Relationship table. Family ties and degrees of kinship among the Slavs

Relation degreedetermined by the number of births that separate people from a common ancestor. The degree of kinship is usually used to designate only blood relations; the same connections that arise as a result of the marriage of two people are called properties. You will learn how to correctly determine the degree of relationship from the article.

What is degree of relationship?

Kinship is nothing more than the connection of all people who have a common ancestor. Closeness is determined using degree and line.

Accordingly, the degree of kinship recognizes the connection through birth. That is why the count of degrees is determined by the number of births separating one relative from another. For example, there is 1 birth between father and son, respectively, 1st degree of relationship.

Legislatively, the degree of relationship is defined in Article 1145 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates inheritance issues. The peculiarity of this norm is that when determining the degree, the birth of the testator is taken into account.

And lines are several degrees of kinship, built among themselves according to a time criterion.

There are 2 types of kinship:

  • blood (members of the clan descended from the same ancestor);
  • heterogeneous.

In order to avoid confusion, let us clarify some degrees of relationship between brothers and sisters:

  • half-blooded - having the same father and different mothers;
  • consolidated - having different parents, but brought together by marriage, for example, the father of one and the mother of another child;
  • monouterine - descended from the same mother, but from different fathers.

In order to determine the degree of relationship, it is necessary to count the number of births between people. For example, there are 2 births between a granddaughter and grandmother; Accordingly, they are relatives of the 2nd degree.

Please note that husband and wife are not included in these calculations, since they are not relatives. IN in this case there will be a property - a relationship that arises through the marriage of two persons. For example, the husband's mother becomes the wife's mother-in-law.

Degrees of relationship:

  1. Parents and children.
  2. Grandchildren and grandparents.
  3. Great-grandchildren and great-grandparents; uncles/aunts and nephews.
  4. Cousins; great-uncle and great-nephew.
  5. Great uncle and great-nephew.
  6. Second cousins/brothers.

To make it clearer, let’s tell you who is related to whom:

  • grandmother/grandfather - mother/father of parents;
  • uncle/aunt - brother/sister of parents;
  • nephew - son of a brother/sister;
  • cousin - son of an uncle/aunt;
  • great-grandfather - grandmother's father;
  • great-grandson - son of a grandson;
  • second cousin - children of cousins;
  • grandson - a relative descended from the third generation.

Russian genealogy adheres to the rule that consanguinity is possible only through the male line - from father to son. In turn, the female component does not have such a relationship, since the woman is the last descendant in her line.

Despite the fact that the husband and wife are not relatives, the legislator, for example, in the Criminal Procedure Code, classifies spouses as “close relatives” (Article 5).

In inheritance law, in addition to natural children, adopted children can also claim the property of the deceased. Moreover, a child for whom paternity has been established judicial procedure, is also his father's heir.

What to write in the questionnaire about the degree of relationship?

When filling out the column indicating information about relatives, the FMS recommends adhering to the following rules:

  1. When indicating the degree of relationship, write the name of the relationship, for example, father, mother.
  2. In the column Full name relative's full details are provided. If the last name, first name or patronymic has been changed, then information about this should also be reflected in the application form. This is done as follows: Ivanovtseva (Semenkova) Nadezhda Gennadievna.
  3. Next, fill in the column about the place and date of birth (in accordance with the passport).
  4. Information about the place of work and position is entered in strict accordance with the data from the work book.
  5. The address of registration and actual residence is filled in in accordance with the passport.

The questionnaire contains information about both living relatives and deceased ones. In the latter case, it is necessary to fill in the columns “Degree of relationship”, “Full name”, “Date and place of birth”, and then enter the date of death and place of burial.

If the applicant has ex-spouses, information about them in the questionnaire is reflected as follows:

  • ex-husband;
  • Velikovolov Vadim Viktorovich;
  • 12/24/1986, Moscow;
  • place of work and residence/registration address;

If there is no information about this, then the last columns are filled in as follows: “Information about ex-husband I do not have. I don’t keep in touch with him.”

Information about relatives may be contained in application forms, for example, when applying for a job or for obtaining a visa.

Please note that when filling out a visa application form, you must check with the embassy about the correct name for each degree of relationship in the country. For example, in Germany the term "great aunt" is spelled "Grosstante".

Property Relationships

Property is nothing more than a relationship that arises from the fact of marriage between husband and wife, relatives of the spouses, etc.

Examples of your own relationships:

Please note that the godfather and godfathers (godfather and mother of the child) do not belong to the property. This is the category of so-called spiritual kinship.

Despite the fact that the property is not based on blood and brings people together only after marriage between husband and wife, the Russian legislator quite actively uses this category when various legal situations arise.

Take, for example, inheritance law. Along with the children and parents of the deceased, the first-degree heirs are the spouse.

When filling out various forms, you are asked to provide information about your former/current spouses.

Legal facts and family relations

The legislator associates the emergence or change, as well as the termination of family relationships with various types of legal facts.

All legal facts can be divided into actions and events.

Actions are what depend on the will of people. For example, a citizen adopts a child.

Events are something that does not depend on the will of the parties, for example, kinship.

IN family law great importance is given to blood relationship, which is the basis for the emergence of relations between parents and children. But between other close relatives there can only arise alimony obligations. For example, the child is supported by the grandmother, since the parents are not able to make payments.

The property also gives rise to alimony obligations. For example, in the event of a divorce, a wife has the right to demand payments from her husband if she is pregnant or raising common child up to 3 years.

How to prove relationship?

In inheritance cases, citizens quite often have the need to prove the degree of relationship with the deceased. What to do if there are no documents confirming this fact?

  1. Prove relationship based on testimony.
  2. Contact the archive to obtain the appropriate certificate (if documents have been lost).
  3. Go to court to establish the fact of relationship.
  1. Prepare a claim and attach to it all documents that, in your opinion, can confirm your relationship with the deceased, for example, personal correspondence.
  2. In the application, indicate the purpose of establishing the fact of kinship with the citizen - receiving an inheritance.
  3. File a claim with district court at the applicant’s place of residence and pay a state fee of 300 rubles.
  4. Wait for the court's decision.

The applicant’s evidence base can vary from witness statements to video recordings. The main condition is the plaintiff’s connection with the deceased.

We draw your attention to the fact that the court act does not replace documents issued by the registry office, but is the basis for registering the fact of kinship.

After receiving all documents on kinship, they must be presented to a notary and inheritance must be entered into.

IN modern world We often forget about our dearest and closest people. Moreover, many do not even know who is related to whom and what the correct name should be for new relatives. This is exactly what I want to talk about now. Family ties: who is related to whom and what is the correct name for your loved ones?


Initially, I would like to note that today there are two forms of kinship:

  • Blood.
  • Not bloody.

Relatives may be on the father's or mother's side. These are blood. Non-bloods are those who enter into family ties after marriage - through a husband or wife. I would also like to note that this list was larger before. They also distinguished agrarian or communal kinship, based on the management of a common household, as well as spiritual, which was also called fictitious or artificial.

Close blood relatives

The most recognized by all is the blood relationship of the closest relatives. In this case, a distinction is made between:

  • Mother and father - the people who gave birth to the child.
  • Brothers and sisters are children born from the same father and mother.
  • Grandparents are parents of parents. Next come the great-grandparents.

These are the closest blood relatives.

Other blood relatives

The pattern of family ties is not limited to this. So, there are many more blood relatives who also have their correct names:

  • First cousins ​​are children born to the sister or brother of one of the parents. In the old days, such people were called bro, or brother, and also sister, or sister.
  • Second cousins ​​are grand-brothers or sisters.
  • Nephews are the children of siblings, and great-nephews are the grandchildren of a brother or sister. There is also the concept of great-great-cousin, etc.

Consanguinity through brother

The family connection is very interesting if it comes from brothers. How, then, are relatives correctly called?

  • wife sibling called brotherly.
  • Brother's own son, in our opinion - nephew, and in the old days - brother.
  • Brother's own daughter, today - niece, in the old days - brother.
  • It was customary to call a cousin's wife a brother.

Acquired relatives

It is imperative to consider family ties (who is related to whom) after the wedding ceremony. This is where confusion most often arises.

  • The wife's parents are usually called father-in-law and mother-in-law, and the husband's parents are father-in-law and mother-in-law.
  • Parental pairs of married children are called matchmakers.
  • In relation to parents: the bride is a daughter-in-law for her mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law for her father-in-law; The groom is a son-in-law for both mother-in-law and father-in-law.
  • The bride's husband's brother is the brother-in-law. If a brother has a wife, she is a sex worker, or a yatrovka.
  • If the husband has a sister, she will be the bride's sister-in-law.
  • In the case where the wife has a sister, the groom will have her as a sister-in-law, and her husband as a brother-in-law. All men whose wives are related to each other are brothers-in-law.
  • The wife's brother will be the brother-in-law. If a brother has a son, it is customary to call him Shurich.

It should be noted that the family ties of people are essential element life of every family. Today, unfortunately, people increasingly begin to forget that the only people Those who will always help are precisely relatives. That is why in Lately These names are lost. After all, relatives communicate with each other less and less. And, accordingly, they forget who is related to whom.

Blood or just close relatives?

Family ties and relationships do not end there. There's a lot in life different situations, which are also important to take into account. For example, if a man has a second marriage, but still has children from the previous one.

  1. If the father remarries, then his new wife becomes the children's stepmother. In a similar situation, however, if the children remained with their mother, and she found a new man, the kids acquire a stepfather.
  2. Children among themselves in this case are called stepchildren. Half-brothers, sisters.
  3. In relation to children: a son who is not his own is called a stepson, a step-daughter is called a stepdaughter.

If we talk about adopted children, they are considered named (named son or named daughter). The same applies to parents: the named father or mother.

It should also be noted that a family connection also arises if the parents do not live in official marriage. Popularly they are called civil married couple. In this case, children are considered relatives; they are not considered illegitimate. They don't have a special name.


The Christian faith also presupposes the presence of godparents. Who are they? So, in the old days, mortality was much higher than in the modern world. And people, wanting to protect their children from poverty and wanderings, chose close relatives or good people, who were the children's godparents. They underwent a special church ceremony and subsequently bore responsibility for the life and fate of the child. Ideally, godparents should not only give gifts to children, but also visit occasionally. Their main purpose is spiritual education children named before God, instilling in them the norms and dogmas of Christianity. If the parents died, godparents, one of their godparents, took them in to raise and support the children. In financial terms, in this case, they were equally responsible for the child.

Today this is a little forgotten, but the names of such relatives remain:

  • Godmother and father are the spiritual parents of the child.
  • A godson or goddaughter is a child who has been baptized by an adult before God.
  • There is also the concept of godsisters and brothers, natural children of godmothers and fathers.
  • Kumovya (godfather, godfather) - blood and God-parents between themselves.

Other unaccounted family ties

  • Men: brothers on the cross, brothers of the cross.
  • Women: brothers-in-arms, or cross-sisters.

Wedding kinship

Few people know, but family ties also arise during the wedding of young people. And if everything is clear about parents, family and a young couple, there are also indirect relatives.

  • Friend and boyar. Today they are also called witnesses. They play a certain role not only in the wedding ceremony itself, but also during the wedding party.
  • Tysyatsky. Today it is the toastmaster. Previously, he was a wedding manager who was responsible for everything that happened. Most often this Godfather or an adult relative.
  • Honorary brothers are men, friends of the groom, who pour alcoholic drinks and keep order.

So, we have considered almost all family ties. Who is related to whom? The diagram shows this too. In addition, you need to take into account all connections, both blood and non-blood.

Not so long ago, families were large, when several generations of neighbors lived under one roof or in the same neighborhood. distant relatives. People of the same kind were united common interests and values. We still say: “Looks like an aunt; the spitting image of grandpa." We no longer know whether the child resembles his great-grandfather. The circle of relatives has narrowed: father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother... The further the relationship, the more difficult it is to determine who is “the seventh water on jelly.” But the real confusion begins after the wedding, when new relatives appear.

  • Father-in-law - husband's father
  • Mother-in-law - husband's mother
  • Father-in-law - wife's father
  • Mother-in-law - wife's mother
  • Brother-in-law - husband's brother
  • Brother-in-law - wife's brother
  • Sister-in-law - husband's sister
  • Sister-in-law - wife's sister
  • Brother-in-law - sister-in-law's husband
  • Son-in-law - daughter's husband, sister's husband, sister-in-law's husband
  • Daughter-in-law - son's wife in relation to father
  • A daughter-in-law is a brother's wife, a son's wife for his mother, a brother's wife for
    towards another brother's wife; also used instead of daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law
  • Matchmaker - the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other
  • Matchmaker - the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other
  • Grandfather (grandfather) - father of father or mother
  • Grandmother (grandmother) - mother of father or mother
  • Great uncle - father's or mother's uncle
  • Great aunt - father's or mother's aunt
  • Grandson (granddaughter) - son (daughter) of a daughter or son in relation to a grandfather or grandmother. Accordingly, a cousin’s grandson (granddaughter) is the son (daughter) of a nephew or niece
  • Nephew (niece) - son (daughter) of a brother or sister (siblings, cousins, second cousins). Accordingly, the child of a cousin (sister) is a cousin nephew, second cousin(sisters) - second cousin
  • Great-nephew (niece) - grandson (granddaughter) of a brother or sister
  • Uncle (uncle, uncle) - brother of father or mother, husband of aunt
  • Aunt (aunt, auntie) - the sister of the father or mother in relation to the nephews. Uncle's wife in relation to his nephews
  • Cousin - related by grandfather or grandmother to the children of their sons and daughters
  • Second cousin - son two uncle or great aunt
  • Cousin - daughter of an uncle or aunt
  • Second cousin - daughter of a great uncle or great aunt

Except modern concepts degree of relationship, it turns out that there are also more ancient names for relatives in use.

Father and son.
Father and daughter.
Mother and son.
Mother and daughter.

Grandfather and grandchildren
Grandmother and grandchildren.

Great-grandfather and great-grandchildren,
Uncle and nephews
Aunt and nephews.

Cousins ​​and brothers,
Great-uncle and great-nephews (nieces),
Great-aunt and great-nephews (nieces).

Great uncle and great nephew (niece).

Second cousins ​​and brothers.

Getting to know the terms family relations, it should be remembered that the terms consanguinity consist of keywords and definitions of the degree of relationship:

Grandmother, grandmother - mother of father or mother, wife of grandfather.
Brother - each of the sons of the same parents.
Bro, bro, bro, bro, bro - cousin.
Bratanna is her brother's daughter, brother's niece.
Brother - a relative in general, cousin or distant.
Bratych is a brother's son, brother's nephew.
Grandson - the son of a daughter, son, as well as the sons of a nephew or niece.
Granddaughter, grandson - the daughter of a son, daughter, as well as the daughter of a nephew or niece.
Grandfather is the father of the mother or father.
Grandfather, grandfather - uncle's aunt.
Dedich is the direct heir of his grandfather.
A daughter is a female person in relation to her parents.
Dsherich is his aunt's nephew.
Daughter's aunt's niece.
Uncle is the brother of father or mother. Thus, uncle and aunt are brother and sister of mother or father. “The aunt has a darling nephew, and the uncle has a niece,” notes folk wisdom.
A mother is a female person in relation to her children.
A father is a male person in relation to his children.
The father is the eldest in the generation.
Father, father-son, heir.
Nephew is the son of a brother or sister.
Nephew and niece are the son and daughter of a brother or sister. Great-nephews They call the grandchildren of a brother or sister. By the way, grand-relatives are any relatives in the third degree (second cousins): a grand-brother can be called the son of a cousin. In a relatively recent era, these native Russian terms of kinship were supplemented by the French in origin words cousin and cousin, denoting first cousins, as well as any distant blood relatives in the same tribe.
Niece is the daughter of a brother or sister.
Nephew - relative, relative.
Progenitors are the first known pedigree couple from which the family originates.

Now you will know who is related to whom!

Kinship- relationships between individuals based on descent from a common ancestor or resulting from marriage, organizing social groups and roles. Persons in a related relationship are called relatives.

Not so long ago, families were large, when several generations of close and distant relatives lived under one roof or in the same neighborhood. People of the same kind were united by common interests and values. We still say: “Looks like an aunt; the spitting image of grandpa." We no longer know whether the child resembles his great-grandfather. The circle of relatives has narrowed: father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother... The further the relationship, the more difficult it is to determine who is “the seventh water on jelly.” But the real confusion begins after the wedding, when new relatives appear.

Father-in-law - husband's father
Mother-in-law - husband's mother
Father-in-law - wife's father
Mother-in-law - wife's mother
Brother-in-law - husband's brother
Brother-in-law - wife's brother
Sister-in-law - husband's sister
Sister-in-law - wife's sister
Brother-in-law - sister-in-law's husband
Son-in-law - daughter's husband, sister's husband, sister-in-law's husband
Daughter-in-law - son's wife in relation to father
A daughter-in-law is a brother's wife, a son's wife for his mother, a brother's wife for
towards another brother's wife; also used instead of daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law
Matchmaker - the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other
Matchmaker - the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other
Grandfather (grandfather) - the father of the father or mother.
Grandmother (grandmother) - mother of father or mother
Great-uncle - uncle of the father or mother.
Great aunt - father's or mother's aunt
Grandson (granddaughter) - son (daughter) of a daughter or son in relation to a grandfather or grandmother. Accordingly, a cousin’s grandson (granddaughter) is the son (daughter) of a nephew or niece
Nephew (niece) - son (daughter) of a brother or sister (siblings, cousins, second cousins). Accordingly, the child of a cousin (sister) is a cousin nephew, a second cousin (sister) is a second cousin nephew
Great-nephew (niece) - grandson (granddaughter) of a brother or sister
Uncle (uncle, uncle) - brother of father or mother, husband of aunt
Aunt (aunt, auntie) - the sister of the father or mother in relation to the nephews. Uncle's wife in relation to his nephews
Cousin - related by grandfather or grandmother to the children of their sons and daughters
Second cousin - son of a great uncle or great aunt
Cousin - daughter of an uncle or aunt
Second cousin - daughter of a great uncle or great aunt

In addition to modern concepts of degree of relationship, it turns out that there are also more ancient names for relatives in use.

Father and son.
Father and daughter.
Mother and son.
Mother and daughter.

Grandfather and grandchildren.
Grandmother and grandchildren.

Great-grandfather and great-grandchildren.
Uncle and nephews.
Aunt and nephews.

Cousins ​​and brothers.
Great-uncle and great-nephews (nieces).
Great-aunt and great-nephews (nieces).

Great uncle and great nephew (niece).

Second cousins ​​and brothers.

When getting acquainted with the terms of kinship relationships, you should remember that the terms of consanguinity consist of keywords and definitions of the degree of kinship:

Grandmother, grandmother - mother of father or mother, wife of grandfather.
Brother - each of the sons of the same parents.
Bro, bro, bro, bro, bro - cousin.
Bratanna is her brother's daughter, brother's niece.
Brother - a relative in general, cousin or distant.
Bratych is a brother's son, brother's nephew.
Grandson - the son of a daughter, son, as well as the sons of a nephew or niece.
Granddaughter, grandson - the daughter of a son, daughter, as well as the daughter of a nephew or niece.
Grandfather is the father of the mother or father.
Grandfather, grandfather - uncle's aunt.
Dedich is the direct heir of his grandfather.
A daughter is a female person in relation to her parents.
Dsherich is his aunt's nephew.
Daughter's aunt's niece.
Uncle is the brother of father or mother. Thus, uncle and aunt are brother and sister of mother or father. “The aunt has a darling nephew, and the uncle has a niece,” notes folk wisdom.
A mother is a female person in relation to her children.
A father is a male person in relation to his children.
The father is the eldest in the generation.
Fatherlander, stepfather - son, heir.
Nephew is the son of a brother or sister.
Nephew and niece are the son and daughter of a brother or sister. Great-nephews are the grandchildren of a brother or sister. By the way, grand-relatives are any relatives in the third degree (second cousins): a grand-brother can be called the son of a cousin. In a relatively recent era, these native Russian terms of kinship were supplemented by the French in origin words cousin and cousin, denoting first cousins, as well as any distant blood relatives in the same generation.
Niece is the daughter of a brother or sister.
Nephew - relative, relative.
Progenitors are the first known pedigree couple from which the family originates.

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Man is a social being: interpersonal connections and the unification of people into various types of groups speak about this. People get married, give birth to children, and enter into special relationships called kinship. There are blood and social species kinship. Family ties can be close or distant. The distance between relatives determines the degree of relationship. Who is who and who is related to whom? How to build family tree and understand the intricacies of family relationships? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

Who are blood relatives?

Consanguinity is otherwise called biological or natural. There are several options:

  • Direct kinship is established between relatives descended from each other, this is a parent and a child, for example, a mother and daughter.
  • If several people are united by a common ancestor, then such a relationship is recognized as lateral.
  • Two common parents are a sign of a full-blooded relationship, that is, family attitude between children of the same married couple.
  • A person who has the same parent in common with you can be considered a half-blood relative. Unfortunately, sometimes families break up, but after a divorce, people can remarry, and new children may appear. For example, if you have common mother, and her daughter will be yours stepsister, and the son is a half-brother.

Types of social kinship

When a man and woman get married, they create new family. By registering their relationship, they bind themselves by marriage. If children are born to them, blood ties are established with them, but they remain socially related to each other. The relatives of the spouses have the same relationships among themselves: mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, daughter-in-law - all these are relatives of a social nature.

Another type of social kinship is adoption.

IN Christian families Religious ties between godparents, godmothers and godchildren are also considered social kinship.

Relatives near and far

Why are some relatives considered close and others distant? What connections unite people in a family? In order to determine the distance between members of the same family, there is such a thing as the degree of relationship. This situation is difficult to explain scientific definition and it is much easier to explain in a specific situation. Speaking in simple language, this is the connection of one person with another through birth. How more births between these persons, so more degree kinship. Here are some examples:

  • A woman and the boy born to her are connected by one birth, which means that mother and son are a primary connection.
  • Grandmother and granddaughter are connected by two births, therefore, there is a second degree of relationship between them.

Related lines

People born from each other in a series of successive degrees are usually called a family line. If you draw a family tree, then the faces will go one after another, in a chain. For example, son, father, grandfather, great-grandfather will make up four degrees of the paternal line, and it will be ascending; in descending, the same relatives will be designated as father, son, grandson, great-grandson. In addition, the child also has a maternal branch, which will be drawn in a similar way.

How to find out related degree?

This is easy to do, you just need to count how many births separate you from the selected family member. By being born from a father and mother, you get two people who are related to you in the first degree, a brother or sister will become the second degree, and an aunt or uncle will become the third.

Proof of relationship upon allocation

A person can draw up a will, according to which the inheritance is transferred according to his will, and not only immediate relatives can be heirs. Such a will can be challenged, but to do this you need to have evidence of the degree of relationship with the testator. If you happen to be one of the heirs, then you should know that the order of inheritance is determined by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

By bequeathing property to direct heirs - children, you can be sure that they will not have problems with its registration. If the will is made in favor of a person who is not a relative, then blood ties do not need to be confirmed. A certificate confirming the right of inheritance is issued in this case without determining the degree of relationship.

Situations often arise when it is necessary to confirm blood relationship. According to the law, children are the primary heirs. Sometimes it turns out that the deceased has illegitimate children who also have priority inheritance rights. Evidence can be either documents, such as a birth certificate, or oral testimony. The notary checks documents on kinship and identifies the heir. In cases where there are no documents confirming the degree of relationship, children may be included in the certificate of inheritance with the consent of other persons who have such evidence.

It is much more difficult to prove the relationship of subsequent degrees. You can confirm that you are the brother or sister of the deceased on the basis of issued birth certificates, which indicate the first name, last name and patronymic of your common parents. Other relatives also have to seek confirmation in the registry office archives, making written requests, and collect testimony from common relatives.

Who's Who: Kinship Terminology

What do people become to each other when they acquire family ties? Let's try to figure it out, starting with the simplest. Who is blood relatives?

When a man has children, he becomes their father, and a woman in this case acquires the status of a mother. Both of them can be called by the general term - parents. A male child born is a son for them, a girl is a daughter, both of them are children. A boy in relation to other children of his father and mother is called a brother, a girl in a similar case is called a sister. The parents of the father and mother are grandparents, and the children of the son or daughter are the grandson or granddaughter. To further generations the prefix “great-” is added, and relatives are called great-grandparents, great-grandmothers, great-grandchildren and great-granddaughters.

These connections are simple and understandable to every person. The situation is more complicated with blood relatives not in a direct line. Children of sisters and brothers are cousins ​​in relation to each other, children of cousins ​​are second cousins, and so on. Your mother's or father's brother will be your uncle, and your sister will be your aunt.

New family - new relatives

Even more confusion arises in relationships through marriage. By creating a family, a man and a woman become spouses, being husband and wife to each other. The husband's father and mother are called father-in-law and mother-in-law, and the wife's parents are called father-in-law and mother-in-law. In relation to the parents of the spouses, the married couple are called son-in-law and daughter-in-law (daughter-in-law). The parents of the husband and wife are each other's matchmakers.

In the person of her husband's brother and sister, a woman acquires a brother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the wife's brother and sister become a brother-in-law and sister-in-law for a man.

Tree of Life: From Branches to Roots

A family tree is a diagrammatic representation of a family tree. For whom is it compiled? Firstly, a person does this for himself, studying the history of his family, his relatives, living and long gone. Such a scheme will be interesting to children, as they will be able to understand who they came from and learn more about the generations of their ancestors.

How to make a pedigree chart?

First you need to collect as much as possible more information about relatives and your family. It happens that people do not know who their grandfathers and great-grandfathers were. This situation arises when a newly created family arises far from the places where the ancestors lived. You can ask your parents or other older family members for this information. With the information you need, you can begin to create your family tree.

First of all, indicate your name. It is better to position it so that there is room for everyone else around it. It will be most convenient to take top part approximately in the middle of the sheet. If you have children and grandchildren, step back a little at the top, leaving room for them. By depicting relatives on the diagram, you will sink lower and lower to your roots - your ancestors. You can place your name at the bottom of the sheet, then the branches will diverge upward.

The second step is to locate the parents with whom you are first degree related in the family tree. Write their names above or below your cell, and connect them to yourself by drawing arrows or lines to them. These are your closest relatives. If you have more than two parents, enter them all. Your stepmother or stepfather will be reflected on the same level as your blood father and mother.

After this, place your blood and half-brothers and sisters next to you, on the same level as your name, also linking them to your parents. If they have wives, husbands or children, you can include them too. Spouses' names are placed next to each other, and children's names are placed above or below, depending on the direction you choose. Connect them with lines.

At the next level, indicate the parents of your father and mother, that is, your grandparents. From them, arrows will return to the previous level, leading to the names of the brothers or sisters of your mother or father, who are your aunts and uncles and are on the same level as your parents. Their wives and husbands will be listed next to them, and their children will be on the same level as you, since they are yours. cousins and sisters.

Continue filling out the tree, sequentially including relatives you know, until you have placed everyone.

Advantages of computer family tree

In our mobile age, filled with computers, it is not at all necessary to draw a family tree with pen and paper; you can entrust this to special programs for creating a family tree. There are many similar products, some of them are distributed completely free of charge.

Such a program is capable of attaching not only photos, but also video and audio recordings; it can search the Internet for matches by places, dates, events - your family tree may have data in common with other people’s patterns. A questionnaire is added to each family member, where you can enter anything - from a description of appearance, contact information and documents to interesting facts from the biography. The programs are easy to use and understandable even for inexperienced users. In addition, they are equipped with prompts that help you fill out information correctly and enter data.

The pedigree can be displayed in the program as a table, in which the degree of relationship is reflected verbally, or as a diagram, where the connections are expressed graphically.

Almost all programs have a print option. It is needed in order to translate your creation from electronic version into paper. Some programs offer several design templates to choose from. By choosing one of them, you can make your family tree not only informative, but also visually attractive.

Among such programs, the most popular are products from foreign developers such as GenoPro, GRAMPS, RootsMagic, SimTree, Family Tree Builder. There is also Russian analogue- “Tree of Life” program.
