November 20 is International Children's Rights Day. World Children's Day

The main documents that contain the rights of the child: The Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted by the UN General Assembly (Chapter 2 Human Rights and Freedoms and citizen accepted d.) Family code RF (adopted) Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 124-FZ “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation.”

Law is a system of rules (norms) of behavior that regulate the relations of people in society, established and protected by the state. The word right has a common root with such words, as a rule, truth, justice. Initially, the concepts of good and bad operated in the form of traditions and customs within a clan or tribe. They were then written down in religious texts. At all times, the main value for a person has been and is his life. This is confirmed by the biblical commandments. The first of these commandments is Thou shalt not kill! Folk traditions and customs, religious ideas over time were transformed into laws that were in force in a certain territory and applied in relationships between people living in this territory.

International documents on children's rights: The Declaration of the Rights of the Child is an official document that states the rights of the child. It declares the basic principles and recommendations. There are ten of them in total. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that the fundamental right of every person is the right to life. The Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international treaty that sets out the rights of the child. Convention translated from Latin is a treaty, an agreement on a special issue that is binding on those states that have signed it. It contains three parts, 54 articles.

Constitution Russian Federation- the basic Law of our country. Fundamental rights can be classified as: * personal (right to life); * political (right to freedom of speech, conscience); * civil (suffrage); * socio-economic (right to work, rest, education, clean environment); * cultural (the right to one’s own national culture, language).

In addition to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the rights of a child student are enshrined in other laws: Federal law On education Law On basic guarantees of children’s rights in the Russian Federation Federal Law “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and crime Juvenile Law Kemerovo region “On the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency in the Kemerovo region” Charter of the educational institution

A person's life begins in the family. If peace and harmony reign in the family, a person feels confident and calm. In the Russian Federation, the family is an object of state family policy. The goal of state family policy is to ensure that the state necessary conditions for the family to realize its functions and improve the quality of life. Family relationships regulated in our country family law. “A child is a person until he or she reaches the age of 18 years (the age of majority),” - 3rd Law of the Russian Federation from the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”).

* to receive a surname, name, patronymic; * live and be raised in a family; * know your parents, live together with them, as well as be cared for by your parents, be raised by them and comprehensive development; * to communicate with parents and other relatives (in case of divorce between parents, separation parents, being in medical institution, in case of detention, arrest, detention); * to protect and restore their legal rights and interests; * to express one’s opinion when resolving any issue in the family; * to receive maintenance from their parents and other family members; * own and use the property of parents when living together with them; * for housing and protection of their housing rights from abuse, including by parents (guardians, trustees); * ownership of property received as a gift or by inheritance. A child in a family has the right:

At what age does a child have the right to express his or her own opinion? This age is not limited by law. The child has the right to express his opinion when resolving any issues affecting his interests in the family. On issues affecting the interests of the child, they are obliged to listen to the child during judicial or administrative proceedings. When a child reaches 10 years of age, taking into account his opinion in resolving a dispute is mandatory and only with the consent of a child of this age is it possible to: * change his name, surname; * restoration of the rights of a parent who has been deprived of parental rights; * adoption, registration of the adoptive parent as the child’s parent; * transferring him for upbringing to foster family(Article 57 of the RF IC).

Who and how is obliged to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the child? The protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the child is carried out by parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees, guardianship and trusteeship authorities, the prosecutor, and the court. If the rights and legitimate interests of a child are violated by parents, the child has the right to apply to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, and upon reaching the age of 14, to independently go to court. Any citizen or executive who became aware of a threat to the life and health of a child, a violation of his rights and legitimate interests, is obliged to report this to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities (Article 56 of the RF IC).

Do parents have the right to harm the health of their children? No, they don't. When exercising parental rights, parents do not have the right to cause harm to physical or mental health children and their moral development. Methods of raising children must exclude neglectful, cruel, rude, degrading treatment, insult or exploitation of children. Parents implementing parental rights to the detriment of the rights and interests of children, bear responsibility in the manner prescribed by law (Part 1 of Article 65 of the RF IC).

What rights and responsibilities do parents have regarding the upbringing and education of children? Parents have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities in relation to their children (parental rights) (Part 1 of Article 61 of the RF IC). Parents have the right and responsibility to raise their children. Parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. They are obliged to take care of health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development their children, ensure that children receive basic general education. Parents, taking into account the opinions of their children, have the right to choose educational institution and forms of education for children until children receive basic general education (Article 63 of the RF IC).

International organizations for the protection of individual rights: Committee on the Rights of the Child, UN, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, European Union, Eurasian Economic Community, OSCE, Council of Europe, Committee on the Rights of the Child, Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against women, Committee against Torture, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

Russian organizations for the protection of human rights (children): Russian Children's Fund, Children's public reception under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Center for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights, Independent Russian public organizations for the protection of children's rights, City public organizations for the protection of the rights of women and children, Youth School of Human Rights and Legal Culture, Center for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights, Institute of Human Rights, Youth Human Rights Movement, Interregional Association "For Civic Education", Glasnost Defense Foundation, Russian human rights networks, Union of Committees of Soldiers' Mothers, Humanitarian and Political Science Centers, World organization health (WHO)

Everyone should know and remember that when exercising their own rights, it is unacceptable to violate the rights of other people. By whatever standard you want to be measured, so do you, and as you want to be treated, so do you - this is how the biblical sages imagined the relationship between rights and responsibilities

All children have equal rights, regardless of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, and regardless of the place of birth and status of their parents. * the right to learn, be educated and develop physically and spiritually, in healthy and normal conditions; * the right to a name and belonging to a country; * right to defense, good food, housing and medical service; * the right to love and understanding from one’s parents and family, as well as from the state if relatives cannot help; * the right to be protected against acts of cruelty or exploitation, they are not obliged to do work that impedes their development, either physically or mentally

Children's Day

The holiday was initiated by the UN General Assembly; in 1954, a resolution was adopted recommending UN member countries to celebrate this day since 1956. On November 20, 1959, the “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” was adopted, from which time this date is considered World Children’s Day.

On the same day in 1989, the “Convention of the Rights of the Child” was signed. The purpose of the holiday is to improve the living conditions and development of children around the world, ensuring happy childhood. The UN holds many events in the interests of children, and this day also helps to strengthen solidarity and cooperation between peoples.

On this day they intensify their activities charities, fundraising events are held for the needs of children in poor countries around the world. Not only money is collected, but also clothes, textbooks, and other school supplies for orphanages and low-income families.

On this day, public organizations and government officials hold lectures, educational sessions, and conversations in schools. Rallies, demonstrations, and flash mobs are held in defense of children's rights.

Scenario: “World Children's Day”


The common property of all children is their rights.
Every child has the right to live and develop,
get an education, not be subjected to violence,
ill-treatment and alienation and assert oneself.
(Ban Ki-moon,
UN Secretary General.
From the message November 20, 2014)


(Apartment with large window, sheets of paper and pencils are laid out on the floor. Freken Bock appears.)

FREKEN BOK: Hello, guys! Let's get acquainted: Freken Bok, the housekeeper from the fairy tale “The Kid and Carlson”! I am raising that same Baby while his parents are at work. I love singing! (Performs a song on the topic.)
By the way, where is this worthless boy?
(The Kid appears.)
And here he is!
KID: Hello, Freken Bock! You smell so delicious, and while I was walking with my beloved dog, I was so hungry!

FREKEN BOK: Oh, you see, it smells delicious! You scattered your things, again messing with the nasty | dog (to the side) and in general, you | I don't like you at all! For this you will be left without lunch, without toys and will not go for a walk!
Quickly to the corner!

KID: But, Freken Bok, I’ll tidy everything up now, I was drawing, and my dog ​​asked to go for a walk!
MESS BOK: In the corner, I said! Oh! Something is burning! Probably, “it was my donuts that were browned!” (Turns off the bright light, turns the key in an imaginary lock and leaves.) KID: Not a housekeeper, but a housekeeper! (Cries.)
It’s so scary in the dark... Oh, I have a bell. (Takes it out of his pocket and rings it.)

Propeller sound. A well-fed man appears in the window.)
CARLSON: The wonderful helicopter of the Carlson system is asking to land! What's happened? What is this stream of water in the darkness?
KID: Hello, Carlson... And I’m naka-a-azan again.

CARLSON: As the biggest prankster in the world, I was also sometimes punished, but I was always fed and was never locked up alone in dark room! It's outrageous!
KID: So what should we eat?
CARLSON: Calm, just calm! Nice Mr. Carlson is the smartest in the world, 1- and he knows what he is saying! We have to fly to kindergarten.

KID: To kindergarten?
CARLSON: I live on the roof there, so I know where everything is. Forward, to kindergarten. KID: Forward!
(They fly out the window.)

(The scenery changes to a screen-window. Bright light appears again. The children perform a funny song. The teacher and the children come out, one of them in a wheelchair.)
CARLSON: Hello (Children return the greeting.)
KID: Hello housekeeper! (Hides behind Carloson in fear.)

Educator: I am not a housekeeper, but a teacher, Marina Ivanovna. The guys and I are glad to see you visiting us, dear baby and Carlson!

Carlson: You have fun here!
Kid: Help! Tell me what to do so that Freken Bok stops tormenting me!

Educator: You need to know your rights!
Carlson: What are rights?

Educator: These are the rules by which people live!
Kid: Where is this written?

Boy with glasses: In the Declaration of the Rights of the Child!
Carlson (aside): Calm down, Carlson, there is someone smarter than you.
Kid: Do I have any rights?
Educator: Of course!
Child 1: Of course, most the first is yours right - the right to a name.

Baby: everyone calls me Baby as if it were my name. My Swedish name is Svante.

Boy with glasses: Very nice, Svante, and I am Nikita (They shake hands.)
Carlson (approaches the Boy in a wheelchair): boy, what’s your name?
Boy: Vasya.
Carlson: Let's play catch-up!
Vasya I can’t. I'm lame. This is for life...

Child 2: Children are different, healthy and not so healthy.

Children: We love everyone! Educator: Children with disabilities have the right to special care and education that will help them develop and lead fulfilling lives.
Carlson: Vasya, you and I will fly together on Sunday!

Vasya: Great! I've never flown before.
Child 3: If you suddenly get sick, then calling a doctor is also your right.

KID: I think I have a fever!
TEACHER (touches the Kid’s forehead): There’s no fever, Svante, it’s because you’re hungry.
(The child takes out and gives the dish of pies to the Kid, who takes it and thanks him with a nod of his head.)

CARLSON: The right to food is the best, because I (looks sideways at the Kid’s pie) - Carlson, the hungriest in the world (Kid treats Carlson, who greedily chews the pie.)
CHILD (4): The next right is the right to education!
CARLSON: Gay-hop! It’s great that you have rights, you can play pranks, do nothing, break everything, not help and not listen to your elders, because you can’t punish children!

KID: Somehow this is wrong.
TEACHER: Of course, it’s not correct, everyone should take care of their home, the planet. Protect peace on Earth.
CHILD (5): Remember your rights, but don’t forget that it is very important to respect the rights of others!
CARLSON: What happens if you don’t comply with these not always easy responsibilities?

TEACHER: Terrible things can happen. People can quarrel and even start a war. Then any child will become a refugee, without a home country, an orphan without parents...
KID: How dangerous it turns out to be to violate rights...
CHILD (1): It is impossible to live alone in the world! Guys, take advantage of your right to live with parents who care about you.
KID: I adore my family!

(A breathless Freken Bok runs into the hall.)
FREKEN BOK: Oh, what a noise here! Here he is, this naughty boy! Together with the bully with the propeller! Go home immediately!
KID: What to do? I don't want to go to the corner! (Hides behind Carlson.)
CARLSON: Calm, just calm! We are starting an operation to re-educate the housekeeper!
TEACHER: Guys, tell our guest what you know about your rights!

FREKEN BOK: What-what-what can you tell me, little fools?
(Children come out with posters on which it is written: “The rights of the child must be known, respected and observed!”, “All children have the right to guardianship, to affection, the right to live in their own family!”, “I have the right to food, education , attention, choice of country and place of residence!”, “I have the right to have my own name!”.)

KID: I'm not the Kid, but Svante! And I have the right to simply be loved.
MESS BOK: I understand, I understand, I apologize!
KID: That's the same!
CARLSON: Hurray, kids! We won!
TEACHER: The most proven way to become even happier is to sing good song with friends.
(Final song of the leader.)

Class hour scenario “Children's Day”

Autumn day in November -
Holiday on the calendar!
Day of gifts and flowers,
Are you ready to meet him?
Extend your hand with a smile
German, Russian, Yakut,
To an Englishman, an Estonian -
Let the sun shine brighter!
So that we can live peacefully
People in joy, love,
Adults all over the planet
Today they give a holiday to children!
Natalia Maidanik

November 20 is celebrated as Universal Children’s Day, Children’s Rights Day.

The date November 20 was not chosen by chance. It is noteworthy because it was on this date in 1959 that the General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. The document combined 10 fundamental principles and declared its ultimate goal to “ensure children a happy childhood.”

And in 1989, also on November 20, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted, which obliges all countries to provide children good life. The Convention entered into force on September 2, 1990.

November 20 is also International Children's Day. Did you know that from birth you have your rights, which are protected by the most authoritative organization on our earth - the United Nations. (slide with the UN emblem).

UN emblem

This authoritative international organization arose after the Second World War, which deprived tens of millions of people of their main right - the right to life. To prevent a third world war, the peoples of the whole world united in the United Nations.

Unfortunately, our world has not become safe: wars, terrorist attacks, crimes, accidents, natural disasters, famine and epidemics. Even adults strong people cannot withstand these dangers, but children are the most defenseless. They are even in peaceful life need special care and attention from adults.

Children's rights

Game "Right to a Name".

Today we will talk about your rights. How many of you know your rights? The guys call:

The right to live.
The right to a name at birth.
Right to medical care.
Right to education.
The right to rest and leisure.
The right to have property.
The right to freely express your views.
Right to free movement.
The right to freedom and upbringing by parents.
The right to full development and respect for human dignity.
Right to privacy, family life, inviolability of home, secrecy of correspondence.

Let's look at the Right to a Name at Birth and play the "Names" game. Conditions of the game.
Each of you in the chain must quickly rise from your seat, say your name and add an adjective that begins with the same letter (example: Anna - Neat, etc.). (Students say their name, adding an adjective to it).

Guys, do you have the right to your names? How do you think? Can you prove that your name is exactly that and not another? Your first and last names and dates of birth are recorded on the birth certificate. What else is written there, who knows? (Conversation with students). Your parents' names are written there. And also the fact that you are citizens of Russia. This means that the state protects your rights, including your right to a name.

Mini-lecture “Convention on your rights”

Where are all children's rights written down? (Conversation with students). Guys, all the rights of children around the world are written down in a special document, the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This document was adopted on November 20, 1989 by the United Nations.

– A convention is an agreement. This means that all states that have signed this Convention have agreed to protect the rights of children.

I suggest you pay attention to the cards that were distributed to you. This is a reminder of your fundamental rights as reflected in the Convention.

Game “Determine which of the fairy tale characters is deprived of the following rights.”

(Prepare slides depicting fragments from fairy tales)

1. Right to life (“Kolobok”)

2. The right to inviolability of the home (“The Three Little Pigs”)

3. The right to freedom of marriage (“Thumbelina”)

4. The right to live and be raised in a family (“Morozko”)

5. The right to rest and leisure (“Cinderella”)

6. Cruel, inhumane treatment, exploitation of minors (“The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio”)

Make up a word.

(show a slide of an encrypted word and call a student ready to answer)

Make up a word:

  • Nokevnitsa – Convention
  • gousardtsov – State
  • life - life
  • rboazoavine – education
Competition “Songs about rights”.

(Prepare musical fragments of songs)

A song is performed for each subgroup. Players must say what rights it refers to.

1. "Song Bremen Town Musicians"(right to freedom of movement).

2. “What they teach at school” (the right to education).

3. “On a steep bank” from the cartoon “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat” (right to rest).

4. “Song about Parents” from the movie “Pippi” Long stocking"(the right to be raised in a family).
– Concluding the conversation about children’s rights, I propose to listen to the poem - a wish and think about the implementation of what right of yours it talks about.
On this day I want to wish,
So that every child in the world
Both father and mother were waiting at home,
They looked after, cherished, loved.

Let there be no abandoned guys,
To everyone - a family, father and mother,
A house in which there is always peace and harmony,
A house where there is no fighting.

Let children's laughter flow from the windows,
Let children's smiles shine.
I congratulate everyone today,
From the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my heart, congratulations!
(Right to family upbringing).

Children's responsibilities

Analysis of situations “Rights and responsibilities” in the context of Children’s Day

- Guys, every person has rights. But they can only be used when the rights of other people are not violated. Respecting the rights of other people is the responsibility of every person. Do we always do this?

Discussion on the topic “One person’s rights end where another person’s rights begin.”

– I suggest you watch a few scenes and evaluate the behavior of the characters. Whose rights are they violating? What duties are not fulfilled?

(sketch performed by representatives of each subgroup)

Scene 1

Mother. Turn the music down immediately! It's already midnight, you'll wake up the whole house!

Son. And I have the right to rest and leisure! I'm used to relaxing with loud music!

Presenter: - Please help the child figure out who is wrong here.

The students answer. (Example: The son violates the neighbors' right to rest in silence. He does not respect the rights of other people).

Scene 2

Teacher. Olya, you are on duty today, please wipe the board and water the flowers.

Olya. You have no right to force me to be on duty! The Convention on the Rights of the Child prohibits violence against children!

Presenter: – Please explain to Ole what she is wrong about.

The students answer. (Example: In addition to her rights, Olya also has duties - as an attendant (like all children in the class). In addition, there is an obligation to respect the rights of other people to cleanliness in the classroom. Her rights are valid if the rights of others are not violated!), etc. .

Scene 3

Teacher. Ivanov, you painted the desk in the math room again! After all, the children just washed it!

Ivanov. What's wrong with that? I have the right to do my favorite thing - drawing!

Presenter: – Who will explain to Ivanov his rights and obligations?

Students answer (Example: other students have the right to sit at a clean desk. Ivanov must respect the rights of other students).

Scene 4

Teacher. Petrov, why did you run around the classroom during recess?

Petrov. So what? I have the right to freedom of movement!

Presenter: – Is Petrov’s reasoning correct?

Students. His classmates have the right to rest. And he ran around and violated their rights. Petrov does not respect the rights of other people.

Scene 5

Mother. Son, why didn’t you take out the trash can and go get some bread?

Son. Because the United Nations prohibits the use of child labor!

Presenter: – What a fighter for children’s rights! Maybe he's right?

Students express their opinions.


What is more valuable than anything in the world? Ask this question to any adult and you will certainly get the answer – our children.
“We would not agree to part with you for any treasure in the world. You know that yourself.
– And even for a hundred thousand million crowns? - asked the Kid.
– And even for a hundred thousand million crowns!
- So, am I worth that much? – the Kid was amazed.
“Of course,” mom said and hugged him again.
The kid began to think: one hundred thousand million crowns - what a huge pile of money! Can it really cost that much? (Kid and Carlson).

Can't count them all!
Loved by adults and children
Meet them together!
But today is Children's Day
The whole world celebrates
From Paris to Hong Kong
The news is broadcast:
Congratulations! We love you! We believe!
We will save the world for you!
Grow up! Smile!
We will protect you!
Natalia Maidanik

A presentation on the topic “Children's Day” can be downloaded.

Every year November 20th is celebrated international holiday- World Children's Day(English Universal Children's Day, Spanish Día Universal del Niño, French Journée mondiale de l'enfance).

It is a day of global children's brotherhood and understanding, dedicated to activities aimed at promoting the well-being of children throughout the world. World Children's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world.

World Children's Day!!!

An important holiday, a wonderful day!
It's not adults' day, it's children's day!

Children are our happiness!
Children make the world a more beautiful place!

And adults must take care
So that children have everything they want!

The history of the holiday World Children's Day

Everyone knows the phrase " Children are the flowers of life" Although it is banal, it contains deepest meaning, because Children are our future. The task of parents is to provide their child with conditions so that he grows up healthy, becomes educated and achieves great success in life, learned to love the world and strived for beauty, and also became a personality, hope and support of the present and future society. Many people do not notice children's problems, or consider them insignificant and not worthy of attention. However, society will only be healthy (physically and spiritually) if addressing issues related to ensuring the health, development, education and well-being of children will not be on paper, but in reality appear priority task of society, state.

In the early 50s of the last century, the idea of ​​holding a World children's party, which was put forward in 1952 American human rights organization International Union for Child Welfare and received widespread support from UN member countries. IN 1954 The UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 836 (IX), which recommended that all countries organize and celebrate Universal Children's Day. It was conceived not just as a holiday, but also as a day that would help draw public attention to the problems of children around the world, as well as to mutual understanding between the world of children and the world of adults. One year later. World Children's Day proclaimed in 40 countries of the world.

Currently World Children's Day is celebrated in 145 countries around the globe. The holiday is dedicated to activities aimed at ensuring the well-being of children around the world.

Date of celebration of World Children's Day

Specific date of celebration World Children's Day has not been established. State governments were asked to schedule it on any date they deemed appropriate at their discretion. Therefore, in a number of countries, World Children's Day is celebrated on September 20, and in 129 UN member countries, including Russia, World Children's Day is celebrated on November 20. Although the UN invited governments to introduce the practice of celebrating this date on the day and in the form in which they consider it appropriate, but in their official documents This organization is listed on the celebration of World Children's Day on November 20.

November 20 marks the day on which the UN General Assembly adopted: in 1959, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, and in 1989, the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

International documents protecting the rights of the child

Exactly, on this day - On November 20, 1959, the UN General Assembly first established the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. It includes articles calling on parents to government bodies, national governments, local authorities, and non-governmental and voluntary organizations recognize and respect the rights and freedoms of children set out in it and ensure they have a happy childhood.

Since the document was only advisory in nature and had no binding force, other laws were required, for which On November 20, 1989, the UN adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was signed by 61 countries.


Children, everyone's favorite little creatures, can radically change the lives of adults and fill the world around them with all the colors of the rainbow. Among the various solemn events dedicated to the beautiful and adorable creatures In particular, World Children's Day is celebrated. What kind of holiday is this and why was November 20 chosen for the celebrations?

Tradition special occasions, dedicated World Day child, has existed for decades in 129 countries that are members of the UN. Its creation is based on the idea of ​​caring for small, beautiful creatures, thanks to whom the world around us is filled with magic and rainbow colors. After all, children constantly need special attention.

The establishment of the World Children's Day holiday took place in 1954 by Resolution No. 836 (IX) of the UN General Assembly. Five years later, on November 20, 1959, the “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” was adopted. Thirty years later, on the same day, the adoption of the legal document “Convention on the Rights of the Child” took place. Therefore, the date for celebrating World Children's Day was not chosen by chance. The days of the event were dedicated to it important events world-class in the field of children's rights.

The main goals of the establishment of World Children's Day include improving the well-being of children all over the planet, developing work programs carried out by UN countries in the interests of the child in an atmosphere of interethnic solidarity and cooperation. World Children's Day has become the center of attention of the world community in addressing global issues of reducing child mortality and improving the quality of life wonderful creatures.

Many organizations monitor dysfunctional families. In the healthcare sector, methods are constantly being developed to save sick children who were previously considered incurable. A special Children's Fund, whose activities are aimed at maintaining health adorable babies, improving their quality of life and providing assistance to pregnant women.

World famous restaurant chain fast food McDonald's constantly conducts charity events dedicated to World Children's Day. When purchasing food, a portion of the paid amount is automatically donated, and collected funds sent to help seriously ill children. November 20 in the Russian Federation is not a red day on the calendar, but the actions associated with it are actively supported by the authorities.

World Children's Day is a wonderful tradition and the most best reason for charity, which many people do famous people and organizations. Join this wonderful holiday too, accept Active participation in life, the development of children, creating for them the soil of friendship, kindness, love and mutual understanding.

World Children's Day, on the recommendation of the UN General Assembly, has been celebrated annually around the world on November 20 since 1956. This decision was made in 1954 according to resolution No. 836 (IX), and in 1959 the “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” was approved on this day, as well as the “Convention of the Rights of the Child” in 1989. On Children's Day, many organizations, foundations and companies hold charity events aimed at helping children in need. Around the world, more than eleven million children suffer and die every year from poverty, discrimination, violence and disease. The UN Children's Fund carries out large-scale work in the field of children's health care. Its activities also include a number of activities aimed at providing future mothers with adequate medical care in prenatal and birth period.

Children are joy from heaven,
Flowers throughout our life.
We need to be able to do everything
So that you grow up happy.

May their pure laughter be a reward
It will be for your love.
If you are affectionate with your child -
He didn’t live his life in vain.

May the children be healthy
And they grow in great love.
The world will become kinder, cleaner.
God save them from harm.

World Children's Day
We meet with the whole planet,
Let them be happy
All children on Earth.

Let them live surrounded
Love and goodness,
Cheerful noise, din
Every house will be filled.

Under a peaceful, clear sky
Let our children grow
And, like a child's ball,
The planet is spinning.

Congratulations to the children of the whole planet, curious people and favorite checkers. Let the clear children's eyes be happy, let them always glow with joy, healthy curiosity and sincere surprise. Let children's energy and the desire to do everything charge everyone in the world. Let every baby on earth be protected and cared for by their parents.

Happy World Children's Day
I congratulate the whole world
And brothers and sisters,
Both quiet and bully,
Both babies and teenagers
And of course, dad and mom!
It is for children and for adults,
We need this holiday
To remember my youth,
Feel the beauty of childhood
And be a little kinder to the kids,
Be a little more gentle!

Let it ring with ringing laughter
Autumn day in November!
Happy World Children's Day -
You all today, friends!

Let everyone remember today,
That, living in this world,
Our most important goal
There were, are and will be children!

In our souls we carry our own
Only good dreams:
To not be among them
Children abandoned by us!
Let's stretch out our hands to them,
Business replacing sounds!

Happy World Children's Day
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Let life be bright and ringing.
Let the days be good.

I wish you a lot of sunshine
Lots of tenderness and warmth.
So that the carriage is golden
Luckily you would be lucky.

So that your wishes come true
Even without magic words.
So that everyone admires you.
Laughter, joy, flowers!

On World Children's Day, good wishes,
Let the sonorous voices of children never cease.
Let them be healthy, joyful and cheerful,
And their smiles shine like the sun of spring.

It is in our power to become kinder,
Warm children with affection,
To clap your hands,
Tears dried up in my eyes.

May today in the whole world
The shots and explosions will subside,
Let's tell the children that they must:
You are loved and needed!

Sun, rain, bad weather
They won't bother us
If a child's voice is heard,
If there is loud laughter nearby.

Property of the people
There is success in your future,
Children's Day is the holiday of the year,
Congratulations to all of us!

Happy Children's Day
All the people of the planet,
Happiness, joy and love -
These are our children.

Gives the world children's laughter
Kindness and affection,
I wish for them
The fairy tale did not end.

Let them grow healthy
Strong and strong
In the future I want to become
They are happy people.

Let the kids have a day
They are adorable all over the world!
Throw away all your worries
Let this day sound on the air!
The child will stretch out his arms to you
And if he also smiles...
All gloomy ones will disperse the clouds
From now on, joy will return to you!
Beautiful day, wonderful holiday
... more of these - life is more successful!
Such diverse relatives...
Holidays have one purpose.
