The most unusual families in the world. The most unusual families

Probably, each of us considers his family to be unique in some way. But there are families in the world that are difficult to compete with in terms of unusualness. Today we will talk about some of them.
Representatives of LGBT communities are gaining more and more rights. Many countries have already recognized same-sex marriage. But for some, this seems not enough. So gay couple Adam Grant and Shane Curran decided to expand their family to three people. Young people got married back in 2012, but decided to divorce when they met Sebastian Tran. They divorced after they decided to live together. They said that they did it so that Sebastian would not feel like a third wheel in their family. Now this unusual family dreams of joint child and want the child to have the genes of all three parents. The relatives of the men supported this idea, and the sisters of one of them even volunteered to be surrogate mothers for their child and help in care and upbringing. True, whether such an idea can become a reality, there are doubts. But there is a first time for everything.

A family from Brazil is unique in the color of the skin of 3 out of 5 children. Three children from this family are albinos - they are completely white-skinned and have no pigmentation in their hair. The percentage of the probability of the birth of at least one albino in a Brazilian family is negligible, and here there are three in one family at once. They even wanted to arrest the mother of these children on suspicion of stealing white children.

The Indian family generally consists of some albinos. All 10 members of this family are 100% albinos, including children and grandchildren. They are extremely proud of their skin color, despite the fact that they have a hard time in the Indian climate.

A family from the USA is unusual in that a woman is the shortest mother in the world. She has a height difference of more than a meter with her husband, and she herself is a little over 70 cm. The couple has 3 children and each new pregnancy posed a threat to the health and life of a woman, since the children could hardly fit in her womb, occupying half of her height. The family is proud that everything ended well, but there is also a sad side to this story: 2 of 3 children inherited the mother's disease gene. Despite the circumstances, the couple does not think to stop there. They want to have more children. But here ethical questions arise: do parents have the right to give birth to children, knowing in advance that the children will be sick. But this family believes that it will cope with all difficulties.

And another family from the USA is unique in that they have only boys. The couple has been married for 20 years and during this time they had 13 children, all boys. The mother of the children says that she never even found out the gender of the unborn child, because she still knew that it would be a boy. When asked if they will still have children, maybe there will be a girl, the couple does not answer in the affirmative, but they do not deny this possibility either.

In another Indian family, three out of five daughters have excessive hairiness. Their appearance can hardly be called attractive, but after they were shown a story on television, they were invited to a hair removal session and they noticeably prettier.

This American family is one of the largest in the world. There are 14 children in the family. But the peculiarity of this family is that their mother is not married, and all the children are artificially conceived. Moreover, when the woman already had 6 children, she was pregnant with eight babies at once. And I decided to leave everyone. Now the woman is raising 14 children alone. At the same time, she does not work, but receives money for participating in various talk shows to which she is invited.

Another American family also used artificial insemination at one time. They did not have children for a long time, but they really wanted to and decided to resort to this method of conception. As a result, 4 embryos were viable. They kept two and froze two more. Beautiful twin girls were born in the family. When the girls were 14 years old, the couple decided to have another child and turned for help to a clinic they already knew, whose services they had already used in their time. There, one of the embryos was thawed and planted in the woman's body. So a girl was born, like two drops of water similar to her older sisters. So the twins turned out with a difference of 11 years.

This family is unique in its polygamy. It is difficult to understand their relationship and it is difficult to understand who belongs to whom. This unusual family has three children for eight adults. One married couple has been married for 9 years and has two daughters. The other couple have been married for 15 years and also have a daughter. These two married couples live together and are in a relationship with each other. In addition, each of them has other partners. Moreover, children are familiar with the partners of their parents. Moreover, if parents need somewhere to stay, they ask their lovers to sit with their children. If one of the parents goes to "rest", then the other parent looks after the children, knowing full well where his half is. They claim that they do not know what jealousy is and that such relationships strengthen the marriage.

So each family is unique in its own way and take care of what you have.

How do the most unusual families peace

Maybe everyone at least once called his family the Adams family). Indeed, in every family, unique ones are born who can drive its other members to madness. But believe me, there are truly unique families in the world that are difficult to compete with in originality.

1. Unique albinos.
In Brazil, in the state of Pernambuco, a truly unusual family lives. The father and mother are very ordinary Brazilians, but of their five children, three were born with completely white skin. It's simple unique case, because even the theoretical possibility of the birth of an albino in a Brazilian family is one in seventeen thousand cases. Albino children in a small town are not to be envied. All their lives they hear ridicule, neighbors forbid their children to play with them, and their mother was once almost arrested on suspicion of kidnapping white children.

2. Snow-white Indians.
Another unique albino family lives in India. Unlike their Brazilian "colleagues", where some members of the family are albinos, in the Indian family all its members have white skin and hair. All 10 family members, and even grandchildren, are 100% albinos. The Pullan family takes pride in their skin color and uniqueness, although in the hot climate of India this gives them a lot of trouble.

3. Risking your life for the sake of having children.
The American Stacey Herald has a seemingly "standard" American family - a husband and three children. But Stacey gave birth to all the children, risking her life, because her height is just over 70 centimeters, and Stacey is considered the shortest mother in the world. Stacy suffers from a rare disease called osteogenesis, which causes brittle bones and underdeveloped lungs. The difference with the height of Stacy's husband becomes more than a meter. Each pregnancy was a risk to her life, because newborn children were almost half the height of their mother, and small sizes internal organs Stacy could simply not withstand the stress of bearing children. But this is not the worst. Two out of three children inherited their mother's disease. But, despite this, the parents are not going to stop at replenishment in the family. Opinions about such a decision, of course, differ - is it worth giving life to children, knowing that they will be sick all their lives? These parents probably think they can handle it.

4. For 20 years, not a single girl.
Another unique family lives in the USA. All its members have a standard height, weight and White color skin. But for more than 20 years of the appearance of children in this family, only boys are born. Jay and Kaitheri Schwandt never found out the gender of their unborn child. Mom admits that she can’t even imagine what her reaction would be if a girl was born. In 2015, their family was replenished with the thirteenth son. Mom considers the number "thirteen" significant. She herself was the thirteenth child in the family, and her most younger son was born on the 13th and became the 13th child. Do parents want to try their luck and have another baby? Until they said yes, but they didn't say no either.

5. Hairy beauties.
Another unusual family lives in India, which consists of seven women - a mother and her six daughters. The father of the family, whom the mother married at the age of 12, died. What is special about these women? Three out of six daughters suffer from rare disease hypertrichosis - excessive hairiness. Mother Anita Samary Rouse is sure that the girls inherited the “werewolf gene” from their father, whom she married “under pain of death.” But not everything is so sad. After the family was shown on TV, the girls were helped to undergo the procedure laser hair removal after which they improved markedly.

6. Is wholesale cheaper?
Another family lives in the USA, known to the whole world thanks to its mother Nadia Suleiman. Being single, she brings up 14 children, 8 of whom were born on the same day. "Eight" was born when the woman already had six children. Multiple pregnancy came about as a result artificial insemination to which she had previously resorted. Nadia admits that she did not expect that there would be so many children. The life of Nadia Suleiman causes a lot of controversy in society. After all, she is unemployed, lives on social benefits and with money from talk shows, where she is constantly invited. Once she admitted that she wanted to have many children in order to imitate her idol Angelina Jolie, because Nadia even did plastic surgery to look like a star. And she is also accused of filming pornographic videos. Whatever it was, but Nadia claims that she happy mother and loves his children.

7. Reluctant twins.
American married couple Lizi and Adriana Shepard got married in 1994. They dreamed of children, but pregnancy did not occur. Then the couple decided to do IVF. Of the 14 embryos, they froze 12 and used 2. They have wonderful twin girls. A few years later, they wanted another child. The couple went to the same clinic and used one of the frozen embryos. When their third daughter was born, Lizi and Adriana were speechless - the girl was just a copy of her older sisters. It turns out that the twins were born with a difference of 11 years! I wonder if the youngest daughter will only look like her older sisters, or will she take on their character as well?

8. Polygamy is not a hindrance to a family.
The USA is really rich in non-standard families, probably because people are not afraid to live the way they want and do not adapt to other people's rules. In this family, everyone has a normal height and weight, and their children were born at term. What makes them different? Complex family relationships. This family consists of 8 adults and 3 children. Who are they related to each other? To be honest, it's hard to figure it out. Siera and Martin have been married for 9 years and have two daughters. Molly and David have been married for 15 years and have a daughter. These couples are in a polyamorous relationship with each other, while having other lovers. All members of this union are familiar with each other, have with them great relationship. Are they jealous of their lawful halves? They make sure they don't. They can meet other people openly without lying or feeling guilty about it. The spouses assure that in such a tandem their marriages have become even stronger, and love has only increased. Their children do not lack love. If one of their parents goes on a "vacation", the other must stay at home. This Golden Rule. By the way, children are familiar with the partners of their parents, but for children they are “friends” of mom and dad. If parents have unforeseen situations at work, they ask lovers to sit with their children. All is well and everyone is happy! Are these people doing the right thing? I don't know, but I have no right to judge them.

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Each family has its own laws and secrets, and for the most part, even the most average family can surprise with more close acquaintance. What to say about those who themselves are unusual people living in unusual families? We invite you to find out how these people live - real unique families.

albino family

In Brazil, in the state of Pernambuco, a truly unusual family lives. The father and mother are very ordinary Brazilians, but of their five children, three were born with completely white skin. This is simply a unique case, because even the theoretical possibility of the birth of an albino in a Brazilian family is one in seventeen thousand cases. Albino children in a small town are not to be envied. All their lives they hear ridicule, neighbors forbid their children to play with them, and their mother was once almost arrested on suspicion of kidnapping white children.

Another unique albino family lives in India. Unlike their Brazilian "colleagues", where some members of the family are albinos, in the Indian family all its members have white skin and hair. All 10 family members, and even grandchildren, are 100% albinos. The Pullan family takes pride in their skin color and uniqueness, although in the hot climate of India this gives them a lot of trouble.

For 20 years, not a single girl

Another unique family lives in the USA. All its members have a standard height, weight and white skin color. But for more than 20 years of the appearance of children in this family, only boys are born. Jay and Kaitheri Schwandt never found out the gender of their unborn child. Mom admits that she can’t even imagine what her reaction would be if a girl was born. In 2015, their family was replenished with the thirteenth son. Mom considers the number "thirteen" significant. She herself was the thirteenth child in the family, and her youngest son was born on the 13th and became the 13th child. Do parents want to try their luck and have another baby? Until they said yes, but they didn't say no either.

hairy beauties

Another unusual family lives in India, which consists of seven women - a mother and her six daughters. The father of the family, whom the mother married at the age of 12, died. What is special about these women? Three out of six daughters suffer from the rare disease hypertrichosis - excessive hairiness. Mother Anita Samary Rouse is sure that the girls inherited the “werewolf gene” from their father, whom she married “under pain of death.” But not everything is so sad. After the family was shown on TV, the girls were helped to undergo laser hair removal, after which they noticeably prettier.

Is wholesale cheaper?

Another family lives in the USA, known to the whole world thanks to its mother Nadia Suleiman. Being single, she brings up 14 children, 8 of whom were born on the same day. "Eight" was born when the woman already had six children. Multiple pregnancy came as a result of artificial insemination, which she resorted to earlier. Nadia admits that she did not expect that there would be so many children. The life of Nadia Suleiman causes a lot of controversy in society. After all, she is unemployed, lives on social benefits and on money from talk shows, where she is constantly invited. Once she admitted that she wanted to have many children in order to imitate her idol Angelina Jolie, because Nadia even did plastic surgery to look like a star.

And she is also accused of filming pornographic videos. Whatever it was, but Nadia claims that she is a happy mother and loves her children.

reluctant twins

American married couple Lizi and Adriana Shepard got married in 1994. They dreamed of children, but pregnancy did not occur. Then the couple decided to do IVF. Of the 14 embryos, they froze 12 and used 2. They have wonderful twin girls. A few years later, they wanted another child. The couple went to the same clinic and used one of the frozen embryos. When their third daughter was born, Lizi and Adriana were speechless - the girl was just a copy of her older sisters. It turns out that the twins were born with a difference of 11 years! I wonder if the youngest daughter will only look like her older sisters, or will she take on their character as well?

Polygamy is not a hindrance to a family

The USA is really rich in non-standard families, probably because people are not afraid to live the way they want and do not adapt to other people's rules. In this family, everyone has a normal height and weight, and their children were born at term. What makes them different? Difficult family relationships. This family consists of 8 adults and 3 children. Who are they related to each other? To be honest, it's hard to figure it out. Siera and Martin have been married for 9 years and have two daughters. Molly and David have been married for 15 years and have a daughter. These couples are in a polyamorous relationship with each other, while also having other lovers. All members of this union are familiar with each other, have excellent relations with them. Are they jealous of their lawful halves? They make sure they don't. They can meet other people openly without lying or feeling guilty about it. The spouses assure that in such a tandem their marriages have become even stronger, and love has only increased. Their children do not lack love. If one of their parents goes on a "vacation", the other must stay at home. This is the golden rule. By the way, children are familiar with the partners of their parents, but for children they are “friends” of mom and dad. If parents have unforeseen situations at work, they ask lovers to sit with their children. All is well and everyone is happy!

Family business is a special phenomenon. And when it comes to families in show business, you can expect different kind surprises. In our review, there are 9 most unusual families that have entered the history of the stage and the circus.

1 The Musical Family Who Sold 20 Million Albums Worldwide

The Kelly Family was very popular in Europe. The Kelly Family is an Irish-American family that has been performing rock, pop and folk music for generations. The musical career of the Kelly Family began about 45 years ago, after the patriarch of the family, Daniel Kelly Sr., moved his family from the USA to Spain. He soon separated from his first wife, who returned to the States with the eldest of four children. Daniel stayed with three children in Europe. After some time, he married Barbara Ann Suokko, and the couple had 8 children. This whole huge family began to study music and singing, and soon the first album appeared. They ended up selling over 20 million albums since the early 1980s.

2The musical triplets who became famous at the end of their lives

The Del Rubio triplets (Edith, Elena and Mildred) found real fame at the age of 60. Despite the fact that the Del Rubio Triplets began performing in the 1950s, the trio did not truly become known to the world until 1985. Special attention they attracted with mannered style of clothes and performance of covers of songs popular at that time.

Source 3The family that has been a traveling circus troupe since 1780

As early as 1780, the Wallend family was an itinerant circus troupe of acrobats, jugglers, clowns, trapeze artists and trainers. In the late 1800s, and over the next two generations, they became known as circus acrobats and stunt performers. The founder of the modern dynasty, Karl Walenda, was born in Magdeburg, Germany, in 1905 to a family of circus performers. He became an expert in aerial gymnastics and performed in a family show at the age of six. In Carl, his brother Hermann, Joseph Geiger and Helena Kreis started performing together. They toured Europe for several years and became known as the "Flying Wallendas". Now the representative of the dynasty is Nik Wallenda.

4 Siblings Who Appeared In The Wizard Of Oz

Those who love Tod Browning's cult film Freaks probably know two of the four members of the Doll Family - Harry and Daisy Earls. Having begun performing in the early 1930s, the Doll family (literally translated as "doll family"), which was a quartet of brothers and sisters of dwarfs, began to be willingly invited to act in films and perform in circus shows. Representatives of the Doll Family were always together until death. The last Doll died in 2004.

Source 5The Family of Blind Musicians Who Toured for 50 Years

Not much is known about the Hostetler family of the blind, but it is certain that this quartet of twins performed actively throughout the second half of the nineteenth century in Pennsylvania. Catherine, Samuel, Bartholomew and John were the children of Daniel Hostetler and Maria Hostetler, who were cousins and sister.

6A family of artists who survived Auschwitz

The Ovitz family, the largest dwarf family ever, is also the largest large family who survived her imprisonment in Auschwitz. The family, originally from Romania, was the descendants of the dwarf artist Shimson Aizik Ovitsa (1868-1923). He had ten children in total, seven of whom were dwarfs. The children formed an ensemble called the Lilliputian Troupe, which performed throughout Europe.

7The Acrobatic Sisters Made Famous By Just One Movie

The Ross sisters - Aggie, Elmira and Maggie - are singers who were also talented acrobats. Despite their talents, the girls only appeared in one film, The Rhythm of Broadway in 1944, and one play in London called Piccadilly Highride. All three girls married and retired from show business in 1950.

8The Five Twins That Have Become Canada's Landmark

Five twin girls Dion became famous for own will. Their story from birth became public knowledge, and the girls earned great amount money for the government of Canada. On May 27, 1935, five twins were born into the family of a poor farmer. When they were only 6 months old, their father signed a contract with promoters to show the girls at the Chicago World's Fair. A pavilion was built to demonstrate the twins, and in 10 years Ontario earned $ 500 million from showing unusual children. Girls were used in all types of advertising, a lot of souvenirs and their images appeared. After their 19th birthday, the girls cut off all ties with their family, who tried to make money on them.

Family is the most important thing in a person's life. This is how they look.

We think that each of us at least once called his family the Addams family, because in each family unique ones are born who can drive its other members to madness. But believe me, there are truly unique families in the world that are difficult to compete with in originality.

1 Unique Albinos

In Brazil, in the state of Pernambuco, a truly unusual family lives. The father and mother are very ordinary Brazilians, but of their five children, three were born with completely white skin. This is simply a unique case, because even the theoretical possibility of the birth of an albino in a Brazilian family is one in seventeen thousand cases.

Albino children in a small town are not to be envied. All their lives they hear ridicule, neighbors forbid their children to play with them, and their mother was once almost arrested on suspicion of kidnapping white children.

2. Snow-white Indians

Another unique albino family lives in India. Unlike their Brazilian "colleagues", where some members of the family are albinos, in the Indian family all its members have white skin and hair. All 10 family members, and even grandchildren, are 100% albinos. The Pullan family takes pride in their skin color and uniqueness, although in the hot climate of India this gives them a lot of trouble.

3. Risking your life to have children

The American Stacey Herald has a seemingly "standard" American family - a husband and three children. But Stacey gave birth to all the children, risking her life, because her height is just over 70 centimeters, and Stacey is considered the shortest mother in the world.

Stacy suffers from a rare disease called osteogenesis, which causes brittle bones and underdeveloped lungs. The difference with the height of Stacy's husband becomes more than a meter. Each pregnancy was a risk to her life, because newborn children were almost half the height of their mother, and the small size of Stacy's internal organs could simply not withstand the load when carrying children.

But this is not the worst. Two out of three children inherited their mother's disease. But, despite this, the parents are not going to stop at replenishment in the family. Opinions about such a decision, of course, differ - is it worth giving life to children, knowing that they will be sick all their lives? These parents probably think they can handle it.

4. Not a single girl in 20 years

Another unique family lives in the USA. All its members have a standard height, weight and white skin color. But for more than 20 years of the appearance of children in this family, only boys are born. Jay and Kaitheri Schwandt never found out the gender of their unborn child.

Mom admits that she can’t even imagine what her reaction would be if a girl was born. In 2015, their family was replenished with the thirteenth son. Mom considers the number "thirteen" significant.

She herself was the thirteenth child in the family, and her youngest son was born on the 13th and became the 13th child. Do parents want to try their luck and have another baby? Until they said yes, but they didn't say no either.

5. Hairy beauties

Another unusual family lives in India, which consists of seven women - a mother and her six daughters. The father of the family, whom the mother married at the age of 12, died. What is special about these women? Three out of six daughters suffer from the rare disease hypertrichosis - excessive hairiness. Mother Anita Samary Rouse is sure that the girls inherited the “werewolf gene” from their father, whom she married “under pain of death.” But not everything is so sad. After the family was shown on TV, the girls were helped to undergo laser hair removal, after which they noticeably prettier.

6. Is wholesale cheaper?

Another family lives in the USA, known to the whole world thanks to its mother Nadia Suleiman. Being single, she brings up 14 children, 8 of whom were born on the same day. "Eight" was born when the woman already had six children. Multiple pregnancy came as a result of artificial insemination, which she resorted to earlier. Nadia admits that she did not expect that there would be so many children.

The life of Nadia Suleiman causes a lot of controversy in society. After all, she is unemployed, lives on social benefits and on money from talk shows, where she is constantly invited. Once she admitted that she wanted to have many children in order to imitate her idol Angelina Jolie, because Nadia even did plastic surgery to look like a star. And she is also accused of filming pornographic videos. Whatever it was, but Nadia claims that she is a happy mother and loves her children.

7. Reluctant twins

American married couple Lizi and Adriana Shepard got married in 1994. They dreamed of children, but pregnancy did not occur. Then the couple decided to do IVF. Of the 14 embryos, they froze 12 and used 2. They have wonderful twin girls. A few years later, they wanted another child. The couple went to the same clinic and used one of the frozen embryos.

When their third daughter was born, Lizi and Adriana were speechless - the girl was just a copy of her older sisters. It turns out that the twins were born with a difference of 11 years! I wonder if the youngest daughter will only look like her older sisters, or will she take on their character as well?

8. Polygamy is not a hindrance to a family

The USA is really rich in non-standard families, probably because people are not afraid to live the way they want and do not adapt to other people's rules. In this family, everyone has a normal height and weight, and their children were born at term. What makes them different? Difficult family relationships.

This family consists of 8 adults and 3 children. Who are they related to each other? To be honest, it's hard to figure it out. Siera and Martin have been married for 9 years and have two daughters. Molly and David have been married for 15 years and have a daughter. These couples are in a polyamorous relationship with each other, while also having other lovers.

All members of this union are familiar with each other, have excellent relations with them. Are they jealous of their lawful halves? They make sure they don't. They can meet other people openly without lying or feeling guilty about it. The spouses assure that in such a tandem their marriages have become even stronger, and love has only increased.

Their children do not lack love. If one of their parents goes on a "vacation", the other must stay at home. This is the golden rule. By the way, children are familiar with the partners of their parents, but for children they are “friends” of mom and dad. If parents have unforeseen situations at work, they ask lovers to sit with their children. All is well and everyone is happy! Are these people doing the right thing? We don't know...
