The ugliest brides and grooms. The most ugly brides from the world of stars

A wedding event is a solemn and responsible event. Preparing for it takes a lot of time. For the bride, the longest process is the choice of an original, identical outfit. In an effort to stand out from total weight married, girls often pick up too bright or pretentious clothes. Terrible Wedding Dresses often worn by famous and wealthy people. Their blunders are especially noticeable thanks to the ubiquitous representatives of the means mass media. It is worth learning from the mistakes of such outfits.

Examples of terrible wedding dresses

When choosing an outfit for a wedding ceremony, the main thing is not to overdo it. Any extra accessory or the wrong cut can destroy the overall ensemble of the dress. The veil, gloves, train should not stand out too much against the background of the overall picture. In order not to make irreparable mistakes when choosing or tailoring an outfit, ask your loved ones for advice. Even when ordering clothes from a well-known fashion designer, one should not neglect the opinion of parents or girlfriends. They can see the wedding attire from the side and sincerely suggest all the pros and cons.

In order not to get into the ranking of the most terrible tasteless wedding dresses of the year, the formal attire must be tailored to the figure of the bride. Its length is to match the nature of the event. The robe can be long or short, tight or open at the shoulders and waist. But this is not a guarantee either. Terrible wedding dress can be due to the implementation of the idea or the features of the material.

Body art wedding dress

Body art - translated as the art of the body. The bride adorns herself with various designs in pastel colors. White or gold color is used. Any bare part of the body is decorated with a beautiful, original pattern. Wedding body painting is special form art. It can both give the bride a unique charm and oversaturate the image with details. Drawings on the face or hands must be treated with particular care. They will be paid attention to. Body art serves as an addition, not the basis of creative makeup.

We must not forget that body art is not a replacement for a wedding dress, but only drawings on the body that emphasize the beauty. picking up color scheme by drawing patterns , you have to keep the big picture in mind. An overabundance of accessories always leads to bad taste. At bright beautiful outfit do not decorate yourself with colored drawings or rhinestones. It is better to use pastel colors and cover with patterns not all open parts of the body, but only some. Body art that completely replaces the bride's dress can look terrible in the eyes of unprepared people.

Toilet paper dress

To stand out in wedding ceremony, brides pick creative dresses. The most unexpected materials are used for their production. For example, there is a competition in which prizes are awarded for original dresses made using toilet paper. Since 2005, in the USA, a certificate for 500-1000 dollars has been awarded to the most beautiful and practical outfit. It is believed that this will significantly reduce the cost of the wedding ceremony. Indeed, according to the rules of the competition, only toilet paper, threads, glue, adhesive tape are used to make a dress.

It is clear that such outfits are made only for competitions. They won't be able to "survive" the lengthy ceremony. And explaining the creativity of the idea to the guests will not be easy at all. As a wedding joke, they make an endless train using several rolls of toilet paper, or hold other similar contests. The image of the bride should be not only original, but beautiful, and the use of such unexpected materials will not show the bride in the best light.

From balloons

If the young have a desire to make special unforgettable photos, then even balloons are used to make a wedding dress. It will be very difficult to create such an outfit yourself. More and more designers and fashion designers are starting to work with this material. Using air balloons, make beautiful translucent wedding dresses in all colors of the rainbow. From this solemn event becomes only brighter.

The festive ceremony itself prompts designers to create an original wedding dress with the help of small balloons. The bride should be light and airy. This outfit looks unique, but some consider it terrible. airy dress often used for photo installations, because to spend everything in it solemn event impossible. Any sharp object or careless movement will spoil the view forever.

Gothic style dress

So that the bride's outfit does not stand out against the background of the general concept of the holiday, it is necessary to combine it with the idea of ​​holding a celebration. For example, bright accent themed wedding ceremony can be a dress in gothic style, which does not have to be dark and gloomy. When making it, they take into account the features of the bride's figure, what kind of underwear she prefers, the depth of the bodice and other factors.

From plastic spoons

Wedding dresses are created not only with the help of traditional materials, but also unexpected things are used. For example, disposable cups or plastic spoons. This dress will be the most in an unforgettable way at the ceremony, the main thing is to coordinate this with loved ones. Some fashion designers decorate their creations with plastic crafts. For example, flowers from disposable tableware.

Terrible wedding images of show business stars

It is unsuccessful to choose a wedding dress as an ordinary bride, as well as a celebrity with a worldwide reputation. The fact that the stars pick up the image famous fashion designers, does not protect against bad taste. Such embarrassment happened to many actresses and singers. For example, Celine Dion was included in the list of the most terrible wedding dresses. Her outfit was ruined by a huge awkward crown and a wide, six-meter train.

For Britney Spears and Pamela Anderson, minimalism turned out to be destructive. At their weddings they wore bikinis, micro dresses. Nicole Richie changed dresses several times during the evening, but she also took not the last place in the rating of bad taste. Nicole, like Mariah Carey, journalists nicknamed "zephyrina". And the famous singer Stacey Ferguson (Fergie) made another mistake - her dress was so tight and tight that she could not sit down in it.

Photos of the most terrible bridesmaid dresses in the world

In order for the wedding dress not to fall into the “terrible” top, you should follow the rules. The outfit should perfectly "sit" on the figure of the hostess. Do not take risks and order a wedding attire without trying it on. Careful measurements are the key to a successful choice. No need to decorate the wedding dress huge amount accessories. The best decoration the image will be the hairstyle and beauty of the bride. Look at the photo below, which outfits for the wedding ceremony are considered the most terrible.

We have selected 11 of the strangest and ugliest wedding dresses from famous celebrity weddings - carefully study our selection so as not to repeat the mistakes of our heroines!

Princess Diana

When looking at the dress of Princess Diana, only the definition of “huge” comes to mind: a long veil and train, giant shoulders, voluminous sleeves, solid ruffles on the neckline. Of course, in the 80s, the hypertrophied shoulder line was extremely relevant, but in this case The authors of the dress, designers David and Elizabeth Emanuel, definitely went too far.

Lady Mary Charteris


But the British aristocrat Lady Mary Charteris decided not to be modest and demonstrate to the maximum slim figure guests. Lady Mary chose for own wedding"naked" dress, leaving only a veil and white color from the traditional bride's outfit.

Luisana Lopilato

The Rebel Spirit star's dress was ridiculed by her fans on social media - fans did not appreciate the many frills and compared the outfit to a toilet paper roll. The associations, to be honest, are rather strange, but the dress chosen by Luisana really turned out to be not the most successful. wedding dress.

Sandra Bullock in the movie The Proposal

If you want to be a modest and meek bride, give preference to closed dresses with lace inserts, but do not choose a “deaf” old-fashioned dress, like Sandra Bullock in the comedy The Proposal. In such an outfit, you can only play the Dickensian Miss Havisham, who spent her whole life in a wedding dress waiting for a runaway groom.

Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada Pinkett became the wife of Will Smith in 1997, so for the ceremony she chose a dress made of silk and then fashionable velvet. But I didn’t take into account that because of the bright flashes, ugly “scuffs” will appear on the light velvet, which, of course, did not actually exist.

Celine Dion

Celine chose a luxurious lush outfit for the wedding, but the star's headdress let us down and spoiled the overall impression of the image a lot. Something resembling a helmet studded with rhinestones would be more suitable for the role of the Snow Queen than for the bride. Even the classic veil did not save the situation.

Pamela Anderson

We could not but include in the selection the "invisible" dress of Pamela Anderson, who decided not to strain before the wedding and managed a white bikini, and exchanged her veil for a peakless cap. It didn't look very good, to be honest.

Paris Hilton in Beauty and the Ugly

In the film, Paris played the notorious beauty, however, the wedding dress of the heroine Hilton was not very attractive. Most of all, he looked like a guest from the 80s, and pink roses on the hem completed the resemblance of the dress to a wedding cake. And the cake is not low-calorie.

Tina Turner

East News / Splash News

Since marriage to Erwin Bach was not the first for Tina Turner, the famous singer decided to abandon white dress and chose oddly shaped black and green outfit. Own original dress Tina added transparent nylon leggings with sequins. The groom, fortunately, turned out to be more conservative and managed classic suit with a butterfly.

Emma Thompson

Fotodom / Rex Features

The British are very fond of original outfits (and no less

Everyone is accustomed to consider the wedding the brightest and good holiday, but there are also such peoples for whom this is a difficult test or, at least, not the happiest event in life. It's all to blame - creepy wedding traditions.

Every culture has its own traditions that need to be respected, but some of them still cause surprise or even a slight shiver.

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There are so terrible wedding ceremonies that after them, even with vulgar tasks or a toastmaster offering inappropriate contests, they do not seem so scary.

The essence of customs

Each nation has its own holidays, but the wedding is invariably present in any culture. Since this is one of the fundamental moments of life, it is entwined with many traditions,. Often, even within the same country, such customs differ depending on the area, if initially people lived in it alone.

Formerly a man knew exactly what he needed or didn't need to do and say during the wedding. Each marriage took place according to the same scenario, and the bride and groom unconditionally followed the instructions of folk wisdom. Gradually, following the traditions came to naught, and then they began to be forgotten and changed.

Young people adhere to certain traditions, because in this way they pay a kind of tribute to their ancestors. In other cases, such customs are needed to emphasize the special atmosphere at a stylized wedding.

The most terrible examples of rites and rituals

There are romantic and tender wedding customs, which for the most part. Now most couples tend to organize their wedding in a Western manner, because such a celebration looks reverent and elegant. In contrast to such traditions, some peoples or individual tribes offer their own vision perfect wedding. It is radically different from European, and not for the better.

Just a big bone

Some African countries, in particular Mauritania, Mali, Cameroon and Nigeria, have their own beauty standards. Local tribes believe that the fatter a woman is, the more beautiful she is, and the more children she can bear. skinny girl it is extremely difficult to get married, because her ideal figure by European standards causes distrust and even disgust among the natives.

From 9-12 years old, girls begin to be intensively fattened. They are sent to a special community where they must eat at least 2 kg of porridge daily and drink at least 20 liters of camel milk, which is an inexhaustible source of protein and fatty acids. When a girl reaches such a size that she can already be considered beautiful, and her name is married, then last month before the wedding, they begin to feed her even more fiercely. Combined with a sedentary lifestyle, this tradition makes you forget about good health.

Stone face

For most people, marriage is long awaited event, and on this day, many are simply unable to hide their emotions and literally glow with happiness. The Congo is different. locals They believe that during the marriage, the bride and groom should not smile, otherwise their marriage will be unhappy and short-lived. Even a slight twitch of the corner of the lips can be regarded as a violation of this tradition. Guests also try not to smile, so as not to encourage the newlyweds to do so. So the wedding goes on - quietly, mournfully, tensely.

Bream to this gentleman

In Korea, there is not that creepy, but certainly strange tradition. After official ceremony wedding, the groom's friends catch him, take off his shoes and socks, tie his feet with a rope and begin to diligently whip them with fish to prepare him for hardships family life. How a harmless fish is connected with marital life is not entirely clear, but the tradition is still observed by some people today.

face to the floor

In Mauritius, after the end of the holiday, the bride's relatives right in their solemn attire lie face down on the floor, after which the newlyweds walk along their backs without removing their shoes. It is difficult to say what people with a sick spine should do in this case, and how people generally feel on the site of the carpet, but in Mauritius such a ritual is considered a sign of family unity and complete trust.

Inhuman love

In some states of India, there are really creepy wedding traditions that are hard to get around. For example, if a girl is born with a milk tooth in the upper gum, then her first husband will die soon. In some states, men can marry any number of times, except for three - one, two and four are allowed. There are also customs younger son in the family cannot marry before the eldest.

From all these situations, enterprising Indians found one way out - a wedding with a tree. A girl or a young man “signs” with the chosen tree, and after the ceremony it is ritually destroyed. It turns out that the first husband of a girl who was born with a milk tooth has already died, a man can marry for the fourth time, bypassing the third, and the youngest son in the family plays the wedding without hindrance, since the brother was already in a relationship, albeit with a tree.

wedding planner

Now the presence of certain customs at weddings is more of a formality than strict observance old ritual.

Elena Sokolova


In India, animal marriages are also common. This is done not bypassing laws and signs, but to attract good luck. Marital duties, of course, are not fulfilled.

Savvely Malikov

afterlife love

There are terrible wedding ceremonies in China. For example, if a man or woman died unmarried, then they are buried in the same grave with the deceased of the opposite sex. It is believed that at least in the afterlife such a person will have a family, and such a ritual is called Minghun. Because of this tradition, the Chinese authorities endure a lot of problems, because someone starts buying or even kidnapping the dead for their deceased relatives.

Jump into the abyss

In fairy tales, the handsome prince has to perform tricky tasks or to show that he is worthy of her hand and heart. In Andalusia, a man has a more difficult task - to jump from a cliff, and upside down. Pleases only one thing - it is necessary to jump into the sea. The more impression the young man wants to make on his future relatives, the higher the rock climbs.

Other frightening customs

In other countries, and even European ones, there are no less strange, and sometimes terrible, wedding traditions. Among them are the following.

  1. In the Bahutu tribe of Rwanda, there is a custom according to which, after the wedding, the bride must beat her husband every night for a week, after which he goes back to his parents. Only if the young man survives such a test will the first wedding night take place.
  2. On the island of Bali, the fangs were filed to the bride and groom to protect the newlyweds from bad thoughts and animal instincts. This was done without anesthesia.
  3. In France, some newlyweds spend their first wedding night under the terrible noise created by their relatives under the windows. Of course, the neighbors suffer as well.
  4. In Scotland, a few days before the wedding, the bride is literally poured with mud. This is done to attract married life girls happiness and prosperity.
  5. The Tujia people living in China believe that a girl's life will be happy if she cries for 10 days before the wedding, then her mother joins her for another 10 days, and the rest of her relatives for another 10 days. A month in tears before the wedding promises their absence in family life.


Even the most terrible wedding traditions are designed to help the newlyweds and bring prosperity and happiness to their family. Most of these customs are no longer observed and are unlikely to be seen. For the most part, they are important only as a historical and cultural value of the people.

Christina Aguilera - well done! Perfectly embodied the saying: started for health. Perfect Silhouette takes us... straight into the whipped cream hem. It is in them that guests will sleep, instead of the traditional salad.

Celine Dion is gorgeous, good, beautiful. In this way, you can safely play either snow queen, or, what will be better, the leader of star wars

Poor, poor Gwen Steffany. Still, when she was in a hurry to the wedding, something spilled on the hem.

Daniel Spencer. Having snatched off such an amazing man as Russell Crowe, the actress realized that one neckline could not keep him. So there was another one below. Double defense against rivals doesn't suit you, Daniel!

Today we are happy to marry the groom Tommy Mottola and the bride... Cake...
There can be no other associations with Mariah Carey's wedding attire.

Let's turn our attention to Pink and a wedding dress a la "runaway dough".
The folds that deform the silhouette also look like crowded curtains ... Who else has any options?

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A wedding is one of the most significant events in a woman's life. Beginning with kindergarten, each girl, and then the girl, imagines herself an incredible beauty in the dress of her dreams. But, sometimes it happens that a dream goes against all human ideas about beauty.

The most terrible dresses and their photos

If the young lady has a specific sense of taste (or complete absence), and incredible conceit does not allow you to look at yourself critically, then in this case the winners of the nomination “the most terrible wedding dresses” are obtained, of which there are an incredible number on the Internet.

This girl chose the most unfortunate dress cut for her non-standard figure as much as possible. Too much wide skirt adds volume to the hips and makes it look like a samovar heating pad. The absence of heels and shoes visually shortens the legs even more and emphasizes full calves. And the watermelon breasts, it seems, will now simply fall out of the frank cut of the dress.

The bride, most likely, does not suspect the existence of such a detail of a women's toilet as a bra. And she needs him incredibly ....

And this is just some kind of general fashion - these newlyweds are clearly very high opinion about your chest. That is why they emphasized it as frankly as possible.

I think all the participants of the wedding ceremony received additional emotions from contemplating the charms of the bride (especially when she danced).

And, judging by the style, it was intended ....

Another synonym for the word bride is innocence. Some girls, I suspect, don't have that word in their vocabulary and have never heard it. A minimalist dress will, of course, emphasize the figure, but even at a beach wedding ceremony it looks cheap and vulgar. And here in Russia it is also fraught with a microstroke in some impressionable grandmother, who had not previously met a nudist bride.

But such a microdress should not cost a lot of money ...

The most unusual wedding dresses

In an effort to pass for originals, many eminent designers are trying to create a masterpiece, which does not always turn out to be so in the end. Before you are the most unusual dresses in the world and their photos, which only a few dare to wear.

The bride should embody lightness and airiness. Now fashionable to choose for the ceremony non-standard material so these dresses were made from balloons.

Here the expression "ethereal and imponderable" is interpreted very literally. The first bride gives the impression of a model for advertising rubber products. And the second airy beauty seemed to have stepped off the poster of a sausage factory advertising sausages in a natural casing. And how they fit at the table is already a question from the realm of fantasy.

This unusual wedding dress is designed for a girl who has a beloved fairy tale heroine was a mermaid. But she will have to suffer pretty much all day - the design is very uncomfortable. Fish tail must be worn outstretched hand all day, otherwise there is a risk of being trampled on by guests.

But even the Little Mermaid pales in front of the mistress of the deep sea - the Bride of the Octopus. By God, this is way worse than even the Bride of Frankenstein. Does anyone know what the designer wanted to say with this outfit???

Clothes that are and are not at the same time - in the style of body art. The British show "Battle of the Bride" spawned these couples, where the participants fought for full payment for the entire wedding ceremony. The central duo won, only they still had to stand in this form in London's Covent Garden all day. But the paint applied to the body blocks all the pores and this is fraught with poisoning of the body.

Wedding dress made in the form of a cocoon. This style is already under 50 years old and was created by Yves Saint Laurent in the 60s, as a symbol female share. The dress is undoubtedly extravagant, bold and warm, but at the same time ridiculous.

These two dresses are made with a huge claim to originality. The first, as I understand it, is designed to emphasize the chest and hips (especially if they are not), and the second imitates the Mila Jovovich costume from the movie The 5th Element. But keeping the groom nearby, and just walking in such an outfit through the streets is difficult - in the first case, the defenders of nature will not allow it, and in the second - the champions of morality.

The most ridiculous wedding dresses and their photos prove once again that when there is a clear bust with extravagance, the bride has the risk of looking like a crazy woman who has escaped from a psychiatric hospital. But laugh with wedding photos there will be more than one generation of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
