Dogs and Church. About the Christian attitude to the dog

There is an opinion among believers that a dog is an “unclean” animal, ungodly. Indeed, in the Old Testament, the dog is called unclean. But the prophet Moses also refers to other animals with this word. There is a version that in this way Moses tried to save his people from idolatry: after all, the ancient Egyptians worshiped various animals, seeing deities in them: cats, bulls, crocodiles, falcons and even scarab beetles ... True, Moses did not declare all animals “unclean” . For example, he called cows "clean" so that they could be eaten. But in any case, Christians have abandoned the "divine" nature of our smaller brothers.

In the time of Christ, dogs were kept at home as watchmen. Thus, the Canaanite woman says to Jesus: “Lord! But even dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the table of their masters” (Matthew 15:27). The apostle Paul warned: "Beware of dogs!" (Philipp. 3:2), referring to the bearers of false teachings. And the apostle Peter spoke of sinners: “The dog returns to his own vomit” (II Pet. 2:22). But the words of the Savior are especially instructive: “Do not give anything holy to dogs and do not cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample it under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces” (Matt. 7:6).

In the biblical sense, a dog could not occupy a high place in the world hierarchy. After all, Christ commanded “to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37), and also “to love your neighbor as yourself” (22:39). That is, first of all, we are talking about love for God and man, created “in the image of God”, and animals, although they are helpers of man, can in no way claim equality with him.

Traditionally, dogs in Islam are regarded as unclean animals, contact with which Muslims are forbidden. Unfortunately, most Muslims justify their hostile and hostile attitude towards dogs with this, despite the fact that the Koran opposes any manifestations of cruelty and all animals are described in it as "common to man."

A dog in Islam is considered a "Najis"

This biblical word translated as "serpent", that is, an unclean animal that can defile clothing, food and the person himself. After the defilement, any true believer is obliged to perform a cleansing. Exist special rules what to do in such cases. There are hadiths that say that the angels will not enter the house if there is a dog there.

It is reported that Aisha said: “Once Jibril, peace be upon him, promised the Messenger of Allah, DbeAip, that he would come to him in certain time but when that time came, he did not appear." Aisha said: "And he threw away the staff that he was holding in his hands with the words: Neither Allah nor His messengers break promises!" - and then turned around and suddenly saw under his bed puppy. He asked: "When did he come in?". I said: "By Allah, I did not know about him!". And at his command, this puppy was taken out, after which Jibril appeared to him, peace be upon him. The Messenger of Allah, DbeAip, said: "You promised me, and I was waiting for you, but you did not come to me!" in which there is a dog or an image. "(Muslim). According to legend, the dog bit the prophet, for which she was cursed. However, the Quran does not mention this.

Greyhounds in Muslim countries

At the same time, there are famous Arabian breeds of dogs, for example, Salukis (servants) - and other greyhounds. In the emirates, they are incredibly successful, they are carried with them on saddles and released only when approaching game.

IN Eastern countries there is a beautiful
Greyhounds are the subject of tender care and caresses for Muslim women. In the winter, they sew warm blankets for them. For the summer - light raincoats to protect them from the importunity of flies and other insects. All this is done with taste, elegance and even some luxury. A special bed is made for the greyhound, they feed it with nutritious, but not heavy food, the main basis of which is meat.

The Arabs also give their greyhounds dates in the form of dough and camel's milk, which, according to the Bedouins, tend to strengthen the lungs and make the dogs jump more light.

The value of the greyhound is even mentioned in the Koran. In the Middle Ages, each owner valued his greyhound so much that a brand was burned on the front leg of the dog - the sign of the owner, so that the dog could be found.

There is also an Arabic saying: "Good falcon, fast dog and a noble horse is more precious than twenty wives."

Among the Tatars living in Dobruja, a greyhound's bed is arranged on the top of the roof, next to the stork's nest, which is revered as a bird that brings prosperity to the house. The dog climbs to his compartment on a ladder specially adapted for this. Over her bed sometimes even an umbrella made of reeds is made to protect her from the sun. In this cozy room, she rests calmly, here her fleas and various insects do not disturb her, which usually prevent the dog from sleeping, which causes her strength to weaken and her energy to drop.

Dogs are considered unclean only in Shiism. This is not the case in Sunni Islam, at least that's what Mohammed said.

According to Islam, dogs cannot be bought and sold, but it is allowed to give them to someone. Sharia allows keeping a dog only for guarding (outside the house), in order to graze livestock and protect. You can also euthanize the dog if there is no way to resolve the issue in a legal way.

The Hadith of the Prophet forbids keeping a dog for entertainment purposes. It was narrated from Ibn Umar: “I heard that the Messenger of Allah said:“ The reward for the service of Allah of the one who keeps a dog, except for hunting or for grazing cattle, is reduced every day by two large shares. Muslim).

Maybe, negative attitude to dogs is one way to annoy Zoroastrians, adherents of a religion that was common in the East before the advent of Islam. In the Avesta - a collection of sacred texts of the Zoroastrians - a lot is said about the dog kind words and gives instructions on how to handle them, as well as describes harsh punishments for inappropriate treatment of dogs.

In the original Islam there is no trace of hostility towards the dog as an unclean animal (now this opinion is widely spread among Muslims). Muslims associate 10 animals with the sky and, accordingly, their owners: a ram (Ibrahim), a donkey (Balam), a lapwing (Bilkis), a whale (Iunus), a horse alBurak (Muhammad), an ox (Musa), a dove (Nukh), a camel (Salih ), dog Kitmir (People of the cave - Askhab al-Kahf), ant (Sulaiman). Ashab al-Kahf (‘those in the cave’), in Muslim mythology, young people who hid in a cave with a dog to keep their faith in a single god during persecution. The episodes dedicated to Askhab al-Kafk are set out in the Koran, in the sura "The Cave".

According to the Koran, young people turned to Allah with a request to have mercy on them and direct them to Right way. Allah heard the request and put them to sleep for 309 years, which seemed to them like "a day or part of a day." Above their cave (in the tract of al-Rakim), facing the entrance to the north, people later built a sanctuary (18:9-25). The Qur'an does not name the exact number of "those in the cave" and states that this number, as well as the duration of sleep, "Allah knows best". The Qur'anic story is a variant of the Christian story about the "seven sleeping youths of Ephesus", widespread in the Middle East before the establishment of Islam. The names of the sleeping people and the name of their dog, called by legend, acquired a magical function - Kitmir; in some Muslim countries, the name Kitmir was inscribed on messages in order to protect the latter from being lost. In Iran, such an attitude towards the dog, apparently, was encouraged in connection with the extraordinary respect that the Zoroastrians showed to this animal.

Probably, a bad attitude towards a dog (like removing a kusti belt or spitting into a fire) was outward sign appeals to new faith. The many torments inflicted on this animal by Muslims over the centuries are a sad example of the cruelty that religious rivalry leads to. There are very few dogs in the Muslim world, mostly they lead a vagrant lifestyle - pariah dogs, descendants of degenerate ancient breeds.

It is allowed to use dogs for hunting and as a guard.

The origin of the words "breed", "dog", "male", "dog life", "bitch".


This word came to Europe from the Arabs in the 17th century. The word "breed" was used by the Arabs to refer to the breeds of horses they bred. Strictly speaking, when we talk about a breed, we mean groups of animals of the same species, different signs and whose appearance is inherited.

Swear words like “dog”, “dog life”, “bitch”, etc.

Similar "expressions" supposedly also appeared in the East, from where they were later brought to Europe. Such a contemptuous attitude was primarily towards dogs that ate carrion and garbage. It should be noted that in spite of this, there was a condescending attitude towards pariah dogs in gratitude for the cleaning of the streets they carried out. For example, bowls or troughs were walled up near many Turkish houses, which were filled daily with water for drinking by street dogs. There was also a custom of arranging shelters for sick dogs and for whelping females.


In the Middle Ages, the attitude of the Mohammedans of Asia and African countries to dogs was different: some breeds were expelled, while at the same time they worshiped other breeds. Street and yard animals are still not acceptable in the house of a Muslim, and the most recent curse against a European is “dog”.

However, in modern Muslim cities, the practice of keeping dogs at home is increasingly developing. Despite the fact that for Muslims dogs are considered "unclean" animals, in last years in Iran, especially among pro-Western wealthy citizens, the number of dog breeders is growing. Many try to explain the incorrect interpretation of the sacred texts, in which, in their opinion, there are no indications of the “uncleanness” of dogs.

Vet, surgeon dr Ayob Banderker, BVMCh, says that as the holy month of Ramadan (and other holidays) approaches, many Muslims bring their pet dogs into the veterinary clinics to give them euthanasia, that is, in other words, to put their own pets to sleep. They justify their actions with the following statement: "The month of Ramadan is coming soon, and my religion forbids me to keep dogs."

On the other hand, there are very frequent cases of bringing a sick animal to death by complete inattention to it and ignoring any veterinary care. When he asks owners why they took so long to see a veterinarian, Muslims usually attribute their apathy to the religious prohibition against touching a dog. There was a case in the doctor's clinic when the legs of a sick dog were wrapped in plastic bags and thus, without touching the animal directly, they brought it to the hospital.

There are many cases abuse and / or indifferent attitude towards dogs on the part of Muslims, who in these cases hide behind only their faith. The number of euthanized dogs in holiday time is constantly increasing. Veterinarians are increasingly confronted with Muslims bringing in healthy, happy animals for euthanasia. A real tragedy is a frank and undisguised belief by Muslims that they commit this horror in the name of their faith. “A dog, like all creatures living on Earth, was created by Allah. All Muslims must protect our beautiful planet. Dogs, like all other living creatures that we claim to possess, truly belong only to Allah. All animals are, according to Islam, Muslims, subject to the will of Allah, only man and jinn have freedom of choice. So even animals are Muslims,” says Dr. Ayob Banderker. The Qur'an (S4:36) says that a person should do good, "... to everyone who is in his hands."

It's so customary that we, without having time to really learn anything about faith, too quickly become connoisseurs of many church-related things, which, frankly, if they have any significance, are by no means the main thing. So, for example, the first grandmother you meet in the temple will easily convince you that you can’t keep dogs at home, but you can keep cats. And what dare some mongrel poke his nose into the temple, the house of God immediately needs to be re-consecrated. Because the dog, they say, is an “unclean” animal. Such knowledge church rules not only make you sincerely surprised, but are often unfounded. Let's try to figure this out.

Why was division necessary?

Traditionally, of course, you need to start with the Old Testament. And here we will see that the division of animals into clean and unclean was made by the prophet Moses. As you know, after the Flood, people were now allowed to eat animal food. However, by law, given by God through Moses, a number of animals began to be weeded out, not suitable according to a number of criteria. Why?

This can be explained by the desire to protect their people from the influence of a pagan cult. As you know, the law was given by Moses during the flight of the Israelite people from the Egyptians, who had it for a long time in slavery. Unfortunately, many traditions of the enslavers continued to have an impact on the culture and worldview of the people of Moses. For example, among the Egyptians, it was customary to deify some animals, honor them as a deity, and make sacrifices.

To avoid such an attitude towards the animal world, a division was made for the Israelites into clean and unclean animals. Moreover, impurity meant unsuitability for human consumption. On the other hand, the purity of other animals (known as far back as the time of Noah) implied the possibility of offering them as a sacrifice to God.

Thus, some animals could not now be endowed with divine qualities because of their impurity. Others, on the contrary, because of purity, since how can one be a deity who is himself fit for sacrifice? The reason, therefore, lies not in the animals themselves, since they are the creation of God, but in such an erroneous attitude towards them. Here is what Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople, said about this:

Much by nature is very good, but for those who use it becomes a great evil, not because of their own nature, but because of the depravity of those who use it ... God's world-creation has made all creatures very good, and the nature of everything is the best. The unreasonable and lawless human use, having defiled much of what was created, forced something to be considered and called unclean, and something, although it escaped the name of unclean, gave occasion to the God-seer to provide another way to stop their defilement, in order to remove them from thoughts in one way or another. Israelites polytheism and achieve impeccability.

What animals were considered unclean?

On what basis was the division carried out? What criteria "elevated" some animals, and "humiliated" others? The Leviticus says that any cattle that has cloven hooves and a deep slit in the hooves, and that chews the cud, is suitable for human food, of all reptiles, winged, walking on four legs, only eat those that have legs higher than the legs to ride them on the ground.

From fish - which have feathers and scales in the water. Of the birds, only "bad" ones are listed. All four-legged animals, "which walk on their paws," turned out to be unclean animals. As you can see, not only dogs, but also cats fall into this category.

What is the reason for such an interesting division of God's creation? In addition to the argument already given regarding the Egyptian cult, there is also an allegorical understanding of these criteria. According to him, for example, cloven hooves "should remind of the good and evil consequences that can result from any action" and so on. All those who crawl on the ground and feed on carrion, obviously, cannot be clean either.

Interestingly, the last Scientific research confirm the wisdom of the Old Testament division of beings into suitable and unsuitable for food. Most of those who are called unclean animals in the Bible are carriers of many diseases and infections.

“What God has cleansed…”

With the advent of the Savior into the world, the situation changed, which we find confirmed in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. To the objection of the Apostle Peter to eat “bad” food, the Lord answers him: what God has cleansed, you do not consider unclean (Acts 10: 15). This means that the division of animals has been abolished.

However, they may object to us, and in the New Testament the word "dog" is repeatedly used with a negative meaning. The Savior says: do not give holy things to dogs; in a conversation with a Canaanite woman, pagans are also compared to dogs. The same Apostle Peter, warning Christians against returning to pagan ideas, uses a harsh expression, comparing this with how "the dog returns to his vomit."

In most of these examples, the word "dog" is used in comparison with pagans. But it rather points to the hierarchy, the official position of the creature in relation to the Creator, than elevates the dog to the category of unclean animals.

At the same time, in Christianity there is the holy martyr Christopher, who, according to the Byzantine tradition, was depicted on icons with the head of a dog. According to one version, he good looks but to avoid female attention asked God to disfigure himself. However, in our modern tradition it is not customary to depict him with a dog's head, obviously, so that there are no associations with the Egyptian Anubis. Similar images The saint was even officially banned by the Synod in 1722 as such, which contradict the nature and plan of God about man.

Why don't dogs go to church?

And finally, we come to the most burning topic for dog breeders: so, why shouldn’t a dog be allowed into the temple? And who installed it? You need to start with the fact that no animals are allowed to enter the temple at all. This is stated in Rule 88 of the Sixth Ecumenical Council :

No one introduces any animal into the sacred temple ... But if someone is seen, according to the above, without the need to introduce an animal into the temple: then let the clergy be deposed, and the layman be excommunicated.

An extreme case can only be a danger to human life. In addition, the Russian Orthodox Church has a decree that specifically prohibits the admission of dogs into the temple. It's motivated different reasons: noisy behavior, uncleanliness, the possibility of defiling the throne. There is nothing personal here.

Why are cats sometimes allowed in the temple? Than they better than dogs? Firstly, this is done only in very rare cases, for example, when the temple is infested with mice. Mice are a threat to the temple, to the altar, and in this case a cat is indispensable in a rural temple, for example.

Secondly, dogs are initially considered yard animals, and cats are domestic. In a word, the issue of grooming, cleanliness of the beast is of paramount importance here. Yes, cats are quieter. However, in the charter of the Church there is no special order, no prayers for the re-consecration of the temple in case some dog accidentally entered there.

Can you keep a dog at home?

If we have decided on the presence of a dog in the temple, then what can we say about keeping the animal in an apartment or house? The Church does not know any prohibitions on having a dog in your home. And to consecrate an apartment / house, if a dog lives there, besides you, is also possible.

All versions that evil spirits and so on work more easily through a dog are all superstitions and “women's fables”. You should not pay attention to them, they do not find any confirmation either in the Holy Scriptures or in the two thousand-year history of the Church.

Comparing with other religions

It must be said that in different religions God's creatures, dogs in particular, are and have been treated differently. For example, in ancient Zoroastrianism she was revered immediately in second place after a man. Animals were even brought food, which was intended for the souls of the dead.

But in islam the dog, on the contrary, is an unclean animal, which is called "najasa", that is, "dirty", because it cleans itself with its tongue. Touching it, a Muslim must perform a full ablution. The Jews never favor these animals, although they may keep them at home as guards.

At Buddhists , who firmly believe in the transmigration of souls, the dog is honored above the cats in the rank of rebirth. However, this applies only to purebred individuals. And finally Catholics, unlike us, they allow their four-legged animals to enter the temple (it is not clear, however, why). They even have their own saint - Francis of Assisi.

Priest Nikolai Karov tells why animals are not allowed into the temple:

Take it, tell your friends!

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Russian Orthodox church celebrates one of the 12 main holidays - the Presentation of the Lord.
For the Great Holiday, we bring to your attention a current article on the topic:
Russian attitude Orthodox Church to the dogs.
Many of us believe that the attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church towards
animals in general and dogs in particular, especially those kept in the house,
extremely negative. However, this is not quite true. It would be more accurate to say:
absolutely not in line with reality.

materials Elena Tipikina PR-manager of LLC "CPC "ATAMAN"

It would be nice to start with a traditional introduction - “the editorial office received
call…” But the call didn’t come through. Neither to the editorial office, nor to my apartment. But
was reproached. What is called, "in a warm, friendly atmosphere." Easier
speaking, one of my acquaintances, who has dogs and cats, seriously “ran over”
on me in the midst of a feast.

This friend of mine (name
keep silent) knows about the nature of my work *, and assumes that it is I who, as
adherent of the Russian Orthodox Church, is the most suitable object for
avenging the grievances inflicted on her by "cult servants". The hurt inflicted
She can't be considered a joke. One of the priests serving in St. Petersburg
temple (we will also keep silent about his name), refused to consecrate her apartment under that
pretext that it is defiled by living in it "unclean animals", then
there are dogs. And moreover, he did not limit himself to refusal, but, frightening and frightening
heavenly punishments, urged her to expel "this muck" from

Sincerely sympathizing with my friend, random victim
religious extremism, I still have to admit: there is a problem.
Historical, ethnographic and partly social. rare
a provincial church old woman will not turn pale when she sees a dog
physiognomy in the temple doors. Like a rare muslim child Not
will throw a stone at a mongrel who accidentally ran into an Arab courtyard.
An Orthodox Jew in a Jerusalem neighborhood is the easiest to get out of
calling himself a dog.

Why do religious orthodoxes* of different faiths spit after the dog? What did she do wrong before God and mankind?

For me, this question is very urgent - I am a believer. Having
own opinion on this issue, supported by knowledge of church
rules and regulations, I, "without hesitation" *, have a dog in the city
apartment. And what about the "unbelieving", falling into confusion from ignorance
Russian church traditions and rules?
For clarification, I turned to two priests of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) - Father Vladislav Redin And Father Gennady Korshun. With the first held intercity phone conversation, to the second I came with a voice recorder.

Father Vladislav
- a priest with an academic education, a seminary teacher in
one of the Russian cities. We are familiar with Father Vladislav by my family
work. He himself has not only a dog, but also a riding horse, on which
his daughter competes. Dog - "children's" Labrador,
attends exhibitions, a family favorite.

Father Gennady
does not keep dogs in the house (has a cat) and adheres to rather strict
their content rules. But it was he, Father Gennady, who consecrated our apartment
And Vacation home, not embarrassed by the presence of two Giant Schnauzers.

In the text, I will refer, as it were, alternately to one or the other.
Father, I asked them practically the same questions.
- Father Vladislav, explain why the church calls the dog
"unclean" animals? A lot of people have literal associations with
« evil spirit»…

O.V.: The tradition is ancient, has
Old Testament origin. Three world religions - Christianity,
Judaism and Islam - have origins going back to common historical
roots - the Old Testament. For us Christians, the Old Testament is
an integral part of the Bible preceding the New Testament - the main
Christian law and textbook. However, a significant part
traditions and rules migrated to Christians from the Old Testament.

Several thousand years ago, the Lord commanded people through the greatest
prophet Moses to divide domestic animals into "clean" and "unclean". On
used for food and intended as a sacrificial burnt offering. And on
those who were forbidden to eat or give as a sacrifice to God, to bring
to the altar. So associations with "evil spirits" today are very

Clean animals in the Old Testament rules -
lambs (lambs), calves (calves), doves - should have been brought to
the victim to be male and free of physical defects
deformities. Should have been "immaculate". Modern Judaism is firmly
professes the Old Testament rules set forth in a special book - the Talmud.

By the way, wonderfully tasty and widely used fish in Russia
catfish and sturgeon are also "unclean" animals. The Talmud forbids those who confess
Judaism is to eat fish without scales. So a "pure" beast or
"unclean" - today it is rather an area of ​​gastronomic passions.

Now about the history...

For the Old Testament Jews, the dog was indeed an animal,
symbolizing unbelief, lawlessness. Historical enslavers
the Jewish people - the Babylonians, who repeatedly burned Palestine to the ground,
professed the Zoroastrian pagan religion, in which the dog as
the deified animal was given special place of honor. So
the dog for the Jews was a hated pagan symbol.

called a pagan not only the ancient Jews. "Smelling dog", "dog
unbaptized "- traditional Russian curses addressed to
Polovtsian, and to the Mongol hordes, and to the Teutonic knights. very many
Old Testament laws exist in Christianity as moral
rules: ten commandments, for example. Or a pious tradition to cover
woman's head binding rule at the entrance to the church - approx. ed.).

But the Orthodox Church at the legislative level does not divide
animals into "clean" and "unclean"! There is no cathedral
ordinance banning Christians from owning a dog.

must also be said about domestic dog in the 21st century, especially
urban, grown and selected by man, has nothing
in common with the ancient hordes of feral and ferocious dogs that besieged
cities. Dogs huddled in packs, hungry, sick with scab and rabies,
terrified people. There was a form of execution - "throw on
torment to dogs." Drive the guilty out of the city gates at night -
meant dooming him, if not to be devoured, then to the torment of horror, for sure. Not
saying that rabies was cured less than a hundred years ago.
Can a demon possess a dog?

O.V.: banishing on
rock of Gadara * hordes of demons from the possessed, the Lord Jesus Christ
sent them to a herd of pigs. And the pigs, enraged, rushed off the cliff into
sea. And drowned in it. Animals are undoubtedly animated beings. And by
apparently, can, like people, be subject to mental
diseases. There are as many examples of a bad, indomitable temper as you like - and
they say: the dog rushed like crazy, the horse went berserk and carried ... People must
cultivate the character of domestic animals by selection, education. IN
Christian literature, traditions, there are any number of examples
the taming of fierce animals by the holy ascetics: the prophet Daniel,
thrown into the den to be devoured by hungry lions, was not eaten by them. Against,
the lions meekly lay down beside him. Saint Seraphim of Sarov
fed bread to a wild bear that came to him in the desert * for
handouts; Elder Gerasim in the desert carried water in wineskins on a wild lion,
voluntarily serving the elder.

Undoubtedly kind, meek
a man will bring up a good animal with his heart. Vicious, unrestrained -
raise an animal with the same disposition. See how many owners
they boast that their dog is a thunderstorm of the neighborhood, nibbles on other dogs, crushes
cats, bites people. This is the real cultivated rabies. Not in
sense viral disease but in the sense of obsession.

created the dog to serve man. The man is the owner of the dog,
legal entity, not only answerable before the law for the actions of its
animal, but also before God - for indulging your passions - pride,
anger, vanity.

O.G.: That "evil spirit"
moves into a dog - most likely a fiction. But here's what I noticed:
Dogs often look like their owners.

To the extent
that sometimes a dog has a “face”, and sometimes vice versa - a person has a face
becomes an evil muzzle. The dog serves man and copies in some way
his. A "mad" dog is a product of the upbringing of a "mad" owner.

- Can I, the owner of a dog, pray to God for granting her health or
about finding a lost dog? Or is it blasphemous and

O.G.: There are texts in our breviaries*
prayers for suffering animals. Praying for them is a legitimate business. happen
trouble - the animal got sick, lost - turn to God. But contact with
contrition and repentance. Think about why the Lord exacts from you?
But it will be blasphemous if you, calling a dog by a human name,
you will order nominal prayers, etc. About the health of the dog Druzhka
note cannot be submitted. You will confuse and most likely disturb the calm
and parishioners and the priest, even if you do it out of ignorance and will not
have blasphemous thoughts. Such a prayer can be secret or purely

O.V.: All the bad things that happen to
man happens by the permission of God. If something happened to your
dog - think about why? Maybe you gave her what you owe
were to give to people? Maybe you are "obsessed" with your "dear and
the only one" and at the same time hate all of humanity? Forgotten the main thing? ABOUT
that the Lord commanded to love God and neighbor? Dogs need
to give part of the warmth of the heart, mercy, affection, but maybe you
Do you mistakenly believe that "neighbors" are only your dogs? Or a dog
cultivates in you worst qualities? Self-interest, envy, vanity ... Then
don't be surprised if your dogs are dropping like flies. And before
pray for a dog, think, what else are you asking God for? If only
about your beloved dog, it is blasphemous. But if you go out
competition or service with your dog, then of course it will be better
if instead of superstitious spitting over your left shoulder and wishing “no fluff
not a pen, ask God's blessing.

Dog breeders often
are superstitious people: they tie colored strings to dogs “from
evil eye”, do not go to exhibitions on the 13th… A good deed must be started with
a short prayer - "God bless." Often people into demonism, the evil eye and
others believe, but forget that without God's permission nothing happens.
It turns out that we believe in the devil, but not in God.

- Is it true that the temple is re-consecrated if a dog ran into it?

Not true. This is prejudice. The charter says that the temple will be defiled,
if a wife* or an animal gives birth at the altar. By the way, women of childbearing
age is forbidden to enter the altar, although older nuns may
get such a right. A situation where a dog can mate in the altar...
it's hard for me to imagine. In this case, the temple is consecrated anew. I'm not talking about this
heard. It often happens that the church is sprinkled with holy water,
when cows or dogs wander there. This pious tradition
exists more to calm the suspicious parishioners.

- Are there rules governing the keeping of dogs?

At your request, I turned to the primary sources: collections of rules,
typikon*, conciliar resolutions. I managed to find one - Christians
It is forbidden to eat food with the dog at the same table and from the same dishes.

- Father Vladislav, was your dog at the show?

Yes, my daughter drove and got something so important there ... some kind of title.
Happiness knew no bounds! But I immediately clicked on her nose - do not be proud, do not
be conceited.
- Is it possible to visit exhibitions during the days church posts and holidays?

The question is not unambiguous. For my daughter there is a rule: if you want
visit the exhibition on Sunday - get up early and first "give to God
divine." She goes to the early service at 6 am, and then to the exhibition.
I think that for believers this can be a good practice. What
regarding posts… I remember. how our city hosted an international
exhibition on the twelfth* feast of the Assumption Mother of God. And me it
jarred ... the whole Orthodox world mourns the death of the Virgin,
the rite of the Burial is performed, and at the same time - an exhibition, a "party".

Surely they drink champagne, they shout “cheers” ... Of course, not many people know about
this holiday, but the organizers could follow the traditions, appoint
exhibition the next day and not lead people into sin. Exhibitions -
zootechnical event, without them there can be no dog breeding as
industries. But for many owners, the exhibition is an end in itself, a fair
vanity. At exhibitions, people behave very differently: some are businesslike,
calmly; others - like hysterics, give vent to passions, sob, go crazy
descend, enter into a rage, offend the judges and each other. I think here
these, the latter, dog breeding is contraindicated.

We work in posts at our work. No one is in the "dead shutter"
leaves, living in the world. For some, exhibitions are also work. And for those
to whom this is entertainment, I would give advice: if you come, behave yourself
more modest. To the great church holidays- Christmas, Easter, visit
"pistal" is sinful.

- I, as an amateur, am ready to try
"rehabilitate" the dog in the eyes of the church, but my arguments warm the soul
only for amateurs like me. Most of the "church grandmothers" me and
do not want to listen. Not the fact that in Kyiv the frescoes depict hunting
dogs (in the hunting scene of Saint Prince Vladimir), nor the fact that
canonized royal family had pet dogs. Not what is mine
great-grandfather - a priest who was shot in 1937 - had dogs and loved them.
My grandmother still remembers how their dog Hector during the terrible famine of 1921
literally saved children from starvation when he brought a carcass into the house
ice cream goose stolen in a military convoy. Therefore, I beg you
say a word of praise to the dog, or at least a word in its defense.

O.V.: The dog is not guilty of anything before humanity. People are to blame for her bad reputation.

Dogs and other domestic animals serve man. Dogs happen
guards, military, someone is guarding the yard, someone is looking for the wounded, someone
serves on the frontier. Animals are our captives, we must take care of
them. I am conservative and I think that having a dog in an apartment is impractical and
unhygienic. The dog should live in the yard of the house, where the cattle and birds are.
But I will bless the apartment at the request of the owners, even if a dog lives there
along with people.

- Do you think a dog has a soul?

Scripture says that animals have a soul. But what
the fate of this "bestial" soul - we do not know. Scripture does not answer this
question and even directly indicates that people are not given to know this.

But in the apocrypha there are descriptions of paradise animals and birds of rare beauty.
Maybe these are the souls of our earthly animals? Those that serve us on Earth today?

- Grace retreats from the "smell of a dog"?

The Spirit of God breathes wherever it wants*… How do we, earthly, insignificant people dare
talk about whether the Lord is “afraid” of a dog? These are purely human
fabrications. Not the “smell of a dog” is disgusting to God, but the spirit of self-interest, profit,

- Father Gennady, a question for you personally. If the rescue team of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or
OMON detachment with dogs will ask you to serve a prayer service when sent to
duty station, will you serve it? Is it possible to serve a prayer service to the detachment
guides with dogs?

O.G.: Presence of animals
next to people will not serve as an obstacle. Dogs are not allowed to enter the temple, but
prayer service on the street, at the station, of course, I will serve. 'Cause we're praying for
successful outcome of a good deed, and the dog is only a tool in the hands

- What should a person do when faced with the rejection of his passion for dog breeding by the priests?

Every priest is a person. There are no angels on earth among the priesthood.
Therefore, first of all, do not be offended by the weakness or misunderstanding of the priests.
Do not imagine that "priest Ivan" is the ultimate authority of the Church. Just
go to another priest, and pity the one who does not understand, pity him
weakness. Try to find understanding in another temple. And think of yourself
their sins without judging anyone.

Much by nature is very good, but for those who use it becomes a great evil, not because of their own nature, but because of the depravity of those who use it ... The pure began to separate from the impure not from the beginning of the universe, but received this distinction due to certain circumstances. For since the Egyptians, who had the tribe of Israel in their service, gave divine honors to many animals and misused them, which were very good, Moses, so that the people of Israel would not be carried away to this wicked use and would not ascribe divine veneration to the wordless, it is fair in the legislation He called them unclean, not because impurity was inherent in them from creation, in no case, or impure was in their nature, but because the Egyptian tribe used them not purely, but very badly and impiously. And if something from the Egyptians deified Moses attributed to the rank of pure, like a bull and a goat, then by this he did nothing inconsistent with the present reasoning or with his own goals. Calling something of what they idolize an abomination, and giving up another to slaughter, and bloodshed, and murder, he similarly protected the Israelites from serving them and the harm arising from this - after all, neither the vile, nor the slaughtered and subject to slaughter could be considered a god among those who treated him that way.
in the canonical rules of the Russian Church there is a decree prohibiting the entry of dogs into the temple, since the presence of a dog in it is not appropriate due to its inherent characteristics (smell, restless behavior that violates the reverent order and silence of the temple, etc.). it has nothing to do with their religious impurity.
If you take it from the point of view of religion - both Christian and Muslim - then yes, a dog is a dirty animal, a cat is considered clean. The dog does not take care of himself, does not wash himself every day and several times, like, for example, a cat. A dog can eat anything, even excrement on the street (dog lovers will confirm this), while a cat is very picky about food. Considering that a praying person (and not only) must be clean and live in a clean house, then a dog does not fit this definition. The house where the dog lives will not be clean. Muslims believe that there are no angels in the house where the dog lives.
Islam considers dogs unclean. Muhammad said "Angels do not enter a house where dogs are kept..." (Bukhari, Muslim). there is an assumption that the dog bit the prophet and was cursed.
in Christianity, the attitude towards the dog is a little better, but still in some sources the dog is a symbol of Satan. Jesus Christ though allegorically, but actively used the negative image of a dog. "Do not give holy things to dogs..." (Matt. 7:6) "... it is not good to take bread from children and throw it to dogs" (Matt. 15:26) and the worst thing "... the dog returns to his vomit ..." (2 Peter 2:22)
According to tradition, if a dog ran into the temple, it must be re-consecrated.
