How to remove coral stones in an operative way. Symptoms and Diagnosis

Coral kidney stones belong to diseases of CHLS (pyelocaliceal system), since the formed calculi interfere with the excretion of urine. Due to the fact that the inner part of the kidney has a spreading shape, then the stone that appears takes the form of a coral or a branched tree. It is almost impossible to recover from such a disease without surgical intervention. And if possible, then only in the very first stage of formations.

Stages of the origin of coral stones

Medicine divides the appearance of such stones into 4 stages, which determine the location of the stones in the organ:

  1. First stage. The stone has its minimum size and is in the process of growth. Here it is located in a funnel-shaped cavity where urine accumulates (pelvis);
  2. Second phase. Education takes little larger size and enters the pelvis, which is located outside the kidney. In addition, offshoots of staghorn stone may appear in some minor calyxes;
  3. Third stage. The stone enters the pelvis inside the kidney itself. On this stage branches of the pathological formation fall into all renal calyces;
  4. Fourth stage. At this time, it is quite difficult to eliminate the disease, and one cannot do without surgical intervention, since the removal will occur along with the kidney. Due to its large size, the entire organ is completely filled. In turn, this leads to its deformation.

By and large, coral kidney stones do not make themselves felt in the first and second stages. This fact makes the disease even more dangerous, because in the third stage the kidney begins to break down.


One of the main features of staghorn kidney stones is the multifactorial nature of the disease. That is, this pathology cannot be caused by a single irritant. As a rule, its development is influenced by a combination of "culprits". So, the growth of stones can be affected by:

  • Disorder of phosphorus-calcium metabolism due to weakening of muscle activity;
  • Excess protein and salt in the urine (two components that contribute to the "anabolism" of stones). Proteins are the bases for pathological formations, while salts grow around them;
  • Genetic likelihood of developing the disease;
  • Infectious diseases of the urine excretory system;
  • Vascular diseases;
  • Ecology.

Usually, diagnosing staghorn kidney stones it is necessary to immediately proceed to treatment. Such haste is characterized by the rapid growth of the formation, which leads to complications and, ultimately, the loss of the kidney.

Symptoms of the disease

As already written above, it is difficult to determine this disease at the first two stages of development. Symptoms of the development of a calculus are quite easy to confuse with a common malaise. So here are the first symptoms:

  • Migraine attacks or frequent headaches;
  • Weakness;
  • Asthenia;
  • Thirst and dry mouth;
  • Sometimes the patient is shivering.

The strengthening of these symptoms indicates the transition of the disease to the second stage. In addition, acute pain in the lumbar region is added, which makes a person resort to the use of painkillers.

As for the third stage, a few more symptoms pop up here:

  • Temperature increase;
  • Increased lumbar pain, due to overstretching of the kidney;
  • Renal failure.

Due to the neglect of such manifestations, they determine and undertake to treat the disease already at the last stage. Just when the odds on' a happy ending' is already very small.

How to make a diagnosis?

Establishing a diagnosis is a rather problematic matter and requires the passage of special research procedures and tests:

  • Sonography or ultrasound;
  • radioisotope radiography;
  • Change standard list analyses.

Some private hospitals also use CT scans. She is also able to show the appearance foreign bodies in the organ. In addition, a CT scan is performed some time after the removal of the stones, in order to make sure that the pathological formations have not manifested themselves again.

Treatment of staghorn nephrolithiasis

Treatment of staghorn stones is almost the same as that of conventional nephrolithiasis. In this case, there is not even a chance that they will be able to go out on their own. This is characterized by the fact that they are rather large and do not move. And also because of their large dimensions, it is hardly possible to get rid of conservative methods here (if the disease is diagnosed on hidden stage, that is, the chances that the neoplasm will come out on its own).

So, Kidney stones are removed in the following ways:

  • Therapeutic way. Treatment with this method is possible only if the stone is formed only from urinary salts. Here it would be appropriate to use medical preparations, which can start the process of decomposition of the stone in the body. If you choose the right and effective course medicines, That minimum term cure will be limited to 2 months. But if the coral stone has a protein base, then lithotripsy is indispensable;
  • Shock wave therapy. This method involves crushing pathological formations with acoustic waves. Such treatment is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. In addition, under some circumstances it can cause complications;
  • Surgical intervention. It is used mainly in the hyperazotemic period, at the last stage. It is a simple operation during which an incision is made in the range abdominal organs and the deformed kidney is removed. But in the case when it does not come to the removal of the organ, the incision is made on the lower back. A medium-sized pebble comes out through it, which is pre-crushed. The coral-like stone of the left kidney is removed similarly to the right one.

Medications and diet

Treatment with drugs is possible if the calculus has a diameter of not more than 5 mm. To do this, use a specially created drug "Prolit", which is considered the most effective under such conditions. It acts as an antibiotic, which reduces the renal focus of inflammation to zero and "dissolves" the stone itself.

It will also be appropriate to consume it for preventive purposes.

In addition to pills, treatment in a therapeutic way includes following a specially designed diet and maintaining a healthy, active image life. The patient is recommended:

  • Eliminate the consumption of protein products (dairy products);
  • Include dried apricots, raisins in the diet;
  • Alkaline or acidic water can be drunk to acidify urine;
  • Apply for recovery acid-base balance decoctions from plants with medicinal properties;
  • Refuse pasta, dumplings and other semi-finished products;
  • Exclude coffee, tea and cocoa;
  • Remove spices and salts;
  • Give up alcohol;
  • There are many grapes and red currants;
  • Add barrel cabbage;
  • Drink sour juices and fruit drinks.

With the progression of the disease, there is an increase in the inherent pain. To reduce them, you can take funds: Pentalgin, Spazmalgon, No-Shpa, Analgin, Ketolong or Cyston.


During the operation, the funnel-shaped cavity and the pelvis in the kidney are cleaned. Cleaning removes the pathogen.

The success of the operation directly depends on the specialists who carry it out. And also much depends on the equipment of the clinic where the patient is being treated.

After the operation, the patient must be supervised qualified specialist 3 more years.


Behind for a long time practice, laser therapy moved from a complex procedure to a familiar process. Now everything has changed. Instead of open wounds, the removal of coral calculi can occur as a result of a single puncture (left or right, up to 1 cm). And, thanks to the laser, the stone is crushed into small pieces, which are removed through the hole made.


Like any other disease, nephrolithiasis is not deprived of attention. traditional medicine. Naturally, with such an ailment, the single use of such means will not lead to positive result. But if this method is added to the main treatment, the healing process can be significantly accelerated.

For example, several proven recipes help to dissolve coral formations:

  • Bean decoction. It is necessary to pour bean flowers with boiling water (2 tablespoons + 200 ml) and leave to infuse for half an hour. The decoction is taken 20 minutes before meals, 3 times a day;
  • Rosehip and birch. These are the components that cleanse the kidneys with the help of urination. For cooking remedy, it is necessary to cook a decoction of these ingredients, similar to the recipe described above. Also, instead of rosehip roots, sunflower root helps well.


An important factor for a person who has staghorn kidney stonespreventive measures. First of all, they should be aimed at the correct balance of metabolic processes in the patient's body. This is mainly used for:

  • herbal treatment;
  • Water therapy;
  • Physical activity, special exercises;

Usually, doctors prescribe preventive procedures in combination with treatment. But still the basis of prevention is the diet, which is mentioned above. In addition, you can determine the overall picture of the diet - a lot of water, food in moderation. The body's hydrogen limit should be limited to 6.2.

And remember, at the slightest manifestation of the disease, it is better to consult a doctor and in no case self-medicate. In advanced cases, if you completely refuse treatment, the case can end fatally.

Coral, alas, can hardly be considered a rarity, since this diagnosis quite often recorded in modern urology. This is a serious pathology, which, if left untreated, is fraught with dangerous consequences. Nevertheless, with timely diagnosis and proper treatment, the outcome for patients is favorable. That is why it is so important to pay attention to the symptoms in time and consult a doctor without delay.

Coral photo and description

To begin with, it is worth understanding what exactly this pathology is. A coral stone in the kidney is a mineral formation with a completely characteristic external structure. Such a calculus resembles a piece of coral or a deer horn. The size of the calculus can be different - from a few millimeters to 8 (and sometimes more) centimeters.

According to statistics, the disease is most often diagnosed in people aged 30 to 50 years. By the way, women are more prone to this pathology - the fair sex suffer from the formation of such stones three times more often. It is worth saying that the danger of the disease lies in the fact that most often it proceeds hidden. Patients do not observe serious disorders, and the symptoms are so blurred (especially in the early stages) that they do not arouse suspicion. That is why many people seek help already at the last stage, and a large staghorn kidney stone is much more difficult to remove.

The main causes of the appearance of stones

In fact, there are many reasons for the development of this pathology. A coral stone in the kidney is formed as a result of a violation of physico-chemical processes in the human body. Risk factors include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • infectious diseases, especially when it comes to damage to the genitourinary system;
  • an increase in the concentration of salts and proteins in the urine, since protein compounds are building material with the formation of kidney stones;
  • violations of phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

The first stage of the development of the disease and its symptoms

To begin with, it is worth saying that the disease, as a rule, develops latently. A staghorn kidney stone can grow very quickly. In some patients, the size increases by several centimeters within a couple of months or even weeks.

In modern medicine, it is customary to distinguish four phases of the formation and growth of stones in the kidney. At the first stage of the development of pathology, patients, as a rule, are not aware of the presence of a problem. The coral-like stone is located within one pelvis.

There are usually no specific symptoms, but worsening may be noted. general well-being. For example, some people report a decrease in performance, fatigue, constant weakness. Headaches occur from time to time. Occasionally, patients experience a feeling of chills. Symptoms include dry mouth.

Features of the second stage

At the second stage of development of staghorn nephrolithiasis, some deterioration is observed. The calculus is located in the pelvis of the extrarenal type, but already grows into two or more cups. Symptoms of a general deterioration in the condition become more pronounced - chills and headaches appear more often.

In addition, patients begin to notice pain in the lumbar region. The sensations are unpleasant, but they can be tolerated. Soreness comes and goes, and many people do without painkillers at this stage.

Symptoms and course of the third phase of the disease

At the third stage, the coral stone, which is located in the pelvis of the intrarenal type, already sprouts with processes in all cups. At this stage, as a rule, Clinical signs become expressed. Appears It's a dull pain in the lower back, which periodically increases, and then completely becomes a constant companion of the patient.

Patients complain of severe weakness, even the slightest exercise stress causes fatigue. There is an increase in body temperature.

What does the fourth stage look like?

At this stage, the entire pelvic-cup system is filled with staghorn calculi. The patient manifests Lower back pain is present almost constantly, and the discomfort becomes more pronounced.

If left untreated, chronic kidney failure develops. The patient suffers from dry mouth and constant thirst, while the amount of urine produced may decrease. Often, patients develop pyelonephritis.

Unfortunately, many patients seek help from a specialist already at the fourth, last stage of the pathology. It is already very difficult to dissolve or remove a coral stone in the kidney, as well as to restore the normal functioning of the excretory system.

Complications in the presence of staghorn stones

If untreated, such a pathology is fraught with complications. In particular, in some patients, there is a deterioration in urinary excretion, sometimes up to a complete cessation of the natural processes of excretion. Due to the incomplete outflow of urine, the likelihood of infectious inflammation in the kidneys and other organs of the genitourinary system increases.

Lack of treatment and progression of the disease affects the functioning of the kidneys, which often leads to the development of renal failure. In the very worst case there is atrophy of the renal tissues and the death of the affected kidney.

Basic diagnostic methods

With this pathology, it is very important to detect a coral stone in the kidney in time, because the treatment largely depends on this. According to statistics, stones on early stages developments are discovered by chance. Among the most informative diagnostic methods are ultrasound examination and a radiograph - a specialist can confirm the presence of mineral formations, determine their location and size.

Of course, some additional testing is needed. In particular, patients donate blood and urine samples for analysis. When suspected of having infectious disease are held laboratory research in order to determine the type of pathogen and the degree of its sensitivity to a particular antibacterial agent.

Coral stone in the kidney: drug treatment

Only a qualified doctor can draw up a treatment regimen, because everything here depends on the stage of development of the disease, the size of the stones and some other factors. How to dissolve staghorn kidney stones?

Immediately it should be said that drug treatment is effective only if the stones consist of uric acid. Another chemical composition stones are not affected by existing drugs.

Medicines such as Cystenal, Avisan, Olimetin and Uroflux prevent the formation of stones with an increase in the concentration of salts in the body. If during the examination the patient was found to have an increase in the level of uric acid, then it is advisable to take allopurinol and benzbromarone. An obligatory part of therapy is the intake of B vitamins. Vitamin E and A have a positive effect on cell membranes. Phosphorus-potassium metabolism can be normalized by taking the drug "Ksidifon".

important and symptomatic treatment. For example, when high temperature patients are prescribed antipyretic drugs. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic drugs help the patient get rid of pain. If the formation of stones is associated with an infectious lesion of the tissues of the urinary system, then antibiotics are necessary (in this case for the choice of the drug are guided by the results of laboratory tests).

It should immediately be said that the dissolution and removal of the remnants of stones from the body is a long process. Therapy, as a rule, gives a result after 2-3 months from the start of treatment. Accordingly, such a scheme is appropriate only in the early stages of the disease and only if the stones increase in size slowly.

Surgery and its features

It is far from always possible to eliminate staghorn kidney stones with the help of conservative medicine. In some cases, surgery is simply necessary. By the way, this effective method, as it allows you to quickly clean the cups from calculi.

At one time, doctors offered a complete abdominal surgery. Today this technique does not apply. Minimally invasive procedures are considered more appropriate today. To start big stones crushed, after which, using a fiberscope, the doctor removes small parts of the stones. For such an operation, only a small puncture of external tissues is needed, and the risk of infection is minimal.

Removal of stones using laser and ultrasound equipment

As already mentioned, in order to extract stones, they are first crushed into smaller pieces. And today, for this purpose, ultrasonic and laser equipment. It should be said right away that ultrasound in this case is not very effective in eliminating coral stones, despite the fact that it is widely used for crushing and removing other types of kidney stones.

Laser therapy is still considered the most effective in this pathology. Typically, the laser is injected through a puncture on the external soft tissues. Through the same puncture, the doctor pulls out particles of stones. It should be understood that part of the crushed stones leaves the body naturally. In addition, after removal of formations, it is extremely important to adhere to proper diet and take drugs to normalize the excretory system.

Diet in the presence of stones and folk remedies

Removal of staghorn kidney stones is not all. Both during and after therapy, the patient needs to carefully monitor nutrition, because the work of the excretory system largely depends on this. The patient, as a rule, is advised to completely exclude semi-finished products from the diet, as well as fermented milk products. Do not eat spices and spices, especially salt. Also, patients are advised to give up alcohol, soda and carbonated drinks, strong tea, cocoa and coffee, giving preference fresh juices and sour seas.

People with similar diagnosis it is advised to include fruits and vegetables in the daily diet, including red currants, watermelons, pumpkin, potatoes (preferably baked). The use of dried apricots and raisins will positively affect the work of the body. You can eat soups, fish and meat dishes, but it is better to cook them for a couple. Naturally, it is important to monitor the water regime, drinking at least two liters of fluid per day.

Is it possible to eliminate staghorn at home in this case, it is possible only as directed by a doctor. In no case should you ignore the symptoms, refuse professional help and rely on self-medication, because this can lead to sad consequences.

In some cases, doctors themselves recommend taking decoctions from medicinal herbs in order to speed up the process of dissolution of calculi and prevent the appearance of new ones. In particular, decoctions from bean inflorescences, rosehip and sunflower roots, and birch leaves are considered useful.

Kidney stones are a pathology of the excretory system, in which neoplasms appear in the calyces and pelvis. They are made up of salts.

Coral stone in the kidneys is a form of disease of the excretory system, it is the most severe of all diseases of the organ system. Not only is this a serious illness, but the incidence of it is only five percent of all diseases of the genitourinary system.

This disease has a peculiarity. The disease will be independent, unlike others. This name was awarded because of the shape of the stones in the pathological process.

The risk group includes people from thirty to fifty years. Representatives of the “fair” sex often suffer.

The size of the stones reaches eight centimeters. Due to the size of the stones, it is very difficult to cure such a disease.

Because of such neoplasms, a person begins to have problems with the excretion of urine. Moreover, the peculiarity of such stones is prolonged absence any problems with the patient. Therefore, when contacting a doctor, the patient often comes with critical forms of the disease.

Causes of the disease

On this moment There are several reasons for the appearance of such a disease. They will be given below:

  • Problems with metabolism.
  • Abuse of "strong" drinks.
  • Pathologies digestive system.
  • Genetics plays an important role.
  • Problems with urinary excretion organs.
  • A sedentary lifestyle (because of this, disturbances in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus begin).
  • Diseases circulatory system.
  • A high content of salts and protein in the urine.

Doctors made up the stages of development:

  1. First. A small stone appears in the cup. It may also appear in the pelvis.
  2. Second. The stone has processes that diverge into two (at least) cups.
  3. Third. Distribution is as follows: a pebble in the pelvis and gives branches to all cups.
  4. Fourth. It spreads to the renal pelvic area, leaving no clear areas. At this stage, damage and deformation of the kidneys begin.


Each disease has its own characteristics or symptoms. Coral kidney stones will be no exception. Most often, those who are affected go to the doctor with renal colic.

But in illness pain absent or insignificant (this disease is classified as hidden). The first stages are not detected due to the absence of symptoms.

The manifestation is expressed as follows:

  1. In the first stage, the patient will not feel any manifestations. The maximum that can be is: dry mouth, rare headaches, fatigue, lethargy, sometimes there may be chills
  2. Further, completely different manifestations begin. They will be: the appearance of a dull pain in the kidney area (lower back), sometimes there is even blood in the urine (hematuria)
  3. Further, worse. In the third stage, more characteristic conditions for the disease are observed. The pain, which was insignificant, is aggravated (becomes also constant) and renal colic is already beginning. The body temperature rises. Instead of blood clots in the urine, as in the second stage of the disease, more pronounced hematuria appears. If you do not see a doctor on time, then kidney failure may begin.
  4. At the last stage of the symptomatology such. Thirst and dryness increase. Maybe, but not necessarily more urination. Already developed renal failure flows into a chronic form

To summarize and contact a doctor, the symptoms are as follows:

  • Hematuria.
  • Pain in the region of the kidneys.
  • Frequent urination.

A kidney stone is not uniform in structure, composition and origin. There are several types of stones:

  1. Soft. Often the stone is coral, with coral stones consisting of phosphoric acid and calcium salts.
  2. Solid, consisting of salts formed with uric acid.
  3. Dense, derived from oxalic acid.

How to determine the onset of the disease?

This question is asked by people who have suffered from urolithiasis. Methods used for diagnostics:

  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.
  • X-ray method.
  • Urography.
  • Tomography.
  • Analysis of urine and blood.

When collecting urine, follow the doctor's instructions. Wrong collected urine differs from the composition of genuine urine.

Treatment of the disease

There are several treatments for kidney stones:

  • Therapeutic treatment. It is carried out with the help of drugs that destroy stones and remove them with urine, diets are prescribed. It is used for stones that consist of any urea salts. Baking soda can be used to increase the acidity of the medium. With this type of treatment, it is necessary to exclude dairy products from the diet. And use for good content potassium in the blood is better dried fruits (raisins) and potatoes. Or prescribe drugs containing potassium.
  • Surgery. Used when ineffective drug treatment. A pyelolithotomy is often indicated. But the procedure is not always effective. Therefore, pyelonephrolithotomy is performed. Any surgical intervention with the disease ends with the installation of a nephrostomy (a tube for diverting urine from the kidney).
  • Lithotripsy. Effective method treatment with special laser or ultrasonic devices stones begin to break down and are excreted in the urine.

It is considered more effective surgery. This method is used for certain indications, which are given below:

  • Loss of blood from its appearance in the urine.
  • The ineffectiveness of therapeutic treatment.
  • A neoplasm that interferes with conservative treatment.
  • Incorrect urine flow.

Diets for coral stones

The diet for coral stones is high content calcium in foods. For the treatment of staghorn kidney stones, you can not use products:

  • milk and its products;
  • coffee and alcohol;
  • salt and berries;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • vegetables and fruits.

Allowed products:

  • soups, juice, fruit drink, meat.
  • fish, pasta, bread.
  • oil, water (two liters per day).

After treatment, a long visit to the attending physician and compliance with preventive measures are necessary.

Folk remedies

For fans of outpatient treatment there will be good news. For the treatment of staghorn kidney stones, follow the treatment folk remedies.

Home treatment is used if the size of the stones is small. Such treatment must be discussed with the attending physician. Drinking helps to remove stones from the kidneys.

Juices. Drink only natural juices. Coral-like kidney stones are treated with juices, if there is no allergic reaction. Juices used:

  • Carrot and birch.
  • Beetroot and radish juice.

The duration of treatment is on average 4 months. Control is carried out during the passage ultrasound. If the stones do not get smaller, then the treatment is useless.

Decoctions. Feature: decoctions can not only remove stones, but also dissolve them. Several types of herbs can be used.

Collection number 1. The herbs included are:

  • cumin;
  • motherwort;
  • sweet clover

For manufacturing you need: four tablespoons of herbs per liter of liquid. Drink for three weeks, six times a day. Indication for collection No. 1: the phosphate composition of the stones.

Collection number 2. Herbs:

  • sage and nettle;
  • mint and calendula.

To prepare a decoction, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of herbs in two hundred milliliters boiled water. Next add honey. Drink before meals, as the first collection.

Disease prevention is cheaper and safer treatment. That's why main advice, which can be given, is that no one starts the body and, if a disease is suspected (no matter what), consult a doctor.

Kidney stone disease is a common occurrence in life modern people. Ecology, chronic diseases, poor quality water is the main cause of the formation of stones in the genitourinary system. Coral kidney stones are the most difficult variety. this disease, in almost all cases, it can be eliminated only through surgical intervention. Let's talk in more detail about this disease, consider the causes and features of its treatment.

This problem appears due to serious disorders that occur in the renal system. Probability of occurrence coral stones in the kidneys increases in the presence of urodynamic failures and problems with blood circulation, and even with various pathologies metabolic processes.

Often people with congenital ailments and an abnormal structure of the kidneys become patients, the situation is aggravated by the improper movement of electrolytes and other elements through the tubules of the kidneys. Every fifth patient this disease is inherited.

There are some factors that increase the risk of developing pathology:

  • complete climate change;
  • environmental problems;
  • poor quality food and water;
  • hyperthyroidism, as well as parahyperthyroidism;
  • diseases of the digestive system and liver;
  • high salt content in urea;
  • prolonged bed rest;
  • pathological condition of the circulatory system, especially blood vessels and heart.

Often, staghorn kidney stones are diagnosed in pregnant women, this is due to hormonal failure. There are other causes of the disease, but it has not yet been possible to establish them precisely.

Every 1-2 patients with urolithiasis suffers precisely from coral stones right in the kidney. Such formations are characterized by large dimensions, so get rid of them conservative method It's hard enough. The likelihood of the disease increases with age, so patients are mostly 30-50-year-old men and women. Statistics say that there are much more of the latter, this is the result physiological features buildings female body. Main danger disease is the absence of symptoms early stage development, therefore stones of already large sizes are diagnosed.

If the patient was diagnosed with nephrolithiasis, and as a result of the research it was possible to establish that the stones are staghorn, then the diagnosis is indicated on the map - staghorn nephrolithiasis. Nearby, the attending physician must indicate the classification of the pathology, there are four types in total:

  1. In the first case, the formation is localized in the area of ​​the pelvis, it extends only to a single calyx. The stone grows very intensively, in just a few months it grows by a couple of centimeters. The first stage is diagnosed extremely rarely, since at this stage the patient does not feel any changes in the body. Though characteristic symptoms no, but there is a general deterioration in well-being, this can manifest itself in the form of a headache, increased fatigue, weakness, a feeling of chills and dryness in the oral cavity.
  2. The second type is characterized by the presence of a stone in the pelvis closer to the ureter, the processes reach two or more cups. The patient sharply feels the deterioration of his condition. Headache becomes almost chronic, accompanied by such a state of severe chills. Often this manifestation is confused with migraine, so from going to medical institution refuse. Gradually, pain in the lumbar region appears, this feeling is strong, but tolerable, so at this stage you can do without painkillers.
  3. The next stage is classified by the location of the stone in the internal cavity of the pelvis, and the processes are located in all cups. Clinical symptoms diseases at this stage become bright pronounced character. Lower back pain becomes aching, it periodically manifests itself, and over time it generally becomes chronic. Endurance decreases, even a slight physical load leads to complete fatigue of the body. The body temperature rises.
  4. The fourth variety has a large area of ​​​​damage, it includes all the cups and the entire pelvis. Moreover, this process is combined with the deformation of the entire genitourinary system. The pain in the lumbar region does not stop, there are signs of renal colic. The patient is constantly thirsty, but a small amount of urine is excreted. Against this background, it arises, after which it is very difficult to restore the functioning of the excretory system in normal mode, as well as to dissolve the stone. That is why the only correct solution- surgical intervention.

If not assigned proper treatment, then there will be serious complications, for example, difficulty in excreting urine. This pathology can lead to total absence natural process. As a result, the likelihood increases inflammatory process, this will negatively affect the condition of the kidneys and organs from other systems. Another dangerous complication is renal failure, but the most dangerous rightfully include atrophy of the tissues of the kidneys and the complete death of the organ.

Coral kidney stones lead to profuse expansion of the pelvis as well as the calyces, which leads to kidney dysfunction. If you leave the disease without proper treatment, then there is a possibility of kidney failure and inflammation of the chronic type. These complications are also difficult to cure, and if they are left without therapy, then the patient is expected serious pathologies, irreversible changes in the body, disability or even death. First of all, you need to go to the diagnostics, where they must completely check the entire body, based on these data, the specialist will draw up a treatment plan.

Folk methods of treatment

Folk recipes are widely used, they are wonderfully combined with modern medicine. The big advantage is the use natural products, they have a minimum of contraindications and side effects. Their action is aimed at increasing urination, which leads to an active "washing" of the system, stones leave the kidneys, urinary tract And bladder natural ways, and the formation of new ones does not occur. Consider the most effective recipes in more detail:

  1. Watermelon. This product is one of the most pleasant to treat nephrolithiasis, it tastes good and is 98% liquid. For 14 days, the berry should be present in the patient's diet, you need to eat as much as possible. We supplement the product with black bread, only one or two pieces a day will be enough. Thanks to research, it was possible to establish that the greatest activity of the kidneys occurs between 17:00-21:00, at which time you need to eat watermelon as much as possible. To facilitate the passage of stones, you need to take a warm bath in front of you, this will expand and relax the ureters. It is important to bear in mind that corals can only be removed in this way at the first stage of development, in other cases a different recipe should be preferred.
  2. It is very difficult to get rid of such stones with folk remedies, because the formation is rapidly increasing in size and has complex shape, filling the entire cavity of the pelvis, in some cases the stone fits so tightly to the organ that it is difficult to get it even with surgical intervention. There is a recipe that allows you to dissolve the stone, it will not be possible to do this completely, but it will wonderfully prepare the patient for the operation. To prepare the remedy, we need herbal collection(it includes 30 grams of sage herb, oregano, St. John's wort, lemon balm, dog rose and knotweed) and water (500 ml). We take 3 tbsp. collection spoons and pour boiling water, brew in a thermos for at least 8 hours. Five times a day for a week, he takes 100 ml of the drug, and in the second week we do not change the dosage, but we make adjustments to the composition - add a few drops of fir and drink through a straw.

To prevent the development of a stone, you need to follow a diet, it will be aimed at regulating metabolic processes. Experts advise drinking at least 2 liters of fluid per day, preferably water. As preventive measures you can drink pumpkin juice, make a decoction of bean flowers, use bearberry grass. It is desirable to limit, and it is better to exclude altogether, coffee, and salty foods.

Now you know what to do if this happens. dangerous disease like coral stone. It should be remembered that you cannot get rid of this formation on your own, even if the stone comes out, then due to its configuration it can harm the organs of the genitourinary system. At the first sign of a problem, you need to contact a medical institution, because in the early stages you can get rid of the stone without surgery, under the strict supervision of a doctor.
