Facial whitening procedure. Face skin whitening cream

Today, pallor is back in fashion. Since a long time ago light tone skin was a sign of aristocracy and noble blood. If you remember literary works classical authors, the most gentle girls and those closest to the nobility had skin as light as snow. Now, if you have a certain desire, you can achieve this result using all kinds of cosmetics. At the same time, you can make brightening compositions yourself at home, and they will also be very effective.

Is it possible to lighten your skin at home?

The most favorable time The best time to lighten facial skin is in the autumn-winter period, when solar activity is not too great. To resort to such procedures in summer time not recommended because cosmetic preparations are not effective when interacting with ultraviolet rays. Moreover, skin lightening is a process that every girl can implement on her own, without spending a lot of money and time on going to the salon.

The lightening procedure itself occurs in two stages. The first stage is characterized by a pharmacological or cosmetic reduction in the amount of melanin in skin cells. The second stage is scrubbing, that is, removing the keratinized epithelium using a scrub. During these activities, pigment spots disappear from the face, and overall color the skin becomes smoother and softer. Also, exfoliation can reduce the level of pigment components in the skin, and, consequently, make the face paler.

It is worth noting that home correction products can be represented by creams and other cosmetic products from manufacturers of modern cosmetics, as well as formulations prepared at home. The impact of products, both branded and homemade, on the skin is different in each individual case. The effect depends on the personal properties and parameters of the dermis, which makes selection difficult suitable composition For individual care behind you.

The best creams, masks and serums for skin lightening

First, let's look at several ready-made products offered by cosmetology companies for the care and lightening of facial skin.

Miracle Glow Facial Skin Whitening Cream

Specific remedy in to a greater extent is a mask, but its texture resembles a cream. The composition is used to lighten facial skin and combat age spots. It is quite easy to apply the product, since it has a good absorption rate, but according to the instructions, 15 minutes after application, the remaining cream must be removed by washing with warm water. The number of sessions using Miracle Glow should be at least three per week. Cutting positive result will not be noticeable after the first procedure, but after a few weeks the face will become noticeably more pleasant in color, and age spots will disappear on their own.

Achromin for age spots and freckles

is a popular cream against unwanted skin pigmentation, produced in Bulgaria. The peculiarity of the drug lies in its composition - the basis of the cream is hydroquinone. This component especially affects the body by slowing down and stopping the production of melanin by the skin, a substance that contributes to the color of the skin. dark colors. The composition must be applied twice a day - morning and evening, and morning procedure should be done two hours before leaving home. This condition must be observed, since direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the unabsorbed cream layer leads to an increase in the production of melanin in the body.

Floresan “White Linen” face mask

This tool is a mask for deep lightening of facial skin and freckles. The main task of the product is to actively combat age spots by completely lightening them. The mask allows you to remove the upper keratinized layers of facial skin containing melanin granules. The effect is achieved due to the content of fruit acids in the complex, which perform peeling. Evening of complexion is carried out using high content vitamin C. Flaxseed extract contained in the product prevents the complex of acids from drying out the skin, supporting and nourishing it.

Effective whitening mask Belita-Vitex

The mask from the Belita-Vitex company has a number of advantages over similar competitors' products. Regarding the declared effect, the following parameters can be distinguished:
lightening age spots, as well as freckles on the face; cleansing if available clogged pores; evens out the complexion, giving it a delicate porcelain shade; removal of keratinized epithelium; The mask also promotes cell renewal, etc.

The mask is made and consists of natural products, acids, essential oils, as well as vitamin complexes. Systematic use of the product can contribute qualitative changes to the condition of the skin within a few weeks after the start of use.

Avon Eye Serum “Healthy Glow”

Serum from Avon with the loud name “Healthy Glow” is an excellent remedy to combat circles under the eyes, fine wrinkles and dark spots. The component is suitable for any skin type and does not cause any negative effects. The product is equipped with a vibrating applicator, which can be considered as a really useful application that comes with a quality cosmetic product. The serum easily removes all signs of a sleepless night or long work at the computer, hiding bruises and circles under the eyes.

How to lighten dark skin with folk remedies

Today, most companies producing cosmetic products, take natural ingredients as the basis for their products. Among such elements, the most common are honey, lemon, gelatin, etc. It is no secret that these same ingredients themselves have a whitening effect. For this reason correct selection natural ingredients and combining them within recipes traditional medicine will allow you to gain access to natural, natural beauty.

Parsley Brightening Lotion

Parsley is useful component for creating lotions for facial skin care. In addition to lightening the skin, this unique herb helps improve collagen production in the skin, thereby rejuvenating it. Also, using products prepared on the basis of parsley, you can prevent the appearance of early wrinkles And age-related changes skin.

To prepare the lotion, finely chop the leaves of a medium bunch of parsley and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. Then the mixture is simmered over low heat for 15 minutes, after which it is cooled under the lid. After cooling, the infusion can be used as a wash lotion twice a day.

Lemon juice

It's no secret that lemon, namely its juice, is the most... effective means for skin lightening. This product is the basis not only of almost all lightening traditional medicine, but also of classical cosmetology products. The high acid content allows you to cleanse the skin of fat and sebum, keratinized epithelial cells - all these measures reduce the production of melanin.

Often, lemon juice is combined with other ingredients, since lemon acid Dries the skin very much. For this reason, an additional product is needed that would provide nutrition and relaxation to the treated dermis. Can be effectively combined lemon juice with honey, egg white and various oils.

Essential oils

Essential oils allow you to achieve a wide variety of cosmetic results. Similar method You can give your skin a porcelain shine, just use the right combination of oils. Let's present the most effective essential extracts in the field of skin lightening:

  • citrus group of oils, including orange, tangerine, lemon, etc.;
  • vanilla oil;
  • rosewood oil.

If you combine these products in equal proportions, you can get very effective complex natural ingredients for skin lightening, as well as its nutrition and rejuvenation.

White clay

Clay like cosmetic element has an effect on the skin based on the principle of cleansing and drying. Cleansing is carried out by scrubbing, that is, removing dead cells from the face in which melanin granules have accumulated. Thus, age spots disappear from the skin.

Some beauties are crazy about dark skin and try in every possible way to achieve chocolate shade. But some people like it the other way around aristocratic pallor and such girls strive for snow-white, almost porcelain skin. How to achieve dark shade It’s no secret to anyone, because tanning and self-tanning are known to everyone. But not many people know how to independently give the skin a noble pallor. To make your own face whitening safe, read this article.

Benefits of home skin whitening

Beauty salons will offer you more than one procedure that guarantees lightening of your face. But they are all expensive compared to home whitening. This is not available to everyone, unlike beauty secrets that you can apply on yourself. In addition, the bleaching agents used professional cosmetologists, often contain substances that are not the most beneficial for the skin, namely:

  • Mercury. This is a very effective lightening component, but everyone knows about its dangers.
  • Hydroquinone. A carcinogen, long-term exposure of which on the dermis, on the contrary, contributes to the appearance of age spots.
  • Monobenzyl. This substance destroys melanocytes, and this leads to the cessation of melanin production.
  • Tretinoin. Causes increased sensitivity to sunlight. Causes thinning of the dermis, itching and flaking.

Using homemade beauty secrets, you will know exactly what you are putting on your skin and will not harm it. Numerous reviews indicate the high effectiveness of home recipes.

How does face whitening work?

Face whitening at home has 2 stages:

  1. Exfoliation of the top layer of horn cells.
  2. Decrease in the level of melanin, which is produced in melanocytes.

When exfoliating the skin, melanin is also removed from the epidermis, causing age spots and freckles to disappear. The operating principle of peelings is based on this, which is why they are often used as aids for face whitening. Keep in mind that at-home facial skin whitening will take you a little longer than cosmetic procedures. But if you regularly repeat the procedures and go towards the intended goal, the result of lightening with your own hands will be visible.

How to make a homemade face scrub

You need to start face whitening at home with the first stage – skin scrubbing. You can use any cosmetic product, or you can prepare a scrub from products available on the kitchen shelves. If you prefer natural remedies, you will need it next instruction By step by step preparation homemade scrub from soda:

  1. Mix baking soda with warm water to make a thick paste.
  2. Apply this scrub with your fingertips to individual areas or, if necessary, to the entire face and rub lightly.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.

This scrub effectively removes the layer of dead cells, disinfects the skin, and removes blackheads and impurities. In addition to soda, ordinary oatmeal is good for home scrubbing. You can steam the flakes a little or grind them in a coffee grinder for a softer effect, and then cleanse your skin.

Citrus fruits help in skin lightening

After cleansing with a scrub, you can move on to the second stage - directly to lightening it. Fruit acid is a leader in efficiency in this matter. Citrus fruits are widely used in whitening nails, hair, teeth and, of course, skin. You can whiten your facial skin with orange peels or lemon slices. When peeling oranges, do not throw away the peel, but dry it naturally, grind in a blender, and whiten your facial skin with orange peel. You can use the following step-by-step scheme preparing a face whitening mask with the peel of this citrus:

  1. Take 2 teaspoons of crushed orange peels.
  2. Add 1 small spoon of liquid honey.
  3. Squeeze the juice of a quarter of a lemon.
  4. Mix all components and apply to cleansed skin for 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse off the remaining mask with warm water and wipe your face with toner.

The flowers and leaves of this citrus are used to make orange oil, which can be purchased at a large pharmacy or specialty store. The cost of this oil is very affordable, from 100 rubles per bottle standard size 10 ml. With its help, adding a couple of drops to a mask or face whitening cream, you can even out the color and remove age spots.

Using citrus fruits in the fight for whiteness delicate skin, keep in mind that they are a strong allergen. If you are prone to allergic reactions, do a test on your wrist first.

Lightening the face with parsley

Green cosmetics are gaining more fans every day. Many women have long been using the properties of green plants, in particular parsley, to improve appearance skin. Whitening facial skin with parsley is carried out as follows:

  • Parsley juice is a component of a face whitening mask. Grind the parsley leaves in a blender, and then squeeze out the juice through a small sieve or cheesecloth. Mix half a teaspoon of this juice with 1 teaspoon of honey. Add a couple of drops of lemon oil and stir. Keep the mask on for 10 minutes.
  • Decoction of leaves. Take 20 gr. rooster leaves, add a glass of water and bring to a boil over low heat. Strain the broth through cheesecloth. Wipe your face every morning or evening.
  • Ice cubes. From the juice of the plant you can make ice cubes, which should be used at least 2 times a week. Rub your face with the cube, and then leave the parsley juice on your face for 15 minutes.

For greater effectiveness, parsley juice can be moistened with a napkin and applied to the face. This procedure can be carried out daily, for 15 minutes. Parsley contains a lot of ascorbic acid, and it is added to a special face whitening cream.

What else can you use?

There are other facial whitening products such as:

  • Rice water. The water in which the rice is cooked must be drained, cooled and ice cubes from this broth should be frozen. Afterwards, you need to wipe your face with them.
  • Essential oils. You can add them to masks or creams, but with great caution, since essential oils there may be allergies. Use lemon, orange, eucalyptus, mint and tea tree.
  • Dairy products. Kefir and sour cream are used to relieve redness and itching of the skin, but they are also effective in whitening. You can apply sour cream or kefir directly to the skin, or you can prepare a mask based on them. To do this you need to mix 2 tbsp. spoons of kefir with 1 tbsp. spoon of chopped parsley leaves.

There are a lot of home secrets. They may not suit you equally; not every girl will receive the desired degree of effectiveness from these products. But still, positive reviews about such methods home lightening the skins speak for themselves. In any case, before contacting professional lighting, you can try traditional homemade recipes.

Beautiful, well-groomed, smooth skin faces are the dream of all women. However bad influence environment, uneven color faces and age spots complicate the path to this dream. Cope with problem skin A whitening face mask will help.

Skin whitening can be done both in specialized beauty salons and independently at home.

To receive quality services, you should choose an experienced cosmetologist. He will competently select a procedure specifically for a specific skin type, taking into account all its features and available in this case Problems.

Facial lightening procedures are carried out various methods. Let's look at the most popular and effective ones.

  1. Chemical peeling. Produced by applying a product with chemical composition which provides active exfoliation skin. The procedure is carried out in several stages, each of which allows you to rid the skin of a layer with brown pigment.

Chemical peeling is a serious action on delicate facial skin. It is categorically not recommended to perform it yourself, but only during a cosmetic procedure by an experienced cosmetologist. Before the procedure, you must undergo a consultation to determine possible contraindications for peeling. These may include too light a complexion, various skin diseases, mainly herpes, sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions.

  1. A specialized whitening face mask used in beauty salons. Such masks are almost impossible to buy in stores. The procedure is carried out in several stages, applying a mask to the face. This promotes gradual lightening, until the complete disappearance of age spots and freckles, as well as the lightening of scars. Such masks are completely hypoallergenic, as they consist of natural herbal ingredients and vitamin extracts.

Unlike chemical treatment, the use of lightening masks on the face is absolutely safe, painless and has no contraindications for use.

Home procedure for whitening facial skin

If, for financial reasons, visiting expensive beauty salons is not affordable, economical methods of homemade masks will come to the rescue, helping to whiten delicate facial skin. Based on natural products, homemade masks will provide not only lightening of the face, but will also serve as effective nutrition and hydration, even out complexion, healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Before you begin self-lightening, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations and contraindications so as not to harm your health.


  1. Before performing any procedure on your face, you should perform a soft, gentle peeling.
  2. To avoid negative impact sun on disturbed skin, it is recommended to perform the procedure in the evening.
  3. To avoid damaging the skin, apply whitening masks no more than once a week.
  4. After the whitening procedure is completed, you need to apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream to your face.
  5. To aid in regeneration and to maximize effective result, it is recommended to take vitamin C.


  1. You should not perform bleaching when very light color faces.
  2. Refrain from manipulating your face if you have sensitive and dry skin.
  3. In case of any diseases or injuries, refrain from further injury.
  4. If cosmetic procedures or surgery have previously been performed on your face, you can make a mask no earlier than a month later.

Traditional skin whitening recipes

Face masks based on folk recipes, are as safe and financially profitable as possible. It is necessary to take into account personal allergic reactions to the components included in such masks, and from a wide range of offered options, choose the one that is most beneficial for your own skin.

For dry skin, add sour cream, honey and 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide to the cottage cheese.

  1. Lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide. Another method of whitening using these components. Mix peroxide and juice in equal quantities, thoroughly wipe your face soaked in the solution cotton pad. After this, apply sour cream to your face. Choose the fat content according to the condition of the skin - the drier the skin, the fattier the sour cream.

A girl who wants to have her face whitened should take this issue seriously so as not to harm her delicate skin and general condition health. Each representative of the fair sex has the opportunity to choose the lightening option that is more suitable for her financial situation or personal preferences - trust professional care V beauty salon or taking care of your skin yourself. If all recommendations are followed correctly, the effect will be obvious!

Holidays in countries with active sun often end with a search for ways to whiten your skin. There are recipes for home use, which will help solve the problem, but in some cases only professionals can remove pigmentation.

Is it possible to bleach your face?

Any skin can be lightened, and the intensity and duration of the effect will depend on individual characteristics. Before looking for a method to whiten darkened facial skin, it is advisable to find out the reasons for this behavior. In some cases only external influence not enough, so you will need to take additional measures for getting perfect tone. Difficult situations are only allowed surgically. If the reason is a malfunction internal organs, then the problem may not be correctable.

Facial skin whitening is often performed when there is a tendency to form freckles. In this case, it is important not only to carry out the procedure, but also to take care of protection from UV rays, which provoke an increased formation of melanin, which is responsible for the skin acquiring a dark shade. In modern day creams photo filters are actively being added, but they are not enough for reliable protection, so you will need to purchase specialized tools.

How to whiten facial skin at home?

There are several options for eliminating a cosmetic defect:

  • cosmetical tools for whitening facial skin;
  • salon manipulations;
  • homemade compositions.

Any of the methods for whitening facial skin is divided into two stages:

  • elimination of the stratum corneum of the skin;
  • inhibition of melanin production.

Exfoliation allows you to eliminate dead particles, which already makes your complexion lighter. This is done using peelings with special composition. Afterwards, products are applied to the prepared skin to enhance and prolong the effect obtained. Facial skin whitening at home is done using cosmetics or food containing the necessary properties. The latter option has a softer effect, which is why side effects will be minimal.

Face skin whitening cream

This type of product is especially common due to its ease of use. Effectiveness is ensured by the presence of the following ingredients:

  • titanium dioxide;
  • glycolic, hyaluronic, lactic, azelaic, gluconic and kojic acids;
  • hydroquinone is a strong and toxic antioxidant, use for more than 2 weeks is prohibited;
  • extracts of red grapes, lemon, mulberry, cucumber, saxifrage, parsley, skullcap;
  • oils grape seed and jojoba;
  • beta-carotene and vitamin C;
  • arbutin;
  • snail mucus.

Cosmetics for whitening facial skin are based on natural ingredients, but this does not mean they are safe. The entire surface is subject to aggressive influence; there is no possibility of targeted impact. For this reason, you need to prepare for the following negative manifestations:

  • peeling;
  • burns;
  • redness;
  • rashes.

Skin whitening ointment

You can also buy a product at the pharmacy that will remove unsightly darkening. For this, salicylic-zinc paste is used; whitening facial skin with its help is safe. It also has a drying and anti-inflammatory effect, so it is used to treat acne and diaper dermatitis. Its disadvantage is its incompatibility with decorative cosmetics, which will have to be abandoned for the entire course of treatment.

Facial skin whitening oil

Esters fight the problem well, but they must be added to base oil for skin care or for a mask, solo use is prohibited. It is difficult to answer the question which essential oil whitens facial skin better, because a lot depends on specific case. The oils that have the highest activity in this direction are:

  • carrot and celery seeds;
  • vanilla;
  • parsley;
  • camphor;
  • citrus fruits;
  • rosewood;
  • eucalyptus;
  • sandalwood;
  • tea tree.

Skin whitening products

If you don’t want to go to the salon, but you don’t have any special cream or essential oil at home, you can whiten your face using:

  • curdled milk;
  • honey-lemon cocktail;
  • juice;
  • tomatoes;
  • finely chopped sauerkraut;
  • cucumbers;
  • soda;
  • sweet grated pepper;
  • strawberries

Face skin whitening masks

To return to the skin even tone and lighten it, you can use home remedies in the form of masks:

  1. Green peas need to be mashed and mixed with the same volume of whey, distribute the pulp over clean face and remove after 20 minutes.
  2. Colorless clay must be diluted with chamomile decoction and left on the skin for 5 minutes. For sensitive types, a nourishing cream is first applied.
  3. The egg yolk must be mixed with 25 ml of milk and 50 g of boiled potatoes. The resulting mass is kept for steam bath 30 minutes, then apply to face previously wiped with lemon juice. Put on top thick fabric, remove with warm water after 20 minutes. Skin whitening at home ends with rinsing with cool water.
  4. To 8 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide you need to add 25 g of anhydrous lanolin. The mask is applied for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Dry yeast is mixed with milk to a creamy consistency, applied for half an hour, and then washed off with water. Suitable for oily and combination skin.
  6. In the evening, it is recommended to leave a mixture of equal parts of starch and lemon juice on the skin for 20 minutes, then wash. Regular procedures will make the effect more pronounced.

From time to time, porcelain skin tone comes into fashion. In connection with this trend, many representatives of the fair sex are embarking on a search for the most effective lightening agents. However, the issue of skin lightening can be acute and for obvious reasons: due to the presence of freckles and age spots. However, these cosmetic imperfections sometimes they affect not only the face, but also other parts of the body. How to lighten your skin is the topic of our next article.

Determine the cause

Before you lighten your skin at home, you need to find out the reason for its darkening.

Changing the color of certain areas of the skin does not just happen. Everything happens for a reason, and severe pigmentation is no exception to this rule.

Brown spots that stand out against the background of generally light skin occur as a result of a variety of conditions. They can make themselves felt in spring and summer in people with especially sensitive skin or having a natural tendency to freckle. In this case, the role of a provocateur is played by increased solar activity.

Pigment spots also “decorate” the skin of pregnant women, which should be blamed on hormonal changes in the body. Unsightly dark areas appear on the surface of the body also due to disruption of the liver and general intense slagging of the internal environment of the body.

Conclusion: Before you start directly lightening your skin, find out first the real reason phenomena of increased pigmentation. It may very well be possible to eliminate it without resorting to the services of lightening procedures and beauty products.

Modern creams

Among the abundance of factory-made creams, serums and masks, there are quite a lot of cosmetics designed specifically for skin lightening: whitening age spots and freckles.

Achromin cream is quite popular in terms of skin lightening. The country of origin of the beauty product is Bulgaria. The main component of the cream is the substance hydroquinone, whose responsibilities include stopping the synthesis of melanin pigment in the skin. To achieve the desired effect, this remedy should be used twice a day: in the morning (a couple of hours before leaving the room) and in the evening before bed.

If increased skin pigmentation is ruining your life, to lighten your skin at home, also try regularly using a whitening mask from the Belarusian manufacturer Belita-Vitex. The composition of this beauty product includes mostly natural ingredients: essential plant extracts, organic acids, vitamins.

In addition to directly lightening age spots, the mask perfectly cleanses clogged skin pores and gets rid of the stratum corneum. dead cells and enhances the regeneration process in the skin.

To lighten your skin at home, try the cosmetic product " White linen» from Floresan. This is also a mask, but unlike the beauty products discussed above, it produces deeper whitening of age spots on the skin. In addition to everything else, this product has an excellent peeling effect. The “White Flax” mask contains enough ascorbic and other organic acids, as well as flax seed extract, which determined the name of the product.

When purchasing and using a branded lightening cosmetic product for its intended purpose, adhere to the following simple but important rules:

How to choose a skin lightener

  • Carefully study the composition of the beauty product. It must contain at least, one of the following list of components - vitamin C, hydroquinone, kojic acid, deoxyarbutin, a-hydroxy acids.
  • Keep in mind that the lion's share of the compounds listed above have a strong irritant effect. For this reason, it is advisable to first conduct a test for allergic reaction, and only if there is no painful response of the body to the applied product, begin to use it for its intended purpose.
  • The selection of a bleaching agent is made individually experimentally and in no other way. Monitor the results: if after 1-1.5 months the pigment spots have not lightened, change the beauty product.

Home remedies for skin lightening

The arsenal of folk home whitening products and masks for skin whitening is much wider than the choice of branded equivalents. In addition, using homemade beauty products is more profitable and healthier, because their cost is quite low and the composition is completely natural.

A classic way to lighten your skin at home is lemon juice. Due to its whitening properties, it is included in home masks designed to combat age spots and freckles. An example of such a mask is sour cream and lemon. Take 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed citrus juice, combine with homemade high-fat sour cream (2 tbsp). Mix well and apply the composition to problem areas for 15-20 minutes.

White clay is an excellent natural skin lightener. It is mixed with water and applied in the form of a thick paste to dark areas, and washed off after drying. In addition to lightening, this product also reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Essential oils: citrus, rosewood, tea tree, vanilla cope well with the problem of increased pigmentation of the body and skin whitening at home. They are rarely used in pure form, because this way you can get burned. It is better to add volatile extracts to homemade cosmetics - masks and peelings.

To lighten your skin at home, use parsley juice. A whitening lotion is prepared on its basis. A medium-sized bunch of greens should be finely chopped and poured with boiling water in a volume of 0.5 liters. Let the broth sit for 15 minutes, then filter it. Use the cooled product to wipe the pigmented areas twice a day.

It also helps to lighten your skin and get rid of age spots at home. oat flour, cucumber and onion juices, pulp of strawberries, black currants, melon; cottage cheese, raw egg white and, of course, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, salicylic alcohol.

How to lighten with procedures

Removes age spots chemical peeling. The greatest effect in the presence of highly pigmented skin is achieved by peeling based on trichloroacetic or lactic acid and also retinol. The procedure is aimed at exfoliating the upper layers of the skin, and with them the melanin granules.

The cryotherapy procedure provides certain benefits in terms of skin lightening. It is based on the fact that some types of melanocytes - cells that produce the brown pigment melanin - have hypersensitivity to the cold.

As an option, you can undergo mesotherapy. This procedure involves skin injections of a bleaching substance into problem areas. This approach allows you to get rid of age spots in a short time.

The most effective skin lightening procedure is laser phototherapy. Within its framework dark spots disappear forever.

When using lightening agents or salon treatments Avoid exposing your skin to UV radiation from the sun. To do this, it is important to apply sunscreen to pigmented skin.

Also, get rid of bad habits: smoking and eating processed foods, fast food, as they contribute to darkening of the skin. Introduce foods rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C into your diet, visit the fresh air, go in for sports.
