How can you get rid of a person. How to forget a loved one? Emotional addiction - how to wean yourself from the person you love

differing in etiology and pathogenesis. The type of rhinitis that is no less common today is drug-induced, caused by the uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drops.

Exceeding the recommended doses causes addiction to nasal drops. How to get rid of drug dependence and tolerance to drugs is a very topical issue. After all, the process of weaning a habit can take long time, but out of time Taken measures may result in severe complications.

Why do people get addicted to nose drops?

Most patients consider vasoconstrictor drugs a panacea for the common cold, self-medicate and gradually increase the dosage for more rapid achievement result.

At first glance, an easy treatment process can lead to significant dysfunction of the nasal mucosa and the development of side effects: frequent attacks of headache, gestational hypertension, sleep disorder, depression.

Nasal drops belong to the group of adrenergic receptor agonists, that have a stimulating effect on adrenoreceptors in the walls of blood vessels, causing narrowing of the latter. Adrenergic stimulation of medicinal products alters the secretion of muconasal secretions.

The action of drugs of the vasoconstrictor group is aimed at removing swelling of the mucous membrane, reducing the amount of mucus and facilitating nasal breathing. In other words, nose drops do not have a direct effect on the cause of the disease, but only eliminate the symptoms manifested.

Important! Delayed treatment of drug-induced rhinitis threatens pathological changes in the nasal mucosa, which may require surgical intervention to restore functioning.

After prolonged use of nasal drops, vasomotor rhinitis may develop

Therapeutic regimen involves the use of vasoconstrictor drugs for no more than 3-5 days, since longer use causes tolerance to the drug (addiction of the body to the active substances).

Uncontrolled nasal instillation gives the opposite effect- decreased vascular tone, mucosal atrophy, shortness of breath and absolute dependence on vasoconstrictor drops.

AT this case, the problem cannot be solved by completely eliminating the pharmacological product, independent actions do not always make it possible to exclude addiction to nasal drops. What to do to alleviate the condition, the doctor will advise, having studied in detail the patient's history and the pharmacokinetics of the drug used.

How to treat addiction to nose drops

The immediate responsibility of the attending specialist is to determine the etiology of the disease and conduct an examination of the mucosa, paranasal sinuses and nasal septum. After a thorough diagnosis, a treatment regimen is selected taking into account individual features patient.

In practice, one chooses conservative method therapy, in exceptional cases there is a need for radical measures(surgical intervention).

Necessary actions to alleviate the condition

If the nose is accustomed to drops, it is first necessary to minimize the concentration of the drug and reduce the number of its applications. For this you need:

  • increase the interval between instillation of the nose;
  • reduce the dosage of the drug every day (ideally, drip your nose just before bedtime);
  • if possible, dilute the pharmacological product boiled water before use.

Important develop the habit of not resorting to drops at the first sign of nasal congestion. Alternative Methods help ease breathing - indoors, walking on fresh air in warm time of the year.

The doctor may suggest drug replacement method. There are four types of vasoconstrictor drops with different active ingredients: phenylephrine, naphazoline, xylometazoline and oxymetazoline.

Persistent nasal congestion with drug-induced rhinitis causes a person to use nasal drops uncontrollably

For example, if addiction was caused by phenylephrine, a drug based on another active substance from the above types is prescribed.

If a this method did not give positive dynamics, the therapeutic regimen includes medicines based on synthetic hormones, similar to biologically active substances produced by the adrenal glands in the human body.

The amount of single or total application, as well as the duration of therapy calculated based on the age of the patient and the severity of drug-induced rhinitis.

Nasal lavage

Sanitation of the nasal cavity refers to procedures that have received approval among physicians. This manipulation does not require certain skills and is easily carried out at home.

The most common way- the use of a saline solution, both prepared independently and purchased at a pharmacy ("", "", etc.).

Using this method allows you to restore the normal functioning of the nasal mucosa - eliminate, reduce the viscosity and amount of mucus, and make breathing easier.

For self cooking solution necessary third part 1 tsp sea ​​salt dissolve in 250 ml. water brought to a boil. Cool to an acceptable temperature (36 degrees) and proceed to washing.

Important! Salt has an antiseptic effect. It is necessary to adhere to the recommended dosage when preparing the solution, since an increased amount of salt can lead to overdrying of the mucosa.

Products purchased at the pharmacy will facilitate the washing procedure. Pharmacological products are equipped with special anatomical nozzles, and the solution is supplied under pressure, which allows you to irrigate the mucous membrane as much as possible.

Non-traditional methods of therapy

Among most effective ways folk therapy in the treatment of medical rhinitis, it is worth highlighting the following recipes:

  1. Healing drops. For preparation, it is necessary to mix in equal proportions aloe juice, honey and sea ​​buckthorn oil. Use three times a day, on 2-3 drops into each nasal passage.
  2. Steam baths with essential oils. At correct use essential oil tea tree can be indispensable tool during treatment. Thanks to the regenerating, antiseptic effect, it has positive impact on the mucosa. For cooking steam bath necessary in 1 l. water, brought to a boil to dissolve a few drops of oil ethers.
  3. No less effective oil. You can also use the leaves of the plant. For inhalation it is necessary 3 art. l. leaves boil for 10 minutes over low heat in 500 ml. water. Let the mixture cool down a little and start steam inhalation. The duration of the procedure should not exceed more than 15 minutes. Daily rate2 times, in the morning and before bed.

Complex therapy (medication and folk remedies) gives a positive trend

  1. Turundas with boromenthol ointment. Ointment-soaked turundas are inserted into each nasal passage for 15-20 minutes. Duration of treatment - one to two weeks.
  2. Medicinal infusions. saline solution for washing, you can replace the prepared infusion from medicinal herbs. The most optimal combination of medicinal raw materials: chamomile + calendula + sage ( 2 tbsp. l.). Pour the herbal mixture 500 ml. water brought to a boil, leave for 60 minutes and strain. Use 3-4 times a day for 10 days.
  3. You can ease nasal breathing with a mustard foot bath.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapy helps to significantly alleviate the patient's condition. Most effective procedures in the treatment of medical rhinitis:

  • electrophoresis. This method allows you to remove swelling of the mucosa, accelerate tissue regeneration, activate the body's immune defenses. The principle of electrophoresis is based on the simultaneous action electrical impulses and the introduction of drugs through the nasal mucosa;
  • phonophoresis, acts on the mucous membrane by high-frequency sound waves, which makes it possible to enhance the effectiveness of medicines and speed up the healing process;
  • ultrahigh frequency therapy(influence by high-frequency electromagnetic field). Promotes the restoration of cellular respiration, regenerates the mucosa, reduces swelling, stimulates blood circulation and the immune defense of the body;
  • acupressure (acupressure), effectively localizes symptoms, restores nasal breathing, and eliminates edema. Enough simple procedure that does not require the use of drugs. You can do it at home as it doesn't require any special skills.

Important! Folk remedies are powerful allergens, before using which it is necessary to conduct an allergy test.


Having considered possible ways, how to wean from nasal drops, it is worth noting that the patient needs to tune in for a long time of treatment. A positive psychological attitude, and following the recommendations of the attending physician will allow you to get rid of addiction with minimal damage to the body.

There are very few people among us without habits that should be abandoned: we smoke, eat sweets uncontrollably, spend big money on shopping, bite our nails, watch porn, constantly sit on social networks and cannot take a step without a smartphone.

We sincerely believe that we lack willpower - that's what the main problem. How many times have you tried to quit before, but still nothing, so why should it work now? It seems to us that the matter is doomed to failure in advance, so we do not even try to change something, and if we try, we ourselves do not believe in success.

Here's what I'll tell you: the result is directly proportional to the amount of effort invested. It is difficult, but doable, of course, if you give yourself entirely to the task at hand. For those who have finally and irrevocably decided to say goodbye to addictions, I have prepared quick guide in just 10 consecutive steps. It is not at all necessary to complete absolutely everything, but the more of them you do, the higher the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

1. Find real motivation

How many times have people given up on something simply because it seemed to them cool idea: Quit caffeine. Mmm, that sounds cool." So-so justification. All you really need is strong motivation. I quit smoking because I realized that one day it would kill me, and I realized that if I didn’t quit, my children would start smoking too sooner or later. Find your “why” and write it down on a piece of paper. This will be the first item in your plan of salvation.

2. Make a commitment

Once you've identified your motivation, stand firm. old story: we promise that today we will not touch cigarettes, but the habit in the end will definitely take over us. In order not to break loose, you need the support of others, so do not hesitate to tell everyone about your intentions. If you have someone to turn to for help, it will be much easier for you to cope with addiction than alone.

3. Beware of irritants

What situations triggered bad habits? A habit doesn't form on its own, it's always reinforced by something from the outside: you smoke when everyone around you smokes, you go shopping when you're nervous, you eat junk when you're bored, you turn on porn when you're lonely, and you hang out on social networks when need to kill time. Observe yourself for a few days and determine what are your triggers. Incorporate them into your plan of salvation and try to avoid provoking situations.

4. Find out what the habit is talking about

Bad habits are the result of unfulfilled desires. Determine for each stimulus a need that is satisfied with the corresponding attachment. Some habits help you socialize, some help you deal with stress, sadness, boredom, loneliness, and relaxation. Record all of this in the plan of salvation and think about other ways you can meet your needs.

5. Create a Replacement Habit for Each Trigger

So how do you deal with stress now? You just can’t resist returning to the old habit, otherwise the unsatisfied need will remind you of itself. Create new habits that you will refer to when you get into stressful situation. Match the triggers from the rescue plan with the list of these habits - they can work for several stimuli at once.

6. Don't follow your desires

At first, trigger situations will encourage us to return to the power of habits, because we are used to performing these actions automatically. Learn to recognize the urge that arises and watch it grow stronger and then subside. If you really want to act in accordance with desire, distract yourself with all your might. Take a few deep breaths and exhale, drink some water, go for a walk or ask someone for help. After a while, you will definitely be released.

7. Respond to the trigger with a new habit

This is where you have to focus really hard. First, it is necessary to determine the moment of occurrence of the stimulus. Secondly, instead of the old habit, you will need to do something else. If you get confused, don't worry. It is important to just be extremely careful and firm, then the new action will eventually become the default. By the way, this is one of the difficulties of quitting bad habits: if numerous triggers spontaneously arise during the day, it takes a lot of effort to tightly control yourself.

8. Be careful with your thoughts

During dialogues with the inner “I”, we ourselves sometimes give indulgence bad habits. Keep a close eye on your thoughts and do not give in to the desire to abandon the movement towards your goal. There simply can't be any excuses here.

9. Quit gradually

Until recently, I was a supporter of the philosophy of abrupt and immediate quitting. Now I sincerely believe in the power of gradualism. Instead of the usual 20 cigarettes a day, first smoke 15, then 10, then five, then none. The process, stretched for a week, does not look so scary, so the chances of winning are much greater.

10. Learn from mistakes

We are not all without sin. If you fail, just accept what happened and think about what could have been done differently. Record your ideas in the plan of salvation, which will become more and more perfect over and over again. Each of the mistakes will become a stepping stone to getting rid of the habit.

I am not saying that the method I proposed is simple, but many of those who ignored these ideas ended up with their addictions. You definitely don't need this. Fully immerse yourself in the process, find a strong enough motivation and replace the bad habit with a good one, with which you will respond to each stimulus. You can do it, I promise.

Many people do not even think about the fact that drugs have side effects, and you need to use them wisely and strictly according to the instructions, first making sure that they are necessary. Quite often, this situation occurs with drops or sprays for instillation into the nose, which have a vasoconstrictive effect.

As soon as a person begins to feel nasal congestion, as discharge appears, and the sense of smell is disturbed, he buys nasal remedies in a pharmacy and, without carefully reading the instructions, uses them. And does it too often or more due date without consulting a doctor, but relying only on their own subjective feelings. As nasal congestion appears, the mucous membrane receives a new portion of vasoconstrictor drops.

Gradually, the intervals between instillations become shorter, more and more drops are required, and the treatment course is arbitrarily extended by the patient to several months. The patient, being confident in the correctness of his actions, causes considerable damage to his health.

What is the danger of vasoconstrictor drops in the nose

Before you start using any remedy for the common cold, you need to understand the form of the disease. By origin, rhinitis can be viral-bacterial (infectious), allergic, vasomotor (neurogenic), hormonal (pregnant runny nose). Along the course - acute or chronic, according to the reaction of the nasal mucosa - hypertrophic or hypotrophic.

Only a doctor can understand each form of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment. But in life, when a runny nose appears in yourself or your child man goes to the pharmacy, where he is always advised to buy vasoconstrictor sprays or nasal drops (vasoconstrictors). Given the pathogenesis and causes of forms of the disease, the use of these drugs is justified in almost all types of rhinitis, but differs in significance and dosage.

So, in the treatment of infectious rhinitis, vasoconstrictor drops play a leading role, reducing the swelling of the mucous membrane and the formation of a mucopurulent secretion. But with a runny nose of an allergic nature, antihistamines or hormonal agents, and the use of vasoconstrictor drops performs an auxiliary function. Therefore, when various forms diseases, they differ both in the required single dose and in the duration of the treatment course.

Without understanding these important points, the patient begins to use drops in the nose as soon as congestion appears. After all positive effect occurs almost immediately: free nasal breathing and a full sense of smell are restored.

But the action of the funds quickly ceases, and the person again resorts to them. Gradually, he can no longer do without drugs, unable to wean himself from them, he carries them with him everywhere and thinks that he is being treated correctly and effectively.

This is the insidiousness of nasal vasoconstrictors. They form an addiction, which, of course, is not a drug addiction, but requires a lot of close attention and the application of considerable effort to get off it.

Unjustified use of drops can lead to such a serious disease as drug rhinitis, which requires long-term therapy. And third unwanted action vasoconstrictors - despite their topical application, they can have a systemic effect on the body.

getting used to vasoconstrictor drops formed gradually and almost imperceptibly. The capillaries of the nasal mucosa, having received a dose, narrow as if by an "external" order. Their tone increases, the release of blood plasma into the intercellular space of the epithelium stops, and the production of mucous secretion decreases.

In this case, the normal neuro-reflex regulation of vascular tone is disturbed, it practically stops working. Capillaries get used to external regulation by vasoconstrictors and wait for a new dose. Until she arrives, their narrowing and reduction of puffiness does not occur.

Rejoicing at the excellent effect of instillation of drugs, a person after a while again feels congestion, which makes him increase the dose and shorten the intervals between doses in the hope of a persistent positive result. Often the patient does not even realize that the addiction has already formed, and cannot "get off" on his own. He needs competent advice and medical assistance.

With the constant flow of vasoconstrictors into the nasal cavity, the capillary network is in a forced spasmodic state. As a result, all tissues do not receive oxygen and nutrition, their metabolism is disturbed, and dystrophic changes begin. The cells of the mucous membrane gradually die, it becomes thin, dry, vulnerable and hypotrophic.

Gradually, a condition called medicamentous rhinitis develops. So, in an effort to cure a common cold, the patient gets more serious pathology, which must be treated long and hard.

There is also a danger of systemic action of nasal drops-vasoconstrictors. This can happen with their overdose, especially if a person has some accompanying illnesses. Entering the bloodstream, vasoconstrictor drugs have a spasmodic effect on the vessels of the whole organism.

As a result, rise arterial pressure begins palpitations, shortness of breath, headache, nausea and sleep disturbances appear. An overdose is very dangerous in childhood when vasoconstrictors may necessitate emergency hospitalization of the baby in the toxicology department of the hospital.

How to wean from vasoconstrictor nasal remedies

Before you begin to solve a problem, you must first realize its existence. Only when the patient realizes that he has already formed an addiction to vasoconstrictors, that he already has complete is underway hypotrophy of the nasal mucosa with the development of drug-induced rhinitis, only then will he have the strength to deal with this problem. And the doctor will help him with this.

Apply for medical assistance necessary, because only a specialist can competently deal with each problem situation. Conduct an examination, clarify all complaints, make an examination and confirm the presence of addiction or drug-induced rhinitis is the doctor's task. He will also appoint necessary treatment and will control it.

But the first step must be taken by the patient himself. To wean from vasoconstrictor drops, you need to refuse them flatly. This is the very first stage of treatment and the most difficult. After all, the hand will constantly reach for the desired bottle, all thoughts will be only about it, the nasal mucosa will cry for help, and the capillaries in chorus will ask for the long-awaited dose.

As practice shows, in order to make it easier to control yourself, you need to say a decisive “no” to vasoconstrictor drops in the morning and load yourself urgent work. It is important not to forget to throw the bottle of medicine into the garbage chute and bypass the pharmacy.

It will be very difficult for the first few days, then the neuro-reflex regulation will gradually begin to recover, and the capillaries will “remember” that they can work independently. The functionality of the mucous membrane will begin to recover, its swelling will decrease and disappear, the production of mucous secretion will take on normal volumes.

To help the body cope with addiction, overcome the psychological barrier, and at the same time normalize the condition of the mucous membrane, you can take some remedial measures. And first of all, it is not just to cancel vasoconstrictor drops, but to replace them with other means, mainly of plant origin (sometimes, vasoconstrictors are first replaced in a very reduced dosage).

It has been proven that instillation of freshly squeezed juice of carrots, red beets, aloe, onions (diluted with water 1:1) with the addition of 1 drop of heated honey not only has a substitution effect. These agents additionally disinfect the mucous membrane in the most gentle way and help the epithelial layer regenerate faster.

Herbal decoctions work in the same way. The well-known calendula, sage, chamomile pharmacy provide invaluable assistance in the fight against addiction and drug-induced rhinitis.

Measures to wash the nose and moisten the mucous membrane are excellent. Can be used as pharmaceutical products, and prepare the solution yourself. One teaspoon of ordinary table or sea salt is dissolved in 1 liter of water. This solution can be instilled into the nasal passages 3-4 drops, you can also wash, up to 6 times a day.

Physiotherapy will help restore the functionality of the mucous membrane. The doctor will advise which methods from a huge arsenal of physiotherapy can be applied in case of a drug-induced cold and addiction to vasoconstrictors. good effect possesses UHF, phonophoresis, electrophoresis, acupuncture. At home, it is possible to warm the nose with the help of bags with hot salt or boiled potatoes and eggs.

AT severe cases when the changes in the mucous membrane that have occurred are so great that they cannot be conservative treatment The patient is advised to undergo surgery. In each specific situation, the most best way(laser, conchotomy, vasotomy, cryotherapy, turbinoplasty).

In order not to bring yourself to the point long-term treatment or surgical intervention, it is necessary to remember the dangers of using vasoconstrictor drops. Strict adherence to dosages will help to avoid serious consequences.

Human relationships do not always develop according to ideal scenario, even the most strong couples susceptible to cooling feelings. A woman who intuitively anticipates that the day will come soon when her beloved announces that their relationship has exhausted itself or simply says that you need to live apart for some time to test feelings, is in more best position than the one left suddenly.

But without exception, all the girls who joined the ranks of the abandoned ones, after such a cardinal change in their lives, do not bounce back very quickly. For some, it takes a week or two to heal a heart wound, and some live with pain for many months. How to quickly forget a loved one: so that he does not come in dreams, does not dream at every crossroads, just to start living a normal life and even dream of a new relationship?

The best healer, how to forget the person you love is time

The doctors have good saying that time is the most the best doctor. Parting with a loved one is a mental and heart injury, so we will treat it exactly as the doctors advise. Every day the pain will begin to subside, and over time, separation will no longer seem like the end of life, but before such a philosophical period, others should be experienced, during which most girls and women behave inappropriately.

The most a big problem is that girls can't believe they've been dumped, after all, women themselves very rarely commit such acts, and therefore it seems to them just a nightmare that will certainly end and everything will be fine in the morning. Living in anticipation that the young man will return means that your life will turn into an insignificant existence.

Psychologist's advice on how to forget the person you love is simple at first glance, but they are based on worldly wisdom. After all, hundreds of thousands of women were abandoned before you, and they survived, fell in love again, became happy and surrounded by the care of their loved ones. Why do you need to join the ranks of clients of psychiatric institutions, acquire addictions?

Psychologist's advice on how to forget the person you love

How to forget the person you love? Such a question is on the agenda of the girls, who finally realized that the man will not return. Or, if he returns, they will still think about whether it is worth forgiving him. The first days were sleepless, liters of tears were shed, torn joint photos, but now the girl no longer wants to be tightly closed in her own house.

Psychologists advise to come to them for an appointment on any issues, even petty ones., but our problem is not at all small, so you need to visit a specialist so that he can tell you how to live in the future, how to forget the person you love and how not to make mistakes that can even destroy hope for the future.

What should never be done:

  • think about suicide;
  • pursue a former loved one;
  • write him threatening letters;
  • overeat sweets;
  • abuse alcohol;
  • to think that drugs can reduce suffering;
  • restrain emotions, bury yourself alive;
  • to impose on everyone you know with stories about your problem, but it is necessary to cry to your loved ones in a vest;
  • have sex with all the men she has just met.

A very short time will pass, and you will be ashamed of all these actions, so they better to avoid, than in the future to add to depression additional experiences that have arisen in connection with shame for one's own behavior.

Forgetting the person you love is easier if you believe in the future

It is much easier for optimists to live, they turn any problems and experiences for their own good. They say: what is not done is for the better. And they are right. You need to convince yourself that the former beloved was not so good, you need to remember those traits of his character that you did not like and focus on this. For half of the girls, this way to forget the person you love helps, and the point here is not self-hypnosis, but the fact that many simply opened their eyes, which were previously closed from love.

Dreamers also cope with grief faster. Their natures need new living images, they need to dream about someone or something. Why don't you go for walks more often, visit cinemas, fashion exhibitions, where it is so easy to meet a new friend who may become yours. true love and now for life.

Workaholics are helped to cope with nervous tension work days. You can ask the authorities for additional responsibilities, so you will be distracted from sadness and at the same time pave the way for successful career advancement.

All these recommendations show that those people whose life did not end from the fact that they were abandoned cope with problems more easily. You need to forget the person you love and continue to live: work, study, relax, play sports, find a new hobby. Life is multifaceted! Life is unpredictable! Happiness is already here, it will appear soon, believe in a happy future!

“He “rooted” inside of me. It seems to me that I understand the meaning of the words "merged into one." His smell, the sound of his voice, his facial features entered me so deeply that I no longer understand where I am and where he is. Sweet languor covers me when he approaches. Yes, we will be together again. And I will finally be at peace.

Its end. He's gone forever. Survive a breakup - there is no strength. Memories cause unbearable pain. Time does not heal. Love doesn't pass. But we can no longer be together. What to do? How to wean from a person who has become the only desired object of love and passion? How to survive these severe torments: to be deprived of him, my only affordable way experience the sweetness of intimacy? After all, I want to be only with him ... "

How to quickly forget the person you love? It looks like it's impossible...

Why can't I forget and let go

Getting satisfaction from intimacy with a man is natural desire every woman, this is her essence. System-Vector Psychology Yuri Burlan reveals the reasons for people's actions hidden in the unconscious. He says that each person has his own desires and properties, called vectors. Each vector has its own way of thinking and its own values, in accordance with which a person acts and strives to enjoy life.

Desires invisibly govern everyone's life. Woman with anal vector by nature the most best hostess and wife. She feels inside a craving for the hearth, comfort, creation with a man strong relationship based on care and trust. She wants stable family relations and is ready to love and desire her man all her life. Change is not about her. She is decent and clean, faithful in marriage and does not even think of going for a walk on the side. These words literally make her sick.

And if the negative experience did not trample on all the pure aspirations of this woman, then she enters into a relationship with a man, initially perceiving him as a future husband, father of her children and a person with whom she will have to share her old age.

Sexual attraction often occurs between representatives of opposite vectors for better survival, adaptation to environmental conditions and raising children. One takes care of the family, home, children, and the second earns food. In pair with a woman with an anal vector, the owner of the properties of the skin vector is “attracted”.

A man with a skin vector has very different goals in priority than a woman with an anal vector. For him, career, status are important, and family is not a special value. The difference in goals, misunderstanding of each other's character properties does not allow the couple to create such relationships that would suit both. And people break up.

Advice like finding another for the owner of the anal vector is unnatural in nature. And this is exactly what psychologists say most often. The desire of a woman with anal vector - to get married once and for all, to be faithful wife and live with one man all her life, and she is advised to find a new one.

How can you find another if it's not over yet? And each next step brings the woman back to the past.

If she also has a visual vector that gives a person special sensitivity, emotionality and figurative thinking, then she will draw cute cozy pictures in her imagination life together, represent calm family evenings, traditional way of life and yourself as a caring hostess and mother. And this is the whole question. Standard advice from psychologists does not take this into account. In love, a woman with a visual vector finds the meaning of life and feels happy when she loves.

Having got used to a person, believing him, seeing in him everything that is so desirable to her heart, she directs all her flow of passion and love to him. Time runs forward, the woman is full of hope and expectation of a brighter future. Attachment to her beloved is growing every day, and now for her there is no one dearer and more desirable than him in the whole world.

It happens that the owner of the visual vector experiences fears that disappear during intimacy with a man. A man gives a woman a sense of security and safety. After parting, a woman experiences psychological discomfort due to unconscious fear for her life. Fear makes her cling to her partner like a saving straw. There is an emotional attachment to a man as the only source that helps not to experience feelings of fear.

How to forget him and let him go if a woman has literally grown to him with her soul and body? It's impossible to do it quickly.

Features of parting

The owner of the skin vector experiences parting easier. He can switch easily. He quickly gets carried away with new things and forgets about what was desired yesterday.

Due to the special structure of her psyche, a woman with an anal vector is hard to endure any changes and prefers life to go slowly and straight - as usual. And how to forget a loved one, if nature has rewarded her with properties that prevent her from doing this?

The psyche of people with an anal vector is rigid. It is difficult for such a person to rebuild, to perceive the new. This property is rooted deep in the unconscious, and it is associated with a natural role in society.

The specific role of a person with an anal vector is the transfer of experience and knowledge taken from the past to the next generations. This is necessary so that each new generation does not have to reinvent the wheel, and people as a whole can develop further.

Excellent memory, the desire to keep everything as it was, the inability to perceive the new extends to all areas of life, including relationships. A person remembers everything that happened in the past: both good and bad. And if the relationship brought joy and satisfaction, then new partner will lose to the old one. Permanent Comparison not in his favor will not give the opportunity to create the desired relationship.

If a past experience was negative, then a woman can generally refuse relationships so as not to hurt herself. She will compare all men with one who caused suffering and relations with which did not take place. The desire to keep everything as it was necessary in order to absorb necessary information, keep it unchanged, without distorting the slightest detail. And then pass it on to the next generations.

The transfer of experience is a responsible process. If something is forgotten, distorted or a detail is missed, then the whole generation can be left without a “wheel”, without the necessary knowledge base in order to move forward.

Patience, the inability to rebuild and change anything in life give interesting effect: a woman cannot part with a partner even if the union has long brought only suffering. And sometimes it becomes simply impossible to forget the former, only if she herself makes such a decision. Then appears real opportunity get away from the person.

If the relationship is cut off, interrupted, then a person who by nature “walks only straight ahead” simply cannot turn around sharply, show flexibility and change orientations. Parting for him can result in a total impossibility to rebuild, in a feeling of bereavement, in a feeling as if an arm or leg has been torn off.

A woman with an anal vector deceived in a relationship is deprived of the opportunity to enjoy life through realization in a pair relationship. Mentally, she always returns to the past and cannot live in the present moment. For the owner of the anal vector, it is very important to bring the matter to the end, to the point - to end the relationship. The feeling of incompleteness torments, crushes, aches inside, lies a heavy burden, does not allow a person to budge, start life from clean slate.

How to forget and live

Forgetting the man you love is real. But this is not always necessary.

"System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan makes it possible to understand one's properties and desires, as well as mental properties other people. It helps to figure out whether it is necessary to continue the relationship, is it possible to return something else, or is it time to really put an end to it and move on. Man is created in such a way that he has all the properties in order to achieve what he wants.

A woman with a visual vector needs love like air, and the properties of the anal vector give her the ability to be herself. best wife and mother. Systemic knowledge helps to understand where a person's desires lead.

They give you the opportunity not to lose the ability to love after parting, not to close your heart to new relationships and to understand that the person with whom the parting happened made it possible to experience a lot good times in life, experience happiness.

How to stop loving a man, not to suffer and let go? How to start life with a clean slate and find hope again? Understanding the reasons why the other person does a certain thing helps you not fall into resentment. Gratitude for the past helps to let go of a person, put an end to it and start life from scratch. Many women have been able to survive a breakup.

«… what happened to me after the first level 1 was so important (I now understand this)! I understood the reasons for my, as I always thought, unacceptable behavior, which led to a divorce! I finally forgave myself, as if the tombstone had been removed from my chest! I realized that, or rather, WHO lived by me ... it was such a relief ...

... I finally said goodbye to my lingering grievances that I cherished for years. About my ex-husband I forgot to think, and it happened somehow imperceptibly, of course. And if I remember him in conversations with children, then without anguish, without pain and resentment. Everything fell into place, I now clearly see that neither I nor he could behave differently. I stopped blaming myself for bad mother, now I understand that I was just born like this ... "

How can you forget a man, but not forget love? How not to succumb to provocation negative experience past and wean from a person who has become close? You can find out the answers at Yuri Burlan's free online training "System Vector Psychology".

The article was written using the materials of Yuri Burlan's online training "System-Vector Psychology"
