Quick effect: express facial treatments. How moisturizers work

Express facial skin care is a procedure carried out in a short time, but with a pronounced outwardly visible positive result. The demand for these procedures until recently was mainly only among women, very limited in time.

General features and indications

essence cosmetic techniques, united by the name "express care", does not consist in applying to a short time one cosmetic product or cosmetic product with a fast-acting component, but in the application for a short time of successive cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing and protective manipulations, as a result of which it is possible to achieve the desired result.

For these purposes, as a rule, special cosmetic preparations are used, which were developed precisely in order to carry out express care. Their distinguishing feature is the selected in a special way active substances that provide a quick visible improvement in the condition of the skin without such undesirable side effects as swelling, redness and peeling of the skin.

The principle of express procedures in beauty salons

Express facial treatment in a salon for 40-80 minutes allows you to transform the skin. As a result of the use of these techniques, there is an increase in their elasticity, elasticity, moisture content and an improvement in color uniformity. Express care programs are designed for use in any season of the year. Indications for their use are atonic, tired, dry or, conversely, oily, porous and/or aging skin.

As a rule, for these programs, cosmetologists of beauty salons mainly use:

  1. Cleansing.
  2. Alginate masks.
  3. Serums.
  4. Cream and non-woven masks.
  5. Some hardware techniques.


It is carried out before the start of express care for recovery and rejuvenation. Surface cleaning is carried out using, for example, brushing, or, which is one of the varieties of hardware mechanical peeling, or through . For this purpose, beauty salons use a special device with various nozzles (brush nozzles with natural pile, pumice stone, sponge), designed for skin with varying degrees of sensitivity.

In the salon, during the procedures, at least two different nozzles are used. During ultrasonic cleaning micro-massage is also performed, which allows you to get rid of not only dead epithelial cells, but also improve microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, thereby removing toxins and waste products.

Microcurrent therapy

Express face care at home

The principles of the method that must be observed at home are the same as for salon procedures- this is the removal of dead cells from the skin surface, cleansing of cosmetics and excess sebum, high-quality moisturizing of the skin of the face and ensuring its lifting, removing signs of fatigue.

There are recommendations various schemes procedures independent holding express care. One such scheme, which by three means very often provides desired effect, is a three-step procedure:

  1. A face mask that matches your skin type.
  2. Mask for the periorbital zone.


Enzyme peeling is produced by various cosmetic companies. An example is the Israeli professional cosmetics brand "Renew", which includes sucrose crystals, pineapple and papaya extracts. It is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and even with rosacea.

Peeling is designed to remove dead epithelial cells from the surface of the face, cleanse excess sebum and, thereby, eliminate dull color face and skin irregularities. After application enzyme peeling skin acquires even tone and smoothness. It also has a lifting effect, that is, the skin tone increases. Peeling also promotes deeper penetration of the active ingredients that make up the masks.

Before applying an enzyme peel, you must first cleanse the face with a gel, facial wash or cleansing milk. Then you need to apply peeling to the skin and use your fingertips, previously moistened with warm water, to light massage for 2 - 3 minutes, then cover your face with a damp warm towel for 10-20 minutes (in accordance with the recommendations in the instructions for the preparation). Before removing the peeling, it is advisable to massage the face again with wet fingers, then rinse it off with water.

Instead of enzyme peeling, you can use any other tool designed for deep skin cleansing- scrub, gommage mask, cleansing mask or peeling with fruit acids, for example, peeling products from the company.

Holy Land Peeling

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in case of increased sensitivity of the skin in the acute stage, this stage (peeling) must be abandoned.


The next step is to apply a face mask according to the skin type. In young people, it allows you to quickly give the skin a "radiance". Middle-aged and older people with mature skin it is desirable to additionally impose a mask on the periorbital area.

If in this moment there is no special mask for the eyes or the skin is young (without signs of aging), a special mask can be replaced with a lotion from the infusion of natural (without flavorings and any other additives) green tea. To do this, leafy green tea must be brewed. hot water and cool, soak cotton pads in the infusion and apply to the periorbital zone.

In addition, you can use special ones containing hyaluronic acid, collagen, peptide complex, gold, vitamins. This procedure moisturizes and tightens the skin, eliminates small wrinkles.

Eye Patches

After applying the mask, it is necessary to take a horizontal position for an average of half an hour so that it does not pull the skin down, and after the end of the time specified in the instructions, it must be washed off with water room temperature, wipe the face with tonic and apply a moisturizer, after which you can use makeup.

In addition to this scheme, there are other programs for home use, taking into account the available, for example, before the holiday, the number of days. So, express care schemes for 1 week, 3 days, 1 day and others are offered. Their goal is the same - updating and smoothing the skin, reducing the depth fine wrinkles, restoration of elasticity, tone and elasticity, restoration of a healthy color of the face, neck and décolleté zone. Cosmetic preparations may be different or identical, and the difference lies mainly in the frequency and time of their application.

In the daily hustle and bustle, women sometimes forget or do not have time to perform basic facial skin care, and this is extremely important. But even those women who regularly devote time and effort to their face sometimes make serious care mistakes.

In such cases, there is a high risk not only not to improve the condition of the dermis, but also to harm it and achieve a completely different result than we hoped for. To prevent this from happening, you must strictly follow the basic rules of facial skin care.

We will tell you about all aspects of the selection the right means for your skin, we will help you determine the type and build competent care that will bring only positive results!

Determine your skin type

Basic facial skin care is based on knowing the characteristics of your skin type. The selection of funds suitable for a particular type is extremely important. It is unacceptable to equally care for dry and oily dermis. Teenage skin care will not be enough for fading skin. Therefore, before embarking on skin care procedures, it is necessary to recognize your skin type. This can be done by observing the features of the dermis:

Signs of dry skin:

  • tightness;
  • narrowed pores;
  • early aging;
  • tendency to wrinkles.

Signs of oily skin:

  • enlarged pores;
  • oily sheen;
  • frequent inflammation;
  • possible manifestation of acne and comedones.

Signs of normal skin:

  • smooth, matte color;
  • constricted, two prominent pores;
  • the degree of sebum secretion is normal;
  • lack of shortcomings inherent in other types.

Combination skin signs:

  • oily sheen in the area of ​​the chin, forehead and nose;
  • dryness and peeling of the cheeks;
  • periodically observed the appearance of acne, comedones and acne.

Signs of a sensitive dermis:

  • instant reactions to any impact (begins to peel off, blush, itching appears);
  • feeling of tightness after washing;
  • presence of rosacea.

Signs of an aging dermis:

  • lethargy, flabbiness;
  • dryness, tightness, peeling;
  • Changing the contours of the face;
  • The occurrence of deep wrinkles;
  • sagging;
  • dark spots.

normal skin

Individual care for normal skin should be aimed at keeping it in this status for as long as possible. The main condition is that such a dermis cannot be overdried!

Cleanse the normal cover twice a day, then wipe with lotion or tonic. On the still wet normal skin apply a moisturizer, remove excess after 15 minutes with a napkin. It is recommended to make a nourishing mask once a week.

Dry and dehydrated

The main rule for dry skin care is regular moisturizing and protection from direct sun rays. Cleanse the dry dermis 2 times a day, then wipe it with a tonic lotion and apply a moisturizer. The remains of the cream must be removed from the face. This type of skin needs moisturizing and nourishing masks that need to be done twice a week.

Oily and combination

Care for oily and combination skin types is largely duplicated. The only difference is that when caring for oily skin, cosmetics are applied to the entire surface of the face, and for mixed skin, only to certain areas. So, the cheek area is treated as a dry dermis, and the forehead, nose and chin areas are treated as oily. skin covering.

For oily skin special cleansing and anti-inflammatory agents should be selected. Cleanse such a dermis 2 times a day. You can also use special tonics. The final stage is the application of a cream selected according to the type of skin. Twice a week it is recommended to make masks with a whitening and cleansing effect.

Problem skin

You can take care of problem skin in the salon and at home. Cosmetics for this type of skin should be labeled "non-comedogenic". Once a week, the face should be cleaned with special scrubs for problematic skin. In addition, twice a week it is recommended to make face masks with anti-inflammatory action.

Aging and fading

Women who know firsthand what aging skin is should organize their care in a special way. Traditional care for other skin types is not suitable for this dermis, because the cover at 25 and 50 years old is radically different. So, if there are the first signs of aging, you should stop using soap and hot water during the washing process. For cleansing, it is best to use a special milk. Great importance has nutrition, so you need to apply nourishing creams and masks (it is enough to do the latter 1-2 times a week).


Caring for sensitive skin should be as delicate and gentle as possible. It needs to be cleaned with special soft means suitable for the type of dermis. Next, sensitive skin should be wiped with an alcohol-free lotion. Night cream should also be selected taking into account the characteristics of such skin. As for the day cream, it must necessarily perform an additional sunscreen function.

The beautician will tell you the basic rules of skin care:

Daily facial care is based on 4 main stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. Without the implementation of one of these points, care cannot be called competent and complete.

Make-up removal / Cleansing

Daily cleansing is a fundamental procedure. Accumulated during the day, dust, sebum, decorative cosmetics and toxic substances from the environment must be removed from the face. Skin cleansing should be regular, and most importantly - suitable for skin type:

  • It is better for owners of dry and normal dermis to wash off makeup cosmetic milk or oil.
  • Oily and combination skin will appreciate face wash gels.
  • Aging skin will come to the aid of cleansing fluids, foams and mousses.
  • Gels and foams are suitable for problematic and sensitive dermis, the main thing is that they contain anti-inflammatory components.

It is recommended to remove eye makeup with a special two-phase agent. It is almost universal and suits almost all types of dermis. The composition is applied to a cotton pad and gently moved along the eyelids, eliminating impurities. After that, apply a cleanser according to the type of skin, applying it to the rest of the face with massaging movements. The rest is washed off with warm water.

Skin toning

Regardless of what care products were used for cleansing, it is worth using a tonic or lotion to complete the process. These products will help to remove the remnants of the cleanser from the face and prepare it for the subsequent application of the cream.

The tonic should also be selected according to the skin type of the face of a particular woman:

  • Moisturizing tonics are recommended for dry and sensitive dermis.
  • Representatives of oily and problematic dermis should give preference to non-alcoholic products with salicylic or fruit acid in composition.
  • Normal and combined types are suitable tonics with emollient, refreshing and moisturizing effects.
  • Withering dermis are contraindicated funds for alcohol based- they make it even drier. It is best to opt for moisturizing tonic options.

It is most convenient to apply the tonic on a cotton pad and distribute it over the entire surface of the face.

Cream application

Moisturize your face with cream in the morning and evening. Insufficiently hydrated skin loses firmness and elasticity, becomes covered with premature wrinkles.

The cream is applied to massage lines faces. Day cream is applied half an hour before going outside. Night cream is applied 1-2 hours before going to bed. The cream should suit a certain type of face.

Don't forget to moisturize the skin around your eyes. Usually creams and gels for this area are suitable for any skin type.

You can take care of the beauty and health of the skin by visiting a beauty salon. But no less useful will be procedures carried out at home. The most popular additional care measures are the use of peeling masks, scrubs, as well as masks according to the type of facial skin.

In essence, express facial skin care is a short-term procedure that gives a tangible cosmetic result at the end. Despite the limited amount of time, such procedures include all the main care steps.

There are two types of express care measures:

  • A specific procedure aimed at an emergency improvement in appearance (for example, before important meeting or date).
  • Short-term series of procedures (5 days, 1-2 weeks), which is not designed for an instant cosmetic effect.

Cooling & Toning Mask

Express masks with cooling and toning action - great option short and effective cosmetic procedure. The face after such exposure becomes tender, smooth and moisturized. A popular mask with a similar effect is Avon SPA Cooling with Himalayan moringa seed extract "Tonic Harmony".

Mask that evens out the complexion

Achieve a beautiful skin color can not only purchased cosmetic masks. Home remedies based on cottage cheese, cucumber, carrots and parsley can also bring amazing results. A wonderful recipe for this mask is as follows: one carrot is chopped on a grater or in a blender and mixed with egg yolk and oat flour(3 g). If desired, you can add a little lemon juice. The mask is applied to the face and left for 15 minutes. Remove with warm water.

If there is no time or desire to prepare masks on your own, you should pay attention to the following cosmetic samples: MIRRA INTENSIVE, KOSE COSMEPORT - CLEAR TURN mask, with platinum and glycerin, Shiseido, Brightening Eye Treatment.

Soothing mask for sensitive skin

Another express facial treatment is soothing masks. Most often they are used for sensitive or problematic dermis of the face. One of the most popular masks with a calming effect is a mask with cottage cheese and honey. For its preparation you need:

  • cottage cheese (3 tablespoons);
  • honey (1 tsp);
  • lemon juice (1 tsp).

Mix all ingredients and apply on face. Leave on for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Ice cubes - the best express tool

An excellent tool for quick recovery facial beauty are considered ice cubes. They can be made both by freezing conventional pure water, and decoctions of various herbs (chamomile, celandine, calendula, etc.). By running a rescue cube over the skin of the face in the morning, you can easily eliminate signs of fatigue and lack of sleep. This procedure perfectly tones the dermis and improves its appearance.

Basic facial care is the same for any skin type in the number of stages. There are only three of them, but ignoring at least one of them will make skin care incomplete. However, skin care products for each skin type have different effects and are aimed at eliminating radically different problems. That is why it is important to know your type of dermis and the basic rules for caring for it. If it is difficult to find out on your own, you can turn to the help of a professional cosmetologist.

If you need to create a real miracle and transform your skin in a minimum amount of time before a responsible event or date, express face masks are perfect solution in the most desperate situations. They will quickly relieve fatigue and refresh the most withered skin in a matter of minutes.

Many people are familiar with the unpleasant feeling of panic that occurs when there is no time to get together for an important meeting, a crowded event or a romantic date. stand in front of a crowd or the right person unkempt, with an extinct look and untidy hair - what could be worse! No even the most skillful makeup and the most expensive luxury dress do not save the situation if the skin looks tired, problematic and dull. In order not to succumb to this panic fear and unnecessary complexes, it is enough to know the little secrets of home cosmetology. In the arsenal of every beauty there should be express face masks, that transform the skin in minutes . A quarter of an hour after using such products, the face will shine with youth, beauty and freshness. Learn how to cook them - and at any social event or romantic (business) meeting, you will look well-groomed and dignified, spending a minimum of time on this.

Benefits of express masks

Why do they act so quickly and instantly? Is there any catch in such speed? In fact, the mechanism of their action is easy to explain: the ingredients of these homemade masks include a lot of biologically active substances. They penetrate the skin instantly and put things in order from the inside (accelerate metabolic processes at the cellular level) and outside (eliminate minor defects in the upper layer of the epidermis).

  • Color : provide a rush of blood to the skin, which in the shortest possible time improves the complexion: yellowness, excessive pallor, grayness disappear, a healthy, natural blush begins to play on the cheeks;
  • Purity : quickly exfoliate dead cells from the upper layer of the epidermis, destroy sebaceous plugs and deposits, cleanse the upper floors of the pores, as a result, the skin looks renewed and fresh even without global cleansing;
  • Smoothness : smooth out roughness and unevenness, thereby leveling the relief and texture of the skin;
  • skin type : eliminate greasy shine when bold type skin and soften dryness and flaky spots on the face;
  • wrinkles : smooth out the smallest, shallow and small wrinkles;
  • Pigmentation : slightly lighten too bright age spots;
  • Moisturizing : moisturizing, allowing you to keep precious moisture inside the cells for several hours.

The result of such a complex effect will be noticeable immediately, as soon as you wash off the express mask from your face, that is, after 15 minutes. At the event you are going to, it will be impossible to look away from you: the game of blush on the cheeks, smoothed wrinkles, smooth and smooth skin, the absence of any irregularities - it will be impossible not to notice this. The advantages of express masks over other home remedies are that they do not need to be done regularly, spending a lot of time and money on them. Ease of preparation and speed of action - these are the two main principles on which they work. However, all the same, about one nuance to everyone modern Cinderella need to know.

Remember: magic action miraculous masks lasts only about 5 (rarely 6) hours. So you need to be ready for this and expect about such a period of time in order to shine at the event.

Express face masks: indications

What can serve as a signal that you urgently need an express mask? Take a good look in the mirror before you rush to put on your makeup before going to a party. If you are not satisfied with your own skin, if you see its defects and problems with the naked eye, be sure that everyone else will notice this without fail. And no thick layers foundation and the powder will not hide it. Despite the fact that express face masks cannot be done often, since their effect on the skin is too superficial and does not affect the subcutaneous deep processes, they can eliminate visible defects of the epidermis in 15 minutes. Indications for their home use can be:

  • bad complexion (yellowness, grayness, excessive pallor), if it is not caused by many years of smoking, alcoholism and serious internal diseases(heart or kidney failure, for example);
  • clogged pores , which manifest themselves in the form of all kinds of white and black dots, which, in principle, need to be disposed of by regular cleansing of the skin;
  • tired, sleepy look when under the eyes dark circles or bags, the corners of the lips are lowered, the skin itself looks wrinkled and stale;
  • mesh of small mobile wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, lips, nose also appears as a result of a long stressful day, due to the abundance of emotions, each of which is reflected on the face;
  • numerous inflammatory rashes in the form of blackheads and pimples: many make a gross mistake, starting to crush them before going out and cover them with a thick layer of masking agents - this only worsens their condition and looks terrible;
  • a few too bright age spots (including freckles) may not always be decoration female face, but few people know that in 15 minutes at home for 3-4 hours they can be lightened and made less noticeable with improvised means, without the use of foundation;
  • oily sheen , if sebaceous glands work incorrectly: you cannot put up with this defect of your skin type, especially at social events, where bright lighting is expected and enough high temperatures due to a large crowd of people - all this will provoke the release of additional portions of subcutaneous fat, so you need to take care of this in advance;
  • dryness epidermis, tightness, flaky red spots - all this can be quickly masked for several hours with express masks, most of which have a quick moisturizing effect.

All these problems seem to be global if you need to be at the party in an hour, and all these defects spoil your mood and you don’t want to go anywhere. Calm yourself internally: now you can get rid of all these shortcomings in just a quarter of an hour and fully enjoy a pleasant company, solve business issues, without thinking about how good your skin looks. How to create such a cosmetic miracle with your own hands?

Rules for the use of express masks

The preparation and application of express face masks are good because they take a minimum of time and do not involve a lot of preliminary preparatory procedures. Everything happens quickly and as simply as possible. Negative reviews about funds of this type are most often dictated by elementary ignorance of the usual rules and recommendations for their use.

  1. In the presence of a large number indications are available for express masks and contraindications. You can’t refresh your face in this way if it has open wounds (even if they are very small), open acne, bruises, recently stitched stitches, as well as with rosacea and sensitive type skin. The active components of the mask act quite aggressively (otherwise there would be no quick effect), therefore, with such problems, serious complications and side effects that will ruin the whole holiday.
  2. Don't waste time on steam baths: express masks affect only the surface layer of the epidermis. Therefore, it will be enough to wash with warm water with foam or gel, since the skin must be cleaned of makeup.
  3. There is no time to spend the usual testing of a mask for allergies, so it is advisable to select a couple of recipes in advance from those products that you have already used in home cosmetics without harming the health of your skin.
  4. Beat all mixtures with a blender : there is no time to manually interfere with them, and the lumps will interfere with the even distribution of the mask over the skin.
  5. If you think that while the express mask is on your face, you will have time to do your hair, iron your dress or collect your handbag, you are deeply mistaken. There will be no effect from the remedy, since the skin at this moment should be in a state of absolute rest. And if the liquid mass from the face drops onto your luxurious outfit, the mood will be irrevocably spoiled. Allow yourself a quarter of an hour to relax and lie on the couch : it will have a positive effect on your rested and refreshed skin.
  6. Action time - from 10 to 20 minutes.
  7. Rinse the mask thoroughly with warm water, especially in the creases near the nose and along the edge of the scalp, as the solidified mixture can get stuck there and spoil the chic look.
  8. After the mask, be sure to treat your face with a protective cream. , since you will have to go outside, and this can be a serious stress for the skin.
  9. If you consider the use of concealing cosmetics necessary (foundation, powder, corrector, etc.), apply them last, just before leaving the house. And don't overdo it. Nothing spoils a woman like thick layer cosmetics on the face.

Do not make common mistakes and do not spoil the action of the express face mask: only in this case you can achieve an excellent effect and go to the event beautiful and radiant. Much will depend on which recipe you choose.

Recipes for the best express masks

When choosing a recipe for an express mask, focus on such points as the availability of products, the speed of preparation, and the type of skin for which it is intended. The components of the product should be known to you and your skin and be at your fingertips.

  • For any type

Finely chop the kernels of five walnuts (you can quickly do this in a coffee grinder), mix them with a tablespoon of warm butter, one teaspoon of honey and an egg. If you have a little more time, you can separate the yolk from the protein and use only it in the mask. You can make other masks out of it.

  • For oily

One tablespoon of fresh juice from sauerkraut pour one teaspoon of fresh yeast. Add to this mixture a little camphor oil (slightly less than a teaspoon).

  • For eyes

Used tea bags (every woman should always have them on hand, as this is a very effective express help for the skin around the eyes) in the freezer for 5 minutes, and then apply to the eyes. You can use black and green varieties. Red and white are undesirable.

  • For dry

One tablespoon olive oil mix with the egg (again: if you have a little more time, you can separate the yolk from the protein and use only it in the mask). Add two tablespoons of orange (only the freshest) juice.

  • For the tired

(you can directly with the skin and seeds) grate on a coarse grater or cut into layers and apply on the face.

  • For the fading

Mix two tablespoons of heavy cream with a tablespoon of cucumber grated on a fine grater and a teaspoon of honey.

  • For wrinkled

Two tablespoons of grated raw mix with a tablespoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of medium-fat sour cream.

  • To cleanse clogged pores and whiten age spots

In a glass of mineral still water dissolve one teaspoon of sea or ordinary table salt, add one tablespoon lemon juice. Soak in the resulting solution tissue paper and put on your face.

  • For any type Express face masks: fast and high-quality resuscitation of tired skin4 /5 - Ratings: 81

Express care is a great way to improve the condition of the skin on the eve of any important event. The correct express procedure must meet two main requirements: to give an instant visible result and not leave unwanted marks - redness, peeling, swelling.

Based on the second paragraph, you can immediately exclude all kinds of injections from the list. Although they provide instant effect, but may reward your clients with a slight bruise or short-term swelling. Therefore, mesotherapy and "beauty injections" are best left for long-term courses.

From the median and even more deep peels will also have to be abandoned. For example, the surface chemical peeling- quite suitable for this case procedure.

This peeling does not affect the deep layers of the skin and does not require a long recovery. The impact of AHA acids effectively removes dead cells from the surface of the face, leveling its relief. The pores are narrowed, the fine network of wrinkles is slightly smoothed, the skin becomes more elastic. To complete the effect, add to a similar program professional masks and serum.


Before carrying out express facial procedures, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of sebum and impurities. For express treatments, it is recommended not to deep manual cleaning, but superficial, light, after which you can immediately go to the event. Such cleanings include ultrasonic cleaning and brushing .

Ultrasonic cleaning is currently very popular. The impact of ultrasound not only produces a deep cleansing of the skin from toxins, toxins and sebum. Also during ultrasonic cleaning face micromassage of the skin and smoothing of small wrinkles. After this procedure, there is no redness and swelling on the skin, and this is just what is needed on the eve of, for example, any important event.

During the brushing (or throwing) procedure, keratinized cells are exfoliated using a device with nozzles from a variety of brushes. This purge creates the effect of light peeling.


Perhaps, the best choice for express treatments – treatments based on good professional cosmetics. They should use drugs that allow you to instantly achieve your goals. For example, deeply moisturize, tighten, refresh the skin.

First of all, in express procedures, they use masks and ampoule concentrates .

Each type of skin and each specific problem requires an appropriate approach when choosing cosmetic preparations.

For example, owners skin with too closely spaced vessels anti-couperose products will help, thanks to which the face will acquire a lighter, healthier shade without excessive redness.

For dry, flaky skin necessary deep hydration and therefore a moisturizing mask with hyaluronic acid working on the principle of a wet compress.

When the face becomes noticeable first signs of aging, it's time to resort to a face mask with a lifting effect. Such preparations contain collagen and are designed to “tighten” the skin of the face and eliminate fine wrinkles. These types of masks are alginate mask - one of the most popular express beauty tools.

The procedure with an alginate mask includes make-up removal, peeling, massage, an ampoule depending on the problem, a mask and a cream according to skin type. Funds based on 100% seaweed they are good because they not only perfectly tighten the face, but also moisturize and nourish the skin. Unlike other products, algocosmetics saturate the skin instantly and continue its action for some time. Therefore, the effect of the express procedure - a beautiful color and oval of the face - is fully preserved for the next three to four days. This mask is especially good for sensitive skin, skin with rosacea, dry, dehydrated and aging skin.

Another means of "instant beauty" - natural miracle mask with collagen . Natural collagen has strong moisturizing properties, restores the skin, promotes cell regeneration, relieves the discomfort of very sensitive skin and improves its appearance.

Hardware methods

Express procedures also include those that have gained particular popularity at the present time. microcurrent therapy and myostimulation.

Microcurrent therapy able to cope with the first wrinkles, increase muscle tone, tighten the skin, correct the blurry contour of the face. How? At microcurrent therapy under the influence of weak low-frequency impulses, the membrane potential of the cell changes, the opening of ion channels, an increase in their activity, an improvement in the synthesis of proteins, lipids, DNA and other substances important for the cell, and tissue regeneration is accelerated. Result from similar procedure noticeable immediately and lasts about a week.

To maintain skin tone and elasticity, masks and creams alone are not enough. The state of skin turgor depends, first of all, on the state of the muscles of the face. Such a procedure as myostimulation allows you to make even those muscles that are located very deep work, as a result of which the effect of it is several times stronger than any gymnastics and massage combined.

Myostimulation of the face helps to strengthen the oval of the face and is always associated with titanic muscle contraction. Impulse currents from the devices have a positive effect on strengthening and increasing muscle mass, increasing the intensity of metabolic processes, changing physical condition cell proteins. Due to muscle contraction, the skin becomes more elastic, wrinkles are eliminated. This procedure also does not have recovery period due to its atraumatic nature.

When choosing express treatments, you should always explain to your clients what to smooth out. deep wrinkles, it is unlikely that it will be possible to revolutionary change the oval of the face or get rid of pigmentation and rosacea in a few minutes or hours. These problems require long-term professional intervention. But it is quite possible to improve skin color, tone up, moisturize, remove fine wrinkles and puffiness.

Skin care includes not only regular cleansing and nutrition procedures, express facial masks will be very useful. The rhythm of the life of a modern woman is immediately reflected in the condition of the skin. To instantly restore her freshness and elasticity, you can turn to proven means. Perfectly remove traces of stress and insomnia, post-holiday puffiness, hand-made compositions.

Quick mask effect

Use regular mask for the face before the holiday is not always effective. To achieve the desired result, it is worth using express means. Due to the composition of natural ingredients, all minerals, acids and vitamins instantly penetrate into the skin, restoring normal condition epidermis.

Beneficial features:

  1. Activate blood flow, strengthen thin capillaries, improving skin tone;
  2. They have antioxidant properties, removing toxins;
  3. Remove dead cells, stimulating renewal processes;
  4. Stimulate the uniform distribution of the pigment;
  5. Useful for hydration and nutrition under adverse environmental conditions.

You can also use store masks.

Express face mask "Refreshing" bath Agafia- allows you to quickly relieve fatigue, improve metabolic processes, refresh color. The presence of Siberian herbs and mint essential oil help to soothe inflammation, remove fine wrinkles (reviews about Agafia's masks).

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the shampoos that you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts analyzed sulfate-free shampoos, where funds from Mulsan Сosmetic took the first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. Recommended to visit official internet store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Express face mask Microlysiscomplex tool contains plant extracts of birch, sage, bird cherry, as well as the composition essential oils. Due to its antiseptic properties, it is useful for problematic, oily skin. Also, the mask has anti-aging properties, stimulates the renewal of the epidermis.

Indications for the use of express masks

In cosmetology, the use of express masks is useful for solving problems of the surface layers of the skin. They are used exclusively for a quick effect, and do not replace proper regular care.


  • unhealthy complexion;
  • swelling, signs of fatigue;
  • inflammation, redness;
  • acne and acne;
  • peeling and irritation;
  • greasy shine;
  • fine wrinkles, decreased tone.

Contraindications - individual sensitivity to the components, the presence of wounds, cracks, cuts, a large number of moles, papillomas.

Application rules

To achieve the desired result, it is important to adhere to the main recommendations:

  1. Before use, be sure to apply the composition for half an hour to check for a possible allergic reaction;
  2. It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the face, with oily, combination skin it is desirable to steam with a compress;
  3. If the mask does not have a cleansing or whitening effect, you can additionally scrub to improve penetration. useful elements in covers;
  4. Apply strictly along the massage lines, if the composition contains clay, henna, flour - do not use on the eyelids and nasolabial triangle;
  5. Keep fifteen minutes, depending on the components of the composition, whitening, cleansing, for nourishing and rejuvenating - increase to twenty-five;
  6. Rinse off with warm mineral water or herbal decoction, after it is easy to get wet drops with a napkin;
  7. Be sure to apply a moisturizer or fluid at the end of the procedure;
  8. Do not use regularly, otherwise the effect of addiction may occur.

Homemade mask recipes with instant effect

feature proper care behind the skin of the face is its regularity. But for special occasions When you urgently need to give your face freshness and elasticity, you should use recipes with express action. They instantly soothe the integument, relieve swelling, have a rejuvenating effect. Easy to prepare for a quick effect natural cosmetics with your own hands.


It is recommended to use for moisturizing the face, as well as nutrition, eliminating peeling and itching. After the procedure, the skin is renewed, turgor improves, fine wrinkles disappear. It is useful for preparing the face for low winter temperatures, also before the spring sun, to protect against pigmentation.


  • 10 gr. corn starch;
  • 5 gr. white coal;
  • 1 drop of grapefruit essential oil.

Mix warm oil with corn starch, add crushed coal and citrus ether. Clean the integument, steam it with a hot compress, then apply the composition, observing the lines of the lymph flow. Hold for up to twenty-five minutes, then moisturize and only, after washing off the remnants.



Quickly refresh the face, restore elasticity and reduce the number of wrinkles will allow cosmetic procedure with cottage cheese, made at home. Thanks to the action of active components, cells receive the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals and acids. Suitable for all types, perfectly soothes irritated, inflamed dermis.


  • 3 art. spoons of cottage cheese;
  • a teaspoon of oatmeal;
  • 3 art. spoons of parsley broth;
  • 5 drops of retinol.

Pass the cottage cheese through a fine sieve, mix with oatmeal and parsley broth. By adding vitamin drops, you can distribute the mass on the face in a thick, dense layer, starting from the chin, up to the forehead. Place a damp towel on top. Keep from twenty minutes to half an hour, then remove the remnants in the usual way.

Video recipe: Anti-aging express mask with lemon and oatmeal

For oily skin

Usage natural mask with a quick effect, will get rid of acne, inflammation and redness of the skin. The covers are restored, the color and structure of the epidermis improves. The action of the composition ensures the prevention of the subsequent appearance of acne, due to antiseptic properties.


  • 2 tbsp. spoons of aloe juice;
  • Art. a spoonful of yeast;
  • 2 drops of lemon balm ether.

Dilute yeast with warm green tea, add the juice of the plant and aroma drops to the finished gruel. Clean the make-up covers, use a brush to evenly distribute on the surface, avoiding the eyelid area and the nasolabial triangle. End facial after eight/twelve minutes.

from black dots

Get quick effect clean fresh skin is possible thanks to the Indian mask. Perfectly cleans traffic jams, improves oxygen respiration, normalizes sebaceous secretion. To get an instant detox effect, it is worth using a quick whitening mask for owners of an oily, problematic type.


  • 2 tbsp. henna spoons;
  • 1 teaspoon of sage;
  • 5 st. spoons of decoction.

Prepare a concentrated herbal decoction, strain through cheesecloth. Grind sage on a coffee grinder, combine with henna, dilute the dry mass in succession. For achievement best result, you must first open the pores by holding the face for five minutes over the steam. Then distribute the mixture along the massage lines, paying special attention to problem areas. Keep no more than fifteen minutes, rinse as usual.

Quick recipe for blackheads with salt and soda


Application of homemade mask recipes for fast healing wounds allows you to speed up the process of cellular renewal. The action of natural ingredients improves the lipid balance, restores the structure. It is recommended to use to even out complexion, after peeling, scrubbing, or acne treatment.


  • 2 tbsp. spoons of white clay;
  • Art. a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil;
  • 5 drops of propolis tincture.

Dilute the clay with mineral water, add healing oil and bee products to the mass. Finished cosmetic product spread in a thick layer, leave for twenty minutes, not forgetting to moisten periodically to avoid drying out. It is better to wash off with herbal decoction, slightly blot excess moisture with a paper towel.

Lifting mask

The recipe will help fast action get rid of wrinkles, improve the elasticity of the integument, tighten the oval line. An effective mask before a party, or an important event, provides maximum nutrition, hydration, removes puffiness and age-related swelling.


  • potato;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of banana puree;
  • Art. a spoonful of pea flour;
  • a teaspoon of apricot oil.

raw potatoes chop in a food processor, add banana puree, bean flour, and nutritious oil. Spread the mixture in a generous layer, avoiding the mouth area. After waiting fifteen / twenty minutes, you can complete cosmetic manipulations.

Interesting video: Quick recipes for bags under the eyes, redness and acne
