Do men really love with their eyes? What kind of women do men like, which figure do you like more and what does psychology say about male preferences? Why do men love with their eyes

Each of us at least once in our lives has heard this magic formula "men love with their eyes." As a rule, along with the realization of this fact, a woman falls down great amount reasons for reflection.

It turns out that in order to please a man who is interested, it is not enough to simply be educated, well-read or with good feeling humor. It is even possible that the situation will not help education, good manners or the ability to maintain any conversation. Men love with their eyes, which means that first of all you need to be well-groomed, neat and fit. In general - to have a pleasant, inviting appearance. And women begin to run around beauty salons and fitness centers, go for all sorts of tricks, follow fashion and the latest trends, and every day invariably wake up two to three hours before leaving the house in order to appear at work “at the parade”.

On the one hand, all this seems a little unfair - a woman, for example, pays less attention to the appearance of a man. Moreover, if a man does not smell like a flower bed, but look like a handsome man from a magazine, this can even play into his hands.

A woman, looking at such a man, will understand that he is appropriate in everyday life: she can nail a shelf and fix a stool, she knows where the candles are in the car, she will be able to fix the fence in the country. You can live with such a man without fear that physical labor fall on the fragile female shoulders.

Why do men love with their eyes?

With men it's a little different. It is important for him that the object of his love is certainly an object of admiration and desire. And not only him, but also preferably those around him. That is why a man loves with his eyes. For any representative of the stronger sex, a well-groomed woman nearby is an indicator of his own success and wealth.

There is nothing surprising. What is it like beautiful packaging delicious candy. Many men are visuals, and the way men love with their eyes helps a woman to interest him in herself.

However, all this has scientific explanation. Scientists at the University of California conducted a study to find out why men love with their eyes. And it turned out that in many ways they are driven chemical reactions in organism. Looking at the beautiful, well-groomed A woman in men produces two vital hormones.

No need for these sly smiles with a hint. We're not talking about that at all. In the carnal sense, this does not constitute any mystery, but in the spiritual sense ... What organ of a man should a woman first of all pay attention to in order to subdue her chosen one? More on that below.

"The main thing in a man is his eyes, if anyone is against it, then I personally am for it"

This paraphrase of one of the songs of the Leningrad group will allow us to dispel a certain myth regarding the entire stronger sex. Some women sometimes ask their friends and experts: “Is it true that men love with their eyes?” Actually this is a difficult question.

If a man loves only with his eyes, then such a relationship is doomed to be short-lived. Why? Well, because almost every girl can cheat. The question is whether it is worth betting only on a visual image when choosing a partner.

A woman's appearance makes a man's first impression

But it cannot be said that the exterior of a lady means nothing to an ordinary ordinary male. On the contrary, if a girl is ugly, then she is “rejected” at the first stage of interaction with the object (sorry, women). Figuratively speaking, if the door is expensive and beautiful, then there is a temptation to see what is there, in the apartment (or in the house). When the door is shabby and painted with chalk, you don’t want to knock.

True, sometimes there are cases of great deception: countless treasures are hidden behind a poor door, like Scrooge McDuck, and behind a luxurious lock is hidden old furniture and cramped room.

But the vast majority of men really rely on their eyes at the first meeting. If a girl or woman is not liked outwardly, then, as a rule, there is no desire to go further, even if she is at least three times a needlewoman, an excellent cook, and at night an original philosopher who publishes in the West under a male pseudonym - all this is past. A disappointing answer to the question, do men really love with their eyes and nothing more? Ladies, keep calm and move on.

"Ugly, but there is one thing..."

Don't think bad, but beautiful people, as well as frankly ugly, very few. For the most part, people look completely normal. The predilection of men for appearance would be terrible if the question of what a man loves was answered with an unequivocal answer - with his eyes.

Then most fair half Humanity should have gone to Mars. But in reality it is different. Sympathy - very difficult process. It involves the values, priorities of a person. For some, appearance is important, and for others, intelligence and character. Someone chooses a mistress for himself, and someone chooses a wife, respectively, the preferred parameters are different each time. Everything is very difficult in the question, but what does a man like, as we see.

If someone else thinks that love is a mystery, then he is deeply mistaken. A person (both a man and a woman) is looking for the best option for myself. Another thing is that people are often in captivity of some illusions.

For example, a woman believes that her man - a drug addict and an alcoholic - will change, and they will live like in a fairy tale. Time runs, nothing changes. The woman slowly dies, languishes in an atmosphere of narcotic fumes. People around will say: "He loves, therefore he does not quit." Nonsense. He does not leave because he hopes. And according to Nietzsche's witty remark: "Hope is the greatest evil, since it prolongs our suffering." Therefore, there is no need to reflect on what men love. Each of us is trying to choose an ideal partner for our allies in the fight against life.

House and Hank Moody on gender relations

Again we turn to the famous cynics of our time. Let's start with the rebel writer. Hank said that in the first five seconds a girl sees a guy, she decides what exactly she wants from him: marriage, sex, or kill on the spot. It seems to us that this, of course, a deep thought can be extended to men. And the first impression is difficult to interrupt later with something else.

In short, a man scans a woman, looking for charm in her being. Depending on the discovery or non-detection thereof, he decides whether to get to know the girl better or not. We don’t know, maybe it’s a bit trite, but beauty without charm can be vile. Less and less remains unclear in the question of what men love, isn't it?

Philosophical remarks of a doctor

Another question that worries all men when they see a woman is "Am I right for her?" or in another way: “Does it fit me?”. Here it would not be a crime to turn to the greatest diagnostician of all time (House). He said, using card terminology, that "deuces meet deuces, jacks meet jacks, aces meet aces." This idea is also quite sound.

A woman can deceive a man and pretend to be more " senior card”, but life will still put everything in its place. Someone will say that a very rationalistic model of love has been revealed to us. Yes, there's nothing you can do, it's true. But in love fewer secrets than is commonly thought. In any case, one of the options for answering the question of what a man loves a woman is ready for.

True love has a heart and soul, not just a body

Of course, despite our rationalistic model of love, we do not want to convince the reader that this wonderful feeling is programmed. Love as an emotion is pure spontaneity to consciousness, but it has certain limits and parameters controlled by the subconscious. Them the main task- to protect the person from excessive pain.

For example, teenagers and not too mature people may experience a feeling of love or infatuation in relation to the stars of the screen or movies, without really understanding that they are out of reach.

Everyone knows what guys love, but sometimes you want them to think at least a little with their heads. For example, such a young man will come to Hollywood and confess his love to the sexy icon of the new generation - Emma Watson. The maximum that he can expect from her as a response is that she will write him an autograph and hand it over with a sweet smile. Remember the "card theory" of the gloomy diagnostician? That's the same.

Girls do it too. They love, for example, Captain America (Chris Evans), but completely unrequited. The famous actor does not even know that a girl from the Russian outback sighs about him, and, frankly, he does not care. He is the "Ace of Trumps", and he does not care about ordinary cards.

And now a little more serious. The question of what a man loves does not, we hope, cause more difficulties for the reader. It became clear that the answer to it is multifaceted, like reality. It all depends on the values ​​of a man and what he is looking for in a woman at the moment: relaxation, support, love, pleasure. And all this will affect what kind of relationship will eventually develop between two people and how long they will last.

That men love with their eyes; about what boys want to see in girls under their skirts; about sexual observers and exhibitionists.
In attraction, the very first link in the chain leading to sexual arousal, vision has a very great importance. It is one of the most important sense organs of a man, who invariably looks with pleasure at pleasant female roundness. Through this masculine look, a woman is aware of her femininity. Looking at each other, a man and a woman experience nice feeling attraction or at least understand whether they like each other or not. Through sight, desire grows, excitement increases, and gradually attachment is born. Therefore, vision plays the most important role in sexuality, especially for men, because they look at beautiful women more often than women look at beautiful men.
If a woman looks for charisma and certain values ​​​​in a man, often without even paying attention to his appearance, then a man can be called an esthete in this case, because beauty and attractiveness play a very important role for him. A woman is sexy to a man when she looks beautiful. It is through the eyes of a man that a woman becomes attractive to him.
As children, boys are forbidden by their parents to look at naked mother, sister or other women when they take a shower or undress. By upbringing, we also instill in the little girl the need to hide her feminine virtues from immodest glances. Later, in adolescence When a person goes through a turbulent period of development, there is a desire to break all taboos. The boys, while still small, are already trying to see what the girls have under their skirts and what is bristling under their blouse. And girls who have not yet become women begin to like to put on public view all your virtues. This is the age of makeup, miniskirts, tight jeans and other sexy clothes. As an adult, a man continues to cultivate his desire to see, and a woman her desire to show.
For animals, sight is also an essential sexual stimulant. Only in some species of animals more often the male tries to demonstrate his dignity. Birds are characterized by the so-called parades, where they show off their beautiful plumage, inflate their colorful breasts and dance, attracting a female. Females look more modest.
A special kind of bird called the “gardener”, whose plumage is not very attractive and bright, has found an inimitable way to lure his female: he lays out bright objects in front of his nest. Human behavior has not evolved much and is not very different from animal behavior.
According to statistics, 56% of men are attracted to a woman not by what is put on public display, but by what is inaccessible, which is hidden in the folds of clothes; These men like women business suits, strict blouses. The rest are attracted by everything open and sexy - a short skirt, deep neckline, red linen. Of course, how many men in the world, there are so many different tastes.
The phenomenon that we consider a perversion is the love of observing intimate life others, very common. Such peeping of a sexual nature through the "keyhole" is most often characteristic of men. The sexual observer identifies with one of the partners. According to sexologists, this phenomenon corresponds to the genetic fear of castration: a person isolates himself to observe others in order to protect himself from his fear - the female genital organ. Maybe spy lovers want to know the secret of a woman's orgasm.
A phenomenon similar in mechanism, but with the opposite sign - exhibitionism, the desire to demonstrate oneself - seems even more perverted because of its provocative nature. Fans of secretly watching erotic scenes (voyeurs) and exhibitionists are considered harmless perverts. We are all by nature observers - we are attracted by everything hidden, secret, and we are all lovers of showing ourselves. Such desires are considered pathological when they turn into a real obsession.

And some statistics: 40% of women and only 20% of men consider the other eye to be the most attractive. 41% of men prefer to make love in the light, and 45% of women prefer to make love in the dark. 60% of men are sensitive to striptease, and 40% of women have ever shown a striptease.

Everyone knows the saying “men love with their eyes”, and that women love with their ears - is this true and what subtleties should women know in order to be attractive to a man? This is true both for women who want to get married and those who have long been in a family relationship.

How does a man see a woman?

A man usually has a well-developed spatial thinking and, accordingly, visual perception, which allows you to determine the distance to the object that attracted his attention. A man perceives an object as a whole "from the general to the particular", in contrast to a woman who assembles an image from the details - "from the particular to the general". Therefore, the first thing that appears before the male gaze is a figure. Of course, many men have their own preferences for female figure. Someone likes tall skinny women, and someone likes short donuts. Most men choose women of average height and build. Excessive fullness, despite the addictions of some men, is subconsciously perceived as unhealthy, and men prefer healthy women who can give birth healthy children, the same applies to unhealthy thinness. ("Men are not dogs; they don't throw themselves at bones"). Therefore, if you have a bias either in one direction or the other, it is worth taking care of your figure and health, because they still meet you on the first impression, then the man will be able to appreciate how smart and kind you are.

Of course, men like beautiful women, women who take care of themselves, know how to dress beautifully and present themselves correctly. Some psychologists believe that some men beautiful woman it can even cause fear - the fear of being rejected by it. But this is more likely to apply to not too self-confident men.

Flying walk.

A beautiful woman who takes care of herself, knows how to properly combine clothes and apply makeup. beautiful gait- “flying”, “with swaying hips” (not wobbling like a curved wheel on a bicycle) - as if with her body she says that she knows how to love herself, which means she can love a man.

If we talk about gait, you should avoid walking, which I call "Tyrannosaurus Rex" - on half-bent knees. Such a gait will only seduce a dinosaur. Who does not understand exactly how - look at "Jurassic Park". This gait is typical for older women in heels - due to the fact that the muscles are already losing the necessary plasticity - the flexor muscles work better than the extensors. It is solved by self-control, the correct height of the heel and a complex of vitamins, such as calcium and magnesium. It is very regrettable to observe this in young girls - but it is treated again the right choice heels - usually due to very high heel. And yet you have to learn how to walk beautifully.

Met by clothes

Of course, men love with their eyes, what can be undressed. Clothing says a lot about the owner. Despite the fact that men react very strongly to revealing outfits, but a skirt from under which the tonsils or neckline are visible to the navel will not do you honor, despite the fact that such an outfit will attract many men, it will be of rather low quality attention. A man will only see a girl prostitute for one night. But is this what you need?

Try to keep the clothes still left room for the imagination. Candid outfits good in the bedroom, but not in public. normal man wants to be admired by his woman, not to catch carnivorous glances. Do not forget about the sense of proportion.

But apart from general forms, of course further male look moving to the details. Of course important eye contact. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, you can admire the beauty of the eyes, you can read what is hidden inside by looking at it - modest, gentle, daring.

Male fetish.

Many men have their own fetishes - the details that attract and excite them the most in a woman. For example, red lipstick, it turns someone on, but most men prefer more natural colors lips and a well-defined contour plays a significant role (but fight with black eyeliner!). About what annoys men in women.

Everyone knows how reverently many men treat female breast or long legs, small feet. AT Eastern countries even deliberately prevented normal development feet to keep her small size.

Long hair.

Men are also considered very feminine. long hair that you can touch with your hands. If braids, then so that they can be easily dissolved. If you are not the owner of long luxurious hair then they will help you folk recipes. Here you can learn how to grow long hair fast. If you have short haircut- this is not a reason to despair. Given the diversity of male addictions, this is not a problem. The main thing is that there is no varnish helmet on the head. Be natural!

Revelation of femininity.

But the most secret weapon attractiveness of a woman is her inner female essence, her femininity when she feels her feminine power, enjoys it. Such a woman, even in a hoodie, will be attractive, since internal state don't get in the way of clothes or anything else. Self-confidence sense of humor, lively mind and especially wisdom. What will remain later, and what is a value for a man in permanent relationship. State inner woman, I would even say "queen" - usually reflected from others with respect, and attentive attitude. Such a woman will not be laughed at and humiliated in any way, but respect. Because if you are doing male work and forgot what femininity is, it's time to find yourself real.

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As life shows, for a man, the external data of a woman are of great importance. But women, as a rule, are easier to relate to the appearance of potential partners - it is more important for them personal qualities. A group of scientists from New York University found an explanation for this. It turns out that male and female brains process visual information differently.

Scientists have found that women are better at distinguishing colors, and men are better at details. At the same time, it has long been known that when meeting a man, first of all, he evaluates the facial features and figure of a woman, as well as the details of her clothes. But if you later ask him what colors the woman was wearing, he will find it difficult to answer, especially if the outfit was not too bright and conspicuous.

But a woman, on the contrary, will certainly remember color scheme. Meanwhile, in her memory, most likely, not the face of a new acquaintance or the details of his clothes (except for flowers), but what and how he spoke and how he behaved, as well as the features of his voice, will most likely remain. Therefore, it is not in vain that they say that a woman loves with her ears, and a man with her eyes.

Why is this happening? The fact is that in a man in the visual center of the cerebral cortex in in large numbers androgens are present - receptors for male sex hormones, during embryonic development involved in the formation of neurons. therefore male brain contains a quarter more neurons than the female.

During the research, a large group of volunteers aged 16 years and older were involved, who did not have impaired color perception and who had one hundred percent vision or who wore glasses or lenses, which gave a complete vision correction. First, the subjects were shown color pictures and asked to determine the colors of the objects depicted on them.

It turned out that men's color perception is somewhat shifted. For example, they were much worse than women in distinguishing colors located in the center of the optical spectrum. The next stage of the experiment was to test the contrast of vision. The participants in the experiments were asked to distinguish between dark and light bands, the distance between which changed periodically and which themselves changed color from time to time. Here the men won the championship: they better distinguished the stripes if they were located too close to each other, and also more clearly captured the moment of color change.

According to the head of the study, Professor Israel Abramov, such differences depend on the level of testosterone that is formed in the body during the period of embryonic development. Apparently, hearing, smell and touch are also associated with gender.

For example, a woman is able to remember well what exactly a man told her, but he did not. Hence the misunderstandings: mentioning that she likes some flowers or a brand of perfume, a woman is sure that her chosen one will take it into service, but he can simply skip this information past his ears - these are the features male perception. In order for the information to be fixed in his mind, it is better to repeat them several times.

But a man will certainly remember how a woman looked at some point, what gestures she made, what perfume she smelled of, what her skin felt like. Very often, it is these details that become the beginning of falling in love.

Probably, you should know all these things in order to learn to better understand each other.
