What is erotic massage and how is it done. Rendez Vous - Female exciter with fast effect

Similar procedure is not only a method of treatment, but also great option relaxation

How to give a massage to a man? It all depends on what goal you pursue during your manipulations. To date, there are many varieties from medical to erotic, and today we will comprehend the basics of most of them. You will be surprised how effective our advice will be, and you will understand how to put it into practice. Your man is guaranteed to answer you with gratitude!

Species and varieties

Unfortunately, adultery- a phenomenon not uncommon, and happens, unfortunately, all the time. But not always the reason for this is masculine nature or the unwillingness of a woman to take care of herself properly so that her other half always likes it. It happens that you look at a woman: she looks perfect, well-read and smart, well-mannered and sweet, but her husband's betrayal stories rumble around with frightening regularity. What is the reason?

Needless to say, men are by nature male, and sometimes they are attracted only by low reflexes, such as food and sex. But they all value not their quantity, but rather the quality component. Agree, homemade food seems to them tastier than the one cooked in the restaurant, and intimacy It's only good when you can't get enough of it.

individuals strong half mankind, perhaps more women love caresses and touches. And this means that massage will become the best award for any of them. The procedure can serve as both a relaxing procedure and a prelude to sex. By performing such manipulations, you demonstrate to your loved one your devotion and readiness to do something pleasant at any time.

On Ancient East massage was used to achieve a peaceful and calm state of mind and body. During the sessions, the muscles relaxed, each cell was filled with energy. If it is performed by gentle female hands, a man is able to remember the received positive emotions for the rest of his life, becoming for his savior all his life: a lover, a reliable friend, comrade-in-arms and a faithful family man.

Today, you will not surprise anyone with the presence of a massage room in a beauty salon or spa center. But not every representative of the strong half of humanity visits such establishments. But why not recreate a relaxing atmosphere in your own apartment? To do this, it is enough to prepare fragrant oil, turn on good music and ventilate the room. Well, let's get started, shall we?

So, we suggest you consider the following varieties:

  • Erotic massage- will help make your sex life bright and varied.
  • restorative- it relieves stress that can accumulate in the body for a long time.
  • Sports- It is usually used to relax muscles after tiring workouts.


It should be immediately noted that the matter should be approached with full responsibility. Try to treat each session as a means to an end. And it should be the only true one - to please your other half. And half of the success lies in the fact that both participants in the process have a positive attitude.

It is not difficult to guess that each of the above types of massage is based on a simple set of hand manipulations - stroking, rubbing, vibration and kneading. Let's consider each option separately.

  • Ironing done with open palms that move in different directions from the center to the periphery. Touches can be chaotic and repetitive, zigzag and circular. If your husband has excess weight, to influence the treated areas, you can clench your hands into fists.

  • Pressing or kneading allows you to work out every centimeter of the working area, all muscles and ligaments. If you perform the manipulations correctly, after the session the skin will become soft and warm. To achieve this effect, imagine that you need to knead the dough so that there are no lumps left in its structure.

  • Clap and vibration. These movements should end the procedure. They will help speed up the process of blood circulation, and hence the regeneration of the skin, make metabolic processes faster.

Advice! Here are some more tips for beginner masseuses: on the back you can find or make a leather roller with your hands, which you can roll from the bottom up or pinch it with two fingers. And for kneading arms or legs, it is better to use rotational manipulations.

What is arousal technique?

Erotic massage has a large number of functions, the main of which, perhaps, is to increase sensitivity. Prelude - milestone, which should not be neglected, because its absence can ultimately adversely affect family relationships.

An exciting procedure runs the risk of becoming ordinary relaxing manipulations if a woman does not know where a man's erogenous zones are. You may not have guessed, but to create necessary conditions it is not necessary to caress the genitals of the second half. Sometimes they get no less pleasure from rubbing their ears, feet, back or buttocks. If you have been living with your husband for more than a year, you probably already know the little secrets that often help you out.

Advice! During the whole action, try to demonstrate to the man the depth of your desires. He needs to feel how much you are attracted to him. All your movements, as well as their intensity and passion, can speak of this.

Elimination of pain

Often, representatives of the strong half of humanity complain of pain in the back and neck. The reasons for this may be different, but it is in your power to save your spouse or partner from such discomfort. All you need is a flat hard surface and the necessary knowledge that you can get in this section.

So, do all the manipulations in the direction from the spine to the hips. To begin with, intensively smooth the area of ​​​​the lumbar zone, as if preparing it for something stronger. Do rubbing from top to bottom, and then carefully knead each point and muscle, focusing on the painful focus.

You can make the so-called "herringbone". For this, arrange index fingers at a distance of about a centimeter from the spine. Glide with them as if you are on a skating rink and act on each element of the bone chain.

The raindrop technique helps a lot. It involves a slight vibration with the fingers, as if water is falling on the back.

If you want to save your husband from neck pain, the movements should start at the head and smoothly go down to the shoulders. Grasping your neck with your hands, do active rubbing, tapping and kneading, as if you are sculpting something from dough or kneading it. Whatever method you choose, remember that in order to achieve best results it is recommended to repeat each manipulation at least three to four times.

Advice! Such a simple method, like hitting the piano keys, is very good at relieving tension and stress that has accumulated over a long day at work. It can be used to influence important points and nerve endings.


Massage has long been considered wellness procedure, which means that, like any other medical appointment, it has a number of contraindications. But first, let's talk about the cases in which it is advisable to use it. So, these are the following diseases:

  • Myositis, bursitis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Neuralgia.

And now back to our question. Massage is strictly prohibited if the body has a tendency to bleeding, increased blood pressure 2-3 degrees, as well as in the presence of any types of tumors, even if we are talking about benign ones.

Advice!Massage sometimes works real miracles. Especially if a man develops prostate diseases. In most cases they end surgical intervention, but there is a chance to avoid these problems. Be sure to visit a urologist along with your other half. You should find out from him what manipulations should be performed, and in what sequence. The duration of the procedure is approximately 4-5 minutes, but the effect of such procedures will be stunning!

You can express feelings with words or with a look, but the most The best way declarations of love are expressed, perhaps, in the language of touch. Make him Erotic massage... To begin with, open all of your beloved's erogenous zones. This is a lot of sensitive points that should not be ignored. Do not deprive your favorite pleasure - find out all of them by arranging an erotic massage session for him. You do not suspect the power of a simple touch.

Put your man on something hard and even, you can even on the floor, on a soft bedding. It is important that you have access to any part of his body. Put on soothing music, light candles - not so much for the sake of romance, but to help your loved one relax, and try not to think about anything other than the one you want to make happy.

Ask your loved one to close his eyes, not to talk much and free his head from all thoughts, let him completely relax and think only about you ... Put everything you need so that you can reach out without taking your hands off the person being massaged. One of the basic rules of erotic massage is that contact should not be interrupted even for a second. And the main prohibitions are ice hands, cold oil or cream and clothes made of hard fabric, with prickly buttons or scratchy zippers. In general, erotic masseuses are supposed to start work in the nude.

So get undressed. Let your hair down, they will also participate in the process. Gently rub the entire body of a man with light movements - this will become the prelude of a massage and at the same time help him relax. When the "patient" softens under your hands, make sure that he does not fall asleep, and move on to pleasure. In fact, his entire body is a continuous erogenous zone, but three zones, or circles, are distinguished according to the degree of sensitivity. Start from the far, gradually approaching the center, where you yourself understand what is located. How the journey ends is up to you.

To turn it off sooner male head from unnecessary thoughts, start your journey from the head. In addition, according to the Tantrics, the main erogenous zone is located just in the head. But there are many on the surface.

The skin under the hair, the face and especially the ears are very sensitive to light and gentle strokes. Bury your fingers in his hair (or put your palms on his bald head - according to the circumstances) and massage the skin from the forehead to the back of the head, drawing zigzags and lines. You can whisper something obscene in your ear, warming with your warm breath - many men literally lose their heads from this, or bite his earlobe.

Having disconnected him from reality in the last paragraph, go to study the neck and shoulders. The tension that accumulates during the day in this zone is very high. And just by helping to relax, you will give your loved one too much pleasure. It is necessary to act on enslaved muscles not gently, but vigorously - this will better relieve tension. Especially diligently massage the trapezius muscles located on the shoulders, the shoulder blades and the skin around the collarbones. Turn the "patient" on his back, spreading his arms and moving along them, massaging with fingertips, towards the hands.

Extremely sensitive to touch inner side hands, where the skin is very thin and many nerve endings. Stroking the shoulders, do not forget to pay attention to the sides (if your character is afraid of tickling, it is better to stroke them not gently, but vigorously). Having reached the forearms, gently massage the cubital fossa, which is sensitive to touch, and after that, quickly moving your fingers, go down to the hands. Your research activities must touch, first of all, the delicate skin on the inside of the legs and large muscles, which are very tired during the day. Alternating barely perceptible strokes with energetic ones, go down to the lowest point of the "experimental" body and linger here. The fact that foot massage is a very sensual thing is not an invention of cult directors, but pure truth. It is necessary to conjure over the feet for five minutes, and your man will have complete relaxation with a sudden realization of the meaning of life.

It is better to create all manipulations energetically, so that instead of passionate moans, he does not burst into laughter and begins to wave his limbs, trying to escape the tickling. Before returning to shoulder level, ask your loved one to roll over on their stomach. Marking your way with dotted touches of your fingers, rise from your heels to your lower back. An ideal field for massage is spread out in front of you - the back. In its open spaces, you can do whatever you like: pinch, stroke, tap, draw white lines with your nails, tickle your nipples or strands of loose hair, roll thin skin folds up and down ... In the end, gently stroke your back - after everything that you done over it, it will be especially nice.

The next stage of erotic massage begins just below the back. Start stroking the buttocks and thighs, moving from the popliteal crease (here the touch should be barely felt) to the place where the back loses its proud name. Oddly enough, the male butt loves to be spanked, but not very much, and alternating spanking with light strokes. Having done this execution, drum your fingers on the elastic muscles and turn the "patient" on his back.

A man's chest is no less sensitive than your own. Erogenous zones here are literally on every centimeter - look for them under the collarbones, around the nipples, between the ribs and in the area solar plexus. Going lower, run your tongue in a wet path from your chest to your navel. Stroke your stomach in a spiral with your fingertips. With barely perceptible touches, draw strokes and long lines towards the hips, making him freeze sweetly and tremble with his whole body. Spreading your fingers, draw grooves to the knees and back along the inner thighs. The main thing is not to rush to the next round. The abdomen is a highly sensitive area, which, due to its dangerous proximity to the genitals, always gets the least.

Here you have reached the final destination of your journey! Actually, the main local attraction is already standing in all its glory, impatiently waiting for its turn. Let him wait. There are plenty of places besides her. noteworthy and petting: inner thighs, thin skin the base of the penis, the walls of the anus adjacent to the prostate gland, the most sensitive areas between the testicles and immediately below them. Do not forget to make excursions there and during the study of the main object. If you think that you can only influence him with one wide in a certain way- you are wrong. The penis can be rolled between the palms, stroked with a ring of index and significant fingers, massaged alternately with both hands, or clasped just under the head and caressed, squeezing and unclenching the motionless hand. It is better if the man himself shows the intensity of movements, by slightly controlling your hand. No need to change the pace abruptly, it is better to keep the rhythm. A few moments before ejaculation becomes inevitable, stop stimulation - give the man the opportunity to enjoy this process several times. Then cover your loved one with a warm blanket.

Erotic massage can be done with dry hands, or with oil. Oil selection is serious business. Aroma can cause absolutely opposite effects - from relaxation to excitement. It is difficult to complete the massage if the man is full of energy, so choose relaxing (orange blossom, lavender, lemon balm, rosemary, lemon) or neutral aromas (almond, sandalwood). It is best to use special massage oils - they do not cause irritation of the mucosa. You can get by with ordinary oil, just do not use it to massage the genitals. Massage creams Special massage creams for water based facilitate the movement of hands over the body, help to warm up the muscles, are easily absorbed. They are sold in pharmacies and sex shops. You can also take nutritious cream, but it is not suitable for massaging the genitals.

If you are not happy with the prospect of long and hard to withdraw from the sheets oil stains, you can replace lubricants with moisture-absorbing powders: talc, rice powder, or baby powder. They do not cause irritation, do not leave marks and are easily removed with a napkin.

The gentlest fingers will not touch the skin as easily as a fluffy feather, a soft tassel, a thin silk scarf, or fur hairs. But do not caress their stomach, sides and feet - tickling will turn the game into torture.

IN skillful hands any, even an anti-cellulite massager can add variety to the massage and bring great pleasure to the partner.

The burning touch of ice has an exciting effect. The inner surfaces of the legs and arms, chest, nipples, stomach and face are especially sensitive to such caress. Many men like it when a piece of ice melts between the hot walls of the anus. Freeze the ice yourself or purchase, for example, Kenzoki's special fragrant ice cubes for the body. You can freeze the juice and slowly lick the sweet drops from the skin, alternating wide smooth movements of the tongue with gentle teasing bites - this technique called "sakura branch".

Types of erotic massage:

Swedish - in fact, this is a simple general massage, but it becomes erotic without any problems, as soon as the masseuse undresses and performs all movements very gently.
English - massage with a feather, a fur glove or a soft brush.
Thai - the masseuse works with the whole body, except for the hands, hair, nipples and genitals are actively used.
Foam - made in the bath: warm water helps to relax, and the skin enjoys the bubbles of fragrant foam.

Without a doubt, our health dough is connected with the sexual sphere. And if there are no problems there, then we enjoy life to the fullest, do not lose hope of obtaining the highest satisfaction. It is important to take into account that, doing the right erotic massage, it is necessary to act on all corners of the body where there are sensitive points. For example, if you slowly press your palms on the skin, use slow rubbing, then this will help your partner relax and feel your care, and if you use a faster pace and strong pressure, the massage will become stimulating, targeted to ensure that your lover as soon as possible was ready to interact.

Consider the main types of erotic massage and learn how to do it correctly:

Help you relax quickly and rubbing will help to forget about pressing matters. This method is also useful for circulatory problems. Internal processes will all come into tone. Erotic massage will turn into wellness.

Stroking at the beginning of the massage and at the end- an integral part of any massage. Don't forget about it. And yet - in no case do not confuse which types of movements to use for the back and legs, and which for more sensitive points, otherwise you will get the opposite effect and the partner will regret that he agreed to such a session.

It is also worth noting such a positive feature of erotic massage - that this is a process in which you can slowly get to know each other's bodies, identify those features that you did not notice before when the lights were off. Don't be ashamed of your build, even if your body isn't quite perfect. Your partner will not pay attention to this if you yourself do not direct him to this thought.

When we just touch fingers to the partner's body, thousands of goosebumps run through him, if at that moment he is naked, then millions. Therefore, such movements as stroking, sliding techniques will give more sensuality. Invest your soul, love and passion from the very beginning and control the pressing force, angle tilt your hands. You should not constantly look at your partner's face in anticipation of what he will say. Let him rest and enjoy the process. You can only occasionally glance at his expression to know if he has fallen asleep. Otherwise, it will be a shame that you started doing erotic massage for one purpose, and in the end you put your partner to sleep.

- Light tapping will occasionally bring the partner into tone, so to speak, the massage did not seem boring to him, and even a little fun activity. You can perform this action not only directly on his skin, but also by placing your palm on his back. That is, you tap on your palm, and he receives light echoes inside himself. It's also helpful.

- Alternating movements. The "carrot and stick" method. You can add interest to the massage if you first slowly run your palms over the body, and then finish with tapping. Proper erotic massage does not have a strict sequence of movements, so everything will depend on you.

Now let's talk about how to move correctly from one part of the partner's body to another.

There are 3 main rules here:

- No harshness.

- All the means that you decide to apply to the massage should be nearby, and not in another room, or not be at all.

- Talk less with the person you are doing the massage, let him relax and completely transfer to the pinnacle of bliss.

Let's talk a little more about each of these points.

  1. If suddenly you begin to recklessly change position. To start massaging another part of the body, you can accidentally “drop in” with your elbow in the nose or hit the rib with your heel. So approach everything wisely, remembering the rules.
  2. When you work with dry hands, it will bring joy, but not the kind that a fragrant cream or gel can provide you.
  3. When you want to relax, you try to avoid extraneous sounds. So is the one who this moment busy getting pleasure, would not like to have a "radio" next to him. Therefore, give moments of silence.

Many girls have a question about how to start a massage.

A guy who has returned from work is not always able to adequately behave with a girl who is standing almost naked. He can pass by, or he can fall asleep right in the hallway. So, if you do not want your Romeo to leave you without attention, take the initiative. Approach him, slowly run your palm over his cheek and lips, kiss him. Next, whisper in your ear that you have been waiting for him for a long time and now there will be a surprise. Next, take him by the shirt collar and lead him into the room where the massage will be performed. Just prepare everything in advance so that he understands that it will be an erotic massage, and not just another adult with toys.

Begin to massage by undoing the buttons on his shirt, slowly taking off his trousers. And you can wait for him to get out of the shower and just as well conduct an erotic massage session.

During the massage, you can make teasing movements. For example: reach for a tube of gel without removing your palms from your chest, reach through it, arching back. Stroke yourself. Pull his hair down his back and draw with the ends of the strands.

Make an ordinary erotic massage unforgettable!

Now you know how to do an erotic massage correctly.

Before embarking on an erotic massage, you need to create the most suitable atmosphere for this. Firstly, the atmosphere should be relaxing: if necessary, dim the lights, decorate the room, arrange candles, turn on quiet music. Secondly, put your partner not on a soft, but on a hard surface - the body should level out. On soft, it bends too much and takes on an unnatural shape, and any unsuccessful pressure can cause discomfort. Therefore, before doing an erotic massage, it is advisable to find a suitable place for this. IN last resort, it is allowed to spread a blanket on the floor if it is not too cold. If the person is lying on their stomach, place a thin, rolled-up blanket or towel under their ankles. This will help preserve the natural circulation process, which is so important for massage. If the room is cool enough, cover with something those parts of the body that are not being massaged at the moment.

Creams, lotions, massage oils

You can massage both wet and dry skin, but it will be nice to take a shower. To moisturize the skin during the massage, use special lotions. The hands of the massage therapist should be soft and warm - warm them up and grease them with cream. According to its properties, it is in no way inferior to special lotions. An important role is given to the smell of the oils used: some of them relax, while others, on the contrary, excite nervous system. In order to do an erotic massage correctly every time, you need to choose them well. For example, they are good for creating romantic atmosphere orange, jasmine, vanilla and rose oil. You should not apply them on the body: they have too thick a concentration, and can easily clog all the pores on the skin, which is fraught with inflammation. For spicy aroma it is recommended to add a drop of oil to the cream or lotion for rubbing.

In general, such oils are specially made for essential lamps. To conduct an erotic massage in a relaxing and relaxed atmosphere, you can purchase one of them by placing it in a remote corner of the room and adding a little oil to it. It is not worth placing it directly next to the person being massaged, because from pungent odor headache. If you, your partner or partner is allergic to essential oils, use a regular hypoallergenic cream. Moreover, both a girl and a guy will suit an ordinary baby cream, designed for delicate skin. Place the container with it in warm, but not too hot, water.

In general, a video on how to do an erotic massage is posted online at open access, it really can serve as a good teaching material. However, in addition to practice, you need to know the theory. Many methods and techniques of erotic massage were borrowed from therapeutic massage, and therefore aimed at prevention. various diseases. Do not use sharp and rough movements, they are exclusively for professionals. Massage everything, down to the fingers and toes, do not put any limits: the massage should become erotic.

warm up

First, the skin must be warmed up. It is very easy to do this: you need light touches warm soft hands wipe the places that you plan to massage. It is correct to start with the limbs - arms and legs. If you are massaging a girl, give most attention her brushes, since they are one of erogenous zones women. The limbs must be stroked from the fingers in the direction of the body: this stimulates the lymph nodes, and, in addition to pleasant sensations, the person being massaged will also receive good health. The same is true if you need to do an erotic massage to a man or a young man. From stroking, gradually move on to slow, gentle kneading. It is allowed to rub the limbs with the edge of the palm, pads or phalanges of the fingers.

Back massage

If the partner lies on his stomach, then proceed to a back massage. The skin on it should be pinched, pulled back and lightly stroked. Women have a so-called "cat's place" - an erogenous zone located between the shoulder blades. It is recommended to touch it very carefully, as this is a very sensitive place. Otherwise, while kneading the back muscles, alternate strong pressures with weak ones, diversifying your movements. Then move on to the buttocks. In both sexes, the gluteal muscles are protected by a thick layer of skin, so in this area of ​​​​the body the sensitivity is slightly dulled. Feel free to pinch your buttocks and lightly spank them to improve blood flow, most importantly, do not overdo it.

Massage of the abdomen and chest

Before you do an erotic massage to a girl lying on her back, you need to learn the rule that pressing on the stomach is contraindicated. It is better to gently stroke and kiss him, you can run your fingertips along the body and back. When massaging the breast, do not twist its nipples, but gently run your fingers from the very base of the mammary gland to its center. Women, in turn, must remember that men's breasts are also quite sensitive, so rubbing with pressure will not work here. If desired, run a small piece of silk or fluffy fur over your partner's chest and stomach. Lightly biting his skin, touch it with your tongue. In men, one of the erogenous zones is the neck, so it also needs to be paid attention, the same applies to the eyelids and lips. Women need to massage the lobes and the area around their ears.

Genital massage

Of course, during an erotic massage, one should not forget about the most delicate parts of the body. In both men and women, the skin of the genitals is very delicate, so try not to harm it. For example, a woman should do erotic massage with caution: to massage the vulva and labia, relax your fingers. It is desirable that the touches be very affectionate. If you want, in addition to traditional kisses, move her intimate area its member. Girls should also be careful when massaging the genitals of their lover. Since his skin is incredibly thin and delicate, it will be enough to run his hand over it several times.

It is likely that your partner or your partner, being in a relaxing environment, will get excited and will not endure until the end of the massage. However, all the same, the work begun should be completed, delivering pleasure to the massaged. Perhaps you even invite your soulmate to start reciprocal caresses: this will add zest to your sex life and diversify it significantly. In any case, the massage should smoothly develop into sex.

In general terms, erotic massage is only partly aimed at healing a person, after all, its main task is to excite a partner. Despite this, he still adopted some elements therapeutic massage. You can watch how to do erotic massage on videos from the worldwide network. In fact, not everyone succeeds in performing this procedure flawlessly the first time, so training videos will be a good help. On the other hand, the beloved or beloved will understand everything, so there is nothing to worry about a possible fiasco.

There are no hard and fast rules in erotic massage, there are only tips and tricks. It is allowed to use all the means and methods that come to your mind and give both of you pleasure.

Create a romantic setting

Make sure that no one bothers you, turn off your phone and curtain the windows. Then light candles, optionally scented. Turn on some light music. 5 rules for a romantic dinner It is best to massage on the carpet, covering it with a sheet or towel, or on a fairly hard bed (on a soft surface, the effectiveness of the massage may decrease).

Prepare the butter

Stock up on massage oil or lotion. Warm up before massaging Massage Oil in a cup of warm water. Your hands should be warm and soft. And the better you know your partner's body, the more sensual the massage will be. It should start with gentle stroking and oiling every square centimeter of the partner's body. Your hands should move smoothly and slowly. Secrets of good sex.

Basic erotic massage techniques

There are several basic massage techniques: tapping, pressing, pinching, circular, fan-shaped and kneading movements performed by the side surface thumbs and the tips of the other fingers. Each technique should be performed first intensively, then with a decrease in pressure and a third time, barely touching the skin with your fingertips. With strong pressure, you will relieve muscle tension in your partner. This will help him relax both physically and emotionally, and increase his receptivity to even more sensual pleasure from the next stages of the massage.

Massage of the back of the body. If the partner is lying on his stomach, start the massage from the neck and shoulders, then massage both hands alternately to the very tips of the fingers. Then go down the back to the buttocks and go to the legs, moving up to the ankles. Do not start massaging the feet yet - it is more convenient to do this when the partner is lying on his back.

Massage of the front surface of the body. Gently help your partner roll over onto their back and start the massage again from the neck and shoulders. Then massage your hands and only after that go to the chest and stomach. Approaching the genitals, as if accidentally touch them with the back of the hand or some other part of the body.

When you move on to foot massage, pay Special attention inner thighs, which are erogenous zones. Having reached the feet, start massaging them alternately with one hand, and continue massaging the inner thighs with the other.

Erotic massage: performance features

pay attention to following places: shoulders, inner surface hips, back, feet, chest. You will also be surprised to find that there are many more erogenous zones on a person’s skin than you have previously thought: auricles, neck (especially where the hair begins), skin around the nipples, the inside of the forearm, buttocks, popliteal cavities and back side of the thighs, palms and especially the areas between the fingers. All these places will respond responsively to the touch of your tongue, long hair or a gentle tickle with a feather. Try to gently “breathe” his whole body with your hot breath, almost touching the skin with your lips.

Focus on feelings.

Erotic massage does not require special training. Sensitive hands, a little time and a desire to pamper your partner, mutual attraction to each other - that's, in fact, all you need to make an erotic massage. A massage performed by a loved one is always beneficial to the body and senses. At the touch of a loved one, the activation of sexual energy automatically starts in the body of the person being massaged.
