Contraindications and possible side effects. Indications for the use of Kanefron

During pregnancy, many women notice changes in the body. Apart from pleasant moments, there are violations in the work of some organs and systems. The urinary system often suffers, since during the period of expectation of a child, the load on it increases significantly. Therefore, often without special preparations can not do. One of the popular medicines is Kanefron.

During the bearing of a child, in the second place in terms of the number of problems that arise are precisely violations in the urogenital area. Sometimes it is not easy to cope with them, since almost all drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Kanefron is a combination drug based on herbs and plants. Its action is aimed at the treatment and prevention of kidney diseases and urinary tract. Due to its composition, the use of Kanefron for pregnant women is not contraindicated.

Kanefron can be used at any stage of pregnancy due to the fact that it does not have a teratogenic effect on the body. Most of the antibiotics that can eliminate the problems that arise have these properties. Therefore, taking antibiotics is a last resort.

Kanefron consists exclusively of natural ingredients. In Process medicinal plants useful material not only are not removed from the drug, but also retain their properties in full.

The composition of the drug and the mechanism of action

The composition of the drug includes natural ingredients. The main active ingredients are:

  • Centaury.
  • Rosemary.
  • Lovage.
  • Rosehip peel.

Also included in the composition are additional substances, among which mountain glycol wax, dextrose, red iron oxide, riboflavin, Castor oil, sucrose, calcium carbonate, corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate, povidone, titanium lyoxyl, talc.

If the drug is available in the form of drops, then it is created on the basis of 19% alcohol.

  1. The drug is an excellent diuretic, which allows you to take Kanefron during pregnancy from. Due active action essential oils lovage and rosemary, as well as phenolcarboxylic acids, the process of stopping the reverse absorption of sodium cations in the renal tubules occurs. Thanks to their properties, blood circulation improves, blood vessels dilate and the diuretic effect of the drug increases.
  2. Kanefron during pregnancy exhibits antispasmodic properties. When pain the drug easily copes with unpleasant symptoms.
  3. With antibacterial action medicine fights various pathological processes in the body and suppresses the action of pathogenic bacteria. As a result of this process, the infection does not spread in the urinary tract. When taken simultaneously with antibiotics, the drug significantly enhances their ability to suppress the development of a bacterial infection.
  4. Rosemary, which is part of the composition, actively fights the focus of inflammation.

As a result, when Kanefron is taken, excess fluid is removed from the body, edema is reduced and prevented, urine is sanitized. With pyelonephritis pain going away and getting better general state organism.

Kanefron is able to fight diseases not only of an infectious, but also of a non-infectious nature. Often during pregnancy, the drug is prescribed when bacteria are detected in the urine test. Also, the action of the drug is aimed at eliminating the causes of increased protein in the urine. Sometimes Canephron is prescribed for prophylactic purposes.

Indications for use

In the presence of urinary disease excretory system during pregnancy pathological processes may intensify and intensify. Therefore, already from the beginning of bearing a fetus, a woman needs to take care of this component of therapy.

Over time during pregnancy, if diseases are not treated, a woman's body may not withstand the pressure of fetal growth for more later dates. Then it will be necessary to take potent drugs.

The instructions for Kanefron during pregnancy include a list of indications. The drug can be used in the following cases:

  • inflammation of the bladder, acute cystitis;
  • the presence of kidney stones;
  • interstitial nephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis.

All diseases are characterized by various degrees of impairment. urinary system. They can negatively affect the condition future mother and child.

Form of release of the medicinal product and price

Kanefron is available in the form of tablets and drops. They do not differ in composition and quantity of active substances.

The only difference in preparations is that the liquid medicine is made on alcohol based. However, the use of Kanefron N during pregnancy in the form of drops is completely safe for the child.

The price of the drug in tablets and drops is different. You can buy Kanefron in the form of tablets from 347 rubles. Drops will cost more: the lower price limit is 395 rubles.

The use of the drug during pregnancy

Many expectant mothers are afraid of a doctor's appointment, not knowing if Kanefron is possible during pregnancy. Due to the herbal composition, the drug is prescribed at all stages of pregnancy. At the same time, depending on the gestation period, the drug has a specific effect and fights various problems.

In the first trimester, when there is an active increase in progesterone, the muscle fibers of the urethra are weakened. As a result of this process, urine from the kidneys to the bladder flows more slowly. A pregnant woman may experience congestion, which is favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms.

Bacteria cause diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Therefore, the use of Kanefron is often an integral part of therapy for early dates.

Sometimes doctors prescribe the drug for prophylactic purposes to patients with a history of diseases of the urinary system. During pregnancy, hidden pathological processes can manifest themselves with greater force.

In addition, in the first trimester, the risk of fetal pathologies increases. That's why chronic diseases kidneys (cystitis, pyelonephritis) can negatively affect the laying of organs and systems of the fetus. Sometimes it exists in the presence of dangerous diseases.

In late pregnancy, the risk of occurrence increases. This is due to disorders of the urinary system. This condition is extremely dangerous, as it leads to increased blood pressure, spasm blood vessels and increased swelling. All phenomena can adversely affect the condition of the fetus.

The drug is prescribed by the doctor during the consultation. The therapist assesses the condition of the pregnant woman, reviews the tests, and then tells how to take Kanefron during pregnancy.

The main thing that a woman should remember is that with negative changes in the body it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate.

The instructions for the use of Kanefron during pregnancy indicate the required dosage. Depending on the form of release of the drug, the amount of the drug taken is indicated.

  1. Kanefron tablets during pregnancy are issued in the form of blisters, each of which contains 50 tablets. For adult patients, the dosage is indicated - 2 tablets 3 times a day. During pregnancy, the dosage of Kanefron can be reduced: up to 1 tablet 2 times a day. This must be agreed with the attending physician.
  2. Kanefron drops during pregnancy are prescribed in a dosage of 50 drops 3 times a day. Lightweight administration of the drug is also possible: 30 drops 3 times a day or 20 drops 2 times a day.

The course of taking the drug is usually at least 2 weeks. In case of complications, it can be extended. How to drink Kanefron during pregnancy should be decided by the doctor. Even with long-term treatment medicine does not provide negative impact on the mother and child.

Contraindications and possible side effects

According to studies, the drug is well tolerated by pregnant women and does not cause negative reactions. Rarely, manifestations on the skin of an allergic nature can be observed - rashes, itching, redness.

In general, the drug is considered harmless to the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus. Even during long-term use of Kanefron, intoxication and overdose are not observed.

Despite the harmlessness, the drug has some contraindications. These include:

  • individual intolerance to any component of the drug;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • allergy to lactose and sucrose.

Caution should be taken when taking the drug to persons suffering from liver failure. This is due to a certain proportion of the alcohol content in it.

Kanefron renders positive impact on the body of a pregnant woman. Phytopreparation allows you to deal with many problems of the kidneys and urinary tract.

However, it is worth remembering that a drug created from herbal ingredients may not be suitable for every patient. Therefore, taking Kanefron should be started only after a doctor's prescription.

Useful video about Canephron

I like!

Pregnancy is a difficult and unpredictable period in a woman's life, when, along with pleasant changes, long-standing diseases suddenly become aggravated. One of the most common ailments in expectant mothers is a disease of the urogenital area. In addition, kidney problems that occur during this period worry even those women who have never encountered such a disease. To defeat the trouble that has arisen and alleviate the symptoms, the doctor may prescribe to the pregnant woman drug treatment a drug such as Canephron n.

What is the drug Kanefron n

Kanefron n is a herbal preparation, which includes a complex of herbs: rosemary, lovage and centaury. These plants do not carry negative consequences neither the mother-to-be nor her baby. The drug has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial and diuretic effects in the kidneys and urinary tract, while suppressing their spasms.

If there is sand or pebbles in the kidneys, then this drug prevents the appearance and development of new formations. Kanefron n during pregnancy is prescribed for preventive purposes, to reduce swelling of the extremities, because women who are expecting a baby suffer from this more often than ordinary people. Since the growing uterus presses on the urea, thereby preventing the outflow of urine, which causes it to stagnate in bladder. The consequences of this can be disappointing, the result will be the appearance inflammatory processes in the kidneys and pyelonephritis.

In addition to all the above problems, indications for the use of kanefron require not only chronic diseases, this drug serves as an excellent prevention for such diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • problems in the bladder;
  • prevention of kidney stone deposits.

Contraindications for use

This drug is effective and safe for pregnant women. He also passed clinical trials in the treatment of preeclampsia in pregnant women. But, despite this, caution never hurts, because this is a drug and when taking it, you should follow the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor. Do not self-medicate, as the components of this medication may cause allergic reactions. And in order to avoid negative consequences, a pregnant woman should not start a course of drug treatment without consulting a doctor. And if you suffer from an allergy to any component of the drug, then this should be reported to the doctor. In this case, you will be prescribed an analogue of this medicine. In addition, it is worth considering the contraindications, which are:

  • diseases of the digestive tract in the acute period;
  • children under 12 months;
  • intolerance to lactose and fruit sugar.

When taking the drug strictly according to the doctor's prescription and adhering to the dosage, side effects can be avoided. If allergic manifestations occur, then it is advisable to stop taking Kanefron.

How to take Kanefron N: duration and dosage

If you were prescribed kanefron during pregnancy, then most likely, based on your individual characteristics and medical history, you will be prescribed this drug in drops or dragee. To an ordinary person, in the treatment of the corresponding pathology, it is enough to drink 2 tablets or 50 drops three times a day. In the case of pregnant women, the dose differs significantly and is 1 tablet or 50 drops twice a day. Tablets (drops) are simply washed down with water, without chewing, and the drops are dissolved in a spoonful of water and also washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid. The course is about two weeks, but if necessary, can be extended.

It is worth noting that often kanefron during pregnancy is also prescribed if a woman is undergoing antibiotic treatment. Kanefron has no negative interaction with other drugs, thereby it increases the effectiveness of treatment.

If the expectant mother suffers from chronic kidney disease, then it is likely that she will take this drug throughout the entire period of pregnancy with short interruptions, as well as during lactation. It is worth noting, at long-term use the drug in strictly indicated dosages of side effects is not observed and it is quite safe for the pregnant woman and the fetus, however, the passage of the course is strictly controlled by the doctor.

During the period of taking Kanefron, it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of liquid. Regardless of which form of the drug you are prescribed, it is advisable to take it at the same time, without being tied to food intake and time of day. It is advisable to select a specific reception mode. This drug is well tolerated, safe for long-term use and non-toxic.

Indications for the use of Kanefron

In the early stages of pregnancy, taking many drugs is undesirable, but you should not worry about Kanefron, it is absolutely safe, because it is a herbal preparation. In the second and third trimester, there are also no special indications for dosage or taking the drug, especially if the pregnant woman suffers from late toxicosis, this medicine will help prevent its manifestations. Thanks to the herbal composition, this drug removes spasms, dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow, which acts as preventive measure against gestosis.

Kanefron n during pregnancy is an indispensable medicine for those who, unfortunately, have a disease of the kidneys and urogenital area. Many future mothers, during pregnancy, noted the mild effect of the drug quick deliverance from the symptoms of the disease. The drug perfectly removed puffiness from lower extremities, and at the end of the course there was an improvement in well-being.

And in conclusion, Kanefron is a popular and sought-after herbal preparation that helps get rid of puffiness, promotes urine excretion, reduces back pain and improves the condition of a pregnant woman, in general. However, it must be remembered that self-medication is dangerous and you can take the drug only after the recommendation of a doctor. Thus, the appointment of Kanefron during pregnancy, both as a method of treatment with a single drug, and in combination with any other drugs for the treatment of the kidneys and urinary tract, guarantees an early and effective disposal from the symptoms and causes of the disease.

Apparently I have the only negative left. They just appointed it. The analyzes were good. I drank, the next evening the urine came out with blood. She ran to the hospital. They sent me for analysis. So are erythrocytes. Sent to the ultrasound of the genitourinary system. Everything is fine. Handed over any analyzes which only happen with urine. Everything is fine. Then, for the sake of the experiment, she drank again, again with blood. No more.

To be clear, I'm not a doctor. When I developed signs of urethritis during pregnancy (week 8), the gynecologist recommended me Canephron n. According to the instructions, there are no contraindications for pregnant women. During the day I drank the recommended dose. After that, for the first time in my entire pregnancy, I had brownish discharge. I was horrified. And I experienced the strongest shock when I found out that all three components of kanefron have an abortive effect. I don't understand why this information is not in the manual?



  • none


  • price, ineffective

Here is the paradox of our medicine: it is more important for a doctor to prescribe more expensive drugs to a patient, even if they do not help. The main thing: discharged and expensive!

I really don’t like this, because I regularly replenish the “piggy bank” of stupid, but expensive drugs. And kanefron is one of them.

I can only describe my experience of taking this drug, specifically for my ailment, so if something else helped you, you should not throw slippers.

So, I was prescribed this drug for edema of pregnant women for a respectable period. It was strongly recommended to drink the course, attention, at least 3 weeks! T to this tool has a cumulative effect. The drug is based on herbs, so "it will not bring harm", and no one warned that it is completely inactive!

Now let's calculate the consumption and costs of a drug with an cumulative effect: a package of 60 pills costs about 400 rubles. You need to take 2 tablets 3 times a day, that is, 6 tablets per day! This is for 10 days! We count according to the average daily indicator of the month (30, 4) and we get that for 180 tablets (namely, how much you need to drink per month), we pay about 1200 rubles (I write about, because prices in different pharmacies vary, and the drug is rare, but prescribed in different proportions, reducing the number of doses). Isn't it too expensive for a drug that has a cumulative effect?!

And, given that for 3 weeks of taking it, he did not help me !!! It's just a waste of money. By the way, this remedy did not help not only me with edema, therefore - it is worthless!

General impression:

Absolutely stupid remedy for edema of pregnant women


  • no side effects


  • does not heal

At the end another pregnancy I had edema and the doctor prescribed me the drug Canephron N against edema.

The drug is by no means cheap, I bought it - read the instructions - everything seems to be based on vegetable raw materials, but still take it with caution during pregnancy (many pharmaceutical companies are reinsured this way with a lack of clinical data)

I started taking it as prescribed by the doctor - 2 tablets 3 times a day. I drank for more than a week, until I realized that this remedy did not help me at all! There was no harm or side effects either, but there was no expected effect either.

Then I connected the herbal preparation "Brusniver" - it had to be brewed. For some reason, at first I didn’t remember about him - I relied on the effectiveness of the kanefron. And only then did the swelling begin to subside.

Then I stopped drinking "Kanefron" in general and began to drink only "Brusniver" and the swelling subsided. For myself, I concluded that "Kanefron" no matter what you drink, there is no effect.

General impression:

Zero effect

I, like many others, took the drug kanefron during pregnancy. The first time I began to drink them, when an inexperienced ultrasound doctor diagnosed me with pyelonephritis. Later it turned out that she considered natural formations inside the kidneys to be signs of inflammation. Naturally, kanefron did not cure me of such "inflammation".

A little later, ketone and glucose appeared in my urine, which did not let me go until the end of the pregnancy. I sat on the strictest diet, excluded carbohydrates, since tests showed that ketones appear exactly after I eat, for example, mashed potatoes. I don’t know why this is so, because ketones in the urine are a sign of a lipid metabolism disorder. Nevertheless, with the help of test strips, I picked up a diet for myself.

Diabetes was not found in me, even a test with a sugar load showed the middle of the norm.

And then to the heap and swelling overtook at the 30th week of pregnancy. I began to fight with them with the help of the same kanefron. I bought a scale and began to weigh myself regularly, measure the amount of water I took, tried not to drink too much, but the swelling did not go away.

Kanefron did not help me at all. I was already afraid that they would appoint me some more serious treatment. After all, they don’t joke with edema, they are very harmful for the child, since not only the legs and arms of the mother swell, but even internal organs.

Fortunately, brusniver tea helped me. I drank it without fanaticism and the swelling went away. And about the kanefron, I then thought that this was complete nonsense for a lot of money. It seemed to me that this medicine was just a placebo type - it helped or went away by itself - I don’t understand.

I cannot but write a review on this drug, if only because gynecologists do not know the composition of Kanefron. The composition includes the herb centaury. About its use: "Contraindications apply to pregnant women, as this herb has an abortive effect. But after childbirth, it is wonderful in helping to cope with uterine bleeding."

Therefore, I was very glad when my daughter, having come from the urologist, said that he asked her "did the gynecologist advise her to kanefron?" Hearing "no" he emphasized "by no means", only chamomile. cranberry, rosehip...

But with spasms in the kidneys during menstruation, it really helps well - it removes salts, cleansing the kidneys. But there is modified starch, talc and whatnot. it's not very good. Tablets are small - how much grass?

I got it at 35 weeks pregnant. After three days of application, a slight swelling began, although before that it was not AT ALL. Pain in the lower back began, and erythrocytes appeared in the urine, which also did not exist before. I myself understand that it’s some kind of nonsense: all those symptoms appeared, which kanefron is intended to treat ...

When a pregnant woman walked, the pregnancy was normal at first, but then I faced such a problem, like many mothers, this is with edema. I started gaining weight terribly quickly, I didn’t even understand what was the matter, because I ate in moderation, didn’t drink much, my mother told me from the very beginning that if you really want to eat, then you need a little bit of everything so that the birth goes well and that the child is not like that was large. But that's where the swelling came from, no idea, and when I scored overweight, the doctor has attributed Canephron to me.

He prescribed me pills, although he said that there are also drops, but in my case it’s better to drink pills. I drank Kanefron strictly according to the instructions, but it didn’t seem to help me, it’s good that a month later I gave birth to my miracle, so I didn’t drink it for a long time. I think Kanefron helps many people, but I didn’t see anything behind me and I didn’t have any effect from it.

By the way, they prescribed it to my girlfriend, too, the effect is zero. The tablets themselves are small, but not tasty, and I quickly swallowed them so as not to feel the taste.

Neutral Feedback


  • safe
  • helps with swelling
  • vegetable composition


  • there are allergic reactions
  • doesn't help right away.

With herbal preparation I met "Kanefron" during pregnancy, when in the third trimester I began to be disturbed by pronounced edema. Initially, they appeared only in the evening and only in the ankle area. Over time, the edema rose higher and after a while both the stomach and hands began to swell, and during the night the edema did not particularly go away, and even in the morning I could not put on my shoes normally, the heaviness in my legs did not give me rest. Then I took "Kanefron" in drops, it was more convenient for me, and the composition of the shell of the tablets was somewhat embarrassing, I did not want to poison the child with components of unknown origin ....

At the department, they began to prepare me for childbirth with No-shpa tablets and suppositories with belladonna, and they also gave me Canephron tablets, which I once replaced with a solution.

Doctors strongly recommended taking Canephron, arguing that it would be easier to give birth without edema, as well as recover in postpartum period, I just ran out of solution just before the hospitalization, so I decided not to refuse to take the pills. As a result, it turned out that a day I took such a decent handful of tablets of various names ...

the drug in tablets has a herbal composition, and they could well be called safe if it were not for the suspicious components in the composition of the bright orange shell. On the other hand, the drug in solution contains alcohol, which is also nothing useful, especially for a child, even if the dose of alcohol is negligible. But, apparently, the general atmosphere of the hospital and the fatigue from pregnancy set me up for the resigned use of everything that they give there. Moreover, in the last days the swelling became so pronounced that I could not put on any shoes, except for flip flops.

… If we take into account that there are 60 tablets in a package, then by simple calculations we calculate that a full package will last for 10 days. The course of treatment, as a rule, is at least two weeks, that is, at least two packages are required to drink. I was somewhat surprised that this drug is given in the hospital, because it is not cheap.

I was not able to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug for several days in the maternity hospital, since Canephron does not begin to act immediately. I went to give birth with edema, although it may be less pronounced. AT more I evaluated the drug already in the postpartum period, when swelling in the legs continued to persist. In addition, a sharp hormonal change in the body also contributed to fluid retention. Weight in spite of childbirth almost did not decrease.

The edema completely disappeared within a week, and the weight decreased by several kilograms. Naturally, if swelling is caused by more serious causes associated with heart or kidney disease, then Canephron will not be as effective. More serious drugs are already needed here, just as in the case of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, when, in addition to Canephron, the use of antibacterial drugs is required, and its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect can only be used as part of complex therapy.

In general, from the use of the drug "Canephron" in solution and in tablets, I have only positive impression, however, I cannot consider this drug ideal, since the composition of both forms raises many questions, the solution has restrictions on use, and on its own serious problems this drug does not solve health problems. Only as part of complex therapy, or as a preventive measure. A definite plus is the possibility of its use during pregnancy and lactation, while most drugs that have the same effect as Canephron are prohibited.


  • Help.


  • The effect has to wait a long time.

Good day to all.

I met Kanefron at the beginning of my pregnancy.

I was prescribed by his doctor due to the fact that I constantly had bad tests. The doctors said that there were problems with the kidneys, otherwise the tests would not have been so bad. The drug is completely herbal, so it can be taken during pregnancy. I was prescribed to take it as indicated in the instructions.

Two tablets three times a day. After the start of treatment, there was no improvement, only after the third course the doctor said that the tests became a little better, but only a little and I need to continue taking them.

Now I am taking a short break, because due to the intake of various medicines, stomach pains have appeared. But after a while I plan to start taking them again.

General impression:

The effect must be expected for a long time.


  • Relief of symptoms.


  • temporary effect.

Today I will write about the drug "Canephron", which I met in my life several years ago, and I used it several times.

In my second pregnancy, somewhere in the middle of the term, the doctor discovered bad tests and prescribed Kanefron in combination with Monural and kidney tea. I drank them, got rid of discomfort and urological problems, the tests returned to normal. But after the birth, “everything” returned and they didn’t want to discharge me, they diagnosed me with chronic pyelonephritis.

Therefore, I estimate the effectiveness of this drug at 50%. It definitely relieves the symptoms, but doesn't solve the problem at all. I will also inform you that my mother-in-law treated her dog with this drug, quite successfully.

I know that the drug is made from vegetable raw materials, but after all, the composition is long and it is chemistry. I will vote for this drug only because it can be used by pregnant and lactating women, it has long term shelf life - 3 years (I got a package here, there was still half left, I would have had enough for the course).

In general, take care of your health! Listen to the recommendations of doctors, but remember that OUR health is in OUR hands!

Thank you for attention! Until new reviews and comments!

General impression:

Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't, and it's expensive.

During pregnancy, protein began to appear in the urine test, because of this, the gynecologist prescribed me to constantly take Kanefron. It is a diuretic drug of plant origin. I took it for several months, but I initially had cystitis and during pregnancy it was complicated by pyelonephritis, so Kanefron only didn’t save me, they put in a system with an antibiotic.

For me, Kagefron is expensive as a diuretic, it seems that at first glance two hundred and something rubles is inexpensive, but it only lasts for two weeks.

Already after pregnancy, salts were found in the urine, and they can subsequently turn into stones. Then the urologist prescribed Kanefron, explaining that he washes out salts from the kidneys.

During pregnancy, the gynecologist did not like my results of urine tests and sent me additionally for an ultrasound of the kidneys, which showed saline diathesis. The therapist prescribed tablets "Kanefron - N", after a course of taking which my tests became better. Before that, nothing bothered me either, but I drank it to calm down, although sometimes I forgot. In addition, in addition, I drank rosehip tea and adhered to a salt diet. By the way, I want to note that you should not get carried away with rose hips - it affects the heart with prolonged use.

Tablets were not cheap even then, but now their cost is about 140 UAH. , manufacturer - Germany. The tablets taste pleasantly sweet, I usually swallow them. As part of the powder of dried herbs, buying which in the usual dry form will be much cheaper, well, this is from the point of view of efficiency.

This drug is prescribed for adults and children from 6 years old, as well as for pregnant and lactating women, that is, the drug is quite safe.

I have personally observed positive dynamics after taking these pills, so I consider them effective, but you can find a cheaper analogue.

Positive reviews

I was appointed, appointed, I ignored, now it's 39 weeks ... last analysis urine became bad, well, I think I’ll have a drink, it really helps to remove fluid from the body, that is, it helps the kidneys work, especially since it is purely herbal, not harmful ..

A good drug, I also drank - all my life I had problems with the kidneys, and during pregnancy everything worsened a lot - it is the only one that you can drink during pregnancy almost safely

Good afternoon everyone! Kanefron is really cool stuff, it helps. I have problems with my kidneys all the time, I got pregnant, I passed the tests, the result is bacteria in the urine !!! My gynecologist immediately sounded the alarm, prescribed me kanefron and a few more herbs to drink. I consulted with my nephrologist, and she really said that kanefron is harmless, that it can be used during pregnancy, you just need to drink more liquid during treatment. And weed is useless. I drank for 20 days - the result is good !!! The analyzes are great. Only 5 weeks have passed and again the same problem - bacteria, leukocytes .. My doctor again panicked: =-O: Again prescribed. I will drink, but what to do.


  • can be taken during pregnancy
  • based on herbs
  • helps with swelling
  • effective


  • expensive

Son was born in September recent months fell on summer heat. In general, it was, of course, convenient, because I didn’t have to bother with winter clothes for my stomach, I ran back in pre-pregnant sundresses, leggings and tunics) But this is not about that. Heat means you want to drink a lot. In general, I’m a water drinker in life)) Plus, the volume of blood in pregnant women almost doubles, it’s constantly hot, my poor husband that summer - I turned on the air conditioner for the whole day and got high, and he almost sat in sweaters. And I drank, drank, drank. All I saw was water, kvass, compotes.

Swelling in the legs became a natural consequence. I didn't die, but they bothered me. Being on vacation at home, I tried to lie more, putting my feet on the dais. But before the decree, I had to go to work for two weeks. It was tin! Legs were swollen by noon! Fortunately, the flow of customers was weak and I could put my feet on a chair on the side of the desktop, and when I heard how it opens Entrance door- lowered.

The gynecologist nevertheless decided that something had to be done and prescribed Kanefron to me. Because rose hips and lying upside down didn't help much. This drug is prescribed for infections and inflammations of the kidneys and bladder. That is, he was also shown to me, because edema is a consequence of problems with the work of the kidneys.

Kanefron how to take:

Here begins the most interesting. Many dilapidated pregnant women are afraid of all the drugs in the world like fire and prefer to ruin their own and their children's health just to "not drink pharmacy chemicals." I consider this to be gross. But be that as it may, I constantly see questions on the forums like "the gynecologist prescribed kanefron, it is written that you need to drink it 2 tablets three times a day, but I'm afraid it's the same pills, is it worth drinking at all or is it possible to take 1 a day ?".

In such cases, it is better to immediately check with the gynecologist, but it is better to just read the composition. Which of the following can harm during pregnancy ??? NOTHING!!! Just herbs and everything, the composition is natural. And you need to take Kanefron exactly as it is written in the instructions! These are small orange tablets, there is no problem swallowing them and drinking them down.

Unless you can stretch a little and save. For example, in the first week I drank as expected 2 tablets 3 times a day, that is, 6 tablets a day and drank 42 pieces like that. Then I switched to 1 tablet 3 times a day, that is, 3 a day, drank another 21. And the same thing for the third week. In general, I first bought a full package, then I bought one more plate.

I've had enough of this course. I noticed the effect by the end of the first week - swelling still appeared, but less and less often. By the end of the second, they almost disappeared, appeared only when walking for a long time or if I drank soda, ate salty. By the end of the third week, edema practically ceased to bother. I drank the fourth week, so to speak, to consolidate the result.

I'm lowering my rating due to the high price. The drug for common herbs is too expensive. I understand that it is made in Germany and you have to pay for all transportation costs and in general for the name of the manufacturer, but nevertheless.

I was prescribed kanefron, the gynecologist said that you can drink it continuously, even until the very birth. But, it’s clear that I didn’t intend to drink kanefron for two months in a row - then my kidneys will not be able to work on their own.

Dosage - as in the instructions. Two tablets three times a day.

At first I drank one plate of kanefron, drank 1 tablet twice a day, it helped literally for a week or two, then the swelling began again. I bought a whole pack, for five days I drank 2 tablets three times a day, then 1 tablet three times a day. It helped a lot, a month has already passed - pah-pah-pah.

But at the same time, I slept with my feet on the pillows every night))))

I heard that during pregnancy quite often there is a problem of cystitis. This is what happened to me at 12 weeks. There was a burning sensation and pain when urinating, I ran to the toilet almost every half hour. I went to the doctor, she prescribed me Canephron N. I began to take it and the next day I felt relieved. I drank pills for two weeks, now there are no symptoms. I was pleasantly surprised that the drug did not give side effects as it consists of natural ingredients. I recommend.


  • Kanefron with safe composition
  • can be taken even by pregnant women and during breastfeeding.


  • I did not find any cons, everything worked out for me.

Hello, I have not resorted to using them before, but ... I had a wonderful period, I got pregnant and everything was fine. Before the next examination, the doctor sent for tests and found protein in the urine, which is not good (((

That's when I was prescribed Kanefron. Of course, I was afraid to take pills, I thought how they would affect the baby, I read a lot of information, and yet I decided because the reviews were only positive))) I didn’t feel sick from them, I was also in order. As a result, after the drunk course, everything went away for me))) The girls recommend that you all take Canephron if you have problems in a feminine way, do not be afraid. Its composition is absolutely safe. P.S. to everyone good health and positive attitude))) bye

General impression:

good remedy

I have diseased kidneys - ICD on both sides and chronic. interstitial nephritis, I am registered in the kidneys with a very good nephrologist, whom I have been looking for for a long time and whom I trust, and so he prescribed me kanefron 2 tons 3 times a day (6 tablets per day are obtained) throughout the entire pregnancy without interruption. G. confirmed his appointment, so we drink. With the kidneys (t-t-t) there are no problems yet, there are no edema (now 26 weeks).

Very often during pregnancy, diseases of the urinary system appear or worsen - it is with these problems that Canephron can help. Among the drugs that are prescribed for diseases of the excretory system, therapists and nephrologists recommend this drug for many reasons. We will deal with them further.

Can be drunk Dosage Medication
kanefron in the clinic observation
sleep difficulty in position

Kanefron is a medicinal preparation consisting of herbal ingredients: centaury, rosemary, lovage.

Indications for the use of the drug

Obstetricians and gynecologists believe that Canephron, the full name Canephron N, can be drunk during pregnancy, since it is the only safe drug diuretic action, valid at any period of bearing a child. It is appointed for the following reasons.

When carrying a child, you can drink for a long time

Instructions for use

Release form medicinal product- dragee, drops. Drops are prescribed mainly to children who are under 5 years old. They are convenient for dosage adjustment, dragees - for ease of administration. Most often, drops are prescribed for infants and children under 5 years old, since it is easier to calculate the dosage with their help. The remaining groups of people take both drops and dragees.

According to the instructions for the use of kanefron, the dosage of the drug should be prescribed by the attending physician, as he conducts a course of treatment. Basically, kanefron during pregnancy is taken in such dosages as 50 drops or 1 tablet each, in the morning and evening an hour before meals. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids during the course of treatment.

How long it is necessary to drink kanefron - the attending physician decides. On average, the course lasts 2 weeks, sometimes the doctor extends it. The duration of the course depends on the organism of the pregnant girl: whether she has chronic diseases or allergies to any drugs. The drug is safe for the child, so kanefron can be drunk for a long time during gestation.

You cannot prescribe medicine to yourself. The doctor will be able to control the treatment, to identify positive or negative dynamics. With negative dynamics, he will conduct another course of therapy or prescribe a similar drug.

The drug does not affect concentration, speed and attention.

The dosage must be agreed with the gynecologist

Risks, dangers, contraindications

The drug is well tolerated adverse reactions not visible. Very rarely it may appear:

  • an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, itching or redness, the main thing is to take into account the dosage while taking kanefron during pregnancy;
  • drops contain alcohol, as a result of which they are not recommended to be taken if there are liver diseases - they can aggravate the situation, the instructions attached to the kanefron especially focus on this;
  • one of the adverse reactions is spotting discharge from the vagina, if they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor;
  • reception of lovage and rosemary in in kind may lead to an increase in uterine tone.

It has been established that a long course of treatment does not cause intoxication and overdose. medical research proved that kanefron is safe for the child, it does not negative influence on intrauterine development fetus, mental and physical development future baby.

Main contraindications:

  • reaction to intolerance to any component of the drug;
  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • rejection of lactose and sugar by the body.

If you are taking kanefron during pregnancy, carefully monitor your health. If there are any negative changes, consult a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Features of the use of the drug.

  1. Usually, doctors prescribe kanefron in early pregnancy for prevention if the expectant mother had diseases of the urinary system before conception or an infection in the urine was found that does not manifest itself. As practice shows, bacteria begin to actively manifest themselves when the body is weakened. AT this case, bearing a child is a catalyst for such processes.
  2. Most often, this drug is prescribed in the later stages with the appearance of puffiness. Some girls are prescribed the drug several times during the entire pregnancy. Same this remedy is a prophylactic late toxicosis or gestosis.
  3. Kanefron is a diuretic. It allows you to remove fluid from the body, which causes swelling. It can be considered a plus that the drug does not violate the water-salt balance in the human body. As a result, doctors often prescribe kanefron during pregnancy if the girl has swelling.

The drug is well tolerated and without side effects.

Drug analogues

If you get any symptoms while taking this drug backlash ingredients, your doctor may prescribe a different drug. There are several analogues of kanefron, for example, cystone, furagin, phytolysin. They are also made from herbal extracts and can be taken by pregnant women. Each medicine is selected individually.

Furagin is available in the form of tablets, capsules and powder. The composition includes furazidin. Applicable:

  • for the treatment and prevention of infections of the urinary system;
  • with burns, purulent skin lesions in the genital area.

Applies only up to 38 weeks.

Child safety established

Cystone is available in the form of tablets. The composition includes the following plant extracts: madder heart leaf, saxifrage reed, etc. Used in diseases of the urinary system, urolithiasis. Can be taken at any stage of pregnancy.

Diseases of the urinary system take the 2nd place in women after cardiovascular diseases in terms of exacerbation / development during the period of bearing a baby. These ailments often “wake up” just against the background of pregnancy, or they arise for the first time directly due to the new state of the body. But medicine has found a solution to this problem. Doctors can safely treat women - prescribe Canephron to them during pregnancy and not worry about the development of the fetus.

What is this medicine?

The drug Canephron is quite effective drug which helps to get rid of kidney stones. During pregnancy, it is almost the only method of curing diseases of the urinary tract.

Why do doctors prescribe Kanefron to future mothers? The fact is that it is safe due to its natural composition and good tolerance. Assessing the numerous positive reviews about this medicine, you can be sure that this drug actually works effectively and does not cause any side effects in pregnant women.

Also in favor of the safety of this drug, it is important to note that even with breastfeeding can be used by a woman absolutely calmly, since the transition to milk mixtures during the treatment period is not required. Canephron is prescribed, as you know, even for infants.

Indications for use

As we have already said, many chronic ailments of the excretory system in pregnant women begin to worsen, especially in the 1st trimester. For this reason, Kanefron during pregnancy is most often prescribed in the early stages. But health problems can await the expectant mother in the later stages, at a time when the fetus grows and begins to put pressure on the internal organs, including the urinary organs. Also, a weakened immune system, which is not able to properly resist infections, affects health. For this reason, the most frequent illnesses commonly encountered by pregnant women are:

  1. Inflammation that occurs in the bladder or acute cystitis.

This disease is characterized by a fairly frequent and painful urination. Some women even experience urinary incontinence.

  1. Stones in the kidneys.

This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • painful urination;
  • lower back pain;
  • cloudy urine;
  • the presence of blood in the urine;
  • increase in pressure;
  • temperature rise.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • serious inflammatory disease, which affects the parenchyma (the so-called calyces of the kidneys), the renal pelvis. Symptoms of pyelonephritis are as follows:

    • there are pains in the lumbar region;
    • the temperature rises;
    • chills are felt;
    • weakness occurs;
    • nausea may occur.
  • Glomerulonephritis.
  • It is also an inflammatory disease, but it affects the glomeruli of the kidneys. Clinical picture:

    • puffiness;
    • increase in pressure;
    • decrease in the amount of urine excreted during urination.
  • Interstitial nephritis.
  • This is an inflammatory disease of a non-infectious nature that affects the pelvis of the kidneys, as well as their calyces. The symptoms of this disease are:

    • there are painful sensations in the lumbar region;
    • the patient is accompanied by a feeling of lethargy;
    • appetite decreases;
    • the temperature rises.

    Each of the above diseases requires immediate treatment. And, if the results of tests, ultrasound of the urinary, ultrasound of the kidneys, or other organs showed that you have some problems with the urinary system, you need to follow the doctor's recommendations and proceed to the prescribed treatment. And since Kanefron is most often prescribed during pregnancy, then we will talk about the dosage of this drug.


    Since the drug is available in 2 different pharmacological forms, the dosage depends on what the doctor has prescribed - drops or dragees. In the instructions for this medicine the regimen for adults is indicated: two tablets three times a day or 50 drops three times a day. During pregnancy, the same dosage and treatment regimen is allowed, however, some doctors prescribe slightly smaller doses to expectant mothers - one dragee (if we are talking about tablets) or 50 drops twice a day. Another treatment regimen is also allowed - 30 drops three times a day. The question of the dosage of the drug should be decided exclusively by a specialist, after analyzing the condition of the expectant mother, her disturbing symptoms and forecasts for the future.

    How long does the course of treatment take?

    It is set by the doctor on an individual basis. But usually the course of treatment does not exceed two weeks. It is also important to note that in case of chronic kidney diseases, Canephron during pregnancy can be prescribed even for the entire gestation period. In this case, the medicine is taken with interruptions, which the leading doctor talks about.
