Pink blonde: who suits it? Hair color is rose gold.

Nowadays it is fashionable to be anyone, the main thing is to remain yourself. Some girls choose exclusively natural shades hair, others rely on strong acid colors that pull them out of the crowd... But you can make a compromise by dyeing your hair in a color that is not natural, but not too bright, muted and pastel. This is exactly what hair color is pink gold, consisting of a mix of cold and warm undertones.

If you take it apart, it turns out that the components of rose gold are:

warm golden,

lilac (cold),

pastel pink tone.

It is gentle, feminine (not even so: girlish), soft and iridescent, consisting not only of pink, but also of apricot and even copper tones. Such a pastel glaze on the head!

Who suits rose gold hair color?

He can often be seen in glossy publications. However, you don’t need to think that the color will suit each. And it’s not so much about the color type of appearance, as it is about the style that you can adhere to during your work. For example, in an office where more than conservative views reign, such a hairstyle will definitely not be approved.

But if we are already talking about the color type, it is best to buy such paint for owners of summer and spring beauty. It’s especially good if the girl has sandy hair, peach skin. In this case, the owner's gaze similar hair will look especially warm.

By the way, if you don’t buy ready-made paint, but a colorist makes it for you, mixing different tones, a good master will “pour” more beige, purple or cool pink into a summer beauty, and more apricot and gold into a spring beauty.

If you are a girl with an autumn or spring appearance, it is better for you to paint yourself in a different tone.

Are you blonde? Congratulations! The rose gold color will fall on your strands like a glove!

In addition, this dye loves brown (of course, mostly light brown) hair.

If you are a brunette, this does not mean that you should forget about fashionable coloring- but on the way to it you will definitely have to go through hair lightening.

How to make your hair rose gold?

Base - blond. Everything is simple here: buy a box, bring it home, apply it to your hair for the required amount of time. The dye will work best on neutral platinum curls. However, it will work no less well with other shades of blonde (both natural and highlighted).

Base: black (very dark) hair. Here you can’t do without a visit to the salon or calling a specialist to your home. First your hair will be bleached, then it will be applied coloring pigment. Of course, you can do this yourself, but in this case there is a great risk unsuccessful coloring, which will ruin not only your mood, but also the structure of your hair.

Rose gold: a palette of shades

Ash blonde and lavender. Cold, combined with light hair and skin. Hair with a purple tint is simply created for girls with natural light brown strands.

Peach and gold. Warm colors, invented both for dark-skinned women and for women with pale faces.

Color options

The good news: this color is not considered a “one-day” color; it can stay on your hair for quite a long time. It is not prohibited to use permanent dyes at home. In stores you can even find professional lines with a rose gold tint. True, depending on the manufacturer, the shade of dyed hair may vary slightly.

Well, and of course, don’t forget about tinting! The tonic will stay on your head for 2 or even 3 weeks, gradually washing off. A good example of such a product is Color Touch from Vella, shade 9/36 (rose gold).

As for colorists or experienced hairdressers, they do not need ready-made paints in boxes. The artist, like an artist, has a palette of pigments that he mixes to create paint for each individual client. Sometimes pigments from the same brand or line are used, sometimes from different ones.

Rose gold balayage

It is often remembered by brunettes (brown-haired, dark blond), who do not want to burn out every hair from root to tip with bleaching. They dye only the ends rose gold, and leave the hair at the roots as is (or alternatively: make only 3-5 accent strands near the face). Whatever your natural tone hair, in combination with rose gold it will look equally successful.

Rose gold hair dyes

ION Color Brilliance Gemstones "Rose Quartz"


Loreal Sublim Muss tone 822 strawberry with cream

Nouvelle Color Effective, color 9.206 pink ice

LOreal Colorista Washout #Pink (washable shade)

Behind long years since its existence, one of the popular hair coloring techniques has not lost its relevance; on the contrary, it has gained new life V various variations. Shatush, ombre and finally balayage. All three trends recent years a little similar to each other. Darkened roots, transitions and color stretching, look stylish, give the strands a fashionable naturalness and give the hairstyle dynamism.

Name "balayage" translated from French as “revenge”. Indeed, the work of a master with a brush when applying a coloring composition to the hair resembles broad strokes of a broom.

When dyeing balayage, the ends of the hair and strands are highlighted, starting from the middle. The composition is applied in the shape of the Latin letter V. First, the sides of the selected strand are painted over, and then its ends. Two or three shades are used, “flowing” into each other. Color transitions can be sharp or smooth, without clear boundaries.

Benefits of the balayage technique

Majority modern fashionistas They believe that traditional coloring is a thing of the past. Many people are bored with hair that looks like a wig, so coloring and lightening using several shades at once has been at its peak for years fashion trends. Balayage has the following advantages: Suitable for owners of hair of any length;
Fits well into any image and style from extravagant to classic;
Gives hair visual volume and shine;
Good for thin and unruly hair;
Does not require frequent correction colors, except when dyeing is done on short haircut;
Allows you to correct facial imperfections, for example, to hide a heavy chin or too wide cheekbones, overly rounded cheeks.

This technique also has disadvantages. Compared to traditional coloring or highlighting, balayage takes longer, and performing the procedure yourself at home will not be so easy.

Shatush, ombre, balayage - is there a difference?

The trends of the last few seasons, coloring techniques, and balayage, at first glance, are no different from each other. Each of them gives hair natural effect sunburn, all have a contrast between roots and ends. To a layman's eye there is no difference. But good specialist knows that they are not the same thing.

When dyeing balayage, the ends of the hair are also lightened. However, unlike the shatush technique, the composition is applied to the entire zone, that is, the lower part stands out more clearly. In this way, balayage is similar to ombre. However, the shades used in the first case are closer to the natural hair color. In addition, balayage uses vertical rather than horizontal coloring, resulting in more blurred shade transitions. Thus, we can say that balayage is a cross between shatush and ombre.

Video - what are the differences between balayage, ombre and shatush techniques

As already mentioned, balayage technology involves changing the color of only half of the hair. But this is a simplified diagram. In practice, there are several variations of coloring. The difference lies in the color transitions; they can be sharp or subtle. Only the ends of the hair or the strands are dyed almost completely. The choice of colors is also unlimited: these can be shades close to natural, or bright, almost contrasting.

Who is balayage suitable for?

Since the technology is considered gentle, experts recommend balayage to owners fine and porous hair. They are characterized by insufficient volume, lack of shine and fragility. Coloring can solve all three problems at once. The lucky owners of long, healthy and voluminous curls do not need to choose; any of the techniques will suit them perfectly: shatush, ombre or balayage. But on short haircuts, the latter option will look most advantageous.

It should be noted that balayage coloring is aimed primarily at giving expressiveness to the hairstyle. Therefore, it is better to decide in advance by making suitable haircut or carving. On curled hair balayage looks simply luxurious. Well suited for this coloring technique, as well as ladder haircuts various lengths.

Owners short hair can choose classic bob with graduation and effectively emphasize individual strands on the face and on the back of the head. This technique will add visual volume to the hairstyle, in addition, the traditional classic will look more modern. By the way, this option will do not only for fans of elegant haircuts, but also for extraordinary people. Color will allow you to place the necessary accents.

Balayage for brown hair

Natural shades that are not too different from natural color hair: golden, wheat, light amber, light brown. In this case, the transition looks as restrained as possible. For fans of more unconventional solutions, we can recommend:
✓ All shades of copper;
✓ Caramel;
✓ Light walnut;
✓ Coffee with milk;
✓ Silver - ash blonde.

Golden haired ladies They can also use balayage dyeing to revive their hair color and give their hair extra volume. Of course, on light strands, the lightening will practically not be noticeable, so for those who want to slightly change the image, it is better to choose tones that are slightly darker than the natural shade. To add visual volume and shine, “platinum blonde” is suitable.

Balayage for brown hair - photo

Balayage for dark hair

Brunettes and brown-haired women prefer technology balayage coloring, because on dark hair the results of the experiment are most noticeable. In addition, you can create any images by simply selecting suitable color. Brave fashionistas prefer brightness and contrast, elegant ladies choose the effect of light sun highlights in the hair.

Romantic, gentle image allows you to create coloring using golden, honey, caramel shades . For brunettes, chocolate and coffee colors are suitable. On raven-colored hair, shades of gray with a silvery tint look especially noble.

Fans bright style will prefer shades autumn foliage or Burgundy wine, old bronze. Bright color you can shade the strands along almost the entire length, or simply emphasize the ends. In any case, the hairstyle will look non-trivial.

Balayage on dark hair - photo

Lovers of shocking would prefer trendy looks, with tips colored in neon colors. The palette here is huge: from lemon to ultramarine or sea ​​wave. Undoubtedly, this option is more suitable for a young lady, emphasizing her youth and courage.

How to do balayage at home

There is nothing supernatural about balayage coloring; having some skills in coloring and lightening, you can cope with this task. But it will be difficult to dye your hair at the back yourself. Therefore, you will need the help of a second person. For staining you need to prepare:

1. Paint in suitable shades;
2. Brush for applying the composition;
3. Mixing containers;
4. A comb with a long tail;
5. Hair clips;
6. Protective gloves and negligee;
7. Thin cling film, pre-cut into large rectangles (15x30).

Let's start painting, following the following sequence:

1. Prepare everything you need, dilute the paint and cover your clothes with a peignoir;
2. Fix the bulk of the hair at the top, separating the “lower tier” in the temporal and occipital parts;
3. Divide your hair into separate strands, their width (2 - 4 cm) will depend on the thickness of the hair than more hair, the larger the area that is processed at a time;
4. Paint more light tone apply along the edges of the selected strand, shading it with short vertical strokes, moving from bottom to top, then coat the ends thickly;
5. Paint the middle with paint of an intermediate shade;
6. Cover the dyed strands with film to separate them from the next row of hair to be dyed;
7. Gradually process the entire mass of hair in this way.

Balayage at home video

For a smooth color transition that provides curls with natural look, fair-haired young ladies are recommended to use two colors of paint, the first one is lighter base shade hair by 2 tones, and the second by four. The lightest one will go to the edge, and the darker one will go to the center.
If natural color not too expressive or you need to hide gray hair, dye your hair in a tone close to your natural shade (a little darker or lighter), and after a few days do balayage according to the above scheme.

All representatives of the fair sex want to look beautiful. Masters hairdressing and stylists offer different ways make a woman irresistible. Today the trend is balayage technique. This fashionable procedure allows you to color your curls in several shades. Often two or three colors of paint are used, but the transition - provocative or soft - is already made by the hairdresser at the request of the client.

What's happened

The name "balayage" is of French origin. Translated, the term “free brush” means. This technique visually creates the effect of burnt strands.

The possibilities of such coloring are not limited. There are many options for balayage. This hair coloring method is universal and suitable for women. of different ages with haircuts of various lengths. Therefore, in every special case the selection of colors and transitions depends on creative fantasies hairdresser, and the wishes of the client.

U natural blondes hairs are often weakened and fragile, so when dyeing them they use soft remedies with minimal oxidizing agent content. The balayage technique for dyeing blonde hair is ideal. It allows you to achieve the desired result without damaging your hair and giving it natural color. But when painting light curls transitions should be smooth.

Important! Blonde girls need to remember that their hair is finicky, so experiment with it by using bright shades, Not recommended.

The so-called “scorched strands” look best on fair-haired ladies, especially those with curls.

For dark hair

Brunettes allow the hairdresser to make all their wildest fantasies come true. Natural dark hair - perfect base for classic balayage. But there are a lot of varieties of dyeing for dark-haired ladies in the balayage style.

Correctly selected shades add volume and shine to hair. Ladies who want to stand out from the crowd can do an unusual colored balayage. For example, red tones will give the curls the appearance of fiery tongues, and a mixture of violet-blue, the so-called “galactic” coloring with smooth transitions, will make dark-haired beauties even more attractive.

Contrasting balayage also looks beautiful on brunettes. In such cases, coloring can be done close to the roots or from the middle.

By the way! Dark-haired girls dye their locks balayage technique more often than fair-haired ones. On dark hair, the burnt-out effect is more noticeable.

Features of colored balayage

Carrying out the balayage procedure does not cause any particular difficulties. However, The technique of dyeing strands in this way has its own characteristics.

  1. If this is planned, the ends of the hair are cut in advance, and not before the procedure itself.
  2. Treat the curls unwashed for 2-3 days.
  3. Before dyeing, comb the hair with a soft brush, moving from the ends upward.
  4. Before dyeing the strands of a short haircut using the balayage technique, the hair is combed at the roots so that it ruffles in different sides. After this apply coloring agent and secure the strands with foil.
  5. When dyeing long hair, the curls are separated and each individually tied with an elastic band. Only after this paint is applied.

Coloring at home

It is quite possible to do balayage yourself. Surely it's better to trust to an experienced master, but if you want to dye your hair at home You only need to follow a few rules.

  1. Starting from the back curls, the hair needs to be divided into zones.
  2. Take a separate curl and comb it at the roots.
  3. Paint is applied to the desired length with a brush.
  4. The ends are coated especially carefully and thoroughly.
  5. When applying paint, you need to step back at least 3 cm from the roots.
  6. After processing the strands, they begin to dye the bangs.
  7. The paint is kept for the period specified in the instructions, after which the residue is washed off.
  8. A nourishing mask is applied to the hair follicles.
  9. After completing the procedure, the ends are trimmed a little.

Features of care after coloring

After balayage, your hair looks elegant and beautiful. However, they proper care must be provided.

  • to stimulate hair growth and nutrition, you should use only fortified products;
  • When washing your hair, use softened water;
  • Masks using burdock and almond oils also help restore the hair structure. tea tree, castor, etc.;
  • It is recommended to use for rinsing herbal infusions(chamomile, sage, hops, nettle, celandine, tansy);
  • It is advisable to dry your hair naturally, and exclude all electrical appliances for styling for a while;
  • also dyed curls should be protected from bad influence external factors (wind, frost, sunlight).

If you have decided to change something in your appearance, try the balayage technique on yourself. Original coloring of your curls will make you more attractive and self-confident.

If you don't know much about how to dye your hair this way, just trust the professionals. Good master will not only help you decide on the shade, but will also do everything efficiently.

Useful videos

Bright balayage.

Pastel pink balayage.


21:46 2018

Fashion for certain colors and shades can circulate for several years or regularly return to everyday use every few seasons. Nowadays the powdery shade of pink, which in the shade palette is designated as rose gold, is undergoing a rebirth, and its popularity has lasted for several years now. fashion seasons contract. Today, world celebrities and Instagram celebrities dye their hair in this color for classic interiors and make-ups.

How the rose gold trend appeared

Have pink color Long story in the world of fashion and beauty. Almost each of its shades corresponds to a specific style that brought it popularity: for example, if the clean and bright fuchsia is punk, then the color of powder pink is vintage elegance. Itself is rose gold (a reference to precious metal) combines two luxurious colors into something unique, graceful and stylish.

In makeup, the course for gold has been set for a long time - it is not only an always relevant element holiday collections and part of the general fashion for metallic shades, but also just one of the colors with which you can experiment in any way. Pink, especially in more delicate shades, has become indispensable in natural makeup nude and innocent make-up a la Lolita, which will not cease to be fashionable, at least in the next few seasons.

Read also:

Tiger balayage of your hair: summer trend 2017

Pink and gold - together and separately - dominated the 2016/2017 Christmas collections, but in democratic fashion they are especially in demand rose gold received in 2017, continuing to remain in trends in 2018.

Last season with rose gold Many celebrities experimented (just look at the wig of Bella Hadid or Salma Hayek at a party in Cannes), but this time the heavy artillery joined the trend: Blake Lively, Kylie Jenner, Katy Perry, Hailey Baldwin, Sienna Miller, Elle Fanning and many others. The love for the pink shade, which we more often call “strawberry blonde,” unites stars from Jemima Kirke to Kate Hudson.

Rose gold tone

  • Warm golden with peach: often hair color pink gold" tends to attract more warm shades, because pink is close to peach, and gold is close to yellow. This is very suits women who have more dark skin, but for those with pale skin this shade will be a good choice.
  • Lavender and ash blonde: cool shades of rose gold are perfect for girls with light shade skin and hair. If your hair is naturally shades of light brown, then purple-ash pink will go much better with your type of appearance.
  • Balayage Rose Gold: The balayage coloring technique does not lose popularity due to its more natural look than the same ombre, but it does not damage the scalp and does not require frequent visits to the hairdresser and coloring of the hair when the roots grow. This perfect choice for those who have a darker natural shade and want to avoid frequent bleaching. Rose gold color goes well with almost everything natural shades hair, so you can only dye bottom part hair without worrying about the top part at the roots, or dye a few strands near the face in shades of bright pink-gold.

Features of hair coloring in rose gold

Alas, this hair color, like any blonde, needs careful support, but it is easy to correct, so you don’t have to be afraid to try it different shades. Most a win-win- it has a platinum base, but is soft pink color can also fit well on natural blonde hair, and artificial warm shades.

Blondes are lucky - they will not need to bleach their hair and can carry out minimal coloring manipulations. Having a box of paint, you can paint yourself even at home.

Brunettes should be patient and turn to professionals. First, you must undergo the procedure of bleaching the hair pigment, and then dye it in desired shade. Unsuccessful home coloring can seriously damage your hair and ruin desired result, therefore, for the sake of the health of your hair, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

How to care for pink hair

  • Use a shampoo for colored hair marked “sulfate-free” - it gently cleanses your hair and helps keep your color in its beautiful, original condition.
  • Don't use shampoo too often. Frequent washing It washes off the color faster and is not good for the hair. Washing every day is equivalent to going to the salon for a new coloring in a week. Find golden mean between frequency and cleanliness, gradually taming your hair to wash less often.
  • Give your hair regular nourishing, healing masks or use coconut oil to keep your hair healthy and shiny for as long as possible.
  • Wash your hair with cool water.
  • Try not to use electric heating devices for styling, which overheat your hair and damage its structure. If you just can't do without blow-drying or styling with a curling iron, use thermal protective hair sprays that will help protect your hair from damage.
  • Avoid chlorinated water in pools or don't forget to wear a swimming cap.

It's worth noting that the rose gold shade suits almost everyone, so don't be afraid to try something new and make it your own. external image more bright!
