What personal items should a man have? Perfectly fitting suit made to order

We know that your life is already difficult. Every day you are required to take responsibility, action and initiative. Be patient, my friend, because over the years everything will only get worse. And these 25 things, collected into one material by colleagues from American Esquire, will help you step by step become a man of action.

1. Skin the moose

One of the most important skills a real man. Study the picture, practice hard and everything will work out.

2. Get the attention of a busy bartender

He doesn't hate you. He just needs a little patience. And tips.

3. Bet on a horse

There are several ways here. Either follow the races and study the horses, or rely on luck and bet your entire salary on the stallion with the most honest eyes. In Ukraine, betting is prohibited along with gambling, but there is information that necessary people gather quietly near the hippodrome.

4. Give a good massage

Forget about the two-minute shame for show that you thought was a massage. You must be able to give long-lasting pleasure.

5. Fall down a tree

A man must not only plant a tree, but also be able to fell it if something goes wrong. Picture to help.

6. Buy women's clothing

We know this is hell. But you'll have to take the leap and learn at least basic sizing. women's clothing, and - the most difficult thing - to remember them.

7. Clean the fish

This requires a knife, a dead fish (obviously) and, if you're too sophisticated, gloves.

8. Cook eggs four ways

Whether it's fried eggs, omelette, boiled eggs or poached - breakfast will only benefit from this.

9. Google effectively

No, this is not a joke. You can spend the whole day studying the results for the query “Google secrets”. We highly recommend it - you will learn a lot of new things for yourself. Plus, you can become an expert on almost any subject.

10. Sew on a button

Because there is no need to burden your wife with such trifles. It's better to make her do something difficult.

11. Comfort a crying woman

12. Look good in photos

In any case, there will be someone in your life who forces you to take pictures even when you just want to lie down and die. Find a photo that you like and study it in detail - angle, head position, etc.

13. Calm a crying child

You will have to accept that the child's feelings are valid. And they react very strongly to the sincerity of your actions.

14. Parallel parking (like a man)

You may have few other virtues, but you must learn to park like homo sapiens. 90% of this skill is formula, and only 10% is ability and maneuver.

15. Screw and power the ceiling chandelier

Additional instructions may be needed depending on the specific model, but here's the basics.

16. Make pancakes

Mom won't always be there. Be a man, it's not that hard.

17. Fix a leaking toilet side

Here, too, everything is not as scary as you most likely thought. The problem is most likely a plaque in the hole covered with a rubber gasket. Or in the gasket itself. We pick up a brush and a couple of tools and soon life will become more beautiful.

18. Know how to move correctly

You know what we're talking about. Women value not only physical data, but also skills. Move clearly and uncompromisingly, but with awareness of the matter. Like rowing.

19. Butcher the bird

This is a classic. Family celebration, big lush table. And now the moment comes when you need to correctly cut the turkey (chicken, goose, duck, etc.).

20. Make a cocktail. Only for her

Some women themselves know what they want to drink. Some don't. Some people want something light and special, just for her. Something like the Rosé cocktail, a 1920s Parisian classic that combines vermouth and cherry brandy into something beautiful.

21. Choose ripe fruit

It's mainly about melon. Or watermelon. Unripe melon has a corresponding smell - sharp, herbaceous. Ripe melons often smell the same as the inside—soft, sweet flesh.

22. Start the engine at a standstill

Find a buddy with a battery and connect the cables correctly and you'll be back on the road.

23. Get the right table

If you haven't thought about this in advance, then improvise. Run up to the restaurant at lunchtime and start talking heartbreaking stories, appease the administrator, think of something, in the end, are you a man or a wimp?

24. Finish off a wounded animal

Physically it's not that difficult. A sudden movement of a shovel is enough for a toad, the heel of a work boot is enough for a gopher, and you will have to shoot a deer. (No, this is not promoting violence against animals).

25. Shine your shoes

Because childish excuses don't work anymore.

Information about what men should be like will be useful to both women and the stronger sex. We will try to describe in as much detail as possible the qualities that a person must have in order to please girls and be successful in every area of ​​life.

There are many works praising the best. These are mainly women's novels and poetry. What should a man be like? Who knows?

It is unlikely that a complete answer to such a question can be found. Each woman has her own ideas about what men should be like. IN women's magazines one thing is written, and it may well be correct. The author can write something else in his book, and, in his opinion, this will also be correct. Each girl has her own idea of ​​what the man of her dreams should be, and she is also right, because she chooses him for herself.

Today in women's conversation You can often hear the phrase “ a real man" Men use its slightly modified form - “normal man”. This article presents only some of the qualities that should be present in a man who will be close to the ideal. So, a real man: what should he be like?

A man must have a goal

In our opinion, this is extremely important point. The goal may change from time to time. What should it be modern man? First of all, he must know what he wants and what he is striving for. The goal can be anything: to achieve something in work, career, sports, personal life. The main thing is that it exists. If a man does not have a goal, then this is very bad, because he free time they start taking away beer, TV, bed. 95% of people choose such an existence, and no one will tell them that they are living incorrectly, since everyone seems to be deciding this issue for themselves. Which man will you choose? Successful and purposeful or someone who is rooted to a certain place on the sofa? What should men be like? Those who know how to set a goal and achieve it.

Be able to bear responsibility

What should a man be like? The qualities are individual, in the opinion of each girl. But, of course, any list will indicate that a man must be able to bear responsibility for himself and his family. A man should not be afraid or avoid it.

For example, one guy has conversations in this vein: everything will be fine with him. Some day. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, when the president changes, when the aliens arrive - it doesn’t matter. The point is that only after this event will he have a job, will he start meeting girls, will he have both money and goals. Frankly speaking, such guys do not rely on their own strength, but on a successful combination of circumstances. Just when will it happen? In general, someday, but obviously not today. And not tomorrow. Perhaps in a month or even a couple of years.

But the other guy takes a different approach. He sees a problem in front of him and thinks about how to solve it. He understands that if he on our own does not solve the problem, then no one will do it for him. Even if he doesn’t succeed the first time, he finishes the job.

Which should Literature quotations offer many options. But if a guy is not responsible for his life, can he be called a man?

He must have a strong character

What should a man's character be? First of all, strong. We are not talking about biceps strength here at all. A man must have a lot positive energy and be able to share it with others. He always has free time, which he can, and most importantly, wants to devote to his loved ones - family, wife, girlfriend, friend. IN modern society many only try to take something from another. But when there is a guy who doesn’t mind sharing, no matter what: time, good mood, a hobby or a cup of coffee - it really attracts.

A simple example. There are two guys. One is always in bad mood, cries and is sad, telling how bad it is for him, with all his appearance demanding pity for his person. And the second one is always smiling, cheerful and joyful - he knows how to solve his problems and support others, give advice or help with deeds. Which of the two guys would a sane girl choose?

Therefore, to the question: “What should men be like?” - one of the answers: those who know how to be happy and share their joy with others.

He must be physically strong

Must always be ready to protect yourself and your family. What should a man's body be like? No, an abundance of muscles is not at all necessary. However, it is not for nothing that they say that healthy body- healthy mind. A man must be active and dexterous, because if he is passive and physically weak, then what kind of mental health can we talk about?

Have your own style

In most cases, guys simply copy the other person's reactions, clothes and habits. He observed someone else's behavior, he liked the way the person behaved, and he begins to repeat the same thing, like a circus monkey. Needless to say, this looks unnatural and fake from the outside?

What should a beloved man be like? He must have his own own style, which will be strictly individual. He should not have the habit of looking at others and imitating them.

This includes everything, for example, one’s own in relation to another person, without taking into account the opinions of others; individual non-standard jokes; clothes that will not allow a man to get lost in the gray mass. You will never confuse such a guy with others even a kilometer away and in a crowded crowd.

A man must be able to keep his word

There are many people in the world who say one thing today, promise another tomorrow, and swear a third the day after tomorrow. It often happens that guys simply refuse own words for personal gain. Many will say that this is wrong, and one cannot but agree with this.

If a person has given his word, then even if he hurts himself, he will fulfill his promise. Only in this case will the man be respected by his family, friends and colleagues. These are the kind of guys that girls like, because they can be trusted, they will become a reliable support.

A real man will constantly monitor what he says and be responsible for what he says. He will never contradict himself, in no case will he unreasonably slander other people, spread gossip in order to humiliate someone, and so on.

Alcohol is not for real men

Firstly, alcohol negatively affects health even in small quantities, and a man thinks about his health - both moral and physical. Secondly, a real man should be able to enjoy life without alcoholic beverages.

Can he control himself?

A real man should be able to remain calm in any situation. life situation. Only then will he earn real respect, and maybe even admiration. After all, men who fulfill their personal or work duties, while not allowing themselves to show anger, aggression or dissatisfaction, evoke precisely such feelings in those around them.

Directness and toughness are natural properties of all males, who are necessary in order to solve emerging issues and problems. However, it is not appropriate to have any complaints against colleagues, management, subordinates, friends or your beloved man. This is ideal.

However, this is not always the case. Nervousness, stress, negative attitude - common reasons early heart attacks or nervous breakdowns. Still, the woman she loves should allow the man to let off steam or at least talk it out. Unspoken negative emotion can easily cause illness or illness.

A man must be smart

A sharp mind coupled with good feeling humor - necessary qualities a real man. Without them it is impossible to achieve success.

When a person takes especially important decisions, in most cases he is faced with the problem of choice. In order to accept correct solution, a man needs a sharp mind and rich experience accumulated throughout his life. Even ordinary communication with a girl requires a lot of worldly wisdom from a guy.

He must be loving

A real man loves not only himself, but also his parents, his wife, and his children. The family should be the base on which his life is built. Everything else is secondary.

Financial success and career are not the end in itself of a real man. He achieves this not for show-off, but in order to provide for his family and loved ones high level life, to make sure that they do not need anything.

Independence is an important trait

A real man in an emergency situation is quite capable of ironing a shirt himself and remembering to pick up the child from kindergarten. He takes responsibility for his loved ones and family without any problems. In addition, for any activity, even if it’s changing a baby’s diaper or mowing the grass with personal plot, he treats it as if his fate depends on it.

Be able to self-realize

It is believed that for the sake of one's own family happiness, for the sake of peace and well-being of loved ones, as well as for the sake of financial success, a guy from a romantic must turn into ordinary worker mediocre office. Children's dreams of travel, conquering the skies and figures aerobatics have to change to daily routine work in order to be closer to family and ensure a steadily growing income, to live a measured and calm life family life. And, as already said, don’t complain about your lot.

However, any real man is distinguished by his desire for the “high”. It is necessary to respect his aspirations, support him in his work and hobbies, leaving him time for self-realization. Then the man will achieve much great success than overstepping yourself and working at a job you don’t like.

To be or not to be selfish?

Often, women unconsciously demand complete and unconditional altruism from their men. That is, before making a decision, a guy should think about anyone, but not about himself. But are you doing the right thing if you force a man to renounce his interests?

Of course, every person needs personal space in order to build their life. It’s great if it doesn’t contradict the interests of your loved one. However, perhaps it’s worth changing tactics and showing interest in the man’s hobbies? Who knows, maybe you will like it too?

Know how to show emotions

Mental and physical male development is only half the battle. If he does not have high moral and spiritual qualities, then he will be nothing more than a cyborg.

Only the man who loves will be able to make himself, his parents, his wife, his children, and all the people around him happy. Those men who are strong in character, but at the same time loving and able to show their feelings, command universal respect.

Finally, he must be careful

Don't panic, this just means that a man should learn to put his dirty socks in the bathroom and fold his clothes neatly when he comes home. By the way, the car should not be littered with garbage either.

Of course, the number of things we should have and want to have is infinite. If we start listing them all, we will grow old without finishing. However, we have compiled small selection necessary and useful things that you will definitely need in everyday life


It is worth admitting that smartphones are not the most the best place for records. Firstly, not everyone has the skill of super-fast printing on a sensor, secondly, it’s just not very convenient, and most importantly, it’s not reliable.

The notebook does not have such shortcomings. An ordinary thin notebook is not very suitable here, but a moderately massive, leather notebook fits the bill successful person fits perfectly. Things will happen about you right away positive impression, since the person whose words you write down (for example) will appreciate not only the fact of such an action, but also how and where you enter his information. In short, classical psychology. Notebooks and notebooks are different, you can find ones that match your clothing style, but those with .

Robot vacuum cleaner iRobot Roomba 980

A robot vacuum cleaner will save you from many problems associated with cleaning, and most importantly, it will save a lot of time. As best option We recommend - she is able to clean the entire apartment on her own without your participation. It easily remembers the geometry of rooms, detects obstacles and stairs, automatically changes the operating pattern depending on the type of covering (on carpets, for example, it increases power), and a well-thought-out cleaning system copes with any contamination. But the best part is that the robot vacuum cleaner can be controlled from a smartphone - start it, set a date, select cleaning parameters and track the results of its work. Well, when the cleaning is finished, you will receive a notification. In a word, an indispensable assistant in the house of any man and best friend your cat.

Shaving set

You will be interested to know that everything more men are returning to classic shaving - partly this is a general trend, partly the influence of barbershops. And this is good - because it is classic shaving that gives the most effective result. There is no need to talk about the process itself - for a man who takes care of himself, this becomes a mandatory but pleasant ritual.

Therefore, you should push your friend with her endless cosmetics in the bathroom and proudly, in a visible place, put a good shaving set. It is better to order it in the Britva.rf store - this is the most famous and largest razor-related store in Russia. You can make a set yourself or find a ready-made one - it usually includes a machine, a shaving brush, a bowl and a stand. The razor can be T-shaped, dangerous or modern (in terms of design). Here you will have to decide for yourself which is better, but T-shaped models are suitable as an intermediate option. They are easy to use, fairly safe and look great.


Nowadays things from natural materials and, in particular, made of wood. I am especially pleased that our market has appeared wooden clock. Wood, in principle, is a noble material, but, unlike jewelry or valuable metals, it does not catch the eye and does not strive to show its high cost.

The same applies to wooden wristwatch- calm colors and natural components are preferred by people who are sensible and good taste. But even if you are a slob and wear leggings, such a watch will look stylish and original on you. But here it is worth noting that such watches are not worth big money and almost everyone can afford them. Despite the fact that they will look very expensive (especially for those who have not encountered them before). You can also use the assortment to understand what’s what.


There are only a couple of requirements for glasses, sunglasses or for vision. Firstly, you shouldn’t skimp on them by choosing a no-name or something dubious, and secondly, they should suit your face. The second point is a little more difficult, since you will have to read guides on choosing the shape of glasses.

But the first point is quite simple to complete - if you don’t particularly understand brands, then take glasses from Ray-Ban. These are premium glasses, and it was from them that “drops” or “aviators” came into fashion. In the 30s of the last century, at the request of the US Air Force, the company developed them specifically for the needs of pilots. Now, of course, the Ray-Ban model range is very wide and choosing glasses to suit your face type is quite possible. There are both sun protection and vision protection. If you buy frames from an authorized Ray-Ban seller in Russia - online opticians, then you can choose their size and additionally order the production of lenses for the frames. The main thing is to specify the parameters correctly.


Engineers never cease to amaze us with new types of transport. If a scooter doesn’t seem particularly practical to you, and the thought of a bicycle makes your muscles ache, then a kickbike is... perfect option. This is a kind of hybrid of a bicycle and a scooter. There is a steering wheel, two large wheels, but no pedals. Instead of them there is a platform for the feet. You just push off and go. But, of course, for the especially lazy ones, kickbikes were equipped with electric motors.

You can choose the one that suits you in the store. The “electric” line differs in weight of 16-18 kg, drive (all-wheel/front) and voltage (on which the driving force depends).

What does such a vehicle provide in general - ease of control, ease of operation, maneuverability, spectacular design- and large inflatable wheels provide cross-country ability (puddles, paths) and a good range. If the battery runs out, you will have to work, but this is for the best - physical exercise haven't harmed anyone yet. We also note the reliability of such transport - its design is simpler than that of a bicycle, the electric motor is not afraid of moisture, which means that, in general, there is nothing to break.


The backpack should be selected based on your lifestyle, and not just personal preferences. If you maintain the image of being serious, business man, then a funny, school-like backpack on yours broad shoulders it will look strange. But there is an ideal compromise solution.

In large famous brands, producing leather goods, for example, Igermann, have models that combine the practicality of a city backpack and the solidity of a business bag. You can buy them in the store. All of them are made from genuine leather and are ideal for the busy but modern man- you can carry them not only on your back, but also simply by the handle, and the volume is enough to simultaneously carry both a lunchbox and a 15-inch laptop. Well, a few thoughtful ones internal pockets and branches will not allow documents to become wrinkled. And a nice bonus for you: apply the coupon code “Brodude” in the cart or tell the manager by phone - you will receive a 5% discount on your purchase.

A wallet doesn’t have to be strict - you just have to have it as such. But design is a matter of taste. If classic doesn’t really suit you, but you want your wallet to eloquently characterize you, then choose from the brand’s assortment. This italian accessories, bringing a good mood.

Brightness and design are the key features of the brand. Even on the official website you can choose accessories by color schemes. Among them are not only wallets, but also bags, document covers, business card holders, gloves and a lot more. All products are made in uniform style and is easily recognizable thanks to its signature features - multi-colored materials, ergonomics and an elephant logo. Another important characteristic is quality. The brand has been on the market for more than 12 years and during this time has acquired an army of fans around the world.

When a man turns thirty, he begins to look back on his life. But he should also turn around and look at his wardrobe, since there is a high probability that it will have to be completely changed. Here are the 22 most important pieces every man turning thirty should have in his wardrobe. If your thirtieth birthday is around the corner, you should go shopping. Each item of clothing on this list is very important for that man who wants to look respectable and evoke respect from friends and envy from enemies. Therefore, every item must be present in your wardrobe when you turn thirty. Considering that there are quite a lot of things, it is worth thinking about starting to purchase them even before you have a couple of months left before the cherished date. As soon as you can support yourself, you need to start spending on your wardrobe. What you wore at university can no longer be worn. It's time for a wardrobe revolution!

Perfectly fitting suit made to order

No more excuses. Now you are an adult. You need at least one suit, preferably blue or grey. In fact, you should already have both of them by now. What were you doing?

Blazer for variety

For informal wear, blazers have become a very important element. A good blazer will ensure that you don't stand out from others in a suit when the event doesn't require you to. It can also make you stand out from the crowd a little.

Expressive watches for special occasions

Even if you don't like wearing a watch, you should understand the importance of having one on your hand at all times. special cases. It's worth spending a couple hundred dollars on a quality watch that will suit you.

High-quality leather shoes in black or brown

Quality shoes are always worth the money you paid for them. You should only buy high-quality shoes that you can wear for at least ten years.

Chino shorts

Although at your age you rarely wear shorts, you need to be prepared for those rare cases when you need them.

A pair of high quality and durable boots

It's not just lumberjacks who wear boots anymore. This is now an important part of every man's fall and winter wardrobe. Quality boots can last you a lifetime.

High quality summer shoes

You definitely need to have quality summer shoes, regardless of whether it's white sneakers or good old moccasins.

A winter jacket that will really keep you warm

If you live in a colder climate, you already know there's nothing better than a parka.

Winter coat for special occasions

However, a parka is not suitable for all occasions, as every gentleman knows, so you also need to have a winter coat.

Nice umbrella

Sure, you can carry a folding umbrella with you, but when you're thirty, it's going to look a little silly.

Branded bag

When you're thirty, it's time to ditch the bag you used at university. Now you're an adult and you need a bag to match.

"Adult" bag for work

Why? When you're in last time envied the man who came to work with a backpack?

High quality leather wallet

If you're still using a patterned wallet, it's time to replace it.

A belt that will last you a long time

Instead of buying cheap belts every year, you're better off investing in one quality belt that you can wear for years to come.

The tuxedo

Now you will never be caught off guard by a wedding invitation.

A pair of perfectly fitting dark jeans

Jeans are important element any man's wardrobe, and by that age you should already have a reliable pair that you really like.

Perfect T-shirt

The perfect T-shirt is not a myth. You just need to find it. A T-shirt that fits perfectly on the body is what every man who turns thirty should find.

A jacket you'll love

It makes no difference what style it matches, as long as it fits you well and you like it.

An interesting shirt that will become your signature

It can be any style of shirt, but you want to make sure that people can recognize you by it if they see you.

Swimming trunks that you are not ashamed to wear

Swimming trunks that will look stylish are one of the mandatory elements wardrobe of an adult man.

Collection of ties you like

Buy some ties for yourself. When your collection consists of more than just the ties given to you by family members and friends, you will enjoy wearing them.

Sunglasses that make you look smart

Wire-rimmed glasses that don't suit your face shape should no longer be worn. You are now an adult, so you need to determine your face shape and choose the appropriate sunglasses.

You can rent an apartment/hotel or otherwise waste money. The main thing is separately. And he must also not have children from previous marriages (what is it like to raise someone else’s child of his ex-wife?).

As was recently noted here, after a certain age, a first date is more like an interview. Quite logical and very true. Why do lovely ladies get offended when they are treated this way?

Not long ago I found myself in search of a lifelong friend. The previous lady decided to end the relationship (at the registry office, of course) after she discovered that new apartment, paid from my pocket, I wrote it down to my mother. I wrote it down and it’s clear why. I had every reason for such an act, believe me. Her attempt to sue failed.

What should a man have by age 30?

Now for her I am a bastard and a scumbag (before this 5 years I obviously wasn’t like that). If I didn’t get involved in this issue, everything would be fine. I should have hidden my commercialism more carefully. Otherwise, how to choose an apartment - “go yourself.” How to register property - “well, just write me in there.” How to pay fees - “you will pay, I have a small salary.” As a result, I thought: why do I need potential hemorrhoids during a divorce and the loss of an asset? Yes, ladies, men also began to think ahead. And not only wrapping your penis in your hand and joyfully running towards a new relationship.

Why am I doing all this? Having received a rake on the forehead (not too much, I began to protect my assets quite a long time ago, as soon as I discovered my beloved’s chip), I began to calmly enough choose my life partner. Already by the second date, the ladies had a complete dossier on me: cars on my dad, an apartment on my mom, a dacha on my dad, a garage on my mom. And all this was presented to me with comments: “Aren’t you ashamed, you’re already over 30, but you keep everything on your relatives?” Like, what a schmuck, and such cunning, indignant eyes glaring. But now I don’t come empty-handed either. Yeah, I'm collecting a dossier. As soon as a complaint is made to me, I counter it: “Isn’t it a shame to have nothing by 25-30? Why hide previous marriage? Why keep silent about children?”

By the way, about children. I don't want to raise other people's children. Some are ready, I'm not. And arguments here are powerless. You need to raise your children with those who gave birth to them. What if it didn't work out? I had to think about who to fall into bed with. And use birth control. I'm not going to let a stranger into my life. Moreover, invest in it. I don’t like it - this is my position, you can safely look for a fool, a weak one at the front.

We're sick of it, to be honest. Don't like the mercantile male approach? Change yourself. I don’t feel sorry for anything for my beloved. But I don’t like it when people try to take advantage of me cynically. Do you like being two-faced? Okay, I also have the right to be two-faced.

It is better to be left alone than with a series of meaningless relationships, which are likely to be destructive for a man from a health point of view. Remember, you say, there will be nothing? Believe me, I will have something to remember.
