A rather aggressive, but effective effect is TCA face peeling. The main stages of peeling

Skin care sometimes requires quite aggressive cosmetic procedures. One of them is the TCA facial peel. He gives wide opportunities effects on the skin - from superficial to deep. After the procedure, many shortcomings disappear - from age spots to wrinkles and acne.

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Who should do

Thanks to the cleansing, regenerating, antibacterial properties of trichlor acetic acid, the peeling procedure is used for the following problems:

  • oily, porous skin;
  • irregularities and scars that have arisen after acne;
  • loss of elasticity and the sagging of tissues that began for this reason;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • flat warts;
  • tendency to acne, inflammation;

Preparations for the procedure

The products used during peeling with trichloroacetic acid are produced by the Spanish company Skin Rebirth.

Preparations of the "Skin Tech" line Short description
"Easy TCA Peel" Contains a 15% acid solution and additional components that improve its penetration into the skin. Designed for superficial peeling. The same drug can provide an effect on the middle layers of the skin, if you increase the time of the procedure;
TCA Peel solution I'm being held medium peeling TCA. The drug contains a 20% solution of trichloroacetic acid, amino acids that soften its effect;
"Only Touch Peel" Contains 40% acid. It has a deep effect on the skin. Despite the fact that it is softened by the phytic acid present in the composition, saponins, the drug is used in limited areas.


TCA chemical peel only professional procedure. In the salon, it is carried out after assessing the defects, general condition skin, determining the required concentration of the active substance. You may first need to take vascular strengthening drugs. The procedure includes
itself several stages:

  • Cleansing the skin from cosmetics and impurities. To do this, use a degreasing composition.
  • With a brush, the specialist applies the main drug to the face or rubs it in cotton pad. This is done quickly, the layer should be uniform. To relieve discomfort, the skin is exposed to air flow. Layers of the drug can be up to 4.
  • The tool is on the face for several minutes. The duration of this stage is monitored by a specialist, including the appearance of the skin. If superficial exposure is performed, it should turn red. With a medium peel, the skin becomes as if covered with a white film.
  • The drug is removed special tool. It contains alkali, which quickly neutralizes the active substance.
  • A skin care product is applied to the skin. It is an anti-inflammatory, softening, moisturizing and disinfecting gel.

The final result has several features:

  • the skin is tightened and smoothed by increasing elasticity;
  • its color improves and evens out;
  • scars and acne marks become invisible;
  • age spots disappear.

In general, the face looks younger, fresher, and the skin is healthier. But the severity of the effect also depends on individual characteristics.


Not only the face remains damaged after TCA peeling. Harm to the whole body can be caused if the procedure is carried out with:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • wounds in the area of ​​impact;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • high blood pressure, other cardiovascular pathologies;
  • oncology;
  • allergies to ultraviolet;
  • fresh tan;
  • a large number of moles in the affected area;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • recent treatment with vitamin A;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • menses.

Side effects

The procedure can also cause undesirable manifestations:

  • swelling in the area of ​​​​impact of the composition, which can last up to 2 - 10 days;
  • skin bleeding;
  • fever (also for a couple of days);
  • lacrimation.

These problems are not for everyone. Most patients are concerned about:

  • redness up to 5 days with medium peeling, up to 2 days with superficial;
  • peeling of the skin with large rags;
  • dryness, tightness;
  • hypersensitivity and after recovery.

Peeling after TCA peel

Incorrect conduct or individual characteristics can cause complications in the form of exacerbation of herpes, infection, depigmented areas or a sharp border between the renewed and intact epidermis.

Skin care after

This type of procedure is quite aggressive. Therefore, the skin after TCA peeling needs:

  • the first 2 - 3 days it should not be wetted with water;
  • at the same time, crushed food is needed so that you do not have to make an effort when chewing, open your mouth wide;
  • be sure to apply creams with hyaluronic acid or wound healing "Bepanten", "D-Panthenol" to the skin;
  • on the third day, you can wipe your face or with another cosmetic product, but without alcohol;
  • vitamins should be taken orally so that the skin recovers faster;
  • under a ban for at least 2 weeks tanning in a solarium or on the beach, sauna, swimming pool, hot bath;
  • alcohol and smoking are also undesirable.

Compliance with the recommendations is very important, since the effect of the procedure is aggressive, incomparable with others. If, for example, we take glycol, or yellow peeling, TCA works much stronger. Ignoring the rules of recovery will lead to new skin problems. Therefore, even after updating it, you should not get carried away with tanning, use scrubs and other manipulations that require mechanical impact on the epidermis. You can go through the procedure

Peeling TCA acids cannot be called pleasant and relaxing. But the effect of it in some women is comparable to the result of laser exposure. So, some discomfort is justified.

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Facial skin care is an integral part of every woman's life. Today, cosmetologists have developed a lot of peels that cleanse and solve many skin problems. TCA peeling involves applying trichloroacetic acid to the face, which dissolves in water to the desired concentration percentage and is used in beauty parlors.

What it is

Trichloroacetic acid, which is part of the peeling, has burning effect. During the procedure, the cosmetologist controls the degree of skin damage. As a result, the upper layer of the epidermis dies, and the skin acquires a beautiful, healthy look. TCA peeling is superficial and median - it all depends on the concentration of the acid.

Since the acid has a burning effect, the procedure is best done only by a cosmetologist, this procedure is medical in nature, not cosmetic.

The difference of this type from other chemical procedures is that TCA peeling is more painfully tolerated because the skin gets burned. In addition to acid, the peeling contains saponins and phytic acid, which soften the effect of the main component and have a beneficial effect on the skin.

How does trichloroacetic acid work on the skin?

The procedure rather belongs to the category of therapeutic, this acid, which is the main active ingredient, has the following mechanism of action:

  • Cleaningnatural composition acids intensively cleanses the upper layer of the epidermis. After the procedure, the skin becomes smooth and clean.
  • Regenerating- due to the application of an acid burn, the dermis begins to recover and the process of proliferation occurs (the birth of new cells).
  • Stimulating- penetration of the agent into the deep layers of the epidermis enhances all metabolic processes and collagen production.
  • Antiseptic(antimicrobial) - acetic acid kills all pathogenic microflora that causes acne and inflammation.
  • anti-inflammatory- normalizes work sebaceous glands, narrows enlarged pores.

In cosmetology, 15%, 25% and 35% trichloroacetic acid solution is used.

Since the procedure is quite serious and requires medical skills from the master, it is shown if there is serious problems skin. TCA peeling involves partial treatment of the skin, it is applied to problem areas. You can carry out the procedure in case of:

  • Large areas of skin pigmentation.
  • Uneven skin (volcanic skin).
  • Acne disease and its consequences.
  • Scars after acne and pimples.
  • Stretch marks.
  • Freckles.
  • Highly oily skin(sebaceous), but only on the recommendation of a specialist.
  • Small wrinkles in the lips, eyes, forehead.
  • Enlarged pores.
  • Signs of photoaging.
  • Age changes.

If you do not have special skin problems, then this type of procedure is not needed, it is curative and very painful. It can only be carried out by a highly qualified specialist.


Tsa peeling has a number of contraindications, it is not carried out in the presence of the following skin problems:

  • Viral defeat.
  • Inflammation.
  • The presence of allergic reactions.
  • Pregnancy at any time and lactation.
  • Dermatological diseases (rosacea, acne, rash, rashes, eczema, psoriasis).
  • Cold.
  • Any chronic diseases organism.
  • Damage to the skin.
  • Moles, papillomas, warts in the area of ​​application.
  • Adolescence (less than 18 years old).

These contraindications are the main ones, but the specialist can cancel the procedure and in case of hypersensitivity to the peeling components, it is not recommended to carry it out during menstruation. The cosmetologist will not conduct a session without a preliminary assessment of the condition of the skin and the health of the client.

Types of peeling

TCA peels are superficial, medium and deep. It all depends on the degree of exposure of the drug to the face and the percentage of trichloroacetic acid in it.

  • Surface. It is carried out with a weak solution of trichloroacetic acid. It has an exfoliating effect, smoothes the first wrinkles and surface damage to the skin.
  • Median. It is carried out with a solution of medium concentration. The acid acts on the deeper layers of the epidermis. Shown with age-related changes. The composition includes amino acids and vitamins, which additionally nourish and rejuvenate the skin.
  • Deep. A solution of strong concentration removes the top layer of the skin. In this case, TCA peeling is performed only in the absence of all contraindications. The procedure is quite serious, it requires certain skills and knowledge of medicine, so only a cosmetologist should carry it out. This type is the most painful, but it helps to restore the youthfulness of the skin with strong age-related changes. The composition includes special substances that help restore the skin in place of the removed tissues.

The course of procedures is prescribed by a cosmetologist individually, it all depends on the problems and condition of the patient's skin.


TCA peeling includes the following steps, which should be taken seriously:

  1. Preparation. This stage involves preliminary preparation of the skin for the procedure. Experts recommend not exposing the face to abrasive substances (scrubs, peels) 4 weeks before the chemical procedure itself. It is better to refuse any influence at all (brushes, sponges, sponges). During this period, you can not sunbathe, because ultraviolet rays injure the skin. It is advisable to drink antiviral drugs for prevention. Peeling should be performed immediately before the procedure. glycolic acid, this will help the skin to tolerate the main TCA peel. 2-3 days before the procedure, refuse to go to the bathhouse, eyebrow correction, hair coloring.
  2. cleansing. For maximum effect before the procedure, you just need to clean the skin, it should be without makeup. It is not necessary to treat it with a tonic, as it will reduce the effect of acid. Before the procedure, the cosmetologist himself will treat the face with the necessary degreasing agent, designed specifically for the TCA peeling procedure.
  3. Application of the drug. At the choice of the cosmetologist, a TCA preparation of a certain concentration is applied in uniform layers. Already after applying the second layer, the unpleasant effect of acid is felt. Use a fan or fan to reduce discomfort. Under the action of acid on the skin appears white coating- this indicates the effectiveness of the procedure.
  4. Neutralization. This stage involves the neutralization of the acid, since its residues can harm the skin if they are not removed in time with a special neutralizer. It, like acid, is applied in layers. Then the face is washed well with water to wash off both the acid residue and the neutralizer.
  5. Completion of the procedure. After washing, a special closing cream is applied to the skin, which has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.

Skin care after the procedure

At this stage, a period of rehabilitation is implied, which continues about 4-5 weeks. During this period, the skin needs special care because the healing process is painful. In the first days after the procedure, swelling and redness appear on the face, it becomes tight. On the 4-5th day, a dense dark-colored crust is formed, which, in the process of skin regeneration, will peel off and die. In no case should it be removed on its own, as this will lead to scarring.

During this period, moisturizers should be applied to the face and antiseptics in the form of sprays and foams, a beautician will help you choose. It is necessary to cleanse the skin only on the second day with special serums for nutrition. Subsequent washings should be carried out only with boiled or mineral water. During the recovery period are prohibited:

  • Any facial treatment.
  • Sunbathing and a visit to the solarium.
  • visit gym and swimming pool.
  • Use of any decorative cosmetics.

After redness and exfoliation, there is a recovery period. At this time, all metabolic processes are normalized, the skin acquires a beautiful and healthy appearance. Care consists in the use of nourishing and moisturizing products.

TCA peeling will give noticeable results only after a month, it is during this period that the skin is restored and transformed.


Absolutely all experts do not recommend carrying out this procedure at home, as it relates to chemical procedures, and trichloroacetic acid at misuse can cause irreversible burns and skin damage. The beautician will assess the condition of the skin, prescribe preliminary preparation, preparations. Independent actions for this procedure are contraindicated.

TCA peeling is a promising procedure, since it is completely controlled by a specialist, it has an effect on the skin different effect and is safe.

The steps of the procedure can be seen in the video.

Since ancient times, women have tried to look young as long as possible. To do this, they used a variety of means - from the gifts of mother nature to shamanic conspiracies. Now science has come close to solving the issue of prolonging life and youth. But for now universal remedy not found. Cosmetologists offer a complex of various procedures, the use of which allows ladies to look younger than their years. TCA peels fall into this category.

general information

What it is? The procedure is based on the use of organic origin. It is an analogue of the well-known acetic acid. Therefore, such a procedure, of course, belongs to the category of chemical. The title already contains a partial answer to the question of what it is for. The word "peeling" in translation from English means "scrape". That is, the procedure is designed to remove flaky and dead cells, stimulate new ones for healthy growth, and even out the skin.

The use of trichloroacetic acid helps to cauterize problem areas, saturates tissues with oxygen, has antioxidant and antiseptic properties, enhances the production of substances such as elastin and collagen, has a whitening and cleansing effect from greasy plaque.


TCA, despite pain, is very popular with fair half humanity. He produces good effect, the skin gains elasticity, becomes smooth, wrinkles are eliminated, small scars look less noticeable, and age spots brighten.

More complex problems can be fixed if cosmetic procedure will consist of several courses, depending on the complexity of the task. It is important to consider that the action of trichloroacetic acid causes a rather painful reaction of the body. If used improperly, this substance can damage the skin and cause burns. The procedure should be carried out by an experienced cosmetologist, and if several courses are indicated, the break between them should be at least four weeks.


So, TCA peel - what is this procedure? At what skin problems person he is appointed? let's consider possible indications: skin lacking elasticity, stretch marks and scars caused by acne, oily skin, enlarged pores, pigmentation disorders, not too deep wrinkles, sun freckles.


Peeling with trichloroacetic acid has its own contraindications: sensitive skin, wounds, dermatitis, abrasions, herpes, acne, burns, hypertension, SARS, dark skin, fresh tan, chronic diseases at the time of exacerbation, fever, Availability a large number papillomas, moles and warts, menstruation, predisposition to the formation of rosacea, keloids and hypertrophic scars, pregnancy and period breastfeeding. There are also age limits for under 18s and over 60s.

We figured out the concept of "TCA peeling", what kind of procedure it is, we also found out. But you should know that there are several types of this effect, their difference lies in the concentration of the composition, methods of application to the surface of the skin and the degree of impact on it.


Superficial TCA peeling is performed using a weak solution of trichloroacetic acid. Indicated for better exfoliation of the skin, at the first manifestations of wrinkles, pigmentation and superficial skin lesions. Since such a solution is considered quite safe, it can be applied even at home.


A solution of a stronger concentration is carried out by TCA. Its action is calculated on the deep layers of the skin. Therefore, it is more often used to eliminate age-related defects of the integument. The composition of the solution is saturated with amino acids and various vitamins, which has a beneficial effect on tissues and promotes their rejuvenation.


And finally deep peeling TCA. Carrying out a procedure of this kind is based on the removal of the upper layer of tissues. Runs pretty concentrated solution, therefore, it is prescribed after a full check for contraindications. The procedure is performed by experienced cosmetologists. This TCA is the most painful and has the most rehabilitation period. But its use allows you to cope with strong age-related changes and serious damage to the skin. The nutrients that make up the solution help the formation of new healthy tissues in place of the removed ones. This is what a deep TCA peel is.


Experts recommend that any manipulation related to the category of chemicals be carried out in a beauty salon and after consultation with a cosmetologist, since the inept use of the described substance can lead to burns and skin damage. It is necessary to find out if there are any contraindications for such a procedure, and what preliminary preparation required. For a greater effect, drugs are prescribed that treat the skin in a beauty salon. Also, before the session, the cosmetologist gives recommendations on the care of the integument. For example, prior to the procedure, treatment with fatty and nutrients. Depending on the complexity and depth of treatment, preliminary manipulations in the form of softer cleaning can be assigned.


Let's take a closer look at the TCA peel. What it is is already becoming clear. It should be noted that the duration of the procedure depends on its type. The session always begins with cleaning the skin, which may contain dust and cosmetics. After that, the substance of the selected type of peeling is applied.

The beginning of exposure is characterized by the appearance of former spots, similar to frost. It's flaky dead skin. After the beautician removes the solution, a substance is applied that neutralizes the effect acid agent. Finally, a cooling cream is applied and special mask, which promotes the penetration of nutrients, rejuvenating substances and vitamins into the layers of the skin, and also has a restorative and healing property. To obtain a high level result, several courses may be required. But this applies to complex cases, usually one session of a procedure such as TCA peeling is enough per year.

Care after peeling

On the first day after the procedure, red spots, a feeling of constriction and swelling may appear on the skin from exposure to the solution. Some people have a fever and watery eyes. Later, the treated areas will be covered with a crust that cannot be touched, otherwise age spots will appear in its place or infection will occur.

To avoid this, you need to follow the recommendations and prescriptions of a cosmetologist exactly. After TCA peeling, it is necessary to treat the face with preparations prescribed by a specialist, the action of which is aimed at disinfecting, restoring and increasing the protective level of the skin, they also prevent scarring and promote recovery processes.

Moisturize your face regularly with medical cosmetics, which contains antioxidants and ceramides that promote hydration and restoration. AT recovery complex also includes antiviral, decongestant drugs, a complex of vitamins and hyaluronic acid. They even prescribe drugs like Panthenol.

Washing should be carried out only with purified or mineral water. Of course you can't use decorative cosmetics. You should not start the procedure if you have herpes or another infection. Infection may occur.

After about a week, the skin will begin to recover, the dried crust will come off by itself, young skin will form under it pink shade. Since new tissues will be vulnerable for several more weeks, you should avoid sun exposure and use products with high level protection from ultraviolet radiation, visiting a solarium is also not recommended.

The final effect produced by the procedure will be visible after a month or even more, depending on the depth of exposure. Of course, the rehabilitation period can cause some inconvenience. Appearance skin at the time of healing and rejuvenation may not have too much attractive appearance. Therefore, you will have to refuse to attend public events and devote time to the recovery process. It may be necessary to visit a beauty salon every day to carry out skin regeneration procedures that cannot be organized at home. The entire course is prescribed by a cosmetologist based on the complexity of the case. If it was decided to carry out the chosen procedure, it is necessary to bring it to the end, despite all the difficulties.

The opinion of women who have done TCA peeling. Photos before and after

The final result will definitely please you with a smooth one. The rejuvenated ladies who did TCA peeling note that the skin has become elastic and elastic, scars have smoothed out and wrinkles have disappeared. Those who had age spots before the session were glad to notice that after the procedure they became much lighter, the oval of the face tightened.

Young ladies who long time treated the skin, but could not get rid of scars, scars or age spots, note the elasticity, smoothness and silkiness of the integument after the TCA peeling procedure. Such positive ratings quite understandable, because the skin is the largest human organ. Her beauty has fascinated humanity for a long time, for its smoothness and softness. skin compared with satin and velvet.


Happy owners beautiful skin always feel great. Previously, those who had problems had to resort to folk remedies which could not help get rid of all the defects. Therefore, we had to put up with the current situation. Now other times have come, science has stepped far forward. Now we know about TCA peeling, what it is, described above. Now every woman is able to correct the shortcomings of her appearance, which is good news.

Chemical peels for many women have already firmly entered the list of permanent cosmetic procedures. Probably because they have quite strong impact. We will talk about one of these peels today.

The recovery period after peeling takes about two weeks.

You will learn what TCA peel is and who should use it. You will also see photos before and after the procedure.

Returning to our topic, what is essentially a TCA peel. The essence of the procedure is to provide controlled damage to the skin using trichloroacetic acid. TCA peeling can be both superficial and medium, depending on the concentration of acid in the peeling solution. If superficial peeling is performed, then a 15-20% solution is taken; if medium peeling is performed, a 35% acid solution can also be used.

The stronger the concentration, the more carefully you need to perform the procedure, and the stronger the effect on the skin. Accordingly, the problems that are solved by medium and superficial TCA peels differ significantly.

Compared to other types of peels, the TCA peel will be more painful than many others. With some peels, on the contrary, only pleasant sensations. It is better not to try to perform such peeling on your own, as this is a rather serious procedure, and it is more of a medical nature than a cosmetic one. The procedure must be carried out by a highly qualified cosmetologist with great experience. If not calculated with the time of exposure or the concentration of trichloroacetic acid, then significant consequences can be caused. Therefore, the choice of a clinic and, as a result, a cosmetologist is very important.

We have already understood that the procedure is serious, so the problems on the skin should also be serious. You should not blindly run for this TCA peel if you are doing well and there are no skin problems.

a) post-acne; b) pigmentation

Indications for peeling:

  1. In case of solving problems with skin pigmentation;
  2. Bumpy, uneven skin;
  3. Post-acne and acne;
  4. Removal of skin scars after acne;
  5. Photoaging of the skin;
  6. Stretch marks or stretch marks;
  7. Hyperkeratosis;
  8. Freckle removal;
  9. Excessively oily or greasy skin.

If you are in doubt about whether to perform the TCA peel procedure, then the best option will consult with a specialist.


Since the procedure is quite radical, there are quite a few contraindications for TCA peeling. In order to avoid any problems, we recommend that you immediately familiarize yourself with the main limitations of the procedure.

a) pregnancy; b) a cold


  • At any stage of pregnancy and at the stage of feeding, it is forbidden to perform the TCA peeling procedure;
  • Any severe and chronic diseases;
  • Cold;
  • Any damage to the skin, wounds, or something similar in the peeling area;
  • The presence of moles, popitomas or warts in the area of ​​TCA peel;
  • Mental disorders and diseases;
  • Age less than 18 years is contraindicated for TCA peeling;
  • Hypertension;
  • Increased skin sensitivity after other peels or after sunburn;
  • Skin diseases such as rosacea, herpes, acne, dermatosis, psoriasis;
  • skin inflammation;

These are the main contraindications for TCA peeling, but there are also recommendations under which this procedure should not be performed, such recommendations include hypersensitivity skin and menstruation. One way or another, no one will fulfill you this peeling, without first checking you and not specifying if there are any restrictions.

To clearly see the difference after TCA peeling, just look at the photos before and after the procedure. At first, by itself, the skin will not look in the best way, since exposure to the skin with trichloroacetic acid does not pass without a trace.

a) before peeling; b) after peeling

The whole process of TCA peeling can be divided into several stages:

  1. Preparation;
  2. Skin cleansing;
  3. Applying the acid itself to the skin;
  4. Neutralization of trichloroacetic acid;
  5. Application of a special nourishing and anti-inflammatory mask;
  6. Skin care at home.

If you decide on a TCA peeling procedure, then you need to prepare for it in advance. It is recommended that a few weeks before the peel itself, do not affect the skin with any exfoliating agents such as scrubs, avoid sun tanning, although this will only be possible abroad, since the most auspicious time for peeling it is from October to March. In addition, it is recommended to take antiviral drugs. These were all indirect recommendations. As for the immediate pre-peeling preparation, its essence is to perform a one-time peeling procedure with glycolic acid. Thus, the skin will be ready for the main TCA peel.

Skin cleansing before exfoliation

In order for the effect of trichloroacetic acid on the skin to be as effective as possible, you need to remove make-up and simply cleanse the skin. Regular tonics for daily care should not be used, as they can reduce the strength of the acid and can disrupt the process. Make-up removal should be done with special preparations that are indicated when performing this peeling.

Application of trichloroacetic acid formulation

The most important part, on which everything will depend. Many factors are important here and the experienced hands of a cosmetologist, and the concentration of the composition of the acid, and the time for which the acid will be applied to the skin. Application must be done very quickly and very carefully, otherwise very ugly spots on the skin will remain.

When trichloroacetic acid comes into contact with the skin, the patient feels some burning, and this does not disappear until the TCA peel is neutralized. To facilitate the process, a fan is sometimes used and directed to the peeling area.

To understand how deeply the acid has penetrated, there are several types of color manifestations on the skin. This is a kind of indicator, it can be pinkish, white or even a shade blue color, that is, the skin changes color and thus it becomes clear how deep the peeling effect has occurred.


This step is needed to neutralize the action of the acid. It can be done simply with plain water, but as a rule a special neutralizer is used.


The skin after TCA peeling receives a lot of stress, as it is both pain for the patient and big changes for the skin. In order to somehow smooth the situation, an anti-inflammatory and skin-nourishing mask is applied. It helps to give the first push to the renewed skin for a new life.

Using moisturizing creams and masks will help you restore your skin faster.

Post-peel care

For the first few days, your skin will not at its best. Unusual color, peeling and flaking of the skin. In such cases, it is necessary permanent care. The cosmetologist should provide you with a complex for skin care after TCA peeling. The duration of care is usually about 2 weeks. It can be various moisturizers and masks.

Pros and cons of the procedure

The advantages or pluses of TCA peeling include the following factors:

  • Powerful peeling effect compared to other types of chemical peels;
  • Enough fast procedure peeling itself, some other types are performed in 10 sessions, or even more;
  • Safety, in terms of the absence of harmful toxic substances;
  • Controllability of acid exposure, due to the manifestation of frost on the skin, it is possible to distinguish the degree of exposure;
  • Solving rather complex problems that cannot be solved using many other procedures.

The cons are also quite significant, which can limit quite a lot of people from TCA peels.

Among the disadvantages of TCA peeling are:

  • Pain during the procedure;
  • Rapid effect of acid on the skin;
  • Rehabilitation after peeling, peeling of the skin.

These disadvantages should not stop a person who is serious about performing this procedure, I think that the advantages outweigh the existing disadvantages.

TCA peel cost

"Pleasure" is not cheap. The price of TCA peeling ranges from 6,000 to 20,000 rubles. Adding here complexes of skin care after TCA peeling and preparation in the form of glycol peeling, you can count 35,000 rubles. And of course, the cost will depend on the city and the salon in which the procedure is performed.

TCA stands for Trichloroacetic Acid and is the substance used for chemical peeling, which is one of the facial resurfacing methods. This acid is produced in various concentrations, which allows cleaning of various depths (depending on concentration). TCA peeling eliminates facial pigmentation, discoloration, fine lines and deep wrinkles aging.

TCA peels should be done by well-trained physicians (dermatologist or plastic surgeon), exclusively in an equipped clinic. The time that patients will have to spend on sick leave after TCA peel, as well as the recovery time from several days to several weeks, depending on the severity of the lesion.

Such cleansing is not suitable for all skin types, and rejuvenation and treatment for some facial problems. But a strong to medium depth TCA peel can produce results when done properly.

How to speed up recovery?

Step 1: Ask a friend or family member to drive you home and stay with you at least, within 24 hours after the procedure. Premedication, as well as sedative and pain medication after the procedure, means that it is not safe for you to get home on your own, especially when driving. Have this person bring you food, ice packs, and stay with you for the coming night. You should call your doctor immediately if you experience any unexpected problems. You may even consider a personal nurse (nurse) as an alternative.

Step 2. You will need to raise your head on a pillow or chair back. Maintaining an elevated head position during sleep and rest for two to three days so that the skin can reduce recovery time and this will help reduce swelling. By ignoring this requirement, you can lengthen healing and even cause facial asymmetry.

Step 3. You can reduce swelling after the procedure with an ice pack for 24-48 hours. Put crushed ice in plastic bag, seal it carefully, wrap it in small towel and put on the inflamed skin. An alternative would be frozen vegetables, peas or corn. These reusable bagged vegetables do not leak and fit perfectly. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aspirin or Ibuprofen in the first 24 to 48 hours after treatment will also reduce swelling, but check with your doctor before taking one of these drugs.

Step 4 Moisten treated areas with 0.25% acetic acid solution. Wash your hands thoroughly before touching your face. Mix 1 tablespoon of white vinegar with 0.5-0.6 liters of warm water. Soak a gauze or pure cotton cloth in this solution and wring out the excess. Such compresses should be applied 4 times a day for the first day.

Step 1. Keep your skin constantly moist. Use emollients - oils, creams, ointments, as directed by your doctor. Moisturizing your skin will help it heal faster. Poor results and scarring may occur if it dries out or cracks. Flaking will also be reduced by moisturizing.

Step 2. Do not touch the healing skin after cleaning. Itching, rubbing, and flaking of scabs can increase the risk of infection and scarring, as well as blemishes. Do not attempt to break open blisters that may appear after dry cleaning.

Step 3: Apply sunscreen with an SPF of 15 to 40 every day, even when it's cloudy. Exposing new, delicate skin to UV light can be dangerous. Be extremely careful outdoors during the first year after a TCA peel. It's wise to apply sunscreen under makeup, even if you're indoors most of the day.

Methods for treating swelling from a chemical peel?

A chemical peel is the use of a chemical solution that burns off old and damaged skin cells on the face. The purpose of dry cleaning is to rejuvenate the skin, giving it a more youthful appearance. Types of chemical peels:

Edema is common side effect any peeling, but especially - medium and deep penetration. In general, care after cleansing should be strictly as prescribed, but see your doctor if you feel that your swelling is excessive.

After the procedure

Postoperative coaching helps minimize swelling and improve healing and recovery. After a TCA phenol peel, moisten your face several times a day. After wetting, apply ointment or cream as directed by your healthcare professional. To help reduce facial swelling, keep your head up when resting and sleeping. Do not put a cold compress or ice on your face after a TCA peel without your doctor's approval, because your skin will be very vulnerable and sensitive in the early days. Avoid the sun if your face is puffy so as not to further irritate your skin and damage it.

Possible complications after a TCA peel are rare if the procedure is performed by a qualified physician. Complications other than swelling include clogged pores or bacterial infection. Each of these problems requires medical treatment. If you have an infection, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic.

Can I exercise after cleansing?

Trichloroacetic acid peel is a type of chemical peel that is considered a medium penetration treatment. Skin doctors use it to treat skin blemishes, although it takes longer to recover than a superficial treatment using glycolic or alpha hydroxy acid.

This means that your dermatologist or cosmetologist may give you specific instructions that will affect your daily activities to successful overcoming skin recovery period after the procedure.

Exercise is not recommended immediately after you have passed the intermediate chemical peeling. After all, sweating can increase the degree of complications. This can contribute to uneven skin flaking and redness, inflammation of certain areas on the skin, which can cause increased discomfort. In addition, immediately after cleansing, you will be forced to restrain facial expressions, washing your face or treating your skin. For the same reasons, you should avoid even touching your face.

When can you resume exercise?

Time to go back to physical activity depends only on your individual condition after dry cleaning. The point is that you should avoid sweating for a while. You need to wait until it starts to heal before you start training. A sign that you are ready to return to exercise is that there are no inflamed red spots and other problems on the skin. You will have to wait 5 to 7 days. If you are not sure that it has healed enough, go to the doctor, who, after an examination, will tell you exactly whether you can exercise.

Although you can, without straining, perform some exercises that do not cause sweating of the face. Light loads are allowed a day after the procedure. For example, it is yoga, tai chi, pilates or walking. To be sure, consult with the dermatologist or cosmetologist who performed the procedure.

TCA peel and its indications

Chemical peeling is the application chemical substances for exfoliation. Trichloroacetic acid provides medium depth peeling, this acid penetrates deep into the skin and exfoliates several layers of it. TCA peel is recommended for:

  • smoothing superficial superficial wrinkles,
  • getting rid of age spots,
  • skin lightening,
  • against age spots.

This method of exfoliation is recognized by cosmetologists around the world. But after this procedure, the skin requires 2 weeks of rest in order for it to heal normally. At this time, you need to take care of her. Only by following the doctor's prescription, you will achieve a speedy recovery and a good cosmetic effect.

How to recover faster after the procedure?

  • Step 1 - Take a pain reliever ahead of time, with or without a prescription. Because, most likely, after a TCA peel, you will have pain and swelling. If the pain becomes so severe that it is not relieved by conventional pain medications, do not hesitate to tell your doctor.
  • Step 2 - after one or two days after the operation, the covering film should be removed from the face.
  • Step 3 - until the skin is completely healed, wash your face every day with the most mild soap or other gentle detergent. Thus, you will remove excess fat, bacteria and dead cells from the skin.
  • Step 4 - Twice a day for the first week, you will need to apply an antibacterial ointment to your skin to prevent infection. This should be done extremely gently, as she will be very sensitive and delicate at this time. Antibacterial ointment kills any bacteria that may develop after surgery.
  • Step 5 - Before going outdoors, wear a wide-brimmed hat and apply sunscreen. You should avoid sun exposure as much as possible, especially during the first week after a TCA peel. After the procedure, you will have completely new, thin baby skin, it will be much more sensitive to the sun than before. To sunscreen, wide brim hats will additionally protect your delicate skin from the destructive sun.

If you do the TCA peel correctly, you will get renewed and brightened skin for many years.

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