Essential oils: we use them for health, beauty and for household purposes. Essential oils to moisturize skin

There are many body care products available today, but women have become interested in ancient beauty recipes - including the effects of essential oils. For example, reading oriental tales, we understand that women back then were truly stunningly beautiful - it was not for nothing that men performed so many feats and madness for their sake. There were no synthetic cosmetics then, and beauties used what nature gave them - therefore they remained desired and loved for a long time, and from descriptions of them love adventures we still get goosebumps.

We won't tell love stories, but we'll remember natural strength essential oils, which is not for nothing called magical - body care with essential oils turns any procedure into a real pleasure.

Aromatic body bath with essential oils

The simplest way to use essential oils on the body is in an aromatic bath.

To a glass of kefir you need to add 2 drops of lemon oil, 4 drops of rosemary and 6 drops of thyme, mix and pour into a bath with warm water, temperature 37-38°C. The bath takes about 20 minutes.

A similar but different recipe for a bath: the same amount of kefir with the addition of 1 tsp. Stir in honey, geranium oil, ginger oil and black pepper oil - 2 drops each; take a bath the same way. Such procedures improve not only the condition of the skin, but also blood circulation.

The following recipes, like the following, help get rid of cellulite– citrus essential oils do this better than others. If you are not allergic to citrus fruits, then you can take baths with oils every day - just don’t go sunbathing after the baths. Orange or lemon oil is dissolved in a glass of milk or sea ​​salt(1-2 tbsp), pour into the bath and take it for no more than 20 minutes. You can use tangerine or grapefruit oils in the same way.

For oily body skin prone to pimples and blackheads, a bath with essential oils of lemon, lemon balm, rosemary - 2 drops each, bergamot - 4 drops will help.

At oily skin With open pores The following combinations of bath oils help: mint – 3 drops, eucalyptus and lemon – 2 drops each; juniper and bergamot – 2 drops each, chamomile and lemon – 3 drops each; pine and bergamot - 3 drops each, juniper - 2 drops.

Get rid of excess weight A bath with fennel essential oil helps remove toxins from the skin. You need to dissolve 3-5 drops of oil in 50 ml of heavy cream and pour into a bath with warm water. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes.

Body massage with essential oils

Massage with essential oils not only fights old fat deposits, but also reduces the appearance of cellulite, restores skin elasticity and smoothness. Of course, it is better to do such a massage in beauty salons - professionals know how to cope with this, but at home, on your own, you can also achieve good results, if you carry out the procedures regularly and treat yourself with love. The skin in problem areas should be massaged quite vigorously, preferably along massage lines; You should be more careful with the skin of the inner thighs - we don’t want bruises.

Very popular today cupping massage – special silicone jars are sold in pharmacies. This type of massage can be combined with the use of anti-cellulite gels, creams, fatty and essential oils - wheat germ oils are suitable, hazelnut, grape seeds, rosemary and citrus fruits.

Massaging problem areas with honey and essential oils has an amazing effect: The skin becomes smooth, sagging disappears and fat deposits are significantly reduced. Many people have heard about the benefits of honey massage, and essential oils enhance the healing effect of honey: you can take any oil you like, but it’s better to take citrus oils and do it with them honey massage(using a certain technology) every day or every other day, at least 10-15 minutes.

You can use different massage mixtures - for example, these:

  • add avocado oil to 10 g of grape seed oil;
  • 10 g any vegetable oil(olive, corn) mixed with wheat germ and hazelnut oil (3-5 drops);
  • mix juniper, fennel and lemon oils - 3 drops each;
  • black pepper oil, orange (lemon, tangerine) - 2 drops each, juniper oil - 3 drops;
  • geranium, rosemary, sage oils - 1 drop each, juniper oil - 3 drops. To mixtures of essential oils you should always add fatty (base) oil - at least 10 g.
  • The following oil mixture helps cleanse the skin of the body: 2 drops each of juniper, cypress and black pepper oils, 1 drop each of lemon and Chinese angelica (angelica) oils. The essential oil of the latter plant not only cleanses the skin, but also reliably protects it from free radicals and the effects of negative external factors. Don't forget to add base oils to essential oils.

    If the skin has stretched after childbirth or weight loss and has become flabby, a massage with rosemary oils - 2 drops, petitgrain and anise - 3 drops each will help. You can use hazelnut or jojoba oil as a base oil.

    If the skin is normal, then you can maintain its condition with the following massage mixture: rosewood oil - 4 drops, orange and spruce oil - 3 drops mixed with 30 ml almond oil.

    Anti-cellulite wraps are made with essential oils. Grapefruit, juniper, tangerine, lemon, orange oils - 4-5 drops each, mixed with almond or other base oil(1 tbsp), and then with blue clay (50 g) and ground cinnamon (10 g). The mixture should turn out like sour cream - if it is too thick, you can add a little water; it is applied to problem areas, cover them with cling film, and wrap them in a warm blanket– keep the wrap on for 40-50 minutes, rinse off the mixture with warm water and apply anti-cellulite cream.

    Essential oils for skin problems

    Essential oils not only help fight cellulite - they help cope with skin problems . If you suffer from excessive sweating, then you can take baths with bitter orange, myrtle or cypress oil: these oils have deodorizing properties - the skin after bathing with them becomes silky and elastic. You can also make a kind of powder that eliminates sweating of the skin - for example, on the neck, shoulders and décolleté: up to 3 tsp. talc, add 2 drops each of petitgrain, palmarosa, cypress oils, and 1 drop of sage oil.

    If acne constantly appears or the skin is prone to irritation, take baths with lemon balm oil.

    For neurodermatitis, when the affected areas of the skin begin to get wet, mixtures with oils of cedar, juniper, leuzea, spruce, pine, mint, geranium, and fennel help. For dry neurodermatitis and peeling, rosewood, lavender, myrrh, and chamomile oils are used.

    Essential oils for the body for stretch marks

    You can prevent the appearance of stretch marks by using a massage with oils of tangerine, neroli, rosewood, rosemary, patchouli and jasmine - the same oils keep the skin firm and elastic.

    Bruises are not a skin or other disease - unless, of course, it is associated with circulatory problems or diseases blood vessels, but they cause us a lot of trouble. Often we don’t even understand where they come from, but it always happens at the wrong moment - when we need to go to the beach with friends, go to festive event, in short or open dress– Bruises may also appear on the shoulders. In this case, you need to lubricate the bruise with cypress essential oil several times a day, and it will disappear, or become almost invisible, and then go away.

    You can use a body scrub while taking a bath or after it.: to sea salt (0.5 cup) add a mixture of oils - olive (1 tbsp) and sandalwood essential oil (3-4 drops), mix everything well and rub massage movements skin of the whole body, moving from bottom to top. First, the scrub is washed off with warm water, and then with cool water - the body skin is cleansed, becomes soft and tender.

    By caring for our skin with essential oils, we become more than just beautiful– the tenderness and sensuality lost in everyday worries returns to us.

    On the eve of meeting your lover, it’s good to take a bath with rose and jasmine oil - 2 drops each, and also add rose petals to the water - not the ones sold in flower pavilions throughout the city, but real, garden ones - and then the atmosphere of the date will be surprisingly romantic , and the mood is wonderful.

    And for married ladies who already have a family, this advice is doubly important: always use magical power essential oils and you are on long years You will remain the only and desired one for your spouse.

The main problem that worries great amount women of all ages – this is cellulite. Cosmetic and medicinal products designed to combat this defect, improve cellular metabolism, lymph flow and blood circulation, remove waste and toxins, soften the skin, break up dense fat accumulations, improve the outflow of water from problem areas.

Many natural products have the same properties. aroma oils. They can be added to anti-cellulite products, used for massage or for baths.

If you are also concerned about this problem, remember simple and effective recipes.

Essential oils for the body. Taking a bath

For anti-cellulite procedures are best suited citrus oils. If you are not allergic to citrus fruits and you are not going to sunbathe today, start right now.

1. Add 7-9 drops of lemon oil to the bath and sit in it for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, it is best to lie down in a warm place (wrap yourself in a warm blanket).
2. Mix 7 drops of lemon or orange oil with a glass of milk and 1-2 tablespoons of sea or ordinary salt. Take a bath for 20 minutes.
3. For 1 glass of kefir, take 2 drops of black pepper, ginger and geranium oils, add a teaspoon of honey. Mix everything well and pour into the bath. This procedure will help improve blood circulation, which is very important when fighting cellulite.

Essential oils for the body. Doing a massage

An excellent remedy for hard fat formations is massage. In beauty salons they do manual modeling, hardware, vacuum massages. But you can handle this quite well on your own.

At manual massage, knead with vigorous movements, pinch and roll the skin in problem areas, not forgetting massage lines. Be especially careful with the inside.

Excellent product in the fight against cellulite - cupping massage. Set of two silicone jars can be purchased at. You need to attach them to the body in the problem area so that the skin is retracted as much as possible. It will hurt and may even leave bruises, but if you want to achieve results, don’t feel sorry for yourself! Move the cans in spiral, straight and zigzag movements 5 times. After a couple of months of daily practice, you will see amazing results.

Can be used for massage special creams, gels or anti-cellulite oils. Excellent results give massages with grapefruit, orange, tangerine, grape seed, hazelnut, rosemary, wheat germ oils.

An amazing effect can be achieved by massaging problem areas with honey. To do this, take a heaping tablespoon of liquid honey, add 3-5 drops of orange, lemon or grapefruit oil, mix well. Press your palms tightly against the skin lubricated with the composition and tear off with force until the honey turns into foam. The duration of the massage is on average 10-15 minutes.

You can also cook mixtures of different oils.
1. Mix grape seed oil (10 g) with 3-5 drops of avocado.
2. To simple vegetable oil (10 g) add 3-5 drops of hazelnut and wheat germ oils.
3. Mix 3 drops each of lemon, fennel and juniper oils.
4. Prepare a mixture of 3 drops of juniper, 2 drops of citrus oil and 2 drops of black pepper oil.
5. To 3 drops of juniper add 1 drop each of sage, rosemary, geranium.

Don't forget to add 10 g of any vegetable oil to the mixtures as a base.

By using essential oils You can not only get rid of cellulite.

For example, a bath with a few drops of bitter orange, cypress or myrtle will perfectly deodorize the skin and make it silky and elastic.

If you have irritation or acne on the body, a bath with lemon balm oil will help you.

Massages and rubbing with essential oils of rosemary, rosewood, neroli, mandarin will prevent the appearance of stretch marks. And jasmine and patchouli will help firm the chest, muscles and abdomen.

Basil and cinnamon will soothe insect bites, and lavender can even cope with a snake bite.

If a little lavender oil apply to the body - the most impudent mosquitoes will fly around you.

And, of course, we must not forget about such annoying phenomena as bruises. They always appear at the most inopportune times in the most visible place. Should you get ready for a party in short dress when a bruise immediately appears on your leg. And if you decide to go out with bare shoulders or back, rest assured, they will appear there too. One of the best means who can help you is cypress oil.

Applying essential oils for body, remember that although this is natural product, it also has its contraindications. Read the label carefully and try to buy essential oils in a pharmacy or specialty store and remember that natural extracts cannot be cheap. Don't skimp on beauty.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

Nature provides man with a real treasury for restoring the beauty of the body. These are essential oils that are extracted from various aromatic plants. How to properly use essential oils for the body and feet is described in the material on this page. Homemade recipes for creams, scrubs and other nutritional formulations are provided.

Homemade cream recipes with essential oils for feet

Essential oils for feet have a biological effect active points located on the feet. This foot cream recipe can be used to solve various problems. The following are homemade recipes for foot cream using essential oils.

Oil vs. increased sweating legs To 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil, add 3 drops each of thyme and sage essential oils, as well as 2 drops of rosemary oil. Rub the resulting oil into your feet every day before bed.

Nourishing cream. Cocoa butter (10 g), beeswax(6 g), coconut oil (20 ml), St. John's wort oil (25 ml) place in glass jar and put it on water bath. After dissolving all ingredients, add hot mineral water 50 ml (50-60 degrees). Beat everything thoroughly with a mixer until smooth. When the mixture has cooled, add essential oils: 5 drops lavender oil, 4 drops lemon oil, 3 drops marjoram oil and 7 drops oil tea tree.

Instant nutritious cream. To one teaspoon of body cream, add 2 drops each of orange and lavender essential oils, as well as a drop of oil nutmeg and 4 drops of ylang-ylang oil.

Fragrant peeling. Mix 10 g olive oil with 1 teaspoon table salt and 5 drops of lavender oil. Massage your feet thoroughly after removing corns twice a week. Then rinse with warm water.

Ways to use essential oils for the body

Body oil is used both in everyday life, when organizing care, and in solving specific problems. The method of using body oil depends on the condition of the skin. The following describes the use of essential oils for the body in various situations.

Essential oils are used for body care in the same way as for facial skin care. They can be used by adding to baths (5-7 drops of oil per bath, after diluting the oil in 1 tablespoon of an emulsifier - milk, honey, sea salt, etc.). For massage: 6-8 drops of oil per 15 g of base massage product. In a bathhouse, sauna: 6-8 drops per room of about 15 m2. Or adding 2 drops of oil to 15 ml of body cream.

We tighten the skin after childbirth or sudden weight loss. Regularly lubricate problem areas of the body after shower with the following composition: to 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil and 1 tablespoon of hazelnut oil, add 2 drops of rosemary essential oil, 3 drops of petitgrain oil and 3 drops of anise essential oil.

For the beauty of arms and shoulders. To a mixture of a tablespoon of hazelnut oil and 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil, add 2 drops each of petitgrain and mint essential oils, as well as 5 drops of rosemary oil and 4 drops of limette essential oil.

Recipe for oil and folk remedies for stretch marks after childbirth

Stretch marks after childbirth folk remedies can only disguise and make them more invisible. The following is a recipe for stretch mark oil that you can use at home.

Mix essential oils of neroli, petitgrain, lavender, lime and mandarin in a ratio of 1:2:2:1:2. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas of the skin and leave as a mask for 15 minutes, then, gently massaging, rub in the wheat germ oil.

Getting rid of scars and scars. To 2 tablespoons of any vegetable or cosmetic oil add 2 drops each of geranium and rosemary essential oils, as well as a drop each of lemon and lavender oils.

Mix everything thoroughly and rub into damaged areas of the skin several times a day.

For elasticity of the skin of the thighs. Mix 1 tablespoon jojoba cosmetic oil and 10 drops neroli essential oil with 1/2 cup olive oil. Store the bottle in the dark. Rub in nourishing oil into the skin of the thighs and buttocks every evening.

We fight cellulite. Take a tablespoon and add 2 drops each of essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus and. Massage problem areas of the skin every two days after showering.

How to use body oil

Here's how to use body oil for luxurious results. After exposure to the sun, shower, bath or sauna, rubbing with avocado oil is beneficial. It should be applied to a damp body. It softens the skin, promotes the regeneration of damaged skin areas, eliminates peeling and redness. For greater benefits, add 15 drops of lavender essential oil to 6 teaspoons of oil.

We tighten our stomach. To 1.5 tablespoons of grape seed cosmetic oil, add 4 drops of fennel essential oil and 7 drops of petitgrain oil. After a shower or bath, rub the oil into the skin of your abdomen, massaging it clockwise. Remaining oil should not be removed for 30 minutes.

Oil for firm breasts. To 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil and a similar amount of wheat germ oil, add essential oils: geranium (2 drops), fennel (4 drops), lime (1 drop) and hops (2 drops).

Rub the resulting mixture regularly into the skin of your chest after a shower. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using this product. You can simply use a mixture of jojoba and wheat germ oils without adding essential oils.

Tonic for breast elasticity. Add the following oils to one glass of water (preferably mineral): 2 drops of ylang-ylang, 1 drop of hops, 1 drop of fennel and 4 drops of geranium.

Store the resulting tonic in a tightly closed container. Wipe the skin of your chest daily with a cotton swab soaked in this composition.

Nourishing oil for normal skin. To 75 ml of soybean oil, add 10 ml of avocado cosmetic oil, as well as 20 drops, lemon - 2 drops, geranium - 1 drop.

After a bath or shower, apply a little of this oil to your palms and rub in thoroughly. damp skin bodies.

Moisturizing oil for dry skin. To 2 teaspoons of avocado oil and the same amount of cosmetic almond oil, add 60 ml of soybean oil, as well as essential oils: 5 drops each of geranium and lavender oils and 20 drops of tea tree oil.

After a bath or shower, apply a little oil to your warm body and rub thoroughly into damp skin.

Universal moisturizing body milk. Melt the wax (4 coffee spoons) in a water bath with vegetable oil (120 ml of almond or apricot cosmetic oil). Remove from heat and carefully add mineral water (120 ml), and then essential oils: neroli - 4 drops, petitgrain - 4 drops, orange - 5 drops, bergamot - 3 drops, geranium - 2 drops, rosewood - 2 drops. Add also 12 capsules oil solution vitamin E. Whisk until smooth. The composition is stored for two weeks.

Flavored oil for massage. In a water bath, melt 3 tablespoons of cocoa butter (shavings), 1 tablespoon of shea butter and 1 teaspoon peach oil. When the mixture has cooled, add 5 drops each of lemon, bergamot, grapefruit essential oils, and 1-2 drops of ylang-ylang oil. Pour the mixture into a container and store in the refrigerator.

Every woman, regardless of age, undoubtedly has the desire to have a beautiful, toned body without cellulite, stretch marks, or pimples. If youth and youth give such gifts completely free of charge, then with the advent of maturity a woman should take special care of her skin in order to prolong her youth as much as possible and preserve her beauty.

Essential oils for the body - natural, useful helpers in this case, which must be in your home cosmetics bag. A bunch of simple ways The use of beneficial esters will not only tighten the skin, preserve its beauty and youth, but will also have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Aroma oils were widely used for cosmetic purposes several centuries ago. The beauties knew how to literally “oil” their body so that it would attract glances, the skin would please with its silkiness, and there would simply be no flaws. Today, essential oils are also widely used in cosmetology; but many still don’t know why they should be used in home care.

The composition of all natural esters is filled useful minerals, vitamins, amino acids, microelements. The beneficial properties of oils allow you to deeply nourish and moisturize the skin, triggering intracellular regenerative processes. Experts have identified the main properties of aromatic oils:

  • Esters contribute deep hydration, nutrition of skin cells.
  • Oils contain oxygen molecules that penetrate cell walls - this is what they provide good nutrition, and also contribute to maximum absorption of all useful elements.
  • Antioxidants contained in oils slow down the aging process.
  • Aroma oils also help maintain proper hormonal levels in a woman's body. Exactly hormonal changes have the greatest impact on the condition of the skin.
  • To fully enjoy beneficial properties essential oils, you definitely need to know the intricacies of using each individual product.
  • You should also learn how to correctly compose oil compositions, the combination of which will have the most beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and the entire body as a whole.

Rules for choosing aroma oils

The effect it will have on the skin directly depends on how well the product was chosen. Cosmetologists have several basic rules that must be followed:

  1. You should focus on your skin type and its condition.
  2. Also important factor- this is a problem that needs to be eliminated with the help of essential oil. Each ether has individual properties that can help in a certain situation.
  3. You should also consider the purpose of each selected broadcast and use it correctly. You can combine it with other oils to enhance the effect on the skin.
  4. The ether must be suitable for the procedure that was chosen as home care. You should not use oils for other purposes - this can cause side effects.

Aroma bath – a procedure your skin will love

You should prepare a tightening composition from aromatic oils, which will be added to the water. It includes:

  • kefir – 1 glass;
  • lemon oil – 2 drops;
  • rosemary ether – 4 drops;
  • thyme oil – 6 drops.

Mix the components and only then add to the water (temperature 40-50 degrees). Introduce oils into pure form do not put them in water - they will simply turn into a greasy film, and there will be no benefit from the procedure. Before taking an aroma bath, you should take a shower so that you do not use any shampoos or gels later. You can lie in a warm bath for up to 25 minutes. Be sure to maintain the same temperature and ensure that the water does not cool down. After the bath, the skin should dry on its own; You should not dry yourself with a towel.

Aroma baths can not only tighten the skin, providing a lifting effect, but also cope with excessive fat content skin. You need to prepare the mixture:

  • 3 drops of mint ether;
  • 2 drops of eucalyptus oil.

Mix the ingredients with the base product and add to water. Take a bath for up to 20 minutes, maintaining the same temperature regime. If you do these procedures 2-3 times a week, the skin will dry out significantly; the sebaceous glands will work normally.

Anti-cellulite care

Aroma oil can not only tighten the skin, but also get rid of unpleasant “ orange peel”, which worries many women. It is best to take aroma baths by adding orange essential oil. This product is first on the list of the most effective anti-cellulite home remedies. The composition should be prepared:

  • milk – 200 ml;
  • orange oil – 2-3 drops.

Combine the components and add to water at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. You can take a bath for up to 25 minutes.

It should be remembered that after water procedures You should not sunbathe with citrus oil for a while.

Massages with aroma oils

Get in shape, get rid of fat deposits on problem areas You can use aroma oils not only for baths, but also for massages:

  1. At home, such a procedure should be intensive and necessarily regular.
  2. Women whose blood vessels are located very close to the skin should remember that they should not be too zealous during massages, otherwise bruises may remain.
  3. You should not use essential oils for massage in their pure form; they must be diluted with base products. Best suited for this fixed oils olives, almonds. You can independently choose a composition that will be healthy and fragrant at the same time.
  4. It is most effective to use citrus, grape, and wheat germ esters for anti-cellulite massages.

There is a wonderful recipe that will rejuvenate, tighten the skin, and get rid of cellulite. The composition should be prepared:

  • sea ​​salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemongrass ether – 3 drops;
  • dill oil – 3 drops;
  • black pepper ether – 2 drops;
  • cinnamon oil – 1 drop.

Mix the ingredients. Massage the skin from bottom to top with intense movements for 15 minutes; after this you should take a bath or shower. Sessions are held every other day. The course of anti-cellulite therapy consists of 10 procedures.

Mask for a beautiful body

Body oils can also be added to caring creams.

Should be observed correct proportions, adding 1-2 drops of the selected ester to 15 ml of daily cream. Before enriching cosmetic products with ether, you should definitely test for skin sensitivity by applying 1-2 drops of oil to your wrist. If after 10-15 minutes no discomfort arises, you can safely use the product.

The cream with the addition of ether must be applied to the skin after a bath or shower, rub in thoroughly, waiting until it is completely absorbed. The procedure can be performed daily.

Facial care

Essential oils for face lifting can be added to purchased cosmetics or prepared useful masks based on them.

  • Particular attention should be paid to jojoba oil, grape seed oil, and evening primrose oil. Such esters will rejuvenate the skin and get rid of minor defects and pimples. You can prepare a mask from these 3 components by combining them in equal quantities. The composition is applied to the face before going to bed. Be sure to remember that all components must be suitable for your skin type - this will not cause side effects and will provide the desired result.
  • To start intracellular regenerative processes, remove fine wrinkles, you can rub the oil composition into your facial skin before going to bed apricot kernels, divorced in fat based(It is better to use olive oil for this). The rejuvenating effect will be visible only if the procedures are carried out regularly and over a long period of time.
  • To moisturize the skin, fill it with nutrients, and get rid of pimples, you can spot-apply lavender, sandalwood, and rosewood ether on your face. More than 1-2 drops of ether in its pure form cannot be applied to the face. The oil should be thoroughly rubbed into the skin. If there are small wounds or cracks, then use pure oil Absolutely forbidden.

Essential oils are a natural storehouse of vitamins, amino acids and minerals that every woman’s skin needs. You just need to choose the right product for yourself, learn how to use it correctly and then enjoy a perfectly smooth, tightened skin without a hint of wrinkles or cellulite.

Modern cosmetology offers a huge variety various means body care. Particularly popular in Lately as cosmetic preparations used, known for their unique healing and rejuvenating properties for the body. In particular, essential oil for the skin of the body can provide smoothing, toning, and a number of other positive impacts. However, skin varies, which is why it is important to choose the right type of essential essence according to your skin type.


Depending on the degree of moisture, skin is divided into the following types:

1. Dry

This type of skin is different hypersensitivity to frost and sun, as a result of which it easily succumbs to peeling and inflammation. After taking water procedures, it is necessary to use moisturizing creams that combat the feeling of tightness.

For dry skin types, essential mixtures based on floral or citrus components in the form of chamomile, jasmine, and myrtle are excellent. It is also advisable to use orange essential oil to get rid of peeling and irritation. Essential oil for body skin based on geranium helps improve and smooth the color of the skin, which is achieved by activating blood circulation. Sandalwood and incense have an anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.

2. Fat

Oily skin type is characterized by excess work sebaceous glands, resulting in a characteristic oiliness and greasy gloss. You can often notice skin manifestations of an inflammatory nature, which are caused by blocked pores, as a result of which the skin stops breathing.

IN in this case the use of essential essences allows you to narrow pores and normalize the hormonal balance of the body. Toning essences in the form of lemon, mint, rosemary and grapefruit do an excellent job with such tasks. To soothe inflamed skin, it is advisable to use ylang-ylang. It is also possible to prepare and use combined agents based different types oils

3. Normal

Most ideal type skin, different adequate reaction for all weather and climatic conditions. Does not require special care.

For such skin, you can use essential essences based on chamomile, mint or rose, which can protect it in case of various irritations. If there are small wounds on the surface of the skin, jasmine or lavender essential oil should be used.

4. Combined

This type combines all the signs of dry, oily and normal skin. For such a “universal” skin, essential oils of geranium, lavender, and neroli are suitable.

In addition to the skin types described above, there are also the following:


In this case, it is advisable to use jasmine essential essence, which will provide a special delicate care external integument of the body due to its antiseptic and tonic effects. Lavender remedy in short time can cope with acne rashes.


Sensitive skin requires the use of aromatic tea tree essence, which effectively copes with redness and has a soothing effect on itchy sensations. But tangerine essential oil for the skin of the body gives it elasticity.


Aging skin needs hydration and stimulation of cellular renewal. Patchoula copes well with such tasks, having a strengthening and refreshing effect.

Essential oils for body skin elasticity

Flabbiness of the skin is the main factor in the use of essential essences, the most effective of which in this case are:

  • Almond oil. Only the sweet type of almond, which is extracted from the seeds, is suitable as an essential remedy. Its main advantage is that it is hypoallergenic, which makes it possible to add the mixture to cosmetics for children. Almond essence is great for daily care over the skin of the body, without requiring dilution with a base oil. The beneficial effects are felt immediately: the skin will become elastic, moisturized, and any inflammation will disappear.
  • Shea Butter. Known for its anti-inflammatory effect. It also protects against ultraviolet radiation, which is why this component can often be found in cosmetics for Tan. Daily use shea butter adds skin elasticity and resilience. In addition, essential essence effectively treats various skin diseases.
  • Jojoba oil. It has a unique ability to penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis, as a result of which many leading cosmetologists consider it one of the means that can slow down the aging process of the skin. Essential oil for body skin based on jojoba significantly softens the skin, giving it smoothness.

Essential oils for the elasticity of the skin of the body are used as mixtures for massage treatments. Particularly popular is honey massage in combination with essential essences, which returns smoothness and elasticity to the skin, and also helps burn fat deposits. Honey goes especially well with essential citrus fruits.

You can also use the following formulations of massage mixtures to give elasticity to the skin of the body:

  1. Grape seed oil in an amount of 10 grams is mixed with avocado oil.
  2. Any type of vegetable oil in the amount of 10 grams is added to oil mixture wheat germ and hazelnut in the amount of 3-5 drops.
  3. Oil of black pepper and any citrus type in the amount of a couple of drops each is mixed with 3 drops of juniper.

As you know, cellulite crust is the main manifestation loose skin. To eliminate it, they resort to special anti-cellulite wraps, for which mixtures are also used essential compounds. Here is one recipe for such a mixture:

  • Components in the form of grapefruit, juniper, tangerine, lemon, orange oil in the amount of 5 drops each are mixed with base oil, which should be one tablespoon.
  • Then they are added blue clay in the amount of 50 grams and 10 grams of ground cinnamon.
  • The mixture should have the consistency of thin sour cream. If the composition is too thick, it can be diluted with a small amount of water.

The resulting anti-cellulite composition is applied to problem areas, after which it is deceived by cling film. It is necessary to keep the mixture for about 50 minutes, after which the skin is washed with water and treated with anti-cellulite cream.

Essential oils for skin problems

In order to get rid of unpleasant skin manifestations, it is effective to take aromatic baths with the addition of essential products. At increased sweating It is advisable to use essential essences based on bitter orange, myrtle or cypress, as they have a deodorizing effect, giving the skin silkiness and elasticity. With so much delicate issue you can say goodbye using powder, for the preparation of which a couple of drops are added to talc in the amount of 3 teaspoons essential mixtures petitgrain, palmarosa, cypress, and a drop of sage.

For constantly tormenting acne or irritation, baths with the addition of lemon balm help.

Essential oils for stretch marks

Striae can be prevented or reduced through massage procedures using citrus and flower essences such as tangerine and jasmine.
