, on the contrary, emphasize her freshness, she looks younger and more attractive.

In order to better navigate this issue, you should be aware of the existence of the so-called theory of the seasons, i.e. color types of appearance.

All people are divided into four color type: winter spring Summer Autumn.

There are three primary colors - blue, red and yellow. The theory of the seasons is based on the color of hair, eyes and skin. Based on this, it is possible to determine which color scheme suits a person.

Experts say that any color suits each of us, however, not the main ones, but their shades, among which you can choose the most harmoniously combined with a certain type of appearance. Red and yellow colors are referred to as "warm", blue - to "cold". So, for the types "spring" and "autumn" "warm" colors are more characteristic, and for the types "summer" and "winter" - "cold".

In order to determine your color type, first of all, set whether your skin color belongs to cold, i.e. bluish-pink, or warm, reddish-yellow. Next, see if bright or “weak” colors suit you better.

You can do a simple test. Pick up two handkerchiefs in yellow-pink and bluish-pink and apply them to your face and hands in daylight. If the skin near yellow-pink acquires a golden hue and looks healthy and fresh, and near bluish-pink, on the contrary, is pale and painful, then this is a spring or autumn type. If a person belongs to the summer or winter type, then yellowish pink will make the skin grayish, circles under the eyes will be visible, and bluish pink will emphasize its freshness. The test will determine whether skin color is combined with warm or cold colors. Here are a few criteria that allow you to identify the color type of appearance.

Characteristics of women of the "summer" color type

The summer color type is the most common color type in Russia. It includes women with light, pinkish or olive skin. The hair is blond, with shades such as light and dark blond, light and dark ash. The eyes are blue, hazel, green-blue, gray-blue, gray-green.

✓ Such women are primarily suited for gray-violet and pink colors, as well as such blue shades, How sea ​​wave, aquamarine, sky blue.

✓ Revitalize complexion and lilac range, ranging from lilac to bright plum. Crimson, pearl gray will do.

✓ White, green, gold, black, beige, orange colors are undesirable.

✓ The main colors of the wardrobe should be pale pink, blue, lilac, gray and shades of silver.

✓ Suitable for almost any style of clothing, both romantic and classic. The following fabrics should be chosen: silk, fine linen, chiffon, fine suede, cambric, denim, thin skin. It is desirable that the fabric be light, translucent, with a small pattern or floral pattern.

✓ Jewelry made of silver, pink coral, ivory and rose gold, as well as brushed metal jewelry will do. Glass jewelry will look good.

✓ Leisure clothing is suitable for denim.

✓ For business clothes choose elegant classic suits gray, brown and greenish shades.

✓ From accessories, opt for scarves or ties with a small pattern.

Characteristics of women of the color type "autumn"

The autumn color type includes red-haired women with a yellowish, peach or apricot skin tone, with light or pronounced freckles. Eyes: hazel, turquoise, bluish green, gray blue color.

✓ Women of this type are suitable colors such as mustard, brown, brick, beige, orange, gold, apricot, khaki.

✓ White, blue, grey, silver, black and blue colors should be avoided.

✓ For women of the “autumn” color type, styles such as sports, safari are very suitable. Fabrics for clothes should be chosen from the following: matte skin, drape, suede, tweed, corduroy, cloth, velor. It is better to give preference to multi-layered clothing of luxurious juicy flowers with folklore or abstract patterns.

✓ Jewelry made of brass, and copper, wood, yellow matte gold will do.

✓ When choosing business clothes, it is better to stop at dark brown and dark green tones.

✓Very good juicy colors, layering in clothes, the use of dense fabrics.

Characteristics of women of the "winter" color type

The color type "winter" is very common in the countries of the East. This is the most striking type of appearance. It includes women with dark hair of any shades, from blue-black to softer tones. The skin is usually dark with a milky grayish tint, olive or white. Eye color in women of this type is also more often dark, although any, except for very light ones, can occur.

✓ Such women can safely choose cool colors for clothes, for example, turquoise, silver-blue, blue-violet, any shades of pink (cherry, burgundy, ruby), the color of coffee, lemon.

✓ This is the only type of appearance that suits white and black without reservation. And here warm shades, for example, gold, warm green, orange, brown, it is better to bypass.

✓ Women of the "winter" color type look perfect in clothes classical style, with strict cover. Fabrics for clothes - thin jersey, leather, satin, as well as smooth shiny. You can recommend a contrasting cage, stripes, abstract geometric patterns.

✓ You should opt for jewelry, from platinum, rock crystal, silver, white coral, ivory with diamonds, pearls of cold colors, emeralds. For evening wear, it is best to use a combination of red and black.

✓ When choosing business attire, it is better to opt for an elegant black suit with which to wear white blouse intricate or simple cut.

Characteristics of women of the "spring" color type

The spring color type is the lightest color type. It includes blondes and light brown-haired women. Hair color - golden ash, light blond or light brown, but definitely golden hue. Eyes - different colors but not dark. Representatives of this color type, as a rule, have light pink or peach skin.

✓ Colors of women of the “spring” color type: young greens, blue turquoise, yellow-green, golden brown, yellow-beige, emerald, orange, coral, poppy color, cornflower blue, peach, yellowish pearl.

✓ You should be careful when choosing clothes in black, dazzling white and dark colors.

✓ The most optimal style is sporty. You can also recommend romantic, but do not get carried away with accessories. It is better to choose clothes from materials such as viscose, suede, linen, fine knitwear, velvet.

✓ It is desirable that the fabric be plain, or choose a traditional pattern in the form narrow strip, peas, small cells, small applications are possible.

✓ Spring type does not suit dark strict colors, so when choosing business clothes, you should opt for beige shades. Clothing should be of a simple style without unnecessary decoration, it is better to abandon layering, as well as a large number accessories. Let it be, for example, only neckerchief. The simpler the styles, the more carefully selected fabrics and the more light in clothes, the more harmonious the woman of the “spring” color type will look.

All shades belonging to a particular color type can be combined with each other. But then it turns out that the wardrobe of women of winter and summer color types should consist mainly of blue and green tones, and spring and autumn color types - of yellow and red. This is not entirely true. For example, you can choose a shade of blue that is perfect for a woman's wardrobe of autumn and spring color types. IN this case it should contain an admixture of a reddish, i.e., warm shade. And, accordingly, on the contrary, women of winter and spring color types can wear cold shades of red.

When determining your color type, it is worth remembering that there are no mixed color types. Just in some cases there is a more or less pronounced color contrast between the skin, eyes and hair. Each color type has both lighter and more dark options. Therefore, we can say that women summer color type with darker, intense hair and skin color can afford to wear delicate shades winter color type, and women of the winter color type can wear clothes in lively summer tones. Women of the spring color type may prefer light colors autumn palette, and light-skinned women of the autumn color type - muted autumn tones.

When determining the color type, you may encounter another problem. What if colors of the opposite color type dominate in fashion this season? fashion magazines do not give specific recommendations on this issue, so women choose their own color palette on one's own. To do this, first of all, they use cosmetics and hair dye. For example, some women with the "spring" color type are suitable for the colors of summer. Therefore, use cold-toned powder on golden areas of the skin, do makeup in summer tones and boldly wear clothes of your favorite color. However, it is worth remembering here that such changes should be made in the direction of lightening, and not darkening the color type. A woman with the “summer” color type cannot become “winter”, and a woman with the “spring” color type cannot become “autumn”.

warm and family winter day you, dear readers!

In the last article, I told you about the dominant modern world. You read it, of course, very carefully and asked yourself the question “How to choose a style of clothing for your beloved?”, And many added - “and for all your close and dear people.”

Recently reviewed "Ural dumplings". In one of the stories, a man asks his wife why all the members of their family went to visit in what they did not want to go. The wife who decided for everyone replied: "Because we are a family." So let's stick to this "golden" rule - only a woman knows the real secret of successful clothes!

Do you understand that choosing a style for yourself is not so easy? After all, with the help of it, not only individuality is emphasized, but also the world around is told about moods and desires.

From this article you will learn:

What temptation lies in wait for young ladies?

It is difficult for a young girl to resist the desire to look like an adult lady, and adult woman it's easy to acquire the unflattering status of a young old woman. Quite often it turns out that due to the wrong choice of style, a wrong opinion is formed about a person. To prevent this from happening, I suggest taking a short test by answering Yes / No questions. The key to it will be under the main text of the article.

  1. You like to look sexy and therefore like to wear lace, dresses with a low neckline, shoes with high heels.
  2. You want to produce the image of a mysterious stranger to be admired and admired.
  3. You have a penchant for exploring other countries and continents.
  4. You like things that look like they just got out of your grandmother's chest.
  5. Do you consider yourself strong confident woman where you can find many male traits character.
  6. You have always liked men marching in the parade, periodically wear clothes that resemble military uniforms.
  7. You like to look like a teenager or like a teen idol.
  8. You spend a lot of time at work, often go on business trips.
  9. You like to draw attention to yourself in all ways, sometimes your actions are called defiant.
  10. Most of all, you value comfort and fabrics that are pleasant to the touch, lead healthy lifestyle life.

Answered? Then let's think about our figures.

Women with an average figure need to know

Decryption: an average figure is one in which the shoulders, chest and hips are not pronounced. Here it is important to learn how to artificially create accents on certain parts of the body in order to divert attention from the lack of smooth lines of the body.

First, you need to decide whether you are ready for experiments in the near future or are you going to choose the style "once and for all", because there is nothing worse than spontaneously purchasing unnecessary things for your wardrobe.

Secondly, to deal with definitions, that is, with terminology.

fit should become one of key points which you should pay attention to. It may depend on the time of year and the prevailing fashion trends.

cutout it can be V-shaped, rounded, square, in the form of a heart and a boat, royal, falling, Greek, bateau and halter. It is important to determine the most successful for your figure and not be afraid to repeat it in clothes.

Skirt length, dress - There is a widespread opinion that ideal length- to the middle of the calf or to the knee, this is not true! The length must be chosen by yourself. Below the middle of the ankle is far from suitable for everyone, usually dresses or skirts are longer in the evening. If you want to wear knee-length clothes, then you should know: the legs visually become shorter and thicker. The universal length is considered just above or below the knee.

Color - most often when describing clothes you can find such words: basic colors, pastel colors, warm or cold shades. lucky color when choosing a style, it will turn out to be the one that suits your psychotype.

Drawing - can help hide imperfections, for example, a voluminous print will hide small breasts, or it can distort the image - if it is too bright or gaudy. It must be remembered that the popular colors of leopard and zebra are far from suitable for everyone.

Shoe style and heel - is selected depending on the time of year and physical activity. Most often in stores you can find shoes with Viennese, typesetting, cowboy and wedge-shaped heels, stilettos or wedges. However, in Lately heel-brick, cone and glass become fashionable.

Accents are vertical - will help visually increase growth, lengthen the necessary part of the body: earrings, beads, necklaces, scarves, arrows on trousers.

Accents horizontal - are able to reduce and lengthen the space: a belt, stoles, the direction of knitting on a sweater, brooches.

If you have average figure, then be afraid to combine various forms and the views are not worth it. Just go to the mirror and honestly answer for yourself: what parts of your body would you like people to look at? Focus on these.

Styles for full ...

sorry, gorgeous women! This is an interesting and time-consuming task, because, unlike a typical figure, on which everything can look good, it is important for us to take into account its features, which we will talk about first of all.

How would you describe your body type?

  • Sloping shoulders, small chest and large hips (A-figure or pear)
  • Large bust and hips, no waist (I-shape or rectangle)
  • Large bust and hips, no waist (X-figure or hourglass)
  • Large chest and narrow hips (V-shape or inverted triangle)
  • Thin ankle/full legs
  • Fat/thin arms
  • Short/long neck

Now that we have figured out the type of figure, we can move on to recommendations for choosing clothes.

An A-figure should not focus on the buttocks and the “breeches” area. To make the figure visually harmonious, you should choose things for the upper part with horizontal lines, for the bottom - with vertical ones. The emphasis should be on the shoulders, which can be increased by shoulder pads, collars, puffed sleeves. Don't forget the V-neckline.

Your choice: glam rock, aviator, grunge, disco, casual, dudes, ballet, vamp, casual, oversized

Try to choose a color solution in this way: hide large parts of the body under dark colors, and light colors- where you think it is worth increasing the volume. If you choose a dark top, having small chest, That bright place hands may protrude.

The I-figure type is quite common. I'll tell you a secret, the vast majority of dresses are now sewn on it. You definitely need to learn how to work with accents - beads, brooches and bows, scarves, belts descending from the hips - to create the appearance of expansion, "bulkyness", if you want the upper and lower points of the silhouette.

Your choice: conservative, military, Asian, art deco, avant-garde, garcon, retro, unisex.

If you are the owner of the X-figure, then you are incomparably lucky! You are already sexual by nature and you need to try very hard to visually make the figure unattractive. For example, choose a tight dress with vertical stripes that turn into curved straight lines. But there is also a minus - you are destined to always sew things to order, since it is important for you to emphasize the waist.

Your choice: glamour, lingerie, new look, slinky, marine, sailor, elegant

The V-figure needs to expand towards the bottom, so the option of flared trousers and voluminous skirts is appropriate here. See that the cutouts in the clothes are large oval, and the handbag is worn below the waist line - for example, in the hand.

Your choice: avant-garde, animalism, country, casual, hippie, safari

When choosing the length of the skirt or the width of the trousers, the circumference of the leg plays a role. If your ankle is thin, then it makes sense to choose a knee-length skirt to open it up, and choose tight-fitting or tapering trousers to the bottom. At full leg fit flared, pipes, long skirts.

If you have full hands, it is better to hide them under flat drawings and subtle matters. Perhaps your option is white or light colors turtleneck. Skinny arms? It will be right to hide them in draperies or voluminous forms.

The length of the neck means a lot when choosing a style. A short one will require a descending neckline or a scarf, and everything will do for a long one - from a stand-up collar to full exposure.

Choose a new style or change the image?

If up to this day you thought that the style of clothing and image are one and the same, then I will upset you. Clothing style is just one component of your image. Changing your hairstyle, buying new shoes, the whole process of dressing up will not be able to transform the inner world that defines your personality.

In order to understand all the subtleties, I suggest watching the video of the image maker Irina Delfey. By the way, she is for it. To in women's wardrobe there were different things style directions- it will help to reveal hidden potentials.

So, now you are practically professionals in choosing a style, with which I congratulate you! I would be glad to read the comments on the article - did it help you understand your preferences or discover something new. See you soon!

Key to the test

Listed below are the styles that may suit you if you choose Yes.

  1. Linen, vamp, transparent, slinky.
  2. Bohemian, romantic, tuxedo, new look, art deco.
  3. Ethno, country, rustic, folklore, western, safari.
  4. Vintage, cancan, retro, gypsy.
  5. Garcon, marine, sailor, Edwardian, unisex.
  6. Guards, Cossack, camouflage, military.
  7. Girly, casual, currezh, op-art, leaked, preppy.
  8. Business, classic, purist, elegant.
  9. Daring, trash, color blocking, extravagant, eclectic, grunge.
  10. Sports, denim, oversized, casual, eco.

Would you like to know which clothing brands match these styles? Write to me about it!

A stylish image is made up of many details. Not only clothes and make-up play an important role in creating your individual style, but also accessories, manner of communication, plasticity, fragrance, condition of skin and nails, environment. The easiest way to start creating your image is with clothes that reflect individuality, character traits, and lifestyle. In the article we will tell you how to find your style in clothes, which will emphasize the merits and hide the flaws.

Secrets of creating a stylish image

“When you are well dressed, others notice you, when you are badly dressed, your clothes”

- Coco Chanel.

The ability to dress stylishly does not appear from birth, it is developed over the years with great desire, study, observations and experiments. It is always nice to look beautiful and attractive. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on expensive clothes and cosmetics. It is important to know the tricks for choosing a stylish wardrobe.

When creating your image and choosing clothes, consider stylist advice:

  • Emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws: this applies to both clothing and makeup;
  • Dress appropriately for the event and setting.
  • The chosen image should be comfortable, not creating a feeling of inconvenience;
  • Wardrobe items should be combined with each other. Buying new thing, come up with several images with clothes already in the closet;
  • When choosing accessories and clothes, you need to take into account the image as a whole, and whether this thing harmonize with the rest of the details of the appearance;
  • Fashion trends should be used in your wardrobe in the context of your style, figure, color type and age.

How to choose clothes

Style is a reflection of a person's personality, features and lifestyle. When creating your image when choosing clothes, you need to consider:

  • External data: appearance color type, figure;
  • Age;
  • Your feelings, comfort;
  • Compliance with the situation;
  • Fashion trends.

Choosing clothes according to the color type of appearance

To look stylish and harmonious, you need to know which colors suit your type of appearance, and which ones make it pale and emphasize imperfections.

Black and white colors are for everyone, but don't limit yourself to just them. Bright saturated or pastel colors cheer up, emphasize individuality.

There is a division of appearance types into 4 groups: winter, spring, summer and autumn. The classification is based on the warmth of hair and skin color. You can choose the colors of clothes and cosmetics, based on suitable type on the picture:

You can also choose shades of color based on whether they are cool or warm colors dominate in appearance. Warm shades of clothing and makeup are suitable for a color type with a predominance of warm tones. Owners of a cold type of appearance will suit colors with cold tones.

Another option to determine whether the color is coming or not is to apply it to the face. If the color suits, it will refresh the face. If the shade is not suitable, then the face will look dull, inexpressive, there will be a desire to do makeup, tint something. Having trained in this way, you can determine for yourself the colors that go, and it will become easier to choose clothes.

Choosing clothes according to the type of figure

Not every item you like will fit. When choosing a wardrobe, it is important to take into account your characteristics: height, physique, body type.

There are five types of female figures:

  • Hourglass - have ideal proportions, shoulders and hips are equal in width, the waist is narrow (about 20-30 cm narrower than the hips and chest).
  • Rectangle (banana) - a type of figure in which the chest and hips are approximately equal in volume, the waist is not very pronounced.
  • Pear (spoon) - differs in a more pronounced bottom and less voluminous top figure, the waist is well defined.
  • Apple - characterized by rounded shoulders, voluminous hips, chest, waist and slender legs.
  • An inverted triangle is a shape in which rib cage much wider than the hips.

You need to choose clothes in such a way as to balance the proportions of the figure, make it more harmonious and feminine.

  • "Hourglass" can wear any clothes that do not change the proportionality of the top and bottom. Clothing should not be baggy and hide the dignity of the figure. You should choose outfits that emphasize the waist and avoid straight cuts and dense fabrics that will add weight;
  • "Rectangle" (banana)- a figure in which you need to create rounded shapes with clothes and emphasize the waist. You should choose models with belts, fitted. Pleated skirts, a tulip skirt, which give volume to the hips, are suitable for the bottom. Pants and jeans should be straight or skinny, decorative inserts on pockets are welcome. Must be avoided elongated shirts, sweaters, as well as flowing fabrics.
  • "Pear". To make such a figure look more harmonious, you need to focus on the top: wear voluminous accessories, V-neck, shoulder pads, high-waisted dresses. The hips should be hidden: for the bottom, use more dark colors compared to the top, straight cut. Unsuitable tight pants, tight-fitting top and accessories, large pattern at the bottom of the outfit.;
  • "Inverted Triangle" must be covered with clothes broad shoulders and focus on the hips. To do this, choose fluffy skirts, extended styles of trousers. Ruffles, bows, drapery on the bottom of the wardrobe will also improve the proportions of the image. "T" shape unsuitable tight-fitting monophonic things, round neckline and oversized collars.
  • "Apple" (circle). Here it is necessary to emphasize the advantages - lush breasts And slender legs and visually reduce the waist and abdomen. "Apple" needs to choose clothes with a V-neck, semi-fitted silhouette, with a high waistline. skinny pants, high heels slender legs are emphasized. The figure in the form of "O" fit dresses that will visually stretch the silhouette. Should not be worn too loose or too tight styles, short dresses and skirts, things with bright and large prints.

How to find your style in clothes by age

When creating an image, be sure to consider your age. So, clothes for twenty-year-olds will look inappropriate on a woman over 30-40 years old and vice versa. IN young age admissible short shorts, miniskirts and short dresses. After 30 years, such clothes often look defiant, even if the figure has no flaws. At this age, you need to be more attentive to details, choose more expensive basic things, pay more attention to how to find your style in clothes, if you don’t already have one.

After 40 years, also do not forget about femininity, follow fashion trends and not limited to the classics.

How to find your style according to lifestyle and status

picking up stylish wardrobe you need to determine how long this or that activity takes and what image will be suitable for each type of activity.

So, a mother on maternity leave spends most of her time at home with her child and on walks. For this period of her life, she needs to have a good warm comfortable clothes for walks and high-quality beautiful home clothes. Exit outfits should also be, but not necessarily in large numbers.

Girls working in the office should focus on the wardrobe for work, as this is where she spends most of her time. It is important to consider the dress code here.

A well-chosen image gives a feeling of comfort, harmony and self-confidence. To find your own style in clothes, you need not be afraid to experiment, try on your favorite outfits and do not forget about the features of your appearance.

Watch the video to see what's different stylish woman and how to find your style in clothes:

How to change your image beyond recognition and become delightfully attractive?

Luxurious woman without a doubt is beautiful woman. But not every woman with beauty can become luxurious. What is hidden in such a deep concept as a luxurious woman?

What a gorgeous woman she is.

A luxurious woman always knows what she wants from life and creates her own reality, realizing all the responsibility for her happy fate.

In most cases, they are not born. They become luxurious thanks to everyday work and work on their perfection.

She owns not only her emotions, but also her filled inner world. She understands that her female essence- this is harmony with one's own "I" and the outside world.

Image of a luxurious woman

  • This woman is always elegantly dressed and very much in demand. She is not tired of thinking about what to wear to look chic. She always takes care of herself, without infringing on herself in other areas of development.
  • Realizing that the body is the temple of her soul, she eats right and does not allow herself anything that will harm her health. After all, a luxurious woman is, first of all, a healthy woman.
  • In her, her royal status is always visible. Her gait is soft and confident, beckons with its grace and always makes you turn around.
  • The look is very deep and penetrating into the very soul. She really can evaluate her interlocutor in a few seconds. She always looks into the eyes and does not lose her opponent's gaze, reading his mood.

  • Her smile is slightly mysterious and is almost always present on her face. Even in a very difficult situation, she tries to maintain this quality, not allowing negative feelings spill at the wrong time.
  • All her gestures are fluid and her hands are always slightly forward. IN early times royalty, in order to give femininity to the hands and teach the girl to hold her hands correctly, she was put on large rings, which were slightly large in size. This kept her from unnecessary waving of her hands and she learned to control her gestures.
  • Her aroma is always selected according to her status and is always distinguished by sophistication and uniqueness. She always leaves behind a trail happy memories About Me.

Rules of a luxurious woman

At luxury woman her vision of life and her postulates, which do not depend on the opinions of the people around her. After all, for this she is confident enough in herself and inimitable.

  • Healthy food and moderate exercise is one of the most important things on her list of keeping her youth and vitality. She is interested in calorie content and clean foods and monitors her diet.
  • She is self-sufficient and next to her will always be only the same successful and strong man. Spend your energy on weak men she just can't afford it.

  • She is very literate and educated and will be able to support any conversation or topic. To do this, she puts enough effort to keep abreast of new trends and communicate with versatile people.
  • She studies all the wisdom of women, trying to discover new sources of femininity in herself, and drawing energy from those things that bring her pleasure.

Secrets of luxurious women: makeup, jewelry

  • The make-up of a chic woman is always distinguished by moderation and competent application. With all this, she owns these techniques herself, without resorting to the help of stylists and makeup artists.

  • She always knows a few secret recipes for home remedies to take care of herself and maintain her health. Although many people think that her impeccable appearance is the result of long trips to beauty salons.
  • She knows how to correctly select not only jewelry, but also quality jewelry. After all, the ability to complement the image the right accessory also great art.

luxury woman clothing style

The clothing style of a luxurious woman always corresponds to her mood and the atmosphere where she should appear in all her glory.

  • If this a business meeting, she will be dressed in tact in a businesslike way, but at the same time very sexy.
  • If this gala evening, she will be the center of attention, thanks to the perfect fit for her evening dress. Everything will be thought out to the smallest detail - from the color of the shoes to the number of rings on the fingers.
  • And even on a walk or in a sports setting, she can be delightful, thanks to quality things, in a unique way emphasizing her figure.

How to become a luxurious and chic woman? How to change your life, where to start?

  • Only through daily efforts and work on your image, on your thoughts and actions, you can become a gorgeous woman. You need to learn to feel the inner core, which will help you keep your posture and show your body.
  • Learn to restrain emotions and never get involved in an argument in a harsh tone. This is the lot of the simpletons. She understands that her precious health and nerves are much more important unpleasant situation and can adequately bypass it.
  • Always watch your diet - juices, fruits, live food and as little meat as possible allow her to always be in shape and in the spotlight. And of course, regular physical activity for body tone.

Attractive woman for a man

A man looks at a woman with different eyes and his vision is very different from that of a woman. What is important to us is not a priority for a man.

For example, we try to grow nails, hair, eyelashes and sometimes breasts, comforting ourselves with the hope that now all men will be subdued.

But a gorgeous woman always has natural beauty and tries to avoid the artificial in his appearance. This is very felt and appreciated by men.

Sexually attractive women: image

  • Sexuality in our time has acquired a too frank character of licentiousness.
  • For men, sexuality is not in a naked body, but in shining eyes, in an erotic gait from the hip, in fullness. feminine energy and of course in a sweet and languid female voice.
  • All these qualities can be instilled in yourself if you study the right methods every day. And let's leave frank and naked promiscuity to simpletons.

How to improve your wardrobe and change your life?

  • For a qualitative change in life, you need to reconsider your wardrobe. Throw out all the things that do not suit you or just lay for a year without use. They only clog the energy space.
  • And now, in order to buy a new skirt or dress, you need to find out the type of your figure, study yours and learn how to make a basic and fashionable wardrobe.
  • All things must be of excellent quality. No more cheap things. Let there be one dress a month, but the best. Some shoes, but only made of leather. One bag, but from a good brand.
  • To study your style and preferences is to know yourself all your life. We are changing and our clothes will change with us. But the quality of it and the quality of our life will only improve.

The main thing for creating the image of a luxurious woman is to change the way of thinking

The most important thing in luxury and gorgeous woman This is her way of thinking. She loves herself first of all. And this is not arrogant love with pride.

  • This is the love of the true "I" with the acceptance of all qualities in itself.
  • This is the ability to sympathize and help.
  • It is the ability to organize your thoughts and not let them guide you.
  • Our thoughts build our future.

And every time, approaching the mirror, do not forget to tell yourself how beautiful you are, what kind of queen you are, that you love yourself any and in any guises.

Luxurious Russian women: photo

Luxurious oriental woman: photo

Luxurious sexy women: photo

Luxurious mature women: photo

  • She will also appreciate a trip to an interesting and unknown country.
  • Of course, a set of jewelry can also be an excellent gift. The main thing is to find out which stones she prefers.
  • If a woman loves art, you can surprise her by buying a very rare painting or commissioned portrait of her.

  • Having become its owner, she will definitely thank you and you will leave an indelible impression in her heart.
  • A car of a rare model will also please and perhaps even surprise such a woman. Do not forget to leave a bouquet of roses in the salon.
  • Start thinking differently and allowing yourself to be yourself. This is the first stage of accepting your essence on the path of self-love.
  • Read books, study the news to always be aware of everything new and be able to support any conversation.
  • Revisit your wardrobe. If necessary, consult with a stylist and learn how to buy those things that suit you.
  • Get filled with feminine energy. And for this, it is imperative to engage in creativity and those things that delight you.
  • Go in for sports and your health. A flexible body, shining eyes and youth will be provided to you.

You can be born beautiful, you can become chic by working on yourself every day. Be awesome women!

Video: How to create an image of a luxurious woman?
