Peach oil for bust enlargement. Essential oils for breasts: how to prepare a mixture

The beauty of the breast largely depends on the harmonious proportions of the whole body. In addition, skin care correct posture all this important factor shaping the aesthetic beauty of the breast. The skin of the breast is vulnerable, thin, but at the same time elastic and elastic. An important role in maintaining youthful breast skin is prevention and care rules.

Women's breasts become distorted and lose their shape due to incorrect posture, weakened pectoral muscles. The skin ages faster with excessive sun exposure, tight and synthetic underwear. Synthetics dry out the fatty layer of the skin, making it flabby and unsightly. The sun is harmful to the breasts and can cause oncological diseases, the sun's rays are especially dangerous for the area of ​​the nipple and areola.

Cool or cold water is good for the chest cold and hot shower, it stimulates blood circulation and muscle contraction, this tones the skin. Rubbing the skin with pieces of ice has the same effect.

Essential oils and compresses increase the firmness and elasticity of the breast skin.

Before performing any manipulations, you need to make sure that you are healthy. Contact a mammologist, gynecologist, or examine your breasts yourself. Any discomfort or lumps should be a reason to immediately visit a doctor.

Breast compress

Take two containers, put in one cold water, to another hot one. When hot, add the juice of half a lemon. Lemon cleanses pores and has anti-aging properties. Prepare a small cotton towel. Wet the towel alternating cold and hot water, apply the compress to your chest for 30-60 seconds.

If you are pregnant, there are types of essential oils that are contraindicated for you: cinnamon, rose, wormwood, oregano, marjoram, basil, ginger, peppermint, thyme, cypress, sage.

We prepare a mixture of essential oils in equal proportions, for example, from 3 types of oils we calculate 1:1:1, and add olive or sesame oil to the mixture. Vegetable oils are rich in vitamin E, which is responsible for skin hydration and elasticity.

Essential oils that are harmless to everyone, including pregnant women: jojoba, avocado, tangerine, wheat, geranium, rosehip or peach oil. Peach oil saturates with natural acids, nourishes the skin, making it soft and smooth. Avocado oil is famous for its natural biologically active substances that stimulate blood circulation. Rosehip oil is used against stretch marks and for breast health.

Before applying essential oil mixtures, the skin must be prepared and massaged. Painful pressure and squeezing are excluded. Start by stroking from the collarbone to the forearm and neck area. Massage gently, using closed fingers in a circular motion.

After the massage, rub the composition of essential oils into the skin, without leaving any excess; remove any remaining oil with a napkin.

Herbal baths for breast firmness

For breast tone, herbal baths with sea ​​salt. Sea salt is a natural antiseptic, preventative colds. Herbs for beauty and breast rejuvenation: mint, blackcurrant leaves, lavender, thyme, sage, chamomile, jasmine, linden. During pregnancy, do not use sage, mint, or thyme.

Prepare a decoction, pour it into the bath, add sea salt and 2-3 drops of essential oil (lavender, tea tree, geranium, peach, orange, rose, rosemary, neroli).

The incredible fragrance affects not only the skin of the chest, relieves nervous excitement, promotes sleep soundly. Inhaling essential oils has a beneficial effect on the human reproductive system.

Essential oils help reduce the appearance of stretch marks

Let's prepare a mixture of essential and vegetable oils.

Take your choice of oil grape seeds, olive, wheat, sesame, flax or pumpkin.
Option 1: 2 parts peaches + 2 parts neroli + 2 parts mandarin. Mix with 2 tbsp. vegetable oil and apply to the skin of the chest in a circular manner massage movements.

Option 2: 2 parts neroli + 2 parts lavender + 2 parts mint (if pregnant, replace with rosehip or orange oil), mix with 2 tbsp. olive oil.

For massage

Recipe ether mixture: 50g almond oil, 10 parts ylang-ylang oil and 10 parts geranium. Lightly rub into the skin of the breast, avoiding the area of ​​the nipple and areola. The effect is guaranteed, the skin will be elastic and toned.

Composition for pregnant women to prevent stretch marks:

For the hips, abdomen, chest area: mix 1 tbsp. almond oil, 3 parts orange (lemon or tangerine) and 3 parts geranium. Apply a thin layer to the skin, let it absorb, it is important to observe the regularity of the procedure.

For the chest area:

  • 10g wheat oil, walnut, jojoba oil. Mix with 4 parts fennel + 2 parts geranium + 2 parts lime + 2 parts hops. Apply carefully, without touching the nipple and areola.
  • Evening primrose oil 5 parts, 25 g grape seed oil. Mix with 1 part patchouli + 1 part sage + 12 part ylang-ylang + 11 part geranium.
  • Grapeseed oil 10g and almond oil 25g. Take 2 parts patchouli, 5 parts geranium, 5 parts ylang-ylang, 2 parts orange. Mix essential and herbal ingredients and apply with massaging movements to the chest and neck area.

A Few Cautions for Using Essential Oils

If you are going to the beach or your skin will be exposed sun rays, it’s better to stop applying before going out. It is fraught with burns, the oil accumulates sunlight and causes phototoxicity.

Pregnant women should be wary of all types of essential oils, for you best alternative These are various vegetable oils. They are harmless, effective against stretch marks and dry skin, and do not have a distinct odor.

Citrus oils are not desirable for sensitive skin, prone to allergies.

Modern oils of vegetable origin and essential compounds can be used with a wide variety of for cosmetic purposes. Among huge amount appointments can be noted breast enlargement, improvement of its elasticity. These products ideally tighten the breasts, the bust becomes raised, and also eliminates stretch marks. To reach similar results, you need to know which oil is best to use and how to apply it correctly.

Main benefits of oils

It is not enough to know what results the oils give and for what purpose they are used. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the advantages of these compositions. The following positive characteristics can be noted:

  1. These are exclusively natural raw materials, that is, the oils are useful in themselves. They have a significant positive effect on general state skin.
  2. High-quality essential oils are usually obtained by cold pressing; accordingly, they retain all the positive and useful elements and vitamins. In the process of applying oil to the chest area, the oil happily gives it all to the skin.
  3. The oils are characterized by a light oily texture, each of them can effectively smooth out wrinkles, remove stretch marks and significantly increase the overall elasticity of the skin. At the same time, the oils are characterized by a nourishing and moisturizing effect. The skin acquires tone, becomes more elastic, its beauty and youth are preserved.

To achieve such positive results, it is worth learning a few rules regarding how to properly apply oils to your breasts. This is the only way to make the most of all the positive characteristics inherent in oils.

How to apply oils correctly?

Modern cosmetologists advise applying oils according to the following rules:

  1. Just before applying the composition or oil mask on the chest, it needs to be warmed up a little so that the temperature is as comfortable as possible and close to body temperature. This is necessary not only to ensure comfort, but also for faster and more effective penetration of beneficial substances into the skin.
  2. If you need your skin to become toned, so that your breasts in general become more attractive and firm, oil must be applied massage lines. The stroking process will be described a little below.
  3. After applying the oil, do not wash it off with water; just blot off the excess amount with paper napkins.
  4. If a mask is made from oil, it can be removed after the procedure is completed. This can be done by soaking it in warm water and wrung out thoroughly. This method will allow numerous useful substances, which will continue to exert their influence for a couple more hours useful action.
  5. Oils should be used strictly after taking a bath or after taking a mixed shower. This can significantly increase the effectiveness of oils.

In the process of applying oil, you need to make the following massage movements:

  • first along the bottom of the chest, in the direction from the center to the armpits, then along the top of the chest, starting from the armpits and moving towards the center. Movements on at this stage should be light and gliding;
  • after this, you can move on to the sternum area, always moving strictly from the center of the chest and rising first to the chin area and then to the collarbones. This can be done with two palms, gradually moving towards the shoulders. At this stage, you can make deeper and stronger pressing movements. However, they should not be stretchy.

The frequency of the massage is as follows - one movement on the top, one on the bottom and three on the sternum area. First, such manipulations are carried out with one breast, then with the other. The total massage time should be between 7 and 10 minutes.

The most popular oils

There are quite a lot of breast oils, but there are a few of the most popular options.

Linseed oil

The championship is occupied by linseed oil, which has been used since ancient times. The oil is denser, heavier in structure and heavier, which is why cosmetologists advise using it as a base. The oil can be used either alone or in the form of additives in cosmetic milk, cream and lotion. To massage your breasts, just one tablespoon of oil is enough.

  • one spoon of yeast;
  • a small spoon of sugar;
  • two tablespoons of butter;
  • a couple of tablespoons of high-fat cream.

All components must be thoroughly mixed and heated in a water bath to approximately 35 degrees. The composition is applied in an even layer over the entire décolleté area for about half an hour. Afterwards, the composition is removed with a damp warm towel and a caring cream is applied.

It is useful to use this oil internally, so the product will work from two sources at once. It has been proven that taking a spoonful of oil in the morning on an empty stomach for 30 days significantly improves the condition and appearance breasts, but also hair and nails.

Olive oil

This is an equally popular and effective product that has earned popularity due to its effectiveness and efficiency. The product makes the breasts more elastic, increases their size, and also has a special rejuvenating effect. The oil has a lighter structure and can therefore be used on its own.

You can also make masks based on it. To prepare, you will need to take 2 large spoons of the product, preheated a little, and add 5 drops of essential oil to it. rose oil. this mixture can be used as a means for rubbing and massage, as well as for a compress. To do the latter, you just need to moisten thin gauze in water, squeeze it well and then dip it in oil. After this, the fabric is placed on the chest and covered with a warm towel. You need to keep the compress for about 30 minutes, then simply remove the residue with regular napkins.

Uses of almond oil

Nature itself created almond oil to rejuvenate aging skin, which is characterized as flabby and tired. The product has a light texture and can be used in pure form without mixing with anything. You can use it as a mask.

Mask based of this oil is a special express compress that helps rejuvenate the skin of the breast, giving it tone and elasticity. For cooking cosmetic composition In a ceramic bowl you need to mix two tablespoons of almond oil and a few drops of patchouli, lavender and rose essential oils. After mixing, the composition is applied to the chest and rubbed in with light massage movements. After about 20 minutes, you just need to remove any remaining oil from your breasts with a napkin.

Hop oil

Another great product designed for breast skin care. A high cosmetic effect is achieved due to the fact that hop cones are a fairly powerful estrogen, which contains female hormones. At the same time, the oil contains such useful components, How:

  1. Useful resins.
  2. Nitrogenous substances.
  3. Healthy fiber.
  4. A large amount of vitamins.

The oil perfectly tightens the breasts, slightly increases their size, and also rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin. This is a complete product that is quite effective on its own. There is no need to mix the oil with anything else. Simply warm up a tablespoon of the mixture and rub it thoroughly into the chest and décolleté area.

Wheat oil

This oil contains a large number of various useful and unique in nature components. All useful elements invested by nature are initially aimed at awakening new life. For this reason, the product is ideal for rejuvenation and complete renewal of breast skin cells. After several procedures of using the oil, it becomes more delicate, elastic, soft and velvety.

This product is quite dense in consistency, so it is best used simultaneously with oils that are lighter in structure, that is, cooked effective mask. To prepare it you will need to take:

  • Two tablespoons of the main product, that is, wheat germ oil;
  • A spoonful of peach, apricot, and olive oil.

All components must be thoroughly mixed, slightly heated in a water bath to a comfortable temperature and then applied to the skin. chest lungs massage movements. The composition must be kept in this form until the composition is completely absorbed. Residues are also removed with a napkin.

Application of essential oils

Pharmaceutical essential oils are no less effective in breast care. Each such product contains active components that quickly and deeply penetrate the surface of the skin. Often such oils are used before using the products described above; they create “passages” for their penetration.

With the help of modern essential oils you can make your own useful creams. Using them will quickly restore breast elasticity, smooth out stretch marks and give larger size. To make the cream you will need to take about 30 grams base oil– flaxseed, olive or almond, add 10 drops of the selected essential oil to it. During preparation this recipe Oils from plants such as geranium, cumin, rosemary, verbena, ylang-ylang, mint or fennel are optimal. These products can be purchased at the pharmacy without any problems. You can use one type of oil at a time, or you can combine them effectively, the main thing is that no more than 10 drops are used.

Rules for using essential oils

For quick receipt positive result worth checking out certain rules and comply with them. This will help prevent the exact opposite result, and will also have a guaranteed beneficial effect. So, among the basic rules we can note:

  1. When purchasing essential oils, it is important to give preference to 100% natural products. Such oils are sold in pharmacies.
  2. When applying oil, avoid the nipple area.
  3. Do not exceed the amount of oil used relative to that specified in the recipe. This is important, since essential oils are a special plant concentrate that can cause a burn if overdosed.
  4. It is not advisable to apply undiluted essential oils to the surface of the skin.
  5. You can use oils only if your breasts are completely healthy.
  6. Before using oils, it is important to check for individual intolerances. To test, you will need to drop a small amount of product onto delicate skin wrist and wait a couple of minutes. If no negative reaction did not appear, the oil is suitable for use.
  7. Before using essential oils, you need to study the instructions, as there are products that are prohibited for use during pregnancy.
  8. If breast care is carried out with the help of citrus oils, after using them you should not go out into the sun. Their use increases the skin's sensitivity to direct sunlight.
  9. If there were or are tumors in the breast, the use of essential oils is contraindicated.
  10. Oils based on anise, dill, geranium and fennel, when used simultaneously with antibiotics, reduce their therapeutic effect.

If you regularly use these oils for breast care, you can quickly achieve optimal result. After some time, she will become much younger, her skin will be renewed, her skin will become more velvety and soft. It is recommended to use the recipe presented to your attention approximately 2 times a week and it is advisable to apply the product after taking a shower.

Summing up

Proper use of oils to care for the décolleté area will quickly achieve positive results. Chest through certain time will become a real decoration for every woman. With a certain persistence and consistency, the oil will quickly give positive effect.

There will be no problems purchasing care products. Healthy essential oils and edible plant products can be easily found in any store and pharmacy. From all the variety you can choose what is suitable for your individual application.

Since ancient times, women have used various oils to care for their busts. They provide positive influence on the body of both a young girl and a mature lady.

Using various breast oils has a number of advantages over synthetic means, while helping to enlarge and tighten this part of the body. Being natural products and part of nature, they have various beneficial properties.

Let's look at them.

Using various combinations of vegetable and essential oils you can achieve amazing results - increase elasticity, eliminate stretch marks, tighten and strengthen the skin, make it younger. With age, breasts lose their shape, become flabby, and sometimes even shrink. To prevent these unpleasant phenomena It is recommended to use the products listed below, alternately or in certain complexes.

Each oil, without exception, is a storehouse of natural biologically active substances that can work wonders. But together with the use of oils you need do not forget about gymnastics and proper balanced nutrition. The condition of our skin largely depends on our lifestyle. If we lead a sedentary lifestyle, eat poorly, smoke, then rely on the effect of even the most beneficial and effective oils It is not necessary for bust growth!

Top 10 most effective oils

Remarkable results can be obtained by using individually or as part of complexes. following products:

Attention! Before use, be sure to do a test for allergic reaction. You need to apply a drop of oil to the skin on the bend of your elbow a day before, if there is no allergy or redness, the product can be used.

1. Sea buckthorn

It is prepared from the fruits and seeds of sea buckthorn. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, bioflavonoids. Ideal for sagging and aging skin. It is also recommended to use it to maintain breast elasticity. For more strong action It is recommended to take it both externally and internally. This product is included in many women's elixirs, gels, and creams that have various beneficial properties.

Sea buckthorn oil has many pronounced beneficial properties:

  • brightens the skin and evens out its color;
  • rejuvenates, prevents fading;
  • nourishes and increases elasticity;
  • moisturizes;
  • regenerates and activates cell renewal;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • softens;
  • gives skin elasticity, golden hue and velvety.

For more information about its incredible properties, watch the video:

Important! Buy oils from trusted manufacturers, counterfeit products are dangerous to use!

2. Castor

It is prepared from the fruits of the castor bean tree. It has a dense viscous structure. Before applying to breast skin it needs to be warmed in your palms. It is an excellent cosmetic product containing many vitamins and minerals.

It has the following effects on the skin of the breast:

  • softens;
  • nourishes;
  • increases elasticity;
  • prevents the formation of stretch marks.

3. Cocoa butter

Occupies one of the significant places among cosmetic oils. Included in many breast skin care products. It's called product number one for bust firmness.

Has the following beneficial properties:

  • regenerates, renews cells;
  • tightens, increases elasticity;
  • nourishes;
  • moisturizes;
  • improves skin turgor.

4. Olive

This décolleté care product is made from ripe olive fruits. Rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, which prevent skin aging. It is used in the manufacture of a wide variety of cosmetic products.

  • rejuvenates;
  • softens;
  • nourishes, eliminates irritation;
  • regenerates aging skin;
  • increases breast elasticity.

5. Almond

Made from almond nuts. Has a wonderful delicate aroma. Part of the set cosmetics.

Has the following properties:

  • strengthens the skin and increases elasticity;
  • prevents aging;
  • cleanses;
  • nourishes;
  • resolves formations in this area.

Learn more from the video:

6. Flaxseed

Flax oil by pressing the seeds. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Contains phytoestrogens. Linseed oil It is recommended to use internally for breast growth and beauty: one tablespoon daily. Apply heated oil externally to the bust, rub in gently, and blot off the remainder with a paper towel.


  • has rejuvenating properties;
  • increases breast elasticity;
  • prevents the appearance of sagging and wrinkles;
  • tightens and strengthens.

7. Coconut

Obtained by squeezing the pulp coconut. Has a subtle aroma. Ideal for nourishing dry and flaky skin. Used to produce a variety of breast skin care products. Also used to massage the area.

Beneficial features:

  • moisturizes;
  • nourishes;
  • increases elasticity;
  • rejuvenates.

8. Camphor

Japanese laurel is the source of this wonderful healing and cosmetic product. You can make a special compress on the chest with camphor oil, or simply rub it with your hands.

Beneficial features:

  • tones, removes stretch marks;
  • helps eliminate lethargy and flabbiness;
  • tightens the bust;
  • works great when combined nutrients for dull and pigmented skin;
  • if you add camphor and sea ​​buckthorn oil in any cream, for example “children’s” - You will get a whitening and skin-smoothing mask.

9. Fennel

Extracted from sweet dill seeds by cold pressing.

Beneficial features:

  • contains phytoestrogens;
  • increases skin elasticity, tones;
  • evens out color and eliminates pigmentation;
  • gives smoothness and tenderness.

10. Essential oils and their combination

Women have used essential extracts at all times. Rubbing various essential oils into the bust area promotes its growth and tightening, making the skin soft and elastic. This is a wonderful gift of nature, which can influence a woman’s body not only on physical level, but also at the level of smells. Inhalation certain scents promotes rejuvenation, stress relief, increased self-esteem and attractiveness in the eyes of members of the opposite sex.

Read more about them wonderful properties look at the video:

Other useful species not included in the top 10

There are many essential and vegetable oils that have a beneficial effect on a woman’s body, her beauty and attractiveness:

  1. Peach, butter, and wheat germ oil. They soften, nourish, improve skin turgor, prevent the development of stretch marks during breastfeeding, and make the skin elastic.
  2. Argan. Has a rejuvenating effect on aging skin. Well suited for mature women.
  3. Geranium (Pelargonium) oil included in many expensive perfume compositions. Counts feminine product, normalizes hormonal background, has a beneficial effect on the skin, eliminating sagging. Well suited for women of mature age.
  4. Grape seeds. Perfectly moisturizes, prevents the formation of wrinkles, tightens the skin of the breast, making it more elastic, and restores the epidermis.
  5. Fucus. Regenerates, rejuvenates, increases elasticity, accelerates metabolic processes.
  6. Shi. Moisturizes, regenerates, increases elasticity. Is integral part age-related cosmetics.
  7. Caraway (caraway). Black cumin oil is actively used for cosmetic and medical purposes. With regular use, it removes cracks on the breasts of a nursing mother and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.
  8. Fir. IN folk recipes You can find information about the ability of this product to strengthen the bust and give it roundness. It is good to combine it in equal parts with cedar and pink hoods.
  9. St. John's wort. Softens and soothes irritated skin, has antiseptic properties, strengthens and tightens the skin. St. John's wort oil can be used while breastfeeding.
  10. Hops. Contains phyestrogens. Suitable for aging skin, has a rejuvenating effect. Has a thin exquisite aroma. You should use it before bed, as its aroma relieves stress and has a relaxing and mild sleeping effect.
  11. Ylang-ylang and patchouli. These essential oils with aphrodosiacs are used to obtain a lifting effect and add elasticity to the skin of the bust. They fit perfectly together. Since ancient times, a mixture of these oils has been used as an aphrodisiac - increasing a woman’s attractiveness to her lover. These products are combined with bergamot and geranium, forming a delicate, lovely aroma.
  12. Jojoba. Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes. Comes in many types cosmetic products for women.

Did you know that patchouli and ylang-ylang are the basis of many cosmetic products who have the ability to attract the attention of people of the opposite sex? You can prepare this oil yourself: add one drop each of patchouli, cedar and sandalwood to ten drops of jojoba extract. Products with similar properties are produced by many cosmetic companies.

“Api bust for breast growth” - it contains essential oils of geranium, almond, wheat germ, rosemary, patchouli, ylang-ylang. “Wise Ways Herbals” is a product designed to care for the skin of the bust. It contains essential extracts of lavender and geranium, olive and castor oil. Palmer's breast cream contains cocoa extract, which perfectly nourishes and moisturizes. The biological complex included in Galenopharm and Vedica oils activates the formation of its own connective fibers that support the bust.

Rules for using essential oils

  • How to use. Before applying to the skin of the chest, you need to add a few drops of essential oil to a tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • Why is it necessary to dilute? You cannot use essential oils undiluted, as you may get a burn or an allergic reaction;
  • Know the properties. In order to receive desired effect, you need to ask before use what properties certain products have and how they are combined with each other;
  • These products can only be applied to clean skin.

10 more methods for tightening problem areas

There are also many other tools that will help solve this problem:

  • . They can become an attractive part of your feminine toilet if you have small size breasts
  • . Used to prevent bust sagging. Also, using this method you can correct the shape of the breast and increase its elasticity.
  • Every woman must have various vegetable and essential oils in her breast skin care arsenal. Many representatives of the fair sex appreciate them and use them daily. Try it too!

    Beautiful breasts are a wonderful gift of nature, but a woman’s care for this delicate part of the body also plays a significant role. How to avoid the appearance of stretch marks on the breasts, how to maintain their shape, which essential oils for the breasts are most effective?

    The skin on the chest is very delicate and thin, and due to the almost complete absence sebaceous glands she is prone to dryness. That's why female breast very vulnerable, and care for her must be doubly careful. In addition, in the hot summer, the breast skin experiences stress due to abuse. sunbathing. As a result, the woman notices with horror that her breasts have lost their shape and stretch marks and stretch marks have appeared on them. Therefore, breasts require especially careful care. Today, women are offered a variety of cosmetics designed to care for the skin of their breasts. For those ladies who like to “tinker”, we advise you to include in your daily care base and essential oils for breasts.

    It is very important (both aesthetically and physiologically) maintain breast elasticity. Excellent tool for this purpose - massage. However, you need to remember that the chest is a very delicate and sensitive area, so the massage must be done very carefully. For example, you can do a massage with a cool shower - this procedure tones the skin, helps open pores, and therefore moisturizing and nourishing with oils will be even more effective.

    Breast skin care. Cold and hot shower

    This procedure is very effective for breast elasticity. Pour hot water with lemon juice and cold water into two containers. Wet the towel in each container one by one and apply it to your chest for one minute. Repeat this ten times, and then lubricate the breasts with a mixture of oils.

    What essential oils for breasts can be used for massage? Make this mixture: mix in equal proportions olive oil, jojoba, avocado and rosehip oil. Olive oil has nutritional effect, avocado - softens the skin, jojoba promotes skin regeneration, and rose hips increase elasticity. You can also use sesame oil, sea buckthorn oil, grape seed oil and wheat germ oil instead of cream. Add essential oils to this mixture (2 teaspoons per tablespoon). It is especially useful to moisturize and nourish the skin of the breast during pregnancy, when the risk of stretch marks is especially high.

    Important: during pregnancy, it is prohibited to use the following essential oils for the chest and for the whole body: peppermint, sage, rose, wormwood, marjoram, thyme, cypress, ginger, cedar, juniper, oregano, basil, cinnamon.

    Essential oils for breasts. Massage technique

    First, the skin from the collarbone to the forearm is simply stroked with the palms, then the strokes are combined with circular rubbing. Massage the skin with closed fingers, while stroking with the palm of your hand. There is no need to touch your nipples during the massage! After the massage, they begin to rub a mixture of oils into the skin - this is done with the pads of the fingers, gently and carefully. Rub the oils in circular motions until they are completely absorbed into the skin.

    Baths with sea salt, essential oils and herbal decoctions are very useful for breast care. Thus, herbs such as chamomile, lavender, blackcurrant leaves, linden, jasmine, thyme and peppermint are effective (the latter are contraindicated during pregnancy). You can add essential oils for the breast or a mixture of oils (mandarin, neroli, orange, rose, lavender, rosemary) to the bath, or a dessert spoon of the massage mixture described above. Add sea salt to the bath.

    Essential oils for breasts: massage mixture for stretch marks

    Base: two tablespoons of olive oil. Essential oils for breasts: 2 parts tangerine + 2 parts lavender + 2 parts neroli. Instead of olive oil, you can take grape seed oil, sesame oil or sea buckthorn oil.

    Base: a mixture of grape seed oil and olive oil (1 tablespoon each) + 2 parts tangerine + 2 parts lavender. You can also use essential oils of rose, clove and peppermint (except during pregnancy). Choose essential oils to suit your taste, based on the smell and sensations that the oil evokes in you.

    There is another very effective recipe for breast care: a mixture of geranium and ylang-ylang. Base - 50 ml of almond oil, add 10 drops of geranium and 10 drops of ylang-ylang to it. Gently rub the mixture into the skin of the chest (pinching or tapping is not allowed). Be careful not to let the oil get on your nipples. This is very effective mixture, which helps to increase breast elasticity and improve its shape. And what an amazing smell! In general, both useful and pleasant.

    Breast enlargement oil is an effective gentle remedy that helps a short time achieve results without surgeons, stitches and operations. Many women dream of having a big one, but do not dare to have surgery. There are several types of oils that affect the mammary glands, their volume and elasticity. All of them increase blood circulation inside the glands, have hormonal and therapeutic effect. You can always use only one type of oil, or you can mix them.

    There is nothing better than the moment when a woman tries to look beautiful, when she takes care that her breasts are lush, firm, and healthy. You can start doing this now, without delaying long years. In combination with physical activity You can use oil therapy for... It is important to note that this is a natural raw material that has a mild effect and has few contraindications.

    What harm can there be

    The use of oil for breast elasticity, as well as for breast enlargement, is selected taking into account the characteristics of the woman’s body. Not always this procedure safe and useful. There are cases when its use is prohibited.

    1. You are allergic to any component.
    2. The product's expiration date has expired; expired products should never be applied to the skin.
    3. This method should not be used by pregnant and lactating women.
    4. It can cause harm to women who have hormonal problems.
    5. It is forbidden to use by persons who have any tumor diseases.
    6. Inflammation, chronic diseases mammary glands.

    Young girls under 21 also do not need such procedures. The chest area is still forming at this age; it can be tightened with the help of proper nutrition, lifestyle and exercise.

    Benefits of essential oils

    Essential oils for breast enlargement are used individually or in combination with some other cosmetics. It is better not to use them in their pure form; always dilute them with something, or mix them with water, milk, or cocoa. Essential oil helps make the breast skin smooth, silky, and the breasts themselves firm and toned. Caring for the décolleté area using aromatherapy requires constant use. Only with long-term care at the correct intervals will the result be noticeable.

    For the procedure to be effective, you must follow simple rules applications. Avoid contact with sensitive nipples. If irritation is noticed from using this product, discontinue use immediately. You need to rub in gently, without pressing hard, lightly massaging. impossible, but you can increase blood circulation, tighten it, make it elastic, beautiful, soft to the touch.

    Among the oils that increase bust volume, the following are widely known:

    1. Helba and extract from it. Helba is a seed that can give youth, radiance and health, has a rejuvenating and restorative effect.
    2. Geranium oil. Allows you to achieve the desired breast volume, gives floral scent, makes the skin more elastic. Anti-cellulite effect.
    3. Sea buckthorn oil. Fights cracks, increases elasticity, heals.
    4. Rosemary. The required volume for three courses.
    5. Ylang-ylang. Helps achieve bust enlargement when mixed with rosemary, grape seed oil and sage.
    6. Fennel. Stimulates the production of estrogen, is an aphrodisiac, smoothes the skin.

    It is permissible to use these products for a month, then you need to do long break. They are purchased in pharmacies. Most visible effect occurs with increased physical activity.

    Flax and castor extracts

    Flaxseed oil for bust enlargement is famous for its effectiveness. It helps a woman adjust her hormonal levels, strengthen and tighten the skin of her breasts. It is also capable of treating mastopathy in the early stages, as it is a source of estrogen. It is only important to learn how to use it correctly. Every day for a month, it is recommended to take a small spoon an hour before meals. You can drink it with water. This is an excellent salad dressing and vegetable dishes. This oil can also be used externally by rubbing in lightly every evening before bed.

    Thanks to castor oil elasticity increases. It is obtained from the fruits of castor bean trees. It has a very dense, viscous structure. Before use, you must first warm it slightly. It contains a lot of vitamins that are beneficial for a healthy and youthful body. Makes breasts softer, younger, gives firmness, and prevents the formation of stretch marks.

    Almond, coconut and cocoa butter for breasts

    Others can also be used for aroma oils: coconut, almond and cocoa. Thanks to their sweet aroma and fragrance, a woman’s mood improves. A woman needs joy hormones every day. She enjoys the procedures, which means the chances of success are high. In addition, these products effectively help tighten the skin, make it more elastic and softer. Rib cage the skin becomes elastic and soft.

    Almond oil is very soft and light. It must be mixed with any flower oil and massaged into the skin of the chest for about three minutes. Leave the product to absorb. The wonderful smell will lift your spirits.

    Coconut oil improves breast skin tone, strengthens sagging breasts, making them plump and firm. It contains a lot of vitamin E. It rejuvenates, eliminates stretch marks, and moisturizes. Coconut can be used separately, or mixed with other ingredients, or added to the cream.

    Cocoa gives the skin velvety and elasticity. Use for breast enlargement in the same way as almond.

    It is enough to carry out all procedures once a week.

    How to use olive oil

    When enlarging your breasts, it is worth remembering those products that are constantly at home. For bust elasticity, you should also try olive oil. It is sold in markets or stores.

    They drink it in the morning before breakfast, one spoon every day. The skin will become ideal, plump, smooth, softer and more elastic.

    You can also use it externally by rubbing it into the skin, but without touching the nipple area. It moisturizes the skin, makes it elastic, smooth, and enriches it with vitamins and minerals. To enlarge your bust, you can add a drop of rosemary or patchouli.

    Olive oil rejuvenates, makes breasts firm and voluminous. It is light and accessible. To improve the effect, it is heated in a water bath, then a drop of any flower essential extract is added. Apply to the chest, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The effect appears within a few days. And the skin is smoothed after the first use. It's natural safe remedy no chemicals.

    Using oil to enlarge the bust does not bring a positive effect immediately, but after some time. Before use, consult a doctor. After its approval, you should choose exactly the breast growth product that is suitable for a particular person.
