Nutrition in the first weeks of pregnancy. General principles of proper nutrition during pregnancy

It's happened: you're pregnant. From this moment on, every action you take will in one way or another resonate not only in your future, but also in the future of your child. It is during the first half of pregnancy that you and he literally become one. Your health is his health, your experiences are his experiences. And how you eat during these not-so-long 40 weeks determines the development, well-being and even, as recent studies have shown, the life expectancy of your child.

A clear illustration of this statement is the table in which we tried to reflect two points of view on the same process, to look at pregnancy in the literal sense of the word from the inside and outside. How does life originate and develop from week to week? What does the expectant mother discover and feel about herself? And most importantly - how to provide your body and the body of your future baby with everything necessary so that both mother and future baby were you healthy?

In our table we have indicated the importance of certain useful substances on different stages fetal development. I would like to emphasize that the diet of the expectant mother should be balanced and contain daily requirements of vitamins and minerals throughout pregnancy.

First half of pregnancy

Fetal development Feelings of the expectant mother Danone Institute recommendations

Embryonic period

Fertilization occurred 10-16 days from the start of menstruation. The process of crushing the embryo and its movement along the oviduct to the fallopian tube is underway.

The embryo feeds on yolk, small reserves of which it finds in the egg.

Daily intake of vitamins and microelements for pregnant women

  • vitamin A - 800 mcg
  • vitamin D - 10 mcg
  • vitamin K - 65 mcg
  • vitamin E - 10 mg
  • vitamin C - 70 mg
  • vitamin B1 - 1.5 mg
  • vitamin B2 - 1.6 mg
  • vitamin B6 - 2.2 mg
  • vitamin B12 - 2.2 mcg
  • vitamin PP - 17 mg
  • folic acid - 400 mcg


  • calcium - 1200 mg
  • phosphorus - 1200 mg
  • magnesium - 320 mg
  • iron - 30 mg
  • zinc - 15 mg
  • iodine - 175 mcg
  • selenium - 65 mcg

Second half of pregnancy

Speaking about the first half of pregnancy, we talked in detail about the changes that occur from week to week. This is understandable: the future baby worked a lot on himself, grew literally by leaps and bounds, turning from a tiny grain of rice into little man. At the same time, the expectant mother was getting used to her new position, learning to do everything for two, eating right and creating all the conditions for her baby to develop and grow.

And now the time has come when the baby focused on growth, and the expectant mother has already learned how to properly prepare for her upcoming motherhood and saw a lot of advantages in her difficult situation. Now the two can even communicate. Mom often talks to her baby, plays music for him, walks a lot, and the baby does his best to make it clear that he hears everything and even seems to understand.

Table of fetal size and weight. Second half of pregnancy

A week Weight, g Size, cm
290 25
420 27,5
600 30
800 32,5
1000 35
1400 37,5
1700 40
2000 42,5
2200 45
  • fruit - 3400 g
  • placenta - 650 g
  • amniotic fluid - 800 ml
  • uterus (increases in size during pregnancy) - 970 g
  • mammary glands (increase in size during pregnancy) - 405 g/780
  • increase in blood volume by 1450 ml
  • increase in extracellular fluid volume by 1480 g
  • body fat- 2345 g

The components that make up the weight of the expectant mother are very individual for all women. Therefore very important indicator is how the woman feels and what are the results of urine, blood, blood pressure. Experts believe that one of the main reasons for excess weight during pregnancy is poor nutrition and especially excess carbohydrates.

About 80% of pregnant women complain of intestinal problems (constipation, diarrhea). This is due to a number of reasons, among which, first of all, we should mention a decrease in motor activity intestines caused by hormonal changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy and changes in intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis). You only have to deal with these troubles natural methods: proper organization daily routine and diet.

As can be seen from the table, in the second half of pregnancy it is recommended to eat more often, but in small portions, to facilitate the functioning of the digestive system. For the same purpose, it is recommended to increase the consumption of products containing plant fiber (fiber, etc.). These include vegetables and fruits, cereals, wholemeal bread, but it is important to know that when heat treatment fiber does not lose its properties.

Additional assistance to the intestines in its work will be provided dairy products, containing probiotics - live microorganisms identical to the normal intestinal microflora. Such products achieve two goals at once: firstly, they normalize the digestive process, and secondly, since these are dairy products, they contain calcium and protein necessary for the development of the fetus, which means they are equally necessary for both the mother and her unborn baby.

Nutrition in the second half of pregnancy

Daily diet for the second half of pregnancy Sample menu for a woman in the second half of pregnancy

Should be 2800 - 3000 kcal.
It includes:

  • 120 g protein

Every day you need to eat cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, milk. 50% total number proteins should come from animal proteins.

  • 85 g fat

Vegetable oils contain the most fat. A pregnant woman's diet should contain 40% fat plant origin. Among animal fats, cow butter is recommended. You should not eat lamb and beef fat.

  • 400 g carbohydrates

It is better to get carbohydrates from foods rich in fiber: bread, fruits, vegetables. The amount of sugar in the diet should be 40 - 50 g per day.

First breakfast: milk porridge with butter, bread with butter and cheese, sweet tea (possibly with milk).

Lunch: sausage with green peas, milk and bun.

Dinner: vegetable soup in meat broth with sour cream, boiled tongue with vegetable stew, fruit juice.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole with sour cream, fruit juice.

Dinner: vinaigrette, boiled fish, tea with pastries.

Second dinner: omelet, bread and butter, rosehip infusion.

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.

Both the expectant mother and her baby did a great job during these forty weeks. They ate right, did gymnastics, consulted with specialists... Whatever they did to be well prepared for the moment of the birth of a new person! They will succeed.

Methodological materials

06/10/2016 23:22:05, desert rose

I eat exactly this way... I only rarely eat meat (mostly chicken and fish), sometimes I allow myself to eat a couple of salted tomatoes or cucumbers, and sometimes even a glass of beer with chips... I try to replace sweets with dried apricots or raisins, I practically don’t eat sugar ...I add honey to the porridge. With every visit to the LC, my doctor has eyes on his forehead... due to the fact that supposedly my weight does not correspond to 30 weeks, he claims that my baby is not growing, although according to ultrasound and according to all measurements it corresponds to the deadlines... before pregnancy I was 45 kg now 53. I think I typed normally, I’m just an alarmist doctor. I’m just upset... I’ll go eat!

Very useful article! Thank you

10/20/2008 15:55:11, Diana

23.01.2007 21:21:50

s takim pitanijem ja ne soglasna.... hotia organizm-delo individual"noje, u menia by srazu nachalsia shok kishechnika...i sil"nejshij zapor. Miasa - toze slishkom mnogo.. ot miasa obrazujetsia sliz" v tolstom kishechnike (trudno v tualet shodit) osobenno posle kuricy s kartoshkoj; nascot vitaminov i mikroelementov ochen" daze interesno, takze pro ponedel "noje razvitije embrionchika.

“We are what we eat!” The relationship between nutrition and health is especially strong during pregnancy. The linguistic relationship between the words “nutrition” and “upbringing” seems to subtly hint at the fact that by eating properly, a mother, from the first days of the birth of a new life in her, “raises” her baby to be healthy. It is important to remember that the energy value of the diet, as well as the qualitative and quantitative ratio of its various components, is different dates is different. Thus, nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy differs significantly from the nutrition of a pregnant woman in the third trimester.

Basic nutrition for a pregnant woman in the first trimester

Nutrition in early pregnancy requires virtually no changes. In the first weeks it is enough to refuse bad habits and follow the basic principles healthy eating: exclude fatty foods, fried foods, marinades, sweets and pickles. On at this stage There is an active formation of all the baby’s organs, as well as the placental tissues necessary for his life support, therefore important nuance nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy is the inclusion in food of a sufficient amount of protein food, which serves as a kind of building material, vitamins and microelements.

Nutrition in the early stages of pregnancy involves focusing on traditional foods and dishes made from them, as well as avoiding fast food and drinks containing caffeine. Experts have different opinions regarding drinking coffee during pregnancy, but it is still recommended to abstain from it in the first trimester.

Nutrition during pregnancy by week: first trimester

The nutrition of pregnant women by week in the first trimester looks something like this:

  • 1-2 weeks: it is recommended to increase the amount of foods in your daily diet that contain folic acid (among them leafy garden greens, cereal foods, etc.). Avoid excessively fatty foods and sweets, as they provoke early toxicosis. Include bright yellow and orange fruits and vegetables in your menu;
  • 3-4 weeks: the main emphasis is on foods that contain calcium (dairy, broccoli, greens, fruit and vegetable juices), as well as zinc and manganese (turkey, lean beef and pork, spinach, bananas, eggs, etc. .). It is recommended to completely give up coffee and not get too carried away with nuts, since they are quite high in fat;
  • 5-7 weeks: as the heart is being formed, neural tube and most internal organs, at this stage calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, vitamin E (tocopherol), fluorine, proteins and fats are extremely important (yogurt, cheeses, fruits and vegetables, nuts and legumes, lean meats compensate for this need);
  • 8-9 weeks: the child’s skeleton, joint tissues, lungs are formed, and his mother’s blood volume increases significantly. Now both need vitamins C and bioflavonoids (vitamin P). They are present in strawberries, buckwheat, citrus fruits, onions, rose hips, etc.;
  • 10-11 weeks: the heart and blood vessels are formed, teeth, sense of smell and genitals are formed. In order for their development to be correct, it is important to include in the diet calcium, fluoride, zinc, iron and vitamin E, which are contained in meat dishes ah, cottage cheese, green vegetables, cheese, seafood and legumes;
  • 11-12 weeks: the formation of the unborn child’s body and placenta is reaching the finish line - now internal organs The baby will grow and develop, and the placenta will begin to fully function, protecting the fetus and providing it with nutrition and breathing. A pregnant woman's diet in the first trimester should include more fruits, vegetables and berries.

General principles of nutrition for a pregnant woman in the second trimester

In the second trimester, it is recommended to slightly increase the caloric content of food. The best way to do this is to include easily digestible proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet. Mid-pregnancy is a period that is accompanied by active growth of the baby and placental tissue, as well as the amount amniotic fluid. All this creates a serious burden on the mother’s body. Therefore, at this stage it is important to consume more protein foods of animal origin, dairy products and plant foods.

The daily need for fats is compensated by 20-25 g of unrefined vegetable oil, which can be added to various vegetable salads. Proteins include low-fat varieties of fish and meat, eggs, cheeses, except soft and moldy varieties, since the latter belong to the category of foods prohibited for pregnant women. Sources of healthy carbohydrates are bread (optimally made from wholemeal flour), fruits and berries.

Nutrition during pregnancy by week: second trimester

The nutritional structure of pregnant women by week in the second trimester may look like this:

  • 13-16 weeks: this period of time is the final stage of the formation of skeletal bones and the beginning of their rapid growth. Now it is important to increase the calorie intake by about 300 kcal per day. To do this, it is recommended to eat an extra apple, a piece of bread or a slightly larger than usual portion of porridge every day. Don’t forget about dairy products (it’s good to drink a glass of milk or kefir every day, and if this seems not enough, you can supplement them, for example, with oatmeal cookies);
  • 17-24 weeks: baby development is underway vision and hearing, tissues are improved skin and mucous membranes, therefore it is necessary to supplement the diet with foods that contain vitamin A (red vegetables, cabbage, etc.);
  • 25-28 weeks: the increasing size of the fetus and uterus begins to put noticeable pressure on the stomach, so you need to eat little and more often. It is recommended to exclude excessively fatty foods, sweets and starchy foods from your daily diet. After 21 weeks, insulin release increases in maternal body, therefore, the abuse of sweets and baked goods is fraught with the development of diabetes in pregnant women.

Nutrition during pregnancy by week: third trimester

Nutrition for a pregnant woman in the third trimester is based on the following principles:

  • Reducing the amount of salt;
  • Complete exclusion harmful products(smoked, fatty, salted, etc.);
  • Refusal of food restrictions (here the approach should be reasonable and concerns low-calorie foods - vegetable stews, steam cutlets etc.);
  • Increase in fermented milk products;
  • Liquid dosing (no more than 1.5-2 liters, including soups, herbal teas, plain water);
  • Frequent but small meals.

Nutrition during pregnancy by week looks something like this: 4.7 out of 5 (33 votes)

During pregnancy, a woman should be especially attentive to her diet, because the vitamins that are absorbed by the body contribute to full development fetus

Very often, women, when thinking about their diet, use known method menu planning – nutrition during pregnancy by week. Table such nutrition contains all the important data about the diet necessary products.

Drawing up a table definitely simplifies the process of distributing products and maintaining the desired diet. You need to understand that nutrition should be balanced and nutritious full complex useful substances that will enable the body to receive the necessary energy boost.

It is important to plan as much as possible balanced diet, containing those components that will be most useful for the mother and her unborn child. Before planning your diet, you should be aware of the general mandatory rules:

  • fractional five meals a day;
  • exclude fried foods and smoked foods from the menu;
  • avoid overeating;
  • eat fruit or dairy products before bed;
  • include stewed vegetables and steamed dishes in your diet.

Girls should be attentive to the consumption of products, because they can both give the child the maximum amount of vitamins and harm him with the vitamins they contain. harmful substances or allergens.

Therefore, before thinking about nutrition during pregnancy week by week in the form of a table, you need to understand the peculiarities of food consumption in the first, second and third trimesters. After familiarization, you can begin planning a harmless diet for the period of gestation.

During pregnancy, you need to avoid fried and smoked foods, and eat fruits, vegetables (stewed or steamed), and dairy products

Nutrition during pregnancy by week. Table


Features of development


1-3 weeks

In the first stages, the baby’s health begins to develop. Gynecologists say that sufficient folic acid content is of great importance. Folic acid is found in a variety of foods: salads, greens and grain products. You should also eat vegetables and yellow fruits.

3-4 weeks

The development of the placenta, the natural membrane, is observed. For development, you should use foods rich in minerals, in particular calcium. Vegetables, dairy products, broccoli, and fruit juices contain a lot of calcium. To get manganese, women need to include pork, eggs, oatmeal and bananas in their menu.

5 week

Manifestation of morning toxicosis. The menu should be changed: replace meat with beans, eat more nuts, as well as apricots and carrots.

week 6

U intensification of toxicosis. It is better to eat crackers or crackers in the morning. Increase the amount of liquid (at least 8 glasses).

7-10 weeks

Intestinal dysfunction is observed. Toxicosis. Eliminate carbonated drinks, include kefir and prunes in the menu. Eat foods with fiber - brown rice, whole grain cereals.

11-12 weeks

End of the first trimester. During this period, you should listen to the needs of your body and eat the food you want, because this is what your unborn baby needs.

13-16 weeks

Beginning of the second semester. Increase protein food And daily norm calorie content no more than 3000 kcal.

16-24 weeks

The baby's hearing and vision develops. Eating foods with beta-carotene (vitamin A). It is better to include cabbage and carrots in the menu.

24-28 weeks

Growth of the uterus, the appearance of heartburn. Pregnant women should eat smaller meals and avoid soda and caffeinated drinks. You need to eat in small portions.

29-34 weeks

Growth and strengthening of bones. For better growth skeletal system, and proper operation brain, the baby needs a lot of calcium and iron. The menu at this time should include nuts, fish (must be fatty), meat.

35-40 weeks

Preparing for childbirth. For a successful birth you need to supply the body the right energy, this requires carbohydrates. Porridge is the basis of the menu.

Meals during pregnancy should be divided into five meals a day

Nutrition during pregnancy by week (Table) will help you create your diet as best as possible, promoting proper development and preparing the expectant mother’s body for the stress of childbirth and the first time after it.

The first months of pregnancy are one of the the most important stages carrying a child. During this period, it is necessary not only to adhere to a strictly defined lifestyle, instilling new habits in oneself, but also to eat right. It is at this time that women suffer from such an unpleasant phenomenon as toxicosis. Familiar products can cause attacks of nausea, and what you previously did not like at all may seem like an exquisite delicacy. But sometimes you have to overcome yourself, giving up delicious foods in favor of products that are necessary for any pregnant woman.

During the first three months from the beginning of pregnancy, the child develops very actively, transforming into a real little man by the 14th week. During this period, the formation of most systems occurs. During the 1st trimester, the baby develops a heart that pumps blood, and organs are formed. These processes cause an increased need for vitamins and microelements for the growing baby.

Everything that the fetus needs for the normal development of its organs and systems is taken from the mother’s body. If there is a lack of vital substances supplied with food, the woman’s body will first begin to suffer - she will feel unwell, constantly experience weakness and fatigue. The skin will become unhealthy, hair will fall out, and teeth will become weak and susceptible to various diseases.

No less poor nutrition will also affect the baby's health. A lack of microelements and vitamins will lead to disturbances in the development of organs, the occurrence of congenital pathologies, slower growth. That is why the diet of a pregnant woman in the early stages should be rich in vitamins and minerals.

General nutrition rules

In order for a child to develop normally and have good health, it is important to pay attention not so much to the volume of food consumed, but to its quality. And the most important rule here is a balanced diet. The daily diet of a pregnant woman should contain food that is rich in nutrients and biologically active substances, vitamins, and dietary fiber.

On the table of the expectant mother there should be full menu, including fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates and fats. In this case, the number of calories consumed should be approximately this:

  • 30% of calories are fat. It is better that they come not from meat dishes, but from butter, nuts, dairy products;
  • 15% of calories are proteins. This includes: fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, nuts, peas and other legumes;
  • 50% of calories are carbohydrates. To get them into the body, it is recommended to eat fruits, rice, pasta, potatoes, porridges - for example, oatmeal and buckwheat.

Proper nutrition in the early stages of pregnancy will also help fight toxicosis.

To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. You need to eat food every 2-3 hours, and the portions should be small.
  2. In between meals, you should drink enough liquid - at least one and a half liters per day, preferably still water.
  3. You need to eat for the first time of the day without getting out of bed. Such a “snack” can be a cracker, crackers or a glass of kefir.


First 10-12 weeks to the expectant mother The following products are required:

List of productsDescription
Meat: beef, turkey, low-fat pork, rabbitData meat products must be baked in the oven or steamed. You can eat chicken, but rarely, since modern poultry farms often use various hormonal drugs, which are stored in meat
Dairy products: cottage cheese, low-fat kefir, hard cheeses, butter in small quantitiesDrink regular cow's milk It is not recommended for a pregnant woman, since the baby’s body is not adapted for its normal digestion. With systematic consumption of such milk, a child may develop an allergy to any type of dairy product. It is advisable to completely exclude processed cheeses, advertised yoghurts and other products that contain many preservatives, emulsifiers and other chemical additives from the diet.
Fish: mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines and other fatty fishTheir fat contains a lot of protein, vitamin D, minerals and Omega-3 acids. All these components are extremely important for the baby's health. You need to eat fish at least 2 times a week. It also needs to be cooked in the oven or on a double boiler, just like meat.
Porridge, bran bread, pastaThey contain many vitamins, fiber and carbohydrates, which are important for the child's development and normal functioning. digestive system women
Fruits and vegetablesAccording to experts, it is advisable to eat those vegetables and fruits that grow in your region. Since many types of fruit are treated with pesticides, it is recommended to remove the skin before eating.

Drinks to be preferred fresh juices from vegetables and fruits, pure still water, fruit drinks and compotes. It is not recommended to drink packaged juices and soda because they contain a lot of preservatives and other additives. Drinks containing caffeine (tea, coffee) should be excluded or their consumption reduced to a minimum.

What vitamins are required in early pregnancy

In order for the fetus to develop fully, the mother’s body must regularly receive the following vitamins and microelements:

VitaminsWhat products contain
Folic acidShe contributes normal development nervous system child. Folic acid is present in foods such as: green vegetables, oranges, beans, carrots, wheat, soybeans, fresh dates, lentils, apples, peanuts, beets
Iron and calciumWith iron deficiency, a pregnant woman may develop anemia, she will get tired quickly, and her productivity will decrease. A lack of calcium will lead to tooth decay, deterioration of the hair, nails and skeletal system. Therefore, it is imperative to consume foods rich in these elements. There is a lot of iron in dried apricots, liver, buckwheat and greens, calcium - in cheese, buckwheat, kefir, liver and especially in cottage cheese. But you should know that you should only use homemade cottage cheese, in pure form, since all kinds of “Danone” and “Miracle curds” contain a lot of harmful flavorings and sweeteners that can harm the baby
Vitamin DA lack of it can lead to prematurity. This vitamin contained in following products: fish liver, raw yolks, potatoes, nettles, cottage cheese, butter and vegetable oil, parsley
Vitamin B12It helps remove toxins from the body. Present in seaweed, green vegetables, veal and beef liver and kidneys, seafood
ZincA lack of this element can lead to low child weight and other developmental problems. There is a lot of zinc in foods such as: pumpkin and sunflower seeds, sea fish, molasses, lentils, whole rice, garlic, nuts, beans, onions.
Omega 3 acidsThey promote normal cell formation and are responsible for the activity of the child’s brain. Most of these acids are found in sea ​​fish: trout, salmon, halibut, tuna, cod

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is strictly not recommended to eat fast food: hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, etc. You will need to give up chips, smoked foods, carbonated drinks, ketchups and other sauces, since all these products have an adverse effect on the body of a developing child.

Video - Top 20 products necessary in the first trimester of pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is very important to eat right, because the health of the expectant mother and her child directly depends on it. Moreover, you need to remember that the diet of foods at different periods differs from each other.

Nutrition during pregnancy by week (table of vitamins)

On early it is enough to adhere to the principles proper nutrition and give up bad habits. It is necessary to exclude salty, fried, fatty, marinades and sweets from the diet.

Pregnancy - nutrition in the first trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the baby's organs are formed and placental tissue is formed, so it is important to include protein-rich foods in the menu. It is recommended not to change your diet dramatically and eat dishes that are traditional for a particular area. You need to give up coffee and fast food.

1-2 weeks of pregnancy

  • Add rich foods to your menu folic acid- greens, cereals.
  • Eat more orange and yellow vegetables and fruits.
  • Avoid sweets and fatty foods, they provoke toxicosis.

3-4 weeks pregnant

  • Focus on products with high content calcium – greens, juices, broccoli, dairy products.
  • It is recommended to eat more lean pork and beef, eggs, bananas, spinach, and other foods rich in manganese and zinc.
  • Eliminate coffee drinks and nuts.

5-7 weeks pregnant

  • Calcium, B vitamins and vitamin E, proteins, fats and fluoride are still important.
  • Include cheese, yogurt, lean meats, nuts, beans in your diet, and don’t forget about vegetables and fruits.

8-9 weeks pregnant

  • Both the child and to the expectant mother we need vitamin P and C. There are a lot of them in strawberries, citrus fruits, onions, buckwheat, and rose hips.

10-11 weeks of pregnancy

  • The child develops blood vessels, a heart, and genitals. For their proper development you need fluoride, iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin E, and this includes cottage cheese, green vegetables, meat, cheese, legumes and seafood.

11-12 weeks of pregnancy

  • This period is important in the development of the fetus. It is necessary to include more vegetables, fruits and berries in the menu.
  • The calorie content of dishes needs to be increased, with emphasis on dairy products, foods of animal and plant origin. Carbohydrates will be provided by wholemeal bread, berries and fruits.

13-16 weeks of pregnancy

  • The daily calorie requirement is 300 kcal. Increase the portions, eat an extra apple, eat oatmeal cookies between meals and wash them down with milk.

17-24 weeks of pregnancy

  • In this period big role plays the presence of vitamin A in the diet, and this is cabbage and red vegetables.

25-28 weeks of pregnancy

  • Now you need to eat little and often, the uterus and fetus are already putting pressure on the stomach.
  • Eliminate flour, fatty foods, and sweets.

29-34 weeks of pregnancy

  • Child development requires calcium, iron, fatty acid. These are red fish, broccoli, eggs, nuts, yogurts.

35 weeks of pregnancy - before birth

  • The body needs to be prepared for the birth of a child, and this requires a lot of energy. The menu should consist of stewed or baked vegetables, cereal dishes, and bread.

The basic rule of nutrition for pregnant women is that if you want to eat something, even something unhealthy, eat it, but only a little.

We present to your attention a table showing the vitamin and the foods that contain it.
