Joint tattoos for husband and wife. Tattoo for two

Richard Bach said: “Lovers who accept each other’s ideals become more attractive to each other over the years.” In fact, the phrase of the American writer also applies to friends and relatives.

Among the ideals of life we ​​also find those who have united interests in the field of painting their bodies. Tattoos can express a commonality of tastes, interests, and views on the world. Drawings on the body become a symbol of acceptance of each other’s very ideals.

The meaning of paired tattoos

Paired tattoos- a peculiar expression of the number 2. In numerology, it is considered a struggle and, at the same time, the unity of opposites. If you believe the statement that people from different “poles” become soul mates, the nature of human couples becomes clear.

They, like white and black, plus and minus, complement each other. From here couple tattoos for two, representing different pictures, folding into a single composition.

It is enough to bring the drawings closer to each other, and the overall composition begins to be visible. At the same time, each half of it is an independent tattoo unit that does not look defective without a “partner”.

The cohesion symbolized by the number 2 is associated with the subconscious. Instead of appealing to reason, there is an appeal to feelings. That's why, photo of paired tattoos They leave a feeling of mystery, of some understatement even with a clear and simple plot.

People around you understand that behind the picture on the body there is a story of love, friendship, and cooperation. Couple tattoos are not something that is done just for the sake of beauty. Tattoos always encrypt a range of feelings, torments, aspirations, and agreements.

The unity of the couple is emphasized, as a rule, by dividing one drawing into 2 bodies. Each individual composition looks unfinished, but “blooms” as it approaches its partner. Take, for example, a heart pierced by an arrow.

If you apply part of its outline to a girl and the other part to a guy, the picture will come together when they hug or hold hands. The absurdity and understatement of individual parts of the drawing seem to say: “I am nothing without you.”

From a psychological point of view, the number 2 is an expression of tact. With its help, people who choose two persuade the crowd to follow them. This is due to the lack of qualities of managers and leaders.

The psychological interpretation hides the essence of the relationship between a man and a woman, friends, and family. They should not control each other and fight for leadership.

The secret of lasting love, whatever its nature, is tact, understanding and acceptance of each other. In general, we returned again to the phrase of Richard Bach. It's time to move on to the details of the issue. Let's look at them with examples.

Types of paired tattoos

Paired tattoos - symbols, divided into categories according to purpose. The most extensive class of tattoos for lovers. Paired tattoos they choose symbolic ones, for example, the key to right hand one person and a heart with a keyhole on the left of the other. The composition says that the partner opened the soul of the other, its secret corners.

Those who want to add some humor to the tattoo replace the heart with a socket and the key with a plug with a wire. The pictures reach the verge of shocking, one of which depicts hairy legs with a bolt sticking out between them, and on the other there are smooth legs with a nut in the crotch. Romantic option sketch - a nut and bolt depicted among flowers.

Emphasizing their unity, lovers pin puzzles that fit perfectly with the fragments on the partner’s body, make identical barcodes, halves of the infinity sign.

By the way, schematic symbols are one of the favorites of lovers. U simple compositions, as a rule, there are no third-party interpretations. Infinity, it is infinity.

In relation to love, we mean continuity of feelings. The line of the cardiogram is the heartbeat, life itself and nothing more. By drawing a similar zigzag on their bodies, lovers emphasize that their pulse sounds in unison.

A girl draws something on her body that evokes associations with her boyfriend, and vice versa. For example, a young man is a cyclist, and a lady is a dancer. In this case, it is logical for the guy to get a tattoo with a silhouette curved in a pas, and for the girl a tattoo with a vehicle.

In addition to tattoos for lovers there are couple tattoos for girlfriends. Such drawings, as a rule, express a unity of views on life. Therefore, friends choose one, but duplicate image.

They can be diamonds, lotus flowers, crowns. The energy of the last tattoo is close to the stars. Friends choose them, emphasizing their own exclusivity and brightness.

Some hint that their union brings “light” to people, perhaps creatively. It's no secret that friends often choose the same hobbies and career paths. Maybe the girls are playing music group, delighting the audience with harmonious melodies and melodious voices?

Although, friends who share common hobbies usually request tattoos with their symbols. Thus, musicians apply paired microphones, guitars, and musical keys to their bodies.

Those who come together on the basis of dog breeding depict dogs and their emblems kennel clubs. Teachers allow themselves to pin books and pointers.

IN couple tattoos for friends crowns included. They, again, emphasize perceptions of themselves and the ground on which people converge. Characters are also reflected in the images.

So, soft, kind and perky ones can ask for Mickey Mouse heads, but punchy and daring ones are not averse to filling a fist with an extended middle finger.

The third category of paired tattoos were tattoos of relatives. Most often, the sketches are viewed by parents and children. When the latter grow up without losing soul connection with mothers and fathers, they begin to want to thank loved ones for their support and warmth.

A kind of thank you is the main meaning of the category tattoos. So, the mother is pleased that the child filled in the first letter of her name. The offspring will rejoice at the date of his birth on the parent’s body. The image will once again emphasize how important the day of birth is for those who gave this light, food, shelter, love.

Paired tattoo sketches can be chosen from selfish goals. They are usually driven by children strict parents. Understanding that the mother can only approve a tattoo in her honor, the daughter will do just that. Having received approval, they try to persuade the parent to get the tattoo.

In terms of language of expression, paired tattoos are divided into artistic and written. The latter begin with each other's initials and end with paragraphs from novels, poems, or even poems. By writing identical symbols on their bodies, people emphasize that they are one “book.”

Paired tattoo lettering, like other tattoos, come in large and miniature. Size division is another qualification of body designs. Paired small tattoo easy to hide from prying eyes.

This makes the tattoo intimate. In addition, a small picture can be easily hidden under clothes, cosmetics, and jewelry. This allows you to find a balance between expressing feelings and, for example, the requirements of the employer.

As you can see, choosing paired crown tattoos, “Eights” and more, several factors need to be taken into account. In addition to the requirements of the environment, they are guided by the tattoo artist’s own taste and capabilities.

It is no secret that some masters specialize in black work style, others in trash polka, and still others paint using watercolor techniques. Having chosen the direction and subject of the tattoo, we decide on the place where it will be applied.

Where to get a couple tattoo

Paired tattoos, which form a single composition, limit lovers, friends and relatives to the place where the pictures are applied. In order to be able to connect one to the other, the tattoos are placed on the sides.

Most Popular couple tattoos on wrist. The back of the hand is easily hidden under clothing and jewelry, and is also symbolic, because this is where the pulse beats.

Ignoring couple tattoos on arms and sides, some choose duplicate pictures or tattoos from the “Reminder of a loved one” section. These can be placed, for example, on the backs or. Choose paired tattoos "Wolves", "Skulls", floral and geometric compositions, stories with cartoon characters.

Tattoos for friends are gaining popularity every year. Many people, to prove friendship and devotion, express this with a tattoo. Paired tattoos for friends – great way express trust and devotion to each other.Tattooing is a very symbolic process that should be treated carefully.

Paired tattoos for friends are in many ways more difficult than ordinary tattoos, because you need to take into account the wishes of both and discuss all the little things. You need to mutually choose the location of the tattoo, its style and size.

Tattoos for friends - Ideas

Friends who are ripe for such important step, probably very close people to each other. You and your boyfriend or girlfriend definitely have a lot common interests and stories behind you. When choosing an idea for a tattoo for friends, you can safely proceed from this.

Tattoos for best friends – Same tattoos for friends

The most popular option is to choose the same tattoo for two. This tattoo will make it clear that you play an important role in each other’s lives. Your friendship seems strong family connection. For paired tattoos, as a rule, symbols, drawings or hieroglyphs are chosen that mean friendship. You can also choose something very significant and known only to the two of you.

Tattoos for Best Friends - Themed Tattoos

Tattoos for best friends do not have to be the same, they can simply be in the same style or dedicated to the same topic.

Tattoos for best friends - Tattoo of two halves of one whole

The concept of this execution of paired tattoos is very simple.- these are two images that acquire special meaning and completeness when combined.



The meaning of paired tattoos

Paired tattoos are the path of couples in love. People who decide to create such tattoos do not thinking lives without each other, knowing for sure that this is the other half. Loving people they want to be together in eternity, to show others their relationship, the unity of souls and hearts, to prove that they can endure all trials, and that obstacles are nothing compared to the feelings of lovers.

Tattoos for two help to emphasize this and strengthen the relationship. Paired tattoos can be called symbols of halves that are combined into one. Only in pairs can such tattoos be considered a masterpiece.

Initially, foreign pop and rock stars began to get such tattoos, and a little later this love and tenderness came to us. Huge selection paired tattoos allows you to easily choose the one you like. The choice may fall on common options, for example, two halves, the word “love” divided in half, or it can be completely unique, which will be understandable only to you and your other half.

On symmetrical areas of the body, couple tattoos look best, especially when a thematic design is depicted that both a man and a woman like, expressing not only the reverent attitude of the partners, tattoos can represent the hobbies of the couple. Joint tattoos are done in the same way with minimal changes.

Tattoos with the names of loved ones, made in one place on the body, are also common, which looks quite cute and romantic. sentence tattoos that start on one body and smoothly move to the second, thereby symbolizing unity.

All paired tattoos are performed most often on the shoulders, arms and. There are many paired tattoos in the form of elements that fit each other and are connected to each other. You can see tattoos as symbols of the purity of relationships. It is clear that unity can only happen when partners come into contact.

Symbolic, even sacred, paired tattoos are of great importance for young people. Images fit here wedding rings on fingers.

A couple for whom romantic relationship not just an empty sound, but a period filled vivid impressions and with feelings most of all pays attention to symbolism, attaching great importance to all signs and symbols. People acquire clothes of a similar style and type color scheme, acquire and change wedding rings of the same type, are engaged general view sports, find common interests.

Also, one of the ways to demonstrate your relationship to your close circle is to apply a tattoo for two lovers, performed according to a variety of designs available in specialized salons.

If necessary, tattoos for a couple can be applied according to an individual design, which guarantees a minimal chance of suddenly meeting another couple with a similar design on the street. After all, such a situation may well overshadow the joy of owning a drawing that turned out to be not unique.

Skin tattooing undoubtedly personifies the seriousness of the young couple’s intentions and indicates a joint view of successful development further relations— joint tattoos express the desire of people to link their destinies together in the best possible way.

Of course, at the very beginning of the romantic period, people develop confidence in the eternity of feelings. Therefore, many people make paired tattoos for two lovers on open areas of their skin, thereby trying to declare to everyone the seriousness of their intentions and demonstrate the presence of a couple.

In order for everyone to see the applied image, it is applied, most often on both hands, or on one hand:

  • The back or front of the wrists is ideal for inscribing a tattoo for two.
  • The palms are perfect for placing small tattoos, suitable for a guy and a girl or a wife and her husband. A striking example of a tattoo inscription can be the word form “Together forever.”
  • Fingers can be tattooed by sisters or lovebirds who drive strong friendship and they don’t understand life without each other.

Particularly popular are the exposed parts of the forearms or neck and hands. The ankles of the feet are also not ignored. From the point of view of symbolism, there is not much difference where tattoos are applied for lovers, but if you do not want to show off the finished tattoo to others, then you should think about more covered parts of the body, which are almost always under the cover of clothing.

To do this, you can choose areas for tattoos for lovers on internal parts thighs, lower abdomen, buttocks, feet and other secluded places. Leg tattoos are also popular; they look equally harmonious on both sisters and spouses.

A conscious step when applying

Having decided to go together to a salon where tattoos are made for lovers, you need to know that the tattoo is done using persistent pigment inks, which will not be easy to get rid of later. And the process itself is quite painful, especially if a couple’s tattoo is applied to areas with delicate skin - for example, on the wrist.

That is, it is better to make sure in advance of the strength of your feelings and realize the choice - is this your destiny? Well, if you do find your soulmate, then you shouldn’t put off going to a tattoo artist who has a huge album of sketches and ideas, which also includes matching tattoos for young couples in love.

Ideas for joint tattoos for couples

Ideas for couple tattoos almost always include hidden meaning for its owner and people initiated into the secrets of symbolism, although there may be more a simple option - when relatives make an inscription like “I love you little sister”. But this statement was true earlier, when drawings on skin had not yet become so widespread among the masses.

Now these can be either symbolic sketches or simply beautiful images, made by the hand of a master at the request of the client. Performing paired tattoos in the form of an inscription on foreign language You must first find out its meaning from a literate person so as not to make a mistake with the translation.

But, as stated earlier, lovers- This separate part people who tend to give great value signs and paired tattoos are proof of this. Indeed, during this period, the flight of thoughts and feelings gains unprecedented breadth and you often want to create something special, individual.

So it turns out that although the finished sketches are good due to the detailed elaboration of each fragment of the image, at the same time, they are the fruit of the creation of another person, and therefore are not able to fully reflect the inspiration of loving souls.

The best option would be to work out all possible sketches together with your beloved, selecting the paired tattoos with pictures that are most suitable in meaning and meaning, and then go to the salon to an experienced master, who will make minor adjustments to the photo of the tattoo or its sketch to give clarity and structure.

Spend more time choosing a joint tattoo so that you don’t have the desire to remove your tattoos later. You should be proud of her and enjoy her every day!

Below the article we have collected some photos of paired tattoos, look through them, you might like some of the ones offered. Look at the photos in pictures on Yandex or Google. In any case, you can always make an individual tattoo sketch by ordering it from a professional tattoo salon.

How to choose what to apply to steam

Before going to a tattoo parlor, a couple should seriously approach the choice of design for application; the most popular for applying for a couple is usually chosen:

  • Date the couple met, wedding date or birth of the first child in the family;
  • Paired tattoos with a similar meaning for two: Crown of the king and queen, lock and key, compass and anchor;
  • The same images are popular, for example, cartoon characters, an infinity sign, a sign of love and fidelity - a dove and a dove or swans.

Below we offer you some options to choose from; perhaps you will like something.

Paired finger tattoos

Paired tattoos for two lovers on the fingers are most often depicted in the form of small symbols or drawings. More often, an infinity sign, a wedding date, or ring finger wedding ring tattoo.

If you choose your fingers for application, keep in mind that the skin of your hands is exposed to environment and skin renewal. It’s just that over time the tattoo may fade and become less attractive and noticeable.

Paired leg tattoos

Nice place for joint tattoos, often in such cases the legs, thighs or lower legs, as well as the rib of the foot are used. If your choice fell to apply paired tattoos for two lovers on the legs, then you should choose a simple design for application. For easy image adjustments. Symbolic paired tattoos can be either color or black and white.

The main thing to remember! What if a girl or guy works in a government agency, where there is a dress code, the tattoo should be done in a less prominent place. Avoiding sidelong glances will not ruin your career.

If the tattoo is less noticeable, it does not lose its meaning and does not become less significant for people in love.

A little advice! Before going to a tattoo artist, choose a more symbolic date for deeper meaning and good memories.

Let's sum it up

In love, everything matters - you can’t even remember who said it and how long ago it was, but the statement is alive to this day, constantly proving its relevance in practice. Here everything depends on the couple themselves because if something means eternity for some and happiness for others means absolutely nothing.

This happens because the feeling of love generates a thirst for creativity and allows fantasy to unfold to its fullest. And, as you know, everyone’s fantasy is different and only lovers “breathe in unison.” Best advice, which can be given for creating individual paired tattoos, would be advice to listen to yourself, to your inner voice, so to speak.

And of course, avoid such banal ones, hearts and doves, which have become such a hackneyed and banal theme that they look dull, ineffective, and sometimes just vulgar.

Show a little imagination together with your soul mate, and then even a simple symbol will take you special meaning. It is only worth noting that the matter must be approached not only creatively, but also competently - the image of a dove on a guy’s shoulder will look very specific to some segments of the population.

Therefore, it is better to think about pictures in the so-called “unisex” style, which will decorate the skin of both girls and boys with equal success.

Photos of paired tattoos: Some ideas for choosing

Many laugh at those lovers who are in a rush tender feelings make tattoos with each other's names, jokingly asking what they will do if they suddenly decide to break off the relationship. However, names are far from the only option for a couple tattoo. Moreover, not only romantic feelings capable of inducing a person to permanently imprint on his body a symbol of affection for another. Tattoos for two friends are also no longer uncommon. Today we will look at several both classic and extraordinary ideas for tattoos that can become a symbol of mutual feelings.

Two halves of one whole

The most popular option for paired works is two images that acquire special meaning and completeness when combined. One of the classic themes of paired tattoos for lovers is a lock and key. Despite the popularity of these images, such works still look quite interesting if you choose the right style and artist. Particularly admirable are the realistic antique locks and keys, decorated with many small decorative elements, precious stones, which seem to really shine in the light.

Another interesting option- card king and queen (in our latitudes it is usually called a queen). The scope for imagination here is enormous: these can be monochrome images of cards in the Chicano style, bright cards in the new school style, decorated with roses and ribbons, or even realistic portraits inscribed on the card.

Surely two people who are so close that they want to capture their connection on own bodies, many common interests. This is also something to consider when choosing a subject for a tattoo. For example, lovers marine theme can make small paired tattoos in the form of an anchor and a steering wheel, identical fish different color on the wrists or ankles. People who gravitate towards Eastern philosophy can depict half of them on themselves. Friends who have been together since childhood can choose a story that reminds them of these fun and carefree times, for example, two kids talking on a walkie-talkie from plastic cups, connected by a cord, and the lace will appear whole if you connect two tattoos.


Identical tattoos are, one might say, a win-win: together these works will talk about mutual feelings and affection, but separately they will look like a complete picture.

Such jobs are usually small. The subject for a tattoo can be anything, any image that is close to two lovers, friends or relatives. For example, fans of watercolor works may like small bright feathers, which will indicate the lightness and sublimity of feelings that connect people. If lovers want to depict any representatives of the fauna, then the best solution will choose one of the animals symbolizing love, family and fertility: deer, horse, dove, swan, ladybug etc.

The same applies to friendly relations. For example, in China the panda is considered a symbol of friendship, so why not decorate your body with a cute black and white bear cub resting in the bamboo thickets? Also, the option with the image of dogs suggests itself, because, as you know, they best friends person. Their mutual feelings can be expressed using the same images of plants: love is symbolized by red and white roses, forget-me-nots, red tulips, honeysuckle, anthurium, lilac, friendship - chrysanthemum, acacia, thuja branches, pear flowers, yellow carnations or roses.

Tattoos can also reflect some special important events or periods in life. For example, identical tattoos for friends who have known each other since childhood, in the form of girls swinging on a swing, will look very touching, with a touch of nostalgia for happy days spent together. Friends who survived big quarrel and reconciliation, may choose a half-comic depiction of a child's pinky oath. This will mean that old grievances no longer have power over them; now they seem groundless and even funny.

An interesting idea could also be a tattoo of a butterfly with folded wings on the hand, forearm or wrist. Moreover, if you combine two works, it will seem as if it is one butterfly with spread wings. If you want to do something on a larger scale, then you should consider the option of matching mandalas on your forearms - such a tattoo will look cool on its own, and combined with a second image it will look like a solid picture.

In one style

Tattoos in the same style and with similar themes are great option for people whose tastes are similar, but they still want their tattoo to be unique. The plot can be anything. For example, if you are always drawn to the sea, one person can portray, and the other -. Although such works are endowed with their own symbolism, together they acquire more deep meaning. Those who love the outdoors may like the idea of ​​capturing a watercolor mountain or forest landscape enclosed in a circle. Moreover, both tattoos can depict the same place, but one work will reveal mountains during the day, snow-capped peaks shining under the rays of sunlight, and the second will show a night landscape with a sky strewn with stars.

You can choose sketches with animals in the same style, for example, with a wolf and a fox, a cat and a dog, celestial bodies - the sun and the moon. In this case, everything depends solely on your common interests. For example, if you love the same films, books or games, then you can choose some especially close characters. You can choose some abstract idea that will simply reflect your desire to imprint a symbol of love or friendship on your body, something serious and thoughtful, or just a funny story that will delight both of you.

Read also:

Photos of paired tattoos for a couple in love
