How to make a big, fluffy, beautiful bow from ribbon, fabric and lace? How to make a bow from a wide, narrow and thin ribbon with your own hands? How to make a beautiful simple bow from nylon, paper ribbon and satin, rep, hair ribbon? Lush.

How often you have to suffer when you start decorating a gift, but you don’t know how to tie a bow to make it beautiful. And if you need a lot of these bows and they were all the same. In this master class, I will show you how to tie a bow using one template, and even different sizes.

First, you need to print this template on paper and cut it out. The template says the width of each side in cm.

Then we need a plastic cover from a paper folder. We put our template cut out of paper on it, the width of each side in cm is written on it.

After the template has been circled, cut it out. Here's what we should be able to do.

You will need this template whenever you need to tie bows.

So how do you tie a bow? Everything is very simple, with this template we can tie 7 bows of different widths. To make it clear to you how to tie a bow, I will take a narrow ribbon and tie it on the widest side.

We put the ribbon so that we have its tail with right side, and the length of the tail is about 5 cm. Then we start the long tail of the ribbon on the left side, under the bottom of our template. It should turn out that the long tail of the ribbon also turns out to be on our right, only under the template.

Now, we take over again long end ribbons and push it into the slot in the middle of the template.

Then we make the ribbon pass through this slot from below, as if wrapping the ribbon, which lies across the template, and we wind this long end of the ribbon up.

Now we put that long end of the tape that we brought up into a loop and here it’s very important point, the end of the tape should come out behind the tape, on the left side.

This is how it should turn out, now we begin to tighten the bow. We hold the short end of the tape with your finger, and direct the long one to the top and tighten. After tightening well, remove the bow from the template. If you did everything right, then when you pull the end of the ribbon and dissolve the bow, a knot should remain on the ribbon.

Here we have such a bow, however, for such a narrow ribbon, we took the too wide side of the template.

Raspberry bow tied on the smallest side.

In order for us to get a bow with several wings, we must initially wrap the ribbon around the template several times, and then everything, as shown in the photo above.

And it turns out such a wonderful bow.

Examples of what other bows are obtained, tied to different sides our template.

I hope you find this guide helpful when you design your gifts.

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Unfortunately, few people know how to do it right beautiful bows from ribbons, and only a few know how to tie a St. George ribbon with a bow so that it is unusual, solemn and beautiful.

Little tricks are in the arsenal of any hostess. The most popular are ribbon bows that you can use to decorate your hair, clothes, gifts, the interior of your home and office on special days.

It is worth learning how to make bows from ribbons with your own hands.

St. George ribbon bow

The St. George Ribbon, together with the Order of St. George's Cross, was approved in 1765 by Catherine II as the highest award for valor and courage. The ribbon had two colors and strictly 5 stripes - 3 black and 2 orange, symbolizing death and resurrection, associated with George the Victorious, who, according to legend, died three times and was resurrected twice.

True Destiny St. George's ribbon in our days - the resurrection of those who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War in the memory of new generations. We are alive as long as we are remembered

The true purpose of the St. George ribbon in our days is the resurrection of those who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War in the memory of new generations. We are alive as long as we are remembered.

Attention! Therefore, beautifully tied St. George Ribbon- this is not a stylish attribute, but a symbol of memory and pride in the feat of ancestors.

6 basic ways to tie a ribbon:

    The simplest trick to tie a St. George ribbon is to fold it with a loop, making one edge shorter than the other.

    If you make a large loop with the same ends, you get a bow. In this case, the junction of the tapes should be in the middle of the loop.

    In order for the bow obtained by the second method to be lush and not flat, it can be fastened in the middle with an elastic band.

    Another scheme is to bend the tape in two in the shape of a checkmark, making the ends asymmetrical.

    You can fold the tape in three to get 3 identical segments, and then upper edge pull slightly to the right.

    Lay the ribbon four times and stretch the lower end to the left, and the upper to the right, getting the letter "M".

You can tie a St. George ribbon in different ways. It all depends on where it will be worn - near the heart, around the sleeve or on the wrist. The main thing is to treat her with respect and remember to whom we owe our freedom.

You can tie a St. George ribbon in different ways

Simple satin ribbon bow

If you needed beautiful bow ic from a satin ribbon, and you are thinking about how to make it, we advise you to first decide what it is intended for. Will it be a decoration for hair, shoes, clothes, pillows, envelopes for newborns, or decor for curtains, wedding glasses, cutlery and other things, choose the appropriate technology and material.

bow on gift wrapping not the same as on kitchen towel or on a dress, as well as bows for the bride's hair or on a schoolgirl's hairpin.

Advice! A suitable material for creating a bow is a silk ribbon, satin, guipure, velvet, linen, etc.

Bow tying options

The more interesting and weirder material, the more beautiful the bow will come out. It is important that the tape keeps its shape. You can choose any color, it all depends on the imagination of the needlewoman and on where the bows will be used.

Option 1:

    A piece of narrow tape 20 cm long is folded in half and the loop formed is bent down.

    The resulting 2 loops are crossed, and then one is turned out into a circle and tightened.

Option 2:

    Use 2 pieces of 20 cm each - one for the base, the second for fixing the base.

    The tape for the base is crossed with the ends, leaving 3 cm from each edge.

    It turns out a circle, the middle of which is bent to the junction of the tapes and outlined

    Cover the seam with the second segment and tie on a bow on the reverse side.

Option 3:

    Cut 3 pieces of tape, different in width, length and shade, and cut the edges with corners or tuck, which will give the product volume.

    On a wide and long segment of the main color, equal in size to a bow, the lightest segment (can be colored) is laid, shorter than the first, and then another narrower and shorter segment of the main tone.

    Combined segments tighten narrow ribbon, carefully hiding the edges.

Option 4:

    2 tape segments, different in color and width, but the same in length, are applied to each other, forming a circle of the same diameter.

    Fix the middle with a narrower tape.

As a variation, you can tie a bow of three, four or more pieces of ribbon of the same tone or other shades, matched by color.

The more interesting and unusual the material, the more beautiful the bow will come out.

Ribbon bow "Dior"

This accessory will certainly decorate festive table or a gift. It is formatted as follows:

    The tape of the desired width is layered with turns on top of each other, constantly reducing the size of the turns.

    The topmost turn should be no more than 1–1.5 cm.

    The resulting bow is fastened with a narrow ribbon of the same material as the main one, threading it under the upper coil. You can choose the fixing tape in contrast, light or dark shade, but the texture of the material should remain the same.

This accessory will certainly decorate a festive table or a gift.

Ribbon bows on a fork

You can make an unusual tiny ribbon bow, for example, to decorate an invitation card, underwear or blouse, using an ordinary table fork.

    For work, you will need clamps, scissors, a fork, a narrow ribbon and threads.

    The ribbon is wrapped around the fork and the ends are crossed.

    On the extreme teeth, the tape is fixed with clamps, in the middle it is pulled together with a thread.

    Cut off excess.

    Wrap the ribbon around the fork so that one end is at least 3 cm.

    This edge of the tape is brought in between the cloves of the fork in the middle and brought up.

    The long end of the ribbon is passed under the formed loop, the ends are tightened and the excess is cut off.

    The resulting bow is carefully removed from the fork.

    Wrap the ribbon around the fork several times.

    The free part of the tape is passed under the formed right loop.

    Tighten the ends and remove the bow from the fork, which in this case will not be single, but double, triple, etc., according to the number of initial turns.

The bow on the fork can be diversified by adding a different color or shade.

  1. A ribbon of the main color is wound up in the form of a wave between all the teeth, leaving initially a short end.
  2. With a long part of the tape, like a checkerboard, repeat this technique 2-5 times and raise the resulting rows up.
  3. From the bottom, in the center of the fork, a ribbon of a different color is wound up and brought out at the top, while lowering all the previous rows down again. Wrap around several times and tighten the knot.
  4. The bow is removed from the fork, the excess ends are trimmed and straightened.

You can make an unusual tiny bow from a ribbon using an ordinary table fork.

American satin ribbon bow

When making such a decor, the main thing is the imagination of the craftswoman, since the technique itself is based on many techniques. How to make an American ribbon bow according to the classic pattern:

    Eights are created from a narrow ribbon of any texture.

    Fasten them together in 2-3 blanks.

    From below, if desired, you can make a base from several straight segments of the same tone or different colors connected in the middle. For greater attractiveness, the edges of the ribbons can be made patterned or curled.

    They connect the base and the eights, securing a bead or a small bow on top.

For children's hairpins for an American bow, a rep ribbon is better suited.

Bows for the Christmas tree

Buy Christmas decor, including bows, is not a problem these days. But much more interesting to do new Year decoration yourself, especially if you invite children to help. You can make New Year's decor from paper, organza, felt, lace and ribbons.

Bows look very nice on the Christmas tree

It is worth considering in more detail how to make a beautiful New Year's bow on a Christmas tree from a red ribbon, although you can use various saturated shades and even ribbons with a thematic pattern:

    Cut the ribbon of the desired thickness into strips.

    Each strip is folded in half along the length and stitched along the edge with stitches.

    At the fold, each workpiece is cut at regular intervals.

    They pick up the thread with which the edges were stitched to form a circle.

    The edge is fixed, the thread is cut or a loop is formed from it, for which the bow will be hung on a branch.

    Decorate the center of the bow with a bead, a small bow, a figurine, etc.

In addition to bows, the Christmas tree can be decorated with spiral ribbons or the bow itself can be supplemented with them, for which:

    A satin ribbon is wound on special wooden skewers and the edges are fixed with pins.

    Put for 5 minutes in an oven preheated to + 180ºC.

    After cooling, carefully remove the ribbons from the skewers and get beautiful decor with uniform curves.

Hair bows

The hairstyle decorated with kanzashi ribbon bows will not go unnoticed.

For work you will need:

    satin ribbon two contrasting colors, for example, scarlet and black;

    finishing tape white with black polka dots, or black with white peas;

    hairpin, elastic band or crab;

    plain white ribbon

    scissors and threads;

    textile glue, candle or lighter.

The procedure for making kanzashi bows:

    The first layer is formed, for which 4 pieces of black ribbon are cut and the edges are melted with fire.

    Sew the edges of each strip or glue, forming circles.

    Fold the first piece in half so that the seam is in the center. It turns out a bow, the middle of which is fixed with a thread to match the main ribbon.

    Do the same with all the blanks and connect them together like a flower.

    The second layer is formed from three pieces of scarlet ribbon and two white ones in black peas.

    Each strip is folded in half, a corner is cut off and the cut is singeed with fire. This is done on both sides, getting 5 blanks with cut edges.

    2 seams are made in the center of each segment and all the strips are connected with one thread, alternating them.

    Carefully tighten and, wrapping the thread twice, fix the knot.

    Cut pieces of white ribbon and singe the ends.

    Bend each ribbon in the middle and make a loop from one end, then sew or glue it. Do the same with the other edge.

    Having processed all the white segments, and there are four of them, they are glued together to get a peculiar shape resembling a butterfly.

    They make another butterfly from a white ribbon, but already narrower, which will serve as the third tier.

    Scarlet ribbons are cut, as well as black ones with white peas, and the edges are singeed again.

    Join 2 pairs of ribbons together different colors wrong side to each other and glued in the center. From the resulting blanks, the same butterflies are made as from white segments. The fourth tier has been completed.

    All 4 tiers are connected, laying them in layers with sizing of each layer, and attached to a hairpin or elastic band with a strip of black tape.

    The center of the kanzashi bow is decorated with a bright button or a large bead.

The kanzashi technique is simple. With its help, you can easily make beautiful ribbon bows with your own hands, if you follow the instructions.

There are a lot of methods for forming bows from various ribbons, therefore various variations and the final result depends solely on your desire, skill and imagination.

Admin 2014-04-23 at 10:00 am

Hello colleagues.

One day, I accidentally found on the Internet several original works of indescribable beauty by masters in tailoring women's things - bustiers, lace bras and all kinds of garters.

And on the linen there is always a small silk bow. And now we will learn how to tie it.

For a bow, you will need to prepare an ordinary silk ribbon suitable color width from 3 to 10 mm.

You will also need cardboard template- but you will learn more about this below.

You can also watch a short video with recipes for cutting and making several linen products.

There are simple and very cute models that can be sewn from a rectangular piece of fabric with just a couple of stitches, adding lace and silk ribbons with bows. And it turns out a surprisingly charming little thing that even a child can make.

I think these simple ways useful for inspiration and for work. And now watch the video with an overview of models and methods of cutting and at the end of the video small workshops about tying a tiny bow for a bra and how to design a tuck on a bra cup:

If the video does not start, here is a photo of the bow master class:

1. For easy production of such a bow, you need to make a template of the desired size. You can make several templates to suit your needs.

The template can be cut out of cardboard or plastic. You can also tie a bow on a simple fork - cutlery.

Well, it doesn't matter what to tie on. The main thing is that you understand the principle.

2. Wrap the tape around the horns of the template, as if you were tying a tie. Ribbons can be taken with a width of 3 mm to 1.5 cm. If the ribbon is narrow - 3 mm, then the template should also be used the smallest - 3 cm wide or use a fork. The wider the tape, the larger the template.

The knot should turn out flat - like on a pioneer tie.

3. The knot needs to be tightened tighter. And do not remove the bow immediately from the template, but first lightly iron it.

4. The finished bow is sewn to finished product on a bead or blind stitch. The main thing is to fasten the knot so that it does not untie.

5. Cut the ends beautifully into a corner and burn to prevent the threads of the ribbon from unraveling.

You can make beautiful bows from different materials, but paper and various ribbons are considered the most popular. Let's take a look at the most popular manufacturing methods from these materials below.

Paper technology

Graceful and unusual "jagged" decorations will appeal to anyone, and if you master the technique of execution, you can make such a miracle yourself.

For manufacturing it is necessary to prepare:

  • paper of sufficient density (old posters are perfect);
  • scissors;
  • glue or stationery stapler;
  • ruler.

How to make a paper bow:

  • Cut strips of paper of the same thickness.
  • Use a ruler to measure the pieces. different lengths.
  • Roll each piece at an angle without deforming the paper.
  • Fasten two pieces together to make a kind of "eight".
  • In total, three large and medium "eights" are needed, as well as two small ones.
  • Make the last figure simply in the form of a circle.
  • Starting from the longest "eights", lay out three pieces in the form of a circle, then fasten them in the middle.
  • The average length of the "eight" is also fixed in the form of a circle.
  • On the big figure lay out the middle "circle" so that the teeth fall in a checkerboard pattern.
  • The remaining two "eights" small size fasten crosswise and set on top of the resulting figure.
  • The "top" of our bow will be paper circle laid on its side.

To illustrate the process of assembling a paper bow, there is a photograph illustrating the process in an accessible way.

An original and very delicate bow is obtained in a different way. To do this, it is enough to cut out curly parts from colored paper (it is better to do this according to a template) and fasten them together, as shown in the photo. For variety, you can use several colors, as well as paper with drawings. Having shown due ingenuity, you can independently come up with new figures for an exclusive model.

Ribbon manufacturing technology

The most suitable material for creating such a decor are finished tapes, the range of which is constantly increasing.

There are many types, the most common of them: satin, guipure, silk and translucent organza.

At the same time, one should also take into account huge selection colors, brilliant varieties and the ability to pick up stripes with a pattern. In general, fantasies have a place to roam, a choice suitable products will depend entirely on your aesthetic taste, well, how to make a bow from a ribbon with your own hands, we will tell you.

Manufacturing technology can be conditionally divided into stages of complexity. Having successfully mastered one option, you can complicate the task a little and proceed to the next.

A simple DIY satin ribbon bow

To do this, a strip of sufficient length is taken, and the principle of the knot itself is shown in the photo.

To make the knot neater, you can use the following master class on how to tie a bow from satin ribbon. At first, this method will seem too complicated, but with due diligence and training, everything will turn out purely mechanically.

Several options for ribbon bows

To create such a decor, it will be enough to choose stripes of different thicknesses and colors. A single-color bow will significantly lose in aesthetically, so it is better to choose a more interesting option.

To make such a bow, three strips of different lengths should be cut off, combined with each other and pulled together with a smaller segment. The edges can be made jagged, as well as simply tucked - this will add volume to the product.

The second option will be no less pretty, as well as easy to perform. To do this, circles are formed from suitable stripes. different widths but the same diameter. Having attached the tapes to each other, the middle is fixed with another segment. The resulting decor can be used not only to create hair ornaments, but also all kinds of ideas, a list of which you will find below.

How to tie a bow on a fork

You can try to use improvised means. A simple and very attractive way to beautifully tie a ribbon bow is presented original method using a regular table fork.

The step-by-step instructions in the picture will help you master this technique; for convenience, the ends of the tape are signed with letters.

Such decorations are extremely attractive and suitable, for example, for decorating clothes. With their help, you can even color a nondescript turtleneck with new colors.

You can complicate the process a little and make two-tier bows from ribbons with your own hands. Decorate the central part with a bead, and additionally make an organza base from below. An example of such a creative is shown in the photo as a sample, so be inspired for your own projects.

Step by step manufacturing instructions

A simple technique for making bows on a fork can be slightly modified. For this, it is presented step-by-step instruction do-it-yourself ribbon bow and related illustrations.

How to tie a ribbon bow on a fork:

  • Push the tape - fasteners between the middle teeth of the fork.
  • Skip the main tape alternately between the teeth in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Fix the beginning of the strip in your hand, the rows alternate to the very top. The more there are, the more magnificent the product will turn out.
  • Tie the resulting loops with a fastener tape, cut off the ends and scorch a little with fire so that they do not bloom.
  • Alternation of stripes of different colors, sizes and surface textures.
  • Use of ribbons with a pattern.
  • Threading will make the figure more voluminous.

Various variations:

The main improvement may concern the dimensions of the product. Large satin ribbon bows can be made using a cardboard template. right size or your own fingers.

Options for decorating flower bouquets

Bouquets are fastened with similar decorations, and you can make bows from paper and fabric ribbons. Both options are quite nice, and brief diagrams will show how you can complete such a decor as quickly as possible.

Do you want something interesting?

Option number 1:

  • Wrap the tape around the palm of your hand or any suitable object.
  • Trim the ends of the edges for a more comfortable fit.
  • Align the cut parts to each other (now they will be in the middle of the tape).
  • Fix and straighten the "petals".
  • The more turns there are, the more magnificent the bow will turn out.
  • Fix in the middle.
  • "Fluff" the coils of the tape.

Option #2:

  • Fold the tape several times with a “figure eight”.
  • Fix in the middle.
  • "Fluff" the coils of the tape.
  • Trim the ends neatly and the bow is ready.

Option #3:

  • Fold the bow according to the principle of the first option.
  • Make cuts along the edges of the fixed tape.
  • Fluffy bow will have a more voluminous and interesting look.

Option #4:

  • The tape is twisted at the attachment points.
  • "Petals" are formed right in the hand. Thus, you can control the volume of the bow, which is very convenient for decoration. You can make the ends of different sizes.
  • After right size and the type of product have been achieved, secure in the middle with the end of the tape.

Original bows from satin ribbons you can do it yourself using the following technology:

  • Wind a satin ribbon between two fixed knitting needles.
  • Lay a line in the middle.
  • Remove the ribbons and pick up the thread.
  • Fix the thread, cut the ends - the bow is ready.

American design options

American bows got their name not entirely deservedly, because similar patterns can be found in various countries. The main requirement when decorating such a decor is to show imagination. The creation of such a decor is based on the use of several varieties of products at once, so there will be a lot of options. The traditional option you can name such a view, its creation will be described in detail by our master class.

How to make an American-style satin ribbon bow:

  • From thin tape figure eights are formed.
  • Separate parts in two or three pieces are fastened together.
  • From below, you can make a base of several straight ribbons fastened in the middle.
  • For additional decoration, you can make the edges jagged.
  • Fasten the two parts together, you can glue a bead or a simple smaller bow on top.

Individual elements can be seen in the photo.

The end result should be something like this.

For children's hairpins, it is better to take a more durable rep tape. Items on sale now interesting design like your favorite cartoon characters.

What can be decorated with homemade bows:

  • Decoration of clothes, belts and shoes.
  • Sofa cushions.
  • Cutlery before serving to guests.
  • Napkins, towels and kitchen curtains.
  • Newborn envelope.
  • Cases for bottles of champagne.
  • Wedding glasses, cars, ribbons of witnesses and other holiday attributes.
  • Hair ornaments.

Decorating the Christmas tree with bows is gaining more and more popularity. You can buy ready-made ones without problems in any suitable store, but it will be much more interesting to make such an ornament yourself, especially if children help you with this. It will also great idea for a gift to loved ones for the New Year holidays.

New Year's bows on the Christmas tree

A simple and incredibly attractive decor will come from the tips below. To make bows for the Christmas tree you will need the most various materials: paper, felt, organza and even lace. Several good examples given in our article, they can be used as a model for independent inventions.

DIY bows for the Christmas tree made of felt

This unique material is highly demanded in needlework. Its main advantage is a dense "plush" structure, the edges of which will not crumble, which means that they do not need additional processing.

A simple bow for a Christmas tree is made approximately as shown in the photo. Wherein upper part you can additionally decorate with beads, beads and just a bright ribbon of a contrasting shade.

You can make rounded edges, you get a completely different model.

More complex model such decor needs detailed description, the whole process is clearly shown in the photo.

New Year's decor with your own hands:

  • Felt cut into strips of arbitrary thickness.
  • Fold the strip in half and sew the edge of the fabric with small stitches.
  • Cut the fold points at regular intervals, without reaching the edge.
  • Gather the thread carefully to make a circle.
  • Trim and fix the edge.
  • Decorate the top as you wish.

How to make a ribbon bow for a Christmas tree

The above options are great for New Year's decor, especially since you can pick up ribbons with the appropriate pattern. Red is traditionally used, but if you don't have specific color preferences, you can choose multi-colored options.

In order to understand how to tie a bow from a ribbon, just look at the above photo. With some skill, such decorations can be done quickly enough.

With beautiful spirals, you can not only decorate a Christmas tree bow from a ribbon, but also use the idea to create hair ornaments.

Technology for the execution of spiral elements:

  • Wrap satin ribbon on wooden skewers.
  • Secure the edges with pins.
  • Put in the oven at about 180º C for five minutes.
  • After cooling, the tapes will acquire beautiful and uniform bends.

Original design from tulle

The unusual look of this tulle bow can also be used to create New Year's decor. To do this, you need to take an organza or cut off a small strip of tulle. The algorithm of actions is shown in the photo and resembles the process of creating pompoms.

Homemade bows - great option memorable decor, the use of which is extremely wide.

There are enough examples of use, ranging from gift wrapping to curtain decoration. Most good options we considered the creation of bows in our article, but the final result and possible variations will depend solely on your imagination.
