Cool congratulations on your first pension. Congratulations to a woman on retirement

Long live liberation
People from sorrowful labor!
May there always be a pension,
Like a prize at Pike's command!
Don't be discouraged, be alive -
The Caribbean and Maldives are waiting for you!
And if they still don’t wait,
So they will give you a pension for that! What is the age of autumn, and maybe winter?
We ourselves don’t know exactly our limit.
The body ages when we grow old
Soul, when we drive ourselves into the coffin!
We need to take life by the horns ourselves,
So as not to give our living souls to death,
While her bony hand
We won't be suffocated in bed ahead of time.
We all owe longevity:
It was shortened by 30-40 years,
And our life is a quick line
Almost a third was brutally reduced.
What should we do? - I'll give you the answer now.
There are three recipes for longevity!
They will turn you away from weakness and troubles
And they guarantee an active century! Restless years
We have no power to stop them,
So let it be forever -
How more years, the more happiness.
May there be vigor and health,
And let there be enough strength for everything,
And every day of ordinary life
So that it only brings joy. Youth sounded like a song!
It’s like it was yesterday...
Pension crept up unnoticed, -
It's time for a well-deserved rest.
Days after days passed by -
Endless worries carousel,
And springtime round dances
Someone's pipe finished playing.
Life was not a honey cake, -
Full of work and worries.
Maybe that's why it's stormy
There is gray hair at your temples,
Maybe that's why I can't sleep
On a restless winter night,
And in your sleep you dream of youth,
Taking the experience away. Fatigue and letters from someone will be forgotten,
And mirages are replaced by boundaries,
But the first path called “Work”

Love will leave us, friends will be occupied with worries,
Children will be taken away by the world - it belongs to them,
But the first line with the title "Work"
It will stay with us for the rest of our lives.
Let something be missing from the list of victories,
It doesn’t suit us, my friend, to grieve,
After all, the first sadness with the name “Work”
It will stay with us for the rest of our lives.
When we go to unknown heights,
Behind us in the sky lies a sparkling trail.
And the first love called “Work”
It will stay with us for the rest of our lives.

Pension is the most best vacation! This is a unique chance to devote yourself to your favorite business and topics. nice things, for which there was not enough time before. Now you can immerse yourself in those things that bring real pleasure and plunge headlong into the atmosphere of real relaxation! Congratulations on your retirement!

Congratulations on your legal pension!
We want to laze around to our heart's content!
Save up for a holiday abroad,
And go to Paris, Milan or Nice,
Enjoy the resort every year,
Finally get serious about sports
Be active, cheerful, energetic,
Stay as cute
Make all your plans and dreams come true,
And live only the way you want! Retirement, retirement – ​​a glorious time!
Dancing and singing from night to morning!
Happy time happy with life be,
Time to fall in love and truly love! We congratulate you on your retirement.
Your age is considerable, we all know that.
You can't tell by looking that you are a pensioner.
You are still an example for us in your work.

We invite you to come to the club today.
We want to see you retire there.
Congratulations will be there for you.
And your merits will be named.

We wish you a good pension,
So that you can live comfortably on vacation.
Good health to you, and don’t relax.
At the dacha, good luck, go fishing.

On this memorable day for you, we are with you, together with your thoughts. You have done a lot of useful things for our team. Your charm and wisdom have helped many in work and in life. We see you off to your well-deserved rest. We wish you excellent health, joy with your children and grandchildren. We wish you to always have the same enthusiasm and be as attractive and wonderful. Happiness and health to you and your entire family! After all, you have always been the most experienced and valuable employee for us! And we are sorry to lose you, but the only thing that warms us is the thought that you will only get better! After all, retirement is the beginning of a new life!

Retirement is the best vacation! This is a unique chance to devote yourself to what you love and those pleasant things for which you previously did not have enough time. Now you can immerse yourself in those things that bring real pleasure and plunge headlong into the atmosphere of real relaxation! Congratulations on your retirement!

Congratulations on retirement to a man

Here it is, the turning point,
When fate grants you freedom,
And you don’t have to work if you’re lazy,
And a free bird, even into fire, even into water.

We congratulate you on your retirement
And we only wish you bright days,
We wish you troubles at home with tea,
So that life is calmer and wiser.

Congratulations to a retiring colleague

Farewell to retirement (to a man from colleagues):
The retirement date has come
We need to say goodbye.

Your reward.
Free from work
In another task:
How to cultivate your plot
At the summer dacha.
How to catch more fish
So that there is enough for everyone.
Collect and pickle mushrooms,
So that there is enough.

Whenever we visited.
And don't forget about us
We would ask...
Doubly good health
We wish you!
Long life to you
We foretell!

The retirement date has come
We need to say goodbye.
Because he spent his life in labor,
Your reward.
Free from work
In another task:
How to cultivate your plot
At the summer dacha.
How to catch more fish
So that there is enough for everyone.
Collect and pickle mushrooms,
So that there is enough.
So that there is something to greet the grandchildren,
Whenever we visited.
And don't forget about us
We would ask...
Doubly good health
We wish you!
Long life to you
We foretell!

Congratulations on your first pension

How many years did it take to serve the Motherland? This seemingly endless work experience has finally borne fruit, for which I sincerely congratulate you! So let retirement not be the end, but the start for a new life, full of joy, success and happiness!

Congratulations on your first pension

You are still able, and you are not lazy,
And everything is rosy, light and airy.
But I have to go to work more every day
Unfortunately, you no longer need to walk.
Can you keep the bed down longer?
And learn to sew with cross stitch and satin stitch,
Take books with prose out of the closet,
Float your poem over your notebook.
Sing Presnyakov’s songs, for example,
Fishing, catching pigeons on the roof,
Since you are already a pensioner,
And there is no higher title in the world!

Seeing off a man's retirement from his colleagues

The fact is that today is your anniversary
We believe, dear, without any doubt
But everyone wants to find out -
How old are you on this birthday?
If according to appearance judge,
The sparkle in the eyes, in the posture, in the fingers
You can’t even convince doctors
That you are not twenty today!
If you look at health and strength,
If you give me boxing gloves -
Hit it - the white light will become unfavorable
How can a boxer not hit at twenty-five?
Apparently your relatives cheated,
And the passport officer was forced by threat,
To retire early
They have quietly added to your fifteen-year-old age...
We, my dear, are simple people,
And we wish you everything you want
Just wish and you will have everything!...
If you feed me! If you pour!!!

Congratulations on your first pension

Like an unsolved mystery -
Living beauty breathes in her,
This smile is not accidental
How the light of the eyes is not accidental.
She has an earthly charm.
And unearthly grace.
She doesn't need... competition:

You can rest easy.
Love, be friends, walk at night
(after all, you can sleep in the morning!)
And see friends more often,
And read different books!

Congratulations on your retirement

I, _________, solemnly promise:

1. During the first month of retirement, lie on the couch and spit at the ceiling.
2. Then start leading active image life:
a) go to the pool and sauna.
b) attend shaping.
c) don’t forget the massage therapist.
3. Catch up on lost time in culture. Attend all performances and concerts, especially not skip tours of the men's ballet.
4. Spend all weekends and holidays in feasts and balls.
5. Live without getting sick until you are very old and die due to redundancy.

Farewell to retirement congratulations

Congratulations on your retirement can be not only nice words, but also practical advice. This is freedom! But not every pensioner knows what to do with it. In your wish, please advise how to make good use of your free time: become a summer resident, re-read the classics, or go on a cruise?

  • I am not Pushkin or Blok.
  • And I wrote the poem as best I could.
  • But in the success of his verse
  • I have no doubt.
  • Therefore, congratulations to you
  • I'm going to.
  • You worked your ass off
  • And you wiped the nose of many.
  • And now you're retiring
  • And you find it funny.
  • I congratulate you on this!
  • I dedicate these lines to you!
  • No one loved work as much as you.
  • You're always there workplace
  • Came first.
  • You never dared to be late.
  • And you knew how to do everything on time.
  • Everyone rushed to you for advice
  • And they valued your knowledge.
  • There are only a few such specialists.
  • And they are not even in any capital.
  • But now the time has come to retire.
  • I wish you free time treasure.
  • Walk more often and remember old problems!
  • You are the most valuable.
  • You are the most extraordinary.
  • You are very attentive.
  • You are always inquisitive.
  • You are going to retire.
  • You set an example for the youth.
  • I congratulate you!
  • And I want to follow you!
  • Pension has arrived, pension has arrived!
  • I easily found my pensioner,
  • There is not much of her, but she was waiting for you,
  • And she went into the house so quickly.
  • Let it make you happy, my friend
  • From now on, the pension is yours.
  • Her country gives you lovingly,
  • And live in abundance with her always!
  • It's time to relax - it's a dream!
  • Now you can enjoy yourself.
  • And any books from morning to morning
  • Now dive in headfirst.
  • Now you don't have to run to work
  • And you can sleep more in the morning.
  • There is no need to submit reports to management
  • You can walk in the park longer.
  • I congratulate you on your retirement. Hooray!
  • You have given so much to your work.
  • Now it’s time for you to live for yourself.
  • You've been waiting for this vacation for so long.
  • May you not be sad to say goodbye
  • With a place where for so many years
  • You worked hard. You won't come back!
  • And the office will wave sadly.
  • You just need to be happy
  • You are now free to fly.
  • And let your bright lipstick
  • It will now shine for the family.
  • Thank you for working with honor.
  • You did everything with dignity.
  • Life is going and does not stand still,
  • And you need to love her.
  • So she came, she came,
  • No, not a scholarship or even a salary!
  • Today pension found you,
  • She was so happy to fall into your pocket.
  • You will spend it wisely, of course:
  • And you will help children and grandchildren.
  • You’ll wander to the pharmacy quite leisurely,
  • You will buy medicine for the week.
  • May you live happily, even though you are old.
  • But let your grandchildren give you a smile.
  • And even if your income is small now.
  • But let retirement be a joy for you.
  • You have the right to go on vacation.
  • After all, you worked hard.
  • Never from responsibility
  • You didn't leave.
  • The right decisions found quickly.
  • It is an honor for me to congratulate you.
  • And I will say no flattery to you.
  • And I wish you success from the bottom of my heart.
  • After all, I honestly, honestly respect you.
  • I wish that your pension is enough.
  • I wish you pleasure from your holiday
  • There were quite a few. Congratulations!

In prose

Today our entire friendly team has gathered to see you off to retirement. Low bow to you and great gratitude for your work. For your contribution to the development of the enterprise, for your knowledge, efforts and activity. You learned, developed, improved yourself and your work. Having achieved high professionalism, you taught young people. With you, any matter was argued faster and more fun. In life you are an optimist and remain so. We wish you not to be sad. After all, retirement is just a new stage in life. There is still so much to do in retirement. You have children and grandchildren. They are waiting for your attention. But we will also need your advice. Congratulations!

Our dear colleague, how quickly the years have flown by. Like one moment, like one day, like one rain, like one snowfall. It was always a pleasure to work with you. It was always a pleasure to communicate with you. It was easy to talk to you on any topic. You are the person whom the whole team loves. In all the years of working with you, I have never heard of you. bad review. You are the soul of the team, you are our song, you are our pride. But, unfortunately, days come when work comes to an end. You are retiring. We want you not to be sad. We know that you won’t have to sit idle. We wish you not to lose energy, enthusiasm and health. Congratulations!

In your own words

Our entire team, administration and management sincerely expresses gratitude to you for your many years of work. For the efforts you put into the development of production. For your endurance, for your competence, attentiveness and great desire to work and develop. You are an example to follow. You were always at work, in the cold, in the sultry heat, in illness, in sadness. But, you did not lower your head and were able to separate your personal life from the work process. Today is the day of your retirement. This is an important day for you. You are going on a well-deserved rest. May this day be joyful, despite the sadness. God bless you, congratulations! Congratulations on your retirement. I wish now to rest for all the years of continuous, persistent, active work. Enjoy your free time. Finish all the things that could not be completed due to work. Fulfill all your dreams and plans. A pension is not a sentence, but an honorary title. Recognition by people around him of a person who has earned respect for his work. This is not the removal of an old employee to the side for the promotion of young personnel, but, on the contrary, training younger generation using the example of many years of work, now retired. Retirement is not the end of life, but only the slightest line drawn after labor activity. So, congratulations on reaching this respected, authoritative position.

Long live liberation
People from sorrowful labor!
May there always be a pension,
Like a prize According to Pike's command!
Don't be discouraged, be alive -
The Caribbean and Maldives are waiting for you!
And if they still don’t wait,
So they will give you a pension for that!

You are as smart as a pioneer
Energetic and slim
You are now a pensioner -
Let the country be jealous.
Having repaid the debt of labor to the fatherland,
And now for my personal life
There will be fabulous days.

Did you want to live? Well, live!
Tired! This is peace!
Did you want to get high? Catch it!
What kind of thrill is it? Yes like that!
You searched without imagining
What will you get from heaven...
Freed? Congratulations!
Get in line at social security!

New feeling inside:
Yesterday I was a boy
And now here you go, smoke it
Work record book.
The lights are burning out
Work experience.
Let's face it, guys,
Somehow strange!
Only years without cursing
Stay healthy and fit:
Nicotine will kill the horse
Pension will feed you!

What kind of pension is this?
What kind of terrible beast is this? –
Everyone is buzzing without stopping:
How can we live without you now?
You won't live without us!
However, like us without you;
But you still go...
Well, good luck! IN good hour!

Today we will lose a member
Our big circle!..
Change does not please us;
And it’s still unclear to us -
Who will replace you during the smooth process?
Time? Without you we are like without hands:
Our glorious one is retiring,
Our old one, our good friend!
Well, the race is over,
There is light at the end of the tunnel...
We congratulate you, colleague!
Health to you and for long years!
In which we are no longer present...

You're retired! And this
It's a great way to celebrate!
Congratulations advice
We want to give it to you.
Look in the refrigerator
Whatever you find, bring it here!
And then break the alarm clock,
To shut up forever!

Don't think down on your pension
The day will come, you yourself will probably understand
That the years are like bullets to the temple,
And every moment is precious to us.
Retire with your head up,
You go and cheer up,
Let the beautiful globe bloom,
Spring in the soul, and inspiration in the heart!
Let everything be as I dreamed in my youth:
Fishing, dacha, strawberries, girl, -
Another countdown, another wheel,
To whom are you a groom, and to whom are you a grandfather!

Here comes retirement, it’s done
Sentence? Of course not!
Finally appreciated
All credit previous years.
Seeing you off cordially,
We are full of heavy thoughts:
We are losing an employee
Golden hands, mind!
Your new tasks -
Tours, beaches, hitchhiking,
A bed of shoots at the dacha,
Onions, parsley and dill!
Make jam for tea,
Pampering little grandchildren...
We only wish you
While resting, don’t get tired!

You know, a pension is the same salary
But from now on there is no need to work;
From now on there will be no reason to stress -
On the contrary, there will be time to meet
With friends, girlfriends, grandchildren. In general,
We went on vacation, we live like this, and we don’t complain:
After all, it is impossible to imagine a better destiny!
I want to congratulate you on this event!

Do you remember the golden time when you were a pioneer?
The years have flown by quickly, you are already a pensioner
Soon you will retire, you will play dominoes,
Maybe you’ll go fishing, distill moonshine...
Or will you sleep off all the past years,
That you worked at a factory, or somewhere else? When?
It’s good that this memory will not be covered with mold...
Let me congratulate you! Happy retirement!

Let time rush relentlessly!
But only according to work and honor!
We know what's in the powder flasks
Excellent gunpowder was and is!
Everything remains as it was:
There is tea in bags, salt in a salt shaker,
There is shampoo and soap in the bathroom,
In the kitchen there is meat and beans.
In the first aid kit there is iodine, in syringes there are needles,
Kitchen knives in sheaths...
What is missing? Only shelves -
To lay your teeth on it!
We wish you, our dear friend,
Leave unnecessary things aside
So that we live cheerfully, carefree,
And your pension grew!

Your honor - a sad pension,
For some it is the final one, and for others it is the initial one,
You're death in white slippers, wait, don't call.
If diseases come, crush them!
Your Honor, the pension has been calculated,
For some it varies, but for you it’s brought up.
You will plunge into business completely headlong,
You will spend money with your lovely wife.
Your Honor, old age pension,
For some it is kind, but for others it is simple.
You are happy to catch good luck in your net,
You will be lucky in happiness and love in retirement.

So this celebration has come,
You can not work and live carefree,
How wonderful, here it is - it has arrived,
The state will pay money like this!
And of course this is fair and deserved,
Yes, a lot has been invested in the Motherland of Labor,
But now you don’t need to worry,
After all, the income will always be stable.
But it seems like there will be more trouble,
One can only dream of free time.
Little grandchildren will not let you grow old,
They need to be pampered and taken for walks!

All your life you have boldly moved forward,
They worked despite the obstacles.
And now, the time has come for the reward -
It's time for a well-deserved rest!
Let your pension be like this
May you be richer than everyone else in the area!
So that they vacation every year in the south,
Even if not in Sochi, but at least in Hawaii!
Well, old man? Freedom!
Let the forest go to work!
Come on, let's go fishing -
Let's catch a mermaid!
Don't drift, life is still beautiful
We'll have a lot of fun!
Retirement is like a holiday!
Congratulations, brother!

There will come a moment in everyone's life,
When there is no point in going to work,
When you are retired, cheerful and cheerful
At an abandoned dacha you paint a fence...
When you assemble a car in the garage,
In the curly forest there are mushrooms and raspberries,
You play chess with your neighbor for days,
You come home from fishing with perches.
Make a snow woman with the kids,
It takes a long time to prepare seedlings for planting,
Reading on a bench in Prostor Park
And in the heart there is still the same childish enthusiasm!
And even if work and labor are already in the past,
But at home there is always kindness and comfort!
Relatives and friends, all children
You have retired! Let's shout Hurray!

You worked, you weren't lazy
For a very long time, many years.
As if on rails, life rolled,
And the light was green!

But not only work
The man is alive and happy,
There are a lot of things to do
In our ultra-modern age!

You became a pensioner -
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Rest to the fullest
Don't rush to work.

We wish you all the best,
Happiness, great joy.
Be loved and beautiful
And, as before, young!

It's time to rest,
Dip your feet into the sea,
Plant beds at the dacha,
Organize your closets.
Give time to your grandchildren
And go to the cinema myself,
Help a neighbor on business,
Spend half a day in the gazebo.
I wish you a happy life
Happy retirement!

Dear, from the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on your well-deserved retirement. Let your retirement be a time spent learning new things. bright emotions, impressions. Travel, communicate with friends, live an active and rich life. Be healthy and loved by your loved ones.

It's time to think about yourself, beloved,
After all, there is plenty of time now.
With your inexhaustible energy
Do everything that your heart has been wanting for a long time.

Feel a little sad about the days gone by
And jump headlong into a new pool -
Go to the theater and travel a lot,
Let life light up with a dream again.

I wish you not to mope and be healthy,
After all new horizon in front of you.
You were an exemplary employee,
You will be a pensioner in combat.

Let the champagne flow
We are supposed to congratulate you.
Let everything be nothing to you,
After all, now life is just beginning.

You are going on a well-deserved rest,
So away with lack of sleep and worries!
You will find some entertainment for yourself,
After all, you don't have to go to work.

You can sleep longer in the morning,
Don't rush anywhere, don't rush around,
And go for a walk in the forest
And enjoy nature.

So take advantage of your rest,
Try to think more about yourself.
Be healthy, love, flourish,
Travel, read, enjoy.

Are you going to retire?
You'll have a wonderful life!
You can't get up at 7 am
Don't run to work.

You can visit your grandchildren,
In general, don't sit still -
Go on a trip,
Vacation abroad.

Ride a trolleybus
And take a walk in the park.
Buy various goodies,
Get a cool manicure.

In the store soon
Take a hundred queues,
Select the trinkets you need
And go to the cinema with a girlfriend.

In general, there is plenty of time,
But remember one thing:
To always be beautiful,
You need to live with optimism!

If it's time for a woman to retire,
So the game is not over
The candles did not go out in silence,
Dusk did not deepen in the window...

It's just that a new hour is coming,
A new world will open for you,
Parks, squares, fitness, even running,
Life takes a new spin!

Rejoice in the sun and moon,
And plant flowers in the spring,
Love everyone and adore grandchildren,
And fly on the wings of joy!

A little sad, but
You won't have to work anymore
No one will quarrel
That something is not working out there.

The time has come to rest,
Think about yourself, beloved,
Whenever you want, take a nap,
Get carried away by an interesting book.

All the best to you
With all our hearts we wish
And with the fact that the pension has come,
Congratulations today!

You know that retirement is a resort,
Which you need to enjoy to your heart's content,
Going to exhibitions, and visiting people in general,
Create, love, grow and develop.

We wish you one hundred percent rest,
Give yourself time to your loved one.
Always working, it’s easy to stretch your legs,
The time has come to live for yourself.

Of course, it won’t be easy for us without you,
Such specialists are with fire during the day...
But we will try our best
And if not, we will find you and bring you back.

In general, we wish you good health
And only positive thinking.
Believe me, retirement is not old age.
Rather, these are new achievements.

Your new way starts today.
The whole world will now lie at your feet.
After all, our life does not end with retirement -
She takes us to a new turn.

Oh, how many discoveries you have ahead of you,
Freedom, happiness, joy, miracles!
Congratulations today
From us from everyone. And how many new places

So that all dreams and aspirations fit in!
Live passionately, brightly and with soul.
So that the Universe falls in love with you
And bestowed with unearthly strength.

Forget about “old age”. Life is Beautiful!
There is no age, no, no!
Let your world be just as clear
And in five and ten years.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
You deserve this vacation.
After all, there are so many years behind me,
What did you devote to your work?

Now it's time to take a break
I wish you health, goodness and happiness.
Still a long way to go
And the joy doesn't have to end.
