Beautiful design for a postcard for February 23rd. Making cards from colored paper and cardboard at school

In anticipation Defender of the Fatherland Day the relevance of the issue increases significantly. The most valuable gift for men will be something made from pure heart, with my own hands. In this article we will tell you How to make your own postcard for February 23rd.

The main thing in the article

Postcards for February 23rd for kindergarten made of paper: photo ideas and instructions for implementation

IN kindergarten Kids are just beginning to develop creative skills. Homemade cards for the holiday for dads, grandfathers or brothers can be for kids. Depending on the age of the children, we can offer the following gift cards that children can make themselves.

For the little ones
The little ones can give their dads a painted card. These could be brush strokes different colors or finger painting. Postcards with a baby's palm are popular. The main thing is that the teacher or mother signs children's creativity, and the baby will be happy to present a hand-made gift to dad.
For middle group
Children from the middle group not only draw, but can also handle glue, so they can be offered to make an applique as a gift for February 23rd. If the kids have already learned how to use scissors, then let them cut out the details for the future card themselves. If they do not yet have such skills, then prepare the necessary preparations for the composition in advance. The applique can be folded into the shape of a rocket, ship, tank or car.

For senior group
Children from the older group can prepare for February 23 different postcards. The following options will look great:

  • Drawn postcard.

  • Application.

  • Creativity using semolina, which is glued on and painted in different shades.

  • One of the new directions is compositions from napkins.

Any of the options will look great and will discreetly please the defender of the fatherland, who will receive such a homemade postcard as a gift.

Postcards for Defender of the Fatherland Day to school: photo instructions

We offer schoolchildren primary classes make postcards in the form of medals. They can be simple or complex using many elements.

Simple gift medal
We prepare the following tools and necessary materials:

  • medal template;
  • decorative parts;
  • colored pencils or paints;
  • scissors;
  • lanyard or ribbon for medal.

Medal for February 23rd using origami technique
To make such a gift you need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • green colored paper in two shades;
  • scissors;
  • glue (preferably in a pencil);
  • lace or ribbon.

How to make a postcard for dad with your own hands: templates and photos

You can make a postcard for your beloved dad with. The idea is original and not difficult to implement, so even a child can cope with making such a gift.

To work you need to have:

  • colored cardboard;
  • paper (blue, red, white);
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • glue, for children it is better to take it in a pencil.

Now you need to make the following preparations:

How to make a three-dimensional postcard for February 23?

There is nothing complicated about gluing a three-dimensional postcard. Let us describe its step-by-step production. The main element of the postcard will be the boat. For a three-dimensional boat, you should prepare colored cardboard blue color. This will be the basis. Next, fold a sheet of white paper in half and make a boat using the template.

Line designation:
________ - lines for cutting;
_ _ _ _ _ _ - lines for folding.
For decoration you can use the following templates.

Now all that remains is to decorate the resulting card by gluing the prepared decor.

A gift card can have any three-dimensional element. So, for example, you can do interesting option with an airplane.

Applique postcards for February 23: manufacturing instructions

For an appliqué postcard you need to prepare the following:

  • colored cardboard, which will be the basis of the postcard;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Now to the work process:

You can also make another applique with a boat.

Postcard-shirt for February 23: how to make it yourself?

There are many options for folding a card-shirt. Its production is not limited to color. The photo below shows two ways to fold such an unusual card as a paper shirt.

Funny cards for February 23: photo ideas

Postcards with congratulations for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Children's cards for February 23

A child can give his dad or grandfather a hand-made congratulations card. A postcard with a tank is perfect for children. To make it you will need:

  • cardboard base;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick.

Initially, you need to print stencils for the tank.

Transfer the details (elements) onto colored paper according to the template. Let the child cut them out. The parts of the tank need to be glued onto pre-prepared cardboard. The postcard is ready! You can also use felt or any other suitable material.

How to make a video card for February 23?

Today, even a schoolchild can make a video card for February 23rd. All you need is a phone with a camera.

A video postcard can be:

  • in the form of changing pictures or photographs accompanied by a song;
  • just a recorded video with congratulations.

After such a postcard is completed, it can be recorded on a flash drive, which can be presented to the defender of the fatherland, or it is quite possible to send such a congratulation through social networks.

Making beautiful cards for men for Defender of the Fatherland Day: video

A postcard is an artistically designed postcard for open letter(without envelope). On front side postcards there is some image, and its reverse part is intended for writing a message and the addresses of the recipient and sender, as well as for gluing a postage stamp.

Popular today about tcards self made can be of various configurations, formats and purposes. Congratulatory cards have been and remain classics of the genre. postcards.

This is the most affordable gift, which will please loved one! You can give full rein to your imagination and imagination using various techniques and materials.

February 23 is celebrated as one of the days military glory Russia - Defender of the Fatherland Day (since 1995).

Most Russian citizens consider Defender of the Fatherland Day as the Day of real men, defenders in the most in a broad sense this word. Among the traditions of the holiday that have survived to this day are honoring veterans, laying flowers at memorable places, holding holiday concerts and events, organizing fireworks in many cities.
Traditionally, on this day, the strong half of humanity (grandfathers, dads, brothers, classmates, co-workers, beloved men) receives the legal right to accept congratulations, gratitude and gifts!

Your work should reflect the holiday. If your gift is universal, select the event Good mood or Undefined.

Master Class

Master Class (MK) - this is the transfer of one's professional experience master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be original (invented and made by you). If you used someone else's idea, you must indicate the author. (The link to the source should not lead to a site containing sales of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited according to clause 2.4 of the PS).

Your master class should not completely duplicate the one already available in the Land of Masters. Before publishing, check through the search that there are no similar MKs on the site.

The process should be photographed step by step (see Tips for photographing crafts) or filmed (see how to upload a video).

Order of registration: first photo - finished work which is proposed to be completed, the second photo - materials and tools necessary for the work (or their detailed description), then the stages of MK from the first to the last. The final photo (the result of the work) can repeat the very first one. Photos must be accompanied by clear and competent comments about the process.

If you have already published your MK on another site and you want to also publish it with us, then you need to follow all the rules for designing a MK described above. In other words: you can’t just put a photo in a post with the MK type finished product and a link to a master class on another site.

Attention: all master classes in the Land of Masters are checked by site assistants. If the requirements of the Master Class section are not met, the entry type will be changed. If the site's User Agreement is violated, for example, copyright is violated, the entry will be removed from publication.

February 23 is the day of the bravest and bravest boys, men and grandfathers - the day of true defenders of the Fatherland. In that Holy holiday, shrouded in the haze of heroic stories and the shadow of great deeds, all children and adults rush to respect dads, husbands, friends, classmates, neighbors and even work colleagues best congratulations With beautiful wishes and spiritual advice. The closest and dear men buy nice ones symbolic gifts, friends and acquaintances are given cool congratulatory souvenirs, others are sent free postcards on February 23, 2018 with funny inscriptions and subtle thematic humor. Especially conservative “defenders” are given old Soviet pictures that perfectly convey the spirit of the times when the celebration was born.

Greeting cards with inscriptions for a boy on February 23

Guys school age can hardly be called defenders of the Fatherland. But in their own way, they are already brave: protectors of weak children, helpers to their mothers, rescuers of chicks and kittens, young strategists. So why not congratulate the boys with cute cards with characteristic inscriptions on the special day of February 23rd. Such a sign of attention will be a small thank you to them for good deeds in the past and a huge incentive to become great defenders of their Motherland in the future. Download greeting cards with inscriptions for the boy on February 23 and send them to all your classmates, friends and neighborhood kids.

Collection of greeting cards with inscriptions for boys on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Beautiful cards for February 23 with congratulations to your husband

On the valiant Defender of the Fatherland Day, all young girls and adult women rush to congratulate their spouses with the most nice gifts and surprises. It’s a pity that not everyone has the opportunity to present their gift personally to the hero of the occasion. However, for couples living at a distance, there is a good way out of the situation - beautiful cards for February 23 with congratulations to the husband. Thematic pictures in electronic format, supplemented good wishes and eloquent parting words can be conveyed to your spouse in a few seconds, even hundreds or thousands of kilometers away. Beautiful greeting cards - great way congratulate your husband on February 23 and at the same time express your feelings and gratitude to your beloved for his strong shoulder.

A selection of beautiful cards for Defender of the Fatherland Day to congratulate your husband

Original postcards from February 23 with congratulations to men you know

Due to a lack of free time, many representatives of the fair sex begin to search for original greeting cards for male acquaintances no earlier than the eve of February 23rd. As a result, a quick scan of two or three Internet sites leads to a disastrous result: we congratulate dear friend, godfather and colleague with the most primitive picture with a template phrase. It's time to change stereotypes. The next section contains the most original postcards from February 23 with congratulations to men you know, which you can quickly and free download just now, without putting it off until later!

Options for original greeting cards for men on February 23

Greeting cards for dad on February 23: free download

In every girl’s life there are protectors: a cheerful neighbor at the kindergarten desk, a sympathetic classmate, a loving work colleague, dear husband, and then his son. But the very first and most important protector of every girl is her father! It is this man who takes his little princess in his arms, feels sorry for her after an accidental fall, hugs and supports her in moments of great excitement and shares the joys of victories and achievements. This means that dad deserves the most beautiful and heartfelt greeting card for February 23, even if it’s downloaded for free, as long as it’s from the bottom of his heart. Of course, you can attach a homemade souvenir or purchased gift, but even a small token of gratitude will be quite enough. Just download a free greeting card for dad on February 23 and send it to a known number early in the day.

A selection of postcards for free download for dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Unusual cards from February 23 with humor

If among your friends there are many boys and men with an excellent sense of humor, we recommend downloading for free on our website several unusual postcards with humor for the holiday of February 23. Such pictures will help not only to successfully congratulate the defenders of the Fatherland on their professional day, but also to cheer them up in the morning. And it doesn’t matter at all what weather will set the tone for the new day of the heroes of the occasion (the gloomy February slush or the monotonous patter of rain), your unusual postcard from February 23, humor will quickly correct even the most pessimistic mood.

A collection of funny postcards with humor for guys on February 23

Funny cards from February 23rd to a friend

On the primordial men's day - February 23 - do not forget to congratulate all your friends with cool cards: those who pay their debt to the army, those who have served for a long time, and even those who are not at all going to defend their Motherland. Over the past twenty to thirty years, the celebration has turned from a celebration of victory and the birth of the Red Army into an ordinary men's day dedicated to all representatives strong half humanity. This means that everyone can be congratulated, regardless of their involvement in the armed forces. Just download funny cards from February 23 to a friend and send it via SMS or social networks. He will probably be pleased to see your greeting.

Funny greeting cards for friends on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Vintage Soviet postcards for February 23, 2018 (Defender of the Fatherland Day)

Although Soviet Union disbanded back in 1991, images on many greeting cards on Defender of the Fatherland Day they still remind about old times. Why not use such electronic pictures to please the nostalgia of our fathers and grandfathers? Vintage soviet postcards on February 23, 2018 (Defender of the Fatherland Day) depict the traditional attributes of the valor of the then heroes: stars and banners, flags and military equipment, Kremlin walls and victorious fireworks.

Gallery of old USSR postcards for February 23

Previously, children's and adult cards for February 23, 2018 for boys and men had to be searched for a long time, made independently, or purchased at an expensive price. The assortment of beautiful cards with congratulations and inscriptions was very small and the desired variety was clearly not observed. Today you can download for free even the coolest Soviet or modern postcard with humor on Defender of the Fatherland Day, without applying special effort. This significantly brightens the holiday for men and makes it easier for women to prepare for.

One of them is just around the corner important holidays- Defender of the Fatherland Day. If you still can’t figure out what to give to your beloved men, then create unique gifts for them with your own hands. This article contains the easiest, but at the same time, interesting and detailed master classes DIY crafts for February 23rd that your child can easily present to dad or grandfather as a gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day. I present to you the 10 best master classes - how to make crafts for February 23rd with your own hands with step-by-step photographs.

This approach to solving the search problem unforgettable gift is traditional when children give gifts to their fathers and grandfathers on February 23. How many such gifts are created by children's hands! To do this, they use not only a variety of paper and plasticine, but also candies, ribbons, ice cream sticks and many other unusual items.

The availability and convenience of such materials make it possible to constantly use them, and to use them in a new way with each new craft. It's no secret that the same materials can be used in crafts of varying complexity. There are many similar master classes that are also aimed at children different ages and with different skills.

Most often, children choose airplanes as a gift for February 23rd. But ways to create them great amount, as well as possible materials for this: cardboard, paper, matchboxes and much more. In this master class I will show you how to make an airplane from plastic bottle using papier-mâché technique.

Let's take it plastic bottle, in my case it’s a small 0.5 liter water bottle. Cut it off with a knife just above the middle, and also cut off the spout of the bottle.

We make cuts on both sides and connect the pieces.

If you wish, you can copy our sketch and transfer it to a sheet of A4 paper, folded in half.

Using glue and tape, attach the wings and tail.

For airplane wheels you need 6 plastic bottle caps. Using tape, we connect two and four covers together.

We glue the wheels and begin to cover the plane with pieces of newspaper, having previously soaked them with PVA glue using the papier-mâché technique.

Cover the top layer with white paper or white napkins. After all the layers of the craft have dried, paint the finished plane with acrylic paint.

All that remains is to add a star-shaped applique, and cut out photographs can be glued to the portholes.

Our plane is ready to fly!

02. DIY plasticine tank

A tank made with your own hands from plasticine is great craft for Defender of the Fatherland Day. You can later take it to an exhibition or give it to your grandfather, dad or brother.

For this master class we will need green, black and red plasticine, also a piece of wire, a toothpick and a pencil.

We will make the lower part of the tank hull in the form of a block rectangular shape, sharpening one side of it.

We prepare two black strips, pressing them along the entire length with a toothpick, 10 large cakes and 4 small ones made of green plasticine.

Press down the flatbreads back pencil and draw the axes with the tip of a toothpick.

We put together 5 wheels and 2 small ones on each side, we wrap them around the track.

Place green protection tape on top.

Glue the tracks on the sides.

Take the second green block.

We glue it on, bevelling the front part with a stack.

We attach the barrel in front and add small parts, antenna and star made of red plasticine.

Our plasticine tank is ready!

In this lesson we will make such a simple plane out of cardboard.

Draw all the parts of the plane.

For the case, you can take a juice box.

We cut out the blanks as shown in the photo. Red paper stars.

Glue the tail of the plane to a matchbox.

The cardboard plane is ready!

This gift can be made for dad or brother. For this master class you will need:

  • candies;
  • cling film;
  • toothpicks;
  • scotch;
  • penoplex;
  • blue corrugated paper;
  • silver cord;
  • glue.

Cut out a circle from penoplex.

You can first draw a sketch of the steering wheel on paper, then transfer it to penoplex.

We decorate the edges with a cord.

Wrap the candies in cling film.

We attach them to a toothpick using tape.

We decorate the steering wheel with ready-made candies.

Our sweet steering wheel is ready!

05. Tank made of two sponges

This craft can be a wonderful gift from a child for the holidays of May 9 or February 23. Its production will not take much time, and the materials needed will be a sponge for washing dishes. Our master class shows step-by-step production tank from scrap materials.

To work you will need:

  1. two green sponges;
  2. scissors;
  3. ruler;
  4. dark felt-tip pen;
  5. glue gun;
  6. ruble coin;
  7. green straw.

We tear off a dense layer from one of the sponges.

On back side Using this dense layer of sponge, using a ruble coin and a dark felt-tip pen, draw six circles.

Let's cut them out.

Then we take a glue gun and use it to attach these circles to the sides of the other sponge (three circles on each side).

Let's start making the turret of our tank. To do this, on the remaining soft part of the sponge (from which the dense layer was torn off) we mark a square with sides of 4 cm.

Cut out the tower with scissors.

Cut 8 cm from the green straw - this will be the barrel of our tank. We insert it into the tower, having previously made a small depression in it using scissors.

Apply hot glue to the underside of the tower.

We attach the tower to the main part.

If you wish, you can decorate the tank; to do this, cut out small stars from red cardboard.

Glue them to the sides of the tower. Our tank is ready.

Such a craft will not only a good gift on February 26, but will also serve as a toy for a boy.

This star is very easy to make - for it we need wire, red yarn and PVA glue.

Using pliers, we make a star out of wire.

Leave to dry.

To create this airplane you will need wooden clothespins, two popsicle sticks, a piece of cardboard for the tail, two thin wooden tubes and acrylic paints.

Using hot glue and straws, attach the ice cream sticks together.

We make a tail blank from cardboard.

Glue the tail to a clothespin.

We paint the finished plane with acrylic paints.

Fostering a sense of patriotism in children is one of most important tasks teachers and parents. But for the children younger age It’s not enough to just talk about the war, about battles, victories and defeats. For them it is very important place takes visual aids, games and activities dedicated to military topics.

Therefore, a child should not only hear about the war, but also watch illustrations, filming, photographs, and also capture his emotions in drawings or crafts. Despite the fact that knitting is predominantly done by girls, this application will undoubtedly arouse interest among young defenders of the Fatherland.

To knit the “Tank” applique, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Hook No. 1;
  • Yarn of medium thickness, for example, “Jeans”;
  • Decorative star. If you don't find one, you can take it from New Year's pendants for decorating the Christmas tree;
  • Scissors
  • Glue “Moment”, preferably transparent.

We start knitting appliqués with its “caterpillars”. To do this, we cast on 10 air loops.

Then we knit 3 more air loops for lifting, and after that we knit single crochets to the end of the row. In the very last loop of the row we knit 7-8 double crochets to make a “fan” of loops. If the edge bends at this point, then increase the number of single crochets, since the applique should be flat.

Next, we knit double crochets along the opposite edge to the very last loop, where we started the row. In this loop we again make a “fan” of double crochets, but in smaller quantities than in the previous case, since there are already several loops in this place. As a result, you should end up with an elongated oval like this - the “caterpillar” of the tank.

In the second row, first we knit 5 single crochets.

After this, we make 1 air loop to highlight the beginning of knitting the upper part of the tank.

Turn the knitting and knit 8 single crochets again.

To make a tank cannon in this place, we knit 5 chain stitches.

We add another loop for lifting, and then along these chain loops we knit single crochets to the end of the row, including 8 tank “cabin” loops.

Turn the applique again and knit 8 single crochets. To finish the work, use Moment glue to carefully glue the star onto the “cabin” of the tank.

The “Tank” application is ready. It can be used to make postcards for Victory Day, February 23, or any other themed crafts.

Are you preparing a gift for a man? Nothing to decorate with gift box? Or maybe you have prepared original postcard and you need bright accent for her? Made male flower will help you get out of any situation. To create such masterpieces, you can use candy wrappers, notebook leaves, craft paper, and anything else.

On the Internet you can find special sheets that need to be cut.

You can take any designer paper with a neutral or masculine pattern.

Some people might like this color option.

So, let's start creating. To work you need:

  • The paper described above is 5x5 cm in size. Having mastered the technique, you can create flowers of any size. The paper may be neatly cut or have torn edges.
  • Glue for fixing modules.

First flower option
Fold the module in half, then in half again to make a smaller square.

You need to make 8 modules in this way.

Four modules must be glued to any piece of paper with a small gap, placing the folded corner inward.

Then, in exactly the same way, only without indents, we glue four more modules on top, rotating them 45 degrees.

Decorate the middle, curl the edges a little, and stylish decoration ready.

If, when gluing the first four modules, you leave a larger gap between them, the flower will look different.
A more complex flower

Fold paper squares as shown in the photo.

First, a diagonal line is found, then the sides of the square are tucked towards it. The resulting airplane is folded in half lengthwise. We make 8 identical modules. Last step: you need to carefully insert the modules into one another, using the resulting pockets.

At the output we get original decoration for a man's gift.

Glue in in this case It will only be needed to fix the finished decor directly on the gift item. If you make modules from squares with the same pattern, fold the modules exactly the same, relative to the pattern, then your flowers will look neater and acquire an additional pattern.

This is such a nice tank you can make from matchboxes and colored paper.

We cover the boxes with green paper as shown in the photo. For the tower we take a green cap from a plastic bottle, for the barrel we wrap a toothpick in green paper.

We cut out the wheels from black paper.

All that remains is to assemble all the parts and the tank is ready!

How to make a tank out of money

If your man served in tank forces or is simply an expert in playing “tank”, then make him something like this original gift — .

DIY gift for a man

How to make another very original one, see here.

Original gift set “Grow greens”

See how to make this original one here.

Crafts for February 23rd, created by a child with his own hands great concern and attention are of great value on this holiday.

A unique gift will bring joy not only to the parents, but also to the child himself, because with its help he will express his love for them. Let him bring joyful emotions to your loved ones!

Not all men have a positive attitude towards useless gifts, therefore, help your child create a craft with his own hands that will be useful and will not gather dust somewhere in the closet. If you think a little, the created gift can turn out to be much more surprising and practical than the purchased one.

Funny idea- make an imprint of daddy's huge shoes, and inside there is an imprint of children's feet. The sole of the shoes must be dipped in paint and left an imprint on a sheet of paper. “Following in the footsteps”: everything is simple, but very touching.

There are a lot of postcard options for February 23rd for the little ones.

Handprints, fingerprints and footprints can be made with your mother, brother or grandmother.

A print can be taken as the basis of a drawing and turned into something more. For example, for your fishing dad, you can make a card with a funny fish.

Postcard star

A postcard for February 23 can be cut out of paper in the shape of a star. To do this, you can use colored paper, leftover wallpaper or scrapbooking paper. Draw two star parts according to the template, cut them out, and then glue them together. When the glue is dry, make a small hole in the corner and insert tape or coarse thread.

Postcard - shirt

This card looks very impressive! Options for the design theme are: voluminous postcard there are a lot.

The simplest one is to fold rectangular sheet paper in half, cut a strip of paper from the top on the back of the card. Then make two small cuts in the front on the sides and fold them towards the center of the edge. This will create a shirt collar.

Of course, the kids will have to help a little with the design and prepare complex details in advance.

Cut out the part for the tie in advance, and take a couple of small buttons for the collar. You can fantasize as much as you like, add a jacket to your shirt, business suit or military uniform.

By the way, you can make a postcard for February 23rd with your own hands using only the shape of the tie itself. You can paint it, make an applique on it and attach it to a ribbon with glue, and write text and congratulations on the back.

master class: do-it-yourself voluminous postcard for February 23

Instead of a tie, you can try making a butterfly from pasta, which you will first need to paint.

You will need:

  • colored cardboard and paper
  • farfalle pasta ( pasta in the form of bows)
  • dye

Master Class

  1. Color the macarons with different colors and let them dry on a piece of paper or newspaper.
  2. Take a sheet of A4 paper and fold it in half. Stepping back 2 cm from the edge of the folded sheet, draw two lines.
  3. Make two cuts on the sides to create a rectangle. Unfold the sheet and fold it to form a shirt collar.
  4. Unfold the shirt, draw the sleeves and cut them out along the outline.
  5. Glue the silhouette of the shirt to a piece of cardboard and then decorate it beautiful butterfly from pasta.

Postcard - tablet

Another idea for those who are older. Does your dad constantly spend time on the Internet and simply cannot live without a tablet? Give him a voluminous postcard for February 23rd, made with your own hands in the form of a small tablet with your favorite photos.

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