What is a corn and how does it appear. Why do corns appear on the legs and how to get rid of them? How water corn is formed

Callus is a local damage to the skin due to a strong external influence, mainly of a pressing or rubbing nature. Strong, relatively short exposure leads to the formation wet corn , long, but moderate - forms a dry callus.

How is a wet corn formed?

The mechanism of corn formation can be divided into stages.

The damaging factor, which is tightly attached to the skin, but is able to move relative to it without breaking the contact, makes the same type of displacement. Simultaneously with it, small movements of the surface layers of the skin occur in relation to the deeper layers. Over time, such micro-movements damage intercellular contacts - micro-ruptures appear in the thickness of the skin. Because of them, inflammation develops and fluid begins to accumulate between the cells - exudate, consisting of lymph and blood plasma. The amount of effusion increases, the outer layers of the epithelium begin to rise more and more above the surface, but due to elasticity they do not lose their integrity. This is how a bubble is formed. Further, as the exudate accumulates, the “lid” of the bladder begins to suffer from a lack of capillary nutrition, which, combined with increasing pressure, leads to its destruction - the bladder bursts. This usually happens in one or two areas. The epithelium of the "lid" gradually dies and disappears. Normally, the death and exfoliation of the exfoliated epithelium occurs in parallel with the healing of the wound surface inside the bladder.

If wet corn small and, moreover, located in areas with tight skin, the bubble may not burst. In this case, the exudate resolves, and the epithelium fuses again with the underlying tissues. This happens when the size of the bubble is not more than 3-5 mm in diameter.


Wet corns are inherent characteristics, which are always bound to external strong impact on the skin. This distinguishes it from a serious disease - pemphigus.

Clinically, on the skin in a previously damaged area external influence, there is a bubble filled with liquid, painful when touched. It has clear boundaries and a zone of inflammatory redness along the periphery. The fluid is often clear, but may be whitish (with impurities of pus), with blood (in case of damage to blood vessels) or has a purulent character (in case of infection). In the latter case, the corolla of hyperemia around the bubble can reach up to 1 cm in width.

The duration of existence depends on the size and location. So, calluses on the back of the heel, on the hand at the base of the fingers, on the little toe of the foot exist for the shortest time compared to other locations - they are usually destroyed by shoes or in the process of everyday manipulations immediately after formation. They are the most likely to become infected.

Calluses on the balls of the feet last longer. This is due to the fact that they are formed, usually, after the cessation of the influence of the factor that caused them - at the end of the day, after the shoes are taken off - in the evening or at night. Waking up and feeling acute pain, such a person, as a rule, observes a sparing or even bed rest, which prolongs the existence of the bubble.


As is clear from the definition, wet corn, like dry corn, is the result of a pressing or rubbing nature of the effect on the skin. Such impact occurs when wearing a new or uncomfortable shoes, prolonged loads on the legs, in people engaged in physical work or performing unnatural exercises or actions for the first time. It can often be observed in athletes and soldiers with improperly selected equipment.

The most common cause water callus - unnatural shoes for feet

It should be noted that wet callus is a kind of acute reaction. With a long repetition of the actions that first caused the appearance of corns, they cease to be a traumatic factor due to roughening of the skin in places of greatest pressure.

Water callus treatment

Treatment should be started after the underlying cause has been eliminated. First you need to choose the right shoes. When this condition is met, proceed to the next steps. There are two main questions that need to be answered in the process of treating wet corns:

  1. Do I need to pop the bubble?
  2. What funds are needed after opening or instead of it?

Do I need to open a wet corn?

There are at least two polar views on the treatment of water corns - one of them involves opening the bladder, the second - implies self-resolution of the problem, without a puncture.

Opening the corn bladder slightly reduces the healing time, which otherwise goes to the resorption of the exudate. In addition, unopened water callus often leads to the formation in its place, in the future, of dry callus, which is much more difficult to get rid of.

At the same time, an autopsy during the active phase of inflammation, when the callus is pronounced painful, will only increase this very inflammation. Accordingly, it is not recommended to pierce calluses immediately after formation, as well as extensive and deep in the skin - there is a high probability of infection and complications.

If some time has passed after the formation of the bubble and the corn is moderately painful, if it is not a deep corn and there are no signs of suppuration, it can be pierced.

For this you need:

    wash hands, corn and skin around it with soap and dry with a towel;

    treat hands and bladder with ethyl alcohol * or salicylic alcohol;

    pierce the "lid" of the bubble with a needle and release its contents **;

    re-treat with alcohol, peroxide, iodine or brilliant green the bubble itself and the area around it;

    Or make a bandage***.

*Alcohol is taken 70%. 96% has a tanning and bacteriostatic effect - some microorganisms in such an environment form spores that are resistant to external influences. 70% alcohol has a bactericidal effect, killing most microorganisms.

** The needle is taken from a packaged sterile syringe. Use sewing needles or other tools are not recommended. It is undesirable to "sterilize" the needle over an open flame. The puncture is performed with the needle position parallel to the surface on which the corn is formed, so as not to damage the tissues inside.

For reflection. Before opening the corn, you can carry out warm baths for feet with chamomile. In water, the skin will become softer and more pliable for a puncture, and chamomile in its composition will have a mild anti-inflammatory effect. The water should be slightly warmer than body temperature, but not hot.

If the corn festered, just a puncture will not be enough. Here, in without fail excision of fragments of the "lid" of the bladder and the treatment of the exposed surface with antiseptics and antibiotics is carried out. It is advisable to apply for medical care and it is necessary to do this if ulceration or other deep lesions are found under the remnants of the corn after their removal.

Important!!! If corns appear often and from the smallest impact, and even more so if healthy skin stretches and breaks after them when the fragments of the bladder are removed, this is a symptom of incipient pemphigus.

By itself, this disease has a typical picture, which is difficult to confuse with ordinary corn, but in atypical forms there may be individual vesicles that appear from the slightest friction against the skin and strongly resemble ordinary corn. Decisive here is the frequency of appearance of bubbles, their localization and quantity.

What funds are needed after opening the water callus or instead of it?

The basis of treatment besides autopsy is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial local therapy after opening the bubble . As a rule, ointments or solutions of substances on the bandage are used.

  1. Zinc ointment.
    The main action is anti-inflammatory due to the inhibition of biologically active inflammatory agents. Also serves as an "isolation" layer after disinfection and opening of the bladder. The adsorbing properties of the ointment eliminate the remnants of fluid from the wound surface, worsening the conditions for colonization by microorganisms.
  2. Synthomycin ointment 10%.
    Chloramphenicol, which is part of the composition, has an antimicrobial effect. Use in the form of application to an open corn or under a bandage. Do not use if the surface has been previously treated with alcohol and is not completely dry.
  3. Tetracycline ointment 3%.
    Antibiotic of a broad spectrum of activity in the form of an ointment. It is used under a bandage with replacement 2-3 times a day until healing. Contraindicated in children under 11 years of age.
  4. Ichthyol ointment 20%.
    Antiseptic with pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity. Prohibited for use in children. Suitable for covering corns after and before a puncture. In the latter case, it quickly relieves pain and redness, and also creates conditions for the safe opening of the bladder. It is intended both under a bandage, and for open application if clothes are not supposed to be over it.
  5. Levomekol.
    Another ointment based on the antimicrobial substance chloramphenicol. It is applied to the wound under a gauze bandage. Allowed at any age and causes a minimum of side effects.
  6. Tablets, ointment or streptocide powder.
    The active substance is a broad-spectrum sulfanilamide antibiotic. The wound surface is treated with ointment and covered with a bandage. If there was no ointment at hand, powder and tablets will do. Tablets are finely crushed to achieve a powder friable form. The place of the wound surface of the callus is sprinkled with powder and covered with a dry bandage - a cotton swab fixed with a bandage.
  7. "Balsam Karavaev" cream.
    Mixture oil extracts more than 10 herbs and plants. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, regenerating, analgesic effect. Peculiarity - peculiar smell. It is applied under a dry bandage, which is changed 2 times a day. The indications do not have a direct indication of use for corns.
  8. Furacilin.
    The active substance of the drug is the antiseptic and disinfectant nitrofurazone. It has direct indications for the treatment of wound surfaces, including such severe ones as burns, purulent and decubitus ulcers, which demonstrates its effectiveness and safety. In particular, with corns.

Preparations are applied to the surface of the water callus if, after its puncture, the "lid" from the epithelium was removed. It is removed only when there is an infection of the corn. In other cases, the remnants of the bubble themselves serve as an insulating layer for the wound surface and it is undesirable to remove them.


Prevention involves eliminating the factors that can cause disease before the onset of the disease. Such a factor in the case of corns is uncomfortable or not yet "brought" shoes. Based on past experience and an understanding that buying new or wearing uncomfortable but favorite/fashionable shoes causes blisters, and knowing the most common places for them to appear, a person can take appropriate action:

    in places where it is possible to use silicone pads;

    in areas where there is no place for silicone pads, apply plasters, gluing them in advance;

    new shoes can be worn at home for several hours before discomfort appears, and after several repetitions, they will move in the right places;

    always keep your feet dry;

    areas that are subjected to little pressure but suffer from strong friction can be treated with petroleum jelly over the patch (a patch is glued on and a layer of petroleum jelly is applied on top of it).

One way to prevent calluses on your toes is to use soft pads.


A wet callus that has not been treated in time often turns into a dry one, for a long time. existing callus, which subsequently brings a lot of discomfort. At the same time, treated on time, but incorrectly, it can be infected. In general, this is not a pathology that can threaten life or threaten with serious consequences. It is important, however, to remember that the corn, opened ahead of time, is a wound surface, on which a wide variety of microorganisms can fall and, accordingly, cause undesirable consequences.

When purchasing new shoes, you need to be prepared for such troubles as corns. By themselves, they are not dangerous and pass quickly with proper care, regardless of its type. IN rare cases required surgical intervention or prolonged painstaking treatment. If timely care has not been provided, and the problem has not been resolved, complications may arise. What is rubbing, and what can be the consequences of a negligent attitude towards it.

Callosity on the skin


This trouble occurs when the skin is constantly subjected to friction. Depending on the reaction of the body and the density of the epidermis, either wounds or calluses appear on the site that is exposed. In most cases, the cells die, but do not have time to exfoliate. A seal appears that performs two functions: it prevents further exposure to healthy cells and relieves possible discomfort, since the keratinized areas are insensitive. The main reasons for their appearance are:

  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • excessive load on the legs;
  • excess weight (due to pressure on the soles, severe keratinization appears);
  • specific workloads;
  • diseases: psoriasis, diabetes, beriberi, etc.;
  • individual predisposition to keratinization.

Thus, ordinary seals are a protective reaction of the body that does not cause serious complications. They are easy to get rid of if necessary.

Types of rubs

Depending on the type of corn, one can judge possible risks And negative consequences. Some do not cause trouble and discomfort, and getting them out is not a problem.

Others are very painful and can lead to infection. There are the following types of corns:

How to get rid of a heel spur?

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Complications of running corns

If you run corns you can get to very unpleasant consequences and in some cases even dangerous. The most unpleasant chafing are wet, water and rod. However, if calluses are only discomfort, wet and watery ones can provoke infection.

If wounds have formed on the leg due to constant friction, it is likely that pathogenic microorganisms will penetrate through the unprotected epidermis. An abscess or even an abscess may develop. It is characterized by swelling, inflammation, and possibly localized fever. The same is possible if dropsy bursts, and adequate care is not provided. An abscess may appear on the damaged surface.

Callous formation with a rod

The callus gives the owner a mass discomfort. Over time, when the hard rod reaches the nerve endings, any pressure causes pain. If the trouble is provoked by a virus, simple removal will not be effective, because after a while more defects will appear on the skin. Then the doctor recommends taking various medications to fight the virus.

Exist dangerous consequences corns are cracks on the soles of the feet. They make walking painful. Cracks also become easy open doors for bacteria and fungi.

Testing various means combating traumatic seals on the skin

Prevention of chafing

Exist effective ways prevent the formation of corns. To do this, just follow a few simple rules.

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At first glance, the corn does not represent anything particularly dangerous. However, in addition to painful sensations and unaesthetic appearance, given skin formation may cause serious illnesses. A neglected corn is fraught with inflammation and suppuration, which can lead to infection. How to get rid of unwanted growth? Can you pierce a corn? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

Many try to pierce the corn with a pin or hairpin

About the problem

A corn is a growth of gray or yellow shade on the skin, resulting from prolonged external physical effects on tissues. Thus, the body tries to defend itself, that is, it produces an additional, more thick layer skin. Symptoms: redness, thickening of the skin area, pain when touched. A blister is a fluid-filled vesicle that oozes out when an injury occurs.

Most often, such seals occur on the arms or legs. In the first case, the cause is a certain physical labor: the work of a seamstress, a rural worker, a builder, athletes and pen workers are also at risk. Callus on the foot is the lot of lovers of beautiful, but uncomfortable shoes.

Distinguish between water and blood varieties of corn. In the first case, fluid accumulates in the layers of the epidermis. If the localization of the build-up is at blood vessels, then it is called accordingly.

As you know, any problem is easier to prevent than to fix. To prevent the appearance of corns on the body, wear comfortable shoes, for heavy physical exertion, use gloves, sprinkle talc on the “threat” places, since wet skin is more amenable to friction. Drink a course of vitamin A, which is responsible for the production of skin layers. At the first sign of a build-up, use a bactericidal patch, after lubricating this place vegetable oil. Don't neglect simple rules because it's about your health.

If the corn still appears on your body, you can’t run it. Treatment includes external and internal therapy. Most often, doctors prescribe special ointments or creams. There are also folk remedies getting rid of unpleasant disease. As for surgical intervention in advanced cases, opinions differ here. Is it possible to pierce a corn? Consider all the pros and cons.

Talc will help reduce friction and reduce sweating.

Instant Therapy

Supporters of this method give several arguments proving the benefits of piercing the growth. Among them:

  • disappearance pain and discomfort during movement;
  • fast healing;
  • sterility due to preparedness (if the corn bursts on its own at an unexpected time, there may not be a first-aid kit at hand).

Piercing is necessary if the corn is in an open area and there is a risk that it may inadvertently burst if the blister has become inflamed to huge size. Only water types of corns are subject to opening.

Attention! After piercing the wound, it must be treated with an antiseptic to avoid infection. Recommended similar procedures spend with a doctor.

Puncture Hazard

However, most experts agree that radical measure needed only in last resort. Why?

  1. High risk of bacteria entering the open wound and possible infection of the body.
  2. There is simply no point in piercing dry calluses, since there is no liquid in them, and opening a blood and purulent growth can be fraught with disastrous consequences in the form of infection of the whole organism

Opponents of the method explain that the corn is the body's natural defense, so surgery can cause a negative reaction. Whether it is necessary to pierce a blister depends on the type of damage, its degree and localization.

It makes no sense to pierce dry corns

Process description

Now you know which types of blisters are subject to opening and in what cases. It is preferable to contact a specialist for help, but if the size of the corn is small, you can try to open it at home. Strictly follow all the rules of sanitation, otherwise a small problem threatens to develop into a serious disaster.

  1. You need to have time to pierce a water blister fresh, when its “age” is no more than two days.
  2. Pre-disinfection includes wiping the sore spot with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol before popping, handling a sterile needle, washing hands, and using disposable gloves.
  3. In no case should you touch the bottom of the abscess, so the piercing is carried out parallel to the surface of the skin or from below.
  4. It is advisable to make a couple of incisions - this will ensure a good outflow of fluid from the blister.
  5. The skin should not be touched - it will be more sterile.
  6. Blot the punctured wound with cotton wool or a swab to collect all the liquid, treat with an antiseptic.
  7. Be sure to apply a layer of brilliant green or antibiotic cream for better disinfection.
  8. Seal the opened blister with a bactericidal plaster or apply a bandage. They need to be changed twice a day.
  9. After two or three days, you can remove the bandage, carefully remove the dead skin of the burst bladder with tweezers.

Band-aids prevent bacteria from entering the wound

The more attentive you are to the process, the less chance have the infection enter the body. Here are some tips you will need during and after piercing a callus.

  • as an antiseptic in this case do not use products with a high content of alcohol;
  • do not forget to moisturize the skin at the puncture site to prevent it from becoming rough;
  • if redness, inflammation or pus occurs at the site of the operation, with increased pain or elevated temperature body, contact a specialist immediately.

All tips above are just suggestions. For detailed advice, contact a specialist. Depending on the specifics of your case, he will tell you whether to pierce the corn or not. Remember that health is the basis full life. Take care of him!

Callus is a dense, painful, thickened formation on the skin with a hard central core, which occurs in places of intense friction or compression of soft tissues.

Problem Features

Has a clear outline smooth edges, yellowish flesh color. It is often referred to as an ingrown callus. By

To the International Classifier of Diseases (ICD), the formation of this type is designated by the code L84 with the name "Corns and calluses".


  1. This type of skin growths is considered the most intractable and unpleasant in terms of symptoms. The corn does not just develop in the form of a bubble on a rubbed area of ​​the skin or as a keratinized thickening, but grows deep into the subcutaneous tissue, causing significant pain.
  2. Rod formation is considered by many dermatologists as a type of (hard) corn, and also as late stage its development.
  3. Unlike the core, (wet, soft) corn looks like a transparent or bloody liquid, and they cannot be confused with each other.
  4. A callus is distinguished from a hard callus by the presence of a special internal area of ​​\u200b\u200bhigh density - a cone-shaped rod that extends deep into the dermis. Such a dense, cartilage-like knot is formed due to abnormally rapid cell division () above the zone of increased pressure.
  5. With vertical pressure on this type of callus, an intense dull pain always occurs, since the nerve fibers are compressed between the rod and the bony protrusions.
  6. Banal hard callus hurts very rarely.

The appearance of dry hardening on the skin in many cases is covered soft tissues, saving them from damage from constant friction. Such " protective coatings» at ordinary people when wearing new shoes, athletes, violinists and guitarists physically adapt the skin to rubbing shoes or specifics professional activity. But the callus causes only pain, disrupting performance, and without treatment leads to complications.

Callus - what it is and how it looks will tell the video below:

Classification and localization

Rod growths are classified according to their location. Most often they are localized on the feet in the area:

  • soles, right under the toes (very common in women who walk in heels for a long time) - as a rule, appear in pairs, on the right and left foot;
  • the fingertips themselves;
  • lower surface of the heel;
  • fingers, more often - on the side of the little finger, less often - between 2 - 4 fingers;
  • knees.

On the hands, such rod hardenings can develop:

  • between or at the base of the fingers on the palm;
  • on the elbows.


Main physical cause- frequent or prolonged compression of soft tissues under increased load, which is observed:

  1. With prolonged walking in narrow, hard shoes, shoes with heels, shoes with thin soles.
  2. After a foreign object gets under the skin (splinters, chips, grains of sand, shavings, glass fragments and any hard materials) into the skin, which injure it for a long time, provoking an acceleration of the process of tissue compaction.
  3. On the site of an old hard callus, passing into the phase of the formation of the rod.
  4. Due to the specifics of physical activity, for example:
    • physical work with a vertical load on the feet (loaders, runners),
    • constant work with hand tools, especially without gloves (carpenters, carpenters, violinists, blacksmiths, agricultural workers);
    • playing sports with prolonged friction of the hands and fingers: hanging on horizontal bars, rings or uneven bars.

Factors that provoke or accelerate the development of an abnormal growth may be:

  • obesity, overweight, flat feet;
  • viral, ;
  • skin diseases - and other dermatoses;
  • the tendency of skin cells to excessive keratinization (hyperkeratosis);
  • age - than older man, the smaller the layer of fatty tissue, which reduces pressure on the skin;
  • diabetes, ;
  • inflammatory diseases of the joints;
  • finger deformity, for example:
    • bursitis thumb on the foot (inflammation of the articular bag) with the development of a pineal seal, where the skin is subjected to increased friction;
    • curvature of the shape of the fingers, displacement of the joints - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdeformities, abnormal protrusions, bends are formed, where a zone of "stress" and increased compression appears.

Symptoms of callus

Basic signs of corns with a stem:

  1. IN initial stage slight discomfort is felt: the diseased area turns red, sometimes a little, tingles.
  2. Under development A callus looks like a round, hard, raised bump on the skin. The feature by which the rod growth is determined, distinguishing it from dry hardening or warts, is a small hole in the center.

Symptoms become pronounced:

  • severe pain occurs not only when walking, but also when feeling a sore spot;
  • if the pivot node has formed on the heel or under the toes on the foot, the gait changes, lameness appears, since the person hardly steps on the sore leg;
  • the growth can become inflamed, which manifests itself, and pain even without touching it.


Before treating a pathology, it is necessary to accurately diagnose and recognize the nature of the abnormal outgrowth, therefore it is the diagnosis that will determine the treatment program.

Usually a competent dermatologist is visually able to determine the type of defect in appearance.

Most often, it is necessary to differentiate (distinguish) a corn with a central core from one that appears on the same areas of the foot subject to maximum load. Such a wart is also hard and painful when pressed, has roots growing into the thickness of the epidermis. Since it is covered with a layer of keratinized cells, its structure is difficult to see.

However, the core callus, in contrast to the warty knot:

  • does not bleed even with strong pressure;
  • arises as a separate node (sometimes in pairs - on the soles), and not in the plural, as is characteristic of warty growths;
  • on the callus in the center there is a shallow depression, and the body of the wart is pierced with thin fibers that come out on its surface with small black nodules. When steaming and removing the top layer on the wart, dense small pinkish-corporeal papillae and black dots are clearly visible.

Complete diagnostic study includes blood tests:

  • on the level of sugar;
  • on the content of glycated hemoglobin (with the excluded diagnosis of diabetes mellitus);
  • on antibody titers to the virus and human immunodeficiency.

The structure of the callus


To completely get rid of this type of hard growth, you need to completely remove the keratinized layers and completely destroy the rod, which is quite difficult, especially if it has grown deep. If the central body is removed partially, then this necessarily leads to reappearance growth.

Indications for physical removal calluses include conditions such as:

  1. Severe pain when walking or when moving the arms.
  2. Inflammation, discoloration, swelling in the area of ​​the growth.
  3. , bleeding around the node.

Therapeutic way

Drilling with a drill

The growth, together with the rod, is drilled with a special apparatus without anesthesia, since the procedure causes only a slight tingling. Areas of keratinization are removed with cutters different diameter, which are selected taking into account the size of the corn and its depth. The bed is treated with an antiseptic, antibiotic ointments are applied. A slight soreness disappears within 2-3 days.


  • with a deeply ingrown growth, several procedures are required;
  • damage to healthy tissues is possible, since the method requires high precision manipulations. Re-infection is not ruled out.

The processing of callus is shown in this video:


To remove the rod, patches and ointments are required that contain substances with a keratolytic effect that can loosen and remove dead horny cells. The main substance used in such products is salicylic acid with the addition of other important components that accelerate the process of destruction of the build-up, relieve inflammation, and disinfect the diseased area. Apply and preparations with acetic, lactic, benzoic acid.


  1. Acid in the composition of keratolytic patches, ointments, getting on healthy skin, can cause irritation or. For this reason, they should be used only in the area of ​​​​the corn itself, trying not to affect the surrounding tissues.
  2. Anti-corn agents are forbidden to be used in areas with wounds, abrasions and.
  3. Possible in the form of itching, swelling, especially with intolerance to medicinal substances or dermatoses.


The main types are described below.


Cheap (40-50 rubles), proven and effective product with sulfur and salicylic acid, penetrating deep into the body of corns to dissolve horny cells and at the same time remove inflammatory process destroying microbes and fungi. Auxiliary substances are rosin, which has a bactericidal property, lanolin and rubber, which actively soften the keratinized layers.

Salipod is applied only on steamed and thoroughly dried skin for 2 days. To steam and soften the skin, use baths with a solution of soda (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of warm water with the addition of 2 tablespoons of grated laundry soap). After 2 days, the skin on the callus turns white, it is steamed again and gently removed with a pumice stone.

Will Salipod help with corns with a rod? To eliminate old, dense growths, 3-6 applications are required, during which the rod is gradually destroyed.

Precautionary measures:

  • do not stick on cuts, ulcers, moles;
  • not prescribed to pregnant women;
  • do not use if the patient is taking medications for diabetes and oncology.
  • Multiplast corn(from 38 rubles). In addition to salicylate and sulfur, the composition includes dimexide, which can relieve pain, inflammation, have a disinfecting effect and improve the penetration of medicinal substances into the depths.
  • Leiko. Contains tissue-based salicylate. (59–80 rubles)
  • Urgo(Urgo). The patch contains a combination of salicylate and lactic acid. A central foam disc shields healthy skin from active ingredients. Urgo should be changed once a day until the result is achieved, which usually occurs after 3 to 4 days.
  • compid for growing dry calluses. Overlays for several days. Made in the form of hydrocolloid (silicone) pads (320-410 rubles) with active enzymes. Compeed provides active hydration and softening of the keratinized area, while reducing pressure on the corn and relieving pain.
  • Luxplast(Korea) 40-85 rubles, Dr. Plast (60-75 rubles)
  • Chinese patches based on salicylate, which include natural substances: Yin tzu, Tiyanhe, Shuyangsuan (from 70 to 380 rubles).
  • Dottor Ciccarelli(Dr. Ciccarelli) for dry calluses (360-570 rubles) on a hydrocolloid basis. Effective, additionally protects the skin, does not cause allergies.

Combined funds

Contain combinations of acids - benzoic, lactic, salicylic, sulfur, natural ingredients, which enhances healing effect: celandine, oil tea tree, plantain, Castor oil, urea, beeswax. Some of them, with old growths, are used after steaming the skin, applying in the form of a compress to enhance the effect.

  • Mozolin, Antimozolin, Nemozol;
  • Bensalitin;
  • Dr. Corn, Namozol 911;
  • Green Pharmacy;
  • Corn from corns and corns;
  • Super antimozolin.

Callus solutions are aggressive pharmaceutical products. They are also applied to the outgrowth after steaming the skin, left to dry. Do not use in the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women.

  • Kollomak (fatty alcohol with salicylate and lactic acid). It is applied drip.
  • (phenol with metacresol).
  • Papillek (celandine with acetic and citric acid). Used every other day, during treatment causes painful attacks.

Other Methods

Surgical treatment is carried out with deeply ingrown growths, ineffectiveness drug therapy and contraindications for physiotherapy.

Surgical excision - Under local anesthesia, layers of excess keratinization are removed with scissors, then the body of the rod is excised with a circular incision. The wound hole is filled with gauze with antibacterial ointment. The method is considered obsolete due to soreness, bleeding, long-term healing by scarring, and a high likelihood of infection.

Disease prevention

  • immediately heal wet blisters that appear after friction, and also prevent the transition of ordinary hard callus to a rod form, using all therapeutic agents;
  • choose comfortable shoes according to size, avoid long walks in heels and in shoes with thin soles that do not alleviate pressure on the foot from below;
  • put on socks in size, making sure that they do not crumple and do not rub the skin; wear socks, stockings, stockings made of natural materials;
  • apply all means that prevent sweating of the feet;
  • wear comfortable gloves when working with the tool, treat hands with talcum powder during sports activities;
  • when washing the feet, use a pumice stone, removing excess layers of keratinization;
  • actively apply oily and moisturizing creams on areas possible appearance scuffs and hardening;
  • use conventional prophylactic patches in places of rubbing, which will prevent the appearance of seals and weeping, softening protective equipment(for example, a Compide callus pencil, which forms a thin protective film on the skin, reducing friction in problem areas).
  • Invest in quality shoes orthopedic insoles, relieving the load on the sole and shock-absorbing shocks;
  • Avoid weight gain
  • introduce carrots, cream, products with vitamin E, A.V. into the diet.


If the callus is not cured to the end, it, growing in depth, is capable of:

  • cause intense pain
  • cause deep cracks;
  • lead to a decrease and even loss of performance;
  • disrupt the normal distribution of weight on the joints, leg muscles, nerve nodes due to severe pain during movement, which further leads to the development of deformities, inflammation in muscle tissue and joints;
  • cause tissue decay when the callus itself or the tissue around it becomes infected, followed by the development of osteomyelitis,.


Callus is a condition that is cured the faster the earlier treatment is started.

  • If local remedies do not help, you can always remove the build-up by contacting a specialist in time, who will select a surgical or physiotherapeutic method, taking into account all the features - the size of the corn, the severity of the symptoms, the patient's age, and the state of pregnancy in women.
  • You should not delay the removal of the core node, because it will take only a few minutes to permanently get rid of the pathology in 1 - 2 procedures with minimal discomfort.

How such a build-up is removed with a scalpel, this video will tell:

There are two radically opposite points of view on the question of whether it is possible to pierce corns. If you look from one side, then this is the simplest and most fast method eliminate pain and discomfort, plus the corn heals faster in this case.

In the same time medicine does not recommend. The reason is that the corn that appears is a natural protection of the skin from friction, which negatively affects it. After piercing the corn, an open wound appears, which can cause infections, and it will need extremely careful care.

ethnoscience in this regard, supports the official, and also does not advise piercing the corn.

Except when the blister is in such an arrangement that it will break on its own, or when it is too large.

But caution is also needed in this case - after a puncture, a mandatory treatment of the corn site with an antiseptic is necessary.

How to pierce?

And yet, pierce the corn or not? If your answer is yes, since the other way out is this moment no, first lubricate it with iodine. He will be able to dry the affected area, and provide some relief during movements.

  1. If you are not going anywhere during the day, take a needle, soak it in alcohol or an alcohol-containing liquid, and then warm it up with a match or a lighter.
  2. Further need to pierce the corn Thus, so that the needle goes through it twice. This is necessary to remove all the liquid from the bubble, and remove its residues with clean hands. After brushing the corn with iodine.
  3. Don't wear socks. Only flip-flops or open slippers are allowed. This will help the affected skin to quickly dry out and harden.

When self-piercing corns seriously increases the likelihood of infection. Therefore, try to wait for its natural break. During this period, seal the corn with a bactericidal plaster.

At severe pain take painkillers. If the corn starts to tear on its own, try rinsing the area. soapy water, lubricate with antibacterial ointment and bandage with a bandage.

Indications and contraindications

Pierce at urgent need only large ones are possible, causing serious discomfort.

They help eliminate pain by isolating pain receptors from external action, reduce friction and pressure on the growth, protect it from dust particles and, accordingly, from infection.

The problem is that with rubbed feet It can be hard to go and buy such a plaster. Then can be used folk recipes , the components for which you will probably find in your apartment.

So, corn every two to three hours can be wiped with a solution of furacilin or ordinary hydrogen peroxide. These products are good for powerful cleansing and antiseptic action.

After applying them, it is better to seal the place of the callus with a band-aid if you are going to go somewhere.
