Kylie brushes what for. Makeup brush sets

Hello! Girls and cosmetics (and everything connected with it) are inseparable concepts! This, I'm sure, is obvious to everyone. Since we love ourselves and want to be loved by men, we constantly put a marathon on our faces.

Today I want to tell you about what brushes are needed for makeup? We are nothing without them, it's the same as without hands! I am not exaggerating this, and many girls and women will understand me.

AT modern world There are many varieties of tools designed to restore beauty. We will try to figure out which brushes should be in a cosmetic bag, what they are for, and how to use them correctly in a make-up.

Suitable brushes will do a good job of applying make-up and create the effect as if you were at a real professional in their field. In addition, you need to know not only how to use them, but also so that they last longer.

Volumetric brushes are best purchased with natural bristles, they will last longer. And small ones can be bought with synthetic pile, they are easier to wash and they will not absorb unnecessary moisture.

Fan-shaped brushes, can be customized different size, and they are needed in order to remove the remnants or excess of blush, shadows and powder from the skin. They are not difficult to remove crumbled cosmetics and most importantly, at the same time, absolutely do not smear anything. It can also be used when you want to lightly powder your face. The main thing is that it should not be rough, otherwise you can damage the skin of the face.

Foundation brushes

They are what we need at the very beginning of creating makeup. There are many brushes for this, but the main thing in them is the length of the villi. All brushes have a flat base and are small in size. You can apply the foundation with your fingers, but this will not make such an effect. The tone will not be as even.

We apply the cream on the brush and with smooth movements, we already apply the cream on the entire face with the brush, then with the side of the brush, driving it into the skin, so we will simultaneously distribute the foundation over the entire skin. Here you can use artificial pile, as the natural one will quickly deteriorate due to constant washing and the very texture of the base.

The concealer is also applied with a brush. It is used to hide and mask redness, pimples, wrinkles or circles under the eyes. The brush designed for this is tapered at the tip, and therefore it will easily help to disguise everything that makes you feel embarrassed.

Powder brush

The final touch in completing the smoothing of the tone on the face is the powder. She hides oily sheen from foundation. And the sponge we used to use can ruin everything we did before. Therefore, we take a brush and quickly draw it over the base and this completes the alignment of the tone.

The brush should be dense in structure, even along the edges, the bristles are about 3 cm long, it is the largest of all, designed for makeup. To use, dip the brush into loose powder and tap off excess. Then the powder needs to be “driven” into the skin so that the tone is more even.

Choose a springy, dense brush made from squirrel, goat, or marten.

Blush brush

Blush is applied exclusively with a fluffy brush, with long bristles. It is better not to be lazy and find such a brush, rather than a small one that will leave streaks on the face.
We dip in a small amount of blush and apply them to the places where you need. Choose, again, natural material.

Brushes to help make our eyes more beautiful

For the eyes, brushes with a short, dense pile are suitable. They are quite inexpensive, so everyone can easily buy them.

A brush in the form of a spiral brush (in mascara tubes) is needed to apply mascara to the eyelashes. Well, you know everything about her very well.

Eye shadow brushes

In order to apply shadows, use wide brushes with a flat base, elastic and with a rounded top. The pile should not be more than 12mm. For dark and contrasting shadows, pick up brushes of different sizes. They are all similar, but dark tones 6-7mm, and for contrasting about 10mm.

For dark and light colors, too, it is better to take different brushes so as not to spoil the makeup. We apply the shadows that you need on the brush and from the inner corner of the eyes we begin to apply them to the entire eyelid. It is better to choose a natural pile, unlike artificial, it will last you much longer.

Blending brushes

It will perfectly make smooth transitions from color to color, for example, it will help with shadows so that there are no noticeable color junctions. If it seems to you that you can shade with any brush, you are mistaken. They may only erase pencil lines or shadows, or they may not produce any result at all. The brush should be thick, the top as if cut at an angle and flat at the base.

This brush should not be dipped in the shadows, it can break them over time, the application will not be as uniform, and the colors may blend. It is enough to blend them to the side or down from the pencil line or shadows. Choose natural material for the same reason.

Eyeliner and brow brushes

Such brushes are very thin, with cut hairs and one sharp tip. They are used to draw thin neat lines at the very base of the eyelids, and to change the color of the eyebrows and give them the desired shape.

We apply shadows to the base of the eyelids, for this we dip the top of the brush in the shadows, and draw a thin line. Do not forget that the sharp edge should always be directed towards the inner corner of the eyes.

For applying cosmetics to the eyes, it is preferable to buy a brush made of natural material, and for eyebrows, you can also use bristles. If by different reasons If you don’t have the opportunity to buy two brushes, then it’s better, of course, to choose one with natural hairs, very dense.


It has a replaceable round nozzle made of a material of synthetic origin, most often it is made of foam rubber. It is mainly used to create playful color accents. It can also be used when wet. For example, to make the shadows more intense, dip the brush in water and apply the shadows as usual.

Most likely, foam rubber applicators will not last long, while latex and felt applicators will last longer.

Lip brushes

They are small in size, smooth to the touch, flat at the base, but pointed at the tip. Good brushes usually come with a cap. They are needed in order to outline the contour of the lips and also for applying lipstick. Application with them will be smoother, as they will paint over all the cracks. And besides, they will save your lipstick or gloss.

Only natural hair is needed here so as not to spoil the lipstick and not leave traces of the hair, which can be done by artificial material.

So, we got acquainted with all types of make-up brushes. With them, you will light makeup and it will be more natural. Of course, with natural pile they will last you longer, and the quality of application will be completely different.

Synthetic hair can bend over time and leave gaps when applying cosmetics. Their handles are also not reliable, it happens that they break. Yes, and the villi themselves may begin to fall out.

Some high-quality tools can cost a lot, but their quality will determine your appearance, so don't be stingy! Choose for yourself suitable tools and they will definitely create you beautiful image!

What brushes are needed for eye makeup? Makeup artists answer this question in different ways, and in the meantime beauty bags of beautyholics are replenished with more and more new items. We urge you to limit necessary minimum and keep only three brushes handy.

  • Dry eyeshadow brushes should be made from natural pile or from high-tech artificial, which completely repeats the features of natural villi (as, for example, in new collection brushes from Urban Decay). This is due to the fact that natural pile easily picks up dry textures, easily “gives” them to the skin and blends them as gently as possible.
  • Good natural brushes are not cheap, but there is good news. For most classic schemes makeup can be done with just three basic brushes, and with the right they will serve you long years. What is each of them for? Let's talk in order.

flat brush

  • A flat brush is the main tool in eye makeup: it is useful in order to quickly distribute shadows over the moving eyelid. The pile in it is usually packed very tightly, and the brush itself has rectangular shape with sharp or slightly bevelled edges.
  • Makeup artists affectionately call such a brush a “shovel”, and the sizes of the “shoulders” can be as small as half a centimeter (which allows you to make precise accents), or as large as the height of the entire moving eyelid in order to quickly distribute color over it. If you do your own make-up, choose middle option, which will completely cover its surface with shadows in three or four touches to the moving eyelid.
  • Work with a brush in pressing or sliding movements - depending on how intense the color on the eyelids you want to get.


Barrel brush

  • This brush is useful for both beginners and professional makeup artists. "Keg" is ideal for shading shadows along the orbital line. The principle of working with such a brush is as follows: draw shadows on the brush, shake off the excess, attach the brush to the crease upper eyelid and, moving from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, distribute the shadows in the crease along the entire length of the eye.
  • As a rule, the barrel brush has small size, therefore, using it, you do not risk making smokey ice up to the eyebrows. The “barrel” will limit your shading to the zone, and the makeup will turn out to be harmonious and neat.


fluffy brush

  • With this brush, all the beauty of soft, “smoky” shading will be available to you. In order to soften the lines after using other brushes, take a fluffy brush and go over the shadow contour several times to blend out all the borders.
  • If the color of the eyeshadow on the lid and in the crease is rather dark, pick up a small amount of shadow in the intermediate shade on this brush. It is considered the color that is between the color of the shadows and the skin tone.


What brushes do you usually use for eye makeup? Leave a comment.

High-quality makeup largely depends on the right brushes. Not only professional makeup artists, but also ordinary women should pay great attention selection of tools for creating a make-up. Makeup rules involve applying cosmetics in several stages, each of which requires certain tools. Makeup brushes allow you to use cosmetics more economically - this is another argument in favor of purchasing a professional set. Below is information about the purpose of each brush.

What brushes are needed for makeup

Understand to create flawless makeup: what makeup brushes are for what. Items differ in shape, pile length, its density and stiffness. Each tool is used in specific purposes, so there are:

  • brush for blending shadows;
  • for lipstick;
  • for applying powder;
  • for eyeliner;
  • under blush;
  • for concealer and others.

For foundation and concealer

A basic set of makeup brushes should include a tool for applying concealer or foundation. It has a short artificial pile, thanks to which it effectively evens out the skin texture, masks redness and pores. brush for foundation, in addition, it is allowed to use for mixing dry components (blush with powder). With the help of the tool, cosmetics are applied evenly, and are spent sparingly. Products of this type are produced by MAC, Oriflame, and other manufacturers. Use brushes for kosilera / tone is as follows:

  • Liquid products are applied to the face, moving from the center to the edges. The skin should be toned evenly.
  • Dry cosmetics are applied in straight lines, shaded in circular strokes to soften the borders of color.

For eyebrows

The eyebrow brush has a beveled pile with a sharp corner. A thin tool will help add volume or slightly change the shape. It is used to work with dry materials (shadows) or to rub pencil strokes. The tool may look like a brush that combs eyebrows and eyelashes. Many companies produce such brushes, including: Bobby Brown, Avon and others. How to use eyebrow brushes:

  • Comb your brows with a brush.
  • With a pencil that matches the tone of your natural hair, carefully shade the gaps in the eyebrows.
  • Use a beveled brush to even out the color of the eyebrows. Gently rub it with the lines previously drawn with a pencil.

For blush

The brush for applying blush is chosen soft, with a long natural bristles. She has the average size and domed appearance. Such a tool will not leave micro-scratches on the face, therefore it does not cause irritation or a rash (provided that you follow the rules for caring for the brush). With a brush and suitable tone blush can correct the oval of the face, emphasizing or, conversely, veiling the cheekbones, forehead, chin. They produce high-quality MAC, Zoeva, Clinique tools. How to apply:

  • Cover the line under the cheekbone with bronzer. Move to the temporal bone.
  • Apply blush on the cheeks, moving the brush towards the ears.

For powder

Tool for loose powder big, soft, oh round shape. The brush evenly distributes makeup over the skin, easily picking up powder and discarding excess. Short brushes are called kabuki, their purpose is to work with compact, pressed powder. The thick pile of such tools, in addition, perfectly picks up thick cream powder, bronzers and blush. Well proven brushes MAC, Givenchy, Just. How to use the tool:

  • Using kabuki, apply a suitable tone of powder to the skin;
  • Spread the foundation evenly over the face with a soft, long-haired brush.

For shading shadows

To combine shades and tones, use brushes different sizes. The shape of the tool is the same as that of the concealer brush. The difference is only in dimensions. For dark shadows use small brushes (about 0.5 cm) to apply contrasting colors use a medium-sized tool (up to 1 cm), a large brush is ideal for light shades. High-quality products of this group of goods are produced by MAC, Rive Gauche, and other manufacturers. How to use eye shadow brushes:

  • When casting shadows on a brush, lightly blow on the tool. Get rid of excess makeup.
  • First, light shadows are applied (for close-set eyes - at the inner corner of the eye).
  • With another brush, the corner of the eyelid from the side of the temple is covered with a contrasting tone.

For lips

To evenly apply lipstick or gloss on the lips, you should purchase a special brush. You can choose any product of a suitable size / shape with an artificial, medium hard pile. If you have narrow lips, it is better to stick with a small makeup tool. Modern goods are compact, have a cap or can be folded, making them convenient to carry in a cosmetic bag. MAC, Just and other companies produce quality products. How to use the lip brush:

  • Dip the tip of the tool into the glitter or pick up a small amount of lipstick with it.
  • Evenly, in small strokes, cover the lips with cosmetics.
  • The final touch will be the outline. To do this, you can use a separate as thin brush as possible.

How to wash and store makeup brushes

Why is it important to clean your makeup brushes regularly? Contaminated items can cause skin irritation, flaking, acne, or infections. Therefore, you should wash the instruments at least 2 times a week (if daily use). Brush for lipstick/shine, liquid-based eyeshadow or eyeliner, treat after each use. Exist important rules care and storage of makeup tools:

  1. If you do not have the opportunity to wash the products after each use, wipe them with cosmetic wipes. Be especially careful when cleaning brushes that come into contact with the eyes.
  2. Do not store tools in too dry places (near radiators, stoves or heaters), otherwise the pile will begin to deteriorate and climb.
  3. Dry the brushes after cleaning for at least 8 hours in a well-ventilated area. For this purpose, you can use a towel, wrapping makeup products for a couple of hours. soft material.
  4. Better to wash brushes cold water.
  5. Do not stand wet tools vertically - ruin the shape of the pile.

Used to wash brushes different means. The easiest way to clean the pile is with a regular shampoo or cleanser. However, ideally for this purpose it is worth purchasing special liquid or napkins. In addition to shampoo, an improvised means of removing cosmetic residues from brushes and sponges will be olive oil. How to properly wash makeup brushes so that they last a long time:

  • Pour a small amount of shampoo or facial cleanser into your palm.
  • Apply the product to a damp brush.
  • Carefully, without disturbing the shape of the pile, rub it with your fingers. Water or soap base must not get on the handle.
  • When foam forms, rinse the instrument under running water, making sure that there is no soap left on it.
  • Wring out the lint lightly and place the brush on a towel or cotton pad to dry.

It is better to store makeup brushes not in the case in which they are sold, but in a glass, box or small vase. This is due to the fact that the tools used will quickly contaminate the cosmetic bag, creating a beneficial environment for the development of bacteria. To avoid brushes touching each other (because they contaminate each other), it is worth pouring glass balls or any other small details into a glass / box, into which thin handles of makeup tools can be placed.

Video: TOP 10 essential makeup brushes

The perfect makeup can transform any woman's face and turn her from Cinderella to Princess. Roughly or carelessly applied make-up can ruin even a pretty face, making it an unattractive mask. In applying makeup, craftsmanship and accuracy are of primary importance, but not the least role is played by the quality of cosmetics and the tools used. About makeup tools will be discussed Further.

Professional makeup artists apply makeup using special brushes. Their use makes it possible to smooth transitions, sharp accents, perfectly shaded borders and clear lines. For achievement good results brushes must be used and selected correctly. On the shelves you can find a lot different types tools. They differ in size, shape, materials and quality. Many people are faced with the question of how to choose makeup brushes from a huge range, so as not to regret the money spent later.

Material and quality of brushes

Different materials can be used to make brushes. Their bristles are made from natural or synthetic bristles, handles are made from plastic, wood and metal. Most women think that the best makeup brushes are those made from natural materials. This is not true. Squirrel and pony products are good, but they are not recommended to be applied liquid products such as foundation or concealer. Their pile absorbs such cosmetics, therefore it is poorly laundered and quickly becomes unusable. Natural makeup brushes are best used for dry products, such as loose shadows or powder. Synthetic products are suitable for all types of cosmetics, they can create perfect tone or apply liquid shadows, in addition, they last longer, do not absorb paint and retain fats. When choosing them, attention should be paid to quality.

  1. Test the stiffness of the pile. It should be soft and tender. Too hard brushes will not only be unsuitable for quality application products, but can also damage the skin.
  2. Make sure the brush doesn't shed. Swipe over her pile, sharply release 20 times. If the hairs remain in place, then the product is suitable for use.
  3. Test the pen. The material from which it is made does not of great importance. The main thing is to make sure that the fleecy part is well bonded to the handle. Take the brush by the tip and gently sweep. If something is loose or loose in it, the product should be discarded.

A small, beveled brush draws well small parts faces making correction. For example, . It can be used to blend shadows.

The angled blush brush is great for shaping cheekbones.

Round brush medium shape used to apply blush or dry correctors on the temples and cheekbones.

Large, fluffy, soft round brush for powder. The larger the product, the smoother the product will go.

A fan-shaped brush removes excess powder, shadows or blush. She, without smearing, eliminates crumbled particles of funds.

A small, rounded, flat brush is ideal for applying concealer. It is more convenient to apply and blend the product than with your fingers.

Eye makeup brushes

A thin brush with adjacent villi is used for drawing arrows and eyeliner.

Flat, rounded brush with bristles small length, used to apply shadows on the movable eyelid and outer corners of the eyes.

Tapered, beveled brushes are great for creating smooth transitions between eyeshadow colors. They smooth the borders, shade and apply funds. With their help, you can highlight the crease of the eyelid with dark shadows.

  • There are a lot of makeup brushes out there. They are made from different materials, various forms and sizes, and, of course, each has its own purpose.
  • It is not surprising that for many it still remains a mystery which makeup brushes will be the best, which ones they actually need, which ones are intended for what and how to use them correctly. But if you figure it out, daily makeup will become much more diverse and interesting. Because many techniques (for example, the same popular one today) cannot be mastered without the right set of brushes.

Take a short quiz to see how good you are with makeup brushes. And then proceed to a detailed study of the issue.

Purpose and types of professional brushes

Brushes differ in several criteria at once. First of all, the separation takes place according to "areas of responsibility" - parts of the face on which they are recommended to be used: for the face, eyes, eyebrows, lips. Also, all brushes as a whole are divided into two types - made of artificial pile or natural. The latter are best combined with powdery dry textures. Artificial ones are necessary for applying and blending cream and liquid textures. Let's look at each category in detail.


How many brushes do you need to have to apply foundation? At least three: flat synthetic for foundation and two fluffy natural ones for blush and powder. If we talk about the basic set of a professional makeup artist, then it includes many more brushes. Which? Read below.

For foundation

brush for foundation Maestro Brush, Giorgio Armani© armanibeauty

flat synthetic brush popular with professional makeup artists as well as for newbies. With its help, you can easily distribute the foundation as thinly as possible.

More information on the topic:

For concealer

Concealer brush Maestro Brush, Giorgio Armani ©

Similar to a foundation brush, but several times smaller in size. As a rule, they have a denser texture and are more difficult to shade. Therefore, such a small flat synthetic brush is what you need to correct small imperfections on the face.

For powder

Professional brush for applying powder Pro Brush, NYX Proffesional Makeup ©

Moderately wide natural brush perfectly picks up powdery textures. Important point: to fix the makeup, use a patting motion with the brush, do not stretch it over the face - this will only “move” the foundation.

For cream blush

Polishing brush Pinceau Teint Perfecteur No. 2,YSL Beauté ©

Synthetic bristle brush does not absorb creamy textures. Thus, it is very easy to distribute soft blush on the cheekbones.

For blush contouring

Contour brush for powder Maestro Brush, Giorgio Armani ©

A flat, wide brush with a smooth cut is ideal for blending dry powder blush in taupe tones. With its help, you can sharpen the chin, narrow the edges of the nose.

Kabuki brush

Kabuki brush for dry and cream textures Parisian Kabuki, Lancôme ©

You can recognize the kabuki brush by the following signs: it is very soft, with a lot of villi and a round cut. It distributes powder textures very delicately, so it is best suited, for example, for blending bronzers.


Do not forget to add at least two eyeshadow brushes to your basic makeup bag: one is useful for applying them, the second is for blending. Each of them has a number of features, more about which you can read in this section.

Flat eyeshadow brush

Pinceau Yeux Ombreur No. 8 Eye Brush, YSL Beauté ©

This brush is essential for those who love shadows and want a professional effect. A slightly fluffy, medium-sized flat brush is great for spreading eye shadow.

Rounded Eyeshadow Brush

Eyeshadow Contour Brush, Urban Decay ©

The rounded shape of this brush explains why it is often referred to as a barrel brush. It is ideal for blending shadows in the crease of the eyelid. This technique allows you to make the eyes visually more expressive.

Eyeliner brush

Eyeliner Brush, Giorgio Armani ©

A thin, calligraphic-shaped synthetic bristle brush is just what the doctor ordered when you want to experiment with arrows. The width of the arrows depends on the intensity of the pressure.

Blending brush

Professional eye makeup brush. Pro brush - blending 16, NYX Proffesional Makeup ©

This fluffy brush allows you to create the desired "smoky" shading in no time. It should be used like this: when the main shades of the shadows are already applied to the eyelid, take a clean one and walk along the borders of the colors, mixing them together.

More more information on this topic:


Applicator Eye & Brow Maestro, Giorgio Armani ©

Today, wide, traced eyebrows are in fashion. Therefore, the eyebrow brush - must have in any makeup bag. Before you start drawing hairs with a beveled flat brush, carefully comb your eyebrows. And then start filling with color.


Angled Lip Brush, Urban Decay ©

Medium width brush distributes lipstick evenly on the lips. A good lip brush should be very well-defined, with a dense bristle. So, it can easily outline the contours even without a pencil. Read more about how to choose a lip brush.

Brushes of various shapes

We have given examples above. basic brushes for applying makeup, which will be useful for beginners in makeup. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more brushes - even for the same purpose, brushes can differ dramatically

  • Concealer brushes can be not only flat and made of synthetic bristles. Hair can be combined - artificial mixed with natural. This gives the brush more fluffiness and, accordingly, increases the chances of better shading.
  • Some makeup artists even prefer to distribute the concealer with a brush made of only natural pile. In this case, it will be rounded, frankly fluffy and soft. She can have only one minus - natural hairs absorb the product, so the consumption of concealer will be greater.
  • For many, it remains a mystery why very flat fan brushes for makeup. Those made from the minimum amount of hairs are almost weightless: they perfectly distribute the powder highlighter. The layer will be very thin, which will create the effect of highlighted skin. Fluffy fan brushes are good for applying powder, bronzer.

Among the variety of brush shapes (oval, round, flat, beveled, etc.) it is important to understand their logic. Take the brush in your hands, touch it, try moving it along the back of your hand. It will immediately become clear that beveled ones are more suitable for a more graphic distribution of color. Round - for applying with fuzzy edges: for example, shadows, blush. Flat brushes apply color better, while fluffy brushes blend it.

Brush materials

In general, the materials from which makeup brushes are made can be divided into two groups - artificial and natural. Both have their own characteristics, pros and cons.

Natural bristle brushes

They are made from natural hairs of different animals. The most popular are hairs from the wool of a squirrel, goat or horse. Since the hairs are natural, their cuticle has the ability to pick up and absorb powder pigments and blend them on the face without a trace.

For practice, natural brushes are ideal - they are as soft as possible, which means that it is more difficult to apply too much with them. As for powder textures, natural brushes will be yours. the best choice for this purpose.

The main thing is to follow the example of professionals and not press the brush too hard. Light brush strokes are the guideline.

Synthetic bristle brushes

Typically for making artificial brushes used a variety of synthetic materials- from nylon to recycled. Such brushes are denser, they are easier to clean and do not absorb liquid and creamy textures. Accordingly, when using them, you will spend less money.

Basic makeup brush set: which brushes beginners need

  • Flat eyeshadow brush - for applying color.
  • Eyeshadow Blending Brush - For soft edges or smoky eyes.
  • A small slanted brush - it is suitable for drawing arrows or filling in eyebrows.
  • Powder brush - to set foundation, concealer and other creamy textures on the face.
  • A foundation brush is not at all a mandatory item, but it will come in handy if it is more convenient for you to distribute the tone with a brush. Many today prefer sponges for this purpose.
  • Angled blush brush - this can be given to the face more healthy look, and contour the volume.
  • Concealer brush - if you choose a flat one made of synthetic bristles, then here's a little life hack for you - you can also use it to draw lips.
  • Eyebrow brush - because now there is nowhere without combed, lush eyebrows.

Makeup beginners should not immediately buy a huge professional set brushes. First you need to figure out which brushes are more convenient for you to do makeup, and this is largely known only in the process of using them.

Beginners should definitely purchase the following brushes - for powder, for blush, flat and fluffy for shadows, and an eyebrow brush.

Then everything depends on you. Do you love eyeliner? Then the eyeliner brush is your must-have. Or maybe you love drawing eyebrows? If you're a fan of brow shadow, get yourself a small, angled, natural brush. In case you prefer cream shadows, an artificial flat brush with a flat or beveled cut will come in handy. Gradually, it will become clear to you what you are missing, and you will form your own basic set.

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How to use makeup brushes? The main mistakes when using

In the use of brushes, it is not only beginners who make mistakes. Let's take a look at the most common ones.

You pick up the concealer with a brush right out of the package.

So you have dark circles under the eyes and you want to get rid of them. And the first thing you do is pick up the concealer with a brush right out of the package? It is better to first take a small amount of concealer and lightly rub it with your finger on the back of your hand. So the dense formula will become more plastic - after that, already use a brush and apply the product under the eyes.

you use too big brush for shading shadows

Many people think that buying an eyeshadow blending brush bigger size, you can get more use out of it - after all, its cost is often the same as that of a more miniature one. But this is not entirely true: a small feathering brush will allow you to achieve the effect of shadow, which is necessary for sculpting the eyelids. Too big a brush will give the impression that you have dirt in front of your eyes.

You're using too big a foundation brush

The foundation brush should be flexible and slightly pointed. So, you can retouch all areas of the face, including the difficult area around and under the nose.

Applying too much pressure to the brush when applying blush and bronzer

The lighter you press on the brush, the more natural the result will be. It is a mistake to think that the harder you press, the brighter the color will be. No, all that you achieve in this way is a large color spot that cannot be shaded. All experienced makeup artists distribute blush easily, barely touching the face with a brush. Yes, they need a minute more time for this, but the result is worth it.

You use the same brush for multiple products

Often a blush brush is used for both powder and bronzer at the same time. And also for the highlighter. Each of these tools needs its own brush - otherwise a combination of pigments is formed on the villi, and the color will never turn out to be “clean”.

Now that you know about the main mistakes when using makeup brushes, it's time to figure out how to apply them correctly. Our instructional video will help you with this. Also be sure to learn how to use different makeup brushes for other purposes.

How to care for brushes?

If you have invested in good brushes made from proven materials, they can serve you for decades. One condition - you must properly care for them: wash in time, dry and store properly.

How to wash brushes?

  • During the use of brushes, particles of makeup, oils, dirt and even bacteria accumulate on the hairs. Therefore, if you do not wash your brushes on time, it can cause inflammation and clog pores.
  • To keep your brushes clean, get a spray cleaner - spray your brushes with it after each use. And once a week, wash them thoroughly with water and shampoo. sold today special means for cleaning brushes, but in fact, a good cleansing or just neutral baby shampoo can be used for the same purpose.
  • Special can also be made by hand.
  • It is best to wash your brushes room temperature. Moisten them with water first, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo. Rinse off the product until the water is clear.

How to store brushes?

  • Dry your brushes better. naturally: just put them on clean towel and in a couple of hours they will be as good as new.
  • If you dry the brushes in vertical position, putting them in a glass, there is a risk that the water, falling down from the villi, will soak the glue that holds the handle and the top of the tool. If you do this regularly, the brush will break very quickly. Therefore, dry them by laying them on a vertical surface.

Brush cleaner

Specialized brush cleaners are now popular with both professional makeup artists and makeup lovers. Their types are different - from pressed, reminiscent of classic soap, to liquid like shampoo. Their compositions are made in such a way that they gently clean the bristles of the brushes, while carefully removing the remnants of makeup and bacteria.

Brush accessories

Many brands produce special accessories that come in handy when using makeup brushes. Their presence is not at all necessary, but in some cases it can make life much easier. For example, NYX Professional Makeup has a special brush cleaning rubber mat that is very easy to use. Apply a little cleanser to the mat and rub the brush on its surface, then rinse thoroughly with water.


The same brand produces a box in which it is convenient to store and transport brushes. It can also be used as a stand for brushes, placed on the dressing table. We talked in detail about other options where you can still store brushes at home.


5 great makeup brushes

Look for the five most necessary brushes for a basic cosmetic bag in our rating.
