Youth style: emo hairstyles in detail. What is the difference between the hairstyles of emo guys and girls? Emo haircuts: general trends

Currently, various subcultural trends are diverse and interpenetrating, but most of them are associated with a certain type of music, especially those that have long history and has become a classic for many generations. But in Lately, one of the movements is very different from all subcultural movements and is called emo. It differs not only in the way emos dress, the type musical preferences, type of behavior, but also how they understand the world and themselves. It is largely a "sad" subculture because of the way it perceives the reality around it. The values ​​expressed through music consist of emotional issues, often related to hatred, despair, longing, grief, and hope.

Emotional fashion and emo haircuts

Interesting and controversial representatives of emo fashion. Stunning hairstyles combined with sportswear, accessories and very heavy makeup - all this distinctive features emo style, which has its own variations and modifications.

One of the most important signs characterizing the emo subculture is the way they style their hair. Unisex emo hairstyles are suitable for both girls and guys. Emo hair is usually short, black, or colored mostly dark red. Every day, emos apply tons of gel to their haircut to style it stylish hairstyle, perhaps the most iconic element of the subculture.

Photos of emo haircuts

A characteristic feature of emo haircuts is bangs. She can be the one long part emo hair that goes down over one eye, thus covering almost half of the face. Usually it is straightened with an iron and styled using gel or wax. The hair on the head is combed and fixed by various means for styling.

In cyberspace, every newcomer to the emo subculture can find precise advice how to choose your own style. There are many video tutorials that explain how to style your hair at home, what hair products to use, etc. To get a real emo haircut, you don't even need the help of a hairdresser - just your imagination and a little help from a good friend.

Tips for creating an emo haircut

Here are some tips to help you achieve an emo hairstyle:

1. The shape of your face is the most important criterion when choosing a hairstyle.

2. Find photos on the Internet that most closely match the look you want to achieve in the end result.

3. Trim your hair to the desired length.

4. Emphasize your individuality, your hair should not just be black or dark brown, add unusual shades: blue, purple or hot pink.

5. Add originality to your hair - backcomb it and use styling products. Use your imagination tocomplete the finishing touches.Creating an emo hairstyle is an important part of your own style emo, but don’t forget that the main emo is not style, but soul!

Emo clothes

Another element of the concept that is no less interesting to study is emo clothing. Skinny jeans and T-shirts, on which the name of your favorite band is usually printed, skate sneakers, striped stockings, various accessories, badges, bracelets - these and many other interesting attributes characterize emotional youth. In general, emos don't spend a lot of money on clothes. Emos are not slaves to branded items.

Bracelets, belts, caps, hats - they are all varied and colorful, in contrast to the tormented soul of an emo representative. Rings and piercings are also very common accessories.

Emo is a trend in youth culture based on various emotions. Its expression is lyrical and expressive music, as well as unusual style. He is in last years became quite popular. If you are a passionate follower of this style and decide to go for an emo boy hairstyle, take note of a few recommendations.

You will need

  1. - comb;
  2. - hair dye;
  3. - hair styling products.


  • Prepare your hair for cutting. For any specific hairstyle, the strands must be a certain length. Emo hairstyle for a guy is no exception. If you have short hair, you will have to be patient and wait until they grow to such a length to cover your face completely or, according to at least, will reach the tip of the nose.
  • For an emo haircut, you need the strands to be longer in the front and shorter in the back. While the hair begins to grow to the desired length, it is recommended to constantly comb it in the desired direction, that is, on the forehead, where the oblique bangs will appear in the future.
  • When your hair grows back, get a haircut. However, it is unlikely that anyone without special skills can cut their own hair well. So head to the hairdresser with a couple of photos of emo kids. Be sure to draw his attention to the oblique, “torn” bangs. Try to choose a hairdresser who specializes in youth creative haircuts.
  • Dye your hair best black or dark chestnut new color. Make sure that the dye is permanent so that the shade does not wash off from the strands. You should not dye your hair blue-black; it may turn blue-violet.
  • You can dye some strands orange, red, pink or another bright color, which, in contrast to black, will symbolize an explosion of emotions. If you want to color individual strands in several shades, do not overdo them in order to avoid a “rainbow” effect.
  • Style your emo hair in the morning. Create a side parting so that the front hair covers part of your face. This styling style not only looks impressive, but also suits most face types. In its turn, back lift the strands up in a “hedgehog” fashion or style them in any other way that you like.
  • To better hold your hairstyle, use wax, styling mousse, gel or hairspray. Overall, an emo hairstyle is a kind of canvas for your imagination. Try it various options styling to look stylish and surprise others. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your image, the main thing is that it looks bright and unusual.

Emo is a certain style of clothing that is very popular among modern youth. A must-have addition to this look is a unique hairstyle. She is easily recognized by her black hair, “ragged” haircut and asymmetrical bangs that cover part of her face.


  • If you like an emo hairstyle but aren't an emo kid, go to a professional. The stylist will choose an asymmetrical haircut for you, in which there will be no straight bangs. The hair should be a little shorter at the back.
  • Dye your hair black (or just dark). This will be the main color of the hairstyle. Dye your hair at the same time as highlighting. In this case, the strands can be either bleached or dyed bright colors.
  • After dyeing, do correct styling, always using a hair fixing agent (foam, hairspray). Comb the hair at the back and arrange it so that it sticks out different sides, and fix them with hairspray. You can wear various bright hairpins and bows on the bouffant. Straighten the hair in front, part it on the side and arrange it so that the bangs cover part of the face.
  • Create a crew cut. This hairstyle is the best option in emo style for short hair. Comb your hair up and use hairspray strong fixation secure them by forming something like spikes. The appearance of the “thorns” will depend on the variety of your imagination. Place them either all over your head or just at the back of your head.
  • Consult your hairdresser if you decide to get a mohawk on your head. This style requires a certain length of hair (not too short and not too long). Using the gel, lift your hair up and form a stripe exactly in the middle, similar to a rooster's comb. The hair around the mohawk is usually trimmed or shaved clean.
  • Characteristic for emo style, but not required torn bangs. Make it smooth and thick. Comb the strands forward, trim them so that the bangs fall over your eyes, and if desired, make them longer to the tip of your nose. In emo style, individual strands are allowed (as if the bangs were cut unevenly).

what is emo?

Happy baby

Google it and they'll even show you a video

Julia K.

not suitable for every hair


haircut, uneven (some strands are longer, others shorter) plus oblique bangs.
backcombing using a large count. va styling products

Sergey Yurinov

Button, you wouldn’t suffer this bullshit, but it would be better if you went to a factory to sew shoes and help your parents financially

Psst, it wouldn’t hurt to take that one downstairs to a psychiatrist either...

Typically, an emo hairstyle involves mostly straight black hair that is long in the front, covering most of the face and eyes. However, the emokid hairstyle is not limited to this. Over time, the emo style has evolved so that some changes are quite acceptable.
Here are some tips to help you create your own emo hairstyle that's right for you:

1.Look at the shape of your face, it is important criterion when choosing a hairstyle, for example, people with elongated shape Straight hair, long in front and on the sides, is more suitable for faces.
2.Find a photo online that most closely resembles what you ultimately want (it will be much easier for your stylist to give you an emo hairstyle if they know exactly what you want).
3.Grow your hair to the desired length (if it is longer than necessary, ask your hairdresser to cut it)
4.Highlight your individuality by dyeing your hair not just black or dark brown color, but also adding more unusual shades: white, blue, or hot pink.
5.Choose the artistic design of your new emo hairstyle: you can straighten it, or, on the contrary, make it carelessly tangled. You can also ruffle your hair at the back and leave it straight at the front - it looks no less original.
Although these tips are quite general, they will help you do the most important thing - create your own individual hairstyle that will highlight your style like nothing else.

Creating an emo haircut is an important part of your own emo style, but don't forget that the main thing in emo is not the style, but the soul!


Look at this or this


It’s better not to and don’t become an EMO...


God, what a nightmare! and don't even think about doing that...


think again))) otherwise we’ll reassure you later how you ruined your hair... and don’t even think about looking at the picture above +))

Emo haircuts and hairstyles 2016 - 75 PHOTOS!

The emo youth movement arose among fans of the same name musical style. Representatives of this culture position themselves as extremely sensitive and vulnerable people who are not shy about showing their emotions. Stylish emo hairstyles not only emphasize a person’s belonging to this movement, but are also a way to stand out from the crowd and express your individuality.

The emo subculture has conquered the minds of many teenagers. Young people dress in this style and listen to a certain type of music. In addition, they are distinguished by a sad perception of the world and themselves. A key role in creating a unique colorful style haircuts play. Because appearance is of primary importance, many culture fans are interested in the question of how to do an emo hairstyle. The style is controversial, it organically combines incredible hairstyles and sportswear. Traits this direction have many variations and modifications.

Features of emo haircuts and hairstyles

Emo hairstyles come in a variety of hair shapes and lengths, but one attribute remains the same – bangs. It can be oblique or straight, solid or torn, very long or short. Emo-style bangs, depending on the length of the hair and the shape of the hairstyle, are combed to the side or hang over the eyes.

The basic color of emo hairstyles and haircuts is black. However, it is not enough for self-expression, and a wide range of colors comes to the rescue. There are two popular color options. Bright colors for emo haircuts are most often used with feathers. In the second case, half of the hair is dyed black, the other half in any other color, and interesting combinations arise when styling.

The emo style is popular among emotional teenagers of both sexes. Guys often express their uniqueness with original haircuts. Emo hairstyles for guys are distinguished by more restrained forms, although all the essential attributes (black color and bangs) are invariably preserved. In men's emo haircuts, contrasting coloring appears less often and calmer colors are used.

Emo hairstyles for girls are the most diverse in style and color. These hairstyles can be created from hair of any length. In addition to exotic coloring, they are widely used various methods styling, as well as additional accessories. Emo hairstyle designed to express the current mood of its owner, to create a certain image.

How to do an emo hairstyle correctly

The main characteristic feature of emo hairstyles is bangs. Hair may have different lengths, but bangs must certainly be present. The classic solution is oblique bangs, preferably torn; its length, as a rule, reaches the tip of the nose and covers one eye.

The style, undergoing development, introduced such models of bangs as straight, short and solid. Depending on the shape of the haircut, the bangs can be combed to the side or left hanging over the eyes.

In addition, an important trend in emo style are black straight hair. But options for dyeing curls blonde, as well as using hair coloring, are also possible. When coloring your hair, it is recommended to use a natural black or dark brown shade. Otherwise, a blue-violet tone may appear, which is not desirable.

An equally characteristic detail is the bright pink strands, which signal the difference between emo culture and gothic culture. In addition, orange, purple, yellow, blue and red shades are very actively used.

Several dyeing options are possible: using the “feather” method or partially dyeing the hair black or any other color, half and half. All kinds of hairpins, bows and headbands are in great demand in emo culture.

Emo hairstyles for long hair

Long emo hairstyles are very popular among girls - a combination of long lower strands and shorter upper ones. The main thing in this hairstyle is the volume of hair on the top of the head, so these hairstyles look best on girls with thick hair.

Emo hairstyles for short hair

The main characteristic short hairstyles This style is asymmetry, torn edges, combing, a wide range of colors in combination with black. In addition, short emo hairstyles often have sharp strands various lengths. Bangs can be both short and long.

Emo hairstyles for medium hair

There is an intermediate option - medium emo hairstyles. Perhaps they are the most convenient for experimenting with coloring and styling. Medium hair length allows you to create romantic emo hairstyles, various backcombs, use hairpins and other accessories.

Ways to style emo haircuts

The most important sign What distinguishes emo haircuts is the way they style their hair. This installation requires the use huge amount gel. Representatives of the subculture often bouffant their hair.

To perform styling you will need straightening tongs, combs, clips, barrettes, bows, ribbons, extensions, gel and hairspray. Hair must be carefully combed, after which it should be straightened to a perfectly smooth state. Next, you need to apply the mousse and distribute it using a fine-toothed comb over the entire length of the hair. After this, the curls need to be combed and straightened again. An important part of this hairstyle is the bouffant. To do this, you need to separate the bangs, and divide the hair from the parietal area into strands, which should be combed at the roots. The volume of the comb depends on the thickness of the strands. In this case, it is necessary to fix each stage with varnish.

When performing backcombing, it is recommended to use brushing. After this, you should smooth the hair using a fine-toothed comb until it becomes even and smooth. After fixing with varnish, you again need to straighten the hair at the ends with curling irons. Finally, decorate your hair with suitable accessories.

You can also gather your hair into a ponytail, while doing the same backcombing. In this case, the hair from the front and bangs are directed towards the face. For short haircuts, tousling the back of the head is acceptable.

Emo hairstyles are suitable for work, school or conferences. This article is for people who don't want to go to extremes but still want an emo hairstyle. Here you can find all the main types of hairstyles of this style, as well as a guide on how to do them correctly.


  1. Select what you want to change. Even if you're not totally into the emo style, there are 2 things that every emo should have: bangs and layers.

    • Bangs: Should be below the eyebrows. This doesn't mean it has to be below your nose, but it shouldn't be too short. Some people prefer straight bangs, while others opt for side bangs that cover one eye. When talking to your hairdresser about emo bangs, use the following words: layers, straight or side bangs, below the eyebrows, covering one eye.
    • Layers: This is more important for girls than for guys. The number of layers determines how “emo” you are and how dedicated you are to this style. In addition, they go very well with bangs. Ask for lots of layers that are short enough that you can make spikes out of your hair, but not so short that on a bad day you look like a porcupine.
  2. Choose your hairstyle. You can get Various types emo hairstyles:

    • Girls (short hair): For most girls who prefer short hair, the cut usually involves shaving the back of the head so that the hair in front is much longer than the hair in the back.
    • Girls (medium length hair): This is the most common hair type for girls. It is usually straight hair, shoulder length, very layered at the top and less layered at the bottom. To achieve a more "SPECTACULAR" look, backcomb your hair and set it with hairspray, leaving the hair at the base of your head just hanging straight down. The bangs should be either straight or oblique.
    • Girls ( long hair): the same as for girls with medium-long hair, except that the length of the hair should not exceed the level of the chest or lower back
    • Guys (short hair): Basically, the same goes for them as for girls with short hair. You also need to cut the hair at the back so that the hair in front is much longer. Even if you want torn hair ahead, you can't do this
    • Guys (medium hair length): You also need to shave the hair at the back, but this time you don't have to have the hair stick out. As a rule, guys with medium length hair prefer long and straight hair in the front, with most of the bangs laid to one side, covering one eye.
  3. Decide what kind of “styling” you want. Styling: This hairstyle is quite difficult to maintain. If you've already cut your hair, it won't be as easy to style. You'll need some good hair products (see Things You'll Need). If you decide to do this, then it’s time to “experiment”. But for those who are stuck, here are some recommendations:

    • There is one rule for an emo haircut (this mostly applies to girls, but can also apply to guys): big top, flat bottom. Basically this means that you should comb the hair from the top of your head, straightening out the ends. Think about the contrast.
    • Bangs: It all depends on what style you choose. If you have side bangs, then you better straighten them out. If you have straight bangs, then your preference comes into play (you may end up with a long spike of hair, so don't overdo it).
    • For guys and girls with short hair, if you really can't decide, just run your hand up through the back of your hair so it looks messy. From here, style from here and straighten out a few strands.
    • For girls with medium to long hair, if you're impatient (like me), simply grab the bottom half of your hair in your fist and tousle the rest of your hair. This way the bottom half remains straight.
  4. To have interesting image, you can dye several strands. If you decide to do this, then first consult with your parents and also find out if the rules at your school allow hair coloring. Make sure the new color complements your natural color, otherwise it won't look very nice. If your parents don't allow you to dye your hair, then you can buy artificial strands hair; if you can't find suitable color, then take natural hair, paint them the color you want and cut them to the appropriate length.

    • If you want side bangs, then ask for a side parting (this is very important!)
    • If you are an avid hair straightener, then you need some kind of heat protectant to lock in moisture while straightening, otherwise your hair will become very dry, unstyleable, and unnatural looking.
    • Straightening is also an option. Straight hair They are more suitable for emo hairstyles and are also easier to comb. Only constant straightening can ruin your hair. If your hair is naturally straight, then there is no need to straighten it, or you can straighten a few strands. But if your hair curly hair, then you need to align them.
    • Coloring is possible variant, but this is not necessarily necessary. If you have black, dark brown or red hair, then you don't have to dye it. But if you have more light color hair, such as light brown or blonde, then you might consider dyeing that same color a few shades darker. If you are blonde, you can dye your main strands. Or if you have blonde hair you could try dyeing the ends of your hair black... just tips though... you could also try adding random bright streaks of color in different places- pink, green, blue, purple, etc.


    • The same goes for hair care products. Do not overdo it.
    • Don't straighten your hair too often. This could really ruin it.
    • Even after having such a hairstyle, you cannot immediately become emo. If you have a very preppy style, then you will have to change it. Start wearing dark clothes, listen to new bands (emo or punk), and maybe even make new friends. (If you want to change your life).

Today it is difficult to find a person who does not know who emo are. You can like or dislike them, but it’s simply unrealistic not to notice them, because what makes emo kids stand out from the crowd is their special manner of behavior and unique style, in the creation of which emo hairstyles and haircuts play a key role. The colorful youth subculture of emo originated among fans of the musical movement of the same name. True emo boys and emo girls are extremely emotional and sensitive, they are not afraid or embarrassed to show their emotions, they can easily cry and for them this is quite natural and normal. It is this feature of the representatives of this subculture that is reflected in the name “emo” - emotion, emotional. Free expression of emotions is rule No. 1 for emos, who often turn out to be vulnerable people, prone to depression and spleen.

Characteristics of emo hairstyles

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General trends for girls and boys

Haircuts and hairstyles characteristic of emo kids may differ in hair length and shape, but they all must have one important attribute– bangs. IN classic version it is slanted and torn, reaching to the tip of the nose and covering one eye. As the style developed, straight, solid and short bangs began to be allowed, which, depending on the shape of the hairstyle and the length of the hair, hung over the eyes or were combed to the side.

Preference among emo is given to coarse, straight, jet black hair. Black is classic base color hair for emo kids of both sexes, although today you can often find very stylish emo blondes. For girls, in addition to ultra-black, dark chestnut color can also serve as the basis for a hairstyle. At self-staining To prevent your hair from turning blue-violet, do not choose the blackest color, it is better to use natural black or dark chestnut.

However, one color is usually not enough for full self-expression, so a whole range comes to the rescue bright colors. The leading position is occupied by pink color, reflecting joyful moments and denying the connection between emo and goths. Popular shades also include orange, yellow, red, blue and purple. There are two options for coloring emo haircuts in bright colors: coloring “feathers” and dyeing one half of the hair black, and the other half any other color. In the case of the second option, when laying, very interesting and unusual combinations are obtained. The bangs and hair at the front are usually made longer than at the back. Oblique or, alternatively, straight bangs are an integral part of emo hairstyles for both guys and girls.

Emo boys mainly express their originality with original haircuts, in which mandatory There are such attributes as black color and bangs, but at the same time they are distinguished by much greater restraint than the breathtaking hairstyles of the girls. In guys' haircuts, a calmer color palette is used and contrasting colors are less common. An important factor The “correct” emo haircut is a total lack of symmetry, which plays a key role in creating a special shape and “aura”. It is extremely important that the color is also asymmetrical. Asymmetrical coloring or highlighting of hair allows each emo kid to be unique.

Emo hairstyles for girls are very diverse in color and shape. They can be created on hair of any length. In addition to application in various ways styling and exotic colors, emo girls often use a variety of accessories: bright hairpins, headbands, bows. Emo hairstyle is one of the ways of self-expression, which helps not only to create a certain image, but also to accurately convey the current mood and state of mind its owner.

Ideal for daring and impulsive girls classic will do emo haircut with uneven bangs that cover the floor of the face, slightly haphazardly styled hair and an abundance of chaotically placed hairpins. The image of a kind of mermaid with long hair, which at the back should be slightly shorter than the front strands, and sad eyes will help to show your sensitivity and vulnerability. To fill the image with childish spontaneity and defenselessness, we generously decorate the hair with naive and cute bows, hairpins and ribbons.

Styling can be done either on straight hair, when definite shape determined by the haircut itself, or with a backcomb, which is firmly fixed with varnish. The main thing is that both in the haircut itself and in the styling you feel the soul and emotional condition its owner.

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Girly emo hairstyles

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Variations for long hair

Emo hairstyles for long hair combine long bottom strands with shorter top strands. The main accents are bangs, color and additional volume on the crown. The elongated version looks best on girls with thick hair, who do not need to resort to all sorts of tricks to create volume.

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Emo haircuts for short hair are characterized by pronounced asymmetry, spectacular backcombing, jagged edges and a wide color palette in combination with basic black, dark chestnut or blonde. Such haircuts can be performed in different ways, but, as a rule, this is a haircut with long strands, bangs and sideburns near the face, and a short occipital part.

Bangs can be either long or short. Oblique torn bangs look best in a shortened version. Short and ultra-short emo haircuts with sharp multi-level strands look very stylish. Emo haircuts for short hair look especially interesting and unusual with coloring of the strands near the face with contrasting shades or a contrasting wide strand at the back of the head.

To give the hairstyle a “sharp” shape, the hair at the back must be fluffed, covered with strong hold mousse, and then “smoothed” against the direction of its growth. Short haircuts with not very long asymmetrical bangs It’s good to style it in the form of a comb: we comb the hair from the top of the head forward so that a kind of corner is formed at the face, and fix it with a strong hold gel or varnish.

You can achieve spectacular asymmetry not only by the shape of the haircut itself, but also by combining smooth and tousled strands: on the top of the head, short hair is “fluffed”, and on the face, on the contrary, smoothed, you can tousle the hair all over the head, and smooth out the bangs with an iron and treat with a special serum , which will make it silky.

Today, it is probably impossible to find a person who does not know about the emo subculture. Yes, you can love them or treat them coolly, but you can’t help but notice them!

In any crowd, an emo kid stands out not just for his special demeanor, but for his unique style. The image consists of many components: clothes, shoes and, of course, haircut. Moreover, styling your hair is of the greatest importance.

The emergence of emo culture occurred simultaneously with the emergence of the musical movement. Colorful, unusual, very sensitive - this is what distinguishes true emo boys and emo girls. Extreme emotionality - required condition all fans, because “emo” is emotions. There is no need to be afraid to express them: cry, rejoice, scream or laugh loudly - the expression of even the most extreme manifestations is strongly encouraged.

Naturalness, normality of any unusual touches - this is what the subculture reflects. As a rule, these are people with a vulnerable nature, prone to depression and spleen. But if you don’t like all this romance, but like emo hairstyles, go for it! Let you be a joyful and triumphant emo, and we will tell you about all the styling and haircuts, at the same time color solutions hairstyles

General Emo Hairstyle Trends for Guys and Girls

Surprised? Yes, yes, there are emo guys too. Moreover, these are not necessarily skinny representatives of the underground or bohemians. Today in cities you can see well-established young people with gold expensive watch and the latest car brand, but consider themselves emo boys.

How to distinguish all style fans? Of course, in hairstyles and clothes. So, emo kids are:

  1. Characteristic haircuts. The hairstyle can have almost any shape and length, mandatory element is bangs, torn ends. By the way, the bangs must certainly be oblique, and sometimes they reach the very tip of the nose, covering one eye.
  2. Interesting! If this type of bangs does not suit your type of activity, you can make straight, solid or even very short bangs- this is now allowed. But do not forget that the hair needs to be “hanged” over the eyes or combed to the side.

  3. Hair color. Preference is given to black shades, and the colors of the raven wing are thick, rich black tones and hair is coarse. The basic palette is small and the same for both sexes. But today there is some variety available. For example, emo blonde girls look very stylish, chestnut shades also look good. Various shades of black are great for boys: from iridescent glossy to royal black.
  4. Bright splashes of color on the hair are a must! This can be one strand dyed in contrasting color or many strands of different lengths, different from the main hairstyle, colored in the most unique colors.

Be that as it may, when thinking about creating an emo hairstyle, try experimenting. To begin with, you can take tinted shampoos(so as not to repaint completely and for a long time), determine your color spectrum and you can already dare!

Stop destroying your hair with harmful shampoos!

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Emo hairstyle: caramel shades suit you

Anyone who doesn't like black should adopt this one. color palette. Today, the emo subculture no longer requires strict adherence to the canons, the main thing is individuality. It is important to stand out from the crowd, and this is best done with your hairstyle and hair color. A bright strand of hair is not an indicator of emo; many trends in youth hobbies have already “stole” this touch, but emo hair styling remains individual to this day.

An unusual haircut, repeating the look of torn strands throughout the hair, combined with curls of a different length, but always straight - that’s what emo hair styling is. But to add some “doll-likeness”, so beloved by emo girls, will help to bouffant using styling products. By the way, among the most “advanced” representatives of the subculture, the bouffant never looks messy, it’s perfect styling, which in combination with a beautiful dress creates an incredibly beautiful image.

Add a bow to your hairstyle and you won't be able to take your eyes off you. Caramel emo is tenderness, innocence, femininity and a certain amount of sexuality. But this is exactly what every girl wants to look like.

By the way, emo hairstyles are popular not only among young people; many celebrities prefer this particular one stylish look, which immediately makes it clear that this is an extraordinary person, deeply emotional and sensitive. And such people will never be left without interested views from the outside.

Another advantage of the emo style is its versatility. Hairstyles suit absolutely everyone! Any type of face, body type, age, position in society and financial viability - nothing matters. The choice of styles is so rich that every fashionista and fashionista will choose for herself perfect option for both short and long hair.

And don't forget: emo starts with purity. Slightly oily hair or messy styling are not allowed here. Even the chaos on your head must be carefully thought out.

Emo haircut for short curls: rules and possibilities

Pronounced asymmetry, torn lines, backcombing, a wide range of colors - this is what an emo haircut is. Execution on hair of any length can be very different, but long bangs, as well as the presence of sideburns on a person with a short-cropped nape is a must.

If there is a little creativity in your hands, then creation perfect haircut not far away. Take a machine, thinning scissors, large mirrors and get started:

  1. It is better to hide the shaved brush on the top of the head under the bulk of the hair. This way you guarantee yourself a permanently voluminous head;
  2. Thinning scissors will hide all haircut flaws and create the desired “torn” ends;
  3. Side bangs, the longer the strands, the better;
  4. Make the temporal strands asymmetrical;
  5. Leave the edging straight at the back.

The hairstyle is ready and you can go for coloring. And so that you don’t feel sorry for the cut off curls and you finally come to terms with the fact that even this hairstyle is ideal, here are the tips of the experts:

  • Short or long bangs are allowed;
  • An ultra-short version of the hairstyle is allowed, but then let the bangs look very torn and oblique;
  • Multi-level strands are normal;
  • Coloring strands in different colors You can smooth out the unevenness of your haircut yourself, but then choose absolutely contrasting shades for two adjacent strands;
  • Not only a trimmed brush, but also a strong hold mousse will help create an “edgy” emo hairstyle on the back of the head. Apply, comb and smooth, but against hair growth;
  • Comb styling is good for emo haircuts with slight asymmetry and bangs middle length. This is easy to do: comb the strands from the top of the head forward (a corner is formed near the face), fix with gel or varnish.

If your emo hairstyle is not entirely successful in terms of asymmetry, don’t worry, let the shape remain, but achieve the desired effect by alternating smooth and tousled strands. For example, raise the hair on the back of the head with gel, smooth it at the forehead, or even “put up” the entire mass of hair, and iron the bangs.

Watch the video file, it will tell you how to make a haircut:

Emo haircut for semi-long hair

Girls, if you don’t want to radically change your look, do a regular bob, but with emo elements.

  1. First you need to go to a good (and I mean good) master so that they can create for you perfect hairstyle bob.
  2. Then take scissors in your hands and cut individual strands of hair throughout the entire volume of hair.
  3. Thinning is a must! And there is no need to be afraid of asymmetrical waves, the more there are, the better.
  4. The top of the head is cut to a length of 5-7 cm, so styling will take very little time.

So the emo haircut is ready. This is the most standard and popular option. But there are still plenty of ways to diversify your style: backcombs, decorative clips, bows, headbands and hoops - you will never exhaust all the possibilities of an emo hairstyle. But remember the basic rule - good haircut from the right master.

If you don’t want to ruin your hair yourself, you should take care of a photo selection in advance to show all the pictures to your hairdresser. Not every professional understands the subculture, but he can easily cut a haircut based on a drawing or photo, as well as advise on styling options, hair care methods and other wisdom.

The most important thing in emo style is self-expression. A haircut imposes certain stylistic features, compliance with which is mandatory, it is not just a styling option, it is an emotional state and direction, frivolity and tenderness, vulnerability and sensuality - that’s what emo is.

Emo hairstyle for long hair: nothing could be easier

Creating a hairstyle in the style of the youth movement for long hair is not difficult at all. The simplest and most uncomplicated thing is to shorten individual strands.

  1. In the middle at the back of the head, divide the hair with a horizontal parting;
  2. The lower part is gathered into a ponytail;
  3. The upper part is cut at the level of the lower tail;
  4. The processing of strands is carried out in a chaotic manner, without the slightest encroachment on the evenness of the lines. As a result, you will get double-layered hair that requires final thinning. Visual effect fraying of the strands is ensured.
  5. Interesting! Dull scissors can do a good job. Achieving asymmetry will be much easier.

  6. Loosen all the curls, cut part of the hair on the top to a length of 5-8 cm and do not forget about the cut “ruff” to add volume. You don’t need anything else, the result will delight you with its individuality.

Important! If your hair is not thick, then long bangs will not look good. In this case, an asymmetrical haircut is needed.

And here is a video to help everyone who is not afraid of experiments:

Emo hairstyle

For your hair to lay perfectly, you need: a fine-tooth comb, mousse, hair dryer and patience:

  1. Apply strong hold mousse to clean strands;
  2. Dry the entire mass of hair;
  3. Combing the back of the head will lift the hair (you can also comb the top of the head);
  4. Comb the side strands at the roots, and then comb the entire length with a round comb (brushing).

All that remains is to fix the hairstyle with emo hairspray and decorate it with a hairpin or headband. You are irresistible and charming!

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