Who had a miscarriage of one of the twins. Abortion in multiple pregnancy

At 12 weeks, an ultrasound scan showed that twins, monochorionic, the 1st - ktr 64, the 2nd ktr 69. At 20 weeks, the difference in weight in the fetuses is 100 g 361/262. Doctors are afraid of the possible development of SFFT (Feto-Fetal Transfusion Syndrome). What is the percentage difference between them and will it really lead to the death of both fetuses?

With monochorionic twins, the risk of developing feto-fetal transfusion syndrome is very high. Therefore, as a rule, there is a difference in the indicators of fruit fetometry, their condition and adaptive capabilities. Observation during pregnancy allows for a timely assessment of the condition of the fetus, without waiting for a critical condition.

One gestational sac was placed on ultrasound at 3 weeks. HCG showed 5-6 weeks. On ultrasound at 13 weeks they said 100% girl on the back wall, and at 17 weeks they said that one fetus was a boy on the anterior wall. I have monozygotic twin brothers. Could it be that two uzists in a hurry found different kids, and the second one was not looked for or noticed.?!

In terms of 13 and 17 weeks, the diagnosis of singleton / multiple pregnancy is not difficult. Highly specialized ultrasound specialists of our center will be able to answer your questions.

Dee Dee twins 24 weeks pregnant. On ultrasound, one fetus is developed in terms of time and size for 24 weeks and 1 day, and the second for 22 weeks and 3 days. Is this delay normal?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer your question without information about the size of both fetuses in the period of 11 - 14 weeks, data from the screening of the first trimester and information about the state of the placenta, umbilical cord, the amount of amniotic fluid and the results of dopplerometry of your babies. Or send the question again, specifying all the necessary data. Or make an appointment by calling the Unified Call Center: 8-495-636-29-46

18-19 weeks of pregnancy, did an ultrasound: monoamnitic monochorionic undissociated twins. Do I have heterosexual children or same sex children? How to understand it? What is it in general and whether it can threaten me with something?

Monoamniatic monochorionic twins means that babies not only have one placenta for two, but also one amniotic cavity for two. In this case, the gender of the babies should be the same. Non-dissociated twins means that the babies have not separated, “grown together” with each other (the so-called “Siamese twins”). In this case, the prognosis for the life and health of babies may be unfavorable. To clarify this serious diagnosis, it is advisable to conduct an expert ultrasound, and then consult a geneticist.

At the first ultrasound for a period of 7 weeks, the pregnancy is monochorionic biamniotic, and in the maternity hospital at 11 weeks - bichorial biamniotic. In connection with the doctor's concern about the reduction of the cervix, she did an ultrasound at 15 weeks and again put a monochorionic pregnancy. At the same time, the doctor was completely convinced that they were twins. At 19 weeks they said that you can’t see how many placentas. How to find out twins or all the same twins? And whether it is possible or probable it on the subsequent US? The kids are same-sex, neither my family nor my husband had twins.

The most accurate chorionicity (how many placentas) is determined in the first trimester, when it is possible to assess the thickness of the amniotic septum and the presence of chorionic tissue between the membranes of the amniotic cavities. With an increase in the gestational age, these signs lose their significance and the determination of chorionicity when both placentas are located along the same wall becomes difficult. An indirect indicator of monochorionic twins is the same sex in both babies, but this option is also possible if there are two placentas. It will be possible to finally resolve the issue of twins after childbirth.

We are planning a pregnancy. In October, the ovarian cyst was removed. After laparoscopy, the doctor prescribed treatment: 3 injections of Zoladex, drank Byzanne and Claira for 3 months. In my husband's line, his grandmother was from twins, my husband has twin cousins, in my line there are no twins. After taking these drugs and taking into account the heredity of the husband, do we increase the chances of a multiple pregnancy?

If more than three months pass from the moment you stop taking the drugs to conception, then the effect of an increased risk of multiple pregnancy will come to naught. As for heredity, the probability of multiple pregnancy is increased, but slightly compared to the population.

The first day of the last menstruation was April 27, my periods were always irregular, I was diagnosed with polycystic disease. Conception could occur on May 10, 11, 17, June 2 and 13. Considering the first day of the last menstruation, it should have been 9 weeks pregnant on June 29, but the embryo was not visible. HCG - 22000 (corresponding to 9 weeks of pregnancy), said an embryonic pregnancy, suggested a purge or pills. Is there a possibility of multiple pregnancy? My father is a twin and I have twins from my grandmother. Could there just be a short period at which the embryo is not visible? Is hCG high because multiple pregnancy is developing?

To clarify the situation, it is necessary to undergo a study in dynamics.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, according to ultrasound: dichorionic diamniotic twins, at 21 weeks: monochorionic diamniotic twins, at 24 weeks: monochorionic, sex is the same. During the consultation, we decided that we should believe the first ultrasound. How to be?

To determine the chorionicity with twins, early ultrasound is the most informative, so it is better to focus on ultrasound at 12 weeks.

6-7 weeks of pregnancy according to ultrasound, according to the last menstruation - 9-10 weeks. Cycle 34-36 days, ovulation was late, on May 10 by ultrasound: fetal egg 18 mm, 1 embryo: CTE 4.7, heart rate 93 beats / min., yolk sac 3.1 mm, 2 embryo: CTE 3.4, heartbeat is not recorded, yolk sac 2.8 mm, corpus luteum in the right ovary 15 mm. Can the second embryo be delayed in development, or does this mean that the second embryo is frozen? And is it not a small heart rate in the first embryo?

The heart rate of the first fetus is within the normal range. The CTE of the second fetus (3.4 mm) corresponds to a period of less than 5 weeks. At this time, the fetal heartbeat may not yet be determined. The size of the embryos can vary significantly already in the early stages of pregnancy, so it is quite possible that the second embryo still needs to grow. To assess the growth rate of the embryos and the presence of a heartbeat in both babies, it is advisable to repeat the ultrasound in 2-3 weeks.

7 weeks of pregnancy, a multiple pregnancy is called into question. On November 22, there was a spontaneous abortion, the period for menstruation was 8-9 weeks, according to ultrasound a few hours before the miscarriage, the fetal egg was 4-5 weeks in size. interruption, but the doctor dissuaded, I want to keep the pregnancy. What is the probability that frozen and spontaneous abortion will not happen again?

The causes of missed pregnancy are different - genetic, antiphospholipid syndrome, luteal phase deficiency, viral infections. It is necessary to examine and adjust the intake of drugs depending on the results obtained.

7 (obstetric) weeks of pregnancy, according to ultrasound: two fetal eggs, but one has an embryo and a heartbeat is heard, and the other is empty. Can the second egg be late with the development of the embryo, or is it already certain that it will resolve?

Sometimes two fetal eggs are laid, in one of which the embryo develops, and in the second fetal egg the embryo is not laid. At screening time I at 11-14 weeks, it will be possible to accurately determine the number of embryos and how they develop.

One fetus and two bladders, are they twins or twins? What's this?

Sometimes two fetal eggs are laid, in one of which the embryo develops, and in the second fetal egg the embryo is not laid. Based on your information, you are having a singleton pregnancy. The second "empty" fetal egg does not affect the development of the fetus.

The second pregnancy, 22 weeks, monochorionic diamniotic twins, the first was 5 years ago, she gave birth on time, the son is fine. At 21 weeks, one fetus froze. The gynecologist sent for an interruption, I refused, because I hope to endure the second one to a viable term, at the moment the child is healthy, all indicators correspond to the term. What are our chances? What are the risks for the living baby and for me? I am 27 years old.

With diamniotic twins, there is a chance to carry a second child. But careful monitoring in dynamics is necessary, including ultrasound and Doppler. For you, the risks are similar to the usual twins.

13 weeks of gestation, monochorionic diamniotic twins, one pathology of MVPR with CHD omphalocele. What happens in such cases? Is it possible to save a second healthy baby?

Theoretically, yes. But if a fetus with congenital malformations dies in utero, this can negatively affect the formation of the second fetus and there may be secondary changes in it, including quite serious ones.

5-6 weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound identified one fetal egg GS-21.3 mm in size, and it contains two yolk sacs 4.2 mm and 4.4 mm. Does this indicate twins?

Ultrasound is needed in dynamics in 1-2 weeks, when it will be possible to determine the number of embryos and their heartbeat.

My first pregnancy came at the age of 19, twins, two girls. I had a spontaneous miscarriage at 17 weeks. The second pregnancy came in 1.5-2 months, one fetus, she gave birth at the age of 20, a boy. I didn’t have twins in my family, my husband had a grandmother from twins, his mother and her sisters and brothers didn’t have twins, her children don’t have sisters and brothers either. What is the probability that I will have twins?

The probability is increased, but it is impossible to say in numbers.

At 7 weeks of pregnancy, according to ultrasound: two embryos in one fetal egg, fetal KTR 9 mm, monochorionic biamniotic twins. According to the ultrasound at 9 weeks, another doctor did not see the second fetus. The KTR of the fetus during the ultrasound varied from 26 to 28 mm. Can the second hide behind the first? And why did the KTR change?

When measuring CTE, an error within 2 mm is acceptable, we recommend screening ultrasound for a period of 11-12 weeks to clarify the situation.

6 weeks pregnant. According to ultrasound: there are two fetal eggs in the uterine cavity, in one of which there is a developing embryo with a heartbeat, in the second - the embryo is not visualized. Is there a possibility of fertilization of two eggs with a difference of several days? Why does the development of the second embryo lag behind the first? Does this mean a halt in the development of the second egg?

Most likely, we are talking about a non-developing fetal egg. The death of the second fetal egg will not affect the bearing of the remaining baby.

4 weeks pregnant, a week ago we found two fetal eggs in a private clinic. Has made US in other place, one fetal egg 7.7 mm, another - do not see. What could it be? Has it disappeared? Is this a doctor's mistake or a different quality of the equipment? There were no allotments.

It is not uncommon for one of the fetal eggs to die in early pregnancy and resolve.

First pregnancy, 7 weeks. According to ultrasound at 4.4 weeks: signs of a two-egg uterine pregnancy in one fetal egg and anembryony in the second. Now what to do with the second frozen egg? Should it be removed or will it come out on its own? What will happen to a normally developing fetal egg now? I am 27 years old.

There is no cause for concern. The dead fetal egg will resolve without harm to the remaining one. We recommend that you repeat the ultrasound to clarify the situation.

I have a twin pregnancy. Is biochemical screening informative?

The first day of the last menstruation is December 2, the average cycle length is 28 days. The first ultrasound on January 4: a 3 mm fetal egg was determined in the uterine cavity, the corpus luteum was not identified. On January 5, the result of the analysis for hCG is 4471.0 mIU / ml. At the 11th week of the obstetric term, I found out that I had twins. Is it possible not to see twins at 4 weeks of obstetric period? Is it possible to conceive two babies at such different times?

For a very short period of time (as in this case), it is quite possible not to see the second fetal egg. And if we are talking about identical twins, then they can only be seen when the embryos are well visualized.

At the first ultrasound, the doctor did not see the fetal egg, set the period no more than two weeks, the hCG result on the same day was twice as high. Two weeks later, she came to register with another doctor, the doctor examined without ultrasound, set the period 8 weeks. At 12 weeks, they wrote at the screening that there was one fetal egg and one fetus. Could you not see the second baby on the ultrasound or is it impossible?

12 weeks of pregnancy, on ultrasound they said that one embryo froze at 9-10 weeks, and the second one is developing well. What is the probability of carrying a child? Will there be infections from the dead fetus?

The chances of having a baby are pretty good. With a frozen fetus at this gestational age, it can resolve without harming the second fetus.

Did IVF. Last period April 10th, puncture April 28th, transfer April 30th. The result of hCG on May 14 is 403. At what time can a multiple pregnancy be detected? When to do an ultrasound? The doctor recommended June 11, and the doctor who performed IVF recommended May 25.

Is it possible with a multiple pregnancy to have an ectopic development of one fetus and a fading of the second at the same time? How will an ectopic fetus develop if the frozen fetus was removed? although it was clear from the condition of the pregnant woman, as well as the size of her uterus, that the fetus had died?

It is possible to have a uterine and ectopic pregnancy at the same time. An ectopic pregnancy will develop until the rupture of the fetus. It is important to prevent this, but to carry out surgical treatment preventively with minimal health consequences.

I had identical twins at 6 weeks. One is 5.7mm, the other is 6.2mm. The first has a heartbeat of 154 beats / min, the second - 156 beats / min. Now I am 11 weeks old. Could one of them "disappear" by this point?

In some cases, in the early stages, one of the twins may stop developing, which can lead to its "disappearance".

By my count, I'm three weeks and three days pregnant. Menstruation was from 21 to 26 September. I know that I got pregnant on October 9th. Everything was planned. I started drinking vitamins with folic acid in early September. On October 31, I passed an analysis of hCG - 19795. On the same day, I did an ultrasound scan, which showed 5 weeks and six days. Can an ultrasound doctor make a mistake and not see a multiple pregnancy, but put a longer period?

In the conclusion of the ultrasound, the obstetric gestational age is indicated, from the first day of the last menstruation. You consider from conception, the true term. It is of no use to anyone but you. All terms (decree, childbirth, etc.) are considered in obstetric weeks. Details about the calculation of gestational age are written in the articles on our website.

My paternal grandmother had twins and my maternal grandmother's husband had twins twice, I have two sons and am currently 4 weeks pregnant, can I have twins?

Based on pedigree, you are twice as likely to be born as compared to population frequency. Everything will be visible on the ultrasound.

I went for an ultrasound at 16 weeks pregnant, everything was fine. But when I came for an ultrasound at 24 weeks, they told me that I had uterine fibroids, although I didn’t have it. Could uterine fibroids form in 2 months?

Most likely, uterine fibroids were, but small in size. During pregnancy, fibroids rapidly increase in size.

Unfortunately, missed pregnancy and miscarriage in the early stages (the first 12 weeks) are quite common phenomena. This usually happens because the embryo has a serious genetic disorder.

If you are carrying twins, the risk of losing your baby in the first two trimesters is slightly higher than if you are pregnant with one child. And, unfortunately, it increases even more if two babies have one placenta or one amniotic sac, which happens when you are expecting identical twins (NCCWCH 2011: 28) .

Miscarriage between the 12th and 24th week of pregnancy (that is, at a later date) is much less common. This is usually due to problems with the uterus or cervix (NHS Choices 2011), but these are not the only causes.

For many parents who have experienced this misfortune, the words “miscarriage” do not express even a tenth of what they feel. This is a real loss, the death of a baby. Medically, a baby is considered stillborn after the 24th week of pregnancy (NHS Choices 2009a) .

Very often, the cause of a miscarriage remains unknown. This means that nothing could be done to prevent it.

Losing a baby at any stage is the hardest test for both the mother and her loved ones. It is a painful and frightening experience. Sometimes it is simply impossible to understand: “why?” But we must overcome ourselves, we must live on. You can start by talking to loved ones, as well as with parents who are experiencing the same thing.

Is it true that when you carry twins, the risk of losing a baby increases?

Unfortunately yes. About 12 out of 1,000 twin pregnancies and 31 out of 1,000 triplet pregnancies end in the death of at least one child. 5 out of 1,000 die during pregnancy with one baby (NCCWCH 2011: 27) .

The risk of miscarriage increases slightly after the 38th week. Therefore, if you are expecting twins (and especially identical twins), you will most likely be offered a caesarean section or call (NCCWCH 2011: 138, 174, 188) around the 37th week (MBF 2010, NCCWCH 2011: 28, RCOG 2008).

What happens when one of the twins dies in the womb?

The death of a baby during the first trimester usually has no effect on the development of the second baby (Anderson-Berry 2010) . This phenomenon is called the syndrome of the disappeared twin, because only one embryo is found, and the second seems to disappear without a trace, as if it never existed.

You may not even be aware of what happened, because often there are no symptoms at all. And sometimes only small cramps in the lower abdomen or minor bleeding indicate the loss of one of the children (Anderson-Berry 2010) . But if you have already internally prepared for the fact that you will become a mother of two babies, you will most likely feel that you have been unfairly deprived of something important.

If you lose one of your twins in the second or third trimester, complications are more likely. Doctors carefully examine you. At this stage, the main thing is to understand what will be best for the surviving child. Is it safe for him to be in the womb until natural birth occurs, or is it better to help him be born prematurely.

Most babies whose twins die in the womb in the second and third trimesters are born perfectly healthy. However, the risk of developing certain diseases, in particular cerebral palsy, increases, especially if the twins were identical. (Anderson-Berry 2010, NCCWCH 2011: 150, Ong et al 2006, Pharoah 2001). In addition, the risk of preterm birth increases.

You may not be comfortable with the fact that the dead baby remains inside. And some mothers, on the contrary, are comforted by the thought that both twins are together. It happens that mothers feel guilty, because despite the death of a child, they are able to rejoice at the birth of a second baby. All these feelings are understandable and explainable. The hospital will definitely support you and help you plan your birth. The staff will respect your loss and at the same time do everything for the surviving child.

How will the death of one of the twins affect us?

The loss of a child is a real tragedy. It will greatly affect you, your husband and people close to you. (RCOG 2011, NHS Choices 2009).

You will experience a whole range of different emotions. Experiencing grief, they usually go through several stages:

  • denial, that is, confidence that the doctors were wrong and both of your babies are alive and well;
  • guilt, or fear that the baby died because of you, because you were afraid to give birth to twins, worried that you could not cope with two children, or wanted only one child;
  • anxiety that grief will interfere with you with a surviving baby;
  • fear for the fate of the second child, suddenly he will be born sick or even die;
  • disappointment because you enjoyed imagining that you would be the mother of twins.

For parents, every child is special. But not everyone can understand this. Your friends and acquaintances may not express the expected sympathy, since the second baby survived. Even close relatives will focus on the child being born, assuming that you will do the same. Do not be angry with them, they most likely will not be able to realize how you feel.

It is very painful to realize not only the death of a baby, but also the fact that you will not become a mother of two children at the same time (Tamba nd) .

If you have lost a baby late in life, there will be a number of unavoidable situations that cannot be avoided, such as obtaining a death certificate or holding a funeral. During this difficult time, it will be difficult to focus on the surviving baby.

Over time, the pain will subside. But sometimes it will come back with renewed vigor. A particularly difficult time is the holidays, which you could spend with the whole family. Sometimes a wave of acute pain can overwhelm when the surviving baby reaches the next success in its development, for example, takes its first step.

How to honor the memory of a child?

It may be easier for you if you have a small box of memorabilia, such as the first ultrasound or something else related to the baby. The second child will be able to view them with you when they grow up (Tamba nd) .

A surviving twin must learn about his or her brother or sister in order to be fully aware of himself in this world (Schott et al 2007) .

If you and your husband are planning another pregnancy, you need to know if the twins were identical to understand your genetic predisposition (Schott et al 2007) . This knowledge may also be important for the surviving child.

How will the death of one of our little ones affect our other relatives?

Relatives and friends do not always know how to find the right words. Keep this in mind if they make remarks that are inappropriate or hurt you.

Afterward, you must decide how best to tell the surviving child about the deceased sibling. This is usually recommended to be done fairly early (Schott et al 2007) .

Don't keep everything to yourself! Try not to avoid this topic in a conversation with loved ones. So relatives and friends will understand that they can talk with you about the death of the baby, somehow support you in difficult times. Perhaps you yourself will be able to express what you feel, and it will become easier for you.

Grandparents will empathize with you very much, and also suffer because of the loss of a grandson or granddaughter. They may also be sad that they will not bear the proud title of grandparents of twins.

What to do if the pain does not subside?

If, after a few months, you find that you are still unable to return to your normal life, or even feel worse, talk to your doctor or health visitor. They may recommend that you consult a psychologist.

A multiple pregnancy is a pregnancy in which not one, but several (two, three or more) fetuses simultaneously develop in the woman's uterus. Usually, the name of a multiple pregnancy is given depending on the number of fetuses: for example, if there are two children, then they talk about pregnancy with twins, if three, then triplets, etc.

Currently, the frequency of multiple pregnancy is from 0.7 to 1.5% in various European countries and the USA. The widespread and relatively frequent use of assisted reproductive technologies (IVF) has led to an increase in the incidence of multiple pregnancies.

Depending on the mechanism of the appearance of twins, dizygotic (twin) and monozygotic (identical) multiple pregnancies are distinguished. The children of fraternal twins are called twins, and the children of identical twins are called twins or twins. Among all multiple pregnancies, the incidence of twin...

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What is the reason for terminating an unwanted pregnancy? Why do women have an abortion?

Abortion is stressful for a woman's body and comes with a variety of complications, but there are many reasons why women deliberately go for abortion procedures despite the risk of complications.

The reasons can be both medical and socio-psychological in nature.

Why does an unwanted pregnancy terminate, we will talk in this article.

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Reasons for terminating an unwanted pregnancy

There can be a lot of reasons for an abortion, and they depend both on the state of health of the woman during gestation, and on her life circumstances and worldview.

The modern classification identifies three main indications for abortive intervention:

A wish...

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Abortion in multiple pregnancy

Every woman has her own reasons for terminating a pregnancy. But the frequency of decision-making in favor of abortion in multiple pregnancies is much higher compared to normal.

A multiple pregnancy develops as a result of the fertilization of two or more eggs. And if the birth of children is not included in your plans at the moment, you need to minimize all possible consequences of abortion. Do not delay making a decision - remember, the shorter the time, the lower the risk of consequences.

Why is it better to entrust such a procedure to doctors?

Termination of a pregnancy, whether normal or multiple, is always a risk to a woman's reproductive health. The medical center is equipped with the most advanced equipment, and the presence of our own laboratory allows us to quickly carry out the entire range of necessary tests and get the results of most of them on the day a woman visits the clinic.


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Incomplete miscarriage in multiple pregnancy and questions about it en_perinatal - 17.06.2013 Hello!
The chronology of events is as follows: 31 years old, fourth pregnancy. The three previous ones are safe, the babies were born on time.
The first ultrasound this time was carried out for a period of 5-6 weeks (my calculations, I know the fertilization period almost exactly, +/- 2 days). The results of the study: a fetal egg in the uterine cavity, 1 cm in size, which corresponds to a period of 4 weeks; there is no tone, the heartbeat is not observed. The doctor reassured me that the heart may not be observed at this time, advised me to do an ultrasound in a week and follow the development in dynamics.
A few days after the first ultrasound, spotting began, similar to my usual menstruation. And, interestingly, it started exactly on the day when I could have been according to plan M (in case the pregnancy had not occurred). Among other things, two small...

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Raising Survivors When One or More Children Die in a Multiple Pregnancy: What Can Parents Expect?

Raising children is always hard work, even if it's easy to find helpful tips. Parents raising children who survived the death of another child (children) in a multiple pregnancy seem to be sailing into uncharted seas without oars. To help them steer the boat a little better, I've compiled here medical and psychological facts, parenting stories, and advice from experienced counselors who have worked with bereaved parents and survivors themselves.
Opening warning

We may never know whether the surviving child's medical problems or unusual behavior are related to congenital genetic problems, the mother's pregnancy, birth difficulties, the physical or psychological trauma of loss, the parenting style, or the family's expression of grief. Psychological intrauterine relations of normally born ...

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This article talks about such a phenomenon as multiple pregnancy. You can find out the causes of multiple pregnancy, its clinical manifestations, methods for determining and much more. It will be useful to familiarize yourself with this material for parents who are planning the birth of a baby, as well as just for everyone who wants to expand their horizons.


A multiple pregnancy is understood as a pregnancy in which two or more fetuses develop simultaneously in the female body. To date, several different classifications of this phenomenon are known:

Regarding the number of fruits (two, three or more); Regarding the number of fertilized eggs; Regarding the number of placentas formed, as well as amniotic membranes.

Regarding the number of fertilized eggs, multiple pregnancy is:

Two-egg twins (so-called "twins"). This option occurs when fertilization of 2 ...

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Eco pregnancy twins one non-developing fetus

There was a twin. Now he is alone.

Alisa123. in October 2008, we had this with a girl, at 12 weeks they really didn’t find a second one, for her, of course, it was a shock! But otherwise everything was fine, she gave birth to a healthy daughter. Of course, I sympathize, but look for the pluses, then your body would not be able to cope with two children at once, in general it is difficult to bear twins. Easy pregnancy and childbirth!

Girls, to be honest, I don’t drive and get upset to the point of pulling out my hair and sobbing. Just curious to hear your stories. Here they already managed to scare me a little: that a dead baby can decompose and bring all sorts of infections to a healthy one. Something I don't believe. What about your opinion? Maybe this is possible when the time is long.

Here's what I found:
Question: Hello. I have monochorionic monozygotic twins. At 13 weeks, they did an ultrasound and said that ...

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Hello dear mothers! Women are concerned about a lot of issues related to multiple pregnancy. What you should pay special attention to, after all, such a pregnancy is not easy, and is fraught with various pathologies for both the expectant mother and children. Don't panic! I keep repeating - during pregnancy, the main thing is calm!

1 At what gestational age is multiple pregnancy diagnosed? 2 What are the features of managing multiple pregnancy? 3 How does multiple pregnancy affect the appearance of the expectant mother? 4 How much will the figure change during multiple pregnancy? 5 What types of twins exist? 6 How to conceive twins? 7 Why is multiple pregnancy dangerous ?8 What is the dose of folic acid in a multiple pregnancy? 9 Is there a memory of the uterus if the previous pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at the 10th week, and a new multiple pregnancy occurred two months later, despite the warnings of doctors? 10 How much fluid to drink during .. .

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Multiple pregnancy (1) - answers to questions

At what time can you find out about a multiple pregnancy by ultrasound? What is the probability of multiple pregnancy with a genetic predisposition? Twins or twins? Doctors of medical clinics "Art-Med" answer questions about multiple pregnancy.

Ask a question to the doctor

89-81 | 80-61 | 60-41 | 40-21 | 20-1

With frequent headaches, sleep disturbances, dizziness, impaired motor function, fainting, etc.


Can't get pregnant?

Every married couple sooner or later plans to conceive and give birth to a child. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. The absence of pregnancy with regular unprotected intercourse for 1 year is called ...

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How to determine a multiple pregnancy: the main signs and methods for determining

A typical pregnancy is considered to be carrying one child. But it also happens that several fetuses develop simultaneously in the womb.

In different cultures, the birth of twins was treated differently. But everywhere it was associated with mysticism. For example, in ancient Rome and Greece, this event was a blessed gift from God.

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Multiple pregnancy creates increased stress on the body of a pregnant woman. Therefore, such patients require special monitoring and attention to the development of babies and the well-being of the expectant mother.


Polyzygous multiple pregnancy (two-egg, not identical) occurs as a result of ovulation and fertilization of several eggs.

In this case, the fruits have about half of the common genetic traits, but differ in the set of chromosomes. Look...

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A desired pregnancy is a happy state in the life of any woman. Especially if it is not possible to get pregnant right away, but you have to go to this state, overcoming various obstacles. It would seem that the birth of not one, but several children is happiness multiplied by two, three, etc. On the one hand, this is great, but it turns out that multiple pregnancy has its own unpleasant moments. Galina Petrovna Fistikan, an obstetrician and gynecologist of the highest category, tells about what they can be like.

Galina Petrovna, when it comes to multiple pregnancy?

They say about multiple pregnancy when a woman bears two or more children, and three, and four, and so on. Cases are described when a woman bore and safely gave birth to eight or nine children. Babies born from multiple pregnancies are called twins and can be monozygotic or dizygotic.


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Often there are phenomena of intrauterine death of one fetus in multiple pregnancies. In multiple pregnancies, one fetus may die before birth due to transfusion or pathology. It occurs most often in early pregnancy, in the second trimester of pregnancy, or during the perinatal period. The death of one of the fetuses in the case of multiple pregnancy has a huge impact on the development of the remaining, surviving children. As a result of acute hemodynamics of the fetal cardiovascular system, it can lead to neurological damage and DIC, as well as intrauterine death of the remaining fetuses. Often, children who survive the intrauterine death of one of the fetuses are diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Sometimes the death of one of the fetuses occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy, and then the dead cells penetrate into the tissues of the placenta. Then, after childbirth, you can see the rest of the lifeless tissues of the embryo in the placenta. In multiple pregnancies, the death of one of the fetuses more often occurs during ...

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Pregnancy with several fetuses at once is different. So, as a result of one of them, twins can be born, and as a result of the other, twins. In both cases, children will be born almost simultaneously - with a difference of only a few minutes, but at the same time they will be somewhat different.

Multiple pregnancy is divided depending on the mechanism of occurrence: it is either dizygotic (twin) or monozygotic (identical). In the first case, the children are twins, in the second, twins. Moreover, the first option is more common - according to statistics, it accounts for 70% of multiple pregnancies. Gemini, on the other hand, always correspond to a number of parameters:

They are of the same sex Have the same set of genes Develop in the same way from the same ovum

Identical twins develop within one fetal egg - it begins to divide into 2 cells, from which a separate organism develops. With an identical multiple pregnancy, the number of placentas and fetal ...

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Today we will discuss all the issues of the development of twin pregnancy, the features of the course of pregnancy itself and childbirth. As a pediatrician, I will even say a few words about my observations of the development of twins and pairs of twins after birth in my area.

So, it is customary to call a pregnancy multiple, when two or more fetuses develop. But, since triplets and even more multiple pregnancies are not so common, today we will only talk about twins. If for some of you the problem of triplets is relevant, then I will say that everything is developing in approximately the same way.

Twins vs Twins: What's the difference?

Twins develop when not one egg, but two, matures in a woman's body. These sex cells can develop both in one ovary and in different ones at the same time. Of course, a prerequisite is that both of them will be fertilized by two spermatozoa (of course, different ones).

So it turns out two organisms with different genetic material. They may be the same...

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They require careful medical supervision, as the risk of complications is higher than with singleton pregnancies.

If in your family there were cases of the birth of two, three or more children at the same time, then you also have a certain probability of becoming a mother of twins. However, every woman has this opportunity, regardless of heredity, especially if the conception occurred through IVF or certain medications were taken in preparation for it.

This is the development of several embryos in the uterus. A woman can carry twins, triplets (3 fetuses), quadruplets (4 fetuses), etc. The growth of multiple pregnancies, frequent in Europe (1 pregnancy out of 89), literally exploded under the influence of artificial insemination.

Stimulation of the ovaries (the appointment of drugs that favor the maturation of eggs in the ovaries) and cases of multiple pregnancy in the family are favorable factors for its development. Such a pregnancy carries more risk, ...

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To the reasons for the appearance of twins, triplets, etc. include: heredity; mother's age; anomalies in the development of the uterus; hormonal pathologies, one of which is the fertilization of old eggs; mechanical separation of blastomeres and much more.

It is much more difficult to endure a multiple pregnancy than a normal one - increased requirements are placed on the mother's body, the diaphragm is significantly displaced under the pressure of the uterus, and therefore the load increases primarily on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Multiple pregnancies cause pathological changes in the excretory system - the fetus place heavily presses on the bladder and intestines, so urination becomes more frequent, constipation and heartburn occur, and frequent belching appears.

Salivation and vomiting join the usual toxicosis, almost always the bearing of several fetuses is accompanied by edema, and eclampsia can develop.

Identical twins...

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In the medical dictionary, twins and twins are one and the same. In fact, twins occur when two eggs are fertilized. Twins are born when one egg is fertilized and divides into two identical embryos. As a rule, twins are always the same sex, they have the same genes, blood type and are difficult to distinguish. Quite often, expectant mothers get scared when the doctor talks about multiple pregnancies. When does this pregnancy occur? What provoked the appearance of twins and twins into the world?

Genetic predisposition and the birth of twins

Pay attention to whether you have twins in your family. The production of two eggs at once is most often caused by hereditary causes. The probability of giving birth to twins occurs with multiple ovulation.

It has been proven that if you, your husband have twins in your family or you belong to them, a multiple pregnancy is possible. In the event that it does not occur with you, it means that your daughter will have it ....

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A multiple pregnancy is a pregnancy with more than one fetus in the uterine cavity. Despite the increased incidence of multiple pregnancy in recent years, it still correlates with an infrequent (0.7-1.5%) phenomenon, moreover, more often (on average 1 birth out of 80), two babies are born in the final. Multiple pregnancies with three, four and even five fetuses are rarely recorded.

It has been reliably proven that there is a hereditary predisposition to the birth of twins, and not only along direct (from mother or grandmother) lines of inheritance, but also along lateral lines (for example, from an aunt). In such families, a second multiple pregnancy is often recorded.

In addition to heredity, the likelihood of multiple pregnancy increases the use of hormonal drugs for contraception or ovulation stimulation for IVF.

To understand the mechanism of the formation of two or more fetuses in the uterus, it is necessary to recall the mechanism of development of the usual, ...

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A pregnancy is called multiple in which two or more fetuses develop simultaneously (twins, triplets, etc.). Children born in multiple pregnancies are twins.

With multiple pregnancy and childbirth, complications develop much more often than with a singleton, so it should be attributed to conditions occupying a borderline position between physiology and pathology.

Multiple pregnancy occurs in 0.4-1.6% of cases.

Currently, there is a tendency to increase the frequency of its occurrence due to the more active use of assisted reproduction technologies.

The ratio of spontaneous and induced multiple pregnancy in this case is 1:1. There is a simultaneous maturation of several follicles (3-4 or more) and, accordingly, with the fertilization of several eggs, a multiple pregnancy may occur (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Sonogram. triplets.

twin types. The reasons for them...

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A multiple pregnancy is a pregnancy with two or more fetuses. When pregnant with two fetuses, they talk about twins, three - about triplets, etc. Children born from multiple pregnancies are called twins.

Multiple pregnancy occurs in 0.7-1.5% of cases, currently there is a tendency to increase the frequency of its occurrence due to hyperstimulation of ovulation in women suffering from infertility during in vitro fertilization. In this case, there is a simultaneous maturation of several follicles - 3-4 or more, and, accordingly, with the fertilization of several eggs, a multiple pregnancy can occur. Triplets are born in 1% of multiple births.

Perinatal mortality in multiple pregnancies is 3-4 times higher than in singleton pregnancies. Perinatal losses are directly dependent on the body weight of children, averaging 10%. Perinatal mortality among monozygotic children is 2.5 times higher than among dizygotic twins, and ...

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A multiple pregnancy is called two pregnancies or a large number of fetuses. pregnancy With two fetuses they talk about twins, triplets - about three, etc. Children born from multiple pregnancies are called twins.

Multiple pregnancy occurs in 0.7-1.5% of cases, currently there is a tendency to increase the frequency of its association with the onset of ovulation hyperstimulation in women suffering from infertility in vitro fertilization. In this case, the maturation of several follicles occurs simultaneously - 3-4 or more, and with the corresponding fertilization of several eggs, a multiple pregnancy can occur. Triplets are born in 1% of multiple births.

Perinatal mortality in multiple pregnancies is 3-4 times higher than in singleton pregnancies. Perinatal losses are directly dependent on children's body weight, averaging 10%. Perinatal mortality of monozygotic children in 2.5...

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anonymous , Female, 23 years old

Hello! I have a pregnancy of 6 weeks, for 4 weeks I went to the hospital with blood, while I was periodically with brown discharge on the fifth day, the ultrasound showed twins a few days later, the ultrasound said that there was no embryo and yellow water left only the egg, the second fetus there is a heartbeat. I was discharged with duphaston and dicynone prescribed until the discharge stopped. At home, I have been on bed rest for a week now, the discharge continues to be brown, but one day there was a scarlet discharge, the doctor said to lie down and not get up. It gets easier, but once a day, dark brown discharge still comes out when I go to the toilet. She began to urinate very often and a little bit. The stomach sometimes pulls, the mammary glands stopped hurting when she got to the hospital, there is nausea, no vomiting, the rate is 36.6, the test shows 2 clear stripes. I do not know what's going on? Is it either the second fetus froze? Or is it the consequences of the loss of one fetus? I understand that my doctor has not encountered this. I'm afraid to go to the ultrasound, I already had 4 ultrasounds. Wanted pregnancy. Thanks in advance

Hello! The widespread use of echography has shown that there is a discrepancy between the number of cases of diagnosed cases of multiple pregnancy in the early stages and the number of twins born. Of the patients in whom several ovaries were found in the uterine cavity before 10 weeks of gestation, only about half of the pregnancy ended in the birth of twins. This discrepancy is due to several reasons. First of all, this is due to the anembryony of one of the fetal eggs. Sonographically, this pathology is characterized by the fact that if there are several fetal eggs in the uterus, there is no embryo in one of them. An empty fetal egg differs from a full-fledged fetal egg in a slightly smaller size and, as pregnancy progresses, undergoes reverse resorption. Another common reason for the discrepancy between the number of multiple births and the number of gestational sacs is the death of one of the embryos. In this case, the structures of the deceased embryo are detected by ultrasound only as long as there is amniotic fluid in the cavity of the fetal egg. Other reasons leading to a false positive diagnosis of multiple pregnancies include misinterpretation of the yolk sac, retrochorial in singleton pregnancies, inflammatory changes in the chorion, decidual changes in the endometrium in the accessory horn, and intrauterine septa. Therefore, it is more correct to inform patients about the presence of multiple pregnancies after 10 weeks of pregnancy, conducting a dynamic if several fetal eggs are found before this period. Your existing complaints undoubtedly indicate the presence of a threat of termination of pregnancy, despite the treatment being taken. Perhaps the prescribed treatment is not enough. You must be under the constant supervision of your doctor. It is necessary to correct joint actions. And ultrasound control is necessary, since the presence of brownish discharge may indicate a missed pregnancy. You need to make sure that your fetus is developing normally. Hurry up and visit your doctor and get an ultrasound! All the best! Good luck!

The chronology of events is as follows: 31 years old, fourth pregnancy. The three previous ones are safe, the babies were born on time.
The first ultrasound this time was carried out for a period of 5-6 weeks (my calculations, I know the fertilization period almost exactly, +/- 2 days). The results of the study: a fetal egg in the uterine cavity, 1 cm in size, which corresponds to a period of 4 weeks; there is no tone, the heartbeat is not observed. The doctor reassured me that the heart may not be observed at this time, advised me to do an ultrasound in a week and follow the development in dynamics.
A few days after the first ultrasound, spotting began, similar to my usual menstruation. And, interestingly, it started exactly on the day when I could have been according to plan M (in case the pregnancy had not occurred). Among other things, two small pieces the size of a match head each came out, interconnected by bloody streaks. Of course, it should have been saved for research, but who knew...
The doctor stated a miscarriage, and at such a time and in such a course of the situation, it was useless to persist. Advised a control ultrasound.
Three days after the start of the discharge (today) was on the study. For the first time, the fetal egg was visualized on the anterior wall, size 1 cm (11.06). Today (17.06) the uterine cavity is clean. Examination today, like last time, was carried out "on the stomach" (well, that is, not internally, but as is usually done for pregnant women). However, with a thorough examination, the uzist today discovers a bend in the uterus and (!!!) turns the monitor to me with the words: "here it is! A fetal egg measuring 1 cm !!!". It is located far away, almost in the bend itself.
Comparing the size of the egg with the results of a week ago, the doctor diagnosed me with a frozen pregnancy (a week ago and today the size is 1 cm, but apparently two different fetal eggs were compared).
He didn't say anything about multiple births. But as far as experience tells me, a fetal egg cannot move in the uterine cavity without tragic consequences for it. Or am I wrong? That is, for the first time the doctor noticed the first, and today, without seeing him, he discovered the second.
From the recommendations of the doctor-control ultrasound in a week. It will most likely need cleaning.
The discharge has not yet stopped and, apparently, will continue until the second fetal egg comes out by itself. The stomach sometimes sips a little.

What worries me:
1. it is clear that a multiple fraternal pregnancy with a bend of the uterus could be overlooked on ultrasound. But is it true that if one embryo dies, the same fate awaits the second?
2. Does the size of an embryo in a multiple pregnancy always correspond to a singleton? How likely is it that the fertilized egg grows more slowly due to the presence of a "brother"?
3. How likely is the normal development of the remaining embryo after the first one has died and left the uterine cavity?

The next ultrasound (in a week) will show if the embryo is developing or not. This is, of course, provided that the fetal egg does not come out by itself. But she bore and gave birth to tree sticks three times and never encountered anything like this. It is morally very difficult to accept, let alone comprehend logically. Has anyone else had a similar situation and everything worked out well? Such miracles in nature are even possible?!))))

Thank you.


Hello! The chronology of events is as follows: 31 years old, fourth pregnancy. The three previous ones are safe, the babies were born on time. The first ultrasound this time was carried out for a period of 5-6 weeks (my calculations, I know the fertilization period almost exactly, +/- 2 days). Research results: gestational sac in...

