3 blood group Rh positive characteristic male

As we already described in the previous article, the most ancient blood group in humans is the first, when the first people mainly hunted. Blood type 3 began to form hundreds of years later, when important stage in the development of all humanity - the Great Migration of Peoples. Nomads often migrated from one territory to another, domesticating animals along the way. Domesticated animals are a new source of food for people. In addition to meat, livestock provided humans with healthy and nutritious milk.

According to statistics, more than 20% of people on Earth have blood type 3. In this article we will tell you which foods are healthy and promote weight loss for people with the third negative group, how to properly organize a daily diet that is most suitable for losing excess weight. In addition, you will find here recipes and menu options for “nomads” (Group III (B) negative).

The third blood group is considered very “strong”. "Nomads" are more adapted to environmental conditions, their the immune system effectively counters many dangerous diseases. They are very stable nervous system, excellent adaptation to different ways of eating, new diets.

But if the diet is dominated by “harmful” foods and the diet is constantly unbalanced, then the immune system will be less able to protect the body from rare viral infections, autoimmune diseases may begin to develop.

Despite the fact that people with 3 negative group blood animals are quite omnivorous and almost any diet has a beneficial effect on them, you should create a menu with a predominance of weight loss products. The diet should be balanced - meat, fish and seafood, eggs, dairy products, cereals, herbs, vegetables, fruits. But there are certain foods that it is not advisable to eat frequently, as this can lead to weight gain (wheat, buckwheat, corn, beans, red meat). More detailed information You will find information about healthy and harmful foods for your blood type below (table and list of foods).


Your diet will be most effective if the following foods predominate in your diet:

Active metabolism and improved metabolism will be promoted by foods such as green vegetables, chicken eggs, lamb, liver, liver. Licorice root improves blood glucose concentration. Low-fat dairy products activate the immune system.

The diet should also contain so-called “neutral” foods that do not affect weight gain. Beef and veal meat, fish (catfish, smelt, tuna, carp), squid, cream, soy milk, green peas.

Now let's look at some products that can add overweight people with blood group 3. The consumption of such products should be reduced so as not to gain excess weight:

Buckwheat grain. Helps reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood, inhibits the metabolic process, slows down the digestion process;

Peanut. May cause hypoglycemia, impair liver function, inhibit metabolism;

Sesame. Worsens metabolism, provokes hypoglycemia, is poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract;

Lentils. Impairs the absorption of beneficial nutrients, inhibits the metabolic process, reduces blood glucose levels;

Corn. Interferes with normal insulin production, causes hypoglycemia, promotes the deposition of visceral fat, and worsens the digestion process.


Organizing a diet for people with a third negative blood group is very simple. It is enough to create a menu with a predominance of healthy products, which you can find in the table and list below. The menu can be “diluted” with neutral products, but it is better to practically exclude “harmful” ones from the daily diet and eat them very rarely - from time to time. Try to constantly adhere to this eating pattern and it will not be difficult for you to maintain a normal weight throughout your life.

Table with names of useful, harmful and neutral products:

Sample menu. Effective diet for weight loss:


With these recipes, you can easily prepare healthy and tasty meals at home that will help you lose weight. Below are recipes for preparing eggplant salads, vegetable salads, various hot dishes, fish, and dessert dishes.

This step by step recipe with photos will help you quickly make a very tasty and healthy salad of broccoli, chicken and mushrooms:


Separation of men and women by blood type was first produced by the Englishman K. Landsteiner. The scientist was able to identify two components in the blood of people, which represent special antigens - groups A and B. Among them there is a third positive group, in which there are no antigens at all. All the rest belong to the carriers of the fourth - it has both components.

Personality characteristics

Under the influence of the environment, blood type and Rh factor - in in this case– positive ones are formed certain qualities personality, unique character. Each group has its own characteristics, and the third positive one too.

Optimistic orientation

It manifests itself in openness to contact with other people, readiness to communicate with them. There is a constant craving for adventure, innovation, and change. Monotony quickly gets boring. By nature, they are nomads with a need to move in space from place to place and make new acquaintances.

Intolerance of injustice

This quality is directly associated with determination representatives of the third blood group. Its bearers will never allow their interests to suffer due to unfair treatment of them. If a conflict arises in the workplace, and the bosses do not want to compromise, they readily quit so as not to tolerate unreasonable claims. Such people make decisions with lightning speed, without doubting their fidelity in the future.

Creative skills

There is an attraction to everything mysterious, new and unknown. Easy to come up with creative ways solutions to the most mundane issues and offer interesting ideas.

How do they behave in relationships?

When interacting with representatives of the opposite sex, they show themselves as extraordinary, attractive and interesting personalities, capable of surprising and attracting with their charisma.

Men and their behavior

They know how to look after women very gallantly and beautifully, and easily master the art of seduction. Sometimes they it's hard to be faithful because of the craving for new things and his love of love. If a man finds everything positive traits and support in the person of one chosen one, while feeling courageous and worthy, then he is quite capable of choosing her only one.

What is characteristic of female representatives?

They always look unusual, stand out among the crowd of people - elegance, self-confidence and femininity immediately catch the eye. Without much difficulty they make their chosen ones fall in love with them. Often suffer from reproaches for adultery, although at the same time they do not always give reason for suspicion and in fact remain devoted to their lover.

Health status

Basically, representatives of the third positive group are in good health - they have excellent health, but this does not mean that there is no need to support healthy condition body and take care of it.

What diseases are you predisposed to?

The carriers of the group also have their own weak spots, it’s worth knowing about them in order to have an idea of ​​what to pay attention to first. This concerns the possibility of developing diabetes mellitus, loss of strength, problems with work endocrine system and multiple sclerosis. Sometimes they lose the ability to concentrate attention on the desired object. In order not to be at risk, you need to acquire useful and healthy habits and eat right.

What kind of sport is better to do?

To maintain health, it is imperative to exercise. Belonging to the third group influences the choice sports direction. A unique character presupposes an occupation single sports. When carriers of the third positive begin to be drawn into the team, this in most cases harms them and those around them.

When choosing a direction, the main emphasis is on the development of plasticity and flexibility. It could be yoga gymnastics, swimming. Tennis, race walking or jogging, and cycling are also suitable.

Compatibility with other media

The second discovery of the scientist Landsteiner is the fact that about 85% of people belong to the group with a positive Rh factor, and the rest - with a negative one. Therefore, the compatibility factor plays big role during blood transfusion.

Why is the issue of compatibility relevant?

Many people at one stage of their lives may face the need to replenish their blood reserve. This happens when:

  • serious injuries;
  • complex surgical intervention;
  • disruption of the hematopoietic process;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • deviations of an infectious nature;
  • open form of peptic ulcer.

In such cases, there is a need for blood obtained from donors. Here, first of all, the question of compatibility arises. If it is low, the blood plasma will subsequently contain sediment, which contributes to the death of red blood cells. In the very severe case this can lead to death.

How does the third positive group fit in with the other groups?

Other representatives of the groups differ in their compatibility with the third positive:

  • She is fully compatible with carriers of her group and the fourth group, the Rh factor is must be positive. This combination is good for donors.
  • Suitable for the first and third groups with negative or positive Rhesus. This is more relevant for the recipient - the person accepting blood from the donor.
  • By its nature, third positive blood is sufficiently adapted to interact with other types. She is quite rare compared to the first and second groups, which leads to a shortage of donors.

Healthy Eating Basics

For representatives of the third positive it is necessary special diet to keep the body healthy. If you combine it with sports, your health will be excellent.

The products on the approved list are quite diverse. It is permissible to eat many types of meat and fish dishes. It is better to combine them with fresh side dishes vegetable crops or a variety of cereals - this is especially suitable for those leading a sports lifestyle. Those who want to maintain a slim figure can recommend products made from low-fat or whole milk.

As for meat, give priority to rabbit meat. You will get a sufficient amount of protein by eating eggs, and it will help you replenish your supply of vitamins various kinds greenery. The healthiest drinks to drink are juices made from grapes, pineapple, cabbage or cranberries. They also promote weight loss. For hot drinks, you can drink coffee and black tea, but no more than once a day.

What should you avoid?

It is advisable not to eat fatty pork and chicken. Some seafood will be banned - shrimp, crayfish, squid, oysters. Their consumption may have harmful effects on health. If you follow the rules healthy eating, the immune system will receive enough nutrients, the body will function fully.

How is the pregnancy of the third positive?

The process of bearing a child usually occurs without complications. IN in rare cases Failures occur due to poor compatibility of the blood of mother and baby or a young couple. Then in the first case you have to give a special injection at 28 weeks of pregnancy, and in the second you have to undergo long-term treatment or turn to surrogate mothers. In other cases, problems do not arise, especially if you properly monitor the diet and lifestyle of the expectant mother.

If the parents' blood type does not match, then the child will either inherit the third or not. When the Rh factor does not match, this can lead to some problems. Then the pregnant woman should be monitored medical personnel so as not to worsen the situation.

Before planning a pregnancy be sure to find out your and your other half’s blood type and Rh factor in order to protect yourself from possible troubles during childbirth.

In general, carriers of the third blood group with Rh positive quickly adapt to any changes in environment or nutrition, they know how to navigate in any situation and get used to everything new well.

Worldwide, there are only about 20% of people who have 3 positive blood group. As it says medical statistics, the third group with a positive Rh factor is one of the rarest, therefore it has great value for transfusion, in medicine it is designated B (III). According to historical information, 3 blood group was previously called nomadic, since such plasma was first discovered in nomads. Probably for this reason, such blood is more adaptable compared to other types. Not everyone knows that blood type affects a person’s health and character, his preferences, and nutrition. Therefore, people who have this group, should know all its features and what suits them and what does not.

Holders of the third positive blood group delight everyone with their easy-going and open character. Find it quickly mutual language with other people, make new acquaintances and do not lose confidence and optimism even in very difficult situations. Possess expressed feeling justice and stand up not only for their relatives, but also for strangers.

It had a great influence on people with such blood historical origin from nomads who are always in search of something new and make unexpected decisions, easily adapt to different conditions around them, such people have no constancy.

People over 3 positive group creative professions are suitable for blood, which is explained by their restless nature.

Men are characterized by such qualities as wit, charm, and assertiveness. The peculiarity of women is inconstancy, they are flighty and charming, they always have many fans. Most carriers of the third blood group have no health problems, but few suffer from dysfunction of the endocrine glands. Common pathologies are diabetes mellitus and multiple sclerosis. In many cases, people with this type of blood experience poor concentration and constant fatigue.

Features during pregnancy

The pregnancy period in the 3rd positive group usually proceeds without any complications, and there are also no pathologies. In rare cases, incompatibility between the mother and the unborn child or newly-made spouses may occur. If the first problem occurs, it can be solved at 28 weeks of pregnancy. If there is incompatibility in a young couple, then various solutions can be applied, from which you can choose the one that is most suitable.

First of all, these could be:

  • expensive treatment;
  • surrogacy;
  • other ways to solve this problem.

It is important to note the aspect that when different types blood of the parents, the third group will be the strongest. Therefore, the newborn baby will wear a different group from dad or mom, which will not be the third. During pregnancy, certain complications may begin if they do not coincide, for example, in one Rh negative, and the other parent will be positive. In this case, the woman carrying the child will be under strict medical supervision to ensure that complications do not arise (miscarriage or stillbirth).

Before planning a pregnancy, you must take a compatibility test for future parents. It is the results of the blood test of future parents that will help avoid the occurrence of sad situations during pregnancy, which will also preserve the health and life of the mother and the unborn child.

Health by blood type

The majority of the world's population, who have the third positive group, do not have any health problems in their lives. A minority of residents may encounter problems in the endocrine system. These people may get sick diabetes mellitus or multiple sclerosis.

The discovery of K. Landsteiner suggests that positive Rh factor 85% are carriers of group 3. The remaining 15% are Rh negative. Therefore, when blood is transfused from one person to another, prerequisite The Rh compatibility of the donor and recipient is considered.

It is compatibility that all doctors pay attention to when they need 3 positive blood. If the compatibility is low, then a precipitate may appear, leading to the destruction of blood cells - red blood cells. One of worst cases low compatibility may result in the death of the patient.

It is important to note that the third Rh-positive group is compatible both with its own group and with other groups. Compatibility with other groups can be characterized as follows:

  • the positive third group can be combined with groups 1 and 3 with negative and positive rhesus;
  • compatibility with groups 3 and 4 (Rh positive in both cases);
  • the third c can be combined with groups 1 and 3 (Rh negative in both cases).

How to eat healthy

A person with this type of blood is not suitable for any special diet. Certain difficulties with choosing food and establishing proper diet will not arise. This blood type makes it possible to easily digest both foods of plant and animal origin. This aspect will allow you to follow either one diet or a completely different one.

You should know that there are also foods prohibited for consumption (wheat, peanuts, buckwheat). It is better for a person with positive group 3 to include in their diet: low-fat kefir or yogurt, beef liver, carrots, red fish, bananas and grapes, green tea. There is also an extensive list of foods that should not be consumed. These include: alcohol, coffee and black tea, tomatoes and tomato juice, ketchups and mayonnaise, pork, chicken and wheat bread, ice cream and other sweets. Knowing your blood type, it is important to properly monitor your health, eat and plan your pregnancy.
