How best to humiliate a man. What phrases can humiliate a man

Today's post is inspired by a sketch from ordinary life- I became an unwitting witness to the interaction in one ordinary family. Mom, dad and two sons of preschoolers, one is 6 years old, the other is 3 years old. The whole family came to school, the eldest son was brought to preparatory classes. The kids, apparently, were on a walk before that - heated, flushed, satisfied. Mom helps the eldest son change clothes, the younger one also gets hot - dad starts to undress him. Unfortunately for dad, the zipper gets stuck in the boy's jacket. Mom notices this and immediately sends an angry look in the direction of her husband and a remark- just try to break ... What happens in the next 10 seconds? Of course, the zipper is completely stuck, dad tugs at it in a nervous attempt to get through it quickly, but the fabric has already got into the teeth. Mom flies up to her husband with the words “You don’t know how, don’t take it!”, The husband shrinks before our eyes (by the way, my uncle is about 190 cm of average build). Other comments are loudly poured into the address of the husband, showing everyone around (including children) that their dad cannot do anything. Mom angrily pushes dad away from younger son and unzips itself. Literally throws the jacket to her husband so that he does something with this zipper. Women are getting bigger and bigger. Under her pressure, I seem to be imprinted on the sofa on which I am sitting in the school hall. Even though it doesn't really affect me. I'm just watching. The man is silent, then somehow abruptly pulls the elder - he got up in the wrong place. Some minutes - father's authority is smeared. And how will sons perceive father and mother? What is their relationship style between husband and wife? What is actually behind this female behavior? After all she just doesn't trust St. to this man, does not believe that he himself can solve a petty everyday situation. And does she believe him in a big way?

According to her behavior, it seems that the woman considers herself absolutely right - she foresaw that her husband was a klutz, that he could not cope with a children's jacket, she warned him, she decided this situation for him, she herself undressed and dressed the children. She ruined everything herself. She is big and smart. And he just like that - next to her. But with the naked eye it is clear that she is unhappy with her husband. But if she gave her husband the opportunity to solve the situation himself, I think that he would have coped well. And she could be glad what her husband is doing.

When my girlfriends visit us and my husband helps them to put on outerwear, sometimes I hear from them: "Yes, I'll get dressed myself, you don't need to help me"; in response to such a remark, I always say: "Give my husband the opportunity to show his gallantry - to court the lady, and you will enjoy the small joy of feeling like a Lady."

We, dear ladies, there is always a choice- show your man that he doesn’t know how, doesn’t know something, that is, slightly humiliate him, elevating himself - that’s how smart I am, I know how best, how it should be, how to do it right .... Or give him the opportunity to prove himself, to solve the situation - any, from the smallest household to the really difficult one. And when he finds a solution, we can be glad for ourselves that next to us is a man who we can rely on, with whom we can be calm and gentle.

If we want to live with a man, then surely each of us wants to see a strong and confident man. Then what's the point of humiliating him with your distrust? On the contrary, our words, deeds should demonstrate to a man that we always believe in his mind, strength, resourcefulness, courage. And according to our faith, we will be rewarded.

The article will teach you to respond to insults not with rudeness, but with cultural words and phrases without obscenities.

How can you beautifully humiliate a man, a guy with clever words without a mat: phrases, expressions

There are a lot of situations in life when a person can be offended, framed, humiliated and “made laughable”. Do not be silent and accept such antics as something familiar. If you do not explain to your offender how wrong he is, he will be able to spoil the mood of the people around him for a long time and use their good.

In order not to use fists and at the same time show oneself on the good side, one should, so to speak, “kill with a word”. Education is not given to everyone, because getting it requires time and effort. The article gives you tips to help you learn how to respond to offensive phrases in a delicate, but hard words, making it clear that you are above any rudeness and foul language.

What can you say to a man and what is important to remember:

The worst thing a man can do is to humiliate and raise his hand against a woman, and therefore he should be hit “on the sore spot”, convicting him of weakness, but not physical. For example, the word "impotent" can affect anyone. Try to beat it with other "colors":

  • "You are a moral impotent!"
  • “Only an impotent person can offend a woman!”
  • “You are impotent not in your pants, but in your soul! (Or maybe both there and there!)

Another thing that can affect any man is his status and wealth. Glory, said to a man with low income or lack of work, is gaining special strength. From time immemorial, it was believed that a man is a breadwinner, and therefore the inability to have prosperity is a humiliation for a modern man.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to humiliate a man with such phrases if he is really at least a little concerned about the issue of family prosperity. If he for a long time is purposely supported by his parents or wife and this does not bother him - you are unlikely to be able to "hook" him.

  • “You are the disgrace of your parents and their ruin!”
  • “You can’t even provide yourself with toilet paper!”
  • “Behind your insolence you hide your own failure!”

If you want to point out to a man his stupidity and recklessness, even if he has a higher education and manners, but he regularly does stupid things, you should use these phrases:

  • “You did not take place either as a person or as a man!”
  • “Unlike mine, your dignity has sunk to the bottom!”
  • “You are an immoral, weak and miserable person!”
  • “All your words are helpless attempts to prove something!”
  • "I'm sorry to see you!"
  • "Don't be humiliated and don't try to say something smart!"
  • “I would offend you, but nature has already done it for me!”

How can you beautifully humiliate a woman, a girl, her husband's mistress with clever words without a mat?

In some life situations women themselves are “asking for” insults and humiliation. In order not to go beyond what is permitted cultural society trait and not show yourself as an ill-mannered person, it is important to know a number of phrases that can “put in place” any ill-mannered girl.

What should be emphasized:

The first thing that can hook a woman is criticism towards her appearance. It is important to choose words that will not directly shout “You are ugly!”, but only delicately hint about it. Your words should make a woman think and make her look at herself from a different perspective.

  • “When God created women, he decided to save money on you!”
  • “I would offend you, but I’ll just advise you to look in the mirror!”
  • “Your words are the helpless barking of a dirty mongrel!”
  • Surprisingly, she is not rich in mind and did not come out with her face!
  • “It’s a pity to spit in such a face!”

Another aspect of female dignity is their popularity with men. Here it is important to emphasize the problem itself (either there are very few men, since the lady does not attract them, or there are too many and she is compared to a woman of “easy virtue”).

  • “Yes, there is nowhere to put a test on you!”
  • “You have already given all your dignity to strangers!”
  • “You are the shame of the father and the tears of the mother!”
  • “You are a quality male bedding!”
  • “Your whole life is serving the owner for sugar!”
  • “No normal man will even look in your direction!”
  • "All your attractiveness ended 10 more men ago!"
  • "Messing with you is a disgrace to yourself!"

If you want to offend a woman as a person, you should point out the shortcomings of her mind, showing a fool in your own eyes and in the eyes of others:

  • “If you were smart, then you would have a decent man!”
  • "From smart women men don't leave!
  • “Here, you look at you and at first glance it seems that you are a fool! And then you look and for sure - a fool is a fool!

How to insult a woman with words without a mat?

How to offend, offend a man, a guy without a mat with clever words?

Some phrases that do not contain swearing and rudeness should not be very long. The fact is that a person who offends you obscenely is hardly able to understand literate and cultured words, as well as their meaning and the delicacy with which you pronounce them. Answer in short, but as clear as possible phrases. Speak your speech confidently, firmly and be sure to look into your eyes so that what is said is sure to be heard.

IMPORTANT: It is in your power to offend a man or a guy for causing offense with just one phrase that conveys all your pain and strength. Do not react to any cry and pass through yourself everything said in your honor, because it is your word that will be the last and decisive.

Offensive, but "cultural" insults for a man:

  • “Only a wretched mongrel will take root with someone like you!”
  • “You will never succeed because you have little strength and masculinity!”
  • “You are not able to satisfy a woman either mentally or in bed!”
  • “You are a disgrace to any, even the most fallen woman!”
  • “You are not a man, but a temporary use trinket!”
  • "Even the dumbest woman in the world can't be happy with you!"
  • “You have not yet taken place in the womb!”
  • “In your 40s, you can’t become a man!”
  • “You are so weak and you are such a loser that listening to your words doesn’t even hurt me!”

Offensive phrases without a mat for a man

How can you offend, offend a woman, a girl with clever words without a mat?

Try not to offend the woman with obscene words and still be able to convey to her important information help smart phrases without mat. Try to contain all your emotions and instill in every word not only your anger, but also the confidence that you are strong and the truth is on your side.

What phrases to say to a woman or girl:

  • “Instead of barking like a yard dog, you better go and think about your words and the stupidity with which you pronounce them!”
  • “Go wash up and wash this idiocy off yourself!”
  • “I used to think that you were smart, but now I see that you have always been a fool!”
  • “You must have been the last one in line for the mind!”
  • “Every time you open your mouth, another portion of slop comes out!”
  • "You act like you grew up in a brothel!"
  • “Yes, you have a brain, but not an ounce of intelligence in it!”

How to humiliate and respond to an insult to a person with words without a mat?

How to besiege, put a man, a guy, a subordinate in his place with clever words?

Very often, people at work completely lack professional ethics and a subordinate can “afford too much” during a conversation with superiors. The administration, in turn, are highly educated and well-mannered people, which allowed them to take such a rank.

A person with a higher rank should be able to “verbally punish” his subordinate for a misconduct and make him respect himself with cultural words alone. They must be spoken confidently and strictly, avoiding emotional gestures and explosive phrases.

What can be emphasized in a conversation with a subordinate:

  • For low education
  • Ask to see a document on higher or vocational education.
  • Threaten job loss due to incompetence
  • To say that a person risks losing respect in the eyes of superiors and colleagues.
  • Threaten with a fine or loss of bonus

How to "put in place" a subordinate:

  • "You make me regret that one day I decided to hire you."
  • “In my eyes, you instantly lost your qualifications!”
  • “I believe that our company overpays you, because your education is not worthy of such a salary.”
  • “I think you just spent your bonus!”
  • "I will not allow ignorance to flourish in my conscientious team!"
  • “You are a disgrace to our company!”
  • "With your achievements, our company will never succeed!"
  • “You are dragging our team and our company down!”

How to "put in place" a subordinate with words without a mat?

How to close a person's mouth with clever words?

IMPORTANT: The concept of “shut your mouth with smart words” suggests that you will find phrases that, after an insult, can reason with a person and warn him against new error. « Clever words”- words devoid of obscenities and rudeness, but saturated with reasonable meaning. They push a person to conclusions and, stronger than any obscene word, leave a mark on the soul.

Phrases to "shut your mouth" to a person:

  • “Since you opened your mouth, the stench has not ceased to come out, like from a garbage pit!”
  • “You better not open your mouth, because all your words only showed how low you are!”
  • “You opened your mouth and immediately realized that in front of me was a stupid person!”
  • "Your words didn't show you off better side
  • "Since you opened your mouth, I have changed my opinion of you for the worse!"
  • “Your words lowered you in my eyes nowhere lower!”
  • “You are incredibly stupid if you think that everything you said is smart speech!”

How to do and what to say to a person so that he can shut up: phrases without a mat

How to send off, send a guy, a man with clever words?

There are situations when a woman should rebuff a man so that he no longer pesters and does not have any views on her. A weak and stupid woman will swear with foul language, while a smart woman will allow you to put a person in his place with just a word and a look. The strength of a woman is in her behavior and words.

What to say to a man:

  • "You don't even deserve my eyes!"
  • "I will not tolerate such humiliation to give you my attention!"
  • "You're so low that I didn't even notice you at first!"
  • "In my eyes, you are nothing!"
  • "You're not even a man to me!"
  • "I don't want to deal with a lowly being like you!"
  • “Looking at you, I feel only pity!”
  • “I can’t stand boors, they are my competitors!”
  • "Let me send you intellectually?"
  • “Do you think I can really spend time with you? Well, probably thinking is not about you!”

Clever words goodbye to the guy who betrayed

Very often, men do not behave in good faith and betray women who are in love with them. In situations where women find out about this, many decide to leave. To let a man understand how low and wrong he was, one should choose worthy and true words that will simultaneously serve as humiliation and farewell.

What can you say to a man:

  • "Go back under that skirt you just crawled out of!"
  • “I don’t want to share with you any more bed, table, life, or even air on the same planet!”
  • “I hate to even just listen to your excuses! Such a man simply does not deserve me!”
  • “You have become so low that you began to seek happiness from a strange woman between your legs!”
  • “I was so stupid that I believed in your sincerity and now I’m sick of all the years we have lived together!”
  • “I hope that you will be happy and that someone else can give you at least some of the care that I blindly gave you!”
  • “You will regret after a while that you offended me, but then I will even forget your name.”
  • “How low you have fallen and the funny thing is that you don’t see it, and everyone else has already noticed!”

How can you call a person clever words?

Choose more loyal swear words to offend your offender without using foul language. This will show you only from the best side, as a reasonable and educated person, not spoiled and knowing dignity.

What words can you choose?

  • Bauble - an unnecessary thing, empty and soulless, having no purpose, on which time is wasted, something without mind and reason.
  • Cheap utensils - someone with low dignity, someone who is not needed and has no great value in the world.
  • Soulless man - a person devoid of any values ​​and inner peace.
  • Shame (disgrace) - a person deprived of dignity, a person who brings shame and problems to loved ones.
  • Shameless - a person deprived of respect and understanding of the people around him, a person without spiritual values.
  • Carrion - a person who has fallen in the eyes of others, a person who is comfortable living in the mud of words, deeds and betrayal.
  • Livestock - a person who does not behave rationally, a person who is compared to an animal.
  • Silly being - a person who does not know how to do smart things.
  • Animal - a person who does not know how to do well and is devoid of his being.
  • Insect - person without a human being
  • Mongrel - a person without nobility and education

How to call a person without using a mat?

How to say in smart words that a person is stupid?

Use these phrases:

  • "You're crazy like a cat cried!"
  • "The brain is no bigger than that of a chicken!"
  • “The head is big, but there is no brain!”
  • “You have a brain without convolutions!”
  • “You have only one gyrus and that one is even!”
  • "You understand me? But yes, where are you going?"
  • “Were you born this stupid or did you become?”
  • “You were the last in line for brains”
  • “Nature did not reward you with reason”

How to say in clever words that a person is a fool?

Use these words:

  • Fool
  • dim-witted
  • crazy
  • Lean in mind
  • clothed
  • On my own mind
  • autist
  • Clown

How to replace mats with buzzwords?

In order not to look stupid and excessive emotional person, try to develop in yourself the ability to replace obscene words cultural counterparts. It's not hard at all if you practice ahead of time. Try to understand in advance the whole meaning and meaning of the mats you know, and then in your understanding you will be able to replace them with more “cultural” words.

IMPORTANT: Clever words spoken “strongly” and confidently can be more painful and more significant than any obscenities that already exist constantly in the speech of a modern person.

How can you answer a person to an insult, insult, rudeness with clever words?


  • Try to contain your emotions
  • Answer not during the sport or the offender's monologue, but only when he runs out of words.
  • Speak calmly but confidently
  • Your voice should not be quiet or too loud
  • Look in the face and do not give free rein to your hands (both in terms of assault and unnecessary gestures).
  • Proudly leave after what has been said

Video: "Gentleman's Insults"

Article content:

Let's start with what's clean perfect moments does not exist in relationships, misunderstandings happen in every family, but the essence is in the development and consequences of quarrels. Most of the time, it's an insult. Many ladies of the fair sex asked themselves the question: why does a man insult and humiliate a woman? Let's figure out why a man insulted and humiliated.

Reasons why men humiliate women:

  1. subconscious response. At the male sex that insult and humiliate beautiful ladies, on the subconscious, a defense reaction begins when they begin to yell at them and pour out all the negativity;
  2. Wants to intimidate and be right about everything. He will not back down from his opinion, so he insults and humiliates female half in order to prove their position;
  3. He does not have the courage to break with you;
  4. Childhood example. The person who humiliates grew up in such an environment and saw tyrannical behavior from his father, grandfather, or the person who raised him. Even worse, if they run around him.

Psychology, why a man humiliates a woman

Step by step we delve into the essence of the issue. Why a man humiliates and insults a woman - the psychology is as follows:

  • A man humiliates, using it as a way to control and power. The goal is to destroy and change the personal opinion of your partner. Having become an authority for her, he believes that he can perfectly manage and manipulate her;
  • A man humiliates and insults girls - this is the psychology of a weak, insecure man who wants to raise self-esteem and show himself;
  • It's convenient for him. A man sees that there is no rebuff from the girl, she does not touch him, and continues to offend with 100% certainty that she is doing everything right, since the lady is silent. They can offend, humiliate, insult any woman anywhere: in transport, on vacation, at work , but why do men like to humiliate their beloved girlfriend or wife at home, let's try to find the answer. After all, it is very scary, especially since children can see everything!

Why does a man humiliate the woman he loves

  1. The woman herself chose the role of the victim. Perhaps unconsciously, because she saw such an example of her mother's behavior. The second option is when the lady is very much in love with her prince, does not see his shortcomings, and is sure that he is right in such behavior, and she is to blame and provoked him;
  2. They are used to living and behaving like this! Both! A woman obeys in everything, cooks, washes, looks after, he gets used to it. If the other half missed what he was used to (for example, did not serve on time to eat), there will be a quarrel, and the man begins to offend. And the wife silently endures and endures;
  3. The male sex wants to prove its status. If this does not work out among colleagues, among friends, a man humiliates his soulmate where? At home. Although there, he feels at his best, using this method, maybe to him;
  4. All the dissatisfaction and negativity that has gathered over the whole day must be thrown out. And why does the male sex love to humiliate his wives, and not those who got him? Because, a woman will listen and endure and will not go anywhere (in his opinion), and in a robot, for example, they can be fired or demoted. And he is looking for any reason to hurt his wife to get rid of all the bad results of the day;
  5. Competition. The husband sees that his wife is strong in character, achieves more than him, his self-esteem drops, and he begins to humiliate her;
  6. Fear that the spouse will begin to destroy his personal space (before marriage, he walked with friends, had a rest, did what he loved, and there are already obligations), and he begins to humiliate his beloved half so that his space would not be violated;
  7. Upbringing. Look at the parents of the boyfriend or husband. If his father is a tyrant and loves to constantly humiliate his mother, then the son’s behavior is likely to be similar, since his father brought him up like that, set an example;
  8. wife's behavior. If you constantly nag your spouse, express your dissatisfaction in an evil tone for any reason, his patience will also burst, and he will respond in kind.

Why does a man try to humiliate

There are many reasons, but this does not give the right to humiliate and insult. It is always necessary to find a compromise, but the outcome of the event as humiliation and violence is extremely unacceptable. We can sum up why men try to humiliate a woman: it was inherited given upbringing, the weakness of men who want to raise self-esteem, the desire to get and control the female sex in this way, a response to female tantrums and constant dissatisfaction, or the other half makes himself a victim, as well as a desire to show himself at his best in front of another person.

Most often, these are the aggressors who believe that they are always right. The girl, in order not to become a victim, must fight back. Any conflict situation it is necessary that it be adequate and not go beyond what is permitted, especially to violence. You have to control yourself, on both sides. And to realize your mistakes is already the first stage of mutual understanding.

Read also:

Orthodox calendar

Monday, March 18, 2019(March 5 O.S.)
Week 2 of Great Lent
Mch. Conon of Isauria (I)
Finding the relics of blgv. princes Theodore of Smolensk and his children David and Konstantin, Yaroslavl miracle workers (1463)
Saints' Day:
Mch. Onisia (I). Mch. Conon of the Gradarian (III). Rev. Mark Postnik (V). Rev. Hesychius Postnik (c. 790). Prmch. Adrian Poshekhonsky, Yaroslavsky (1550). Mts. Iraids. Mch. Eulogy, like in Palestine. Mch. Eulampia. Finding the relics of St. Luke Spanish, archbishop. Simferopolsky (1996).
Memorial Day of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Shmch. Nikolai Intercession Presbyter (1919); ssmch. John the Peacemaker Presbyter and St. Mardaria Isaev and Feofan Grafov (1938).
Day of veneration of icons Mother of God:
Icon of the Mother of God, called "Education".
Great post.
Marriage is not performed during Great Lent.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
For eternity: - Gen. 3:21-4:7; Proverbs 3:34-4:22 At the 6th hour:- Isaiah 4:2-5:7
Morning: - Ps.24-31; Ps.32-36; Ps.37-45 For eternity: - Ps.119-133

Quite often, offended women think about how to humiliate the representative of the stronger sex, who broke his heart or did not live up to expectations. This is a kind of defensive reaction that occurs against the background of accumulated negative emotions. For a man, the most "sharp" and painful will be those that degrade his sense of dignity. For example, if you tell him that he is a coward, a "rag", Sissy, a spineless creature that does not have its own opinion, etc. To bring the conversation to a boiling point, you can touch financial side question, reproaching him for the fact that he earns little, cannot provide for his soul mate, as befits a real man. As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex react very sharply to such statements, even if they do not outwardly show it.

Talk about male power and appearance

There is nothing more humiliating for a man than a sexual failure. loving girl will never remember awkward moments intimate life who do not embellish her chosen one. If you tell a man that during intercourse he was far “not up to par”, this can not only humiliate him, but also cause the development of an inferiority complex. This will be perceived especially painfully, if expressed not tete-a-tete, but, for example, in the company of mutual friends. This will be a blow below the belt, so the girl should think carefully about whether the man deserved such a punishment.

Despite the fact that men are not very scrupulous about their appearance, they react quite sharply to compliments addressed to their “rivals”. For example, for a representative of the stronger sex, the expression of the chosen one that she liked the muscles of the handsome man from the next entrance can become humiliating. Also, men do not tolerate when they are compared with anyone. For example, for a guy to start grinding his teeth, it is enough for a girl to hint that he is not strong enough, pumped up and courageous, like, for example, one of her friends.

Should it be humiliated?

In fact, you can humiliate a person with a few well-chosen phrases. However, often women who have expressed to the chosen ones everything that has accumulated do not feel proper relief. The thing is that the negative that spilled out does not disappear anywhere. It only materializes, making the relationship more strained. A woman who systematically humiliates a man will never get respect, love and affection from him. On the contrary, it will become closed and notorious. If emotions are running high, it is better to speak out to a friend, and simply ignore the man. Indifference is the most terrible humiliation and punishment for any person.
September 2, 2015

People often try to humiliate each other. There are several reasons for such actions, as well as solutions to the problem. In this article, we will find out the essence of the problem and find solutions.

In order to understand how to act when a guy humiliates you, you need to understand the reason for such actions. There may be several reasons and we will tell about them.

Reasons why a guy humiliates a girl:

1. Self-assertion. In this way, the guy is trying to increase his self-esteem. Mankind has such an inherent flaw as envy. Often if a girl has a lot positive qualities, then the guy is envious. After all, it turns out that he is unworthy of her and she is more successful than him. That is why he is trying to humiliate her to his level, thereby lowering her self-esteem and suggesting to her that she is not so good.

2. Bitter experience. This should include the upbringing of the guy and his life experience. Children are like a sponge soaking up everything that happens in their family. Thus, they themselves observe family relations and take such a model for their future family. If the guy's parents often quarreled and humiliated each other, then it is very likely that in the future the guy will act like his father. But still in rare cases the guy manages to overcome himself and build his family model.

3. Weakness. Guys who have not reached the level of a man on a psychological level can insult and humiliate a girl. They again do not like that girl stronger character. And this is understandable because he wants to be in charge. Therefore, he tries to humiliate the girl and piss her off, so that in the future there will be a reason to prove to her that he is better.

4. Energy vampire. There are people who use . They provoke conflict, and when a person starts to get nervous and spends energy on a quarrel, they absorb it.

As you understand, when a guy humiliates a girl, he does it in order to increase his self-esteem at her expense. It's low. But still, many girls go into conflict and make attempts to prove otherwise. By doing so, they doom themselves to eternal conflicts that will not lead them to desired results. As the saying goes, you can't put out fire with fire.

How to deal with a person who humiliates you:

1. End the relationship. In any case, this is the best way out of the situation. Why waste time and energy on someone who doesn't deserve it.

2. Increase your self-esteem. Let the man know with your behavior that you clever man and you won't get into conflict. At the first attempts to offend you, tell him about it. That way you will immediately put it in its place.

3. Teach your partner. Draw his attention to the fact that you should not raise your voice at you, insult and humiliate you too. Don't be afraid to state directly that you see that he wants to start welding, but you are not going to quarrel. Be calm and polite. Most likely, such a relationship will hurt a man. He may become even more angry. This is due to the fact that he is used to seeing a different reaction. Therefore, he wants to bring the work he has begun to the end. In this case, tell him that you do not want to continue the conversation with him, as you were offended by him. Further quarrel, I advise you to ignore. Over time, the man will calm down and try to talk to you. But first, let me apologize. Let them learn to be responsible for their words. After the apology, warn him that he will not get away with it so easily in his further such actions. Be prepared that this will most likely happen again. But over time, you will get your way. Understand, it is very difficult to make a guy treat you politely if you immediately put yourself in the wrong place.

I advise you not to allow yourself to be humiliated. Because the future will not be better. Fight back and show your boyfriend that you are a girl who is a person, has her own opinions and deserves respect.
