How is cystitis treated during pregnancy. Pregnancy management tactics

Exacerbation of inflammation of the bladder during pregnancy is not so rare. Most mothers are aware of the responsibility to the health of the unborn baby, visit the gynecologist in a timely manner and inform him of the recurrence of cystitis. But sometimes you can help yourself with home remedies to improve well-being and relieve inflammation.

Why there is an exacerbation of cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis is an inflammation that is caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi, and this happens in most cases. Pregnancy itself greatly undermines the woman's immunity and becomes a provoking factor for inflammation. Even if a lady in a position fully complies with the doctor's prescriptions, various ailments that previously bypassed her are now activated.

But it also happens when inflammation occurs against the background of mechanical or chemical irritation of the walls of the bladder. When squeezing by the growing amniotic sac of all organs in the abdominal cavity, one can speak of just the latter case. The permeability of the bladder walls increases, and the cellular structure is no longer able to withstand the onslaught of pathogens.

Treatment of cystitis of pregnant women at home in the first trimester

On early dates Pregnancy inflammatory processes are most active. The body of the future mother is being rebuilt, and hormonal imbalance contributes to the development of cystitis. Treatment of the disease is complicated by the fact that most antibacterial agents cannot be used now. Many of them have side effects in the form of possible disorders for the growing fetus, and right now the laying of the main organs and systems is taking place. So, only penicillin drugs are allowed.

Some gynecologists recommend that their patients wait out this period without taking medications, because there is a high probability that the symptoms will go away by themselves as soon as the immune system slowly begins to recover.

To reduce the symptoms of cystitis in a pregnant woman in the first trimester, the following recipes can be used traditional medicine.

Chamomile tea

Probably the tastiest one imaginable. To do this, you need to brew dried chamomile flowers like regular tea - about 1 tsp. in a glass of boiling water, wait a while, strain and drink. The active ingredients in chamomile flowers have a mild bactericidal effect, and also soothe the walls of the bladder, reducing pain when urinating.

Dill seed decoction

2 tsp crushed seeds pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. This amount must be drunk in 3 doses during the day, before meals. This recipe helps restore urinary function. It also increases a woman's urine output, which means she needs to drink more water.

Blackcurrant leaf tea

A handful of dried leaves are placed in a pre-scalded teapot, poured with boiling water and allowed to infuse for half an hour. Tea is ready. Strictly speaking, such tea has a weak anti-inflammatory effect, but it helps the pregnant woman to increase the potential of her strength, which means that the immune system will be quite capable of coping with cystitis on its own.

Treatment of cystitis of pregnant women at home in the second trimester

Usually, pregnant women approach the second trimester already with an improvement in well-being, and even the symptoms of cystitis in most of them disappear. But if the problem persists, like in the second trimester?

To begin with, it must be said that now the likelihood of such threats as a miscarriage or fetal fading is much less than a few weeks ago, and the laying of the main organs and systems has already taken place and the fetus is developing. Doctors of a pregnant woman with cystitis can safely prescribe nitrofurans or cephalosporins.

How to treat cystitis during pregnancy at home during this period? Best of all, decoctions and infusions of medicinal preparations help. By the way, in the first trimester, their use is not recommended, because a large number of herbs included in such collections is always a risk of developing allergies in early pregnancy.

Kidney tea from bearberry leaves and birch buds

3 parts of bearberry leaves are mixed with 2 parts of birch buds. 1 tbsp of this collection pour 400 ml of boiling water, put on low heat and simmer for 30 minutes. It remains only to insist on the composition. In 20 minutes, all active ingredients will be absorbed into the tea, and the drink itself will cool to the desired temperature. After straining, tea can be drunk. It is necessary to take it in 50 ml, this amount is enough for 6 doses.

Herb tea

You will need to mix 3 parts of plantain leaves, bearberry and rose hips, 2 parts of birch buds, knotweed leaves and St. John's wort and chamomile flowers. Mix the collection thoroughly. 2 tbsp herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for another couple of minutes. It remains only to insist tea for 20 minutes, then strain. On average, 300 ml of tea is obtained, which must be distributed in equal shares into 3 doses, half an hour before meals. This tea is very delicate and at the same time effectively fights inflammation in the bladder, and also promotes regenerative processes in the urinary organs. It is necessary to drink such a collection for a month.

Treatment of cystitis of pregnant women at home in the third trimester

Treat any inflammation in late pregnancy urinary organs necessary, because very soon a woman will begin generic activity and the baby will have to go through the birth canal.

If the infection is present not only in the bladder, but also on the cervix and vagina, which is not uncommon for pregnant women, then the newborn will become infected in the first minutes of her life.

Now the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy with folk remedies is allowed only if other ways to get rid of the infection are not possible. The nature of the occurrence of cystitis also matters.

If a woman’s tests do not show the presence of an infection, then her symptoms are manifested as a result of a growing fetus on the uterus and neighboring organs, and it will not be possible to completely get rid of pain.

Meanwhile, ignore unpleasant symptoms cystitis is impossible, because this will be followed by edema, including internal ones, which will be much more difficult to cope with. The following phytotherapeutic agents can be used to remove urine and improve the functioning of the bladder.

Treatments for cystitis: washing and douching

Washing the external genital organs with decoctions of medicinal herbs significantly reduces pain. Although the active ingredients are unlikely to reach the bladder, the symptoms of cystitis in a woman will decrease. As a healing decoction for washing, you can use decoctions of succession, chamomile, sage. It is very important that the temperature of the composition is comfortable, within 36 degrees.

Douching is considered a more active procedure, and it is necessary to use it for cystitis in a pregnant woman with great care. You can only douche with a pear without a nozzle, so that the active components do not go beyond the intrauterine pharynx. Ideally, you only need to reach the mouth of the urethra, and it is in close proximity to the vagina. If a pregnant woman cannot independently decide how far a pear with a healing decoction can be inserted into the vagina, she should completely abandon this method of treating cystitis at home. Douching is also contraindicated for those who have a shortening or softening of the cervix.

How it is forbidden to treat cystitis during pregnancy at home

Some women try to alleviate their condition with local heating - warm baths and heating pads on the bladder area.

In addition, sitting in the bath can cause a change blood pressure most often hypotension. The woman will feel weak and may slip in the slippery bath.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, some popular painkillers - Papaverine and No-shpu - can only be used in consultation with the doctor. Otherwise, they can cause softening of the cervix, which will also become a source of premature birth.

Finally, the main rule that a woman should now be guided by is “do not harm yourself and your child.” If home methods raise doubts and fears about their safety, it is better to refuse them, fully rely on the opinion of the doctor and listen to his advice and prescriptions.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the lining of the bladder. Along with pyelonephritis, cystitis is the most common inflammatory disease of the urinary tract. The most common cause cystitis is an infection. In pregnant women, acute cystitis is most common.

Causes of cystitis in pregnant women

The high incidence of cystitis in women during pregnancy is due to a number of reasons: the anatomical structure of the urinary tract in women is a short urethra, its proximity to the vagina and rectum, which are highly populated by microorganisms. Hormonal changes during pregnancy, a decrease in immunity and a violation of the microflora of the vagina, an increase in the capacity of the bladder, squeezing of the ureters by the pregnant uterus - all this creates conditions for a pronounced exacerbation of cystitis.

Cystitis are:

  • non-infectious(in very rare cases). Such cystitis occurs when the mucous membrane is damaged. urinary stone, with prolonged use in large doses of certain drugs that irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder with chemicals excreted in the urine.
  • infectious. The most common cause of cystitis is an infection (bacterial, viral, caused by mycoplasmas, fungi).

Urinary tract infection in women is most often ascending, microorganisms from the area near the anus (perianal area) and the vagina penetrate the urethra and bladder. The causative agents of cystitis are more often Escherichia coli ( Escherichia col in 80% of cases), saprophytic staphylococcus ( Staphylococcus saprophyticus - 10-12%), and rarely enterobacteria: Klebsiella ( Klebsiella), Enterobacter ( Enterobacter spp.), Enterococcus ( Enterococcus). Another cause of cystitis can be sexual infections (chlamydia, mycoplasmas, ureaplases).

Symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy

There are acute and chronic cystitis. Acute cystitis usually occurs suddenly, the duration of clinical manifestations in acute cystitis is usually 5-7 days. Main symptoms acute cystitis in pregnant women:

  • frequent urination(pollakiuria). Frequent urination, small portions with sensations of cutting and burning. Urination is speeded up both during the day and at night, during rest and in motion. The process of emptying the bladder is sometimes impossible to control, but very little urine is released;
  • painful urination (dysuria). The pains are especially pronounced at the end of urination;
  • pain in the lower abdomen. Pain in the bladder area, aggravated by pressure (palpation) and bladder filling;
  • perhaps a slight increase in body temperature to subfebrile figures;
  • urine is often cloudy, sometimes blood appears in it.

If a woman suffered from chronic cystitis before pregnancy, Great chance that during pregnancy there will be its next exacerbation. With an exacerbation of chronic cystitis, the symptoms are the same, but they may be less pronounced. Often the symptoms of cystitis are similar to some other diseases - so painful urination characteristic of both vulvovaginitis and urethritis. Therefore, at the first discomfort during urination, you need to contact your doctor for a correct diagnosis.

Diagnosis of cystitis

The diagnosis of cystitis can be established on the basis of complaints of a pregnant woman and urinalysis data. The simplest and most affordable method to determine the presence of an infection in the body is the delivery of a general urine test. Pregnant women give urine for general analysis in each trimester of pregnancy in accordance with the schedule for visiting the antenatal clinic and taking tests.

When contacting a doctor with complaints characteristic of cystitis, the following examinations are usually prescribed:

  • clinical blood test (minor leukocytosis is detected, intermittently);
  • general urine analysis (characterized by an increase in leukocytes (leukocyturia), erythrocyturia (presence of blood), bacteriuria, moderate proteinuria (protein admixture), an increase in the number of epithelial cells). The presence of leukocytes in the urine is a mandatory sign of cystitis;
  • bacteriological examination of urine to identify opportunistic pathogens;
  • examination of the vaginal microflora for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics (for dysbacteriosis);
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder. In case of recurrent cystitis, ultrasound is additionally prescribed to exclude concomitant pathology.

Cystoscopy of the bladder in acute cystitis is usually not performed in order to avoid exacerbation of the process. If necessary, the pregnant woman is referred for a consultation with a urologist.

Why is cystitis dangerous during pregnancy?

Uncomplicated cystitis does not significantly affect the course of pregnancy, but it is often the first clinical manifestation of other serious diseases that can lead to a complicated pregnancy.

If cystitis is left untreated or self-medicated, the infection can spread up the ureters to the kidneys, causing acute pyelonephritis and its complications. During pregnancy, this can lead to a threatened miscarriage or premature birth.

Treatment of cystitis during pregnancy

Based on the results of the tests, the doctor selects the most effective method of treatment in this particular case, through which cystitis in pregnant women can be cured.

The main place in the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy belongs to antimicrobial drugs. The doctor when choosing a drug for the treatment of cystitis in a pregnant woman in without fail takes into account the duration of pregnancy and possible bad influence to the fruit. As a rule, preference is given to the following drugs:

  • Antibiotics. Most of the antibiotics commonly used to treat cystitis are contraindicated during pregnancy. Some are allowed to be taken by pregnant women with caution if the benefit of treatment outweighs possible risk and only under medical supervision. These drugs include: Monural (fosfomycin), Amoxicillin, Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, Cefalexin.
  • Plant uroseptics: Canephron N (diuretic, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory drug), decoction of diuretic herbs for a week.

In conditions medical institution used as a treatment bladder instillation, that is, antibacterial drugs are injected through a catheter directly into the bladder.

Acute cystitis, even with timely treatment, lasts 5-7, and sometimes 10-15 days. A longer course indicates the presence of a disease that supports this inflammatory process, in which case an additional examination is necessary.

Prevention of complications of cystitis consists in the correct treatment of acute cystitis, as well as in the timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Truths and myths about cystitis

Myth. Cystitis is more likely to get sick in winter, as it is a consequence of hypothermia.

Is it true. Cystitis is a bacterial infection. Hypothermia, changes in hormonal levels, psycho-emotional stress, a sedentary lifestyle (and as a result - stagnation and impaired outflow of urine) are only predisposing factors. Hypothermia is possible not only in winter, it often happens in warm time years - in swimming in reservoirs, etc.

Myth. To treat cystitis, there are many drugs, it is not necessary to take antibiotics.

Is it true. A complete treatment of a bacterial infection is impossible without adequate and timely antibiotic therapy. Improper treatment can lead to repeated diseases and become chronic.

Myth. Cystitis can be quickly and effectively cured with herbal remedies.

Is it true. Herbal remedies can be used to prevent exacerbations, but antibiotics should be used to treat cystitis, although herbal remedies may also be prescribed in combination with them.

The list of medicines is given for informational purposes.

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Cystitis during pregnancy is a very common occurrence. In fact, this is an inflammatory process that covers the mucous membrane of the bladder, resulting in a violation of its functions.

Statistics say that 10% of total pregnant women face this problem on different stages bearing a child. Most often, this “risk” group includes women who have previously had this disease or have the so-called. a chronic form of cystitis, which exacerbates the disease against the background of a decrease in immunity, a violation of the vaginal microflora ( bacterial vaginosis), as well as hormonal changes female body when carrying a child. Infectious cystitis develops as a result of active reproduction of opportunistic flora and various pathogens (E. coli, mycoplasmas, staphylococci, Trichomonas vaginalis, chlamydia, streptococci, etc.). Cystitis during pregnancy occurs due to structural features of the urinary system of the female body, in particular, the proximity of the urinary tract to the uterus. Naturally, the symptoms of cystitis (cramps in the lower abdomen, strong pain during urination, frequent urges to the toilet, etc.) cause anxiety, panic and concerns about the health of the baby in pregnant women. In this case, only a medical specialist will help, who will diagnose and prescribe an effective course of treatment.

ICD-10 code

N30 Cystitis

Cystitis as the first sign of pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy should not be confused with frequent urination, which often indicates pregnancy. Cystitis is an inflammatory disease of the bladder, and not a sign that a woman is pregnant. However, many regard the increased urge to the toilet in the first weeks of pregnancy (from 7-8 weeks) as cystitis. The fact is that after conception, blood flow in the female genital organs increases, and the uterus becomes more excitable in response to the implantation of the embryo. Since it is connected with the bladder with its innervation, even a small amount of urine in it causes a woman to urinate. Thus, there is a mechanical squeezing of the bladder by the enlarging uterus. At the same time, a pregnant woman does not experience any discomfort or excruciating pain that accompanies real cystitis. By the end of the first trimester, the hormonal background of a woman returns to normal, and the uterus occupies a position above the level of the womb, ceasing to put pressure on the bladder. As a result, the frequent urge to go to the toilet stops.

Cystitis as the first sign of pregnancy should not be taken seriously, however, frequent urination in combination with other signs should alert a woman. For example, if the urge to go to the toilet is accompanied by pain, fever and deterioration of the general condition, there is reason to assume that a pregnant woman has cystitis against the background of weakened immunity and infection. In any case, a visit to the doctor will dispel all doubts and help establish the true diagnosis.

Symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy is accompanied by such main symptoms as:

  • frequent urge to urinate (including false ones), accompanied by the release of a small amount of urine and a feeling of insufficient emptying of the bladder;
  • a strong burning sensation when urinating;
  • selection cloudy urine with a pungent odor;
  • the presence of impurities of blood and pus in the urine;
  • feeling of tightness in the lower abdomen, pain and discomfort in the pelvic area;
  • increase in body temperature.

Symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy are provoked by a number of factors that cause the development of the disease: a decrease in immunity against the background of the onset of pregnancy, hormonal "restructuring" in the woman's body, hypothermia, infection in the pregnant woman's body. It is necessary to take into account the fact that pregnancy often causes the growth of yeast in the vagina, and vaginal dysbiosis is one of the factors contributing to the development of cystitis. The course of this disease during pregnancy can be hidden, without the manifestation of any pronounced symptoms. IN severe cases, in addition to the main symptoms of cystitis, a pregnant woman may be bothered by nausea, and even vomiting. That is why, if there is the slightest suspicion of the development of cystitis, it is urgent to consult a doctor for a thorough examination and accurate diagnosis. A general analysis of urine and blood will help to identify the disease in the initial stages and deal with this problem as soon as possible in order to avoid the development of a dangerous complication in the form of pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). An experienced specialist will prescribe the optimal treatment, taking into account all the risks related to the health of the mother and the unborn child.

Cystitis in early pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy is considered one of the most common diseases, which can have very dangerous complications if it is not treated on time or started. As a result of this disease, the mucous membrane of the bladder becomes inflamed. Most often, the occurrence of cystitis is associated with the onset of pregnancy, when various pathogens and infections attack the organs of the female genitourinary system. According to doctors, this is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the woman's body, as well as pronounced changes at the physiological and hormonal levels, which, against the background of the development of pregnancy, are observed in every woman.

Cystitis at the beginning of pregnancy in its origin can manifest itself in an infectious or non-infectious form. Among the main reasons for the development of non-infectious cystitis are the weakening of the immune system of a pregnant woman, severe overwork, hypothermia, intestinal dysbacteriosis, colpitis (vaginal dysbiosis), as well as irritation or damage to the bladder mucosa due to medical manipulations. It should be borne in mind that if a future mother already has a chronic form of cystitis in the anamnesis, then this guarantees recurrent manifestations of the disease. Changes in the hormonal system against the background of ongoing pregnancy, as well as suppression of the immune system, become prerequisites for the intensive reproduction of pathogenic microflora and various infections that can cause inflammation of an organ such as the bladder. The infectious form of cystitis is usually caused by the so-called. “opportunistic microflora” and harmful pathogens (E. coli, Trichomonas vaginalis, staphylococci or streptococci, chlamydia, ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, etc.).

Cystitis at the beginning of pregnancy can manifest itself in both acute and chronic forms. In chronic cystitis, the symptoms of the disease are usually mild, while the acute form of the disease is accompanied by a number of symptoms, the main of which is severe, debilitating pain during urination. In this case, urine may acquire a cloudy hue and contain blood impurities, which indicates an inflammatory process. For an accurate diagnosis of cystitis, a pregnant woman should immediately contact a medical institution in order to undergo medical examination: do a urinalysis (general, analysis "according to Nechiporenko", bacteriological); undergo DNA diagnostics of infections and ultrasonography organs of the genitourinary system; be examined to identify possible dysbacteriosis of the vaginal microflora. If the diagnosis of cystitis is confirmed, the doctor must prescribe an effective treatment for the pregnant woman, taking into account her condition and possible risks to the fetus. Despite the fact that during pregnancy it is strictly forbidden to take many medications, modern achievements in the field of medicine allow you to quickly cope with the disease without risks to the baby. For this purpose, special preparations are used, as well as antibiotics of "plant" origin, which have a sparing effect on the health of the expectant mother and her baby. One of the most effective methods of treating cystitis at the initial stage of pregnancy is the so-called. "Instillation of the bladder" - the introduction of drugs directly into the diseased organ. A pregnant woman may need several such manipulations in order to achieve complete elimination of the painful symptoms of cystitis, relieve inflammation and prevent possible relapses.

For a successful recovery, a pregnant woman should contact a medical specialist in a timely manner in order to avoid developing serious complications, in particular, such as pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), the birth of a child with a low birth weight, as well as premature birth. Self-medication and taking traditional medicine without first consulting a doctor can lead to sad consequences, therefore, it is better to ignore the "smart" advice of "smart" girlfriends, grandmothers and mothers and trust only a medical specialist.

Cystitis in early pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy can be caused by a number of reasons, among which are immunosuppression (immune suppression) and changes in hormonal background body of a pregnant woman. Often there is an infectious form of cystitis in pregnant women, which is associated with an inflammatory process, which is usually caused by the active reproduction of various microorganisms, a bacterial infection, or Escherichia coli (Escherichia coli). This is due to the special structure of the genitourinary system of women (they have a much shorter urethra than men, and it is located close to the anus).

Cystitis in early pregnancy can be non-infectious in origin and can be caused, for example, by allergens in the form of hygiene sprays, bath foam, spermicidal creams, and foods (nuts, legumes, cabbage, etc.). The disease (especially its chronic form) provokes hypothermia of the body, as well as frequent overwork against the background of a suppressed immune system of a pregnant woman. It is chronic cystitis that manifests its relapse at the beginning of pregnancy, when the body of the expectant mother becomes defenseless against many infections due to weakened immunity. Regardless of the period of bearing a baby, a woman is strictly forbidden to self-medicate due to dangerous complications diseases. It is especially important to take into account the fact that many medical preparations(for example, antibiotics of a number of tetracyclines and sulfonamides) are categorically contraindicated in pregnant women. Therefore, the treatment of cystitis should be prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account the condition of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus. With a timely visit to a medical specialist, a pregnant woman will be able to avoid many dangerous problems especially kidney infections.

In the early stages of pregnancy, doctors are especially careful when making decisions about the treatment of the patient, since the influence of certain drugs can become a serious threat to the fetus. This also applies to cystitis, which requires a special approach to treatment, taking into account all possible risks, both for the expectant mother and for her baby. The danger of this disease lies in its negative impact on the fetus: a child can be born prematurely, or with a lack of body weight.

Cystitis in late pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy can manifest itself both at the beginning of the period of bearing a child, and at the end. Regardless of this, the treatment of this disease should be handled by an experienced doctor who will prescribe the most benign drugs to the patient.

Cystitis in late pregnancy can be caused by an infection or physiological changes in a woman's body. The fact is that at the end of pregnancy, the uterus, which is significantly enlarged in size, compresses the pelvic organs, including the bladder. Thus, the outflow of urine is difficult, which, in turn, leads to its stagnation in the bladder. This causes increased reproduction of various pathogenic flora.

Examining a pregnant woman, as well as passing the necessary medical tests and tests, will help the doctor establish a final diagnosis in order to prescribe the optimal treatment for cystitis. It should be noted that in the second half of pregnancy, taking many drugs (including antibiotics of a number of penicillins and cephalosporins) endangers the fetus to a lesser extent, because. it is securely protected by the placenta. In addition, modern medicine allows you to cope with the disease in other ways. For example, an alternative treatment for cystitis is an instillation procedure. This method involves injecting drugs through the urethra directly into the bladder.

It is not recommended to prescribe antibiotics of a number of tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, sulfonamides or sulfonamides to pregnant women. If the doctor ascribes such antibacterial drugs to the expectant mother, it is necessary to refuse treatment and consult another specialist, since these drugs are strictly prohibited during pregnancy. They can lead to fetal jaundice, as well as permanent damage to the cranial nerves.

Given the symptoms of the disease, the urologist should diagnose the pregnant woman in order to identify the ways of infection, the pathogen, the stage of cystitis (chronic or acute). Thus, therapy should be selected with extreme caution, using drugs that are absolutely safe for the expectant mother and the developing fetus. Cystitis in late pregnancy, which is accompanied by severe pain, burning during urination, and the presence of blood in the urine, is usually treated with an antibacterial agent that is excreted from the body in more with urine and has a minimum side effects for a pregnant woman and her baby.

Acute cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy can manifest itself in both chronic and acute forms. The acute form of cystitis is sudden and most often occurs after hypothermia, or as a result of exposure to some other factor, in particular, infection of the bladder.

Acute cystitis during pregnancy is always accompanied by an acute inflammatory process and manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • frequent urge to urinate, followed by the release of a small portion of urine;
  • severe pain and burning during urination, sometimes of a permanent nature;
  • false urge to empty the bladder;
  • soreness in the lower abdomen;
  • severe intoxication;
  • turbidity of urine, in which impurities of blood and pus can be observed;
  • a sharp rise in temperature.

It should be noted that the last two symptoms signal a severe stage of cystitis. The acute course of the disease is characterized by a gradually increasing intensity of pain experienced during urination. In this case, pain can take on a permanent character, but in most cases it is directly related to the act of urination. Expressed imperative urge to the toilet sometimes lead to urinary incontinence.

Acute cystitis during pregnancy is dangerous for the health of the expectant mother and poses a threat to the fetus, because. the inflammatory process can cover not only the bladder of a pregnant woman, but also the kidneys, causing the development of a dangerous complication - pyelonephritis. With a milder course of the disease, a pregnant woman may feel only pulling pains in the lower abdomen and moderate pollakiuria (frequent urination). In this case, burning and pain usually occur at the very end of the urination process. It happens that these symptoms disappear after a couple of days on their own, without special treatment. But most often, acute cystitis lasts 6-8, and sometimes 10-15 days, depending on the severity, as well as the presence in the female body concomitant disease which exacerbates the inflammatory process. In this case, an additional medical examination is required.

As for the treatment of the acute form of cystitis, it is almost always accompanied by the appointment of pregnant women with drugs that have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, taking into account all the risks to the fetus. Treatment can last about 3-5 days, usually no more than a week. Effective methods of treatment help to significantly reduce the symptoms of the acute manifestation of the disease. If after treatment there is a relapse, the pregnant woman needs to visit a specialist again and undergo a re-examination.

Chronic cystitis and pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy usually manifests itself in an acute form, however, there are cases when the symptoms of the disease are mild, and there is a “blurred” picture of the development of the disease. In this case, we can talk about the manifestation of cystitis in a chronic form.

Chronic cystitis and pregnancy: how are these two concepts combined? It should be noted that the chronic form of cystitis occurs against the background of improper treatment or undertreated acute cystitis, which is observed in the history of a pregnant woman. In fact, chronic cystitis has a relapsing course, or proceeds as a continuous process with mild signs of the disease. If we talk about the season in which chronic cystitis usually recurs, then the exacerbation of this disease most often occurs in the autumn-spring period, when there is a risk of hypothermia due to unstable weather. However, during pregnancy, the time of year does not play a big role. Usually, the chronic form of cystitis in expectant mothers manifests itself when physiological changes occur in the female body, in particular, an increase in the uterus, which presses on other organs of the small pelvis, including the bladder.

Chronic cystitis can be considered as decompensation defensive forces urinary system. Its main symptoms are pain, pollakiuria (frequent urination) and pyuria (pus in the urine). The intensity of pain depends on the frequency of the urge to urinate. Drawing pains are usually located in the perineum along the path of the urethra. At the first symptoms indicating the manifestation of chronic cystitis, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor. After an accurate diagnosis of the disease based on the results of the tests and medical research the doctor will prescribe the most gentle treatment to the expectant mother using physiotherapy procedures and medications that do not pose a threat to the health of the pregnant woman and her baby.

Exacerbation of cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy occurs against the background of weakened immunity of the expectant mother and hormonal changes in her body, due to which there is a violation of the natural vaginal microflora. As a result, the risk of developing various infections increases. Many women who are in an "interesting position" suffer from this ailment throughout their pregnancy. The causes of exacerbation of cystitis largely depend on physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman: when carrying a child, the tone of the organs of the genitourinary system is much reduced. This factor, in turn, leads to stagnation of urine, partial emptying of the bladder and, accordingly, the development of infection.

Exacerbation of cystitis during pregnancy is most often associated with relapse chronic form cystitis, which manifests itself after hypothermia of the body or with a decrease in the functioning of the immune system. If a woman has already encountered the problem of cystitis before pregnancy, then most likely she will be much more likely to exacerbate this disease during the period of bearing a child than other women. If we talk about the timing, then most often cystitis reminds of itself at the beginning of pregnancy. Naturally, timely preventive measures reduce the risk of developing the disease.

Symptoms of exacerbation of cystitis are the same as those that are concomitant symptoms of this disease: frequent urination with minor allocation urine, cutting pain in the lower abdomen and burning when urinating, impurities of blood and pus in the urine. If the exacerbation of the disease has sharp shape, then all of the above symptoms are accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Diagnosis of cystitis in pregnant women, first of all, involves gynecological examination, as well as examination of the body for the presence of genital infections and violations of the microflora of the vagina. With an exacerbation of cystitis, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of the existence of other sources of infection that could provoke a relapse of the disease. Among such sources, various diseases of the teeth and gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis, ENT diseases, chronic tonsillitis can be distinguished. With reduced immunity during pregnancy, even banal caries can lead to an exacerbation of cystitis.

Cystitis during pregnancy creates many problems for expectant mothers, in particular, regarding treatment. It will help to quickly cope with the disease only complex therapy, including taking immune drugs, effective antibacterial agents, as well as drugs that restore the natural microflora of the female body, but only taking into account possible risks to the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

Is cystitis dangerous during pregnancy?

Cystitis during pregnancy, like other infectious diseases, can pose a danger to a woman's health and a potential threat to the fetus. Therefore, the question "Is cystitis dangerous during pregnancy?" You can unequivocally answer: “Yes, it is dangerous!”. This is especially true in cases where women try to self-medicate or delay a visit to the doctor, hoping that the disease will pass by her own. Such actions are fraught dangerous consequences, since the infection can reach the kidneys and provoke the development of pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidney tissues. This disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and painful sensations in the lower back (most often on one side). Bilateral pyelonephritis is even more dangerous and represents real threat for life. If a pregnant woman has signs of pyelonephritis, she should be immediately hospitalized and given powerful therapy, taking into account the possible risks to the child.

The cause of the manifestation of cystitis almost always lies in the violation of the microflora of the vagina or its inflammation (colpitis). Exacerbation of cystitis against the background of immunity weakened by pregnancy can be caused by hypothermia in the pelvic area, resulting in the active development of an infection that freely enters from the female genital tract directly into the bladder. In this case, the first symptom appears, signaling the development of acute cystitis - sharp pain during urination. The number of urges to the toilet increases, purulent and blood clots may appear in the urine, which is a symptom of a dangerous course of the disease, especially when it comes to the period of pregnancy.

Cystitis during pregnancy may be accompanied by fever, which indicates a complication of the disease and inflammation of the kidneys. If cystitis is treated incorrectly or not cured, then the disease will turn into chronic stage, and this is fraught with its periodic manifestations throughout life. Symptoms of chronic cystitis are the same, only less pronounced. Especially dangerous is the so-called. "Interstitial" cystitis, which is an inflammation of not only the mucosa, but also the muscular walls of the bladder. This type of disease is practically incurable, and with a long course of it, one has to resort to surgical intervention and completely remove the bladder. That is why it is so important to immediately go to the hospital with the slightest symptoms of cystitis, and for pregnant women in the first place. In no case should you self-medicate or leave the situation to chance. This can not only lead to a deterioration in the health of the expectant mother, but also harm the unborn child. It should be taken into account that with cystitis, pregnant women cannot always take the same medications as non-pregnant women - this once again indicates the need to contact an experienced medical specialist (primarily a gynecologist who monitors the course of pregnancy) at the first symptoms of the development of the disease. In any case, a pregnant woman should take care that the infection does not cause inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system. For this purpose, it is recommended to empty the bladder on time in order to prevent stagnation of urine, which can provoke the development of pathogenic bacteria. You should also consume as much liquid as possible, preferably in the form of juices.

Consequences of cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy is a danger to the health of the expectant mother and a threat to her child, because wrong treatment or untimely access to a doctor aggravates the situation with the possible consequences of this disease. First of all, it is necessary to note the development of pyelonephritis, - pathogens of cystitis can penetrate the ureters into the kidneys, causing their inflammation (most often in pregnant women, the right kidney is affected). Acute pyelonephritis, in medicine called "gestational pyelonephritis" (i.e., an infectious and inflammatory process in the kidneys that develops during pregnancy) threatens a pregnant woman urgent hospitalization. Usually, women who have previously had this disease or cystitis are located to gestational pyelonephritis. In addition, provoking factors are a sedentary lifestyle of the expectant mother, reduced immunity or seasonal hypothermia.

The consequences of cystitis during pregnancy can be different: for example, if the infection is not treated for a long time, the bearing of a child can end for a pregnant woman with difficult premature birth or a newborn's weight deficit.

In order to prevent the development of a dangerous disease, a pregnant woman needs to protect herself from the cold, possible hypothermia, as well as monitor the slightest changes and malfunctions in the body and consult a doctor more often on health issues. It should be taken into account that the timely diagnosis of cystitis will help prevent dangerous complications and help to cope with the disease for another initial stage its development.

Diagnosis of cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy requires immediate treatment of the expectant mother to the doctor, when the first symptoms of the disease occur. This is important for timely diagnosis and the appointment of optimal treatment methods.

Diagnosis of cystitis during pregnancy includes the collection necessary analyzes. First of all, this is a urine test that allows you to identify pathogens in the fluid, as well as the presence of blood and pus impurities. Usually, cystitis is prescribed change general analysis urine, urinalysis according to Nechiporenko, which is aimed at identifying latent inflammation in the urinary system, as well as bacteriological culture urine. IN modern medicine PCR analysis is also used, which is a highly accurate method for diagnosing various infections based on the study of genetic material.

IN special occasions the doctor may prescribe a cystoscopy for a pregnant woman, which is performed using a special medical device (cystoscope) and allows you to identify inflammation of the bladder. The device, which has a light source at the end of an elastic tube, is inserted through the urethra directly into the bladder, which allows the doctor to carefully examine the diseased organ along with the urethra.

In general, these analyzes are sufficient for accurate diagnosis diseases and finding out the main causes of its development. Sometimes, for a more thorough diagnosis of cystitis, a pregnant woman may be prescribed an ultrasound examination of the small pelvis, which will help to recreate the most clear picture of the disease.

Cystitis during pregnancy can often not appear until a certain time. That is why during pregnancy it is so important to take regular urine tests and not neglect other examinations.

Treatment of cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy cannot be ignored, and even more so self-medicate. A timely visit to the doctor and the right treatment will protect the expectant mother from dangerous complications that can negatively affect both the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus in her womb.

Treatment of cystitis during pregnancy, first of all, consists in taking antibacterial drugs, the action of which is aimed at destroying pathogenic microbes and pathogenic microorganisms. For example, drugs such as Monural and Amoxiclav are very effective antibacterial agents and are widely used in medical practice to treat cystitis in the first months of pregnancy. In addition, Monural is absolutely harmless and easy to use: a pregnant woman just needs to drink the contents of the sachet.

During the treatment of cystitis, all pregnant women are advised to observe absolute rest and strict bed rest. In addition, each future mom should exclude spicy, fried and salty foods from her diet, and also, if possible, not limit herself to drinking. In the absence of a predisposition to edema and medical contraindications, a pregnant woman should drink about 2 liters of fluid per day. For this purpose, cranberry juice, regular and "kidney" tea, as well as lingonberry leaf are perfect. In addition to antibacterial drugs prescribed by a doctor, herbal infusions and preparations are used in the treatment of cystitis, as well as synthetic drugs, which should only be prescribed by a doctor.

An alternative method of treating cystitis in pregnant women today is instillation. This procedure is to introduce various medicinal formulations antibacterial action with a catheter directly into the bladder. Naturally, instillation procedures are carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor, exclusively in a medical institution. This method of treatment is very effective and allows you to cure cystitis in minimum terms. Just a few of these procedures - and the expected effect will be achieved. The only “minus” in carrying out manipulations is discomfort during the introduction of the catheter and frequent urge to urinate for some time after the procedure. After pregnancy, a woman is advised to treat cystitis more carefully in order to eliminate the possibility of its recurrence, and always remember about preventive measures.

Folk remedies for cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy is treated with the help of many folk remedies: collecting lingonberry leaves and rowan berries with honey, infusion of dill seeds and birch leaves, black radish juice with honey, tea from blackcurrant leaves. Typically, such traditional medicine is used after drug treatment of cystitis, prescribed by a doctor, in the form of a rehabilitation course.

Folk remedies for cystitis during pregnancy are mainly infusions and decoctions from medicinal herbs, which not only have anti-pain and anti-inflammatory effects, but also contribute to the removal of bacteria from the body. Treatment with the use of herbal preparations is perhaps the oldest way to treat diseases. It is only important to strictly adhere to the appointments and take into account all contraindications.

Below are recipes from traditional medicine that are absolutely safe for health and will help expectant mothers get rid of cystitis faster.

  • Rosehip root (2-3 tablespoons) should be finely chopped, and then pour 1 tbsp. boiled water, then boil in a water bath and insist. Strained broth to use half a cup 3-4 times a day for half an hour before meals.
  • Dill herb (1 tablespoon) is required to pour one and a half cups of boiling water, and then leave for 30 minutes. Drink a decoction of 1/3 cup several times a day half an hour before meals.
  • A mixture of red rowan berries (3/4) and lingonberry leaves (1/4) should be brewed 1 tbsp. boiling water, then insist on the stove for several hours and strain. It is recommended to take the infusion 0.5 cups half an hour before meals three times a day, after adding 1 teaspoon of honey to the glass. This infusion is a very effective folk remedy that is used to treat inflammatory diseases bladder, and is also used as a diuretic in chronic pyelonephritis.
  • birch leaves - folk remedy used for inflammation of the bladder. To prepare a healing infusion, 6-8 grams of birch leaves must be poured with half a liter of hot water, then boiled and insisted well. The infusion is recommended to be taken three times a day, 50 ml with meals. Besides the fact that this remedy prevents the formation of "kidney" stones, it also has an effective diuretic effect.
  • Blackcurrant is a fairly effective diuretic with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare the recipe, the leaves of this plant (6 tablespoons) should be finely chopped, pour 1 liter of boiling water, and then insist in a warm place for at least 1 hour. You can add honey or sugar to the finished broth (at your discretion) to improve the taste. You need to take a decoction often - 1 tbsp. 5-6 times a day.
  • Oat grains in the amount of 1 tbsp. should be filled with 2 tbsp. hot water, and then boil in a water bath until 1/2 of the volume of the broth has evaporated. In the finished broth, you need to add 1 tbsp. l. honey and take half a glass three times a day.
  • Turnip juice should be boiled for 5 minutes and consumed 1-2 tbsp. spoons several times a day. You can also mix turnip juice halfway with black radish juice. It is recommended to take this mixture after meals - three times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon for a month. Thus, the full course of treatment will be completed.

Folk remedies for cystitis during pregnancy were widely used by our great-grandmothers and grandmothers, so this method of treating bladder inflammation has been proven by time and takes place if a pregnant woman has a chronic form of the disease, and there are no contraindications in the form of allergic reactions of the body to one or another component from the above recipes.

Medications for cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy should be treated only with those means that do not pose any threat to the health of the expectant mother and her baby. With regard to antibacterial drugs, you should be especially careful. With cystitis, tetracyclines and sulfa drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women, because. they can inflict irreparable harm the developing body of the child.

Medicines for cystitis during pregnancy should be chosen exclusively by the attending physician. Usually, the treatment of this disease in pregnant women includes antibiotic therapy, herbal medicine and physiotherapy. Among the drugs used to treat cystitis in pregnant women in our time, the most effective and safe are the antibiotics Monural and Amoxiclav. The drug "Monural" is convenient to use: in uncomplicated conditions, only one sachet of this remedy can help. The antibacterial drug "Amoxiclav" is a combined medicine and for the entire practice of use in medicine has proven its high efficiency in the treatment of infections of the genitourinary system. The action of both drugs allows you to achieve the highest concentration of drugs directly in the bladder. Thus, it is much easier to "defeat" the disease.

With the help of instillations (introduction of antibacterial compounds through the catheter directly into the bladder), it is possible to achieve more quick effect in the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women. Among the drugs and excipients that are used for installations, we can distinguish boric acid, rivanol, silver nitrate, medicinal oils and etc.

Treatment of cystitis with herbs also produces positive effect. The most effective in this regard are special complex collections from medicinal plants (oat grains, lingonberries, mountain ash, dill, wild rose and other medicinal plants). There are also modern tablet forms of herbal medicines, for example, Canephron, a drug that has antispasmodic, as well as antimicrobial and diuretic effects. In addition, this remedy has no contraindications, except in cases of individual intolerance to its components.

As for the use of physiotherapy, during pregnancy it is very limited. In the treatment of cystitis, only electrophoresis and warm compresses are allowed, which are placed on the bladder area.

Cystitis during pregnancy cannot be treated on its own, all medications and their dosages for a pregnant woman should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Thus, the treatment will be correct and most effective.

Treatment of cystitis with herbs during pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy is successfully treated with herbs, especially collections consisting of several medicinal plants. It should be borne in mind that the treatment should be long: courses of 1-2 months with breaks of 1-2 weeks. Naturally, folk methods treatment of cystitis must be combined with medication, which the doctor should prescribe.

Treatment of cystitis with herbs during pregnancy must be agreed with the attending physician, since many herbs have contraindications that must be considered during pregnancy. Basically, phytotherapy includes taking herbal decoctions that have antispasmodic and diuretic effects. Usually, bearberry, common chamomile, plantain, calamus, St. John's wort, horsetail, etc. are used to prepare herbal preparations. effective method treatment of acute cystitis, as well as a preventive method aimed at avoiding exacerbations in the chronic course of the disease. Improvement in well-being usually occurs after 2 weeks of regular use of herbs.

In uncomplicated cases, inflammation of the bladder helps to reduce meadowsweet tea or chamomile officinalis. Bearberry is a strong antiseptic. In the treatment of cystitis, celery seeds, marshmallow, and common agrimony are also used. These plants have a complex effect (astringent, tonic, softening) on ​​the inflamed organ and help to quickly get rid of the discomfort caused by the course of cystitis.

Effective is the herbal collection, consisting of boron uterus, leaves of bergenia and lingonberries, winter love, goose cinquefoil, volodushka and cinquefoil, which must be taken for 3-4 weeks, until all symptoms disappear completely. This collection has not only anti-inflammatory and diuretic, but also an analgesic effect. Moreover, all its plant components are absolutely safe during pregnancy. To prepare a herbal medicine, you need 30-35 grams of the collection, pour 1 liter of water and boil, then cool. Apply 0.5 cup each time after visiting the toilet. When the soreness subsides, the collection can be "easier": one week to drink lingonberries, the second - winter-loving, the third - lingonberries. Herbs are recommended to brew 1 teaspoon per glass of water. The total volume of the drunk medicinal liquid should be at least 1 liter per day.

Treatment of cystitis with herbs during pregnancy takes longer in duration than antibiotic treatment, but the expectant mother will be less susceptible negative consequences from taking antibacterial agents, in particular, dysbacteriosis.

Dill for cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy must be treated comprehensively, combining various methods treatment: taking gentle antibiotics with physiotherapy and phytotherapy. One of the medicinal plants that have a beneficial effect on the body and is actively used in the treatment of cystitis is dill. This plant has a whole range of useful substances: it contains carotene, vitamins and C, nicotinic and folic acid, as well as a whole range of trace elements (iron, potassium, magnesium, etc.). Dill improves metabolic processes in damaged cells, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, has an active bactericidal effect, thereby causing the death of pathogens that are causative agents of the inflammatory process.

Dill for cystitis during pregnancy is used as an effective diuretic in the form of a decoction. For its preparation 3 tbsp. spoons of the crushed plant must be poured with 1 cup of boiling water, then poured into a separate container, put on fire and kept for 15 minutes in a water bath. The finished broth should be insisted for about an hour, then gently strain. It is recommended to take an infusion of dill 3 times a day before meals, 1/3 cup. Before use, the healing drink is recommended to be slightly warmed up.

It must be understood that such therapy cannot replace the main therapy in the treatment of cystitis, it is only its addition. In the acute course of the disease, the most effective is still the use of antibiotics, the action of which is aimed at the death of the bulk of harmful microorganisms. The use of herbs, including dill decoction, is, in fact, considered the second stage in the treatment of cystitis, the purpose of which is to maintain the achieved therapeutic result.

Cowberry leaf for cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy can be treated with various herbal decoctions and infusions. Among medicinal plants that have an effective effect on organs urinary system, a special place is occupied by lingonberries.

Cowberry leaf with cystitis during pregnancy can be cured in 3-4 weeks, in addition, it provides the body of the expectant mother with useful minerals (sodium, iron, calcium, potassium) and vitamins necessary to strengthen immunity. Lingonberry leaves contain biologically active components that play an important role in the functioning of the body and ensure its well-coordinated vital activity. It should be noted that even cranberries are endowed with healing properties. They have a laxative, antipyretic and antispasmodic effect, and are also able to perfectly quench their thirst.

The aerial part of lingonberries contains a special element called "arbutin glycoside", which copes well with various urological infections, including the ability to actively fight cystitis, as well as urolithiasis and kidney diseases such as nephritis, pyelitis and pyelonephritis. A decoction of lingonberry leaves is not only an effective anti-inflammatory and diuretic, but also a very good antiseptic.

To prepare a healing decoction 2 tbsp. spoons of lingonberry leaves must be poured with a glass of slightly chilled boiled water, after which the resulting mixture is poured into an enameled container and kept in a water bath for half an hour. After that, the broth must be cooled for 10-15 minutes at room temperature, carefully strain and squeeze well from the leaves. The finished medicinal drink must be diluted with water to a volume of 200 ml and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. Pregnant women should take a decoction of 0.5 cups after meals three times a day. In order to prevent cystitis and kidney disease, the remedy should be drunk ¼ cup 1 time per day. Before use, it is recommended to shake the decoction of lingonberry leaves and warm it up a little - until it is warm. Warm drinks have a better effect on the stomach. To improve the taste quality, the decoction can be mixed with rosehip decoction, as well as green tea.

Kanefron from cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy should be treated only with those drugs that are absolutely safe for the health of the expectant mother and her baby. One of the most popular drugs used in modern medicine in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system in pregnant women is Canephron, a highly effective remedy with a natural composition and excellent tolerance from the German company BIONORICA. This drug has practically no contraindications, and also received high praise and positive feedback from women who experienced an exacerbation of cystitis during the period of bearing a child.

Kanefron from cystitis during pregnancy is used as natural remedy, which has a plant base and contains such active substances as rosemary, centaury, rosehip peel and lovage. As auxiliary components in the preparation are used: riboflavin, castor oil, silicon dioxide, dextrose, sucrose, lactose monohydrate, iron oxide, calcium carbonate, mountain wax, etc.

The drug is available in two versions: drops and tablets. Usually, pregnant women are prescribed a tablet form of the drug, because. drops contain a small percentage of alcohol.

Extracts from medicinal plants that are part of "Kanefron" have a complex effect:

  • activate the work of the bladder and kidneys - organs that experience a lot of stress during pregnancy;
  • enhance the effect of antibiotics and prevent the development of various infections;
  • promote relaxation of blood vessels and capillaries urinary tract, as well as the removal of excess fluid from the body of a pregnant woman, thereby preventing the development of puffiness;
  • improve blood supply to the renal cortex;
  • have an effective antispasmodic effect.

Kanefron from cystitis during pregnancy after several doses alleviates the condition of the pregnant woman and reduces the symptoms of cystitis, as well as other infectious and inflammatory processes of the urinary system. This drug has a preventive effect in the treatment urolithiasis. It is combined with other drugs without causing any side effects, except in cases of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as a result of which allergic reactions are possible.

Before taking Kanefron, the expectant mother should carefully study the instructions, and also consult with her doctor, since the dosage and frequency of use of this drug are determined depending on the degree of complexity and characteristics of the development of the disease. The standard dosage of the drug "Canephron" during pregnancy is three times a day, 2 tablets. The duration of treatment for pregnant women is determined by the doctor on an individual basis, taking into account specific case. This is a very important condition, since the lovage and rosemary contained in the medicine, if taken in their pure form, cause uterine tone - a reaction that is very undesirable during pregnancy.

Summarizing the above information, we can conclude that Canephron is an absolutely safe and effective drug that can help a pregnant woman cope with cystitis, infections and various diseases urinary system without compromising the health of her baby. It is only important to observe the correct dosage of the drug, established an experienced doctor.

Antibiotics for cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy requires a special approach to treatment, since taking many antibacterial drugs that help cope with the infection is strictly prohibited during the period of bearing a child. The danger of the inflammatory process in cystitis is that pathogenic microorganisms can reach the kidneys, thereby provoking the development of pyelonephritis, a severe inflammation of these organs, which will seriously complicate pregnancy.

Antibiotics for cystitis during pregnancy should have effective action and have no contraindications, and this is not an easy task. The choice of the optimal drug is determined by the general condition of the pregnant woman, the course of pregnancy and the degree of complexity of the disease. At the same time, one should remember about possible consequences self-treatment of cystitis, which can become very deplorable if the expectant mother does not know the dosages of this or that drug and trusts the “smart” advice of inexperienced girlfriends. That is why, at the slightest suspicion of the development of cystitis, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor as soon as possible to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe the optimal course of drug treatment for a dangerous disease.

To defeat cystitis faster, you need to use an antibiotic that has a strictly directed action - the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, its concentration should reach the maximum level in the diseased organ - the bladder. Based on this, you should choose a tablet preparation that reaches its maximum concentration in the bladder. In this case, the choice of drugs is rather limited: to date, the most effective and safe antibacterial drugs for pregnant women are Amoxiclav and Monural.

The drug "Amoxiclav" is a combined remedy, which includes amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. The combination of these substances has a detrimental effect on the pathogens of various urinary tract infections. The safety of this drug for pregnant women is the absence of side effects and contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The antibacterial agent "Monural" (powder) is also very effective in the treatment of cystitis and is absolutely safe for both the expectant mother and the fetus. The active ingredient of the drug is fosfomycin trometamol. Usually one sachet of this medicine is enough to defeat uncomplicated cystitis. In more severe cases, you need to take 2 sachets of the drug.

Antibiotics for cystitis during pregnancy allow you to cope with the infection of the urinary system quickly and effectively. However, in any case, before treatment with antibacterial agents, it is necessary to consult an experienced doctor who will determine the frequency and dosage of the medication.

Treatment of acute cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis during pregnancy can manifest itself in acute and chronic form. The acute course of the disease is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen, frequent painful urge to urinate, fever, and the presence of blood impurities in the urine. This condition is dangerous because acute cystitis can provoke inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis). Besides, running forms inflammation can cause premature birth. To quickly eliminate the infection and relieve inflammation, it is necessary to apply an effective drug treatment. In this case, one cannot do without antibacterial agents, which at the same time are effective and safe for the expectant mother and fetus.

Treatment of acute cystitis during pregnancy is usually carried out with drugs such as Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Monural, Cefuroxime, Cefalexin, Ceftibuten, Josamycin and Nitrofurantoin. All of these antimicrobials are among the penicillins, cephalosporins and macrolides - antibiotics, which are allowed during the period of bearing a child. For maintenance therapy, herbal uroseptics and herbal remedies are used: Canephron, Fitolizin, decoctions of diuretic herbs (rose hips, lingonberries, etc.). In parallel, STIs and bacterial vaginosis are treated, depending on the specific case.

In the treatment of acute cystitis during pregnancy, local therapy is also used, which consists in instillation procedures: the introduction of antimicrobial substances through a catheter into the diseased organ - the bladder. Naturally, such medical manipulations are carried out in a hospital under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Prevention of cystitis during pregnancy, first of all, implies the observance by a woman of elementary hygiene rules: daily washing with warm water using pH-neutral detergents. It is not recommended for a future mother to take a bath; for the purpose of bathing, it is better to use a shower - this way, you can avoid getting detergents into the genitals.

Pregnant women should pay special attention to the choice of underwear.

According to doctors, regular wearing of open panties in the form of thongs can provoke the development of inflammation, in particular cystitis, especially in the first months of pregnancy. Therefore, it is preferable for women "in position" to use underwear made of natural materials: cotton or linen.

Cystitis during pregnancy often occurs due to severe hypothermia against the background of weakened immunity. For this reason, pregnant women should be more attentive to their health, excluding long stays in the cold and wearing out-of-season clothing. In addition, a woman who is expecting a baby should stay outdoors more often, go for walks, and do physical exercises for pregnant women. An important point is the intake of a complex of vitamins, which the gynecologist should prescribe, taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman.

Expectant mothers are advised to visit the toilet much more often - every 2-3 hours, even in the absence of urges. The fact is that with frequent urination, the bacteria that enter the bladder are excreted from the body much faster. And, conversely, with stagnation of urine, pathogens begin to multiply intensively. It is also necessary to monitor the regularity of the chair. Constipation often causes circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs, thereby predisposing to cystitis.

Prevention of cystitis during pregnancy also concerns the choice proper nutrition. It is important that in the diet of a pregnant woman there are always natural foods and clean water. Fried, salty, pickled and spicy dishes, as well as spices and smoked meats, should be completely excluded from the menu. From drinks, alcohol, citrus juices, coffee, and soft drinks containing caffeine are prohibited. For prevention, it is recommended to take cranberry-lingonberry juice, decoctions of herbs (rose hips, chamomile, dill, etc.). Such healing drinks have an active diuretic effect and contribute to the rapid leaching of inflammatory products and harmful bacteria from the bladder.

TO inflammatory process in the bladder can lead to sedentary work in the office. To avoid the development of cystitis, women "in position" are strongly advised to get up from the workplace every 20-30 minutes and do a light workout.

Cystitis during pregnancy can be easily prevented by following the above recommendations and paying special attention to your own health. After all, the main task of a pregnant woman is to protect her child from dangers and give him a healthy birth!

When bacterial acute cystitis manifests itself in pregnant women, it is urgent to start treating the disease, since untimely medical care can harm the health of the expectant mother and child. It is necessary to treat cystitis during pregnancy, based on the recommendation of a doctor who directs for diagnosis, and then makes a decision. What are the symptoms of cystitis in pregnant women, what to do if the disease persists and how to treat cystitis?

Inflammation of the bladder in pregnant women often occurs against the background of hormonal and physiological changes.

Causes of the disease

Inflammation of the bladder during pregnancy occurs for various reasons, but the most common is the infectious nature of the disease. Escherichia coli, entering the vagina, rapidly multiplies, affecting the mucous membrane of the organ and provoking the development of inflammation. In women, the peculiarity of the structure of the genitourinary organs is such that microorganisms favorable conditions easily penetrate the body, multiply there and cause disease. If a woman does not follow the rules of personal hygiene, often changes sexual partners, the risk of infection increases.

At 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, cystitis occurs due to a decrease in protective properties body and hormonal surge. A weakened immune system poorly resists foreign bacteria, resulting in chronic inflammation and joins infectious complication. A pregnant woman wants to go to the toilet regularly, so many perceive cystitis as a sign of pregnancy. Before childbirth, an enlarged uterus puts pressure on the organs of urination, preventing their normal blood supply and full outflow of urine. As a result, the organ functions poorly, residual urine is thrown back into the ureter, where pathogenic inflammation develops. For pregnant women, this is dangerous, so you can not self-medicate at home, but seek medical help from a gynecologist.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy manifest themselves in this way:

  • constant desire to have a bowel movement, even when the bladder is empty and the woman has just had a bowel movement;
  • small amount of urine excreted;
  • burning and severe pain when urinating;
  • urine of a cloudy and dark color with a bad smell;
  • a feeling of pain in the lower abdominal cavity, and with pyelonephritis - in the lumbar region;
  • the temperature rises to 38 degrees, which cannot be brought down;
  • when urinating, blood particles are visible in the urine.

Signs of acute cystitis

They develop rapidly, within a few hours. A pregnant woman has pain and discomfort when going to the toilet, sometimes incontinence is manifested. The body temperature rises, fever and chills are disturbing. Acute cystitis with blood is dangerous, the disease cannot be ignored and self-medicated. If timely medical care is not provided, the bacteria will begin to multiply and infect neighboring organs, there is a high risk of kidney damage, which causes pyelonephritis during pregnancy.

chronic course

When a pregnant woman is diagnosed with chronic cystitis, the symptoms are less pronounced, the period of remission is replaced by relapses, therefore, chronic cystitis should be cured completely before conception. After conception, warn the gynecologist that there was such a problem so that the doctor knows about the causes of the exacerbation and can take timely and adequate measures to cure the disease.

Why is cystitis dangerous during pregnancy?

Often, women confuse signs of pregnancy with cystitis. Hormonal adjustment and other changes occur to a woman in the first weeks of pregnancy. The blood supply to the uterus increases, it becomes excitable, and even a little urine in the bladder is felt, you often want to go to the toilet. But it is not dangerous and does not require therapy. Distinguishing cystitis from such a symptom is easy. With inflammation, a woman's temperature rises, pain and other characteristic symptoms appear. Therefore, the opinion that cystitis can be a sign of pregnancy is erroneous, since the nature of the origin of the frequent desire to go to the toilet is different. It is urgent to call a doctor, since inflammation of the ureter without treatment provokes inflammation of the kidneys, and this is unsafe, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Diagnostic procedures

If cystitis is suspected, the expectant mother should visit the doctor without delay and undergo the necessary procedures.

Treatment of cystitis in pregnant women begins with the diagnosis of the disease. First, the doctor asks the woman about her health, what symptoms are bothering her, how long they have been manifesting, and the possible root causes of the exacerbation. Next, a clinical blood test is given, which will show the development of inflammation and the attachment of a pathogenic infection in the body. Urine and culture tests will give the doctor the opportunity to identify the pathogen in order to prescribe an effective antibiotic for cystitis.

Instrumental diagnostics includes ultrasound examination of the bladder and cystoscopy. Cystoscopy is carried out using a cystoscope preparation, which is inserted into the urethra, as a result of which the doctor sees all changes in the organ. But in most cases, studies are limited to laboratory tests, since, for example, cystoscopy is contraindicated in severe inflammation and purulent complications.

Treatment of cystitis in pregnant women

Conservative and what can be taken

A gynecologist who prescribes a course of antibiotic therapy should treat cystitis during pregnancy, with the help of which it will be possible to get rid of pathogenic microflora. Drugs for cystitis during pregnancy are chosen carefully, as they affect developing fetus and may lead to the development various pathologies future child. From cystitis for pregnant women, the doctor prescribes pills such as Monural, Amoxiclav.

In the 3rd trimester

At a later date, the choice of drugs is wider, since the organs of the fetus are already formed, but still, even in the 3rd trimester, such groups of antibiotics as tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, sulfonamides and sulfonamides are contraindicated. Tablets provoke complications in the child's liver and the development of craniocerebral pathologies.

During pregnancy, the risk of developing cystitis increases. The reason for this lies in the physiological characteristics of the female body: the urinary canal is located close to the rectum, so the risk of infection in it is always very high. During the period of bearing a child, the likelihood of this increases even more under the influence hormonal changes in organism. The pressure of the growing uterus on the kidneys and bladder can cause a violation of the normal outflow of urine from the body, and if an infection joins, the inflammation will rise up, and the kidneys will suffer. In this case, they will not be able to perform their functions normally and filter the blood, cleansing it of toxins.

Pain during urination is a sign of acute cystitis, i.e. bladder inflammation. Its occurrence is associated with hypothermia of the body. In some cases, the cause of cystitis can be an exacerbation of urolithiasis or medical manipulations, as well as the entry of harmful microorganisms into the urinary tract.

The main signs of acute cystitis are frequent urge to urinate, but attempts to "go a little" cause sharp pains, and little urine is released, one or two drops. Wherein discomfort persist, which increases the discomfort. Cystitis in pregnant women requires special treatment, because it has spread throughout urinary tract infection can damage normal course pregnancy, complications can develop that can harm both mother and baby.

Treatment of acute cystitis

Treatment is best started as early as possible. Be sure to contact your doctor antenatal clinic and describe your complaints: the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment, control the course of the disease in dynamics and be able to respond in time to emerging complications.

At the beginning of the disease, women are recommended bed rest, strict adherence to a salt-free diet, plentiful drink. Passive heat is recommended: you need to wrap your lower back, keep your legs warm. You can rub them with alcohol solutions or pour dry mustard into your socks. Decoctions of medicinal diuretic herbs are welcome: chamomile, kidney tea, knotweed. It is especially recommended to drink cranberry and lingonberry juice, warm tea with lemon.

In addition, according to indications, uroseptics and antispasmodics are prescribed. Doctors are extremely reluctant to prescribe antibiotics and sulfa drugs in the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women - this can cause pathologies in the development of the fetus, however, with a combination of indications and the severity of the disease, this method of treatment is also possible.

From sexual activity for the period of treatment of cystitis must be abandoned. The husband of the woman must also pass tests for pathogenic microflora, if a deviation is revealed in his tests, he will also have to be treated.

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the use of antibacterial drugs is allowed, in contrast to the initial stage of pregnancy. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe one of the the following drugs: "Cefaclor", "Cefuroxime", "Axetil".

As a rule, doctors try to hospitalize a woman with inflammation of the bladder so that the treatment is carried out under their supervision. With timely treatment, uncomplicated acute cystitis in women can be cured within three days without any special consequences for the body.

Prevention of inflammation of the bladder in pregnant women

A woman who is preparing to have a child should take a very responsible approach to planning pregnancy. It is necessary to treat existing diseases in advance, sanitize the oral cavity, and pass tests for hidden infections. The habit of emptying the bladder on time can be very important to avoid stagnation of urine.

Do not forget that acute and chronic cystitis is a serious danger for the pregnant woman herself and the unborn baby, which can complicate the course of both pregnancy and childbirth itself and cause illness in the newborn.

Therefore, try to be more responsible for your health!
