Summary of the lesson on physical education in the preparatory group “seasonal changes in autumn. Summary of GCD in the preparatory school group “Oh, what autumn”

Program content:

  • Systematize children's ideas about characteristic features autumn.
  • To promote the consolidation of skills, to establish connections between signs in nature, to use objects of living and inanimate nature, to develop the ability to defend one’s point of view, to draw conclusions and conclusions.
  • Promote the development of memory, attention, imagination, logical thinking, enrich vocabulary.
  • Foster patriotism through humane treatment to native nature.


  • The chairs are arranged in a semicircle according to the number of children.
  • Board with table, felt-tip pen, box.
  • A surprise book from autumn.
  • Letter.
  • Two branches in vases.

Demo material:

  • Illustration of paintings "Early Autumn", "Late Autumn".
  • Summarizing tables of previous lessons.

Progress of joint activities

Educator: Today we will take you on a journey. Where will you find out if you guess the riddle:


Walked through the meadows
Through the forests, through the fields.
She prepared supplies for us,

She said: winter will come for me.

Children: Autumn. The door opens and a hare's face peeks out. He brings a letter.

Educator: Let's see who this letter is from?

Kindergarten No. 74 for children of the preparatory group

Return address: Hare glade in a suburban forest.

Hello. A meeting of hares took place in the hare clearing. We wanted to make a decision: is it time for us to change our gray fur coats to white ones? It turned out that one half thought it was time, and the other hares said it was too early.

Some said that autumn was ending, others said that it was just beginning. We don't know what to do. Please advise. We cannot understand whether autumn is ending or not?

Educator: This question is very interesting. But we will try to answer it. Children, the hares are lucky, now we will travel to the autumn and will be able to help the bunnies make the right decision.

Educator: You are watching the weather forecast on TV, the announcer talks about air temperature, wind direction, precipitation. Precipitation? What it is? (rain, snow, fog). The teacher writes it down.

Educator: Children, how can you find out what the weather will be like? (watch TV, listen to the radio, read the thermometer).

Game "Weather in autumn"

Educator: Children, what is the weather like in the fall when it's raining- rainy.

  • When the wind blows - windy
  • Cold - cold
  • Cloudy - cloudy
  • Damp - raw
  • Gloomy - gloomy
  • Clear - clear

Educator: Excellent: You are right about the weather.

Educator: Do you think all autumn is the same? What periods of autumn do you know?

Children:(Early, late)

Educator: You see several paintings depicting autumn. Show what kind of autumn they depict. (Children point and name)

Educator: You know, each season consists of 3 months. Name the months of autumn.

Children: September October November.

Educator: Well done! You named the months correctly. What happens to nature in September?

Educator: What's the weather like in October?

Educator: What can you say about November nature?

Educator: Well done, you accurately named the autumn months and talked about changes in nature. Yes, autumn can be beautiful. Since ancient times, people have composed poems, songs, riddles and proverbs. Listen, I will tell you about the signs of autumn.

Signs of autumn

We have a piggy bank in kindergarten folk wisdom, children put proverbs and signs of the seasons into it.

Do you want to put your knowledge there? (Yes).

Guys, stand in a circle,
Hold hands tightly.
I'll take the box
And I’ll collect signs.

Educator: He opens the lid, and the children name signs and proverbs.

Educator: Children, you said everything wonderfully, our box has been replenished with your wisdom. I liked the answers, you named a lot interesting signs that allow you to predict the weather.

(Children sit on chairs)

Why do the leaves of trees fall?

Children:(There's not enough sun, it's getting cold)

Educator: Children, is it possible to do anything to keep the leaves on the tree?

Children:(Glue, sew).

Educator: Will such leaves stick?

Children:(No, they will curl up, turn black, they will not be beautiful, they will fall off).

Educator: Why do you think trees shed their leaves?

Educator: let's figure it out now different offers with the word "leaf".

How many words are in your sentence?

How many syllables are in this word?

Using squares, lay out the word “Leaf” (Children’s work)

Educator: Imagine that you are leaves, the wind blew and you swayed (music is playing, children are dancing).

Physical exercise "Leaves".

Autumn leaves began to spin.

They flew merrily
And they sat down on the ground.
The wind came quietly again,

They flew merrily
And they sat down on the ground.

Oh, there are so many leaves on the carpet. Let's play a game.

Educator: Children, what would happen if autumn didn’t come to us at all?

(Children's answers)

Educator: From your answers, I realized that you like autumn

(Autumn release)

Autumn: Hello guys! I am so glad to come visit you today. I'm very pleased that you like me so much. Let's play a game?

Autumn words game

Educator: But tell me, please, what kind of birds are there?

Children: Migratory, wintering

Educator: What kind of migratory birds are these?

Children: These are birds that fly south, where it is warmer and more nourishing.

Educator: Do you think all birds fly away at once?

No, at first, the birds that feed on insects fly away because they are hiding. (Swallows, topiary cuckoos, larks). Then the birds fly away and find food on the ground. Worms disappear, fruits and grains are not noticeable. (These are starlings, cranes, rooks). The last to fly away are waterfowl: geese, swans, ducks. Because the water in the rivers freezes.

Educator: During the binding, the birds get tired and many of them die. And therefore, when they sit down to rest, do not frighten them.

(Magpie's Exit)

Soroka: Hello guys! I flew to you to do physical exercises with you

Physical exercise "Birds"

This is a tit bird
She pecks the grains.
It's cold here in winter.
The birds are hungry.
They believe us.
They fly to us.
Those people are bad
Who offends them?

Educator: Children, you correctly noticed that in nature everything is interconnected, nature falls asleep gradually. What can you say about animals, how do they prepare for winter?

Educator: Our journey has come to an end. As we say goodbye to autumn, let's play with the forest echo.

Game "Echo"

Educator: Children, think and say that we will write to the hares.

Children: Autumn has arrived, but it’s still too early to change coats.

Educator: I am glad that you yourself found convincing evidence that autumn has passed through our city and headed into the forest. Today after our walk we will write an answer to the hares.



Lesson notes on (FCCM) topic“Autumn, autumn, we ask for your visit”

Program content:

  • Systematize children's ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn.
  • To promote the consolidation of skills, to establish connections between signs in nature, to use objects of living and inanimate nature, to develop the ability to defend one’s point of view, to draw conclusions and conclusions.
  • Promote the development of memory, attention, imagination, logical thinking, enrich vocabulary.
  • To foster patriotism through a humane attitude towards our native nature.


  • The chairs are arranged in a semicircle according to the number of children.
  • Board with table, felt-tip pen, box.
  • A surprise book from autumn.
  • Letter.
  • Two branches in vases.

Demo material:

  • Illustration of paintings "Early Autumn", "Late Autumn".
  • Summarizing tables of previous lessons.

Progress of joint activities

Educator: Today we will take you on a journey. Where will you find out if you guess the riddle:


Walked through the meadows
Through the forests, through the fields.
She prepared supplies for us,
She hid them in cellars, in bins,
She said: winter will come for me.

Children: Autumn. The door opens and a hare's face peeks out. He brings a letter.

Educator: Let's see who this letter is from?

Kindergarten No. 74 for children of the preparatory group

Return address: Hare glade in a suburban forest.

Hello. A meeting of hares took place in the hare clearing. We wanted to make a decision: is it time for us to change our gray fur coats to white ones? It turned out that one half thought it was time, and the other hares said it was too early.

Some said that autumn was ending, others said that it was just beginning. We don't know what to do. Please advise. We cannot understand whether autumn is ending or not?

Educator: This question is very interesting. But we will try to answer it. Children, the hares are lucky, now we will travel to the autumn and will be able to help the bunnies make the right decision.

Educator: You are watching the weather forecast on TV, the announcer talks about air temperature, wind direction, precipitation. Precipitation? What it is? (rain, snow, fog). The teacher writes it down.

Educator: Children, how can you find out what the weather will be like? (watch TV, listen to the radio, read the thermometer).

Game "Weather in autumn"

Educator: Children, what is the weather like in the fall when it rains - rainy.

  • When the wind blows - windy
  • Cold - cold
  • Cloudy - cloudy
  • Damp - raw
  • Gloomy - gloomy
  • Clear - clear

Educator: Excellent: You are right about the weather.

Educator: Do you think all autumn is the same? What periods of autumn do you know?

Children: (Early, late)

Educator: You see several paintings depicting autumn. Show what kind of autumn they depict. (Children point and name)

Educator: You know, each season consists of 3 months. Name the months of autumn.

Children: September October November.

Educator: Well done! You named the months correctly. What happens to nature in September?

Educator: What's the weather like in October?

Educator: What can you say about November nature?

Educator: Well done, you accurately named the autumn months and talked about changes in nature. Yes, autumn can be beautiful. Since ancient times, people have composed poems, songs, riddles and proverbs. Listen, I will tell you about the signs of autumn.

Signs of autumn

In our kindergarten we have a piggy bank of folk wisdom; children put proverbs and signs of the seasons into it.

Do you want to put your knowledge there? (Yes).

Guys, stand in a circle,
Hold hands tightly.
I'll take the box
And I’ll collect signs.

Educator: He opens the lid, and the children name signs and proverbs.

Educator: Children, you said everything wonderfully, our box has been replenished with your wisdom. I liked the answers, you named many interesting signs that allow you to predict the weather.

(Children sit on chairs)

Why do the leaves of trees fall?

Children: (There's not enough sun, it's getting cold)

Educator: Children, is it possible to do anything to keep the leaves on the tree?

Children: (Glue, sew).

Educator: Will such leaves stick?

Children: (No, they will curl up, turn black, they will not be beautiful, they will fall off).

Educator: Why do you think trees shed their leaves?

Children: (In order not to freeze, keep your vitality, give soil useful material, cover the insects so that the branches do not break from the snow)

Educator: Let's now come up with different sentences with the word "leaf".

How many words are in your sentence?

How many syllables are in this word?

Using squares, lay out the word “Leaf” (Children’s work)

Educator: Imagine that you are leaves, the wind blew and you swayed (music is playing, children are dancing).

Physical exercise "Leaves".

Autumn leaves began to spin.
A cheerful wind rustled above them,
They flew merrily
And they sat down on the ground.
The wind came quietly again,
Suddenly I picked up beautiful leaves.
They flew merrily
And they sat down on the ground.

Oh, there are so many leaves on the carpet. Let's play a game.

Educator: Children, what would happen if autumn didn’t come to us at all?

(Children's answers)

Educator: From your answers, I realized that you like autumn

(Autumn release)

Autumn: Hello guys! I am so glad to come visit you today. I'm very pleased that you like me so much. Let's play a game?

Autumn words game

Educator: But tell me, please, what kind of birds are there?

Children: Migratory, wintering

Educator: What kind of migratory birds are these?

Children: These are birds that fly south, where it is warmer and more nourishing.

Educator: Do you think all birds fly away at once?

No, at first, the birds that feed on insects fly away because they are hiding. (Swallows, topiary cuckoos, larks). Then the birds fly away and find food on the ground. Worms disappear, fruits and grains are not noticeable. (These are starlings, cranes, rooks). The last to fly away are waterfowl: geese, swans, ducks. Because the water in the rivers freezes.

Educator: During the binding, the birds get tired and many of them die. And therefore, when they sit down to rest, do not frighten them.

(Magpie's Exit)

Soroka: Hello guys! I flew to you to do physical exercises with you

Physical exercise "Birds"

This is a tit bird
She pecks the grains.
It's cold here in winter.
The birds are hungry.
They believe us.
They fly to us.
Those people are bad
Who offends them?

Educator: Children, you correctly noticed that in nature everything is interconnected, nature falls asleep gradually. What can you say about animals, how do they prepare for winter?

Educator: Our journey has come to an end. As we say goodbye to autumn, let's play with the forest echo.

Game "Echo"

Educator: Children, think and say that we will write to the hares.

Children: Autumn has arrived, but it’s still too early to change coats.

Educator: I am glad that you yourself found convincing evidence that autumn has passed through our city and headed into the forest. Today after our walk we will write an answer to the hares.

MBDOU "Bell", Noyabrsk, Tyumen region

Listunova O.G. Abstract directly organized activities on familiarization with the outside world and development of speech “Autumn” (preparatory group) // Sovushka. 2016. No. 1..2016.n1-a/ZP15120111.html (date of access: 02/23/2019).

Correctional educational goals. Generalization and systematization of ideas about autumn changes in nature. Comparison of early and late autumn. Replenishment of the active vocabulary with nouns with diminutive suffixes, synonyms and antonyms.
Corrective and developmental goals. Improving the ability to perceive objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality through coherent speech, thinking, memory, visual attention, general motor skills.
Educational goals. Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, independence, activity, initiative, responsibility. Nurturing love and careful attitude to nature.
Equipment. Autumn costume (for teacher) , basket with colorful leaves different trees, easel, photographs of different periods of autumn; photocopies of pictures of trees in different periods autumn for each child.
Preliminary work.
Learning the poems by A. Pleshcheev “A boring picture...”, A. Tolstoy’s “Autumn”, S. A. Yesenin’s “The fields are compressed, the groves are bare...”
Observation with teachers and parents will take place in late autumn.
Remembrance will mark early autumn.
Progress of the lesson.
1. Organizing time. (Creation emotional background classes. Announcement of the topic.)
The autumn teacher greets the children with a basket containing colorful leaves of different trees. Offers to smell autumn leaves and choose one for yourself and go with them to the table.
Teacher-autumn. The first one to sit down will be the one who remembers the name of the tree from which the leaf he took fell, and calls this tree affectionately (birch, oak, aspen, rowan).
Teacher-autumn. Well done! You completed my task. Place your papers on the table. Tell us what they look like, feel like, and smell like. Choose as many words as possible that answer the question “What are autumn leaves?” (multi-colored, carved, smooth, fragrant)
Teacher-autumn. Right. Today we will talk about me, about autumn, about what periods are distinguished in autumn, how they differ from each other.
2. Conversation about autumn.
Teacher-autumn. What month does autumn begin? (September) Which one continues? (October) Which month ends autumn? (november)
Teacher-autumn. Right. September is usually called early autumn. The beginning of October is called golden autumn. And the time from the second half of autumn to the end of autumn is called late autumn. These periods of autumn have many differences. For example, in early autumn it is often as warm as summer, especially on sunny days. Although in the evenings and at night it is quite cold. Also, what kind of phenomenon could you observe in early autumn? (fog) Tell us what it was like? (thick, white, dense, gray)
Teacher-autumn. Right. Such thick, cold fogs are one of the signs of early autumn, when the days are warm and the nights are cold. In early autumn there are still many flowers, fruits and vegetables are ripening, the leaves on the trees are just beginning to change color. Many insects have not yet disappeared; migratory birds are just beginning to prepare to fly to warmer climes. Then the most beautiful period of autumn begins, golden autumn. Why do you think it's called that? (the leaves on the trees become colorful when you look at autumn forest, it looks golden)
Teacher-autumn. Well done! I really liked the explanation you gave. In golden autumn there are also clear, warm and sunny days. The golden autumn grasses also change their color, begin to turn yellow and begin to dry out. There are fewer flowers. Insects are gradually disappearing. Migratory birds begin to fly away. And when the forest loses its last leaves and the trees become bare, it comes late fall, the saddest time, when there are no more flowers, the grass has dried up, the insects have hidden, the birds have flown away. This period of autumn is the coldest, with almost no sunny days, with frequent rains and cold winds. And in the North, late autumn comes even earlier, the first frosts occur, and the ground is covered with the first snow.
3. Mini-rest "Leaves"
Children, together with their autumn teacher, turn into leaves and spin around the tables.
4. Exercise "Periods of autumn"
The autumn teacher lays out photographs with different periods of autumn on the table.
Teacher-autumn Look at the photographs and determine which one shows early autumn, which shows golden autumn, and which shows late autumn. You can consult and arrange the paintings on the easel in this order.
Children complete the task.
Teacher-autumn Well, you made me happy by completing the task perfectly. Indeed, in the first photo there is early autumn, in the second there is golden autumn, in the third there is late autumn. What helped you complete the task correctly? Tell me.
Children tell what signs they paid attention to while completing the task.
Teacher-autumn You managed to explain your choice very well. I am proud of you.
5. Exercise "Pick up verses"
Teacher-autumn Look at the photographs again. I will read you poems about autumn, and you... try to determine which period of autumn this poem refers to, why? (A. Pleshcheev "Boring picture...")
Teacher-autumn Wonderful. Now listen to another poem and determine what period it talks about and why? (A. Tolstoy "Autumn")
Teacher-autumn Well done, and now the next poem. (S. Yesenin “The fields are compressed...”)
Teacher-autumn Great. You were great at naming the signs of autumn. Now let's take a little rest.
6. Physical exercise "Magic dream"
Teacher-autumn In late autumn, everything around in nature falls asleep in a magical sleep. And I wanted you to try to fall asleep with the same magical sleep. Lie down on the mat so that you are comfortable, there is enough space for everyone, and listen to me carefully.
Eyelashes droop... Eyes close...
We rest peacefully (2 times). We fall asleep in a magical sleep.
Breathe easily, evenly, deeply. Our hands are resting...
The legs also rest. Relax, fall asleep (2 times)
The neck is not tense and relaxed...
The lips part slightly, everything relaxes wonderfully (2 times).
Breathe easily... smoothly... deep.
Long pause.
We rested peacefully and fell asleep in a magical sleep.
It's good for us to rest! But it's time to get up!
We clench our fists tighter, raise them higher.
Stretch! Smile! Everyone open their eyes and stand up.
7. Games “Say otherwise”, “Say the other way around”
Teacher-autumn Well done! We rested. Let's play the game "Say Otherwise"
It's a sad time - boring, sad, dreary, gloomy, sad.
Grey sky - dark, cold, cloudy.
The flowers have dried up - wilted.
And now the game "Say the opposite"
Early autumn - late,
fun day - sad,
sunny day - cloudy,
cold time - warm, hot,
the sky is bright - dim,
white cloud - black cloud.
8. Summary of the lesson. Gift of autumn.
Teacher-autumn I liked you so much today (evaluation of children’s activities). What did you like? It's time for me to leave. I want to give you drawings that depict a tree in different periods of autumn, oh, I forgot to color them, well, never mind, I think you will do this work yourself. Goodbye!

Abstract of the educational activity "Vegetable garden" preparatory group

Educational field: "Communication"

Integration: “Cognition”, “ Artistic creativity", "Music", "Reading" fiction»

Goal: Development of free communication with adults and children through integration educational areas.

Educational: develop the ability to combine different types artistic creativity; learn to create a collective composition by placing cut out elements; show the role of the color background for a still life; teach children to make a collage; consolidate the ability to cut out a paper template, consolidate children’s knowledge about the “still life” genre, clarify knowledge distinctive features and qualities of vegetables.

Developmental: develop a sense of shape and color, creative imagination; promote development positive emotions during creative work; develop auditory perception, logical thinking And tactile perception; develop communication skills, the ability to coordinate your actions with the work of your comrades, and improve speech.

Educational: cultivate a sense of belonging to a group through collective creativity, cultivate respect for the work of adults; accuracy and perseverance.

Corrective tasks: encourage children to actively participate in the conversation; teach children to use words in the correct grammatical form; Encourage children to try to speak clearly and clearly.

Material: A3 sheet, colored pencils, black and white pictures vegetables, scissors, glue stick, cotton pads, gouache, brushes, napkins...

Dictionary: still life, collage, composition, harvest...

Preliminary work: introducing children to different genres visual arts(still life, landscape, portrait), introduce the collage technique, tonal technique(shading, lead shavings); looking at reproductions of paintings on autumn theme, conversation “People’s Work in Autumn”, reading children’s poems: “Good autumn has come” by V. Volin, “Our Garden” by U. Rashid, “Vegetable Garden” by A. Prokofiev. “Cucumber” by K. Tangrykulyev, “Potato” by E. Ostrovskaya, etc.; writing stories based on story pictures.

Organizing time


M. Khodyakova
If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,
If the birds have flown to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,
This time of year is called autumn.

Teacher's story. In autumn, vegetables are harvested from the gardens. People carefully collect them from the garden so as not to damage them. Carrots, beets, onions, garlic are pulled out; cabbage is cut down, potatoes are dug up; cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers - remove. Vegetables are eaten raw, boiled, fried, and salted. They are used to make salads, add them to soup and borscht. Vegetables are prepared for the winter. They are healthy and contain a lot of vitamins.

Reinforcing the material covered.

Look what is in this basket (vegetables are examined and named); with the first correct answer, the vegetable is placed on the child’s table.

Guys, what other vegetables do you know?

What's in this basket?

Let's name them.

Guys, what other fruits do you know?

Fruits are also distributed to children.

How can you call in one word what I brought (vegetables), (fruits).

Children give answers.

Introduction of new concepts "garden" and "vegetable garden"

To find out what our activity is called today, we must answer the questions “Where do vegetables and fruits grow?” and then we will find out the topic of our lesson.

Where do you think Autumn got so many vegetables?(children's answers).

A vegetable garden is a fenced plot of land where there are beds and greenhouses. People grow vegetables there (show).

Well done, who can name the vegetables we pick?(cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, etc.).

Which ones do we dig up?(potato).

And which ones do we pull out of the ground?(carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, onions, etc.).

What vegetables do we cut with a knife?(pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, eggplant).

Okay, where did she pick the fruit?(Children's answers).

A garden is a fenced area with fruit trees - an apple tree, a peach tree, etc. (show).

Who can determine the topic of our lesson today?



Didactic game “What is what?”

Let's try to say what kind of juice we can get from vegetables and fruits?

The juice from an apple is apple, from a banana -..., from an apricot -..., from an orange -..., from a pear - pear, from a plum - plum.

Did you know that juice can also be made from vegetables?

Remember what the juice from carrots is called - carrot, and from a tomato - tomato.

What kind of jam will be made from:?

Apple - apple, pineapple - pineapple, orange - orange, plum - plum, pear - pear.

Let's remember what your mothers cook from vegetables?(salads, caviar, soups, salted, pickled, etc.).

And what kind of salad will be made from: beets - beetroot, from carrots - carrot, and from cabbage - cabbage.

Development mental operations Didactic game “The Fourth Wheel” (demonstration)

I want to play a very interesting game with you.

Educator: Guys, the doll Tanya came to visit us. Today she decided to help her mother prepare a salad for lunch, but she doesn’t know how to make it. But she hopes that you will tell her how to cook it, because you are all so smart and know everything.

The teacher asks you to answer several questions:

1. Before eating or preparing vegetables or fruits, what should you do first? (Wash)

2. Is this necessary? Why wash vegetables and fruits? (Dirty fruits should not be eaten - they have a lot of germs)

3. Which vegetables must be peeled? (Potatoes, beets, carrots, turnips, onions).

4. What vegetables can be eaten raw? (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, radishes, carrots).

5. What is prepared from raw vegetables? (Salads)

6. What vegetables can you eat raw and boiled? (Cabbage, carrots).

7. What vegetables can be pickled for the winter? (Cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers).

8. What greens can be put in salads or soups? (Dill, parsley, celery).

9. What can be prepared from fruits? (Compote, jam, juice, marmalade).

Didactic game " Magic bag» ( bag of vegetables)

Children take objects out of the bag by touch and name vegetables.

Educator: Well done boys! You know all the vegetables. To work in the garden you also need to have dexterous and quick hands.

Finger gymnastics“The landlady came from the market one day.”

The hostess came from the market one day,

They “walk” with their fingers.
The hostess brought it home from the market

Bend one finger at a time.
Parsley and beets. Oh!..

Here the vegetables started a dispute on the table -
Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth.
Potato? Cabbage? Carrot? Peas?

Bend one finger at a time.
Parsley or beets? Oh!..

Meanwhile, the hostess took the knife
And with this knife she began to chop
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

Bend one finger at a time.
Parsley and beets. Oh!..

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot
Boiled, boiled in boiling water

Palms fold crosswise.
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

Bend one finger at a time.
Parsley and beets. Oh!..

And the vegetable soup turned out to be quite good!

They "eat" soup.

Man in autumn

Look at the hint diagram: what are we going to talk about now? ( We will talk about human concerns in the fall.)
- Certainly. Let's remember what you and I, your parents, friends and acquaintances are doing in the fall. Can you tell him how we work in the fall? (paintings are exhibited)
- What kind of work is done in the gardens? - And in the gardens? (Bottom part trees are whitened with lime, hso that they don't get chewed up by hares. In autumn, fruit trees in the gardens are well watered, so that they can endure the frosts and give next year good harvest)
- Sasha, what other work is being done in the garden? (Even in the fall, the gardens are harvested: apples, pears, potatoes and carrots are dug.)
- Sasha M., what can you add? (riddle about cabbage)
- How do they work in the village, in the fields? ( In the villages, the remaining bread is harvested, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, and beets are removed from the fields. The harvested fields are fertilized and plowed. Seeds of winter rye and wheat are sown in plowed fields; carrots, dill and parsley are sown in vegetable gardens.)
How did you guys work all autumn? ( And we removed the leaves on the site to help the janitor, Uncle Fyodor, so that it would be clean.)

Who wants to add? ( Mothers and grandmothers make preparations for the winter: jams, compotes, pickles, marinades.)
- Right. Autumn is very generous with gifts: fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, nuts. But all its gifts must be collected and processed: preserved or dried, boiled or pickled. And this is also a lot of work.

Didactic exercise “Tops and roots”
- You have colored pencils and pieces of paper with assignments on your desks. Need to circle green those vegetables from which we eat the tops, i.e. leaves, greens. In red are the roots. And in blue are those vegetables from which we eat both.

13. Summing up.

What two new words did we meet today: “Vegetable Garden”, “Garden”?

What did they repeat?

What games did you play?

Objectives in accordance with the integration of educational fields.

1. Communication:
- enrichment of vocabulary through artistic expression
- development grammatical structure speeches
- education difficult words

2. Artistic creativity:
— creating expressive images using unconventional drawing methods

3. Health saving:
— development of general and fine motor skills

4. Socialization:
- fostering goodwill and contact in relationships with peers
— formation of self-control and self-esteem skills

5. Cognition:
- fostering interest in painting, poetry, and listening to classical music.

Riddle (Blaginina)

Who beats on the roof all night,
yes he knocks
Sings a song quietly,
lulls you to sleep? (rain)

Educator: Just recently the sun was so warm. We enjoyed the summer, flowers, berries, sunbathed and swam in the river. But then it blew cold wind, the sky became cloudy, it started raining... What happened? Why has our nature changed so much? (children's answers)

The song “Autumn has begun...” plays.

Children play metallophones, bells and musical triangles.

Between heaven and earth
The rain tightens the strings
Their transparent hand
Gently touched by a ray of moonlight
Immediately above the sleepy land
The bells rang
The song flowed quietly
Autumn, autumn has begun...

Educator :

- What is autumn?
—What sounds does autumn have? (The sound of rain, the sound of wind, the rustle of falling leaves).
— What does autumn smell like? (Rowan berries, cranberries, autumn fungus).
— How does a person’s life change with the arrival of autumn?
— Proverbs about autumn:
- September is cold, but full;
— From autumn to summer there is no turn;
— September summer ends, autumn begins.
-What is autumn like? (Golden, rainy, cloudy, sad, beautiful).

Educator : Autumn is a sad, but very beautiful time. All people, both adults and children, love beauty. Artists created beautiful pictures about this time of year, one of which we will consider. (Children look at the painting by I. I. Levitan “ Golden autumn).

The teacher reads a poem by P. Sinyavsky"Gold autumn"

Golden sorceress autumn,
Wait, wait, leave.
Well, please, we ask you
At least stay with us for a little while.
We really like to admire
Like leaves burning in the sun.
We don't want to part with you,
We like your colorful outfit.

Questions for children:

What autumn did the artist paint?
What trees did the artist paint?
Why do you think the picture is so bright?
What mood does it make you feel?
What would you call this painting?

Educator : The artist Levitan called this painting “Golden Autumn”. Before us is a modest autumn landscape. There are a lot of such captivating corners in Russia. The birch grove is ablaze with birch fires. The earth glows with gold placers. IN cold water The river reflects the transparent blue sky, yellow and red steep banks, reddish branches of bushes. Light clouds are barely noticeable. The autumn air is clean and transparent. Levitanovskaya autumn is a holiday of gold and blue. Joyful holiday beauty. And a little sad: this is the beauty of farewell. Winter is coming soon.

Educator : Now let’s try to express it ourselves autumn beauty- dance with the leaves (Children improvise their dance - freely, easily, expressively to the music of Levi “Little Waltz”).

Children collect a bouquet of autumn leaves. Let him please us with his magical beauty.

Autumn inspired artists, poets, and musicians to create beautiful works. Artists paint nature, poets write poems about it. Artists have paints, poets have words, composers have sounds. But they can be used to paint nature beautifully. Just as P.I. Tchaikovsky does in his music.

Children listen to a fragment of Tchaikovsky's "Autumn Song"

Finger game"Autumn leaf":

And the autumn air is transparent and clean.
In the spring, breaking small buds,
Firecrackers - leaves - exploded on the branches.
Look, look, a leaf is falling.
Yellow, dry, it is now unattractive.
The leaves were written with shadow crayons
Portraits of July sunny days.
Look, look, a leaf is falling,
And the deserted forest is not so vocal.
The trees have fallen asleep and sleep until spring.
And the forest ones are watching, green dreams.

Educator : Guys, would you like to create a panel of multi-colored leaves and decorate the group with it? (Children work collectively).

Unconventional drawing – children tint a sheet of Whatman paper with paints, the contours of maple, rowan, and oak leaves appear on it, previously outlined with wax crayons.

Educator: Guys, you tried together, and you did very well. beautiful panel.

What would you call it? (Children's answers).

Children read V. Semernin’s poem “Golden Autumn”.

Compiled by:

Aigumova Svetlana Magomedovna,


MBDOU kindergarten "Snow White"

Solnechny village, Surgut district


  • generalize children's ideas about autumn as a time of year, its signs
  • clarify children's ideas about seasonal changes in the life of plants and animals and the variety of options for preparing them for winter
  • consolidate children's ideas about the connection between living and inanimate nature in autumn period, about the autumn troubles of man


  • develop attention, memory
  • improve gross motor skills and coordination of movements
  • develop the ability to restore logical relationships and draw conclusions


  • answer the questions posed with complete answers, encourage the composition of complex sentences
  • activate the dictionary: leaf fall, frost, harvest, bad weather, bad weather, slush, precipitation, cloudiness, rowan, purple, gold, crimson; migratory, wintering
  • teach the basics of word formation: form and use relative adjectives in speech


  • cultivate a desire to observe the beauty of autumn nature
  • cultivate a feeling of love for native nature
  • to cultivate a caring, caring attitude towards the world around us: plants, birds, animals

Individual work: include inactive children in work: Angela J., Carolina A.; involve Ruslan G., Vlad G. in commenting on the answers of other children

Didactic material: Parsley doll; illustrations and paintings depicting autumn landscapes, autumn work, changes in the animal world; subject pictures on the topic “trees”, “birds”; leaves with didactic exercise“Root tops” for each child, colored pencils; didactic games: “Seasons”, “Animal world”, “Which tree is the leaf from”, “Name the leaf”

Preliminary work:

Looking at pictures, reading poems, riddles, proverbs about autumn, printing autumn leaves. Drawing on the theme “Golden Autumn”; didactic games.

Methods and techniques used in the lesson:

Information-receptive method,

Verbal method

Visual method

Practical method

Game method.

Progress of the lesson.

Sounds classical music. P.I. Tchaikovsky “Autumn”. The lesson begins in the educational corner next to the exhibition of children's drawings and crafts from natural material.

Guys, guess the riddle:

He is with a bell in his hand,

In a blue and red cap.

He's a fun toy

And his name is... Petrushka

Today Parsley came to visit us, and we will tell him what we know about autumn. - Well, guys, what can you tell me? Listen to the beautiful, calm music that sounds. The composer P.I. Tchaikovsky called this melody: “Autumn.” Today we will try to remember all the most important, beautiful and interesting things about autumn. We held a drawing competition “Golden Autumn”, you know poems, songs and riddles about it, we watched a lot of autumn changes, made crafts from natural materials. I think you have something to tell.
- In order not to get confused, I suggest everyone think: what would you like to tell our guest about? What should we talk about first? After? They will help you hint diagrams.

Inanimate nature

Vegetable world

Animal world

Inanimate nature in autumn.

- When does autumn come?

What autumn months do you know?

What do we refer to inanimate nature?(We include natural phenomena such as precipitation, cloudiness, wind, day length, and weather as inanimate nature.)

What are the signs of autumn in inanimate nature?

More details, tell us what the day is like? (In autumn, the days become shorter and the nights longer.
- Why does the weather become cool? (The sun no longer shines as brightly and hotly as in summer, so the weather becomes cooler) - What precipitation is typical for autumn? (It rains more often, in late autumn, in October in our North, it even snows.)
- What other natural phenomena have you observed in autumn days? (In the mornings there is fog or frost, sometimes puddles covered with a thin crust of ice).

Mark, do you want to add something? ( In the mornings, I noticed drops of dew on the grass when I walked along the streets - damp, slushy.)

Parsley: “Oh, how boring!”

Yes, Petrushka! Autumn is a dull but colorful time.

The famous Russian poet A.S. Pushkin wrote many poems about autumn.

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,
And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,
And distant threats of gray winter...

Guys! And so that Parsley doesn’t get bored, we’ll ask him to help collect leaves.

Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?” ? (Children collect leaves scattered on the floor. Vlad - maple, Angela - birch, Carolina - rowan, Said - poplar, Parsley - aspen.) Well done, right.

Oh, Parsley, are these aspen leaves? Let's help Parsley collect the leaves correctly.

Parsley: “Thank you. Guys, now I remember! And I suggest playing my favorite didactic game “Name the Leaf”. I name the tree, and you name the leaf.

oak – oak

maple – maple

aspen - aspen

rowan - rowan

birch – birch

poplar – poplar

viburnum - viburnum

Well done! Right

Flora in autumn

Children sit on chairs in the educational corner.
- Let's continue our story. What are we going to talk about now? ( we will talk about plants.)
- What do we classify as the plant world? (The flora includes trees, shrubs, herbs, flowers, mushrooms.)
- What changes occur to trees and shrubs with the arrival of autumn and why? (In autumn, leaves fall from the trees, because the cold causes the sap in the trunk and branches to move more slowly, and the leaves do not have enough of it, the leaves change their color and leaf fall begins.)

Ruslan, Shahla, what other interesting things can you add about leaves? (riddle about leaves.)

In summer they grow green,
And in the fall they fall yellow.

They lie under your feet,
You walk - they rustle,
Bright, colorful,
The edges are carved.
- What changes in the life of herbs and flowers? (The grass has withered and dried out because it has become cold and there is not enough sunlight.)

Finger gymnastics “Autumn”

The north wind blew

(blow on fingers)

S-S-S blew all the leaves off the linden tree

They flew, spun and sank to the ground.

(smoothly lower your palms in zigzags onto the table)

The rain began to knock on them, drip-drip-drip - 2 times,

(tap finger on table)

The hail pounded on them, breaking through all the leaves.

(knock on the table with your fists)

It pierced all the leaves, then powdered the snow,

(smooth movements back and forth with the hands)

He covered them with a blanket.

(palms firmly on the table)

Animal world in autumn

Now it’s time for the animal world, which is very rich and diverse. (change of pictures)
-Who do we classify as the animal world? (We include animals, birds, insects, and amphibians in the animal world.)
- What happens with the arrival of autumn in the lives of animals? (All animals are preparing for winter. Some hibernate, for example, a bear, a hedgehog, a badger. Others make supplies for the winter, such as a squirrel, a hamster.)
- Daniil, do you want to add anything? (In autumn, animals molt: they exchange summer coats for warmer winter ones.)
- Amphibians and insects probably also make provisions for the winter? (No, amphibians, insects, hibernate until spring.)
- What changes in the life of birds with the arrival of autumn? ( There are birds that fly away to warmer climes for the winter.)
- What are the names of the birds that fly away from us for the winter? (Such birds are called migratory.)
- Why do they fly away? Crows, jackdaws, and sparrows remain with us all year round. (And in the fall the sun heats up little, it becomes cool, and there are fewer insects.)

How do the birds that remain with us survive? (These birds live next to humans, and to prevent them from starving or freezing, you need to feed them and build feeders.)
- Right. Such birds are called sedentary. And, of course, they expect help from us in winter. And we, together with our fathers and mothers, will definitely build them feeders.

Didactic game “They fly away - they don’t fly away”
Children stand near the chairs .
You flap your arms like wings if the named bird flies south. If the bird remains, crouch.
Crow, rook, jackdaw, dove, swallow, sparrow, duck, starling.
- Well done! Very attentive.

Parsley: “Guess the riddle!”

The bird is chatty - no doubt about it,

He will tell you news and secrets!

Beautiful in appearance, white-sided

Who? - Long-tailed... (magpie)

Is this bird migratory or wintering?

Man in autumn

Look at the hint diagram: what are we going to talk about now? What do you think, Vlad? ( We will talk about human concerns in the fall.)
- Certainly. Petrushka is probably eager to find out what you and I, your parents, friends and acquaintances are doing in the fall. Can you tell him how we work in the fall? (paintings are exhibited)
- What kind of work is done in the gardens? - And in the gardens? (The lower part of the trees is whitened with lime so that they are not chewed by hares. In the autumn, fruit trees in the gardens are well watered so that they can withstand frost and produce a good harvest the next year)
- Sasha, what other work is being done in the garden? (Even in the fall, the gardens are harvested: apples, pears, potatoes and carrots are dug.)
- Sasha M., what can you add? (riddle about cabbage)
- How do they work in the village, in the fields? ( In the villages, the remaining bread is harvested, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, and beets are removed from the fields. The harvested fields are fertilized and plowed. Seeds of winter rye and wheat are sown in plowed fields; carrots, dill and parsley are sown in vegetable gardens.)
How did you guys work all autumn? ( And we removed the leaves on the site to help the janitor, Uncle Fyodor, so that it would be clean.)

Who wants to add? ( Mothers and grandmothers make preparations for the winter: jams, compotes, pickles, marinades.)
- Right. Autumn is very generous with gifts: fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, nuts. But all its gifts must be collected and processed: preserved or dried, boiled or pickled. And this is also a lot of work.

Didactic exercise “Tops and roots”
- You have colored pencils and pieces of paper with assignments on your desks. It is necessary to circle in green those vegetables whose tops we eat, i.e. leaves, greens. In red are the roots. And in blue are those vegetables from which we eat both.

We invite our guest Petrushka to play with us.

Everyone did their best! Petrushka, did you enjoy working with the guys?
-Petrushka, think and tell me: have we told you everything we had in mind? Did you miss anything?
- Whose answers did you like the most: which of the guys had the most complete and correct answers?
- Thanks for Good work. Come and visit us again.

List of used literature:

Akulova E.A. Let's learn logical relationships. Didactic games for older preschoolers.// Preschool education N8, 2008

Akulova E.A. Let's learn logical relationships. Didactic games for older preschoolers.// Preschool education N9, 2008

Arushanova A.G. Speech and verbal communication of children: A book for educators kindergarten. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2002. – 272 p.

Education and training in the kindergarten preparatory group. Practical and guidelines Comp. T.S. Komarova. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2006. – 224 p.

Game activities in classes environmental education. Senior group. / Author-comp. P.G.Fedoseeva. – Volgograd: ITD “Corypheus”. – 96 s.

Komratova N.G. Learning to speak correctly: Educational and methodological manual on speech development of children 3-7 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005. – 208 p. (Development Program)

Komratova N.G., Gribova L.F. The world in which I live. Methodological guide for familiarizing children 3-7 years old with the world around them. -.: Sphere shopping center, 2005. – 144 p. (Development Program).

Preschool education N12 – 2005

Paramonova L.G. Vocabulary development in children. – St. Petersburg: “Childhood-Press”, 2007. – 80 p.

Development of coherent speech. Preparatory group./ Author-comp. T.V. Ivanova. – Volgograd: ITD “Corypheus”. – 96 s.

Skorolupova O.V. Activities with older children preschool age on the topic “Autumn. Part 1" - M.: LLC "Publishing House Scriptorium 2003", 2006. - 128 p., illus.

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