Beautiful beards for bald men. Hussar mustache with patchy beard

Beards and mustaches cannot be shaved. But we’ll find out where to put the comma after interviewing 7 girls of different ages who honestly, without flattery, will declare their dissatisfaction or admiration for a man’s beard and mustache.

We asked them to answer three questions:

  1. Do they like men with beards, particularly bald men with facial hair?
  2. Do they know stylish haircuts beards and which ones they think are more attractive.
  3. How they feel about men with mustaches and what emotions they evoke.

But what haircuts we know.

Now let's ask the girls about beards and mustaches

Yulia, 26 years old.

I am not attracted to bearded men, as in general I feel somewhat disgusted. When I see a man with a beard, I immediately imagine in my head that he has food, animal fur, or something else stuck in it. I understand that a person has the right to look the way he sees fit. But personally, I hate seeing men with beards.

Bald men with beards look even more specific. It seems to me that such an image suits very few men. By at least, I can’t remember a single bald man with a beard that I liked in appearance. Most often, in my opinion, such men look ridiculous.

It's hard to say about beard haircut or style. The only thing that comes to mind is the braided beard. As for facial hair, I only like slight stubble on men, a sort of three-day stubble. In my opinion, it looks very erotic.

And mustachioed men have never caused me anything but light laughter. In my opinion, a mustache always gives a comical appearance, no matter what it is.

Sandra, 24 years old.

Probably, since childhood, I have developed a strong attitude towards bearded men. It was also strengthened by the fact that I have been working as a hairdresser for 5 years now and one of the specifications of my work is beard care.

A beard is a kind of accessory and is not suitable for everyone. Some men with beards look too much like Santa Claus, while others look even sexy.

It's a different matter when it comes to bald bearded men. Most of them are good and even attractive. The truth is those who have too child's face They look comical and sometimes it’s hard to resist the desire to squeeze their cheeks.

Most beautiful shape I think the beard is Spanish. She so neatly emphasizes her lips and cheekbones. I’m even sorry that my husband doesn’t grow such a beard.

I consider mustaches to be a separate topic of conversation. Man in business suit and with a mustache - it's a fascinating sight. Probably because my father is a mustache and I love seeing him in a suit. The main thing is the correct form, because Hitler's mustache or mustache, like that of a mad fox, makes you want to go blind or shave everything off, including your skin.

Tamara, 46 years old.

I treat bearded men the same way as I treat all other representatives strong half humanity - everyone has their own preferences, whims and quirks. However, just like with women, the beard has absolutely nothing to do with it.

For some reason, I consider bald bearded people to be mysterious and successful, especially if they are dressed with taste. And a branded, well-fitting suit, in my opinion, will certainly emphasize the respectability of a bearded man. Age does not play a special role here.

Unfortunately, I have never been interested in haircuts and beard styles (my husband shaves regularly), so in this issue I'm a complete layman. It seems to me that the main thing here is grooming and neatness. By the way, for some men, a small, neat beard makes them look intelligent, while small stubble on the face, on the contrary, is a sign of brutality.

A mustache does not suit all men, although if you choose the right shape to match the shape of your face, beard, haircut or bald spot, you can create a pleasant image. The main thing is that they are not like those of Fuhrer Adolf Hitler. But for young guys, under 25, it’s still better to shave so as not to look much older than your age.

Anna, 20 years old.

I have a positive attitude towards beards on men. It seems to me that a beard gives men a brutal and masculine appearance. However, only if the man takes care of her. The decisive factor is neatness and grooming. The main thing is that you look good, and not just a “bush” on your face.

I think that a bald head goes well with a beard, but not too long. There are different ones. But I don’t particularly like a long beard combined with a bald head.

Unfortunately, I don’t know the names of the haircuts. But I can say for sure that I like the classic beard the most. Especially if it is clear that its owner takes good care of it and trims it on time. Another option that looks good is when a man’s beard looks like this – the hair is only around the lips and a little on the chin.

To be honest, I don’t particularly like mustaches on men, because they immediately add several years of age. I like the version of a mustache with a beard much better; it immediately gives you an intelligent look.

Oksana, 37 years old.

I don’t like excessive facial hair – mustaches, beards. Categorically. Not at all because of the stereotype that a beard is an obligatory “attribute” of marginal people who have fallen out of society. No. But I feel some kind of catch in this. Or a lazy slob who doesn’t want to bother himself daily procedure shaving (although at the same time I perfectly understand that a beard and mustache require some care), or in such a simple way it masks a flaw on the face. Or maybe he’s hiding from someone himself.

And bald bearded man in my “personal world order” - perfect bad manners. There is a certain illogicality, irregularity in such a non-standard distribution of vegetation. So I’m trying to find pathology in such a subject. Not physical - psychological. And although reality proves the absolute absurdity of my “explanations” - all the bald, bearded men whom life has encountered turned out to be quite nice, adequate people - I cannot get rid of suspicion.

Everything that is said above is specifically about a “large-scale” beard. Light stubble, or even a few days of stubble, is very attractive.

Olga, 46 years old.

Some representatives of the stronger sex consider themselves very attractive with a mustache and beard. I never understood the beauty of these male attributes of appearance. I don’t argue, some people suit a beard. But let these handsome men remain other people's men, mine should be clean-shaven. What kind of kisses can there be if stubble irritates women's skin and it hurts terribly. They say that mustaches tickle pleasantly? But I don't like it. Attractive men I haven't seen one with a mustache. Or rather, such men do not attract me. With age, the situation has not changed at all. Both at 20 and at 40, I did not perceive them as a sexual object.

I feel sorry for bald men with beards. It feels like nature was punishing them. Lost hair in in the right place and rewarded her with useless vegetation.

When I was a young and interesting girl, I started a relationship with a mustache a couple of times. Young people were very proud of this sign of their masculinity. They interested me in completely different important advantages. The eccentric girl Olya has a license new girl forced them to shave off their mustaches. After a few weeks of communication, the guys acquired the ideal freshly shaven look for me.

I wish bearded men and mustaches every success with women, I know they have fans.

Natalya, 27 years old.

I like a neat, stylish beard on men. But I don’t want to kiss such a person at all. I always make my husband clean shave his face.

A beard, trimmed independently or with the help of a professional, looks like part of the image and creates an image. A simple, grown beard seems repulsive. It is very disgusting to watch bearded men eat: pieces of food get stuck in their hair.

A bald man with a beard evokes the same emotions as all other men. It is especially important for them to monitor “balance”. A beard that is too long and tangled looks ridiculous. Instead of a brutal, courageous image, an impression is created of the absence Money for a normal shave.

I know of only two beard styles that I like visually: Brett and Anchor. Other names are unknown to me. I independently divide beard types into stubble, goat and grandfather.

A mustache without a beard looks more modest, but greatly adds age to a man. On very young guys they look ridiculous. In my opinion, a stylish beard looks better than a single mustache.


Many bearded men will say that it’s not a woman’s business to dictate how I look – whether to wear a beard or not. But then who do you want to look stylish for? If you are one of those “ticklers” who also like bearded men, there are no questions, only regret, have fun with the same fluffies.

And when your girlfriend shows with all her appearance that she doesn’t like this kind of hair, what’s the point in wearing it? Personally, I try to look stylish (as much as possible) in most cases for the ladies, and not for my own satisfaction, of course, if I feel comfortable, I look golden mean between women's councils and your own comfort in your appearance.

So, if a girl doesn’t like this style, then, rather, - "shaving, can't wear".

As you can see, most of the girls directly said that bearded men and mustaches evoke in them at least sympathy, and sometimes even disgust. Draw conclusions about whether it’s worth spending money on barbershops if it suits no one but yourself.

You are not a hermit, not Robinson, you live in a city where there is no war and you can afford a trimmer or an edging machine for a neat or three-day stubble effect in the end, because this way you will look more sexy and successful in the eyes of girls. But if you specifically suit your young lady with a beard, don’t give a damn about the opinions of others and admire each other, regardless of the current fashion or anyone’s advice.

For what face shape? "Best suited for round or round faces" square shape, because the beard is quite long, says experienced bearded man Hari Efthimiades. “This beard should be avoided by those who are teased with a ‘horse face’ as it visually lengthens the face.”

How to grow:“It will take one or two months,” predicts Efthimiades. - Trim your sideburns, but don't touch your mustache and chin. Sharpen the line around your cheeks and bring your hair to a point on your chin.” Your goal is sophistication, and a Guy Fawkes look is not the kind of rebellion you need.

How to support: It is enough to trim once a month. Ask your hairdresser to trim your sideburns and underneath and subtly highlight your lips. Leave your chin and mustache alone and use beard oil. It will make your hair soft and silky. As you like.

Goatee with mustache

For what face shape? According to Efthymiades, this outfit suits almost everyone. Just make small changes that suit you. "This beard rounds out square faces, and makes round ones visually thinner (if you don’t neglect wet shaving and trimming),” says the barber.

How to grow: A beard may seem simple, but it will take you more than two months to grow it. "It's especially important to build enough hair around the lips," advises Efthymiades. Don't forget to even out the ends: you don't want a frail goatee, do you? Use wet shaving to sharpen the edges.

How to support: Don't put the razor far away. For greater contrast, carefully shave your cheeks and carefully trim your beard line, keeping an eye on the length of the hairs. You can use oil to care for your beard.


For what face shape? “A skipper’s beard will suit anyone,” Efthimiades is sure. Play with its width and length to balance the contours of your face. Thin lines suit those with a round face better, while wide ones help shorten a long face.

How to grow: It will take no more than a week. Put the razor aside until your hair has grown enough to shape your beard.

How to support: Shave every couple of days and always check the width of your beard on both sides: it should be the same. To ensure clear lines, trim your beard with the smallest attachment.

Fused wide tanks

For what face shape? The Unshakable Superheroes' Favorite Beard Is Best for Owners narrow face with a limp chin. “She visually widens the face and draws out the chin,” Efthimiades reassures. According to him, this beard does not go well with asymmetrical faces, but it can add additional charm to the “pirate” image. Pairs best with long, thick hair. It is not necessary to wear a tricorn hat.

How to grow: You actually grow your entire beard and then trim it. middle part. So it will take a couple of months. “You need to have density in the area of ​​the tanks,” explains Efthimiades.

How to support: Trim your mustache and chin every couple of days to maintain contrast. It is also important to ensure that both sides are symmetrical. To prevent your hair from looking disheveled, use a beard care balm.

The sexuality of the stronger sex is no longer measured by the thickness of the hair and the smoothness of the skin. Previously, only Hollywood hero-lovers flaunted the brutality of their image. “If I went out into the street like this, I would be mistaken for a homeless person,” the men commented appearance the same Johnny Depp. But now they won't accept it. And in general, shave your head, not your face! - that's how it is new recipe high style and getting rid of many complexes.

Bearded story

For many years in a row, shaving has been as familiar and necessary a morning ritual for you as, for example, brushing your teeth. Has it ever occurred to you that annoying hard stubble can be excluded from the list of problems altogether? You just need to turn it into a beard!

Yes, probably for you a bearded man is either a biker, or an older man, or... a Hollywood dandy. Just look: Justin Timberlake, Colin Farrell, Ashton Kutcher, Johnny Depp, George Clooney, Brad Pitt - all the super-sexy fraternity proudly display on the red carpet not just timid goatees, but real thick beards. And at the same time, the stars do not look unfashionable or aged at all: the beard only changes the image and attracts attention to its owner. So why not add a little star shine and manly confidence to yourself?

In general, a well-groomed and stylish beard is confidently returning to fashion. Growing it, however, requires some effort. You want to look well-groomed and stylish, not overgrown. You will need the following:

▪ Trimmer with ceramic blades. They are much sharper than their metal counterpart. This means that caring for your beard and mustache will be much easier, and you will be able to achieve the ideal sculpted shape of your beard.

▪ Proper skin care cosmetics. Lotions with a menthol aroma and a refreshing effect, softening shampoos, scrubs and creams with essential oils. So that your new “accessory” smells and looks first-class.

▪ High-quality razor. With its help, you can shave the perfect “Jolly Roger” on your face a la Johnny Depp. Or any other original drawing.

Her opinion: Anastasia:“I never liked men who were shaved blue. Probably the fact is that my dad has had a beard all his life. And men with this image detail seem to me reliable, likable, kind... and at the same time firm.”

Catherine:“Three-day stubble, in my opinion, is a sign of spontaneity and self-confidence. And this is the sexiest combination.”

Elena:“A beard doesn’t suit all men. You just can’t take your eyes off some - courageous, independent, brave. And you’ll look at others and roll with laughter..."

Indeed, a beard is not for everyone. It can seriously age some people, and cast others in a comical light. But the beauty is that if the experiment turns out to be unsuccessful, in one beautiful morning the beard can be easily eliminated and a new face can be seen in the mirror.

Bald and famous

Many men associate thick hair with strength and youth, which is why its loss is perceived so painfully. And only a few are able to say to themselves and others: “No matter how it is! I'm good in any form." However, there are guys who were able to turn baldness to the benefit of their image, remain cool and sexy and make their own baldness a fashion trend!

The first in their cohort, of course, is “die nut” Bruce Willis. The respected action actor and comedian did the impossible - he showed the whole world that it is possible to win and maintain the title of sex symbol for decades without hair. Bruce recently returned to the big screen: he is still as gorgeous, courageous and, as before, wears his hair to zero.

The famous singer Seal may not be as charismatic as Willis, but the facts speak for themselves: although his talented head is devoid of hair, he is married to one of the most beautiful fashion models in the world - Heidi Klum.

The next darling of fate in this series is David Beckham. Perhaps we love him not for his sporting achievements, but for his style, image and successful juggling with them. Let's be honest: he's just very cute! The absence of hair perfectly emphasizes the aristocratic features of the face.

But the star of the films “Adrenaline” and “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels” Jason Statham has everything in order with his hair, but he deliberately shaved it off, adding brutality to himself. And since then, Statham’s on-screen role has been that of a mega-sexy bad guy.

Among Russian stars there are also "shiny" heads. The most famous of which is the head of director, producer and actor Fyodor Bondarchuk. At one time, Fedor Sergeevich simply got rid of problematic hair, writes Business Style. But I discovered a new style and created an image that many men now strive to emulate.

Gosha Kutsenko and Maxim Sukhanov are also not at all embarrassed by the lack of hair on their heads, but on the contrary, they made it their own business card. Despite their facial features, which are far from classic, their hairstyle suits them extremely well and makes them the epitome of sexuality for thousands of fans.

Let's dot the i's and understand such concepts as style and image. And most importantly, let’s understand what these, for many men, empty sounds consist of. Now it is fashionable to talk about stylish men, about images, individual style, image. But ask a man about it, what is it and how does he imagine it. And what does he understand? stylish man, 80% are unlikely to answer you with anything intelligible. When talking about image, many people immediately think about clothes. Of course, you can’t go anywhere without her. But is this enough? Dress up the monkey in a suit Tom Ford. Will she stop being a monkey? Before talking about individual style, it is important to know and acquire the skills of basic knowledge, ideas and skills, without which the path to individual stylish expression will be more difficult. People's perception: 55% depends on behavior and external image person, 38% voice timbre, melody and intonation, 7% words (what he says).

We all know that we read each other in the first 30 seconds. This simple diagram shows what influences our perception. Therefore, no matter how dear men you deny that appearance is not important, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, they are met, as they say, by their clothes. And now we already know that not only because of her.

So, what does it consist of? men's style? Of the many components, let's start with the face.

Nowadays, most deficiencies can be solved with the help of cosmetologists, dermatologists, and, if necessary, through medical intervention. Peeling is typical for Russian skin. Make a habit of applying night cream before bed, if you still use it day cream in the morning, there will be no price for you). A girl, before kissing a guy, looks at what exactly she plans to kiss. And if there are chapped lips, or a chapped face, this will definitely cause negative reaction. This will cause exactly the same reaction in all interlocutors. I can’t help but say about the teeth. Another one of the main factors influencing the perception of a man in society. It is necessary to do oral hygiene at the dentist once every six months, with mild whitening. If your teeth are uneven, there are now many ways to solve this issue. The mouth should be fine. I hope about precious metals there is no need to speak in your mouth.

Yes, yes, dear men - eyebrows. The era of Brezhnev's times has long passed, but a good half of the male population sacredly preserves the memory of them.))))) Maybe now this will be a discovery for you, but you need to take care of your eyebrows. A good hair stylist will definitely offer you to trim your eyebrows. I will give an undeniable argument. Well-groomed eyebrows add a graphic touch male face, and as a consequence brutality. Just don't overdo it, otherwise you might end up looking like this:

Facial hair should be well-groomed and consistent with facial features. This is especially true given the current fashion trend universal “beardness” of the entire male population. It is on this that we will now dwell in more detail.
Beard, stubble.
Let's start with what not to do.

1. If you blonde hair, don’t let go of your pimp beard, it looks ridiculous, such a beard will make your face look plain. If you are bald or shaving your head, then it is better to grow stubble or an even beard, in no case a graphic beard, mustache, or goatee. It looks funny, you shouldn't do it.

Good examples:

And also about bald men. Dear men, if you shave your head, I beg you, don’t grow long beards, leave this look to fairy-tale villains.5-7 mm bristles, as in the second photo, will be enough.

2. Let go of beard or stubble if it grows unevenly.If your beard or stubble grows in patches, then choose the level where it begins to grow evenly and constantly maintain it.

3. Combine long hair and a long beard.

Imitate Nikita Dzhigurda, not the best good idea. Remember: long hair with stubble or a beard is a definite taboo. Associations arise with bikers and rockers. A man's style should not evoke cartoonish associations and resemble movie villains, and should not be associated with any subcultures if he does not belong to them. Everything should be neat with an emphasis on your individual image.Stubble and beard go best with short hair as in the second photo.

4. Grow an unkempt beard; if you want to grow a long enough beard, shape it.

5. Multi-colored bristles
Many Russian guys who are blond and fair-haired are faced with the fact that stubble uneven color. Overall it looks extremely sloppy and extremely unclean. If this is your case, but you want to wear a beard, it will be better to grow a longer beard. The beard should be graphic, that is, the cheek should be open.

We have dealt with the main mistakes, now, I hope, it is clear what exactly you should not do, and how you can correct the signs of these errors if you find them in yourself. In the next article we will talk about which people are recommended to have stubble and a beard.

Lately, fashionistas all over the world have been wearing beards. However, this does not mean that facial hair growth should be left to chance. Exist different styles beards that will make their owners stylish, and also emphasize the advantages of the face and hide its shortcomings.

It's about the form

A guy who is seriously thinking about changing his image and stubble needs to consider one thing: important point- a beard style that suits a particular face shape. You need to be careful, because it can change your appearance beyond recognition - reduce or increase the size of the oval face, make it more daring and courageous.

Choosing a suitable beard should be taken seriously, first of all based on the shape of the face. Special attention should be paid to the shape of the mustache and sideburns, as well as their presence or absence.

To wear stylish beard, it is best to seek advice from specialists:

Choosing a beard according to your face shape

An incorrectly chosen beard style will not only not decorate, but will also make you look... handsome guy uncouth "boor". People will avoid him, and girls are unlikely to like such a man.

Therefore, you should not rush to grow a beard on your face, imitating any celebrity. To look brilliant and stunning, you need to know how to choose a beard shape based on your face type.

Thin face with sharp features

IN in this case The decoration will be a small beard (no more than 2 cm). It will make your face softer and rounder. A mustache would also be appropriate here.

Round face

For this face shape, you need to do something completely different. In this case, the shape should not be softened; on the contrary, it must be made more elongated. It is best to choose a square or wedge-shaped beard. A goatee beard is suitable for men with round shape face - it will become more neat. It’s better to avoid sideburns; they will make your face look comical.

Square face

No mustache

IN Lately a beard without a mustache has become widespread and popular. And they connect it with what is needed less maintenance, because there are no mustaches. However, not every girl loves excessive vegetation on a man's face.

You can choose this goatee without a mustache:

  • old Dutchman - thick beard from temple to temple, the length can be absolutely any, you just need to shave your cheeks;
  • island - a beard in the form of small dotted vegetation located under the lower lip;
  • goatee, as well as mini goatee;
  • Klingon beard, which involves the mustache above the lip being shaved and the remaining parts on the sides being joined.

Therefore, if a man does not like his mustache, he can safely shave it off and choose a different type of beard.

Useful things about beards

  1. To support complex shape beards, it is best to use a clipper. Experts advise initially marking the outline with a pencil or pen - this way you can achieve perfect symmetry.
  2. To keep your beard in perfect condition, it needs to be looked after daily. Best to buy special comb or a brush for combing. Special balms and shampoos will also be beneficial. Every morning using a typewriter special nozzle you need to adjust your hair length.
  3. If your beard has started to turn gray or you just don't like the hair, then you can dye it. Here it is important not to make a mistake with the paint; you need to choose a special dye for men, which only gives the required shade. The effect is the same, but the hair remains healthy and the color is as close to natural as possible.
  4. Experts joke about the fact that sideburns do not start growing in the ears. From there the hair needs to be removed. If there are only a few of them, you can use tongs; otherwise, a special machine will help.
  5. The beard retains odors, including tobacco. To make your facial hair smell nice, you need to use special aroma oils, because daily washing will not help.

You need to understand that a properly chosen beard will be an advantage for any man, emphasizing his attractiveness, intelligence and masculinity. This perfect occasion grow facial hair, but you need to sort through all the beard styles and choose the one that will suit a certain type of face.
