What kind of male appearance do girls like? Male attention and care

As the proverb says: you meet people by their clothes, and therefore, first of all, the opposite sex pays attention to the style of clothing, and here, contrary to the popular belief of the weaker sex, a very small number of men like clothes that are too bright or short. Strange as it may seem, the main thing that attracts men in clothes is moderation and restraint; it is by appearance that a man begins to talk about the character of a girl. By the way, the same goes for makeup. Most guys like a neutral, daytime look.

Well-groomed skin. This includes not only the skin of the face, but also the hands. In order for it to be attractive, it must be silky, clean and well-groomed.

Figure. Many young ladies believe that in order to attract guys they must have the figure of Angelina Jolie. But here's the paradox: in fact, very few men like this type of figure. The vast majority like the moderate type, that is, when there is no abundance of fat folds, but at the same time the bones do not stick out. It all depends on the height and type of figure, as well as on how the girl feels.

Smile. It is from the first smile that you can interest a guy and he will like you. Therefore, smile more often.

But it’s not just your looks that can make a guy like you, big role Here the character, or rather its traits, also plays a role.

Character Traits That Guys Like

First of all, it is worth noting the fact that any person, regardless of his gender, never attracts attention if he constantly gives others despondency, stress and always complains about his life. And vice versa: the more cheerful a person is, the more people he attracts to himself, and guys are no exception here.

Secondly, as strange as it may sound, it is smart girls attract guys. After all, there is always something to talk about with them, she keeps the topic of conversation going. Thirdly, the most popular are those ladies who have some elusive piece of charm. And it’s especially good if such a piece is closely connected with kindness and empathy. After all, for some reason, it is girls endowed with such character traits that always attract guys, and adult men too.

But you shouldn’t think that if a girl likes a young man and she is endowed with all these traits, then he will definitely reciprocate your feelings. After all, all of the above traits are generalized, and each person has a certain range of qualities that he himself possesses, and which attract him to people similar to him. But still, having the above-mentioned character traits and appearance features, young ladies much more likely to become attractive to guys.

2. What kind of guys do girls like in appearance?

No matter what anyone says, it is the appearance that first catches the eye, and because of how a person looks, most of us decide whether we like this person, whether we want to continue communicating with him or not. Contrary to the common misconception that only guys are interested in the appearance of their significant other, girls also pay very much great attention this aspect. And that's why it's enough a large number of young male people are interested in what type of guys exactly external signs is the most attractive to ladies.

The most attractive types of men for girls

First we need to talk about psychological types most attractive men:

Romantic. Every girl dreams of romantic evenings, breakfast in bed and flowers given for no reason. That's why such men attract girls. They are always extremely helpful, constantly compliment their companion and never forget to congratulate her or give her a gift even without any reason. By the way, one of the varieties of a romantic is a caring guy, but you are unlikely to expect gifts and flowers from him for no reason. Guys like this dress up classic style and they speak like heroes of old novels.

Foreigner. Everything unknown beckons and that is why most girls are attracted to foreigners. Moreover, most often this is expressed externally: an unusual style of clothing and an original accent.

Bad guy. Most often, he is betrayed by a defiant style of clothing and a disdainful attitude towards others. His entire behavior, combined with his appearance, screams of his bad behavior and reputation.

Botanist. He attracts girls with his education, standard stern look and the fact that he knows everything and about everything.

But not only the appearance, or rather the style of clothing attracts girls, Special attention they also pay attention to a person’s appearance, namely his face, figure and gestures.

The most attractive types of male appearance for girls

According to girls, the most beautiful eyes are those of men who have brown and green eyes, hair color is either blond or brown-haired, but for some reason they don’t particularly like brown-eyed and red-haired men (although, of course, not everyone does). As for height, it should fluctuate in the range of 175-190 cm. Most of all, girls like guys with an athletic build, but at the same time, the body should not be a big pile of muscles. Besides, strange as it may seem, most girls like it when guys have plump lips.

It's no secret that all guys pay attention to female hands, girls do the same. They all like it when a guy has clean, soft hands with neatly trimmed nails. In general, we can say that the most attractive guys should look like this: height 180 cm, weight 85 kg, blond or brunette plump lips, well-groomed hands and an athletic physique. Many girls, like guys, like it when their partner has a small belly, but just a small one.

Of course, everyone has their own taste and preferences, but these are the types that are most attractive to the opposite sex.

Qualities that guys like in girls

A lot of people are interested in the question of which girls guys like best. Namely, tall or short, plump or thin, sad and cheerful, with long hair or short, dressing provocatively or modestly, vulgar or quiet, educated and intelligent or, on the contrary, not particularly developed. In order to understand this, it is best to conduct a comparative analysis.

By character

Guys prefer girls who like to talk a lot and at the same time on any topic. There is always something to talk about with them, and there is absolutely no time for boredom. In addition, self-confident girls who are able to independently defend their opinions and never try to assert themselves by demonstrating the shortcomings of others are considered more attractive. In addition, most often guys pay all their attention to creative ladies who are engaged in some kind of art. Another character trait that attracts guys like a magnet is kindness and compassion. Every guy is Small child, and at heart he is small and defenseless, and therefore he wants affection and kindness.

Another character trait that is quite rare is honesty. Guys don't like flattery and deception. The more honest and truthful a girl is with him, the more attractive she is to a guy and the more he will appreciate her.

Another trait, not even of character, but of personality, is thriftiness. Yes, guys love business girls who take a pragmatic approach to management household, cook delicious food and keep it clean.

What kind of girls do guys like based on their appearance?

There are two things in female appearance that instantly attract the attention of the opposite sex: eyes and lips. Guys like the girls most who have big, wide eyes, but what color they are is not so important. The main thing is that these eyes are slightly emphasized and attract attention.

As for the lips, they should be plump and not bright red, but rather soft pink or neutral. Most guys like lips that have a dewy appearance and a defined contour. Achieving this effect is extremely simple with a pencil and glitter.

The figure that attracts the most male attention is an hourglass figure, that is, with a rather rounded shape. Another interesting fact is that guys prefer petite girls, but girls, on the contrary, try to find a soul mate who has a rather impressive size. A great way to get a guy's attention is to smile. Only she should not be playful and defiant, but open and honest. Concerning general view, then everything in a girl should be harmonious: makeup, clothes and hairstyle. Males like those girls who have smooth and silky skin, well-groomed and body and who are always in a great mood.

But the most important thing that guys pay attention to is the presence of a twist. This zest can lie in anything: in gestures, manner of dressing, speaking, and even just in a glance. The main thing to remember is that everything should be in moderation.

What kind of girls do guys like according to statistics?

For some reason, many ladies allow themselves to believe that a guy who in the future can become a husband or will simply remain pleasant impression from the past, must love his girlfriend for who she is. And therefore, after they have won their prince, they stop taking care of themselves in detail, and this is their main and fatal mistake. But the statistics are inexorable, and it says that guys like those girls who take care of themselves in detail, and this applies to even the smallest details.

Therefore, it would be a good idea for all girls to find out which girls guys like according to statistics.

What kind of girls do guys like or basic rules of self-care?

Now it’s the 21st century, and this means that a girl should be very attentive to the presence of hair on her body, or rather to its absence. There are quite a lot of stores various means for hair depilation and every girl can choose for herself what suits her.

Many men are very sensitive to the length and color of a girl’s hair. Statistics on this matter say the following: greatest attention guys are attracted to natural shades hair. Their length should be approximately shoulder length. But bright and unusual shades Hair, according to statistics, on the contrary, only scares men away. But every young man will definitely pay attention to the cleanliness of his hair, and it should never be greasy under any circumstances. If it is not possible to wash your hair, then you need to use dry shampoo, which will instantly put your hair in order.

Hands are the part of the body that men immediately pay attention to after their face. They must be perfectly clean and well-groomed, without peeling varnish or burrs. To do this, it is not necessary to visit several times a week nail salon You can also do a manicure at home.

Men also attach great importance to the smell that comes from female body. There is not a single person who likes the smell of sweat. Therefore, it is imperative to use deodorants every day and eau de toilette, but in the summer, it is advisable to carry refreshing sprays with you.

You shouldn’t neglect new clothes either. It doesn’t have to be super trendy, the main thing is that it suits the girl, emphasizes the strengths of her figure and hides her flaws. But most importantly, it should always be crystal clear. No guy will express sympathy for a girl who wears dirty or torn clothes.

As statistics say, you should not use an abundance of cosmetics, the main thing is that the skin is clean and makeup should only slightly emphasize natural advantages.

Need to study physical exercise to ensure your body is always in good shape. after all, an obese and saggy body does not adorn anyone.

You should always monitor your shoes for their integrity and cleanliness. Only in this case does the girl have every chance to please the guy.

Statistics are an inexorable thing and therefore its facts cannot be neglected. If a girl ignores most of the above points, then it is absolutely not surprising if her boyfriend starts paying attention to other girls who strictly follow all these rules.

Every girl wants to feel attractive. Grade own beauty It depends on a personal feeling, depending on self-esteem, and on the degree of interest of the opposite sex. Therefore, the question of what kind of girls guys like always remains relevant. Knowledge of opinion strong half helps you draw useful conclusions and determine ways to improve your appearance and behavior.

What type of girls do guys like? (photo)

Sympathy between a man and a woman arises even before the first communication. Guys determine the attractiveness of girls, first of all, by their appearance. When assessing, both the overall appearance and individual appearance parameters are taken into account. Almost all men say they experience pleasant feelings when they see a beautiful, harmonious, blooming, shining girl. Let's take a closer look at what is meant by these characteristics.

What should the appearance be like?

Men like beautiful women. Almost all guys in love say that their girlfriend has an attractive appearance. Others may consider her only cute or even ordinary-looking. This suggests that every man has his own beauty parameters. Some people like green-eyed blondes, others like dark-eyed brown-haired women. There are several appearance parameters that do not leave any man indifferent. Here are some of them:

  • Shining eyes. Guys great importance give women's eyes. The color fades into the background. Most men remember beautiful shape, warmth and radiance. Achieving a radiant look is possible through external and internal transformations.
  • Well-groomed skin. From clean skin exudes freshness and health, which does not leave the stronger sex indifferent. Anyone who wants to look attractive needs to carefully monitor the condition of the skin of the face and body, regularly visit a cosmetologist and use suitable means care
  • Well-groomed hands and nails. Cases when a woman attracted the attention of her future husband beautiful manicure, are not uncommon. Modern men They pay great attention to detail. It is important to always have perfect manicure and pedicure. Even such an inconspicuous detail as cracked heels can completely ruin the first impression.
  • Naturalness. Guys like girls with natural beauty. Thick layer makeup creates an unnatural effect, creates suspicion: what will she look like if she is not put on makeup? It is not at all necessary to completely abandon cosmetics; it is important to use it carefully and create a “makeup without makeup” effect.

The listed appearance parameters play an important role, but there is one more detail that is not visible in the mirror - smell. Unpleasant aroma will turn any beauty into an unpleasant person, so it is important to carefully monitor personal hygiene. It is permissible to use perfumed products, but only in in moderation.

Figure: thin or plump?

In assessing a woman's appearance, men give a big role to the figure. This is explained by the instinct of procreation. The guy subconsciously evaluates every girl he likes as expectant mother their children. A girl should have a figure that indicates health, and painful thinness or excessive looseness of the body indicates just the opposite. As a result, most representatives of the stronger sex like moderately plump girls. Fullness can also attract admirers, but only if it is characterized by attractive rounded shapes: large size breasts, buttocks.

Height: tall or short?

Growth estimates are always conditional. The concepts of “high” and “low” depend not only on the average height of residents in a certain area, but also on the height of the person conducting the assessment. So, for a man 170 cm tall, a girl 156 cm tall will not seem small at all. And for a guy over 2 meters tall, a 175 cm tall model may seem like a fragile little inch. In most cases, men prefer women who are 10-15 cm shorter than them. A significant percentage of the stronger sex considers it normal if the chosen one is taller.

Body type

The attractiveness of a physique is determined by its proportionality. A girl should be slim, which is not at all synonymous with thinness. It rather means harmonious proportions, correct posture and an even gait, which is achieved by regularly performing certain sets of exercises. The proportions of the figure are difficult to change, but slight disharmony can be corrected by a competent selection of clothing and accessories. Here are a couple of recommendations for improving your silhouette:

What do the statistics say about this?

There are no official statistics studying what kind of girls men like. Many magazines and websites regularly conduct such surveys. According to their results, men unanimously agree only on ideal height women - 170 cm. Otherwise, views differ. Most respondents find it difficult to name the ideal weight, but note that a woman should have correct proportions bodies and fit figure. The most popular breast size is 3, and the most attractive body type is “ hourglass».

As for hair color, there are almost always equal numbers of fans of blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women and redheads among respondents. Most respondents prefer natural color hair, length below the shoulder blades and natural hairstyles. The same situation applies to eye color. The one, the only attractive one, with male point vision, eye color does not exist. Many respondents note the importance of a warm look.

What kind of character and behavior do guys like the most?

Attractive appearance can cause male interest, however, to continue long and strong relationships you need to have character traits that the guy considers important. Harmony in a couple, the quality of communication and the number of conflicts depend on them. All guys want to feel spiritual comfort next to their chosen one, but this will not provide beautiful appearance. What kind of girls do guys like? Here are the main character traits that attract most men:

  • Caring. Any guy likes it when a woman is attentive not only to herself, but also to her chosen one. Selfish bitches who only want to use guys to solve their problems are always a turn off.
  • Self confidence. People with adequate self-esteem do not concentrate on their shortcomings, do not humiliate other people, and do not irritate them with constant whining about their appearance. WITH confident girl it's nice to joke on different topics, without fear of sudden offense.
  • Calm. Most guys are annoyed by girls being overly emotional. Guys like calm girls who are not prone to hysterics or causeless tears. Classic example bad behavior in the male understanding, it is a scandal with breaking dishes and throwing things out of the window.

What kind of girls do guys like based on their zodiac sign?

  • Men of water signs - Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio - like feminine girls capable of sincerely loving and caring for a partner. Representatives appreciate water element housekeeping, the ability to create comfort in the home. Appearance is not particularly important; the presence of a riddle is of great importance. According to the horoscope of these signs, the girl must have something special, bewitching.
  • Guys of earthly zodiac signs - Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus - like practical, combining features the perfect housewife and mistresses. Representatives of the earthly element like it when a girl values ​​traditions, knows how to organize her life, and skillfully manages finances. Outwardly, men of earthly zodiac signs are attracted to classic beauty, elegant ladies who know how to behave in society.
  • Guys of the air zodiac signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - like funny, full of life, easy-going girls. It is important for men of the air element that their chosen one shares their hobbies and is ready for frequent trips, adventures, and walks. A girl with a bright, well-groomed appearance can attract representatives of the air.
  • Guys with fire zodiac signs - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius - like stately girls with sleek appearance. It is important for representatives of the element of fire that their significant other is successful, has many hobbies, and knows how to stand up for themselves. Guys of these zodiac signs appreciate when a girl stands out from the crowd and arouses the admiration of others.

Video: What do guys and men like in girls?

Representatives of the fair sex are constantly racking their brains over what kind of girls do guys like? Everyone tries to be well-groomed, sweet, modest and caring. This is only part of the characteristics ideal woman. The video below will help you find out what else guys like in girls.

The desire to please opposite sex is in our blood. Men are interested in knowing what kind of guys girls like in order to become better and get the attention of the chosen person. Of course, every lady has her own tastes, but there are common qualities that will attract any beauty.

What kind of guys do girls like in appearance?

There are situations when a guy with a discreet appearance has no end to his fans, while handsome men sit on the sidelines. What's the secret? The thing is that lucky men, consciously or unconsciously, follow certain rules of behavior with a woman. But don’t forget about other qualities of an ideal man:

  • A man must remain a man in any situation. Girls instinctively choose masculine guys. Young ladies can argue as much as they want that a sports figure is not so important, but in reality they go crazy about six-pack abs. Don't get carried away in pursuit of piles of muscles. Remember: girls prefer a slim, athletic figure - they are not interested in steroid boys.
  • Each young lady has her own criteria regarding appearance young man. Research shows that girls find high cheekbones attractive full lips, Availability light tan, dark eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • A man with a beard is the embodiment of masculinity, maturity and solidity. If previously three-day stubble was perceived as a sign of laziness, now even slight stubble causes delight among the fair sex.

What kind of guys do girls like based on their character?

So, why do girls love guys? The question is complex. If the guys knew the answer to this, life would not be interesting. Let's figure out what human qualities girls like in guys:

  • Caring, attentive and faithful. These are the qualities that come first.
  • Confidence. A man who is convinced of his strength acts on girls like a magnet.
  • The ability to protect in case of danger, to protect from any troubles.
  • Reliability.
  • Generosity. But be careful: do not confuse sympathy with self-interest.

Does not exist ideal people. Negative traits character is inherent in everyone. But there are those that especially irritate girls:

  • Tendency to tyranny. What self-respecting girl would treat well a guy who is ready to use his fists at any moment?! A real man must be able to curb the savage within himself and peacefully resolve any dispute or conflict.
  • Relationships and selfishness are not the best combination.
  • Narcissism.
  • Jealousy. Women are not afraid of jealousy itself; they are worried about the events that follow it: aggression, reproaches, scandals, etc.

Which guy do you like

Deciding which guy you like is not that easy. Appearance plays an important role in attracting the opposite sex. The first impression of a person consists of an assessment of appearance, and then they pay attention to human qualities. Some people like skinny people tall guys, and others only look at sports guys. You can't please everyone. No doubt handsome guy- every girl's dream. But what if nature does not reward you with an attractive appearance? Don’t panic, develop other positive qualities in yourself:

  • Girls respect male intelligence, but hate boring guys. When you talk for hours about fishing or how your car works, make sure the girl is interested. Otherwise, you may be considered a bore and stop communicating.
  • A good sense of humor is not only the ability to joke and tell stories correctly funny stories. With such a man it is easy and there is always something to talk about.

At all times, women have been attracted to these types of guys:

  • Bad Boys. This is the type of young man that every immature girl dreams of. With age, sympathy for such guys fades, and girls look for a reliable man.
  • Sports guys. Everything is simple here: a toned body is more pleasant to look at. Besides, your friends, seeing you together, will die of envy.
  • Romantics. What girl doesn’t dream of a prince on a white horse, a candlelit dinner and a serenade under the window?!
  • Good guy. This is the ideal man in every sense.

There are girls who love to try on the role of a mother or teacher. Unsuspecting modest guys fall into their bait in the hope of finding their happiness. In such conditions, yesterday's modest guy turns into anyone: romantic, brutal or ladies' man.

Adventurers are looking for a man to match themselves. He should not stop her or infringe on her, but rather feed her with much-needed emotions. Such guys are characterized by excessive activity, cheerfulness and love for extreme actions.

Let's reveal a secret: girls can say anything, but when they see the right guy, lose their minds. Let him be jealous, insolvent and slurp at the table - these are trifles. Love is the main thing.

Appearance is, of course, not the most important thing in a man, but, nevertheless, it plays a fairly important role in choosing a partner for the rest of his life.

Girls prefer and love reliable, brave and determined men and if all these qualities are combined with a beautiful and charming male appearance, then this will be aerobatics!

A beautiful appearance, like a pumped up, sculpted body, is an additional plus for absolutely any man, and it is advisable not to ignore this plus.

If a man is rich and famous, this is very good, but if such a man also takes care of his appearance, then he will definitely benefit and will stand out among the rich and famous men who don't take care of their appearance.

A women's beauty salon is a hairdressing salon, and men's salon beauty is Gym. That is why it is worth initially placing emphasis on male figure which girls like.

Initially, it’s worth noting what girls may not like about a man’s figure:

  1. Beer belly or just a big belly;
  2. Pumped legs;
  3. Severe thinness.

This list is not only statistics, but also objective factors of male beauty.

A man's appearance should not have a beer belly, pumped-up legs and extreme thinness, as this will turn off many girls.

And now what attracts girls to a male figure:

  1. Broad shoulders
  2. Wide back
  3. Firm buttocks
  4. Relief press

Broad shoulders and back are and have always been liked by girls, as this is a visual indicator of adaptability to heavy loads and a man with shoulders and back visually looks powerful.

Firm buttocks are more often liked by men than by girls, but girls, oddly enough, also go crazy about this part of the body.

The reason is that firm buttocks for girls are an instinctive indicator that a man is very strong in intimate connection and deftly knows how to move his pelvis.

Sculpted abs, of course, is considered an indicator of health, since it shows what a man does not have. subcutaneous fat, and girls instinctively understand that the man is healthy and they absolutely love it.

Now let's talk about a man's appearance, which does not concern his figure.

The first thing to consider for such things is external neatness and cleanliness. Such neatness and cleanliness includes cut nails, clean hair with a neat hairstyle, as well as well-groomed and ironed clothes.

As for your face, keep an eye on it, try to prevent the appearance of pimples, blackheads and other dirt.

By adhering to these rules, you will now know what kind of guys girls like based on their appearance.

Therefore, swing, keep your face and body clean, and dress neatly and neatly.

Everyone knows that there is no friend for taste and color, as they say. However, many representatives of the stronger sex dream and see how to conquer greatest number girls. Maybe a conquest women's hearts, as a sport, is, of course, not entirely fair, and even a little immoral, but still we cannot ignore such a burning topic and not ask the question, what kind of guys do girls like? Maybe the answer to this question will help you find and conquer the one and only one who is destined for you by fate itself. So what requirements do the fair sex make of their potential princes?

A man should be a man

Being a man is a rather capacious concept. He must be strong, courageous, courageous, decisive, so that behind his back the girl feels like she is behind a stone wall. And you don’t at all have to look like a pumped-up movie hero, flexing a mountain of muscles in the spotlight; being a man is, rather, an internal quality. But, of course, if you can still lift something heavier than a briefcase, then this is also welcome.


Smart men now in price. Naturally, you should not seem smart, but be smart; a girl’s pretense, as a rule, will be immediately noticed. But, with all this, you should not be a bore; if you put too much pressure on her with your intellect, she will soon run away from you. After all, no girl, even one not heavily burdened with a lot of knowledge, wants to feel like a complete fool.

Sense of humor

In no case should it be boring with you. Be able to screw into right time, funny phrase or a joke is highly valued by the female sex. And everyone knows that all girls laugh, so you simply have to be funny if you want to be a favorite of women. But, there is one main “BUT”. Under no circumstances should you laugh at HER. They won't forgive you for this.


Which guys do girls like more? Of course they are romantic. Romance is of great importance to women. You must be capable of doing crazy things for her, beautiful gestures, to publicly admit his feelings for her. After all, not only she should know that you love her, but all her friends. Don't be modest, show her yourself in all your glory.

Loyalty and honor

Nobody likes liars and cheaters. Therefore, in order to win the heart of a girl, you must certainly let her know that you are devoted and faithful to her like no one else. Try to be honest with her, this is very much appreciated by women. But be extremely careful in your truthfulness; know that you can’t tell your girlfriend everything. For example, if she asks you if she has gained weight Lately, under no circumstances tell her: “Yes.”


If you are generous, and besides, you have the opportunity to spend money, then for many men today the question of what kind of guys girls like in appearance seems completely irrelevant. It seems to them that if there is money, then a woman does not care what her admirer looks like. Unfortunately, this fact is increasingly confirmed today. But still, let's hope that this does not apply to all representatives of the fairer sex. And besides, everyone wants to love you, and not your wallet or bank card.


Everyone knows what kind of girls guys like: thin, with long hair. well-groomed hair natural shades, funny and interesting, economical, but a little mysterious. The kind that will make all your friends jealous. What external traits attract women in men? As practice shows, Attractive man should not be too thin or overweight, he should not have severe physical defects, he should be neat, and smell good, so a good quality shoes And expensive perfume required attribute young man.

So which guys do girls like more, and which girls do guys like, the statistics in this matter are not the best best helper. Whether you are thin or not very thin, tall or short, blond or brunette, in general, all external qualities are not at all important. The main thing is for a spark to run between you, for sympathy to arise and mutual attraction. And if you have fallen into each other’s soul and heart, then this is already serious. And if you do everything right, then your the girl will go follow you even to the ends of the world.
