Conspiracy and prayer to meet love. A conspiracy for all occasions

A person simply needs happiness for a comfortable life. This state of mind will allow you to enjoy life in all its manifestations. This feeling is not affected by the weather, wealth or character of the person. Thanks to him, life becomes harmonious and fulfilling.

A spell for happiness is a very popular ritual. It is used by people regardless of gender. This ritual allows you to discover special energy channels, by which the desired events are attracted into life and from this it is filled with positive emotions.

There are a huge number of rituals with which you can bring happiness into life. But all of them are simple to perform, and they can be done independently at home.

Conventionally, such rituals can be divided depending on their focus:

  • Self-directed influences;
  • Rituals aimed at the whole family.

A spell for happiness, before using it in a specific ritual, must be learned by heart. When pronouncing magic words, it is important to fully concentrate on your desire to become happy.

Using three keys

A ritual in which additional attributes three keys are used and is considered one of the strongest. At correct implementation it acts very quickly and allows you to stabilize internal state person, which means becoming happy.

Any keys can be used in this magical action. These can be newly purchased keys for new locks, or those that were used in everyday life long time. It is important that the keys are different and not from the same lock. You also need to prepare a red woolen thread for the ritual.

It is recommended to cast a spell for happiness at midnight during the waxing moon phase or when the full moon approaches. Need to go to separate room and concentrate on your thoughts about happiness. IN right hand you should take three keys, and on the left - a red woolen thread. With your eyes closed, you need to think about your well-being for at least ten minutes. You must not allow your thoughts to switch to any everyday problems. You should imagine immersing yourself in your own fictional world, where goodness reigns and only happiness exists, and relationships between people are filled with sincere goodwill.

After you feel that peace has come to your soul, you need to hang the prepared keys on a thread and tie its ends with three knots.

During this process, you need to pronounce the following conspiracy:

“Everything that I, the Servant of God (my name) is entitled to in life, I take for myself forever. And I lock it all securely with the help of three keys and tie it with a magic thread. Everything will happen and come true! From now on and forever! Amen!"

The words should not be pronounced very loudly, but emotionally. This must be done for each knot tied. A charmed bunch of keys should be kept in an inconspicuous place at the head of the bed. No one should know about the ritual performed. Changes in life will already become noticeable in the first month after the ritual. It is important to never use enchanted keys for household purposes again.

This ritual uses a very strong spell, which must be read three times on the same day during the period of growth of the night luminary. The ritual involves visiting a temple. The conspiracy is read the first time at home before going to church, the second time before entering the temple, and the third time again at home after coming from church.

The magic words sound like this:

“I am going, Slave (s) of God (s) ( given name) visit the holy temple. There is a golden temple, and in it there is a silver throne, not simple. There in the temple above him there is a speaking icon of the Mother of God. I will approach her, the holy face will look at me and bless me. Give me, Holy Mother of God, happiness from this moment and forever. Amen!"

In the church it is necessary to light 12 candles in honor of the holy apostles who were next to Christ. You can place candles near any icons that your soul reaches out to.

Morning plot

To attract happiness into your life, you can perform a powerful morning ritual to attract happiness into your life. It is very effective if a bad streak has come in life and you are haunted by failures and bad luck.

Every morning for three months at dawn, immediately after waking up, you should repeat the following words:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), invite happiness into my life. I want prosperity and harmony in the world around me. May my prayers be heard and everything I have planned come true. Let all the obstacles and evil people disappear from my path. I will no longer live with misfortune and misfortune under one roof. Sorrows are away from me, my doors are open to joys and pleasures of life. From now on and forever there will be a smile on my face and peace will reign in my soul. Amen!"

With the help of any rituals that bring happiness into life, you can build harmonious relationships in society and create a prosperous atmosphere around yourself.

So that the girl quickly marries good man, old village witchcraft and homemade love spells for success in this difficult matter will help. Marriage is a serious decision, a turning point for a person. And so that it doesn’t happen, as in the old saying: “ One got married and saw the world, and the other got married and disappeared with his head.”, you need to take this step with a warm heart, but a cool head.

The answer to the question of how you can quickly and easily attract love will be given by white magic - rituals and conspiracies that can be performed independently.

How to read women's conspiracies to attract love

Wedding spells for a rich groom, chants, and whispers have been used in practical love witchcraft since ancient times. This is an integral part of Russian wedding tradition. Brides told fortunes and bewitched successful grooms. And the guys also tried their luck about their betrotheds, they read spells to meet love.

For example, they did this: on the waxing moon, you need to stand facing east, look at the sky and read the words of the conspiracy to love and attract your betrothed three times:

“As dew rushes into the heavens and gathers in the clouds, so my betrothed (name) will reach out to me as if to the light, come and stay with me forever. Amen".

And this is an old village plot for a girl to find love in the near future.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, advise you to read at the crossroads, in the magical place of Power, where any life choice is made, where you can encounter not only evil spirits, but also to meet your magical patrons. In all known cultures, a crossroads is a place: with gods, with light and dark spirits, with the restless dead. And from time immemorial, both creative and destructive things have been done at crossroads. witchcraft rituals to meet love.

A love plot at a crossroads will help you quickly find your love

For this independent conspiracy to call for love and for a rich groom, you need to prepare:

  • 13 green peas
  • blue scarf

Wrap the pods in a scarf and at dawn go to the cross-shaped intersection. Scatter 12 pea pods at the intersection, and keep 1 for yourself.

For each pod, before throwing it, you need to read a conspiracy to attract love into your life:

“When I, slave (name), go to the road cross, I’ll stand in the middle. I stand without looking back, scattering my shoulder blades. My darling will pass and find me. He will be drawn to me, will stay with me, will burn with love, will want to marry. He will be handsome and stately, with a good soul, young and hard-working, smart and well-spoken. He will be sweet, loving, faithful, caring to me. The cat sits, the dog guards, and the darling comes to my house. As roads run into the distance, so is my word forever and ever. Amen".

From the crossroads, having read this strong 13 times plot to get married, you should leave, as with any place of Power, without looking back. The pod that you keep for yourself must be wrapped in a scarf and worn on your chest for 3 days, after which you remove it and keep it in a secret place until your wish to get married successfully is fulfilled. When everything comes true, plant the peas in the ground.

Home spell for a good groom - the power of women's wedding magic

To find good groom, and get married successfully, girls in the old days did such a ritual. Over a bouquet of herbal carnations they read an independent conspiracy to meet her husband, tied the flowers with a new blue ribbon, and placed them in running water.

Read the text of the home plot for a good husband like this:

“A herbaceous meadow carnation, you reach for the sun, opening its petals. You are ringed with a ring, a purple ring is chained to you. Help me (name) not to be alone, with wedding ring go out, meet your sweetheart, and get married. The red flower blooms for a long time, and my destiny is coming to me. Just as a flower grows on the earth from summer to summer, so my dear one will find me, a beautiful, smart and stately girl (name), and marry me. Amen".

What are the consequences of conspiracies to attract suitors?

Could there be Negative consequences from love magic made at home, aimed at finding love and happiness in marriage? As with any job done poorly, from witchcraft rituals and reading independent conspiracies, you can get undesirable results. But the thing is that people turn to different Forces trying to influence their destiny.

Much depends on which particular tradition the novice magician turns to in pursuit of the goal of fulfilling his desire. It's one thing to read easy conspiracy on your birthday for marriage, and it’s completely different to achieve a goal by calling on Dark spirits, or turning to the power of the dead. Strong, dark ways to bewitch your beloved husband carry a hidden threat. But whether you need to turn to black magic yourself, you decide for yourself.

Consequences of black rituals (in black magic practices they are not usually called conspiracies on quick marriage, but rather on the passion and submission of a man) in their classic version– rollback or reverse strike. There may also be side effects negative problems– unforeseen unpleasant effects resulting from illiterate witchcraft. In some cases, side effects effects from independent love spell the one you like embedded in the rituals themselves.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Warlock strong conspiracies on successful marriage work not only on the visualization and strength of the intention of the magician performer, as you understand. Dark spirits are summoned, and with their support and help the magician gets what he wants. You can avoid troubles and consequences from independent conspiracies to find your love only if you know all the intricacies of real witchcraft, have experience and a clear understanding of what you are doing and why.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that when reading the so-called white conspiracies to attract the love of your husband, you most likely will not receive side effects and negativity, but the impact will be light. This means that to get lasting results love spell to find a groom, witchcraft work will have to be carried out continuously.

If you just do independent ritual, read a plot for love and marriage, and sit back, waiting for a miracle, it is unlikely that you will get anything. Love magic- this is work, but for a miracle, people go to the circus to see magicians.

Independent conspiracy against your future husband - calling on your betrothed

“As soon as I (name) go out into the wide courtyard, I will call forty pigeons to me, sprinkle them with Saracen millet, and punish them firmly. You fly, gray, in forty directions, you find your dear friend, fly up to his porch, to the window, circle above your head, sit on his chest. Lead me (name), show me the way. Let him hurry to me, reach out with his heart, and stay with me. For the pigeons - Saracen millet, for me - my betrothed! You can’t escape fate, paths will converge, the witch’s word will come true. Amen".

The real conspiracy imminent marriage should be read only on the waxing moon, and carry out magical ritual not just once, but do it for at least three days. This will strengthen and strengthen the result. And it is clear that one effective conspiracy to get married quickly is not enough to achieve the goal; You can read at home completely different love conspiracies with the same purpose, aimed at realizing a specific plan - to quickly marry a rich guy.

An easy spell at home using flaxseed to attract love

This is old, well-worn, effective conspiracy for the attention and love of men - potential suitors. For the ritual you will need:

  • handful of flaxseed
  • new headscarf

Holding flax seeds in your left hand, read a love spell over it three times to attract handsome suitors, so that your breath touches the seeds. Then tie the seeds in a scarf and hide until spring. When the time will come, you need to sow flax under your windows, burn the scarf, and sprinkle ashes on the place where the seed is sown. An independent plot to find love may not be the most powerful, but the village plot has been very effective since ancient times.

You need to read the words of a love spell to attract the love of the groom

“The field is blue and wide, the sea is blue and deep, the blue waves are shaking, obedient only to the free winds. The sun will come out, the winds will disappear, the blue sea will calm down, the blue petals will curl up, press against each other, and turn into seeds. The seed is smooth and shiny, like water, flowing between your fingers. I’ll tie a handful of seeds in a scarf and say the right word. The seed will sprout, my betrothed (name) will find me, will find me, will not give it to anyone, will never betray me. In the field there is blue flax, and my betrothed will marry me down the aisle. Amen".

Love plot from a photo for a successful marriage of a widow

Every woman wants to be successful and needed. If a girl was already married and became a widow, she does not lose her right to be happy. Some women are chosen by fate itself; everything works out for them, if only they wish it. And others have to work hard to make life work. Including in the magical field.

In Russian witchcraft there are household spells for various everyday situations; There are also spells - assistants aimed at ensuring that the widow gets a successful marriage. For the magical ritual you will need:

  • church candle
  • photo of the man you like

Light a candle and hold it over the photo, while reading the words of the conspiracy to marry a widow 7 times:

“Warm the candle of God’s servant (name), his body is white, so that it burns with a love flame, so that the lust in him grows, into my hands (name), given. So that this fellow will go down the aisle with me for all the days, for all the years, now and forever. Amen".

A strong plot for a widow to find her beloved husband again must be read 7 evenings in a row. A girl can also use this magical ritual with a candle to get married after a divorce. Love spells of this kind are practiced in white witchcraft, as well as in love spells, along with black witchcraft rituals.

We all dream of being happy, and sometimes it's not that difficult. With the help of powerful spells, you will attract good luck and prosperity and change your life for the better.

When we talk about happiness, we imagine a life in which there is no place for problems, worries and financial difficulties. Many people think that this dream is impossible, but if, in addition to the efforts you make, you use powerful spells, then soon every day will become successful for you. The site’s experts have selected effective rituals for you, with the help of which you can soon become happy.

An effective spell for happiness and good luck

To attract good luck and become happy, you need to believe in yourself and your strengths, then your efforts will not be in vain. With the help of a strong conspiracy, achieving what you want will be much easier.

To perform the ritual, take three keys and a thread. It is advisable that the thread be red, because it is this color that attracts good luck and symbolizes happiness. After this, string the keys on a thread and at the same time say:

“Everything I want to get, I take it for myself and lock it with a key. Everything I want will be mine, everything I want will be mine. My words are strong, as is my desire.”

After this, hide the keys from prying eyes, preferably under the pillow on which you sleep. To carry out the ritual, you must use only your own keys, since you will not achieve the desired effect from others.

Plot for happiness with mirrors

It is believed that a mirror is not just an object in which we can see our reflection, but a tunnel connecting two worlds. People have always attached importance to mirrors special meaning and often used them for various rituals. With the help of a powerful spell, you can make your life prosperous.

Mirrors can have both positive and negative energy, because they take it from people and their reflections. Therefore, to carry out the ritual, purchase two new mirrors so that they take over only your energy. Place one of them in front of you and the other behind him. Light a candle and place it so that it is also reflected. Looking at the flame, say:

“I see a majestic church and its golden domes. I will enter it and pray to all the Saints. I will ask them for happiness, health, wealth. They will hear my words and send me everything I want. Amen!".

Wait until the candle burns out. Collect the wax from it and bury it near your house. The next day, go to church and buy a few more candles there. You will need them to repeat the ritual. Do it every day for a week, and soon you will notice positive changes in your life.

An effective conspiracy to attract happiness into your personal life

Failures in our personal lives are one of the main reasons for our unhappiness. Every person wants to love and be loved, and when he fails to do so, he feels lonely. If new acquaintances with the opposite sex fail or end in friendship, use strong conspiracy which will help you with this problem.

To perform the ritual you need to go to church. But before you leave the threshold, say:

“I’ll go to the temple and find my happiness. May the Higher powers help me meet the person I love. May he love me as much as I love him. We will become a strong family, an indestructible fortress. May my wishes come true."

During your entire trip to church, you must say these words three times. The first time was before leaving. The second is at the entrance to the temple. The third one is after you go home. This ritual is one of the most effective, and will soon help you improve your personal life.

Happiness and luck are inseparable concepts. After all, without luck you will not be able to enjoy life. If you are a believer, then say strong prayers for good luck as often as possible. With their help, any task will be easy for you. May your wishes always come true,and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.11.2017 01:43

The art of love spells is now available to a wide range of people. Finding out the secret of a love spell is not difficult, but...

Everyone has their own concept of happiness. For some, monetary profit is the highest reward for the time and effort spent, while for other people, a sign of great happiness is the well-being of the family. A spell for happiness is a universal magic that allows you to get what you want, no matter what your dreams turn out to be. What is the most effective spell for happiness and good luck? The choice of ritual should be approached consciously, with an understanding of your own needs.

Conspiracies for good

Conspiracies for happiness refer to white magic that does not harm the customer of the ritual or other people. They do not enslave the will of relatives or friends, and do not influence other people’s energy. In order for the secret ritual to work, it is reinforced with attributes, special words of the spell. Conspiracies for happiness attract to a person what he cannot achieve on his own. The most powerful force hidden in people, in their subconscious. Magic doesn't come from anywhere and doesn't go anywhere. It originates inside every person and depends only on the individual - whether the energy will fade away or become a real weapon against everyday adversity.

Affirmations are certain words that are repeated in the text. A small phrase consists of special verbal formulas that can awaken magical powers. By repeating a mantra or prayer, the believer appeals to higher powers, to the invisible component human life. A spell for happiness can be based on one or more affirmations, depending on its effectiveness. What is happiness and how is it achieved?

Types of effective spells for happiness

There are several effective ritual to attract happiness:

  1. Muslim ritual. A believer resorts to magic only in extreme cases. This type of ritual is performed in strict secrecy, without outside help And unnecessary attention. A beginner will not be able to induce happiness with the help of Muslim rituals, but experienced magicians often use ancient magical actions for their own purposes.
  2. Ritual for good luck. It is not difficult to summon luck with the help of consistent actions at home, without special skill and preparation. Before performing the ritual, you should cleanse your house and your own thoughts of excess garbage. spring-cleaning- something that needs to be started before the secret ceremony begins. For new events and happiness you need free place, and for this it is necessary to get rid of everything that is burdensome and outdated.
  3. A spell for lasting happiness. To perform a secret ritual, you should guess the position of the celestial body. The ritual to attract benefits is carried out on the waxing Moon - an ideal time for new beginnings and love spells. It is not so important how people define happiness, magic will give him what he wants. Otherwise the motives are unimportant. The main thing is how Living being in the future he uses the chances he receives.
  4. Conspiracy to attract money. It is not always easy to attract material wealth into your own destiny. A conspiracy for wealth or prosperity is carried out on the day of receipt wages or receiving previously borrowed funds. Happiness consists of a dozen equal parts that need to be taken care of. An imbalance in at least one area of ​​human life affects the well-being of men and women of different ages.
  5. Prayer for money to always be found. For a caring mother, for her daughter and son, for her husband and everyone she loves, a woman asks for protection from God or higher powers. White magic used by mothers, fathers, grandparents. Protecting your son or daughter is a parent's top priority.

How to read a conspiracy correctly and what mistakes in performing rituals will deprive a person of the opportunity to live a happy life? It is very important to follow all conditions very precisely and not change step by step execution and strictly learn the words of the conspiracy.

Help of magic in everyday problems

A conspiracy is a purposeful magical influence, which can be accomplished in home environment or by seeking the help of a qualified magician. A conspiracy for day or night requires a person to concentrate all his strength and attention. The best ritual- this is a ritual that will not arouse suspicion or mistrust. To draw a lucky ticket for life, how possible is that? Even a beginner can make dreams of a happy future for himself or his family. The principle of magic is quite simple, as soon as it finds a response in the soul of another person, the words magic spell start working. Attract good luck to a player, businessman or creative personality– for magic everyone is equal. It is also not worth demanding that the universe fulfill all the whims, because the individual receives (luck, wealth, love) according to his deserts. It is better to read the words of the conspiracy by heart, showing due respect to higher powers.

Strengthening your health with the help of magic will not be difficult for a diligent student. Attraction material goods should not be considered a sin or a deed displeasing to God. Desire to know better life– natural, normal and absolutely safe. Fear the consequences own actions It’s not worth it for yourself or your loved ones. When attracting good luck, you should follow all the magician’s recommendations and not make your own adjustments. Cast a spell for health, rich life or receiving all kinds of benefits without preparation is a waste of time, because magic requires respect for itself in return for positive changes in work or personal life.

Folk methods of protection

To preserve their newfound happiness, people tie a red thread on their hand and believe in supernatural protection. They worship invisible deities, seek refuge in sects, or consider themselves ardent atheists. Each person is individual, his view of the world is unique, and the imprint left by him after death is their immortal heritage. Magic can help any living creature with a kind heart and eyes full of joy before the discovery of a new world.

A happy life does not require a reason; it is not at all necessary to read conspiracies every day. A ritual performed once will work for several months, even years. Draw a conclusion for yourself: humanity needs magic or a rational approach will sooner or later prevail over recklessness. One has only to remember that for a happy life, what is more important is not the external background, time, events, but a person’s ability to cherish even a small piece of true bliss.

A variety of spells for happiness

“I want” refers to fleeting desires that pass as quickly as they appear. Living solely on unreasonable desires is unwise and even dangerous. A person without far-reaching plans is already in a stupor, there is a dead end in front of him and there is nothing he can do about it. Powerful Ritual It is better to read alone, without outside energy. For the sake of their beloved, men are less likely to take bold actions of this kind.

Representatives of the fair sex call for echoes of happiness; they are ready to risk everything for the sake of personal happiness. Beloved ones are held secret rituals for the whole family, for husband and children. A strong ritual will not require a lot of free time or effort, and will protect the entire family from financial losses or shocks.

Accepting a prosperous life is a test that not every daredevil will pass. A strong and brave man or weak woman They strive to get as many benefits as possible, and at the same time do not think about why they need them. Strong rite not used for every moment's whim. Only balanced decisions will receive a proper response from the universe, magic, and higher powers. Rituals that you can read at home will help you achieve:

  • women's happiness (successful marriage, meeting a soul mate);
  • strong family life;
  • strongest cash flow(unexpected profit, gifts of fate);
  • success in professional life;
  • good luck in your creativity.

Love is not the only facet of human life worth caring about. Multifaceted happiness has a great future ahead. Return past relationships with the help of special rituals it will not work, because everything unnecessary and obsolete will be swept aside, forgotten, like horrible dream. People say that one’s well-being must be found among the benefits intended for other people. What is it really like - your own, personal, unique? From birth to death, day after day, those around us show us how to live. Who to love and who to abandon without asking why. A ritual to achieve happiness will help get rid of unnecessary pressure from society. A comprehensive impact on a person, his worldview and behavior, allows you to get incredible results in a matter of days. How to attract love, wealth, joy and prosperity?

Spellbound happiness, what is it?

Perfect on Maundy Thursday or your own birthday ritual will be the most powerful. The basis of rituals performed on major Orthodox or personal holidays is the power hidden within a person. An adult or a child rarely uses their own weapon for all problems. One gets the impression that he doesn’t know about it at all. On a birthday, the family and circle of friends make not only a wish by blowing out the candles. The day before holiday date Before sunrise, rituals are performed that are only available on one day of the year. The family does not need to know about secret magical actions. At Easter, the rituals are the strongest, and their effect does not wear off for a long time.

Finding your place in life and being satisfied both at home and at work is not an easy task. Not letting joy go, but on the contrary, increasing well-being is only possible for the most persistent. For a beginner, choosing the appropriate attributes for magical manipulations will be a real pain. At first, you can use useful literature that uses detailed descriptions of techniques and methods. The book will indicate to Natalya Stepanova Right way and will help get rid of pressing problems (in the family, at work, in the business you have started). Before performing a secret ritual, you should make sure that all conditions in the house are created and the recommendations are followed.

Condition for performing rituals

Calculate a good day to perform the ritual in own home will help moon calendar. The growing month will help to implement your plans and not harm a person. The house should be cleaned before the ritual begins. If this is not possible, then before the ritual, wear a conspirator new clothes. The day before the magical action, you can charm baked goods or other foods that the family eats (there is no particular difference in the choice of food for effective conspiracy No).

The main condition effective ritual is absence from home strangers. A husband, daughter or son will not interfere with the mother, but it is not advisable to drag her into secret rituals. Prayer will help ease the soul of a person who turns to someone for help. magical powers. The word heals but harms one's neighbor. It's worth keeping this in mind when experimenting with different spells. If your daughter has taken up seemingly harmless rituals or your son has shown strange inclinations towards esotericism, you need to worry, because even safe magic without specific safety rules is real harm for the energy of a teenager.

A quick ritual for good luck and happiness

If the day before was Friday, and a well-deserved weekend lies ahead, it’s time to call upon a happy coincidence. All sorrows and adversities should be left behind. A person is his own boss, and no one else can control aspects of his life. Ahead of a single person or a family awaits success, the joys of life, the pleasure of spiritual and physical growth. The necessary ritual is carried out at the intersection of two days (exactly 00:00 local time). For the ritual you will need:

  • two small mirrors;
  • you need to bring a candle from church;
  • Holy water.

To be good atmosphere There is harmony in the family, the conspirator closes the curtains and sits down at the table. The mirrors are placed opposite each other (the conspirator is between them). The fire burns slowly in the candles, illuminating only a slight shadow of the person’s appearance. You should concentrate on your desire - to have a trusting atmosphere and comfort in the home. The fire is spoken on the candles with the following words:

“There stands a golden church, with a silver throne, talking icon looking at me. I will enter the church, stand before the throne under the icon, before the Mother of God. Mother of God, make me happy from this day forward. I’ll go out with my own feet, I’ll take happiness with my hands.”

The wax is left for several months in a dark, secluded place. The morning after the ritual, in order to ensure harmony in the family, you should visit three different temples at once. Candles are lit inside the Church of the Mother of God, and the saints are asked for help and protection. The first candle is lit with thoughts about yourself, then about your loved ones. By starting your day in this way, a person gains confidence in tomorrow. Finally, the prayer ends with the word “Amen.”

Love spell for luck

Prayer can be a powerful tool. For a child, from the day he is born, a path begins on which he will encounter many difficulties and unpleasant surprises. The first phrase he says, the first steps he takes - events that soon turn into memories cannot be overshadowed by adversity. The child has happy childhoodrequired condition well-being in the future. IN early childhood habits are formed, basic ideas about the world around us are established. Protect the child, especially little baby not easy. Evil eyes, damage, failures: negative programs can manifest themselves in a newborn child or teenager. The key to the baby’s happiness will be the actions of the mother (her prayers so that her daughter or son does not know troubles). First of all they do it on the child simple conspiracies on candles. For such purposes, the first diaper is often used.

A prayer to make your daughter happy in the future is read at dawn. Conspiracy words:

“I call for happiness in the life of my child, I call for good luck, prosperity and harmony! So that the words of prayer are heard, so that everything I ask for my child will be fulfilled. Evil people should not walk near them, they should not live under the same roof with misfortune. Let every day become pleasure, pleasure and peace in their hearts. My children will have it the way they want! Everything that a child’s heart dreams of will come true!”

It is allowed to perform a simple ritual at any time of the year, on weekdays or weekends. Attracting success to your own offspring is a noble cause.

Conspiracies to attract wealth and prosperity

It’s easier to live with money, children and adults know this. Material wealth helps you build a career, travel, experience new cultures and develop. Prosperity without material wealth is extremely rare. How to attract material wealth to yourself?

A spell for a successful coincidence of circumstances when a man or woman either finds a certain amount, or receives a long-forgotten debt. For the plot you will need a green candle. Write down the name and required amount. Then the candle is lit with the words:

“Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket.”

At the end of the ceremony, you can go about your usual activities and hide the cinder in a secluded place. You should expect cash receipts soon.

New Moon and conspiracies for success

A ritual for quick money may seem wonderful and strange. People who want to find a permanent income drive a nail into an oak board, uttering incomprehensible words to themselves. Seeing such a picture is very rare, because such a ritual has not been used by magicians for a long time. The magical attraction of the plot consists of a tree that stores information from all four elements of the Earth. Its roots touch the depths, hide deep in the ground, its branches develop from gusts of wind and remain persistent when it pours heavy rains, while the main purpose of wood is to maintain a fire that saves in the cold. Unique construction material and fuel, the tree will be useful for the ritual for material goods.

A person should buy a new block or log. The first thing that caught your eye is chosen. On the days of the New Moon, the wood is sanded and then nails are driven into it. Simple operation accompanied by the words of the conspiracy:

“From the mighty land, I began to ask for strength, I ask for liberation, I ask for joy and favorable treatment! As these nails are hammered, so luck is nailed to me forever. Amen".

Afterwards, the tree should be left in the backyard or storage room. Use it for further construction work not worth it.

Spell to find happiness

You can do money spells from professionals or try to recreate the ritual at home. The outcome will be different, but not necessarily bad. Spells to find happiness will work if secret magical actions are repeated for several days in a row (until the full moon or until the end of church holidays). Things whispered with special magic words will enhance the effect of the spell. They will become a talisman reliable protection from negative programs sent by enemies. If energy does not leak from the house, then the accumulation of certain wealth will proceed faster.

To fully enjoy life without suffering negative thoughts and doubts, a person needs happiness.

Finding inner harmony

Such a fragile substance determines the quality of a person’s life, but does not depend in any way on his capabilities or character. It has nothing to do with monetary abundance, neither with power nor with personal ambitions, as many mistakenly think. A spell for happiness allows a person to find inner harmony and an indescribable feeling of balance in life.

What is needed for a successful conspiracy

What is needed for the conspiracy?

In order to attract happiness to magical rituals Most often, personal items of a person are used, with which he can be in constant contact, or his things, which charge the energy of conspiracies.

Even a magical ritual performed independently will have incredible strength, if the person conducting it firmly believes in what he is doing and sincerely wants to find happiness.

For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to carry out any plot on happy life during the period of the waxing moon. Before the full moon, the moon has the power to increase intangible concepts, that is, a conspiracy to attract happiness carried out at this time will contribute to the growth of a person’s positive feelings and bring him closer to the ultimate goal of finding happiness.

How to make a spell yourself

Independent execution

For those people who do not have the opportunity to turn to proven real witches, there are ways to attract happiness on our own. For this ritual you will need three keys, which must be strung on a strong red woolen thread or ribbon and tied with three knots. In this case, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“What I need, I take away, what I need, I lock, so that it happens, what I wish once and for all. Amen".

It is best to remove the bundle after the ritual at the head of the bed. It is not recommended to use found keys for this ritual, especially at crossroads. They usually bear the imprints of destructive conspiracies. Another ritual that is completely subject to even a person who is absolutely not experienced in the magic of conspiracies. To do this, you need to go to church and light candles for the 12 apostles. The spell should be pronounced like this:

"Give me Mother of God Be happy from this day forward and forever. I want to take happiness with my own hands, leaving the church with my own feet. Amen".

The text is spoken three times: at home, before church and after returning from church. After this, you must observe a forty-day fast, do not sin, do not use foul language, do not eat modest foods, and cleanse your thoughts.

What are the “happy” conspiracies?

What conspiracies can be

They can be of personal interest, or they can be aimed at family or loved ones. According to another classification, conspiracies are divided into those that return lost happiness and those that attract it. Rituals to attract happiness can be carried out even when everything in life is going well, in order to maintain this state in the future.

But conspiracies to return lost happiness require considerable effort and sometimes the intervention of real hereditary witches, since very often happiness is “taken away” by strangers envious people. But even in this case, conspiracies for your own happiness should under no circumstances cause pain to another person.

How to pronounce conspiracies correctly

Execution Rules

Spells that attract happiness are pronounced in a half-whisper, as if melodiously and emotionally. At the same time, it is very important to fully concentrate on the meaning of the words spoken out loud, to be imbued with it, to believe in what is being said.

No matter how difficult the situation may seem, it is not the first and not the only one in the world. And if spells for happiness have already helped countless people, then why not try to believe in the magic of words for the sake of your own happiness and well-being?!
