What types of soy mixtures are there? What are the benefits of soy formula for children?

When appears in the family Small child, one of the most important elements caring for it is correct and balanced diet. It's good if the mother breastfeeds the baby. But there are situations when this is not possible various reasons, and then artificial feeding comes to the rescue.

But there are also options when regular formula is contraindicated for a child for health reasons. Then the pediatrician prescribes soy formula for feeding children.

Composition of soy mixtures

The composition of soy mixtures is all identical, there are only slight variations in the main components:

  • Protein. Here it is not of animal origin. Soy protein isolate is used. This is the purest form vegetable protein. To obtain it, they take soybeans and remove their shell, removing the non-protein components. Before use, calcium and lecithin are added to the isolate. A significant disadvantage of this protein is the lack of methionine in it. To correct this, it is introduced artificially - this requires World organization Healthcare.
  • Fats. The most commonly used are corn, sunflower or coconut oil. To make them better absorbed by the baby’s body, carnitine, lecithin, and mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids are often added.
  • Carbohydrates. They mainly use maltodextrin (absorbed by the body slowly, due to which the feeling of fullness remains for a long time), glucose or hydrolyzed corn starch. There is no lactose, therefore, for lactose intolerance, this mixture is prescribed.
  • Vitamins and minerals.

As you can see, this food product meets the nutritional requirements of babies early age. It does not contain animal milk (some may contain soy milk), as well as lactose, but it is not completely safe, since vegetable protein can cause allergic reactions.

Types of soy formulas for newborns

If you study the range of different Russian and foreign manufacturers, you will notice that quite a few of them produce soy mixtures. Below are the most popular brands with a brief overview main characteristics.

Blend nameManufacturer countryMain cast
Nutrilak soyRussiaVegetable protein isolate, glucose syrup
Nutrilon soyHollandVegetable protein isolate, maltodextrin, linolenic fatty acid
Similak IzomilDenmarkVegetable protein isolate, hydrolyzed corn starch, docosahexaenoic, arachidonic, linolenic fatty acids, lutein and prebiotics
Friso SoyHollandVegetable protein isolate, glucose syrup, linolenic fatty acids
Bellakt SoyaBelarusVegetable protein isolate, maltodextrin, docosahexaenoic, arachidonic, linolenic fatty acids

Indications for the use of soy mixtures

Soy mixture is, first of all, medicinal product, therefore it should be prescribed by a pediatrician. Under no circumstances should you start giving it to your child yourself. As a rule, it is recommended for use in the following cases:

  • animal protein intolerance;
  • lactose deficiency;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • gluten allergy;
  • galactosemia;
  • severe intestinal infections accompanied by diarrhea.

Which baby soy formula is best?

It is difficult to say which of the existing soy mixtures best for children. As in many other cases, this is determined by individual selection product for each specific child.

The table above showed short list the most popular vegetable protein-based food products on the Russian market – the majority modern mothers they choose them. Most often, when prescribing soy nutrition, the pediatrician already recommends certain brands. Then the parents decide what to buy. And then they observe the child’s reaction.

As a rule, you have to try 2-3 different companies to understand what, with the optimal price-quality ratio, is right for you and your child. Don’t forget the main rule when choosing food: expensive is not always the best.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all products, soy mixture has its advantages and disadvantages. The positive aspects include the following qualities of the product:

  1. It is completely free of animal protein, so it is ideal if a child has allergies.
  2. It does not contain lactose, so it is well suited for children with lactose deficiency - congenital and/or acquired.
  3. It has low osmolarity, which means it significantly reduces the load on the child’s kidneys, which is an undeniable advantage.
  4. Suitable for feeding babies suffering from viral diarrhea and intestinal infections.
  5. It contains the necessary vitamins and is not inferior in quality to classic milk formulas.
  6. This a budget option feeding, compared to formulas based on amino acids or protein hydrolysis.

But there are some drawbacks:

  • Plant protein does not contain all the amino acids necessary for a growing body that are found in animal protein, which cannot have a positive effect on development.
  • An allergic reaction to soy protein is also possible, and it occurs quite often.
  • The formula is not age-adapted (for example, a regular formula has a classification corresponding to the child’s age, and it changes as the baby grows), so the amount of nutrients is very average.

  • Contains carbohydrates that can cause fermentation in the intestines, bloating and so-called infant colic.
  • Vegetable protein, iron, magnesium, fluorine, calcium, zinc and copper from this food product are absorbed much more difficult and slower, so their amount exceeds the required norm.
  • It contains a high content of manganese and iron, which can lead to abnormal behavior of the child, including increased activity.
  • Not all soy mixtures contain probiotics with nucleotides, which are necessary for a growing body.

This once again emphasizes that transfer to soy mixture should be carried out only by the decision of the attending physician, provided that breast-feeding or feeding with a classic formula is impossible. Self-administration of such products to a child is strictly prohibited.

How to properly introduce soy mixture

If you need to introduce it into your child’s diet, then you need to follow some simple rules:

  1. Make sure that your baby's immediate family does not have a soy allergy.
  2. Introduce the product slowly, gradually, increasing the dose every day. At least 5 days must pass before full feeding is replaced.
  3. During insertion, exclude all dairy products from the child’s diet, including cheese, butter, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, etc.
  4. Ideally, you should start giving your child this mixture after the age of one year or at least not earlier than 5 months.
  5. Monitor your baby's reaction to New Product: there should be no problems with the intestines, stool, rashes, irritation and skin rashes, frequent and profuse regurgitation and others unpleasant symptoms.

When introducing soy mixture into your baby's diet, know that there will be no immediate effect from its use. You can notice the first results no earlier than after 21 days, and the course of treatment is 3-6 months.

And remember that the main thing is to listen to your doctor and watch your child’s reaction to the product.

Natural feeding - the best option for a newborn. However, mother's milk is not always enough. In such cases, an adapted milk formula (for example, “Nan”) comes to the rescue. When deciding to introduce complementary foods, parents should not forget about food allergies, which children are often susceptible to.

Allergic manifestations during the introduction of complementary foods are obvious changes in the color and consistency of stool, rashes on the face and body, redness and peeling of the skin, difficulty breathing, rhinitis and even the appearance of snoring.

Sometimes this problem is hereditary. If close relatives suffer from this disease, then there is a chance that it may also appear in the baby. But most cases of allergies are still associated with dietary disorders. In this case, correcting the menu will help stop the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms.

When choosing a suitable hypoallergenic mixture, first of all you should remember that the child must receive all the necessary ingredients from food. useful material. Therefore, it is important to accurately determine which substances the baby’s body does not tolerate well.

A repeated mistake when selecting ready-made feed can lead to more acute manifestations of allergies or the transition of the disease to the chronic phase. To prevent this, at the first signs of the disease, you must urgently contact a pediatrician, who will prescribe treatment and recommend the most suitable option feeding.

Newborns have something special careful attitude requires digestive system, which in the first months of life cannot be called fully formed. She is not yet ready for serious tests, so the mother should choose the most gentle food for her baby.

Baby food contains essential vitamins and microelements that can support children's immunity.

The main thing is to carefully consider the choice of a jar of ready-made dry food. It is better not to take risks and give preference to hypoallergenic mixtures. They are also called hypoantigenic.

These are products characterized by a minimal content of allergens. For the first time, such feeding began to be used in the second half of the 20th century. Such nutrition is based on protein that has undergone pre-processing - hydrolysis, during which valuable amino acids and peptides are released.

The composition of the mixtures is different, and this is worth understanding.

Key parameters

  1. Age. Today, the choice of infant formula is so large that when purchasing a product for the first time, you should look at what age it is intended for. This information must be indicated on the packaging. It is important to choose food suitable for baby according to the age scale, because as the child grows, the need for nutrients transforms. Accordingly, the contents of the mixtures for different terms will be different.
  2. Compound. Next, let's look at the composition. It should not contain products that can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.
  3. Price. If the choice is between a cheap and an expensive jar with similar filling, then you should not overpay, believing that the expensive product will be of higher quality. There are many cases where the child’s body did not accept expensive formulas, but reacted positively to cheap ones. That's why high price not an indicator of better quality.
  4. Date of manufacture– is also an important selection parameter. It must be indicated on the box. If the expiration date baby food is coming to an end, it is not worth buying it, because several weeks may pass from opening the package to the moment when the mixture is completely used up. During this time, the product will become expired. You should also not buy baby formula for future use. On the contrary, it is better to buy the smallest packaging. There is always a possibility that the diet will have to be changed if suddenly the newborn has a reaction to the products you have chosen in the form of excessive regurgitation, too frequent bowel movements or constipation, skin rashes, gas or colic.

If, after introducing a new diet, the little one feels good and no negative changes occur, you can safely stop the search.

Allergies are an almost unpredictable phenomenon. For example, it can occur on milk protein. Then dairy-free soy formulas are suitable for feeding. They have a sweetish, pleasant taste. At the same time, the choice is great:

  • if a baby has a predisposition to intolerance to cow's milk, then preventative dairy-free options are intended for him;
  • with moderate manifestations of allergies - therapeutic and prophylactic;
  • in serious cases - therapeutic.

The last two types of formulas are not fed to the baby constantly, but only until the allergy symptoms disappear.


With soy

For newborns with intolerance to cow's milk, soy-based formulas have been created. The best, according to parent reviews, in this group are:

  • "Similac Izomil" - Denmark;
  • “Nan soya” – Switzerland;
  • “Friso-soy” (FrieslandCampina) and “Nutrilon Soy” (Nutricia) – Holland;
  • “Humana SL” (Humana) – Germany;
  • Enfamil Soy (Mead Johnson Nutritionals) – USA;
  • "Bellakt Soya" - Belarus;
  • “Detolakt Soya” is a Ukrainian brand.

Some people cannot tolerate milk, while others cannot tolerate soy. About a third of newborns are allergic to soy proteins. That is why it is better to consult a professional in advance regarding any type of baby food. If you intend to feed your baby soy formula, your doctor will definitely ask if your close relatives are allergic to legumes.

But even if the soy mixture is suitable for the baby, it can be given no earlier than 5 months. This new food should be introduced gradually, alternating with the usual mother's milk, increasing the amount over the course of a week. At the same time, babies should not be on the menu. fermented milk products, as well as cheese or butter.

Of course, there are cases of allergies to soy protein - then other options should be considered.

With protein hydrolysates

For children who cannot tolerate soy foods, products with protein hydrolysates may be suitable. This is a new generation of mixtures with hypoallergenic properties. They are chosen if the child’s work is impaired gastrointestinal tract, for example, there are problems with the absorption of nutrients in the intestines.

  • “Nutramigen” and “Pregestimil” (Mead Johnson Nutritionals) – USA;
  • “Friso PEP AC” (FrieslandCampina) and “Nutrilon Pepti Allergy” (Nutricia) – Holland;
  • "Alfare" (Nestle) - Switzerland,
  • "Humana" (H.A.1, H.A.2 and H.A.3);
  • “Similac Hypoallergenic” and “Similac Alimentum”;
  • “HiPP Combiotic” (HA1 and HA2, HiPP) – Austria;
  • “Nutrilak PEPTIDE MCT” and “Topic 1 or 2 H.A.” (Unimilk) – Russia.

If the baby has a congenital tendency to allergies, mixtures made using protein hydrolysates can be given while still in the maternity hospital.

But keep in mind that introducing them into a newborn’s diet is not easy: mothers write in reviews on parenting forums that mixtures of this type have a specific bitter taste, to which children gradually get used to.

With goat milk

Fats and proteins goat milk are absorbed by babies better than cow's milk. Moreover, it is useful for absolutely all little ones, regardless of whether they suffer from allergies or not.

Now this type baby food is confidently taking a leading position. The most popular products in the series are produced by: “Cabrita” and “Nanny”.

Brands in Focus

“Nan hypoallergenic” contains whey protein, split into amino acids. This eliminates the possibility of allergies. In addition, the product does not cause discomfort in the baby's tummy, such as constipation and colic. The veracity of this fact is confirmed by numerous reviews from moms and dads.

“Nan-2” with the addition of bifidobacteria is intended for children from 6 months of age. Moreover, the formula can also be given to newborns: food from a jar marked “1” is given to babies in the maternity hospital, when mother’s milk is still small. Obvious plus: causing allergies There are no components in Nan.

"Nutrilon" is a tasty mixture, as close in composition as possible to mother's milk. It is intended for healthy children, and does not contain substances that cause negative reaction tiny organism. In addition, Nutrilon brand nutrition maintains the balance of intestinal microflora.

Vegetable fats are included in baby food in order to make it as close as possible to mother's milk. , and soybean oils are beneficial in many ways for the baby, are perfectly absorbed by the small body and contribute to the development of mental activity and vision. Nutrilon contains such oils.

Some mothers prefer to buy formulas without palm oil, which today has a lot of pros and cons, and which can still act as an allergen.

"Similak Hypoallergenic" - food for children whose relatives are allergic. This series of mixtures is created on the basis of hydrolyzate milk protein. This option is suitable for babies from birth to one year.

Manufacturers claim that a child will not develop symptoms if fed with Similak brand products. The composition meets all the requirements necessary for the growth and development of the baby. Does not contain Palm oil, instead of it, the mixture contains a vegetable that is familiar to Russian people.

Subtleties of feeding

The use of a hypoallergenic mixture has its own characteristics. Before giving it to your baby, you need to understand a few points. In particular, it is not recommended to suddenly switch to a new product. This needs to be done gradually.

The results of switching to hypoallergenic infant formula will not be noticeable immediately, but only after 2-3 weeks. During this period, the baby’s skin will noticeably clear up if he previously had allergies.

You should use soy food especially carefully: doctors recommend introducing it into a regular diet from six months of age, and ideally only after a year.

Before giving a hypoantigenic infant formula to a newborn, you should consult a pediatrician. Only a specialist can take into account a number of additional factors, which parents may not even be aware of.

Infant soy formula differs from regular infant formula in that it is made from highly purified plant soy protein, while most breast milk substitutes are based on animal milk protein, mainly cow's milk.

Soy-based formulas also do not contain the so-called milk sugar found in cow's and breast milk - lactose. Therefore, next important difference soy formula for children is their carbohydrate component, which consists of a glucose derivative (dextrine maltose) and glucose syrup.

These are the main differences between this group of infant formulas, since the remaining components are fats, a complex of vitamins and minerals, the same as in other mixtures and fully meet the needs of the growing body of a child of the first year of life. This means that soy-based formula can be successfully used for feeding infants, especially those with special dietary needs.

When is it appropriate to use the mixture on soybeans?

Feeding a child with soy-based formulas may be recommended for use in the following cases:

  1. For lactase deficiency.

    Lactase deficiency is a malfunction of the gastrointestinal enzyme lactase, which breaks down the milk sugar lactose from milk. This may be a congenital or acquired condition, for example, due to an intestinal infection accompanied by diarrhea. In such cases, feeding the child with soy formula allows you to avoid additional stress and facilitate the digestion process, prevent or reduce increased gas formation, baby's anxiety.

  2. With galactosemia.

    Galactosemia is a rare, hereditary disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, when the functioning of the enzymes responsible for further digestion of the carbohydrate lactose is disrupted. One of basic methods The treatment of galactosemia is properly organized diet therapy, when any types of milk and dairy products, as well as foods and dishes containing them, are excluded from the child’s diet. Using baby soy formula will bypass the block of non-functioning enzymes and provide the growing body with all the necessary nutrients.

  3. If you are allergic to cow's milk protein

    Food allergies, in the first year of life in children, most often develop to cow's milk protein. If a child has skin manifestations of food allergies (rash, redness, etc.), and the baby is at least 6 months old, a soy protein formula can also be recommended for feeding. Especially in cases where it is difficult for a child in the second half of life to administer formulas based on deeply digested cow's milk protein (hydrolysate), due to their specific, bitter taste.

    Soy mixtures will also be effective for allergies to milk protein in combination with lactase deficiency.

What does Nutrilak offer?

Infant soy formula is produced on the basis of highly purified, non-genetically modified soy protein isolate with increased biological value due to the additional introduction of the amino acids L-methionine and taurine. Besides full set vitamins and minerals in Nutrilak Premium Soy includes more high content calcium, iron, zinc and phosphorus, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, being structural components of the brain, are indispensable for the development of intelligence and maintaining visual acuity.

It so happened that my daughter developed an intolerance to cow protein, and when they began to transfer her to IV, they suffered for a very long time until they found the right one. proper nutrition, first the doctor suggested that we try Frisopep AP, not only was it bitter and nasty in taste and the child ate it with great difficulty, but it also gave her an additional rash and her daughter was spitting up a lot, the doctor then suggested hydrolysis mixtures (I don’t know why doctors do this to everyone these hydrolysates are persistently offered), when I mentioned the option with soy, the doctor said that this was not an option because... most likely soy protein will also cause allergies, etc. I gave up on everything and bought soy formula for my daughter, and Humana was the best choice for us. I will describe its advantages:

Firstly, the packaging is completely German with German markings. Accordingly, it is made in Germany.

Secondly, the mixture dissolves well, does not foam, has a pleasant taste, and the child ate it with pleasure.

Thirdly, the formula is nutritious, the child ate well, besides, we had problems with complementary feeding, she ate purees very poorly, and we had to feed a lot of formula, the daughter was quite full, grew and gained weight perfectly.

Fourthly, within a week from the moment of switching to the formula, my daughter’s digestion completely improved, her stomach stopped hurting, her bowel movements began like clockwork, we didn’t have any problems with the stomach during the entire time we were using the formula, although before that we suffered terribly with milk and I there is something to compare with.

In general, we ate the mixture and everything was fine, until one fine day I found out that Humana had another scandal with our Rospotrebnadzor and they suspended the import of Humana’s products into the territory of the Customs Union. I was shocked because... We ate the mixture for several months, I never once doubted the quality of the product, and my daughter’s belly spoke for itself, and here it is. As a result, we again faced a choice new mixture, my daughter took the transition very poorly, she ate little of the mixtures at all, the only thing that more or less suited us was Nutrilon soy, but it can’t be compared with Humana, half a bottle of Nutrilon is foam that doesn’t go anywhere, and the price speaks for itself, I charged Humana 385 rubles for a 500g pack, and Nutrilon soy 500 rubles for 400g. So we draw conclusions.

I am still very disappointed and longing for our beloved soy Humana.

I am adding to the review, 2017

So, more than 3 years have passed, and I really want to add to my review, since my youngest daughter has been growing up on this mixture for a year now, who, although I really hoped for the opposite, also turned out to be intolerant to cow protein like my eldest daughter.

A few words, we got this intolerance from our dad, in our case we are talking specifically about intolerance to cow protein, this is milk, butter and other milk products, beef. Eldest daughter It's almost five, and she's eating great and tolerating it, for example. goat products, but still doesn’t like the cow, even fermented milk products, for example, a drunk Tema can ruin her stomach for the whole day. Although most doctors told me that after 3 years everything will be fine and I will be able to eat sour milk. Unfortunately, no way. A little butter, for example, added to purees, the very next day the child will have red spots. My husband is soon 40, and even if he eats soup with beef broth at lunch at work, he feels bad by the evening.

Therefore, when everything was confirmed for the youngest, I immediately switched her to Humana. Fortunately, for now (pah-pah) it is on sale. I can still speak about the mixture in superlatives, no allergies, very pleasant taste, no aftertaste, not very sweet, no rancidity and other things that other soy mixtures suffer from, the intestines work like clockwork, there has never been any constipation! The composition of the mixture is very balanced and perfectly selected, there is a lot of calcium, which is especially important, because my daughter could not eat cottage cheese and kefir when she started complementary feeding. The teeth come one after another, the orthopedist also has no questions, the bones are strong.

I remember the times of Nutrilon with my eldest and now it’s heaven and earth. I am very glad that this mixture has been returned to our market and is available for free sale.

Mother's milk is the ideal nutrition for a baby from the first days of life. In its absence or insufficiency, infant formula based on cow's milk is used for feeding, which in its composition and nutritional properties is the most physiological replacement breast milk. In maternal and cow's milk contains milk proteins and lactose necessary for full development and growth.

However, even such healthy foods may cause rejection by the child's body various reasons. In such cases, the main one is, first of all, soybeans. Infant formula uses highly purified soy protein isolate with the addition of amino acids necessary for the growing body.

Reasons for switching your baby to soy formula may be:

1. Allergy to milk protein. Allergic reaction is the body’s response to the ingestion of an irritant allergen, the role of which in this situation is played by milk protein. According to WHO statistics, it affects 5 to 8% of newborns worldwide. The only way treatment - complete refusal to consume products containing milk protein

2. Lactose intolerance (or lactase intolerance). Lactose (milk sugar) is a disaccharide of β-D-galactose and β-D-glucose found in milk. For its proper digestion (the body must have a sufficient content of lactase - an enzyme that breaks down lactose into glucose, which is the main source of energy for all living organisms on the planet, and galactase, which is involved in many biochemical processes, including the formation of the central nervous system and retina. If the lactase enzyme is absent or insufficient, the baby develops lactose intolerance. Lactase deficiency can be either congenital (primary) or acquired (secondary). The risk of primary lactase deficiency is highest in premature and full-term, but developmentally delayed babies, since the activity of the lactase enzyme in the fetus begins to increase from approximately the 34th week of pregnancy and reaches its maximum level by the 37-40th week. The development of secondary lactase deficiency is facilitated by intestinal diseases caused by infection or allergic inflammation.

3. Galactosemia– severe congenital hereditary disease, associated with a mutation in the gene responsible for the synthesis of the enzyme galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase. Causes metabolic disorders by preventing the conversion of galactose contained in lactose into glucose. Accumulating in the blood and tissues, galactose and its derivative have a toxic effect on the central nervous system, liver, vision and other important organs. In the first days and weeks of life, the baby develops jaundice, enlarged liver, convulsions, nystagmus and muscle hypotension. In the future, in the absence of timely treatment, mental retardation and physical development, is developing mental retardation and cataracts. One of the key measures of therapeutic therapy for galactosemia is the exclusion of dairy products from the baby’s diet and replacing them with dairy-free ones, including those based on soy protein.

4. Intestinal infections of various etiologies (viral, bacterial diarrhea). Frequent stool leads to dehydration of the body, disorders water-salt balance and metabolism. Against this background, the introduction of low-lactose and soy mixtures into the diet helps restore intestinal microflora and normalize stool. Formulas based on soy protein have a pronounced strengthening effect and are recommended for use if a child is prone to diarrhea. The isoflavones (phytoestrogens) contained in the composition are actively involved in many metabolic processes and have some antiviral effect.

5. Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (colic, bloating, reflux, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, etc.) Gastrointestinal dysfunction is a fairly common phenomenon in newborns, associated with immaturity internal organs and their gradual adaptation to the surrounding world. The baby’s body does not yet produce a sufficient amount of enzymes, and a weak muscular system cannot always provide sufficient peristalsis of the stomach and intestines. In these cases, special products help to cope with digestive problems. medicinal mixtures. Depending on the symptoms and the reasons that caused them, the infant’s diet includes milk formulas with a reduced content of milk protein (which speeds up the digestion of food), mixtures containing prebiotics and probiotics, as well as dairy-free formulas (if digestive problems are associated with poor tolerance to milk protein and lactose).

6. Celiac disease is a rare genetically determined dysfunction small intestine, associated with a deficiency of enzymes that break down the gluten peptide, and as a result, causing digestive disorders because the villi of the small intestine are damaged by gluten, which is found in grain products and, accordingly, cow's milk. Occurs in 1 in 30,000 newborns. When diagnosing this disease, gluten-free formulas are used for feeding, which include, among others, Humana SL.

Why soy is used to produce dairy-free infant formula

Soy is one of the main sources vegetable proteins, used in baby food as an alternative replacement for milk proteins contained in breast, cow's and goat's milk.

Soy formula uses highly purified soy protein isolate with the addition of amino acids necessary for the full development and growth of the newborn.

The main advantages of soy protein based mixtures:

  • high nutritional value, in terms of its indicators close to cow’s milk protein;
  • less saturated fat, no cholesterol
  • the ability to use in formulas for feeding children with lactase deficiency and allergies to cow (goat) and breast milk proteins;
  • the presence of phytoestrogens (isoflavones) - helps restore stool in children with viral diarrhea and has a slight antiviral effect;
  • reduced osmolarity - reduces the load on the kidneys.

The disadvantages of soy mixtures include:

  • the absence of the necessary complex of amino acids is solved by the additional inclusion of the missing components in the mixture in the amount necessary for the full development of the baby (tryptophan, taurine, methionine, etc.);
  • increased manganese content – ​​with long-term feeding may have an impact on the development of hyperactivity in a child. Therefore, the duration of use of soy formulas should be determined under the supervision of a pediatrician;
  • soy protein is less easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, so manufacturers include on average 1.5 times more protein in soy formulas than in milk formulas;
  • Soy contains phytates - substances that slow down the absorption of iron, magnesium, copper, calcium, phosphorus and zinc, so soy-based infant formulas contain approximately 20% more of these minerals and trace elements than conventional formulas.

Common “myths” about soy-based infant formula: answers from experts

If among pediatricians the pros, cons and indications for the use of soy formulas are clearly defined on the basis of scientific analysis of data and medical practice, then for some parents the lack of objective information becomes the reason for the emergence of numerous myths, misconceptions and fears. Let's look at the most common of them:

  • Are GMOs included in the soy formula? Who controls it? As you know, the United States is one of the main producers and consumers of soybeans in the world. Indeed, the share of genetically modified soybeans grown in this country reaches 90%. However, it is not used to produce Humana baby food. To produce Humana SL soy mixture, only highly purified, valuable soy protein isolate is used, obtained from organic soybeans grown without the use of GMOs and pesticides. All Humana products are manufactured at the company's own plant in Germany and are certified to the ISO 9001:2000 quality standard. This fully complies with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the Safety of Food Products” TR CU 021/2011, which prohibit the use of genetically modified raw materials in the production of baby food imported into the territory of the countries of the Customs Union.
  • How does soy affect hormonal background baby, especially boys? Similar questions arise due to the content of isoflavones in soy - plant hormones (phytoestrogens). Since they are a plant analogue of the female sex hormones estrogens, concerns most often arise about their negative impact on boys' bodies. They are accused of causing erectile dysfunction, a decrease in sperm count, lag in mental development and other negative phenomena associated with excess female hormones during the period of active growth and formation of the body. Actually numerous Scientific research have proven that the main part of soy phytoestrogens is destroyed by enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract, so their content in the blood of infants is lower artificial feeding soy mixtures are minimal and are mainly in inactive form (and only 3% of those entering the blood from the gastrointestinal tract are in active form). In such quantities, phytoestrogens do not have any systemic effect on the body and do not have a cumulative (cumulative) effect. Numerous comparisons of physical, sexual and neuropsychic development infants fed soy formula and standard formula did not show any differences.
  • Is it true that soy mixtures contain a large number of aluminum, therefore negatively affect the development of the child - cause digestive disorders and lead to bone mineralization? In fact, only highly purified soy protein isolate is used in infant formulas. To remove impurities from it, including aluminum salts, they are used special technologies deep cleaning

. Therefore, the content of aluminum salts in soy protein isolate is reduced to zero.

Features of humana SL soy-based infant formula In Humana SL infant formula, in addition to organic soy protein High Quality , contains all the nutrients, vitamins and microelements necessary from the first days of life, including: vegetable fats, potassium, calcium, iodine, magnesium, sodium, taurine, copper sulfate, L-tryptophan, L-carnitine, L-cystine, lecithin, oxide zinc, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12) vitamins A, D3, E, K1, C, folic acid

and other elements.

The mixture does not contain lactose, sucrose, fructose and gluten. It is suitable both for feeding infants and as a supplementary food for older children. However, you should be aware that soy-based formulas are specialized baby food, used purely for medical indications
