How to determine if your intestines hurt during pregnancy. How to treat indigestion during pregnancy

Pain in the intestines during pregnancy

By and large, almost all complaints of expectant mothers boil down to the fact that the intestines hurt during pregnancy. Can this be considered normal and how to distinguish pain in the intestines from pain not related to the gastrointestinal tract? Is it possible to confuse intestinal dysfunction with more dangerous problems?

First of all, it must be said why intestinal pain occurs at this time. During pregnancy, a woman's body produces large quantities of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy by relaxing the smooth muscles of the uterus. But naturally, at the same time this affects the intestines, reducing its peristalsis. Thus, sooner or later a woman begins to experience constipation and increased gas formation, which causes pain. In addition, to eliminate other problems associated with pregnancy, a woman is often prescribed some necessary medications - sedatives, iron supplements, antispasmodics. And all of them, to one degree or another, also affect intestinal motility. Hence the complaints - intestinal pain during pregnancy.

We should not forget that the constantly growing uterus puts pressure on other organs, including the intestines. Sometimes, simply changing your body position is enough to get rid of pain. The pressure eases and the pain goes away.

Diet and physical activity are the key to good bowel function during pregnancy

We talked about why the intestines during pregnancy do not function as stably as we would like. But what can you do to make it work as it should?

Try to analyze your diet, and not only the foods that make it up, but also the eating regimen itself. First you need to switch to frequent and fractional meals, even if you don’t want it at all. Food portions should be small but frequent. You should especially avoid heavy dinners. Reception large quantity Eating before bed will have an extremely negative impact on the intestines during pregnancy.

The habit of eating dry food will also have to be sacrificed. Say a firm “no” to sandwiches, fried foods, spicy seasonings, smoked and salty foods. Carbonated drinks and coffee in large quantities also affect intestinal motility.

But you should drink more if the doctor has not found any contraindications for this. Moreover, simple warm water, a glass of which you can drink in the morning on an empty stomach, helps to improve the functioning of a pregnant woman’s intestines.

Products that help improve peristalsis are vegetables, especially beets and carrots, as well as prunes, dried apricots and other dried fruits, which can be consumed either independently or in the form of compote. And introducing fermented milk products with bifidobacteria into the diet will help improve intestinal microflora during pregnancy.

Moderate physical activity– deposit wellness pregnant woman in general. Try to walk, do light exercises with exercises approved for pregnant women.

Possible bowel problems during pregnancy

We have already talked about the first problem - constipation and gas formation - in sufficient detail. It is important to understand that if you do not pay due attention to these issues, another extreme situation may well arise. unpleasant thing- haemorrhoids. Therefore, if the diet does not bring the desired result, your doctor will recommend mild laxatives to help prevent digested food from stagnating in the intestines. You may also need to undergo treatment with rectal suppositories.

The opposite problem, also found in women, is intestinal upset during pregnancy.. As a rule, this is associated with dysbacteriosis and microflora disturbance. In such a case, in addition to diet, you will need to take a course of probiotics. If you suffered from irritable bowel syndrome before pregnancy and were taking any medications, be sure to check with your doctor to see if you can continue taking them during pregnancy. If the symptoms of the disorder are sudden and acute - diarrhea, diarrhea, poor general health, you should definitely consult a doctor without self-medicating, because such intestinal problems during pregnancy may be symptoms of poisoning or intestinal infection.

Watch your diet and well-being. Most problems associated with constipation or intestinal upset during pregnancy can be successfully resolved, so do not hesitate to seek advice from your doctors!

Intestinal pain during pregnancy is a symptom familiar to many women. The cause of the problem is a hormonal imbalance in the body, restructuring hormonal levels- especially in the early stages. At the end of the second and third trimesters, the intestines hurt mainly due to the pressure exerted by the growing uterus. Symptoms require attention, the problem can be serious, misdiagnosis in the early stages there is a risk of missing a dangerous change. It is important to understand where the sensation is localized and what organ it is associated with.

When the intestines or stomach hurt during pregnancy, a woman may think that there is a threat to the unborn child, and termination of pregnancy may occur. A danger to the baby is indicated by strong cramping sensations, during which blood is released. What to do if a pregnant woman experiences these symptoms? You must call an ambulance immediately.

Common intestinal discomfort is associated with high risks It’s not particularly worth it, the body goes through a restructuring, which can cause stomach pain and colic. When planning to visit a doctor, it is necessary to talk about symptoms that are obstetric and non-obstetric in nature. Typical problems pregnant women become:

Diarrhea and intestinal disorders

It is worth understanding that diarrhea and constipation are frequent companions of pregnancy; the obstetrician usually warns expectant mothers. Constipation occurs more often, diarrhea is less common and more dangerous. The very type of disorder signals a possible infection or poisoning. Pain on the left or right accompanied by loose stools indicates a lack of enzymes, worms, problems with microflora, infections, nervous disorders. Not passing for two - three days a symptom is a reason to consult a doctor. Diarrhea accompanied by pain, fever, or a sharp deterioration in health is a reason to call a specialist to your home.

Short-term disorders, periodic pain of low intensity, one-time attacks of diarrhea, nausea - relatively normal phenomenon caused by temporary disruptions in the functioning of the body. There is no point in worrying about this.

Diets to normalize the gastrointestinal tract

Diets help normalize the condition of the intestines and stomach and digestive processes. By adhering to them, a woman minimizes risks to health and well-being. We are not talking about strict diets; it is necessary to adjust the diet in a minimal way.

By consuming foods rich in fiber, it is possible to eliminate stagnation in the intestines, ensuring its complete cleansing. Fruits and vegetables, nuts are an essential part of the diet for a pregnant woman. Bran and baked potatoes help soften the intestinal walls and increase permeability. Nutritional supplements should be taken with caution or completely avoided throughout pregnancy.

Pectin soothes abdominal pain and relieves nausea. It is found in currants, rose hips, papaya, and citrus fruits. You should not take viburnum, as the risk of miscarriage increases. In the early stages, drink milk with caution, choosing fermented milk products– excluding the occurrence of pain. You need to drink a lot of water, up to 8 glasses a day - with its abundance, the intestines work more actively, quickly cleansing themselves. It is wise to exclude caffeine.

Constipation and risks

Some women ignore constipation that is not accompanied by pain. This phenomenon is common for pregnant women - progesterone slows down the intestines, the uterus compresses the organ. Constipation leads to clogging of the body with toxic substances, which is harmful for mother and child. This symptom also leads to cracks, hemorrhoids, and tumors. If you have problems with stool, measures must be taken. If you pass blood in your stool, you should visit a gynecologist.

You should not use medications that relax the intestines and stimulate bowel movements. They also stimulate the uterus, causing it to contract, which can lead to miscarriage.

Risks of intestinal disorders at different stages of pregnancy

The changing periods of pregnancy introduce changes into the body associated with fetal growth, hormonal levels, and other factors. The uterus, its rate of increase, size, and position have a great influence on the intestines and the functioning of the organ. Even with a healthy digestive system, its growth affects digestion and bowel movements. Spasmodic growth and weight gain of the fetus affect the woman’s well-being, causing pain, cramps, discomfort, and digestive problems of various types.

In the first two months the uterus has small sizes without going beyond the pelvis. It does not interfere with the digestive tract; its functioning is influenced by hormonal levels and food preferences.

By 9-10 weeks its size increases. The uterus does not interfere with the natural functioning of the body, but needs become increased, and the gastrointestinal tract must satisfy them. By 13 weeks, the uterus softens, takes on a spherical shape, and the intestinal muscles relax. There is gas formation and a constant urge to urinate. Pain in the intestinal area usually appears at 15-16 weeks. Problems increase even at 17-18, there is noticeable pressure on the internal organs, heartburn torments. There is a feeling of incompleteness of defecation, the reason is pressure on the large intestine.

On long term complain of congestion caused by the size and pressure of the uterus, other problems are rare. Women who do not overeat, maintain moderate activity during the period of pregnancy, follow a diet, rarely complain of problems in latest dates. Heartburn in the first and second trimester haunts many, regardless of lifestyle. The stomach also experiences pressure from the uterus, and dietary whims affect it first.

A healthy lifestyle comes first

In order to eliminate pain and gastrointestinal problems, a woman should be careful about her diet throughout pregnancy. Whims are normal, but eating whatever you want and at the same time not best idea. It is wise to separate meals, wait out certain periods, intending to eat an incompatible product. Moderate activity is useful throughout the entire period of gestation, in early and later– this is the prevention of congestion, ensuring good blood supply to the pelvic organs, supplying blood and nutrients to the embryo. Overloads should be avoided, and walking should be done daily. A sedentary lifestyle is harmful for the child and mother.

Food additives, products traditional medicine They help perfectly with minor disorders, but during pregnancy it is necessary to pay attention to their choice, excluding potentially dangerous ones. A number of herbs stimulate both peristalsis and uterine contractions, which is dangerous if there is a risk of miscarriage, in serious doses - for pregnant women in principle. A doctor's consultation is required.

Medicines that help restore digestion are prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist or another doctor to whom the patient is referred. Independent selection of funds is unacceptable.

By being rational about your diet, regimen and lifestyle, you will ensure the prevention of problematic disorders. Attention to the state of health will allow you to timely note dangerous symptoms and eliminate risks for the mother and child.

The main “pregnancy hormone”, progesterone, changes the body of the expectant mother from conception to childbirth. Its excess can cause cysts or bleeding, and its deficiency can cause inflammatory processes and threats of miscarriage. But the most common complaint of pregnant women is pain in the intestines, caused by the work of the hormone in the body, discomfort, disruption of the stomach, intestines and others internal organs, since progesterone relaxes the walls of this organ.

Pain in the intestines during pregnancy can easily be confused with abdominal pain, which is why women often panic about it.

Intestinal pain, symptoms

  • Pain in the lower abdomen indicates spasms in the intestines. Character pain– strong or less intense, constant or increasing. The spasms are very similar to intestinal colic.
  • Cramps and diarrhea will indicate irritable bowel syndrome, or warn of dysbiosis as a result viral infection. But a doctor can make a final diagnosis only after the necessary laboratory diagnostics.
  • Bloating and flatulence combined with intestinal cramps can signal irritable bowel syndrome. If the pain continues for several months, the diagnosis is confirmed: it is IBS.
  • Abdominal cramps may be accompanied frequent urges to bowel movement. When the large intestine contracts, you feel discomfort and a desire to go to the toilet.
  • Spasms accompanied by nausea are characteristic of dysbiosis and gastritis, but can also be irritable bowel syndrome or colitis.
  • Another reason when bowel pain during pregnancy– false feeling of unfinished bowel movement. Spasms in this case are a sign of the development of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Spasms and bleeding during bowel movements, accompanied by pain in the anus, are a sign of hemorrhoids, tumors or polyps on the intestinal walls.

Intestinal colic

If a woman painful stomach with a strong urge to defecate - most likely she has intestinal colic. The pain is concentrated below, in the area of ​​the intestines and is similar to muscle cramps, and may be accompanied by an acute urge to go to the toilet.

Causes of intestinal colic can be:

  • immediate reaction of the intestines to changes in the pregnant woman’s food preferences (either she wants cold and salty foods, or suddenly she wants sweets),
  • Progesterone hormones negatively affect the intestines: it slows down motility and stagnation of food processing products occurs,
  • The uterus increases in size and puts pressure on the intestines.

In order not to aggravate the predisposition to gas formation and cramping pain in the intestines, expectant mothers must strictly adhere to the diet and diet - eat regularly, in small portions, temporarily exclude pickles, smoked foods, sweets and spices from food. Good for work gastrointestinal tract walking, minor physical exercise and positive emotions. You can relieve acute pain with a warm heating pad.

Causes of diarrhea during pregnancy

Expectant mothers often complain: constipation and bowel pain during pregnancy. The description of such ailment is presented above, but loose stool, diarrhea – extremely rare
a phenomenon throughout 9 months, but the main harbinger of infection or other threat. If diarrhea is excluded as a result of poisoning from stale or low quality products, then the reasons may be the following:

  • worm infection,
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • changes in gastric microflora,
  • lack of enzymes,
  • irritable bowel syndrome,
  • failures nervous system,
  • intestinal infection,
  • infectious disease.

Bowel pain during pregnancy: what to do

  1. Many people panic - every change in a pregnant woman’s body can be a threat not only to her health, but also to the life of the baby. Increased anxiety, ambition and irritability are the norm for all pregnant women: “hormones are playing.” First, cool your emotions!
  2. The movement of food debris in the intestines takes place under the strict supervision of the nervous system. Therefore, stress and anxiety only aggravate the situation - the pain intensifies. Again, you need to calm down!
  3. Contact your doctor and share your concerns. Sometimes an in-person telephone consultation can clarify the cause of the pain.
  4. If diarrhea was caused intestinal infection, then it does not stop for 2 or more days. The infection is always accompanied by nausea, vomiting, elevated temperature bodies. In addition, the expectant mother will also wake up at night to go to the toilet. If so - urgent hospitalization. In other cases, it is not a disease, but a temporary change in the body.

During pregnancy, a woman may experience not only pain in the intestines, but also pain in the upper part of the stomach, read more about this, quite often a pregnant woman cannot correctly determine the nature and source of pain.

Special diets for pregnant women or what to avoid

To get rid of intestinal pain, just adjusting your diet or diet is sufficient.

So, if you are worried pain in the intestines during pregnancy:

  • It is necessary to consume sufficient amounts of fiber (fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes), which promotes the rapid release of food debris from the intestines.
  • Baked potatoes, bread and cereals, bread with bran increase the volume of the intestines and soften its walls.
  • Can be taken with caution nutritional supplements: they are effective for the gastrointestinal tract, constipation and diarrhea.
  • Pectin helps reduce abdominal pain and relieve nausea (orange, grapefruit, papaya, currants, plums, rose hips, but viburnum is not allowed: it can cause a miscarriage).
  • Getting into intestines during early pregnancy Milk also creates pain. This product irritates the intestines and provides little benefit to the entire body. It is better to opt for fermented milk products.
  • Liquid helps food move through the intestines; you should drink up to eight glasses of water every day.
  • You should not abuse caffeine: it accelerates peristalsis and stimulates bowel movements. Caffeine contains drinks - coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cola.

What is constipation?

As mentioned above, the level of progesterone in the body of pregnant women increases and, as a result, the intake of fluid from the intestines increases. This leads to constipation and pain in the intestines. Often, constipation does not pose a threat to the fetus, but to the expectant mother they cause discomfort and can cause serious complication. Against this background, hemorrhoids develop, bleeding from the rectum, and rectal fissures form. If constipation is accompanied by bloody stools, or stools do not occur for several days, you need to visit a gynecologist.

If you are prone to constipation, pregnant women, unfortunately, already at 4-6 weeks will learn how to intestinal pain during early pregnancy. But in the first trimester it is minimized drug treatment and be carried out only in cases where the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. The use of drugs that relax the intestines is strictly prohibited; they also weaken the muscles of the uterus, which can lead to involuntary abortion.

Pregnancy calendar and intestines

Depending on the period of pregnancy, not only the fetus grows in the mother’s womb, but also changes occur in the woman’s body. The main attention is how the uterus grows, which accordingly expands all the internal organs. Here, first of all, adjacent organs suffer. It depends on the location of the uterus, the speed of its growth and compliance with development standards. Can my intestines hurt during pregnancy?.

1-2 months. On early The uterus is located in the small pelvis; it is impossible to palpate it through the abdominal wall, only through the vagina. The growth of the uterus does not interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive system.

9-10 weeks. The stretching of the uterus is noticeable, the height of the fundus is 10 cm, the placental system is actively working, the embryo begins to move, and therefore the metabolic processes in the female body intensify. Increased demands are provided to the most important organs.

12-13 weeks. – the uterus becomes softened and spherical, its bottom reaches the pubic plexus. The muscles of the nearby organs - the uterus and intestines - are relaxed, so the pregnant woman may be bothered by severe gas formation and frequent stool. Toxicosis increases due to changes in the position of internal organs and stretching of the uterus.

14-16 weeks. Almost all organs of the embryo are already formed, the uterus grows to 14-15 cm. Women especially often complain during this period: intestinal pain during pregnancy symptoms The same.

17-18 weeks. The period of formation of the placental system is ending. The embryo is already taking on a human form. On the head, which is very large compared to the entire body, eyes, ears, and nose begin to stand out. Bulges are formed on the body - these are future arms and legs. The length of the uterus reaches 18-19 cm. The gastrointestinal system suffers during this period: the woman suffers from heartburn. Abdominal cramps are accompanied by a feeling of unfinished bowel movement - this is the uterus pressing on the colon.

20-21 weeks. The centimeter scale of the uterine fundus is equal to the gestational age: 20 weeks - 20 cm. The uterus increases weekly by about 1 cm. At 21 weeks, its fundus is fixed 3 cm below the navel. A pregnant woman is worried about intestinal colic and constipation. Correct mode nutrition and sufficient drinking regime eliminate intestinal pain during pregnancy symptoms. At the “equator” of pregnancy, you should discuss with your gynecologist the need to take vitamins. The expectant mother should eat enough, but not eat “for two.” You can quench your hunger and thirst with fruits and salads.

22-24 weeks. The embryo has sufficiently developed muscles and bones, and the pulmonary system is already forming. The fruit weighs 500-600 grams, and puts quite a lot of pressure on the organs. The fundus of the uterus stopped at the level of the navel (about 24 cm in height). Pregnant women still complain about cramps in the lower abdomen.

25-28 weeks. The uterus has expanded to a height of 28 cm. The blood supply to the uterus increases. Woman feels lacking fresh air and feels thirsty. The urge to go to the toilet at night becomes habitual.

29-30 weeks. Because of large sizes fetus, possible increase blood pressure, stagnation of food processing products occurs in the intestines. Pregnant women complain of flatulence. You can restore the intestinal biocenosis by adjusting your diet.

31-32 weeks. The uterus is located at the level of 32 cm, this is the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process of the chest.

36-40 weeks. Last month of pregnancy. Simultaneously on last month. A child weighing 2000-3000 grams. and is ready to be born at any moment. The uterus rapidly descends and puts strong pressure on the stomach and diaphragm. During the 9th month, pregnant women digest food slowly, nausea is possible, and heartburn appears. Pregnancy is full-term, and all difficulties remain in the past.

When it comes to food, pregnant women should focus on low-fat foods and dairy products. Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, porridge, bran, vegetables and fruits will reduce discomfort and help the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

All of the above symptoms are not a reason for hospitalization, but consultation with a doctor and balanced diet necessary for every pregnant woman. There is a myth that in subsequent pregnancies, intestinal problems disappear on their own. This is impossible and individual: conception, pregnancy and childbirth change female body and on certain time causes trouble.

Intestinal disorders are an unpleasant thing for any person. Intestinal problems increase many times over during pregnancy, and not only for the mother. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also harm the baby.

Functions and possible bowel disorders

The intestine is an important component of the gastrointestinal tract and performs a number of essential functions:

  • absorbs vitamins and amino acids produced by intestinal microorganisms;
  • secretes a number of juices and enzymes;
  • performs defecation: removes waste products from the intestines.

This organ functions thanks to microflora, that is, a “community” of beneficial microorganisms, and intestinal problems during pregnancy are often associated with disturbances in their activity. Microorganisms are not only responsible for the timely breakdown of nutrients and their absorption, but also regulate water metabolism in the intestines and maintain an optimal level of intestinal motility. Other important tasks microflora: help the absorption of iron and promote the smooth functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

The restructuring of the expectant mother’s body is often accompanied by intestinal disorders when pregnancy - more often only in the form of constipation or diarrhea, manifestations of hemorrhoids and dysbacteriosis are also possible.


Many of us are familiar with the symptoms of constipation, when the usual daily rhythm of bowel movements is disrupted, the process of bowel movement becomes more complicated, causing considerable inconvenience. A natural companion to illness is irritability and other neurotic phenomena. If constipation is not treated, it may be accompanied by hemorrhoids, bleeding or rectal fissures. The hardest of probable complications- intestinal obstruction.

Why do such intestinal problems get worse during pregnancy? There are several reasons. The level of the hormone progesterone during pregnancy is increased, and it somewhat relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestine. Another factor that negatively affects speed physiological processes: growth of the uterus and an increase in its pressure on the intestines. A sedentary lifestyle adds “cons” stressful situations, as well as an unbalanced diet. Finally, intestinal upset during pregnancy can be caused by dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

What can a woman do on her own if there is slight pain in the intestines and other manifestations of constipation? Review the menu by including more vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. Cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers and tomatoes, dried apricots and prunes, watermelon and red currants, and other berries have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility. Herbal collections from light action They will also help, it’s just important to follow the dosage. Drink more, move, and keep your meals small; it is better to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. These simple rules work flawlessly!

Diarrhea and intestinal pain during pregnancy

The other side of the problem of constipation is diarrhea, that is, too frequent bowel movements with weak stool consistency. In other words, diarrhea. This is not a pleasant phenomenon, especially if mucus or blood appears in the stool; it is not only exhausting, but can lead to dehydration and other negative consequences.

What are the most common reasons diarrhea? At the first signs of such an intestinal disorder, you should consult a doctor. The main thing: to determine the diagnosis as early as possible, to exclude the presence of any serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract and infectious diseases.

We must remember about the danger of poisoning, allergic reactions on certain foods, which also provokes intestinal pain during pregnancy and other problems caused by diarrhea. There are most likely no reasons for special concern, and toxicosis is sometimes accompanied by stool upset. And if childbirth is already approaching, then the body simply launches a self-cleaning mechanism, preparing for it. But only a doctor can draw conclusions; he also prescribes treatment.

But it is always useful to adjust your diet by excluding fatty and spicy foods, dairy, and salty foods. Of the time-tested home remedies, rice water remains invariably effective for relieving intestinal problems. Drink plenty of fluids It is extremely important to avoid dehydration and to rid yourself of toxins. As for the actual medicines, then antibiotic therapy is often not required, since often the causes of disorders are neurogenic in nature, and it is enough to take the simplest sedatives.

Hemorrhoids and dysbiosis - easier to avoid than to treat

An imbalance in the diet, untreated constipation, physical inactivity are the main causes of blood stagnation in the vessels of the area anus. Old problems can cause hemorrhoids - varicose veins veins in a given body segment. The disease manifests itself as pain and burning in the anus, bleeding, and the appearance of blood inclusions in the stool. The treatment is long, pregnant women are allowed to use Anesthesiol and Anuzol suppositories. Avoid development extremely unpleasant symptoms possible by diversifying the foods on the expectant mother’s table. Vegetables and fruits, dairy and fiber-rich foods will be very beneficial. Drink better water and in large volumes, move more.

Very often, women complain of abdominal pain during pregnancy. This symptom often indicates not just discomfort and malfunction of the stomach, but also the development of serious pathologies.

What to do in this situation, you need to find out from your doctor. Only after examination is it revealed real reason why colic appeared in a pregnant woman. Sometimes painful sensations connected with physiological changes in the body, but most often the exact cause of abdominal pain is difficult to determine. Therefore, it is necessary to know what diseases cause discomfort and what it is associated with in order to properly treat the problem.

How the intestines hurt during pregnancy - symptoms of the disease

When an expectant mother has a stomach ache in the intestinal area, you need to find out exactly what sensations the woman is experiencing. Thanks to detailed analysis The main signs of certain pathologies associated with the stomach are identified. Perhaps the cause of discomfort is excessive gas formation in the stomach or changes in hormonal levels.

When experiencing colic in the stomach, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Nature of the discomfort: spasms or pain.
  2. Severity: mild, moderate or acute colic.
  3. Location of the lesion: around the navel, in the hypochondrium, lower abdomen, in the side.
  4. Frequency: sharp short stabbing feelings or constant.
  5. Duration: Short and sharp or long lasting.

To understand why a pregnant woman’s stomach hurts, you need to study both external and internal manifestations. It is important to determine what exactly causes the pain and how to get rid of the discomfort without harming the child.

Colic in pregnant women can be caused by the following reasons:

Physiological aspect

During pregnancy, both in the early and late stages, hormonal changes occur in the body. The level of estrogen and progesterone increases, because of this the muscles of the internal organs relax and cause slight discomfort.

Incoming food begins to be absorbed worse; due to the stress state in the woman’s body, the muscles of the organs contract, this causes cramps and cramps in the abdomen, either on the right, then on the left, or in the epigastrium. The stomach will stop hurting after hormonal levels normalize. In this case, it is better to contact a gynecologist and drink vitamin complex for pregnant.


Aching, pulling sensations with muscle spasms can talk about premature birth or miscarriage. What exactly happens in the body depends on the trimester.

During premature birth, a girl experiences the following symptoms:

  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • aching pain radiating to the lower back;
  • a sharp increase in uterine tone;
  • slow dilatation of the cervix.

If these symptoms are not treated promptly, a miscarriage may occur. If pregnancy is terminated, fragments of the fetus or placenta may remain in the uterus, which increases the risk of thrombohemorrhagic pathologies and infection of the mother. Therefore, when nagging pain in the lower abdomen, you need to contact your doctor and undergo an examination in order to protect your health and the fetus.

Placental complications

In case of injury, toxicosis or viral diseases parts of the placenta may move away from the uterus. The child begins to be in danger, as the blood supply and supply of nutrients are disrupted. A woman develops the following symptoms:

  • Acute pain in the uterine area.
  • Opens internal bleeding(can be either weak or pronounced).
  • The condition of the fetus is disturbed.

If the placenta begins to exfoliate in the center, then there will be no external bleeding, since the blood discharge penetrates the walls of the uterus. Such deviations usually occur on initial stages pregnancy. If treatment is not started, the pathology will progress and the fetus will die in the womb in the first weeks of development.

Intestinal diseases

If you have pain in the stomach area, the organ itself may be bothering you. This is associated with inflammatory or infectious pathologies. In addition, if pregnant women have an unhealthy diet, their work is often disrupted. digestive tract, which is characterized by colic in the abdominal cavity. If the expectant mother had gastritis or an ulcer before pregnancy, this can also cause the development of the disease.

Chronic inflammation is observed only in the presence of colitis or Corn's disease. Infectious lesions appear due to the ingestion of viruses and E. coli.

Problems with the organ make themselves felt by the following symptoms:

  • stitching pain in the navel and sides;
  • rumbling and cramping in the stomach;
  • diarrhea;
  • discharge of mucus, blood or bile formations along with excrement.

If the intestinal mucosa is irritated, the stool will be normal without additional discharge, and discomfort does not appear at night. With infectious lesions, girls develop a fever and diarrhea.

Inflammatory processes

Pain syndrome in the lower abdominal cavity most often indicates inflammatory processes in the female genital organs.

In this case, the following symptoms appear:

  • drawing dull unpleasant sensations in the sacral area radiating to the rectum;
  • a sharp increase in temperature.
  • painful feelings when examined by a gynecologist and during palpation of the abdominal cavity.

Acute manifestations in the abdominal cavity may indicate peritonitis, a dangerous inflammation of the peritoneum. Therefore, at the first signs of ill health, treatment must be started immediately to avoid complications.

Urinary tract disease

A pregnant woman's stomach often hurts due to problems with the genitourinary system. Pronounced spasms appear in urolithiasis. In this case, discomfort and pain are transmitted to the genitals. If severe pain during gestation below, this indicates the development of cystitis.

As the pathology develops, the following signs will appear:

  • cloudy urine (particles or blood may appear);
  • constant desire to go to the restroom;
  • pain when urinating.

Most often, pain in the abdominal cavity indicates pathological abnormalities in the functioning of the genitourinary system. Therefore, first you need to go through full examination and identify any deviations from the norm.

What causes colic - possible causes of the disease

During pregnancy, colic occurs for many reasons.

The main ones include:

  • Colic sometimes occurs before the expectant mother finds out about her interesting situation. In the first trimester, the embryo begins to develop and enters the center of the uterus, where it implants into the uterine walls. These actions cause slight tingling and discomfort in the lower abdomen. Sometimes there is a slight discharge of blood from the vagina. Unpleasant sensations They are similar to pain before menstruation, so most often they do not cause concern in women.
  • At 1–5 weeks of gestation, hormonal changes occur in the body, which can cause pain and muscle spasms. There are also operational failures digestive system, constipation and heaviness in the stomach.
  • Eating large amounts of heavy food and not following a diet. Eating before bed, fatty foods, and processed foods increase gas formation in the stomach. Because of this, the functioning of the organ is disrupted and colic occurs.
  • In the 3rd trimester, the walls of the uterus expand, which provokes a shift in the internal organs. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the intestines, its function worsens, constipation and bloating appear. You can remove unpleasant feelings by changing the position so that the organs stop pressing on each other.
  • Stress, overexertion, bad dream have a bad impact on the health of the expectant mother. The functionality of the organ deteriorates, leading to bloating and colic.
  • If the digestive system is poorly functioning before pregnancy, this problem intensifies during gestation. During constipation, stool hardens inside the body, and when excreted, the expectant mother feels pain and discomfort. Gas formation increases, bloating and stabbing sensations become more frequent.
  • Dysbacteriosis is damage to the intestinal microflora. When the number of harmful bacteria increases, organ dysfunction occurs, causing bloating.

What to do when your intestines hurt - treatment methods

Before starting treatment, you need to contact a gastroenterologist and undergo an examination, as well as consult with a gynecologist. You should not self-medicate, as there is a risk of harming the baby.

If there are any diseases, the doctor will prescribe medications that are allowed for a woman in her position. All medications should be taken according to the instructions and in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist. To eliminate signs of pathology, pregnant women are prescribed: No-shpu (pain reliever), Espumisan (eliminates spasms), antibiotics and probiotics. The dosage of medications is determined by the attending physician.

Also, the expectant mother should give up coffee, alcohol and carbonated drinks (they increase gas formation in the body). You need to follow a diet for pregnant women and active image life. Then problems with the intestines will not bother you, and the child will develop well in the womb.

Special diets or what to avoid

During the period of bearing a child, it is important to adhere to a diet and eat well. Products must contain useful elements and vitamins to strengthen the immunity of the child and mother.

During the diet you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible (water, tea, natural juices, smoothies).
  2. Limit consumption of spicy, fried, fatty, salty and smoked foods. If the body requires these products, then it is allowed to consume them in limited quantities and no more than 2 times a week.
  3. Flour and sweets also need to be reduced (you can eat marshmallows, dark chocolate, marmalade in minimal quantities).
  4. Dishes must be cooked in the oven or steamed. You can also stew and boiled foods.
  5. During pregnancy, smoking, drinking and drugs are prohibited.

In addition, a woman needs to take prenatal vitamins and eat fresh vegetables and fruits. It is best to avoid citrus fruits. There should be 5-6 small meals per day. In the evening you can eat 2-3 hours before bedtime; the food should be light and quickly digestible.

How to avoid intestinal colic and not harm your baby

To avoid colic and not harm the unborn child, experts recommend that women systematically engage in abdominal exercises. To do this you need to massage it daily. abdominal cavity clockwise for 7–10 minutes. This will improve digestion and eliminate gas in the stomach.

Also, every week you should fasting days to cleanse the intestines. For one day you should eat only cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, and drink plenty of fluids.

Acupressure of the body will improve the functioning of the digestive system, remove heaviness and discomfort in the body.


Intestinal colic and bloating - current problem future mothers. Most often the disease occurs due to poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle and hormonal changes. Don't panic when you experience abdominal pain. It is best to consult a doctor and undergo examinations to identify the causes of ill health. To ensure that the fetus develops healthy and there are no problems with the body, it is recommended to move more, eat well and sleep.
