What if a man earns less. Man's financial ceiling

For words and beautiful gestures men can sometimes hide the cunning tricks of a skilled manipulator. And all his actions are directed only to achieve some specific goal - sex, money, a woman's connections, or some other needs. How to understand if a guy loves you or just uses you for his own purposes? We will talk about the most true signs that your partner is manipulating you.

How to understand - when a man is sincerely passionate, and when he just plays on feelings? For every girl, this question is, of course, important - after all, the sooner you understand the manipulator and break off these relationships, the less precious time will be lost, and the more chances you will meet your love. true love. And even being with a man who uses you can adversely affect the appearance and health of a woman. She becomes sad, languishes, grows stupefied, grows fat and does not understand why.

Here are some of the main signs that a man is manipulating you:

Sudden disappearances from a woman's life and equally sudden, without warning, appearances in her. This indicates that the man does not care about the feelings of the woman at all. Be wary if, after a stormy night, a man disappears somewhere, does not pick up the phone, and a week later appears on the doorstep, as if nothing had happened. He is also offended if you start to reproach him. Of course, he will find a million and a thousand reasons to justify himself in your eyes and appear innocent. But if this is repeated regularly, it is serious reason to think.

The man is inattentive to your needs. Believe me, a man in love will always remember what exactly his woman likes, what kind of ice cream she prefers, what her favorite perfume and other details. But if a woman is uninteresting or interesting only for strictly defined purposes, a man will not even “steam” in order to remember some information about him.

You can make sure that the young man does not love you if you read. In it we have collected all the verbal and non-verbal signs that he has cooled.

Do you want to know what kind of girls guys like? Then .

If the gentleman does not consider your desires- This clear sign that, most likely, he does not care about you. For example, he can go to a movie that is interesting only to him, and not to you. Or in a restaurant he orders wine, which he likes, and you have to drink it. And many more similar “pulling the blankets” over yourself.

This attitude clearly demonstrates that a man is not too interested in a woman. Otherwise, I would have been more careful. And the comfort of a woman does not bother him either - such a partner will not be able to cope nearby, whether it is convenient for her, whether it is blowing from the window.

His words are at odds with actions actions. If in words a man has already promised the sun, moon, star, house - a full bowl and so on, but in fact appears in your life once a week, then there is a clear inconsistency. Most likely, he is just actively hanging "noodles" on your beautiful ears in order to deceive vigilance.

Criticality and bad mood of a man in your presence. If a man is in love with a woman, or if he just likes her, then he will always be in high spirits in her presence. But if the sight of a woman does not cause any joy, then it is very difficult for a man to hide it.

Hidden dissatisfaction with the situation results in comments, criticism, irritation. It is very difficult to be close to such an individual, and there is only one way out - to solve the problem, because bad mood the critic spoils it for you too.

If a man does not introduce you to friends, does not introduce you to acquaintances - Great chance that the intentions towards you are not serious. Perhaps, of course, it's still early, and you've only known each other for a month. But usually a man takes a little time to understand whether a woman is interesting to him or not, and how far he is ready to let her into his life.

If he doesn’t introduce himself to friends, it means that he doesn’t want her to go too deeply into his life, doesn’t let her in, keeps her distance. And why? Because he does not need this woman so close. Needed only for certain purposes - met, had sex, and until the next meeting. In between these meetings, he has his own life.

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Your candy-bouquet period ended before it started. If a man has far-reaching plans and he sincerely likes a woman, he will "stretch the pleasure." Yes, of course, he will want her, but he will try to approach this issue smoothly, and not immediately drag the woman to bed with a cavalry swoop.

If a man persistently hints at the bed, but forgets about small pleasant signs attention, this suggests that his interests in relation to you come down to sex alone.

A man does not follow the “bazaar”, does not try to speak beautifully and without obscenities in your presence. If you can swear, speak rudely, allow yourself insults, even if not addressed to you, this is a serious reason to think about it. He does not try to look better in your eyes, this is a bad sign.

A man carelessly treats your feelings. He can afford to go out with another girl. And even if your mutual acquaintances noticed him at the same time, he will not call you in an attempt to justify himself. He will behave completely calmly, because he considers himself a free person without obligations.

More useful and necessary information can be found in this video:

How to check your man

Who is more expensive: you or the car. Watch how a man reacts when you want to sit behind the wheel of his car or take a ride. Take this test drive. For a man, his car is often like the second most important woman after his mother, and he treats him very scrupulously. And if he takes you seriously, then he will definitely give you a ride on his "beauty".

How important is money to him? If a man uses you from a materialistic point of view, then he will constantly run out of money on his phone, the bank will delay transfers to his card, there will be problems at work and others financial troubles. All this for you to pay for it.

A great way to test a man is to refuse to pay for him and look at his reaction. If he starts to get annoyed, then maybe money is all he needs.

Is he jealous of others? Try to make him jealous. To do this, you can, for example, flirt with another man in front of him. If you do not notice signs of jealousy in your man, this is another argument that he does not need you.

That's it, everything is quite simple. The main thing, having noticed the warning signs of a disdainful attitude towards yourself, is not to deceive yourself and try to take a sober look at things. And evaluate the actions of a man, not him beautiful words. Actions do not deceive and show the real state of affairs and real male feelings as opposed to words.

It's a pity, but in modern world not all men behave like knights, respecting and protecting the lady of their hearts. you spend together fun evenings and even wake up in the same bed? This does not mean that the relationship is serious, and the chosen one is really in love with you. Perhaps a man is indifferent to you or simply uses you to satisfy any personal needs. How to understand that a man does not love you? How to avoid manipulation by a partner? Read the article!

Constant lack of time to communicate with your woman

Does he value work too much, disappear for a week? Know that he has no feelings for you. If a man loves a woman, he will always find a couple of minutes to call, or at least short message. And if his calls are rare, then you can not flatter yourself about yours. further relations. What to do if a man does not love, but uses (in this case- your patience and meekness)? Decide for yourself once and for all whether you need such a relationship, and act!

He only needs one

Cases when men need sex from women, and nothing else, are not uncommon in the modern world. It is a pity that many representatives do not understand this. If a man does not love, but uses you, it can be seen immediately. When he is gentle, loving and sensitive only up to intimacy, and after it turns to the wall and does not want to talk about anything - this is not love. It's simple sexual attraction and passion. loving person says pleasant things to his lady often, and the sexual manipulator - only at the moment of excitement, after satisfaction the object is no longer interesting to him.

How to understand that you are being used? Manipulative men usually do not think about the pleasure of the second half in bed. They only think about themselves, their discharge. These men want to be on top, but they use standard set memorized techniques, without thinking whether they will please a particular woman.

Signs that a man does not love you: inattention to business

A man in love with a woman always strives to learn more about her, he is interested in what she lives with. He wants to know how the lady spent the day, how she is doing at work or school, what kind of music she likes, what movie she wants to watch. Such questions simply will not come to mind for a man-manipulator, he is not interested in either the past or the present, nor, unfortunately, future life partners. If a man does not love, but uses you, he will not be sensitive to your mood swings and be interested in affairs and plans.

He doesn't use the word "we"

Does your partner not use the pronoun "we" when talking about your couple? You can immediately draw disappointing conclusions: he has no serious plans for a relationship. Such a person does not recognize you as a single entity. If the two of you went to the cinema together, he may say to a friend: “I went to the cinema yesterday.” He does not like talking about a joint future, even if not far off. Such a partner will not take pictures together with you and, most likely, will ask you not to upload joint pictures on social networks. Such signs only speak of a lack of love and affection from a partner.

He won't let you into his life

A man loves or uses a woman, it is easy to understand. All the signs mentioned above speak of dislike. However, there are other important "symptoms" that your partner is not interested in you. A man who does not let a woman into his life is simply using her. A person who avoids talking about himself does not like to invite a lady to visit him, does not introduce her to his parents and friends, and is unlikely to take her seriously. The main signs that a man does not love you are indicated in this article. Remember them forever, if you do not want to be a toy in someone's hands! There is also such a variety of men who take a girl in their company, but stay very distant. They do not kiss or hug their partner in front of friends and generally spend more time away from her.

Always pay attention to male look. If a partner is interested in you, his eyes will give it away. A man in love looks straight in the face, not going down on a blouse, neckline or knees. Eyes fixed on the neckline will only tell about sexual interest. Eyes running around the room indicate a lack of interest in the interlocutor. If a man doesn't love you but takes advantage of you, he may even show signs of impatience (like tapping his fingers or rocking in a chair).

Psychology of the victim

Why do some women seem to attract manipulative men to them? The fact is that a person is responsible for everything that happens to him (although he may not even be aware of it). The state of the victim is psychological internal state, it literally attracts all sorts of lovers of easy money of a material, sexual and other nature. If someone is using you, it means that you yourself allow similar situations. What could be the reasons for such an internal state?

  • Disrespect for self.
  • various complexes.
  • The desire to hurt yourself, to punish with the help of strangers.

It is very likely that this explanation did not please you, but it answers the question of why you were chosen to be the "victim". How can a woman be used?

  1. Love manipulation. Very often, an insecure lady agrees to "supporting roles", that is, she simply becomes a mistress married man. While it seems like you're not worthy the best option, a man will use you to satisfy physiological needs
  2. Professional use. For a woman who does not believe in her strength and talent, in a working environment, colleagues will try to throw off a large part of their work. Also, cunning colleagues can appropriate your ideas, curry favor with superiors, while at the same time convincing you of absolute professional unsuitability.
  3. "Friendly communication. Very often, an insecure woman acquires a manipulative friend who knows which buttons to press and will quickly win over the “victim”. A woman, listening to false compliments, and pleased with admiration in her direction, is ready to do for " best friend" anything. Than the latter and enjoys with great pleasure.

Adverse signs

If you feel like you're being taken advantage of, but you can't be 100% sure, listen for these warning signs.

  • Assumptions of relatives and close people that they do not love you at all, but simply use them. At first, such conversations in the “victim” cause only rejection and anger.
  • Relationship analysis shows that you give much more than you receive.

Think for a few days in a calm atmosphere over the question posed, and then, on the contrary, try to distract yourself and forget about it. The right conclusion will come by itself.

How not to be used?

Often a woman is not able to quickly deal with such a question: “Does a man love or use?”. How to understand what a partner really feels, we described in detail in the article above. How can such situations be prevented? Know your worth! And we are talking not only about love, but also about professional, material plans. Have clearly set hard work on self-confidence, and then no manipulator will simply be able to break into your life and ruin it.

Don't settle for a relationship you don't want just because this moment Such stories lead to manipulation and sad outcomes.

Do you understand that a man does not love you, but simply uses you? Rather part with him, because the pain of separation will last much less than the bitterness of humiliation, unfulfilled hopes and annoyance!


In fact, you can become a mistress by different reasons: self-affirmation, desire material gain, warm feelings. Young girls are often attracted to age, status and sexual experience men.

The question of what to do if my man is married, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Advice in the field personal relationships are rarely useful because they are subjective. The answer is usually lurking in the right question asked. In order for the question to be formulated correctly, you need to learn how to analyze relationships.

When only a bed binds you, you should not make plans for a joint future. You are just having fun, and this relationship can always be ended. Sex is not love, attraction tends to pass, which can lead to disappointment.

Selfishness, unfortunately, sometimes spoils the picture. When you say that your partner is only yours, do not give it to anyone - these are destructive words that are likely to cause your separation. Blinded by feelings, you can ruin his relationship in the family. For example, you slandered the wife of your lover. When this becomes known, you will certainly lose credibility in the eyes of your loved one. And even if, dishonestly, you nevertheless achieved your goal - a wedding, remember, if you took someone else's man away, they can do the same to you.

Young people should be more careful. Men tend to get what they want at any cost. Relations with another is the end, and the end, as you know, justifies the means. A man will easily lie that everything is bad in his family, just to keep you. Especially if he is much older than you, he probably wants to prove that he is still capable of much. In most cases, having acquired a mistress, a man feels confident, pays more attention to his wife, finds a different approach to her. He does not allow thoughts of divorce, especially if there are children in his family.

Nature created people in such a way that a man must make decisions. If he decides to divorce, then most likely he will inform you about this shortly before the divorce itself, or after the fait accompli.

If you really love him, remember that love is an altruistic feeling. Have fun, fill your life with positivity, respect him and his family. The more noble and tactful you behave, the better your relationship will develop.

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Finally, you met the very beloved and the only one. You are happy and you are good together. Only one circumstance is a little alarming that your "prince" was already married. How to build relationships with a man having a "family background".


Do not put pressure on your partner and do not immediately build grandiose plans for a joint future. Be patient if your loved one is not very long ago, it is unlikely that he is ready to immediately enter into new marriage. Do not limit the freedom of a man, let your relationship be easy, but strong.

After some time, carefully make inquiries about your sweetheart's past and the reasons for his divorce. Do not ask him with prejudice, let him tell himself. Try not to discuss it ex-wife just listen and take note of the information received. If alcohol, betrayal or unwillingness to provide for and devote time to the family served as the reason for the breakup, think well, because such “happiness” may also await you in the future.

The presence of children that a man has from a previous marriage is one of the most important and difficult moments. You can divorce your wife, but not your child. Do not be jealous and do not demand to devote less time to children, this can be a big mistake on your part. The other extreme is to make friends at all costs and become a “second mother”. Select " golden mean”, be friendly, but not intrusive. Do not insist on joint walks if you see that it is difficult or unpleasant for a child to be in your company. Children are hard on parents and often see the enemy in new woman his dad. Let your beloved man calmly communicate with children, over time they will get used to you and relations will improve.

If you love and want to connect your life with him, do not repeat his mistakes. ex-wife. Ask how he would like to see his beloved woman. Negative experience family life is also an experience. It is possible that your partner has analyzed all the mistakes of the past family life and drew conclusions for himself. It is not uncommon that men are much more responsible and serious about their second marriage. Do not rush things, let the relationship develop smoothly. The main thing is that a man realizes that he is much better with you than without you. And it is quite possible that you will receive a marriage proposal even earlier than expected.


  • how to behave so that a man gets married

Your new acquaintance fits the category of a dream man in all respects. And he is handsome, and smart, and interesting. Everything seems to be fine in your relationship, but in Lately something is bothering you. Is he hiding his from you? Family status? If you look at his passport there is no way, pay attention to his behavior. It can tell more about a person than any documents.


Remember all your meetings with your loved one. Where do they usually go? Restaurants, cinemas, or at home? Have you visited him? If not, then this is cause for concern. Man does not invite guests if he lives with his mother, father, two brothers in a one-room apartment. Or maybe he has complete mess at home and he is shy to show it to you. Or he has a beautiful wife and two kids at home.

Often women are faced with the fact that a man does not love them, and at the same time does not let go, forcing them to suffer again and again. In such a situation, it is important to understand the psychology of the stronger sex, because a partner can have many reasons for such selfishness.

A man does not let go: the reasons for a difficult situation

Why a man does not let go if he does not love - complex issue, because the situation in each pair is essentially unique. Most often we are talking about the elementary instinct of the owner. The representative of the stronger sex is used to the fact that he has a faithful girlfriend, ready for many sacrifices for the sake of his attention. It is difficult for a man to refuse such a relationship, because he likes to feel his unemotional superiority over the one that is not able to resist feelings. What other reasons most often force the representative of the stronger sex to be next to the unloved?

A situation in which a man does not experience deep feelings to a partner, but also cannot let her go, is familiar to many women. Sometimes both partners get so entangled that they no longer understand why their relationship has developed this way.

Most often, it can be a simple habit or fear of being alone. In such cases, a man will sooner or later leave a lady who has ceased to cause his heart to beat faster for the sake of new feelings and emotions.

The correct behavior of a woman if a man does not love her

The realization that the second half no longer experiences deep feelings comes to the woman gradually. Guesses and resentments merge together, and comes to the surface harsh truth. In such situations, a woman can act as follows:

  • try to restore relationships, resurrect the feelings of a lover for yourself;
  • break all contacts and try to start a new relationship;
  • show the same selfishness, and continue to build relationships without feelings for a partner.

Whichever option a woman chooses, the first thing she should do is talk to a man. An ordinary conversation sometimes helps to dot the i's and understand why such a controversial situation has arisen. Many men are afraid frank conversations, but the topic must be raised until the partner talks about his emotions.

  1. The duration of the relationship, because the longer the partners are together, the more difficult it is for them to part forever.
  2. Depth own feelings towards a man.
  3. The presence or absence of a common company of friends, children and property.
  4. The behavior of the partner and his current attitude towards the woman.

If a man does not let go of his partner, this does not mean at all that deep down he feels something for her. Many ladies have been entertaining themselves with empty hopes for several years, expecting that the situation is about to change. If a man does not have feelings, then it will be very difficult to develop them, and for this you will have to make a lot of effort. You can work on such relationships where only one person loves, either if you have very deep feelings, or if long term relationship and the presence in them of the third member - the child.

If a man shows aggression, raises his hand to a woman, cheats on her every day, being generous with insults, you don’t need to grab this relationship to the last. How used to be a woman will begin to respect himself, the sooner this tragic story Not mutual love will come to an end.

Another situation that occurs everywhere is the need for a shake-up. Some men one day come to the conclusion that stable and strong relationship they got bored. However, as soon as offended woman leaves their lives, the representatives of the stronger sex understand what they have missed. Sometimes a breakup is the only thing that can help a situation.

Can a man love?

Lack of feelings is a natural phenomenon, because even the first beauty may encounter the fact that the chosen one is indifferent to her. In such a situation, only one question arises: can a man ever fall in love. Psychologists believe that in such a controversial situation, the likelihood of tender feelings extremely small. If a man uses a woman for his own purposes, if he considers relationships as a habit, then one should not wait for inciting vivid feelings. Such a person will remain cold, no matter what.

However, if a man does not let go of a woman, but sometimes shows tenderness towards her, then there is still a chance to save the relationship. A woman can only make every effort to resolve as soon as possible problem situation. She needs to constantly emphasize her external attractiveness, show care and tenderness towards a man, try to fill spending time together pleasant memories. In this case, sincere feelings may develop over time.

A situation in which a man does not let go, but at the same time does not love, is not uncommon. At the heart of such a personal tragedy lies the fact that in fighting for feelings for this partner, a woman may miss sincere and full relationship. Psychologists advise boldly breaking off relations with those who behave selfishly, aggressively and dishonestly. However, as long as one of the partners loves, the relationship has a chance to recover.

Olesya, Taganrog

Questions that thousands of married and divorced people are asking today: "What happens to love after marriage? Is it like this for everyone, or is it just me? Why are there so many divorces? It's hard to believe, but it happened to me. And those who do not get divorced - Are they reconciled to emptiness, or does love really survive in some marriages? If so, how?"

Some ask friends, others ask consultants, priests, coaches. Some are on their own. Sometimes the answers are stated in specific psychological terms and are incomprehensible. Sometimes they are expressed through jokes or folklore. Most of the jokes and short quotes contain some truth, but it's like offering an aspirin to a cancer patient.

Wish romantic love marriage is deeply ingrained in our psyches. Almost all popular magazines publish articles in every issue on how to keep love in marriage. There are a lot of books devoted to this. Talk about it on radio and TV talk shows. Keeping love in a marriage is serious business.

So why, with such an abundance of books, magazines and practical help, only a few couples managed to discover the secret of maintaining love after the wedding? How is it that we read the article "101 Ways to Express Love to Your Spouse" in a magazine, choose the two or three ways that seem most appropriate to us, try them out, and our spouses do not even notice our efforts? And we leave alone the remaining 98 ways and return to everyday life.

Every woman at some point does not understand what is happening to her man. Why does he behave this way and not otherwise? Why move away when everything seems to be fine? Why offended when she wanted to help? In order to understand all this, it is necessary to understand the nature of men. What is important for a man, what motives he is guided by, making this or that decision, showing this or that reaction.

This video is about male psychology, about the main mistakes that many make in marriage and before it. Enjoy watching).

Why men love you and mistakes in marriage that many women make.

Dmitry Naumenko's speech at the conference "Man and Woman 2014"

What does a man need from a woman? Three basic needs.

Despite the fact that the topic is "What does a man need?", We will start with women. Women are complex beings. There is a joke that a woman needs four men to be happy: a rich old man, a scarecrow, a sexual giant and a gay man. A rich old man, to provide, he is happy only from the fact that you exist. There is no sex with him, he is already fine. Scared to work with children, carry bags from the store, wash your car, help around the house. Sexual giant - well, I think everyone here guessed it. And gay to go shopping together, discuss the latest fashions and gossip about what you did with the sex giant. And even this is far from a guarantee that a woman will be happy.

Men are much easier. They need three things to be happy from their beloved woman: support , fidelity and sex.

Men's Relationship Need #1: SUPPORT.

A man needs to feel that someone supports- like he's a king, even if he's not. How more woman allows a man to feel like someone special, the more he gives in return. When a man walks out the door, the whole world is ready to knock him down. Any man, leaving the house, is ready to fight. At any moment, something beyond his control can happen (dismiss the boss, jail the subordinate, or someone may try to take away from him what he owns) In other words, the man is constantly in a state of combat readiness, evaluating other men who are next to him, ready to defend all his achievements (including you). Therefore, at home, a man wants to relax.

A man wants to hear from a woman: “Darling, I can’t express in words how much I appreciate what you do for me and the children.” These simple words give men the strength to keep doing what is right for you and your family. Everything a man does, whether it's hard work and the paycheck he brings home, or something as simple as cooking kebabs in Saturday evening or loading the laundry into the wash, all of which he will do much more often and more willingly if he receives a reward for it. And this reward is not worth a cent. It just comes from the heart "Thank you, darling. I appreciate what you do."

You don't even know how important this is for your man - a little support will encourage him to want to do more. Do you think that male severity and unwillingness to hug means that this support is not needed? Not at all - needed. And what man does not want to hear the confession more often: “You are so big and strong, you are everything I need”?

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A man's relationship need #2: LOYALTY.

Any man wants to be sure that he is raising his children. But that's not all. D For a man, love is devotion. This means that no matter what happens, you will be by his side. Even if he has temporary troubles at work or in business. Talking to your friends, you enthusiastically say: “This is my man. I am faithful to him." And at the sight of some celebrity - a sort of playboy, littering with money, smug, sexy, etc. - you squeeze your man’s hand tighter and say from the bottom of your heart: “I don’t need these shiny rich handsome men, because my man is for me the one and only!". The kind of love that a woman wants is beautiful, but male love the other, although it remains love. And the love of a man is very strong thing. Amazing. If female devotion will be true and undeniable, a man will really kill anyone for you. With no doubt.

A man's relationship need #3: SEX.

The matter is clear. Men. Need. Sex. Men love it. There is nothing like this on this planet, there is nothing else that men have wanted so strongly and constantly. A man must be physically connected to the woman he loves, the woman who is faithful to him and supports him, and the man does this by making love.

The emotional side - talking, hugging, shaking hands and hugging each other - is the prerogative of women. Men connect through sex. There is no man who does not need it. Ask any guy if sex is important in a relationship, and the one who says no is lying. If you meet, put this in a museum - it's unique. But most men need sex like air.

If you refuse a man to have sex, then a maximum of a month will pass and he will get it from someone else (an exception is if you are expecting a child from him). Oh, he'll wait if you're on your period - unless, of course, he loves you. If he doesn't care, he won't try to get your affection - he'll just get it from someone else. But if he loves you and you're dosing sex and not doing what you were doing when you started dating, then he'll find someone else to do it. Believe me: he will tell everyone that “this is my girl”, but in the meantime he will have another woman who will be ready to give him what he wants and what he needs - sex.

Understand correctly: men are not animals. Men know that circumstances change, that you're pregnant and the doctor says you have to wait six weeks, or you're on your period, your hormones are acting up, and you're not in the mood. But you can't always come up with excuses. You can, if you like, lead a man by the nose. But, no matter how much he loves you, his family, his role as the owner of the house, if you start to dose sex, problems will definitely arise.

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Romance and emotional attunement to sex are all great, but sometimes he just wants to have you, without any preambles - without being made to feel like another "item" on your to-do list. Every man just wants to get it from his woman. Everyone without exception.

In fact, a man needs only three things. If he gets them when he comes home, then he is ready for anything for you. If a woman does not do these three things for her man, then he will find another who will do it. A man cannot survive without these things - not ninety days, not at all.

You can ask any man about this if this is true, and he will answer you simply: true. Support. Loyalty. Sex. If you provide these three things, then there will be a man next to you who will do for you whatever you want. That's all.

Based on Steve Harvey's book "Act Like a Woman. Think Like a Man"

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