Toasts for farewell to the army from relatives. Cool short toasts in prose

I think that the army is a test for every man. And today we see off a wonderful person who has to go through one of the most important trials in his life. May he always be brave, persistent and proud that he was given the honorary title to serve in the army and show his courage, courage and honor!

(Name of recruit)! I want to let you go on the road not with anxiety, but with joy and good heart. I believe that you will achieve incredible success, achieve victories and awards! I will count every minute until your demobilization and try to inspire you to do good deeds!

Tomorrow in our armed forces a significant event will take place new soldier will fill their ranks: wonderful person, an athlete and just a handsome man. We want you to meet good comrades and wise leaders-officers. Easy service to you.
For the success of the recruit!

It's time to pay back to the motherland. Indeed, in order to be sure that you and all people will live in peace and tranquility, the country needs a strong army. Worse than war there is nothing! Well, serve honestly and faithfully. Always remember that your deed is worthy of great respect. And we will wait for you here in civilian life, and after your return we will throw a party!

May your service be easy and peaceful! Let the authorities be fair, but not very strict. Let your colleagues become faithful and reliable friends for you. Let the girl you love wait for you from the service. I also wish good health, after all, what is a soldier without him, excerpts to prove his willpower. Patience to show that you are not Sissy and no one will wipe your tears. Good luck in everything!

Today we see off our brave soldier to faithful service. I wish you to prove yourself worthy, always confidently and bravely serve, be proud that you did not escape the army and pay your debt to the Motherland, stubbornly and persistently achieve all your goals and objectives. Let this time fly by unnoticed, let these days only benefit, let the army add strength, courage, courage and health to you.

IN folk tales a soldier will always get out of any situation: he can cook porridge from an ax, and find a magic fire starter, and marry a princess. And I would like to wish the recruit that his service was fabulous: porridge is always delicious, even from an ax, in his pocket, if not a steel, but something magical, and at home, let the most beautiful princess in the world wait for him!

Our beloved ……. You grew up so fast that we didn't even have time to look back. And now the time has come when they call for military service for the benefit of our state. We want to wish you that this service will be held not only for the benefit of the state, but also for the benefit of you, wish you to become a real man - courageous, strong, able to protect yourself and those people you love, and most importantly - we wish May you return safe and sound and God bless you.

We are proud of you and your deed. You go to serve in the army, which means you sign your masculinity, maturity, readiness to become stronger and more mature, giving back to your homeland. Let the year of service fly by for you quickly, and upon your return you will be greeted by friends, family and a girl with honor and admiration. We filled the glasses and now we drink for you, future defender Russia!

(Name), you will not serve for so long, but you will return home as a real man. We will welcome you with joy and pride. I want to propose a toast to your health, courage and luck in the army!

You could have squinted, but you didn’t, which means you are already a real man in your soul - brave and decisive. You leave home for whole year. Usually, people want some changes, but I wish you that nothing changes. So that your parents are just as healthy and just as proud of you, so that your girlfriend still loves you and only you, and so that our friendship remains just as strong!

Today is a great occasion to remember what men are meant for. And men are meant to be protectors. It is rightly said that there is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. So let's drink to our defender, let his boots not seem unbearable, and the form will always be at the right time!

It's time to test your strength. Go through the hardening of the army with dignity, leaving it as a strong adult man. Look with optimism at the service, it can give you a lot. For you, your good service and honorable return from it!

Do you know what an army is? This is a special school where a boy becomes a man. There is no need to be sad and afraid of the upcoming parting, I wish the time spent in the army to be useful to you!

Perhaps you will need .

Congratulations on the conscript's day are cool

You're about to go somewhere

To the expanses of their homeland.
Soon you will be a brave soldier
Do not be sad, look cheerful!
You will not notice how you will return again
Grown up man home.
Remember the army, and smile.
May your path be straight everywhere!

Cool congratulations happy conscript day

The Russian army needs guys so much,
Sports guys are desperately important to her!
So today we are seeing off a soldier,
We sincerely wish to serve him with honor!
To shoot-hit,
In the forced march did not lose heart,
And beloved to call
I did not go on my own!

Happy conscript day

We wish you:
Serve in the army
Do not grieve and do not grieve.
Some people enjoy it, some don't.
To whom the grandfather will pierce the plywood.
Who cleans the badge with boots,
Who walks like a deer with antlers
Who slows down, who has time -
No one is bored at work!

Poems on the conscript's day

Show me, motherfucker
How everyone should fight!
You are a strong boy
And lucky with brains!
And you are also a rare sly one,
You will be the best in spite of everyone!
Serve honestly and faithfully
Don't hurt kids.
Always be the first in everything!
And don't forget your friends!

Congratulations on the conscript's day

You became a man - it means time
To give back to the Fatherland.
A man is obligated
Protect the country and citizens.
You have to leave the house
Change the nature of life
But not for long - be sure
You will be very welcome here!

SMS on recruit day

Serving can be hard sometimes.
The days are slowly counting down.
Be patient for two years, poor thing,
And there the demobilization will do.
You will come home, and on the first evening
We'll get together, sit in a circle
And so we celebrate our meeting,
That the earth around will tremble.
We will show ourselves in all our glory -
Two years to catch up.
But this will be. In the meantime
It's time for you to become a soldier.
And serve the Motherland
To spite the insidious enemy
In the name of light peaceful life...
What else can I say?
And only one thing: pour glasses
And let's quit clear look forward:
Two years is a long time, though
But still, it will pass!

SMS congratulations on the day of the conscript

Winter will pass, summer will pass
Or maybe even years.
Everything in life can be forgotten
But years of service never
For the happiness of the beloved
smiles of friends
I gave from life
730 days.

The boys are having fun and
The girls are dancing
Escorted to the army
Our best boys!
Chance im under oath
Daden excel:
We will be brave
Be proud of yours!
The country has reasons
Be grateful to you!
We continue the wires!
Congratulations guys!

Soldier, I wish you
So that this year rushes like an arrow,
And yours waited for you
And then you got married to her!

Congratulations guys
You are now conscripts!
Five minutes to the soldiers!
You are broad-shouldered and strong!
And decided without excuse
Honestly serve the motherland!
And let the army not a fairy tale,
But you are not a child either!
seeing you off today,
We want to shake your hand!
We wish you good service
And we will be waiting for the return!

You are a conscript, soldier!
Everything is different now
Everything has changed in your life.
May the service be peaceful and calm
And most importantly - take care of yourself!

Friends are celebrating today
And there's a reason for the fun
After all, people do not say in vain:
“You are a man after the army!”
We wish everything for you;
You are strong in body and soul
Good luck - in combat, in shooting,
And become more like a "grandfather".

This duty is sacred, we all know it.
Perform with honor, with his conscience.
With faith and hope we see you off.
All the best to you, all the best!
Let your native courtyard wait a little:
You will return to him, and to your friends.
You have an endless road ahead of you.
We firmly believe in you, and we stand by it.
Let the ordinary service be painfully difficult
Under a fierce blizzard, pouring rain.
You are strong, lads, not forgetting us,
You serve, dear, we will wait for you.

Until recently, plans were
To the disco until the morning
With friends you lived freely,
Everything was clear
Still recently plans carefree
Time flew like a bird
You dressed stylishly, fashionably,
Could not get a haircut, and not shave,
Didn't you think about that, brother,
That a summons will come to your house,
Free life will come - cover
And everything will change abruptly
What are you on the wires today
You will sit with friends at night
What will the hand of the Lord take away
You away from home to the troops ...
Such a life, brother, thing,
Impermanence in her - in everything,
Events come to us without knocking,
And everything is changing...
But don't be afraid of change
Just believe in yourself and in us, in relatives
Live without fear and confusion
Read more of this verse
Let him serve you
deep essence- protect
Sorrow with anguish will destroy
When your soul hurts
Leave all fears and doubts
Be persistent, smart, strong,
Let your skills grow
So that any enemy is defeated
Master the science of combat
Strengthen your spirit and persevere
Remember the rule is simple:
Who dares - only he is worthy of victories!
Be patient and balanced, brother,
Stop the conflict at the beginning.
But since it came to cannonades -
Break the enemy apart!
We wish you brother
There was a reason for joy.
You go to the army - boy,
You will come from the troops - already a man!
Go to work, brother, take it easy
And always believe in your star
Serve with conscience, with dignity,
And may fate keep you!

What a blessing that you are
Family defenders!
There is a word: warrior, a word: honor,
But there are other words:
Courage, glory and success,
A winner is better everyone!

You're going to the army tomorrow!
We all accompany you together
And we know you won't let us down!
More strength we wish you!
Achieve success in your service
And be the best soldier!
We are waiting for you - you know so -
WITH worldly experience rich!

One of the longest, most emotional and large-scale events is the farewell to the army. On this day, a sea of ​​​​liquor is drunk and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200btears is cried out about the fact that a beloved son or groom is sent to defend the Motherland. That is why congratulations on seeing off to the army always have an encouraging and parting character, since the future soldier will have to protect the peace of the whole state and be away from family and friends. There will be letters ahead, long nights of guard duty and a sense of pride that you have the opportunity to become a real man, defend your native state and be an example for others.

Let the service pass lightly
Luck may find you.
Hold tight to the machine
Serve quietly, our soldier.

We are very proud of you
Let the bad pass by.
We will be waiting for you
And miss you a lot.

I want to serve in the army
You are always calm and easy,
So that everything goes well in the army,
May you be highly appreciated!

I want to be friends with everyone
Find good comrades
And turn into a good soldier
To always fulfill your duty with honor!

Haircut, form, automatic.
The guy is what you need.
You are a real soldier
We are happy for you!

Even though today we are with you
Still we part
You'll be back in a year
We will wait for you.

There are reasons to congratulate you.
Down with parties, show off!
You became a real man
Because you are joining the army.

We wish you not to dust much,
Always have a decent look.
Let the country be proud of you
And let the service not be a burden.

And let the spirit always be strong.
Only strength and firmness to you.
And no hotspots
The imprisonment of the stupid on the "lip".

You do not mope and do not break,
Know how to keep yourself in check.
And come back soon
And we'll be waiting for you here.

We escort you to the army,
Today we say "Good luck!"
We wish you easy service
You are sad for us, but only a little.

Be always you fast, dexterous, courageous,
To make it easy to execute commands,
Be an exemplary and skillful fighter,
Well, we'll all be waiting for you!

That's it, it's time, the trumpet is calling,
Feel free to look ahead
Serve faithfully to the Motherland,
Treasure your honor.

Be in good standing
And with the soldiers in harmony,
Don't forget to write letters
We will all be waiting for you.

You are an adult, strong, young,
Gallant, courageous daring.
Take it to the army with you
The warmth of your dear hearts.

We will be waiting for you
Write, miss, always love.
We wish you patience
Always be a man in everything!

We want to serve you
Free and worthy
Guard the border peacefully
For everyone to sleep peacefully.

We wish not to know the war,
Come back to us healthy.
We wish you to always be the best
And ready for anything.

We wish the army to pass
With honor, respect,
And we will wait for you here
With love and patience!

To serve is an honor, it is your direct duty,
You will become stronger both in spirit and body,
We'll be waiting for you home
Knowing that somewhere you are busy with business!

Let you be so far from us
We will all be happy for your success!
Let it be very easy to serve in the army,
You will be, believe me, an excellent soldier!

We see off the soldier
Very brave guys.
You know he deserves
Even marshal's epaulettes.
Ordinary will not be long,
And, of course, it will
He is the highest praise.
Definitely, he will give evil
Strong and masculine resistance.
... anyone will go on patrol with him.
Rejoice us with letters.
You will have class!

2013-01-28 17:58:22: Toasts about and for water in the army

There is a recruiting committee.
- What is your last name?
- Tr… Tr… Tratatamine.
- Well, my dear, in a machine gun company?
Let's drink to service compliance!

2013-01-25 00:15:04: Toasts about and for water in the army

If you have such an opportunity, serve the Motherland. We hope you will try your best and for the benefit of yourself. Let the service be a pleasure. We raise our glasses to the new recruit!

2013-01-24 10:22:53: Toasts about and for water in the army

There are military men in our company today. Remember who Venus chose from all her admirers on Olympus. Mars, god of war. And although the military is about speed, onslaught and ... retreat, women love the military. We propose to drink for our armed forces, for their courage and heroism, and for the conscripts present here, representatives of our glorious army!

2013-01-23 09:13:20: Toasts about and for water in the army

So let's drink the bitter cup to the bottom, understanding where our dense forests came from and why it is exhibited in the Kremlin on public view the one and only Tsar Cannon.

2013-01-10 14:23:43: Toasts about and for water in the army

You are doing civic duty
To the borders of their main country,
Stand with a sword and shield for protection,
The one you give flowers to.
Are you going to protect your children?
And it doesn't matter that they are not there yet,
There is, however, your property:
Your city Father's house and Oka.

2013-01-09 21:11:43: Toasts about and for water in the army

The son asks his father officer:
- Dad, what's the difference between a rifle and a machine gun?
- Well, how ... A huge difference. Do you remember how we talk with mom.
So let's drink, gentlemen officers, to the commander's voice!

2013-01-08 22:16:00: Toasts about and for water in the army

Why don't you take care of yourself? She took illness back into fashion. There are plenty of doctors, and in such years, God forbid, you will retire! A pensioner is a burden for the state. For retirement, but not in our time!

2013-01-07 00:09:04: Toasts about and for water in the army

Don't let the hardships of army life scare you. Time will fly by quickly and you will not notice, with a smile you will remember the army days. In the army, only three things will come in handy for you: health, luck and patience, which is what I wish you.

2013-01-06 23:13:00: Toasts about and for water in the army

The army is another school of life. So let's raise our glasses to ensure that our conscript receives a gold medal at the end of this school and arrives to us very soon by a graduation fast demobilization train

2013-01-05 12:00:49: Toasts about and for water in the army

Friends! I hope everyone will agree with me that it is very difficult to say goodbye to the person with whom we spent the most best years life - carefree childhood, funny school days- and who never ceased to be a true comrade and friend. Today we say goodbye to him long term for a full year of military service. He leaves us full of optimism and hope that army service teach him a great life lesson. Therefore, there is no reason to be sad. We all hope to see you soon in exactly two years, in this company and in the same house! Happy service to you!

2013-01-04 06:01:30: Toasts about and for water in the army

I propose to raise glasses for the mother of our young soldier!

2012-12-27 17:39:02: Toasts about and for water in the army

Let your soldier serve without problems and grief. Say a toast to the farewell to the army and the soldier will feel your warmth and love. Best wishes.

2012-12-26 06:02:14: Toasts about and for water in the army

Nobody waits for a soldier more than a year, only a mother has been waiting for a soldier for two years!

2012-12-26 04:27:21: Toasts about and for water in the army

They say that once in Rus' there was such a custom: if a girl waited for a guy from the army, they cast a cannon, if not, they planted a tree.

2012-12-15 17:59:34: Toasts about and for water in the army

A girl turns into a woman overnight. The process of turning a young man into a man stretches for two years. I propose a drink to let this year fly by like a single night.

2012-12-12 13:59:44: Toasts about and for water in the army

Who honestly serves, glory is friends with him. For our glorious soldiers!

2012-12-11 16:03:14: Toasts about and for water in the army

For those who do not sleep at night, so that we fall asleep.
For those who hold a machine gun instead of a glass.
For those who do not celebrate the holiday with us,
I raise my first toast to the soldiers!

2012-12-03 05:46:07: Toasts about and for water in the army

2012-11-29 17:24:02: Toasts about and for water in the army

So the day has come when we see off our beloved friend, brother, son, boyfriend to the army. He will defend the homeland, serve the fatherland, what words to choose on this day? We have prepared for you toasts for the farewell to the army, which will say everything for you. Choose any toast to your taste, funny, with respect, with love:

2012-11-21 09:26:32: Toasts about and for water in the army

Any professional success It is definitely a display of ability. I am pleased to be one of the first to welcome you to your new officer rank and sincerely congratulate you on this achievement.
Let's raise our glasses to the major's new epaulettes, to successes in his future service, to his health!

2012-11-10 04:44:03: Toasts about and for water in the army

I drink for the fact that in this world again the flame does not soar up to the sky. I drink friends, friends, so that our children do not have to drink for the friends of the dead. For the world to have enough bread, For everyone to live in friendship and warmth, All people have enough space on earth, Like the waves of the sea and like the stars of the sky.

2012-10-27 14:21:00: Toasts about and for water in the army

It's not what makes a man a man gender but his honor and deeds. I want to propose a toast to those whose honor of uniform is above personal insults and human passions. Let's drink now to the soldiers, regardless of their ranks and ranks. For real men!

2012-10-22 03:04:19: Toasts about and for water in the army

Let's drink to drill, Strength, courage and skill!

2012-10-16 12:04:33: Toasts about and for water in the army

You could have squinted, but you didn’t, which means you are already a real man in your soul - brave and decisive. You leave home for a whole year. Usually, people want some changes, but I wish you that nothing changes. So that your parents are just as healthy and just as proud of you, so that your girlfriend still loves you and only you, and so that our friendship remains just as strong!

2012-10-12 17:04:21: Toasts about and for water in the army

A girl becomes a woman overnight. A young man becomes a man in 2 years. So let's drink so that these two years fly by like one night!

Call for military service - an important event in the life of every man. But this means that he will have to part with his home, parents, friends and girlfriend for a long time. Therefore, the feast is always a little sad. Help to defuse the situation funny toasts for the farewell to the army.

Funny toasts for the farewell to the army

You can set a cheerful tone for the feast and support the conscript with cool toasts, for example:

“Soon our conscript will have to find out what is the main purpose of a man. And it consists in defending the Motherland and dear people. So let's drink so that the uniform fits you, and footcloths do not sting!

“If a girl needs only one night to become a woman, then a boy can be called a man only after a year military service. Today I want to drink to the fact that these 12 months will fly by as quickly as one night!”

“So you see off your youth today. You have to give back to the Motherland! With your appearance in the ranks of the army, you can be sure that the whole world will be afraid of us!

Wishes from friends

Not only relatives, but also friends always come to see off the conscript.

As a toast to a friend in the army, you can say the following text:

“Do you know what an army is? This is a special school where a boy becomes a man. There is no need to be sad and afraid of the upcoming parting, I wish the time spent in the army to be useful for you!

“Military service is a path that everyone must go through a real man. I wish you to gain courage, will, strength and become a real defender of the Motherland!

"My friend! You didn’t “hang” from military service, and this suggests that you are a real man! I wish you to fully develop these qualities, but at the same time remain the way you are now!
