Project (middle group) on the topic: Educational - creative project “Rainbow-arc”. Familiarizing preschoolers with the natural phenomenon of the rainbow and its color spectrum

Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 52 "Lukomorye"

Orlova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, teacher of the highest category.

Project implementation timeline: short-term (2 months).

Project participants: children middle group No. 7 "The Little Mermaid".


IN preschool age in children there is a very active process knowledge of the surrounding world. They are interested in natural phenomena and the structure of the world, the life of animals and birds, various countries and continents. In childhood, the ability to make initial forms of inferences, generalizations, and abstractions is intensively formed.

Familiarization of preschoolers with some phenomena inanimate nature occurs mainly during direct observations at different times of the year. Such familiarity with physical phenomena does little to contribute to the formation of correct ideas about the simplest physical phenomena, because direct observations cannot provide required material to fully explain observed phenomena and, moreover, often lead to erroneous conclusions, since children’s ability to draw conclusions from deliberate observation is still imperfect.

Children can often observe natural phenomena such as thunderstorms and rain, and many conversations are held on these natural phenomena. But we rarely see such a beautiful phenomenon as a rainbow and, accordingly, children do not have enough knowledge about it. Also, children do not know the color spectrum of the rainbow.

Justification of the problem:

The main goal of environmental education is the formation of principles ecological culture: correct attitude the child to the nature that surrounds him, to himself and people as part of nature, to the things and materials of natural origin that he uses. This attitude is based on basic knowledge of an environmental nature.

Knowledge is not an end in itself environmental education, but they necessary condition developing such an attitude towards the world around us, which is emotionally effective in nature and is expressed in the form cognitive interest, humanistic and aesthetic experiences, practical readiness to create around oneself.

Phenomena of inanimate nature are the objective reality of the world. A reality that directly and continuously exerts its inevitable influence on mental development children.

Despite the visual-figurative nature of their thinking, children can learn not only the external side of physical phenomena, but also some simple connections, relationships and patterns.

Walks, excursions outside the city or a stay in the countryside can give a child the opportunity to see nature in all its beauty, sometimes lush and bright, sometimes modest and no less enchanting, to see the starry sky, sunrise and sunset, the earth in different clothes: in winter - in snow-white cover, in summer - in a lush and bright outfit of wildflowers, in autumn - in the gold of leaves, in spring - in the captivating forms of awakening to a new life.
Let the child not yet be able to fully experience the charm of the nature opening before him, let the whimsical play of light and shadow in the forest, the grandeur of the bottomless sky dotted with twinkling stars, the delicate, rapidly changing color shades of the sky illuminated by the last rays of the sunset elude him. , even if he is sometimes attracted by all sorts of little things - life spilled everywhere, but all this aroma of beauty is inhaled by the child and leaves its mark in him, which, if not now, then in the future, will serve as material for deep, pure experiences.

Project goals: Expanding and clarifying children’s ideas about such a natural phenomenon as a rainbow.

Formation of color perception and color discrimination in preschool children.


o to form realistic ideas about nature – knowledge about its objects and phenomena;

o introduce children to color spectrum rainbows, help remember the sequence of colors;

o teach children to perceive color in connection with objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;

o cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, love and careful attitude To her.

Participants: children, teacher, parents.

Date: 2 months.

Main directions of project implementation:

· NOD for introducing children to the natural phenomenon – Rainbow.

· Educational conversations about the color spectrum of the rainbow, natural colors.

· Examination of illustrations.

· Reading poems and fairy tales about rainbows and flowers.

· Memorization of poems.

· Watching a cartoon.

· Applique and drawing.

· Didactic, sensory, developmental, outdoor games on the topic of the project.

Security: methodological and fiction literature, cartoons, illustrations, set for artistic creativity.

Expected Result:

Children will learn what a rainbow is and when it can be seen.

Learn the color spectrum of the rainbow and how to remember it.

Get acquainted with literary works.

An exhibition of children's works is being created.

A collective creative work is being created together with the teacher “House for the Rainbow”.

Project execution plan:

Stage 1 – preparatory:

ü Project development.

ü Selection literary works about the rainbow, the color spectrum.

ü Drawing up a plan for the main stage.

ü Defining the goals and objectives of the project

Stage 2 – main (project implementation):

Day of the week

Time interval

Activities of a teacher with children


(1 a week)


GCD "Seven-colored rainbow"

Memorizing the poem “Rainbow” by S. Marshak (Thunder, thunderstorm in the sky...).

Reading funny children's poems about colors.


P/n “Find your color”


(1 Week)


Conversation “Studying the seven colors of the rainbow”

Repetition of the poem “Rainbow” by S. Marshak

Reading a story about a rainbow

D/i “Find the colors and name them”


Sensory didactic game “Guess the vegetable by description”

P/n “Find yourself a match”


(1 Week)


D/i “Hello – I’m Red...”

Reading children's poems about the color red

GCD for drawing “Rainbow-arc”

Reading the Red Tale


Reading the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” by C. Perrault

Sensory didactic game “Arrange the cubes by color”


(2 week)


D/i “Hello – I’m orange...”

Reading children's poems about the color orange

Reading the orange fairy tale

Drawing "Carrot"


Reading poems about the rainbow by S. Marshak, E. Blaginina.

Making riddles about vegetables and naming the color of vegetables


(2 week)


D/i “Hello – I’m yellow...”

Reading children's poems about the color yellow

Reading the yellow fairy tale


Reading poems about the rainbow by N. Bayramov, V. Bardanov

Sensory didactic game “Caterpillars”


(3 week)


D/i “Hello – I’m Green...”

Reading poems about the color green

Reading poems about the rainbow by K. Chukovsky, “Colors of the Rainbow” by A. Wenger

Drawing “Christmas tree - green needle”


Reading a green fairy tale

Memorizing the poem “Rain and Rainbow” by L. Ogurtsova


(3 week)


D/i "Hello - I'm Blue..."

Reading children's poems about the color blue

Making riddles about the colors of the rainbow

Reading a blue fairy tale


-Reading poems about the rainbow by A. Byvsheva, I. Vekshegonova


(3 week)


D/i “Hello – I’m Blue...”

Reading children's poems about Blue colour

Reading a blue fairy tale

Making riddles about berries and naming colors


Repetition of the poems “Rain and Rainbow” by L. Ogurtsova


(4 week)


D/i “Hello – I’m Violet...”

Reading children's poems about the color purple

Reading a purple fairy tale

D/i "Magic Colors"


Reading the poem “Raincoat” by E. Ranneva


(4 week)


Making riddles about rainbows

D/i "Rainbow"

Review of learned verses about rainbows


Watching the cartoon "Tsvetik - Seven-Tsvetik"

Monday (week 5)


Collective drawing “Miracle bird”

Game “What colors are in the picture”


P/n "Who is faster"

Reading “Seven colorful fairy tales” by S. Mogilevskaya

Stage 3 – final:

* Design of an exhibition of children's works.

* Exhibition design fiction on the topic of the project.

* Creation of a collective creative work together with the teacher to decorate the children's locker room “House for the Rainbow”.

* Preparation of a project portfolio.


*WITH. Mogilevskaya. Seven colorful tales.

*AND. A. Lykova. Colorful travels, or the story of how to become a real Artist. (magazine "Color World", 3/2012)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 19, Leninogorsk" MO "LMR" RT

Abstract of GCD for modeling in senior group

"What is a rainbow?"


Abstract directly educational activities

Goals: to teach children to convey the image of a rainbow;artistic development in children - creativity using modeling (plasticinography).

Tasks:1. Exercise children in rolling sausages different color approximately the same thickness different lengths straight movements of both hands. 2. Teach children to depict the arc-shaped shape of the rainbow and the order of the colors in it. 3. Continue to teach how to use a stack to cut off excess ends when laying down rainbow stripes. 4. Cultivate a sense of beauty (a beautiful multi-colored rainbow).


    thick cardboard blue with the image of the sun, clouds with rain, with an arc outline, size 1/2 A4;

    plasticine in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet;

    hand wipe;

    modeling board;


    illustration of a rainbow;

    phonogram “The Sound of Rain”


Preparatory work: observing the rainbow, talking with children about the rainbow, reading and learning Russian folk songs, poems by S.Ya. Marshak, looking at pictures, photographs depicting a rainbow.

Methods used: gaming techniques that combine the use of visualization and the use of words; visual methods and techniques of teaching (illustration of a rainbow, display of children's work at the end of the lesson, when assessing them); a visually effective technique that teaches children to consciously create the required form based on their specific experiences.

Progress of direct educational activities:

1. Organizational part.

The teacher turns high chair back forward and invites the children to do the same with their chair.

Educator: Look, it turned out to be a house.

Squatting down, he looks out the hole in the back, like through a window.

Calling each child by name, he invites them to “look out of their window.”

Educator: What a nice weather. Guys, let's play!

Children : Let's.

Educator: Everyone come out of your houses.

The game “Sun and Rain” is being played

Description. The teacher says: “Sunny! Go for a walk!” Children walk and run throughout the group. After the words “Rain! Hurry home!” they run to their places. When the teacher says again: “Sunny! You can go for a walk,” the game is repeated.

After the game, the children continue to walk around the group.

Educator( unexpectedly): Guys, it’s raining, hurry up and hide in your houses.

Educator: Listen... Do you hear? This is the rain drumming on the roofs.

The teacher (to the sound of “The Sound of Rain”) taps on the back of the chair with a bent finger, imitating the sound of rain.

Educator: Let's knock with you first with one finger, then with two, three, four, five. So how many fingers are there on a hand?

Children: Five

Educator: (sad) It became boring. Let's ask the rain to stop dripping and the sun to come out.

Rain, rain, no rain,

Rain, rain, wait,

It's raining, it's raining, it's pouring down,

To wet small children.

Sunshine, bucket,

Look out the window!

Your children are crying

They jump on the pebbles.

(Russian folk song)

Educator: Before the rain cloud had time to leave, the sun came out. The teacher shows the sun (toy).

Educator: The sun and the rain were happy with each other. Their joy turned into colorful holiday, into the rainbow.Rainbow is the daughter of Father Sun and Mother Cloud.

The teacher, reading a poem, shows illustrations of a rainbow.

Spring sun with rain

Build a rainbow together -

Seven-color semicircle

Of seven wide arcs.

No sun and no rain

Not a single nail

And they built it in no time

Celestial Gate.

Rainbow Arch

Burned brightly

Painted the grass

Bloomed blue.

S. Marshak

Educator: Guys, can this happen: the sun is shining and it’s raining?

Children's answers.

Educator: What time of year does this happen?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, late spring and summer. Well done!Rainbows often appear in the sky when they goIt's raining and the sun is shining at the same time. It looks like a bridge of multi-colored arcs. Everything in the rainbowseven colors, and they are arranged in a certain order: red, orange, yellow, green,blue, blue, violet.

Oh you, rainbow-arc,

You're tall and tight!

Don't give us any rain

Give us a bucket.

For the kids to take a walk,

So that the calves can gallop,

All we need is sunshine

Bell sunshine!

(Russian folk song)

Educator: Guys, the rainbow listened to us and left, taking the rain with it. And our sun was left alone. And it made me sad. How can we help him?

Children: We need to make a rainbow.

Educator: Right, let's get to work. Please take a seat at the tables.

2. Practical part.

Educator: Now look at the tables and tell me, what will we use to draw with?our rainbow?

Children: plasticine

Educator: If anyone needs my help, raise your pen and I will help you. In order not to confuse the colors in the rainbow, I will leave you a hint - a picture of a rainbow.

Execution stages.

1. From pieces of plasticine of seven colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple), roll 7 thin sausages, one of each color, approximately the same thickness, increasing the length of the sausage, starting from purple to red. As you roll the sausages, place them on the table in the order of the colors of the rainbow.

2. Take the first (purple) sausage, attach its end to the beginning of the arc contour drawn on the cardboard base. (Appendix 1) Next, lay out the entire sausage along the contour, arching it in an arc. If the sausage extends beyond the contour, cut off the sticky piece with a stack.

3. Place all the sausages, following the order of the colors in the rainbow. Apply each color strip tightly to the previous one so that the cardboard base between the arcs is not visible, and press evenly along the entire length to secure it to the base.

Finger gymnastics while working"Rainbow »

There is thunder and thunderstorm in the sky.

Close your eyes!

The rain is over.

The grass is shining,

There is a rainbow in the sky.

Hurry up, hurry up

Run out the door

Barefoot on the grass,

Straight to the sky


Okay, okay!

By the rainbow, by the iris,

Along a colored arc

On one leg.

Down the rainbow on horseback

And head over heels to the ground!

(poems by S. Marshak)

3. Final part.

Educator: Guys, look, our sun is smiling. I think it is grateful to you for your efforts and hard work.


Sunny dad and mom cloud Lived in the sky Loved each other. And they had such a daughter, a rainbow, a daughter with a colored rainbow. One thing makes dad and mom happy. He gives joy and happiness to everyone.

The teacher and the children evaluate and design an exhibition of works.

Preliminary work: introducing children to color, game exercises rna development color perception, looking at illustrations of objects and naming their colors.

Main tasks: to reinforce the names of colors with children, to introduce Nikolai Gohl’s poems about the colors of the rainbow, to introduce them to the formation of new colors, to the concept of a rainbow, to continue to teach them to find familiar colors in the world around them and to convey them in a drawing. Continue to learn how to properly pick up paint, rinse and dry your brush. Foster interest, respect and love for art.

Material: book with poems, color circle, cardboard tassel - queen, illustrations with objects different colors, drawing paper, brushes, paints, jars of water, rags.

V.: - Hello, guys! Today Queen Tassel came to visit us.
K.K.: - Hello, guys! I'm so glad I came to visit you. I want to tell you a lot of interesting things. Look around. Everything around is so beautiful and bright: books, toys, your dresses, shirts. There are trees, flowers, grass outside. What are they? How are they different from each other? You know? They differ in color. Show the children the color wheel. Look how many different colors there are. Would you like me to tell you a story?
D.: - Yes.
K.K.: - Once upon a time there were three girlfriends: red paint, yellow and blue. They lived in beautiful box, but did not know that other colors also lived in it. One day they were very bored, and they decided to go on a journey and find out what is interesting in the world.
Red paint went straight, yellow to the left, blue to the right and agreed to meet later in their box.
The red paint walked and walked and got lost, lost its way. It started to rain. She felt scared and hid under a tree. And the yellow one also got lost and it turned out that she also went to the tree under which the red paint stood. She saw her and ran to her under the tree. The paints got wet in the rain, the red droplets mixed with the yellow ones and the result was orange paint. And then the blue one came up to them and also hid under a tree. Blue droplets mixed with yellow ones and it turned out green color, and when the blue droplets mixed with the red ones, it turned out purple.
The paints were glad that there were so many of them, and began to dance in circles right in the rain. Droplets dripped from each paint and mixed to form new colors.
And then the rain stopped and the sun came out, and the paints decided to paint a rainbow in the sky. Do you know what colors a rainbow consists of and how many there are? N. Golya’s poem “Rainbow” will help us find out.

Above the earth, above the water
The rainbow rose in an arc.
You see seven colors in her,
How to remember them more accurately?
Anyone who is hunting in the forests,
A red sunset was observed in the skies.
I saw cranberries and raspberries and rowan berries,
And bright red crow's feet.

K.K.: — What is the first color of the rainbow?
D.: - Red.
K.K. -That's right, let's draw the first arc - red.
Children draw a red stripe.

Hunter in orange jumpsuit
We made a stop on the orange slope.
filled a glass with orange juice
And he thought sadly: “Well, where is the pheasant?”
K.K.: - What color is this?
D.: - Orange.
K.K.: — Correct. Draw an orange stripe immediately below the red one.

A hunter from the northern countries wishes,
So that the yellow banana ripens on the birch tree.
So that the giraffe rushes, fast and yellow,
Maybe this dream will come true?

K.K.: - What color will you and I draw now?
D.: - Yellow.
K.K.: - That's right. Draw yellow under orange.

I would like to know what is there under the green crown
An alligator sleeps in a green sedge.
And then you wouldn’t have to be at the edge of the forest
Jump around in fear like frogs.

D.: -It's green.
K.K. - Well done. Draw under yellow.

Where a bright carpet of forget-me-nots blooms,
The hunter lies and looks into the sky.
So he lit his pipe and smoke
It appears blue to us in bright light.

K.K.: - Did you guess the color?
D.: - Blue.
K.K.: - Well done. Let's draw it under green.

Our hunter is sitting, the water is turning blue.
He sailed here on a blue boat.
Here is a blue float trembling on the waves.
Our hunter could not find the pheasant.

D.: - Blue color.
K.K.: - Of course, blue. Drawing under blue.

The pheasant sat down, appreciating him,
Collecting a box of purple plums.
And also a beautiful bouquet of violets,
Accept my gift, beloved neighbor.
And both are happy from such a meeting
Under the rainbow, standing in a huge arc.

K.K.: - What color should we draw now?
D.: - Purple.
K.K.: — Correct. Purple is the last color of the rainbow. Look what wonderful rainbows you made. Let's review the colors that make up a rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
V.: - Thank you, Kistochka, for this. interesting activity. Guys, say thank you to Brush. And now let’s go out into the clearing and have a little rest.

Imagine that we are walking in a clearing, the sun is shining. We will bask in the sun with you. (Music sounds, and the children put their palms and faces up to the “sun”). and now it was dark, the sky was frowning and rain was falling. Open your umbrellas quickly (children pretend to be umbrellas). But now the rain has stopped, the sun has come out again, and you can close your umbrellas. A rainbow appeared in the sky, streams began to sing and gurgle.

Then the children and the teacher review the children’s work.

Guys! Rainbow is a very beautiful natural phenomenon, you have probably seen it.

Guess the riddle.

Over the river, over the swamp

After the summer rain

Someone built a gate

Without a single nail! (Rainbow.)

♦ Have you seen a rainbow? Tell us when it appears in the sky and what it looks like.

A rainbow plays in the sun after the summer rain. It looks like a multi-colored arc. It is not for nothing that there is such a riddle: “A multi-colored arc connected the rivers and banks.” Sometimes a rainbow is compared to a rocker. A rocker is a wooden carved arc, with the help of which in ancient Rus' women carried water from a well home. They put buckets filled with water on the yoke and placed it on the shoulder.

♦ “A multi-colored yoke hung in the sky.” What is this?

Right! Rainbow. Sometimes it is compared to a colored sky bridge.

Listen to the poem.


Above the river-river

The fish arched.

Leaning on her tail

Bent like a bridge.

In drops of warm rain

The scales sparkled - seven colors.

And over the green willows

In the sky, a rainbow is burning with gems!

♦ Have you ever thought about why rainbows appear? Why is it so bright and colorful?

Because after rain, tiny particles of water hang in the air. Sun rays refracted in each tiny droplet, as if in a transparent lens. White sunlight is split into seven colors, its components: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. One color smoothly transitions into another, forming fabulous beauty heaven's gate!

♦ What colors are these? Do you know?

Most often, a rainbow appears over a lake, river, or water meadows, because there is a lot of moisture in the air there.

The peoples of the East call the rainbow a heavenly bridge that connects the hearts of lovers.

Listen to a fairy tale.

Magic Bridge

Once upon a time there lived a guy Janek and a girl Anka. Both are young, beautiful, but very poor. The orphan Anka worked as a laundress's assistant. Helped her wash the clothes of rich ladies, with lace, satin bows and frills. And the girl ran to the river to rinse her clothes. Early in the morning, as soon as dawn broke and painted the girl’s face and hands with the most tender pink, like rose petals, Anka took a large basket and went to the river.

On the other bank, Janek was throwing fishing rods into the river to catch more fish and sell them in the morning at the market. He secretly looked at Anka, admiring her wonderful beauty, thin figure, long curls, which she threw back so that they would not interfere with her rinsing the laundry.

The girl also liked Janek - tall, blue-eyed, smiling. The young people wanted to meet each other, but how to get to the other side? After all, they were separated by a wide river, and there was no bridge anywhere!

One day at dawn, as soon as the sun rose above the river and illuminated it with sparkling gold, a fine, fine, warm rain suddenly fell. Anka offered her face to him, and the streams caressed her like tender kisses.

Suddenly a multi-colored rainbow bridge rose over the river! The girl had never seen such beauty: velvety green grass, a silver river and a sky bridge above it.

- Come to me! - Janek called Anka. - You see, the bridge. Run on it before it melts!

Anka really stepped foot on the wonderful bridge and felt that it was holding her. The girl ran across the bridge and rose high, high, to the very middle, looked down and gasped.

Far below she saw a river, water meadows and Janek, who waved his hand to her. Her heart began to beat with joy!

Anka and Janek got married, had children, and everyone in the area knew the history of the magic bridge.

♦ What did Anka do?

♦ What did Janek do?

♦ Why couldn’t young people get married?

♦ What helped them connect?

♦ How did Anka get to Janek?

Answer the questions

1. When does a rainbow appear in the sky? How is it formed?

2. What does she look like?

3. How many colors does the rainbow have? Name them.

4. Where do rainbows most often appear?

5. Why is it compared to an arc?

6. Why is the rainbow called the sky bridge?

Published November 3, 2015 - 16:01 by admin

Purpose of the lesson:

Reinforce the names of organs with children human body and the functions they perform;

Introduce the influence of flowers and water on the physical and emotional condition person;

- to form in children an idea of ​​the health benefits of vegetables and fruits;

To clarify children’s ideas about items of clothing, their purpose and impact on health;

- name the colors of the rainbow, the sequence of their placement on the sky, the ability to determine the first sound in the names of colors;

- develop in preschoolers imagination and imagination, the ability to think creatively;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health.


A plate with pieces of fruits and vegetables, covered with a napkin, proverbs, riddles, envelopes with cards, spring water, stripes of rainbow colors, magnets, an easel, a tape recorder, two dolls with sets of clothes, a ball, 7 “gift” paints.

Handouts: transparent glasses, colored paper for making a backing for a glass.

Previous work: riddles about flowers, rainbows, fruits, various didactic games using colors “Find your color”, “What is this color?”, “What colors are friends” (about shades of primary colors), conversations between the teacher and children “The benefits of water for the human body”.

Progress of the integrated lesson in the senior group:

1. Introductory part

Educator. Children, many guests came to us today, let's say hello to them. Now let's say hello to ourselves.


Children stand on a rug in a circle, say a poem together, show body parts according to the text:

Good afternoon our hands,

Good afternoon our legs,

Good afternoon our knees,

Good afternoon our ears,

Good afternoon our eyes,

Good afternoon our cheeks,

Good afternoon our nose,

Good afternoon our little mouth,

At the end they give everyone a kiss.

At the end, the teacher asks how many hands does each person have? (Legs, eyes...)

What do we need hands for? (Legs, eyes...)

Educator. I see you are all healthy and ready to travel. Ready? (Children's response)

2. Main part of the lesson

Educator. And to find out where we will travel, we need to solve the riddle.

“A colored rocker that hung across the river”

How many colors does the rainbow have? (7)

What are the colors of the rainbow? (Children's answers)

Educator. There is order in nature: the seasons come in order, the days of the week have their own order, and the colors of the rainbow each have their place in the sky. The order of the colors of the rainbow is encrypted in the rhyme “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.” All colors are listed in order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

The child names the color, determines the first sound in the name and places the corresponding color on the easel, securing it with a magnet.

Educator. Here we come to the rainbow. But our rainbow is not ordinary.

This is the Rainbow of Health. Each of its colors has prepared tasks for you, and will give you its own paint as a reward.

Educator. The first task is from red. He gave various products, which are hidden under a napkin, you need to say what flavor it is and what it is called with your eyes closed.

Game "Guess the taste"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the taste of fruits and vegetables, their benefits for human health.

The child comes out, names and sits on a high chair.

Educator. How are these products useful? (Children's answers) You did a very good job and for this the red color gives you red paint. And the next task is from orange.

Game "Guess the riddle"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about general words “fruits”, “vegetables”, “berries”; develop phonemic awareness, attention; cultivate a love for nature.

Children guess riddles, the teacher focuses on generalizing words.

Riddles for children on the theme “fruits” and “vegetables”

Look into the autumn garden

Miracle - the balls are hanging.

Reddish, ripe side

For the kids' teeth (Apple)

What kind of brushes are hanging

And they sparkle in the sun,

Decorates every garden!

This is sweet... (Grapes)

These red berries

Kids love it very much:

They eat with pleasure

Only the bones are flying. (cherries)

Long, green,

Kind, salty,

Delicious and moist.

Who is he? (Cucumber)

He's big, like a football

If it’s ripe, everyone is happy. (Watermelon)

They bake me, fry me and boil me,

They eat me and praise me very much. (Potato)

Grandma sitting in the garden

All wrapped in scarves. (Cabbage)

The girl is sitting in prison,

And the braid is on the street. (Carrot)

He is red and his hair is green. (Beet)

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Who undresses him?

He sheds tears. (Onion)

It happens, kids, different -

Green, yellow or red.

It can be hot, it can be sweet. (Pepper)

And I, brothers, oh angry,

I burn my tongue.

I kill all germs

My name is …. (Garlic)

Educator. Well done, you guessed everything. For your efforts you get orange paint. The third task from yellow.

Game "Make Juice"

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to form the name of juice from two names of a fruit and a berry.

Educator. You and I will turn into chefs for a moment. You will come to the table, take yourself an envelope with cards inside, look at them and name what kind of juice it will be.

Children come up to the table one by one, choose envelopes (with two cards in the middle, fruit and berry... etc.). Say the name of the juice.

Educator. You did great and earned yellow paint.

The fourth task is from green.

Exercise “Finish the proverb about health”

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge of proverbs.

Without health there is no happiness.

Everything is great for a healthy person.

If you want to be healthy, toughen up.

Neatness is the key to health.

Human health is the health of the country.

Neglecting health is a sin.

The greatest wealth is health.

A healthy family means a healthy child.

Healthy teeth are the key to health.

Cheerful laughter means health.

The longer you chew, the longer you live.

If you are healthy, you will get everything.

There is nothing more valuable than health.

Money can't buy health.

Educator. Folk wisdom will always tell you helpful advice, so don't forget these proverbs. That's what we got green paint. Next task from blue

Task “Charge your water”

Goal: to introduce children to the new concept of “charged” water, the properties of each color and the influence of flowers and water on the physical and emotional state of a person; teach children to drink “colored” water correctly.

Educator. Children, what does the color blue remind you of? Children's answers

Yes, children consider this color to be the color of water.

What kind of water do we use? Children's answers

When is it blue?

Children's answers.

Educator. I want to tell you about an unusual magic water, which is called “colored water”. Make yourself comfortable and listen carefully.

I will tell you the secret of “colored water”.

“Colored water” is clean, transparent water that has absorbed the power a certain color, that's why it is called "colored". And for the water to gain strength, we put it in a transparent glass without drawings and place it on a substrate desired color for 5 - 10 minutes. This water has a good effect on human health.

The red color gives strength to muscles and warms you up in cold weather. Orange - helps improve appetite.

Yellow lifts your spirits and is a generator of brilliant ideas.

Green - calms, relieves headaches.

Blue - cooling and refreshing.

Blue - reduces appetite, concentrates attention. Purple - conducive to communication.

Each color is also responsible for the human senses: red - for touch, orange - for taste, yellow - for smell, green - for language and emotions, blue - for vision, purple - for hearing.

How to drink such water? This water is drunk slowly in small sips. Red, yellow, orange - in the morning. Blue, violet, dark blue - after lunch, in the evening. Green - morning and afternoon.

And now I suggest you choose your own colored paper and we will make a beautiful backing for the “colored water”.

Goal: to consolidate children’s ability to fold elementary paper basic forms using origami technique; develop fine motor skills arm muscles, attention and eye; cultivate independence and creativity.

Material: colored origami paper.

The children sit at the tables. The teacher shows how to make a substrate, reinforces the manufacturing steps, and the children make the product themselves. The teacher, if necessary, helps children individually.

Educator. Here we have made supports for glasses, I advise you to place your glasses of water on them so that the water becomes “colored”.

Children come to the table with glasses of water and place them on their trays.

Educator. We did a good job and for this the blue color gave us its paint. Now the task is from blue.

What does the color blue remind you of? (Children's answers)

How do you feel when you look at the color blue? (Children's answers)

Educator. So, children, the color blue is cool and therefore asks you if you know how to dress in different time of the year?

Game "Dress the doll"

Goal: to consolidate the names of clothing, their purpose and impact on human health; learn to solve problem situations.

Material: two tables, two dolls, the same winter and Summer clothes on both tables.

Children are divided into two teams “winter” and “summer” and dress the doll in clothes according to the season of the team name. Each player from the team comes to the table and puts one item of clothing on the doll.

Educator. Do you think it’s possible to wear a fur coat in summer? (Children's answers.)

Is it possible to wear sandals in winter? (Children's answers.)

And in warm hat in the spring? (Children's answers.)

So, children's clothes also take care of our health. For your skills and organization blue paint as a gift to you. The color purple advises us to draw up rules “What to do to avoid getting sick”

Game “What to do to avoid getting sick”

Goal: to reinforce with children the rules of body hygiene, eating, and hardening.

Children pass the ball around in a circle.

Children's answers.

Educator. We have drawn up health rules for you.

The teacher reads a poem

Health is the basis of everything in the world

All children want to be healthy

To do this you need to wash your face daily

Do exercises and dress warmly

Temper yourself with water and sun

And it’s sweet to sleep with the window open

And there is everything that is served on the table

Because dishes give us growth and strength.

Educator. I liked our rules purple color and he gave us his paint. So we got paints of all the colors of the rainbow

Educator. During the time that you completed the tasks, the water “charged” and I suggest you go to your glasses and drink it in small sips and feel how it fills you with its energy. What will your mood be?

Educator. It's time for us to return home. The Rainbow of Health gives you these colors in memory of itself so that you can paint the best pictures with them. Let's thank her for the gift and say goodbye.

VI. Bottom line. Reflection

Educator. Everyone returned to the garden, no one remained on the rainbow?

Where were you today? Children's answers.

What tasks did you receive from the rainbow? Children's answers.

What new have you learned? Children's answers.

Did you like our trip? Children's answers.
