How to make skin more pale. How to make your skin look pale

Despite the fact that modern beauty ideals differ significantly from the canons of 100-150 years ago, some women seek to renew forgotten traditions. For example, aristocratic marble color skin. It used to be considered a sign of wealth and noble birth, moreover, it was possessed by the most desirable actress and unchanging sex symbol Marilyn Monroe. It is not surprising that the search for ways to make the skin pale with minimal trauma is still ongoing. To do this, women use both professional and self-made products.

How to make skin pale at home?

There are many options natural masks with peeling effect. Due to it, the upper epidermal layer is gently removed, skin cells accelerate regeneration, and the tone of the face is visibly brightened.

  • wheat or oat flour- 3 teaspoons;
  • milk - 2 teaspoons;
  • squeezed lemon juice - 0.5 tsp.

Preparation and application

Mix milk and lemon juice, then dilute the flour with the resulting solution. Apply this mixture evenly and thickly on the skin. After 10 minutes, remove the composition, rinse your face with warm water.

Parsley mask

  • buckwheat or May honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • chopped parsley - 2 teaspoons;
  • lemon fresh - 1 teaspoon.

Preparation and application

Melt the honey, and then mix all the ingredients without squeezing the juice from the parsley. Spread the mask over the skin in a thick layer. After 10-15 minutes, remove the composition with a cotton pad soaked in milk.

In addition, the bleaching properties of parsley can be used to make a special decoction.

  • parsley greens - about 100 g (1 bunch);
  • mineral water - 1 glass.

Preparation and application

Wash the parsley, remove the leaves from it and chop them lightly. Boil water, pour greens with it. Leave the solution for 45 minutes. Wipe the face with the resulting liquid several times daily.

How to quickly make the skin pale without makeup?

Both professional and home remedies produce a cumulative effect, so visually noticeable results can be obtained only after 1-3 months of regular use of creams, masks or lotions.

by the most fast way how to make the skin of the face paler without resorting to the use of foundation or powder, it is considered salon chemical peeling. But do not rely on instant whitening - lightening will begin to occur after 2-3 procedures.

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How to make your skin pale?

It has long been noticed that girls with pale face endowed with a supernatural aura of unclear origin. They enchant with their grace, tenderness, delicacy and sophistication, evoke a desire to take care of them and surround them with love. That's probably why modern women they try with all their might to make the skin of their face as pale as possible, as if glowing with an inner light.

Can this be achieved at home, or are such metamorphoses possible only in expensive salons?

What can be done on your own?

In fact, there are many options for how to make your skin pale without cosmetics and expensive salon procedures.

The subtleties of the "pale-faced" make-up

In order for makeup for naturally pale skin to only emphasize the peculiarity of a woman’s appearance, it should be done using specific products:

  • Foundation should have a golden, natural nude or pinkish undertone. The same applies to the choice of shadow cosmetics, which should be selected in cold purple, greenish or shades of blue. The expressiveness of the look will be emphasized by a brown pencil, or a similar product in the color of burnt charcoal;
  • Instead of bronze blush, makeup should be done using pale pink and crumbly textures, otherwise pale skin will turn bright red;
  • In appearance, it will be right to focus on the lips, painting them in coral, flesh or the same pink color;
  • Shadows should be well shaded with high-quality brushes, and eyes and lips should be made as bright and expressive as possible;
  • In order for the skin to acquire a healthy glow, it should be powdered with a masking loose powder or shimmer blush. Both the product should have a shade of peach or be pale pink;
  • Standard pale skin is very thin, and blue streaks and circles are visible under the eyes. To mask such problems, a moisturizing base is first applied, then a foundation, and the layers are fixed with loose powder.

If you have naturally pale skin and light gray-blue eyes, make the most of everything that your parents gave you. Don't experiment with artificial tan or inappropriate makeup. Learn the beauty tricks that will make you stand out from the crowd.

What color to dye your hair?

Now about what kind of hair color will be the most successful for owners of pale skin. It turns out that the final choice depends on natural shade woman's eye.

For example, if they are brown, then it is better to use this palette:

  • warm blonde;
  • chocolate;
  • chestnut;
  • chocolate with a copper tint;
  • black with chestnut highlights;
  • saturated light brown or sandy;
  • wheat and milk chocolate color paint.

List of hair colors for women with gray-blue eyes as follows:

  • red blond;
  • fair-haired;
  • dark brown and all its shades;
  • caramel, etc.

Blue eyes "prefer" curls of ashy, wheaten, chocolate, light blond, black and blond types. But it is better for green-eyed girls to paint in red, amber or copper.

Pale skin is not a flaw at all, as most of its owners believe, but real opportunity stand out among their rivals with aristocratic, gentle and graceful appearance. The main thing is to be able to emphasize the dignity of the appearance and veil its shortcomings.

How to become...

First of all, in order for your skin to look both pale and beautiful, it is necessary to maintain it in perfect condition. Porcelain, alabaster, milk - whatever pale, but without a single flaw. Of course, ideally, you should visit a beautician, but on similar procedures many lack either the means, or the time, or both. Therefore, try to correct your shortcomings at home, using folk remedies to acquire the desired pale beauty.

A magnificent effect, noticeable from the first time, gives a mask of oatmeal. Take a small handful of the most common hercules and grind it with a blender. Then add some warm water and apply the mixture on your skin. The mask perfectly whitens, and when washed off, it also exfoliates the skin, making it smooth and perfect.

As for cosmetics, there are, of course, more of them than those given in this article. You can achieve the desired pallor using little tricks another kind - for example, contrast. With dark hair and clothes dark tones you may look paler than you really are - just because of the contrast.

2017 Internet magazine dedicated to answers to a popular question: How to become?

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How to make skin whiter.

What affects skin tone

Most strong factors, which determine the color and tone of the skin, are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • the amount of melanin;
  • intensity of solar radiation;
  • condition and thickness of the stratum corneum;
  • the amount of elastin and collagen;
  • the thickness of the epidermis and dermis (skin tissue).

Great influence on general state skin and its color has a degree of moisture. If you want to make your skin a little lighter, you will have to resort to a whole range of procedures. Most effective means remains salon whitening, but homemade recipes also allow you to get closer to the ideal.

How to make body skin white

If you have to lighten the skin of the whole body, you should start with baths and peeling. Choose your favorite recipe:

  • dilute in hot water 50 g of soda, pour into a bath of water. Take a bath for 10 minutes;
  • in a bath of water, add 3 liters of milk and 4 cups of salt (preferably English). The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes;
  • dilute 100 g of potato starch in 1 liter of warm water. Pour into a bath of water at a comfortable temperature. Take the procedure for 10-15 minutes;
  • for peeling, use ready-made cosmetical tools or small sea ​​salt with lemon juice. Take a soft, damp cloth about the size of your palm. Give her a gentle detergent, sprinkle with salt, pour over lemon juice diluted 1:1 with water. With soft movements massage lines carry out the peeling procedure. Then rinse your body with warm water;
  • it is advisable to remove the stratum corneum no more than once a week. All other days, do the same procedure, but without adding salt and soap. Impact results lemon juice will be noticed very soon;
  • a bleaching effect is given by potato gruel. Grate the potatoes and rub the skin of the body with a juicy gruel, let it dry. Rinse with warm water. You can take this procedure daily;
  • record holders for whitening facial skin are parsley and cucumber;
  • grate the cucumber, chop the parsley with a blender or meat grinder. Mix cucumber juice with parsley pulp, apply on face and body. Wait until the mask dries, rinse with warm water.

Skin lightening involves hiding from being hit sun rays otherwise all efforts will be in vain. Baths can be taken twice a week. After the procedure, be sure to use moisturizers for the skin, follow the drinking regimen.

If the skin has not yet had time to darken or the shade is insignificant, then further tanning can be prevented with the help of some recommendations:

  • Do not be in the open sun without sunscreen.
  • wear clothes with long sleeves and trousers, cover your face with a hat or cap.
  • Keep your skin healthy and nourish it in time. Then it will be more difficult for the tan to stick to it, and it will go off much faster.

However, when the body has already acquired swarthy shade, it’s too late to take precautions, you will have to use special tools.

How to make skin pale at home

So, melanin has already manifested itself, picking up ultraviolet radiation. Now only folk remedies or special creams can help. You can't delay.

  • From folk remedies it is worth highlighting the lemon. If you add its juice to lotions, scrubs and masks, then the effect will accelerate the exfoliation of colored epidermal cells.
  • Milk bath will make the skin visually brighter. To do this, pour a few liters of milk into warm water and stir about half a glass of salt in it. You can and should take such a bath once a week.
  • A gentle chemical peel can quickly get rid of a tan. But he brings discomfort, requires money and is not carried out more often than once every six months.
  • A tanning spray works the same way. But you need to carefully select it and look at side effects and contraindications.
  • A mixture of blended raw potatoes with a little lemon juice will turn the skin white very quickly. Apply the mask until completely dry daily for 14 days.
  • Similarly, you need to do with almonds - grind, soak for 6-8 hours and mix the resulting mass with milk. Spread liberally with this face, hands or other area, dry. After that, everything is carefully scraped off and washed.

Such funds are able to quickly restore the original delicate pinkish skin color to the body. There will be no shade now. It is only important not to manage to fall under the rays of the sun again. And then you no longer have to worry about how to make the skin pale.

Today, the ideal of beauty is an athletic, tanned and energetic girl, but this was far from always the case. A hundred or two hundred years ago, a girl was supposed to be delicate and graceful, and her face was considered beautiful only if there was a languid pallor. How much vinegar did the unfortunate young ladies drink, whom nature endowed with a healthy blush, to match this ideal!? And how many recipes for skin whitening have come down to us since those ancient times!

However, times change and tastes change. Although now in vogue healthy tan, some women prefer the image of a mysterious pale-faced beauty. Well, let's go to meet them and give some tips on how to make the skin pale.

  • Try to stay out of the sun less so as not to tan, or hide your face under a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Make white clay masks regularly.
  • Wipe your skin with lemon juice.
  • Boil the leaves and stems of parsley and wash your face with this infusion in the mornings and evenings.
  • You can contact beauty salon and undergo a course of skin whitening procedures (for example, using peeling with AHA acids).
  • Always use whitening cream.
  • Use concealer makeup that will be half a tone lighter than natural color your skin.

And now about everything in more detail ...

The main indicator of a woman's beauty and health has always been considered the condition of the skin of her face. Even professional makeup will not completely mask all defects. Often on the face of a woman may appear dark spots, spider veins, purple post-acne. In addition, bleaching may be necessary for those who have spent too much time in the sun. To cope with such problems will help whitening products, which can be prepared independently.

Skin whitening with decoctions

You can make your face noticeably whiter and get rid of defects with the help of decoctions that can be prepared from the usual ingredients. Among the most effective recipes the following stand out in particular:

  • 1. A decoction of rice. Pour one tablespoon of high-quality rice with water and boil in the usual way. Stir while cooking. After the rice is completely cooked, drain the resulting liquid and strain it with cheesecloth. Pour the decoction into ice cube trays and freeze. With such ice cubes, you can wipe your face before going to bed.
  • 2. A decoction of parsley. Finely chopped parsley, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew. After the decoction has cooled, soak a cotton pad in it and wipe your face with it.
  • 3. A decoction of celandine. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dried raw materials and hold in a water bath for at least 15 minutes. Strain and cool slightly the broth prepared in this way. After that, it can be used for washing.

home whitening creams

You can whiten your face with a special cream that you can prepare at home. Such a tool can be used several times, so the effect will be noticeable much faster.

To prepare such a cream, follow one of the recipes:

  • 1. With lemon. Heat three tablespoons in a water bath almond oil and a teaspoon of glycerin. Enter into this mixture two teaspoons of chamomile decoction, 3 drops of oil tea tree and 5 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • 2. With lanolin. Mix 15 grams of pre-dissolved lanolin with 50 grams of oil grape seeds. Add a tablespoon of cucumber puree to the prepared mixture. Such a composition must be put on water bath and heat under the lid for an hour. After that, it remains only to strain the composition and beat thoroughly.

Recipes for whitening masks

The most effective and easiest to prepare are face masks. They help not only effectively whiten the face, but also improve the condition of the skin. The following recipes are especially popular:

  • 1. Based on parsley. Grind fresh herbs and mix it with pre-melted honey. In the mixture prepared in this way, add a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • 2. Based on dairy products. Mix two tablespoons of sour cream or fresh kefir with a tablespoon of ripe lemon pulp.
  • 3. Based on cucumber. Grate one medium-sized cucumber on a fine grater. Mix two tablespoons of prepared cucumber puree with an equal amount of chopped parsley. In the resulting composition, add a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • 4. Based on hydrogen peroxide. Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese or fatty sour cream with a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide.

How to prepare whitening lotion?

For achievement desired effect it is necessary to wipe the face every day with a whitening lotion. After using this product, the skin does not feel greasy. Among the most effective recipes, the following can be especially distinguished:

  • 1. Based on milk. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice to three tablespoons of sour milk.
  • 2. Based on vodka. half a glass grape juice mix with a teaspoon of melted honey. Add a little to the resulting composition table salt and 75 mods of vodka.

Facial whitening with a scrub

Scrubs are the most effective facial whitening products. They act on the deep layers of the epidermis, destroying the pigment. In addition, scrubs perfectly cleanse the pores, which makes the complexion healthier.

Such a remedy can be prepared independently, guided by one of the following recipes:

  • 1. Chop parsley. Mix two tablespoons of prepared greens with an incomplete teaspoon of table salt. Leave the mixture for a while until the parsley releases its juice. Such a composition should be rubbed into the face with gentle massaging movements.
  • 2. Mix four tablespoons of yogurt with one tablespoon of honey. In the prepared composition, add two tablespoons of lemon juice. If your mixture is too liquid, then add a little starch to it.

By choosing one of the above recipes, you can effectively whiten your face and give your skin a healthy glowing look.

There are several viable options:

  1. Avoid sunlight. If you want to be pale, sunbathing to nothing. Put on sunscreen, cover your face with clothes and hats - do everything so that the sun does not get you.
  2. Lemon. It's budget friendly, but very effective remedy. Lemon juice can be added to cream, lotion or just water and applied to the face. And in a week the result will be noticeable.
  3. Raw potatoes. You need to grate it, turning it into gruel, and add a couple of drops of lemon juice. Apply all this on your face, let it dry, and then wash it off.
  4. Soda baths are also very effective. Use once a week. Recipe: add 4 tablespoons of soda to water and the result will not be long in coming.
  5. Oatmeal has long been famous for its whitening effect. They need to be crushed, add warm water and apply on the face. Plus, it's a great natural scrub.
  6. Of course, we should not forget about clothes and hair color. The more dark shades on you, the paler your skin appears. This also applies to makeup - dark saturated color lips, light Foundation, pink or peach blush color - such a contrasting move will help create the effect of milky skin.
  7. Do not forget that pale skin should be flawless, so if there are acne, peeling, redness, you should not expect the effect of porcelain skin.
  8. Milk baths are an incredible remedy for pallor. Add two liters of milk to the bath, a few drops of lemon - the effect is amazing.
  9. Wiping your face with a decoction of parsley, you can not only get rid of acne and redness, but also whiten your face great. It is enough to pour parsley with boiling water, let it brew and then cotton pad wipe your face.

These are all the most effective ways to help give your skin milky color. By choosing one of the methods, you can not only achieve a radiant pallor, but also give your face a healthy look.
