Constant corns on the legs in different places. Complications with improper treatment of corns

People tend to lead an active life, play sports, grow crops under the windows, walk. At some point, corns appear on the legs or arms from constant friction. This type of chafing on the keratinized epidermis requires careful attitude and careful care.

Human skin is a thin layer of tissue that is easily damaged. Increased friction leads to hardening of the dermis. Cells do not have time to recover and change. The appearance of corns can be associated with uncomfortable shoes - wearing heels obliges you to monitor the condition of your feet. Stiletto shoes have a negative effect - they squeeze the forefoot, and girls find deep core corns near their toes. Active movement affects in a similar way: calluses can appear on the skin of the toes.

In a person with a congenital deformity of the foot, the appearance of corns can become commonplace, but even if they often appear, they should not be treated lightly.

Types of rubs

There are several subtypes of corns, each of which requires an individual approach.

Read also: An overview of popular ways to extract splinters from the heels

Types differ in danger, origin, and treatments.


Damage to the top layer of the skin leads to the accumulation of lymphatic fluid. The appearance of a blister at the site of abrasion is water (so-called wet) callus.

The appearance of a bubble on the leg, most often on the heel, gives travelers a lot of problems. Wearing and fitting shoes becomes torture. Neoplasms this kind have a thin protective film and there is a high risk that they will burst. The diameter of the corn also matters. If it exceeds 4 cm, you should consult a doctor. Water callus bursts itself and does not deliver big problems if the skin is treated immediately after the break.

Dry and bloody

Dry corns cannot be pierced. They have the following mechanism of occurrence: when the cells do not have time to renew themselves, they are layered, but the fluid inside does not accumulate. The area becomes keratinized corns.

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Such formations regularly appear in athletes and women in high-heeled shoes. It is better to seal the defect with a plaster or treat it with medical means.

Long-acting treatment will require bloody callus. If the capillaries are directly under the scuff, they are damaged. A mixture of blood and lymph enters under the skin.

Blood vessels are the "gateway" to the body: if the corn bursts, the road to infections, bacteria and fungi becomes open. Therefore, it is categorically not recommended to burst the corn bladder on your own.


Dirt accumulates under the chafing, wounds appear, and as a result of an infection, pus appears.

Suppuration is an infected wound, often the causative agent is staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms of infection:

  1. Pain all over the foot.
  2. Malaise.
  3. Weakness.
  4. Temperature rise up to 38°C.

If the corn is touched again, then a new layer of pus will penetrate into it.

Is it possible to pierce a corn

It has been proven that the callus on the skin cannot be damaged, such actions will not accelerate the healing of the wound. Special ointments, bactericidal patches and other pharmaceutical products will help reduce irritation without re-injury. But many continue to do this, completely forgetting about the precautions. IN last resort only water callus can be pierced.

Previously, the formation is smeared with iodine - it will dry the integument and prevent infection.

Corns that should not be pierced

As mentioned earlier, it is forbidden to touch blood and purulent blisters on your own, and if any appear, you should consult a doctor. Particular attention should be paid to corns, which:

  1. Cause severe sharp pain.
  2. They pulsate when touched.
  3. Surrounded by bruises
  4. Larger than 5 cm.
  5. They are defined as core corns. Their removal from the skin is allowed exclusively surgically or laser.

Read also: Cream for cracked feet "Before and after"

First aid for a burst corn

Damage needs to be dealt with. If you know that a blister on the skin can burst at any time, it is better to cauterize it with iodine or seal it with a special antibacterial patch.

Common pharmaceutical products include:

  1. Salicylic ointment 10%. The drug must not be combined with other drugs and used for more than three weeks.
  2. Levomekol. An antibacterial agent that can be applied under a bandage from a sterile bandage.
  3. Synthomycin. It has a cooling and analgesic effect.
  1. If it is decided to pierce the formation, then this must be done as quickly as possible: a day or two after the onset.
  2. Prepare the means: an alcohol solution of iodine, a needle, a cotton swab, a bandage, an antibiotic ointment and a candle without oils and flavors.
  3. Disinfect the skin of the hands.
  4. Warm up the needle. For high-quality neutralization after heat treatment, you can wipe it with alcohol.
  5. Pierce the blister parallel to the skin. Accuracy in this matter is especially necessary. You can not touch the bottom of the formation and open the film. The number of punctures is no more than two.
  6. Remove the leaked liquid after piercing with a sterile bandage or cotton swab.
  7. Urgently cauterize the skin with an antiseptic. Alcohol is prohibited.
  8. Be sure to treat the wound with an ointment with an antibacterial effect.
  9. Apply a bandage, change it 2 times a day.

A corn is a growth on the skin that is greyish, pink, or yellow color, which occurs due to external influence on the skin. A callus looks like a blister or a fluid-filled blister and most often appears on the feet. Is it possible to pierce a callus on the leg if it interferes with walking and causes mass discomfort? There are cases when such treatment is possible, but sometimes it is strictly contraindicated.

Causes of corns

The formation of calluses real problem for the person leading active image life. On the heel or other part of the foot, on the fingers, it can appear in an adult and a child, and this happens especially often in the summer. Often meets water callus, blood callus is less often formed. In the first case, the vial contains serous contents and lymph, in the second case, it contains blood, because the localization of the growth is near the capillaries.

Calluses on the foot are the result of strong friction of a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. The upper layer (epidermis) becomes thinner, an inflammatory process occurs in the deeper layers of the skin. The dermis begins to produce an inflammatory fluid to protect deeper tissues from damage. Callus with water is a consequence of the reaction of the body, which wants to protect the skin from serious damage. With time thin skin the blister is separated, and while maintaining friction in the area, coarse callosity is formed - dry corn.

Why do corns appear more often in women? Ladies wear shoes high heels, with narrow spouts, various model products that are far from comfortable in Everyday life. Calluses appear after putting on new, unworn shoes. The following factors increase the risk of formation of blisters on the legs:

  • poor hygiene of the feet;
  • thin, sensitive skin;
  • fungal diseases;
  • wearing too small, pressing shoes, leatherette products;
  • sports or strenuous walking.

Because of the bubble on the leg, a person begins to limp, because walking causes severe pain and other painful sensations. Therefore, it is necessary to start treating an unpleasant formation in order to get rid of it faster.

Prevention of calluses on the feet

The problem is easier to prevent than to eliminate. With a tendency to the appearance of water calluses and chafing on the skin, you need to follow simple rules. You should buy the right size, high quality, comfortable shoes, a new pair pre-vilify at home, wearing wet socks.

If you have a long walk, you should sprinkle your feet with talcum powder, baby powder, so that the skin is not damp. When moisture is absent, friction will not proceed with such intensity. If after a hard day there are areas of redness on the leg, it is necessary to lubricate them with any oil ointment or apply healing agents (for example, methyluracil ointment). You can also seal the chafing with plasters to further protect them from friction.

To pierce or not

Can calluses be pierced? To get rid of soreness in the leg, many pierce or burst the bladder. It stops pain, discomfort, helps the wound heal faster. If you do this procedure carefully, in compliance with the rules of antiseptic treatment, piercing corns at home is possible.

But experts warn: if the “technology” is violated, an infection will easily get into the wound. After the bubble bursts, it becomes a gateway for various bacteria. Without proper action, rubbing of the foot in the same place will continue, which can lead to the formation of a larger and sharply painful callus.

Here are the cases when doctors allow water calluses to be pierced:

  1. The presence of too large a formation that can burst.
  2. The presence of a blister in an open area.
  3. Difficulty wearing shoes.
  4. The risk of rupture of the callus at the wrong time, when it will not be possible to treat the wound.

Otherwise, it is better to give your foot such help: pour the blister with an alcohol-free antiseptic, seal it with a suitable plaster, and then wear only comfortable shoes. At home, it is better to walk without socks and shoes, so that the corn heals faster in the air.

Non-puncture blisters

You can not try to get rid of dry calluses on your own - formations, the core of which goes into the deep tissues of the leg. Usually, water bubbles are converted into them, which regularly form in the same place. It is worth getting rid of such problem areas of the skin in clinics or beauty salons - with the help of cryotherapy, a laser.

It is also forbidden to touch and pierce bloody calluses on your own. Such blisters are connected to the vessels, and the risk of infection of the wound and the appearance of serious suppuration is very high. In people with a tendency to bleeding, it is possible at all backfire. Blood bubbles are removed by surgeons.

You should also consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • callus more than 4–5 cm in size;
  • strong, sharp pain in the field of education;
  • redness of the skin around, fever, the appearance of pus;
  • bruising around the callus.

Purulent calluses

In some cases, within 5-7 days, a purulent one forms in place of the usual water callus. The reason for its appearance is the infection of the wound in the skin with pathogenic pyogenic microorganisms, more often - staphylococcus aureus. Associated symptoms often there are increased pain in the leg, body temperature up to 38–38.5 degrees, and malaise. Such calluses can only be treated by a surgeon who will open the formation, cleanse it of pus, treat the wound and apply a bandage.

Proper opening of the corn

Doing the procedure for removing a blister at home should be done with extreme care. It should be pierced approximately 1-2 days after the appearance, not later. The procedure is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to treat the surface of the skin before a puncture - hydrogen peroxide, alcohol are used for this purpose.
  2. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and dry with a clean towel.
  3. The needle (ordinary sewing, safety pin) is well wiped with alcohol or ignited with fire.
  4. Make a puncture from the bottom of the corn, without touching the inflamed skin inside it ("bottom"), as this can cause infection. All callused skin should remain intact. Large blisters are best pierced from the bottom and top.
  5. Moisten all the flowing water with a cotton swab.
  6. Press the skin against the damaged area with cotton wool soaked in an antiseptic.
  7. Carefully treat the wound and the skin around the blister with brilliant green or apply Tetracycline ointment, Levomekol or another antibacterial agent (alcohol should not be used).
  8. Stick on trouble spot plaster, apply a bandage on a large corn. You need to change it 2 times a day.

Usually, after 3 days, the skin around the corn dies completely, the wound heals, so the bandage must be removed. Dead skin should be carefully cut off.

Choosing the right shoes

The best measure to prevent any corns is to wear comfortable, the right shoes. You need to buy it in the late afternoon, when the leg is slightly enlarged in size, and not in the morning. It is better to wear model shoes with a tendency to chafing for no more than 1-2 hours, or to abandon them altogether.

Before a long walk, you should wear shoes without coarse seams, embossed details and holes, perfect option- comfortable shoes. You should always have plasters with you - in the presence of mild soreness, you can stick it problem area feet, and the corn on it will not arise.

Human skin produces such a reaction as a callus with prolonged friction and pressure on it, sometimes other factors also influence their development. Corns are skin and bone, they are divided into certain types, stages of development that require appropriate treatment.

Corn: what is it?

Constant pressure or friction on a separate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin causes an acceleration of necrosis of the upper skin layers. These cells, not having time to exfoliate and be removed from the surface of the skin, begin to layer on each other, thicken, forming calluses. If increased sweating is connected to the process, leading to softening of the skin, then the corn becomes soft. Liquid can accumulate under the layers of dead skin, then the corn will be watery.

Reasons for the formation of thickening:

  • work with various tools without gloves (hammer, spatula), sports equipment, playing musical instruments(guitar, violin);
  • walking in uncomfortable or poor-quality shoes;
  • wearing socks that are larger than necessary in size leads to their clumping, increased pressure and friction on the leg;
  • walking barefoot;
  • poor hygiene of the feet, combined with increased sweating;
  • overweight, heavy gait.

If worn frequently tight shoes there is a violation of the blood supply, the leg experiences repeated pressure. Calluses in such cases are located between the fingers, on the toes.

Remember! Most often, corns accompany spring and summer periods when to please fashion trends people buy shoes that are beautiful but not very comfortable.

Frequent walking in heels leads to a change in the load on the spine, the main weight is transferred to the forefoot, then calluses appear on the balls of the foot, and the spine also suffers.

Shoes on too flat sole leads to the opposite situation - the load on back feet, calluses on the heels. In such conditions, the purchase of shoes with a thickened sole is recommended.

Which doctor treats corns? With corns, you need to contact a dermatologist or surgeon, who determine the type and further treatment.

As a result of mechanical action on the skin with its further damage, a fluid-filled bubble appears, rising above the upper layer of the skin - a wet callus. Another of its names is "dropsy".

Such corns do not pose a danger to humans, although they cause certain inconvenience and pain. If you do not give them proper attention and care, then infection of the body can occur, especially if it is a corn with blood. The blood inside the callus occurs due to damage to the capillary, the fluid inside the bubble may be clear or yellowish.

Important! The constant traumatic effect on the corn with liquid inside leads to its transformation into a dry form, which is a seal from the keratinized layers of the skin.

Constant friction contributes to the displacement of the upper layer of the skin, which goes unnoticed. Ongoing mechanical impact on the skin provokes a gradual discharge of the upper layer, the formation of a cavity, which is then filled with liquid.

How does it manifest

The formation of this type is facilitated by wearing tight, unsuitable shoes, which give a certain friction to the skin area. If you add sweating to this, then wet callus is formed quickly enough. Such a callus can also occur on the body. On the hands, hands, the formation of water callus is not excluded, if you often work with specialized tools with the ground, peel vegetables, etc. People with delicate and sensitive skin are especially at risk of its formation.

What happens to the corn:

  • there is redness, pain, slight swelling;
  • a fluid-filled bladder forms, severe pain may occur;
  • any damage (friction, impact, pressure) leads to rupture of the bubble and leakage of fluid;
  • when the walls of the bladder are torn off, a red weeping wound is formed.

Attention! Rupture of the corn is dangerous with the possibility of infection. Infection may be indicated by: separation of pus, fever, turbidity of the contents, growth yellow crusts around the corn.

How to treat

If the corn is small and not very painful, it is better not to touch it, but simply stick a patch on top to prevent injury. Big size"dropsy" brings noticeable discomfort and threatens the danger of rupture. Such bubbles must be punctured and as soon as possible.

The needle must be sterile (use alcohol or heat over a fire), the corn is disinfected with iodine or brilliant green. The puncture is carried out from the side, parallel to the surface of the skin. Perpendicular piercing is prohibited so as not to injure the bottom of the corn. You can make several holes for better outflow of fluid. The most important thing is not to tear off the walls of the bubble.

After making all the punctures, the corn is pressed with a piece of gauze so that all the liquid comes out, then you can apply an antibiotic ointment (tetracycline ointment) to prevent infection, seal it with a plaster, change it at least 2 times a day. If the bubble fills with liquid again, pierce it again.

Important! In case of infection, complete removal of the walls of the corn is required, which is carried out by the surgeon. He will spend all necessary processing, apply a bandage, prescribe treatment.

This type of corn is not so much related to the types of corns, but is one of the stages in the development of corns, following the "dropsy", although it may bypass this soft stage. abrupt transition occurs with slight but constant friction on one area, in which the skin gradually coarsens. Characteristics of hard callus: a yellowish or grayish hue, an area of ​​hardened dead skin cells that rises above the rest of the skin.

What leads to its formation:

  • sports or hard physical work (lumberjack, carpenter), dry corns even protect such people from skin injuries;
  • may occur with writers or artists;
  • wearing inappropriate shoes;
  • improper distribution of weight on the foot, flat feet;
  • lack of vitamin A;
  • arthritis, osteoarthritis, heel spur.

The hard look is not painful, only in the most advanced cases when covered with cracks. Calluses are located on the hands and feet.

Remember! Before removing calluses, make sure that you do not have any disease.

One of the varieties of dry corns is corns. It differs in a more enlarged area of ​​hardened skin that does not have clear boundaries. Such a callus is located on the soles of the feet.

How to treat

Popular in the treatment of dry corns folk remedies getting rid of them. These are various masks, baths, steaming with further mechanical removal.

Ways to get rid of corns:

  1. Effective soda bath, with the addition of soap and chamomile decoction, it is necessary to keep the foot in the water for 15 minutes, and carefully cut off the formations with a pumice stone. Do not press hard, but rather massage. After steaming, you can use aloe juice.
  2. It is recommended to apply a grated potato mask to the problem area. Grate medium potatoes on a fine grater, apply the resulting slurry to the affected area, wrap around cling film, warm with a sock on top and leave overnight. In the morning, everything is washed off with warm water.
  3. Fat and garlic compress for the night: grind the garlic, spread it on the fat, wrap it around the leg, leave it overnight.
  4. Keratolic ointments (such as 10% salicylic ointment) help the skin peel off painlessly.
  5. A special plaster from corns allows you to quickly get rid of them. Before sticking it, the skin should be steamed and wiped dry. The patch remains on the damaged area for 3 days. Usually this is enough so that, after its removal, no signs of corns are found in the old place.
  6. Use a corn pencil Compid.
  7. Elimination of dry corns with liquid nitrogen is available, hardware pedicure, diathermoregulation in the cosmetologist's office.

Important! If the formation is of a fungal origin, then the treatment is carried out by a dermatovenereologist. He usually prescribes cryotherapy or laser removal.

If we consider all types of corns, then this is the most dangerous and unpleasant. This is not just an accumulation of keratinized layers of the skin, but their ingrowth into soft tissues, which is accompanied by severe pain.

At first, a person experiences mild discomfort, feels slight tingling the affected area is slightly itchy. Most often, a callus is located on the foot (under the fingers or on the protruding fingertips) near the little finger or between the thumb and forefinger. The callus located under the fingers is especially noticeable in terms of the strength of the symptoms, it is very painful to step on it, often a person's gait changes. On the hands and palms, this type is rare.

The reasons for the formation of such a corn:

  • shoes due to which there is a redistribution of weight on the forefoot;
  • fouling with hard tissues of a foreign body that has fallen under the skin;
  • fungus or virus;
  • transition from a wet form to a dry one, in which, due to periodic friction, a callus appears with a root growing into soft tissues.

If you remove ordinary dry corn simply, then normal deletion the stratum corneum in the case of callus will not help. This is a callus with a stalk that looks like a yellowish speck in the center of the affected area, and this stalk remains in place.

Corn treatment

It needs to be treated on time, not to endure pain, not to delay going to the doctor.

How to remove an ingrown corn:

  1. Drill out. It is important to completely remove the root so that the callus does not form again.
  2. Removed by laser. For particularly difficult cases. The laser completely burns out the root, carrying out bactericidal prophylaxis, which will avoid inflammation after the procedure.
  3. cauterized liquid nitrogen(cryotherapy).

All methods are safe, calluses are removed in 1 session.

What can be done at home

You can try to cope on your own, using folk and pharmacy remedies. Which pharmacy remedy from calluses use: cream "Nemozol", ointment "Super Antimozolin", stick special patches.

A corn with a small root can fall out by itself in 7-10 half-hour sessions of soap and soda baths. You can also dissolve the mustard powder and soak the growth in such baths.

To heal, it is necessary to apply a gruel of garlic and onions to the steamed skin, fix it with a bandage.

Chicken zholka is a callus provoked by the human papillomavirus. Able to cause severe pain when walking, located on the foot or heel.

Chicken zholka is a vaguely roughened outgrowth with black dots. Affects men and women of all ages. HPV, dormant in the body (the patient may not know about it), manifests itself under certain circumstances and leads to the formation of corns.

What provokes its appearance:

  • excessive sweating;
  • weak immunity;
  • flat feet;
  • dry or injured skin of the feet;
  • inappropriate shoes.

The corn grows from a small nodule into a large and hard formation.

How to treat

For treatment use folk and surgical methods removal. The doctor can use the radio wave method for removal, removal with liquid nitrogen, electrocoagulation, laser removal.

The simplest and most common method is the laser. It acts quickly and leaves a small spot on the site of the former callus, which then disappears. Shallow corn is eliminated by exposure to high-frequency current. Radio wave method - cutting with a radio knife.

Attention! Cauterization with liquid nitrogen should be carried out experienced doctor, because surface exposure will not completely cope with the corn, and too extensive a recess will damage the skin, leave a scar.

From folk methods you can use table vinegar. It needs to be dripped from a pipette onto a corn. The method is painful, carried out in the evening before going to bed.

Callus is a dense, painful, thickened formation on the skin with a hard central core, which occurs in places of intense friction or compression of soft tissues.

Problem Features

Has a clear outline smooth edges, yellowish flesh color. It is often referred to as an ingrown callus. By

To the International Classifier of Diseases (ICD), the formation of this type is designated by the code L84 with the name "Corns and calluses".


  1. This type of skin growths is considered the most intractable and unpleasant in terms of symptoms. The corn does not just develop in the form of a bubble on a rubbed area of ​​the skin or as a keratinized thickening, but grows deep into the subcutaneous tissue, causing significant pain.
  2. Rod formation is considered by many dermatologists as a type of (hard) corn, and also as late stage its development.
  3. Unlike the core, (wet, soft) corn looks like a transparent or bloody liquid, and they cannot be confused with each other.
  4. A core corn is distinguished from a hard one by the presence of a special internal area increased density- a conical rod extending deep into the dermis. Such a dense, cartilage-like knot is formed due to abnormally rapid cell division () above the zone of increased pressure.
  5. With vertical pressure on this type of callus, an intense dull pain always occurs, since the nerve fibers are compressed between the rod and the bony protrusions.
  6. Banal hard callus hurts very rarely.

The appearance of dry hardening on the skin in many cases covers soft tissues, saving them from damage during constant friction. Such " protective coatings» at ordinary people when wearing new shoes, athletes, violinists and guitarists physically adapt the skin to rubbing shoes or specifics professional activity. But the callus causes only pain, disrupting performance, and without treatment leads to complications.

Callus - what it is and how it looks will tell the video below:

Classification and localization

Rod growths are classified according to their location. Most often they are localized on the feet in the area:

  • soles, right under the toes (very common in women who walk in heels for a long time) - as a rule, appear in pairs, on the right and left foot;
  • the fingertips themselves;
  • lower surface of the heel;
  • fingers, more often - on the side of the little finger, less often - between 2 - 4 fingers;
  • knees.

On the hands, such rod hardenings can develop:

  • between or at the base of the fingers on the palm;
  • on the elbows.


Main physical cause- frequent or prolonged compression of soft tissues under increased load, which is observed:

  1. With prolonged walking in narrow, hard shoes, shoes with heels, shoes with thin soles.
  2. After a foreign object gets under the skin (splinters, chips, grains of sand, shavings, glass fragments and any hard materials) into the skin, which injure it for a long time, provoking an acceleration of the process of tissue compaction.
  3. On the site of an old hard callus, passing into the phase of the formation of the rod.
  4. Due to the specifics physical activity, For example:
    • physical work with a vertical load on the feet (loaders, runners),
    • constant work with hand tools, especially without gloves (carpenters, carpenters, violinists, blacksmiths, agricultural workers);
    • playing sports with prolonged friction of the hands and fingers: hanging on horizontal bars, rings or uneven bars.

Factors that provoke or accelerate the development of an abnormal growth may be:

  • obesity, overweight, flat feet;
  • viral, ;
  • skin diseases - and other dermatoses;
  • the tendency of skin cells to excessive keratinization (hyperkeratosis);
  • age - the older the person, the smaller the layer of fatty tissue that reduces pressure on the skin;
  • diabetes, ;
  • inflammatory diseases of the joints;
  • finger deformity, for example:
    • bursitis thumb on the foot (inflammation of the articular bag) with the development of a pineal seal, where the skin is subjected to increased friction;
    • curvature of the shape of the fingers, displacement of the joints - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdeformities, abnormal protrusions, bends are formed, where a zone of "stress" and increased compression appears.

Symptoms of callus

Basic signs of corns with a stem:

  1. IN initial stage slight discomfort is felt: the diseased area turns red, sometimes a little, tingles.
  2. Under development A callus looks like a round, hard, raised bump on the skin. The feature by which the rod growth is determined, distinguishing it from dry hardening or warts, is a small hole in the center.

Symptoms become pronounced:

  • severe pain occurs not only when walking, but also when feeling a sore spot;
  • if the pivot node has formed on the heel or under the toes on the foot, the gait changes, lameness appears, since the person hardly steps on the sore leg;
  • the growth can become inflamed, which manifests itself, and pain even without touching it.


Before treating a pathology, it is necessary to accurately diagnose and recognize the nature of the abnormal outgrowth, therefore it is the diagnosis that will determine the treatment program.

Usually a competent dermatologist is visually able to determine the type of defect in appearance.

Most often, it is necessary to differentiate (distinguish) a corn with a central core from one that appears on the same areas of the foot subject to maximum load. Such a wart is also hard and painful when pressed, has roots growing into the thickness of the epidermis. Since it is covered with a layer of keratinized cells, its structure is difficult to see.

However, the core callus, in contrast to the warty knot:

  • does not bleed even with strong pressure;
  • arises as a separate node (sometimes in pairs - on the soles), and not in the plural, as is characteristic of warty growths;
  • on the callus in the center there is a shallow depression, and the body of the wart is pierced with thin fibers that come out on its surface with small black nodules. When steaming and removing the top layer on the wart, dense small pinkish-corporeal papillae and black dots are clearly visible.

Complete diagnostic study includes blood tests:

  • on the level of sugar;
  • on the content of glycated hemoglobin (with an excluded diagnosis of diabetes mellitus);
  • on antibody titers to the virus and human immunodeficiency.

The structure of the callus


To completely get rid of this type of hard growth, you need to completely remove the keratinized layers and completely destroy the rod, which is quite difficult, especially if it has grown deep. If the central body is removed partially, then this necessarily leads to reappearance growth.

Indications for physical removal calluses include conditions such as:

  1. Severe pain when walking or when moving the arms.
  2. Inflammation, discoloration, swelling in the area of ​​the growth.
  3. , bleeding around the node.

Therapeutic way

Drilling with a drill

The growth, together with the rod, is drilled with a special apparatus without anesthesia, since the procedure causes only a slight tingling. Areas of keratinization are removed with cutters different diameter, which are selected taking into account the size of the corn and its depth. The bed is treated with an antiseptic, antibiotic ointments are applied. A slight soreness disappears within 2-3 days.


  • with a deeply ingrown growth, several procedures are required;
  • damage to healthy tissues is possible, since the method requires high precision manipulations. Re-infection is not ruled out.

The processing of callus is shown in this video:


To remove the rod, patches and ointments are required that contain substances with a keratolytic effect that can loosen and remove dead horny cells. The main substance used in such products is salicylic acid with the addition of other important components that accelerate the process of destruction of the build-up, relieve inflammation, and disinfect the diseased area. Apply and preparations with acetic, lactic, benzoic acid.


  1. Acid in the composition of keratolytic patches, ointments, getting on healthy skin, can cause irritation or. For this reason, they should be used only in the area of ​​​​the corn itself, trying not to affect the surrounding tissues.
  2. Anti-corn agents are forbidden to be used in areas with wounds, abrasions and.
  3. Possible in the form of itching, swelling, especially with intolerance to medicinal substances or dermatoses.


The main types are described below.


Cheap (40-50 rubles), proven and effective product with sulfur and salicylic acid, penetrating deep into the body of the corn to dissolve horny cells and at the same time relieve the inflammatory process, destroy microbes and fungi. Auxiliary substances are rosin, which has a bactericidal property, lanolin and rubber, which actively soften the keratinized layers.

Salipod is applied only on steamed and thoroughly dried skin for 2 days. To steam and soften the skin, use baths with a solution of soda (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of warm water with the addition of 2 tablespoons of grated laundry soap). After 2 days, the skin on the callus turns white, it is steamed again and gently removed with a pumice stone.

Will Salipod help with corns with a rod? To eliminate old, dense growths, 3-6 applications are required, during which the rod is gradually destroyed.

Precautionary measures:

  • do not stick on cuts, ulcers, moles;
  • not prescribed to pregnant women;
  • do not use if the patient is taking medications for diabetes and oncology.
  • Multiplast corn(from 38 rubles). In addition to salicylate and sulfur, the composition includes dimexide, which can relieve pain, inflammation, have a disinfecting effect and improve the penetration of medicinal substances into the depths.
  • Leiko. Contains tissue-based salicylate. (59–80 rubles)
  • Urgo(Urgo). The patch contains a combination of salicylate and lactic acid. A central foam disc shields healthy skin from active ingredients. Urgo should be changed once a day until the result is achieved, which usually occurs after 3 to 4 days.
  • compid for growing dry calluses. Overlays for several days. Made in the form of hydrocolloid (silicone) pads (320-410 rubles) with active enzymes. Compeed provides active hydration and softening of the keratinized area, while reducing pressure on the corn and relieving pain.
  • Luxplast(Korea) 40-85 rubles, Dr. Plast (60-75 rubles)
  • Chinese patches based on salicylate, which include natural substances: Yin zi, Tiyanhe, Shuyangsuan (from 70 to 380 rubles).
  • Dottor Ciccarelli(Dr. Ciccarelli) for dry calluses (360-570 rubles) on a hydrocolloid basis. Effective, additionally protects the skin, does not cause allergies.

Combined funds

Contain combinations of acids - benzoic, lactic, salicylic, sulfur, natural ingredients, which enhances healing effect: celandine, oil tea tree, plantain, castor oil, urea, beeswax. Some of them, with old growths, are used after steaming the skin, applying in the form of a compress to enhance the effect.

  • Mozolin, Antimozolin, Nemozol;
  • Bensalitin;
  • Dr. Corn, Namozol 911;
  • Green Pharmacy;
  • Corn from corns and corns;
  • Super antimozolin.

Callus solutions are aggressive pharmaceutical products. They are also applied to the outgrowth after steaming the skin, left to dry. Do not use in the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women.

  • Kollomak (fatty alcohol with salicylate and lactic acid). It is applied drip.
  • (phenol with metacresol).
  • Papillek (celandine with acetic and citric acid). Used every other day, during treatment causes painful attacks.

Other Methods

Surgical treatment is carried out with deeply ingrown growths, ineffectiveness drug therapy and contraindications for physiotherapy.

Surgical excision - Under local anesthesia, layers of excess keratinization are removed with scissors, then the body of the rod is excised with a circular incision. The wound hole is filled with gauze with antibacterial ointment. The method is considered obsolete due to soreness, bleeding, long-term healing by scarring, and a high likelihood of infection.

Disease prevention

  • immediately heal wet blisters that appear after friction, and also prevent the transition of ordinary hard callus to a rod form, using all therapeutic agents;
  • choose comfortable shoes according to size, avoid long walks in heels and in shoes with thin soles that do not alleviate pressure on the foot from below;
  • put on socks in size, making sure that they do not crumple and do not rub the skin; wear socks, stockings, stockings made of natural materials;
  • apply all means that prevent sweating of the feet;
  • wear comfortable gloves when working with the tool, treat hands with talcum powder during sports activities;
  • when washing the feet, use a pumice stone, removing excess layers of keratinization;
  • actively apply oily and moisturizing creams on areas possible appearance scuffs and hardening;
  • use conventional prophylactic patches in places of rubbing, which will prevent the appearance of seals and weeping, emollient protective agents (for example, the Compide corn pencil, which forms a thin protective film on the skin, reducing friction in problem areas).
  • Invest in quality shoes orthopedic insoles, relieving the load on the sole and shock-absorbing shocks;
  • Avoid weight gain
  • introduce carrots, cream, products with vitamin E, A.V. into the diet.


If the callus is not cured to the end, it, growing in depth, is capable of:

  • cause intense pain
  • cause deep cracks;
  • lead to a decrease and even loss of performance;
  • disrupt the normal distribution of weight on the joints, leg muscles, nerve nodes due to severe pain when moving, which further leads to the development of deformities, inflammation in muscle tissue and joints;
  • cause tissue decay when the callus itself or the tissue around it becomes infected, followed by the development of osteomyelitis,.


Callus is a condition that is cured the faster the earlier treatment is started.

  • If local remedies do not help, you can always remove the build-up by contacting a specialist in time, who will select a surgical or physiotherapeutic method, taking into account all the features - the size of the corn, the severity of the symptoms, the patient's age, and the state of pregnancy in women.
  • You should not delay the removal of the core node, because it will take only a few minutes to permanently get rid of the pathology in 1 - 2 procedures with minimal discomfort.

How such an outgrowth is removed with a scalpel, will tell this species movie clip:

In today's article we will talk on a topic such as corn, as well as about the types, stages, treatment and prevention of corns.

Corn is divided into 2 types: callus and callus, which in turn are divided into different kinds and stages of development.

A callus is the result of prolonged rubbing or pressure on the skin.

callus ( lat. callus)- structure formed during regeneration bone tissue after loss of bone integrity normal flow fracture healing process. It is a connective tissue that forms at the site of a fracture.

Today we will talk about corns, which most people call simple - "corns".

Types of corns

Corn is of the following types:

- water (wet, soft) corn;
- dry (hard) corn;
- corns;
- core callus.

Water callus is a fluid-filled bladder under the top layer of the skin. The fluid may be clear, yellowish, or, if a capillary is hit, blood-colored. Wet corns most often cause pain, and in this regard, bring sufficient inconvenience. By themselves, wet calluses do not cause danger to human life, but if they are not properly cared for, especially blood calluses, they can cause infection of the body.

Water calluses, as a rule, are very painful, they bring inconvenience in the process of walking, which, to one degree or another, overshadows a person's life. In case of further traumatic impact on the soft callus, it is transformed into a dry (hard) form, which is a thick layer of keratinized skin.

Dry, hard callus occurs as a result of prolonged rubbing and pressure on the skin, and is not so much a species as a stage in the development of a callus that appears after a soft callus. True, sometimes, dry corn can bypass the soft stage. This happens when on certain area bodies have a moderate, but at the same time constant pressure with friction. In this case, the skin on this part of the body does not sharply, but slowly coarsens.

Actually, the hard corn itself is a keratinized, somewhat elevated area of ​​dead skin, grayish or yellowish shades, which in some cases can even help. For example, if a person is engaged in heavy physical work(joiners, carpenters, lumberjacks) or sports. thick layer skin just will perform protective function from various microtraumas.

Hard calluses can also occur in people who write or draw frequently.

Dry (hard) callus, unlike soft, is not painful, although, in advanced stages of development, when cracks are already forming from it, it can cause some pain.

Corns are a type of dry corn. The difference between ordinary dry callus and corns is that the latter has a slightly larger area of ​​keratinized skin without clear boundaries, and the place of dislocation is the soles of the feet. Dry callus can be both on the legs and on the hands.


Calluses on the feet occur most often in the interdigital spaces, but often on the feet. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that in the center of the corn itself there is a hole in which there is a rod deepened, several millimeters deep into the body. It is because of the rod that it is so difficult to remove this type of corns, which is not recommended to be removed on your own at home.

It is also worth noting that if the “rod” is not given due attention, it can eventually cause serious pain to a person, because. from it, microcracks can spread on keratinized skin.

Most often, dry corns appear on the palms, at the bases of the fingers, toes, and together with the toes. In general, calluses can also be found on the knees, elbows and other parts of the body.

Indirect causes of the appearance of corns that occur as a result of prolonged friction and pressure on the skin may be due to:

- Difficulty walking in heels or in uncomfortable shoes;

- exposed seams inside the shoe, on which the feet can rub;

- socks that do not fit the foot (large), which can crumple;

- loads on the legs from the weight of the body, clothes, boxes or bags carried by a person;

- propensity of the skin to the occurrence of excessive keratinization;

- specifics of physical activity (working professions, sports, living in villages with a large economy);

If you decide to get rid of corns on your own, make sure that it is a corn, and not, which, unlike corns, consists of living tissue, and any damage to it is highly undesirable.

Treatment of water (wet, soft) corns

Treatment of wet (soft) corns should be carried out according to the following scheme:

1. Stop any mechanical impact on the area of ​​the skin affected by corns. To do this, it is necessary to remove or change the provoking factor (for example, shoes).

2. For the purpose of disinfection, wipe the damaged skin with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, ethanol and other means).

3. Seal the damaged skin with a bactericidal plaster.

If the bubble of the corn is pierced and the liquid is released from it, then the corn will begin to heal much faster, but doctors do not recommend opening it yourself, because. there is a high risk of infection.

If you still decide to pierce the bladder, in order to avoid infection, follow these rules:

- hands and the damaged area of ​​the skin should be thoroughly washed with soap;

- for piercing, it is better to take a needle from a sterile disposable syringe;

- you need to pierce only exfoliated skin so as not to hurt soft tissue and not aggravate the situation;

- after the procedure, it is necessary to wipe the affected area with an antiseptic and seal it with a bactericidal plaster.

With complications, calluses on the legs or arms become inflamed, swell, and pus begins to stand out from them, which indicates their infection. In this case, the removal of corns should be carried out only in medical institution. The doctor will clean and bandage the wound and, if necessary, prescribe topical or internal antibiotics.

Treatment of dry (hard) corns and corns

So how do you get rid of wet calluses we have learned, now let's consider the question of how to get rid of dry (hard) corns and corns.

Treatment of dry (hard) corns should be carried out according to the following scheme:

1. Steam your foot well hot water to soften hard skin areas. For this, an infusion of or flowers will help well, which will also perform an antiseptic effect. You can also add tea tree oil to the water.

2. Rub the steamed corns or corns well with a pumice stone to remove the keratinized area of ​​the skin.

3. On the affected area, apply a pharmacy or moisturizer, or some kind of healing agent prepared according to folk recipe. In addition, dry corn or corns can be lubricated with castor oil, vegetable or olive oils, solution .

4. To keep warm, as well as to prevent contact of the treated area with the external environment, put on socks and take a supine position.

Treatment of calluses

Calluses are perhaps the most difficult type of corns, which are very difficult to get rid of at home, so it is recommended to do this only under the supervision and with the help of a doctor.

For the treatment of core calluses, most often used:

Drilling out the callus, which is considered the most reliable method. Using a special apparatus, the master removes skin areas using nozzles of various diameters. As a result, a recess is formed in which anti-inflammatory drugs are laid;

- Cryotherapy - the callus is cauterized with liquid nitrogen;

- Laser therapy - the callus is cauterized with a laser.

These techniques allow you to safely and effectively remove an unpleasant formation, promote skin renewal after the procedure, and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs contributes to rapid healing areas where corns were located.

If you still want to try to remove the callus on your own, then you need to perform actions similar to the treatment of dry corns, with the addition of some nuances:

1. Steam a leg with a callus;

2. Remove the top layer of dead skin with a pumice stone

3. Treat the area of ​​​​skin with corn with a moisturizing and healing cream;

4. Cut a hole on a wide patch, with a diameter like a rod, and as soon as the healing or moisturizing agent is absorbed into the skin, stick the patch on the corn so that the hole cut in it is opposite the rod.

5. Drip into a place with a rod acetic acid, which in a few procedures should burn out the corn core.

This technique allows you to cope with a shallow rod.

Corn, like any disease, is easier to treat at the beginning of its formation. At early detection calluses, it will be enough before going to bed to apply some softening cream.

Corns are one of the many diseases that traditional medicine copes well with.

1. Lemon. A commonly used remedy for corns is. Apply a piece of lemon to keratinized skin at night, fix with a plaster, softened skin can be easily removed in the morning.

2. Aloe. To treat corns, cut a piece in half, attach one piece to a sore spot overnight, fix with a band-aid. In the morning, the skin will become soft, which guarantees you easy removal calluses with a pumice stone.

3. Bow. Alternative treatment of corns is often carried out with the help of onion gruel, which should also be applied to the affected area at night. Onion - excellent remedy to remove corns, but be careful not to burn healthy skin with it.

4. Potatoes. Apply to the corn gruel made from raw potatoes. Apply cellophane or compress paper on top, fix with a bandage overnight. In the morning, scrape off the softened layer with a pumice stone, apply foot cream and you're done.

5. A compress from corns from bread. An unaged callus can be painlessly removed, for eight days this compress of bread crumb, pre-moistened with vinegar, is applied at night.

6. Oats. Boil oat straw one to ten. Daily hot baths for about 15 minutes, followed by removal of the stratum corneum on the calluses.

7. Dandelion. Lubricate the corn daily with juice squeezed from the stems and flowers. Do this procedure until the corns completely disappear.

8. Celandine. In the treatment of corns, you can prepare an ointment from grass. To do this, mix the grass juice with petroleum jelly or unsalted butter in ¼ proportions. In order for the ointment to be stored for a long time, it is necessary to add a little carbolic acid to it. Such an ointment should be used for corns and even warts.
