“Formation of social and communicative communication skills in preschool children. "Provision of assistance, support, services"

Consultations for preschool teachers;


Mukhina Irina Nikolaevna;


Samara, MBOU secondary school No. 59 (preschool department);

Abstract of the parent meeting for parents of the senior preparatory group on the topic "Development communication skills, or teach children to communicate "

Target: Activation of parents' interest in the topic of communication, the formation of children's communication skills preschool age.

Tasks :

Identification of conditions and methods for the development of communication;

Obtaining practical skills of playing with children, positive means of communication with the child;

Promoting the formation friendly relations V children's team and family;

Support for important social functions families: educational, leisure, communicative.

Development environment: questionnaires, cards with printed communicative games, exercises, attributes for games.

Conduct form round table.

Preliminary work:

Inviting parents to a meeting.

Questioning parents and processing the results on the topic "How I communicate with my child at home."

Preparing a file cabinet communication games .

Preparation of a memo for parents on the topic "How to teach a child to communicate."

Meeting progress:

Dear parents, today the topic of our meeting is "Formation of communication skills in children." What do you understand by the term "communication skills"? (Parents take turns expressing their opinions on a given topic. The teacher carefully listens to all the statements and at the end summarizes all the statements.)

Yes, you correctly said that communication skill is the ability to communicate with each other. Communication of a child is not only the ability to make contact and conduct a conversation with an interlocutor, but also the ability to listen carefully and actively, use facial expressions and gestures to more effectively express one's thoughts, as well as awareness of one's own characteristics and characteristics of other people and taking them into account in the course of communication . After all, if you do not teach a child to communicate competently from childhood, this problem will accompany him all his life.

Without exception, all parents want to see their child happy, smiling, able to communicate with people around them. But this does not always work out, and the task of adults is to help the child understand complex world relationships with peers and adults.

The process of development and improvement of a child's communication skills directly depends on the behavior of his parents. For the baby, this is the main role model and the main life guide. Assessing the relationships of adults and their reactions to strangers, the child builds his own line of behavior. The kid copies the model of communication of people close to him, so the degree of his sociability depends on the parents themselves.

Target: Activation of parents' interest in the topic of communication, the formation of communication skills of preschool children.


1. Identification of conditions and methods for the development of communication;

2. Obtaining practical skills of playing with children, positive means of communication with the child;

3. Assistance in the formation of friendly relations in the children's team and family;

4. Support for important social functions of the family: educational, leisure, communicative.

Development environment: questionnaires, cards with printed communicative games, exercises, attributes for games.

Conduct form round table.

Preliminary work:

1. Inviting parents to the meeting.

2. Questioning of parents and processing of the results on the topic "How do I communicate with my child at home."

3. Preparation of a card index of communicative games.

4. Preparation of a memo for parents on the topic "How to teach a child to communicate."

Meeting progress:

Dear parents, today the topic of our meeting is "Formation of communication skills in children." What do you understand by the term "communication skills"? (Parents take turns expressing their opinions on a given topic. The teacher carefully listens to all the statements and at the end summarizes all the statements.)

Yes, you correctly said that communication skill is the ability to communicate with each other. Communication of a child is not only the ability to make contact and conduct a conversation with an interlocutor, but also the ability to listen carefully and actively, use facial expressions and gestures to more effectively express one's thoughts, as well as awareness of one's own characteristics and characteristics of other people and taking them into account in the course of communication . After all, if you do not teach a child to communicate competently from childhood, this problem will accompany him all his life.

Without exception, all parents want to see their child happy, smiling, able to communicate with people around them. But this does not always work out, and the task of adults is to help the child understand the complex world of relationships with peers and adults.

The process of development and improvement of a child's communication skills directly depends on the behavior of his parents. For the baby, this is the main role model and the main life guide. Assessing the relationship of adults and their reaction to strangers, the child builds his own line of behavior. The kid copies the model of communication of people close to him, so the degree of his sociability depends on the parents themselves.

We conducted a survey on the topic: “How do I communicate with a child at home” (the teacher sums up the results of the survey).

As it turned out, not many parents pay enough attention to communication with their child and few people know what games to play with him.

Let's all think together what needs to be done, how to play with a child in order to teach them to communicate and find mutual language with peers. (The teacher invites parents to express their opinions on how to raise a sociable child, jointly develop a memo "How to teach a child to communicate.")

So, summing up our conversation, let's formulate together the main conditions that contribute to the formation of children's communication skills:

An example of constructive communication between parents and with other people;

・Children's reading fiction giving an example positive communication between children and adults;

Use of games to improve children's communication skills.

We will devote the second part of our meeting to just such games. In this regard, I would like to build our communication in such a way that everything that was said here, you could experience and feel yourself from the perspective of a child.

The teacher invites parents to "play":

Game "Polite words"

Throw the ball in turn and call each other polite words. This exercise will help develop good habit use etiquette.

Game "Situations"

Very effective game, in which it is necessary to offer different situations requiring intervention. So the child will learn to enter into a conversation and manage emotions. Example situations:

Your two friends had a big fight. You need to reconcile them.

· Guests have come to your house. What will you do?

· You lost your kitten on the street. Approach passers-by and ask if they have seen him.

· You got lost on the way to the store. What will you do? What will you ask?

· You offended your grandmother. Ask her for forgiveness.

(authors - O. Khukhlaev, O. Khukhlaeva)

Purpose: development of communication skills of children, development of auditory attention.

Description of the game: the adult calls the sentences, and the children must evaluate them and show their attitude by clapping their hands if they agree, or stomping their feet if the statement is incorrect.

"Roma visited his grandmother and was so happy that he was offended by her."

"Sasha took the toy from Petya and beat him, Petya quarreled with him."

“Lena really liked Seryozha, so she beat him.”

Purpose: development of communication skills, an active vocabulary, the ability to enter into a dialogue.

Age: 4-5 years.

Description of the game: children choose a leader, and then, imagining that they are adults, take turns taking a chair and answering the questions that the leader will ask them. The host asks the child to introduce himself by name and patronymic, tell about where and by whom he works, whether he has children, what hobbies he has, etc.

Comment: in the early stages of the game, children often find it difficult to select questions. In this case, the adult takes on the role of facilitator, offering the children a sample of the dialogue. Questions can be about anything, but it must be remembered that the conversation should be "adult".

Purpose: development of communication skills, removal of negative emotions.

Description of the game: children are invited, passing the ball to each other, to call each other inoffensive words, for example, the names of vegetables or fruits, while it is imperative to name the person to whom the ball is being passed: “And you, Leshka - potatoes”, “And you, Irishka - radishes ”,“ And you, Vovka, are carrots, ”etc. Be sure to warn the children that you can’t be offended by these name-calling, because this is a game. It is imperative to end the game with good words: “And you, Marinka - a picture”, “And you, Antoshka - the sun”, etc.

You need to pass the ball quickly, you can’t think for a long time.

Commentary: Before starting the game, you can have a conversation with the children about hurtful words, after which people usually get offended and begin to call names.

Dear parents, I would like to note the importance of the development of non-verbal forms of communication in children, because they determine the expressiveness and emotional background communication. Games for the development of non-verbal means of communication include those where facial expressions and gestures are used. For example, pantomime: first you portray a bear, and the child guesses, then change roles. For older children, the “Associations” game is suitable, where, with the help of sign language and various facial movements, the driver plays up a word or situation. Such entertainment guarantees general fun, emotional release, and cohesion. One of those games


We have to transform into a variety of objects. I will tell you one story that happened this summer. And you will help me. The heroes of my story are mom, dad, as well as a kettle, a door, a motor (all the items involved in the story). Each of you will get a role that needs to be voiced. Here you will be mom, you will be dad, you will be a car alarm, etc. (The presenter tells, parents voice, making sounds inherent in a particular subject).

Imagine…. Summer morning. Still sleeping. A motorcycle pulls up to the house. The car alarm goes off. Mom wakes up. He puts the kettle on. The alarm clock rings. The baby is crying. The kettle whistles. Dad goes to the bathroom. The door creaks. The baby cries even louder. Mom comforts the baby.

Everyone is here. It's time for grandma. Everyone gets into the car. Doors slam shut. The motor turns on. The car is driving on the highway. A car drives past at high speed. Ahead of the traffic police post. Police whistle. Thank God, not us! Turned off the road. Village ahead. The dog barked habitually. The geese cackled. The ducks quacked. The piglets grunted. And suddenly…..

Now let's tell this story without words. (Parents imitate the content of the story with sounds.)

Dear parents, I would like to sum up our meeting with the following words: “Journey through a difficult but very interesting country communication will be difficult, lengthy, but surprisingly exciting. Miracles do not happen, and your child's problems will not go away in one day with a wave " magic wand". Therefore, dear adults, be patient and go. To help you, we have prepared a colorful card file of games, riddles, puzzles and tips for developing communication skills in children. You can play with your child at home and unobtrusively help him develop his communication skills. We wish you success!



"Development of communication skills, or teaching children to communicate"

Summary of the parent meeting for parents of the middle group

Target: Activation of parents' interest in the topic of communication, the formation of communication skills of preschool children.


  1. Identification of conditions and methods for the development of communication;
  2. Obtaining practical skills of playing with children, positive means of communication with the child;
  3. Promoting the formation of friendly relations in the children's team and family;
  4. Support for important social functions of the family: educational, leisure, communicative.

Development environment:questionnaires, cards with printed communicative games, exercises, attributes for games.

Conduct form- round table.

Preliminary work:

  1. Invite parents to the meeting.
  2. Questioning parents and processing the results on the topic "How I communicate with my child at home."
  3. Preparation of a card index of communicative games.
  4. Preparation of a memo for parents on the topic "How to teach a child to communicate."

Meeting progress:

Dear parents, today the topic of our meeting is "Formation of communication skills in children." What do you understand by the term "communication skills"? (Parents take turns expressing their opinions on a given topic. The teacher carefully listens to all the statements and at the end summarizes all the statements.)

Yes, you correctly said that communication skill is the ability to communicate with each other. Communication of a child is not only the ability to make contact and conduct a conversation with an interlocutor, but also the ability to listen carefully and actively, use facial expressions and gestures to more effectively express one's thoughts, as well as awareness of one's own characteristics and characteristics of other people and taking them into account in the course of communication . After all, if you do not teach a child to communicate competently from childhood, this problem will accompany him all his life.

Without exception, all parents want to see their child happy, smiling, able to communicate with people around them. But this does not always work out, and the task of adults is to help the child understand the complex world of relationships with peers and adults.

The process of development and improvement of a child's communication skills directly depends on the behavior of his parents. For the baby, this is the main role model and the main life guide. Assessing the relationship of adults and their reaction to strangers, the child builds his own line of behavior. The kid copies the model of communication of people close to him, so the degree of his sociability depends on the parents themselves.

We conducted a survey on the topic: “How do I communicate with a child at home” (the teacher sums up the results of the survey).

As it turned out, not many parents pay enough attention to communication with their child and few people know what games to play with him.

Let's all think together what needs to be done, how to play with a child in order to teach to communicate and find a common language with peers. (The teacher invites parents to express their opinions on how to raise a sociable child, jointly develop a memo "How to teach a child to communicate.")

So, summing up our conversation, let's formulate together the main conditions that contribute to the formation of children's communication skills:

  • An example of constructive communication between parents and with other people;
  • Reading children's fiction, which provides an example of positive communication between children and adults;
  • The use of games to increase the communication skills of children.

We will devote the second part of our meeting to just such games. In this regard, I would like to build our communication in such a way that everything that was said here, you could experience and feel yourself from the perspective of a child.

The teacher invites parents to "play":

Game "Polite words"

Throw the ball in turn and call each other polite words. Such an exercise will help develop a useful habit of using etiquette words.

Game "Situations"

A very effective game in which it is necessary to offer different situations that require intervention. So the child will learn to enter into a conversation and manage emotions. Example situations:

  • Your two friends had a big fight. You need to reconcile them.
  • Guests have come to your house. What will you do?
  • You lost your kitten on the street. Approach passers-by and ask if they have seen him.
  • You got lost on your way to the store. What will you do? What will you ask?
  • You hurt grandma. Ask her for forgiveness.

If "yes" - clap, if "no" - stomp(authors - O. Khukhlaev, O. Khukhlaeva)

Purpose: development of communication skills of children, development of auditory attention.

Description of the game: the adult calls the sentences, and the children must evaluate them and show their attitude by clapping their hands if they agree, or stomping their feet if the statement is incorrect.

"Roma visited his grandmother and was so happy that he was offended by her."

"Sasha took the toy from Petya and beat him, Petya quarreled with him."

“Lena really liked Seryozha, so she beat him.”

Purpose: development of communication skills, an active vocabulary, the ability to enter into a dialogue.

Age: 4-5 years.

Description of the game: children choose a leader, and then, imagining that they are adults, take turns taking a chair and answering the questions that the leader will ask them. The host asks the child to introduce himself by name and patronymic, tell about where and by whom he works, whether he has children, what hobbies he has, etc.


Target: educate children the ability to communicate with strangers.

Lesson progress. The teacher asks the children questions and evaluates the correct answers. Arranging the questions in the following sequence, he leads the children to the independent use of the words: “polite”, “attentively”, “respectfully”. QUESTIONS:

Tell me, are there any adults you know? Who are they? ( Mom's friend, dad's friend, neighbor.)

Do you like talking to them?

How do you behave when you meet them?

If acquaintances, yours and your parents, adults invite you to go somewhere, what do you do? Are you asking your mom for permission?

And if mom is not around and the person says that he has already talked to mom, will you go with him? (The answer is yes.)

Why? (Answer: “Because we trust a person, he is our friend and mom never said that he should be afraid or disobeyed.)

Okay, those are the correct answers.


Target: The conversation will introduce children to the rules of conduct during a conversation.

Didacticmaterial-plot pictures depicting situations of polite behavior of children during a conversation.

Conversation flow: The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures and pay attention to the basic rules of behavior during a conversation:

speak in a polite tone;

use "magic" words;

look into the face of the interlocutor;

during a conversation, you should not eat, for example, a pie, since it is not pleasant for anyone to watch you chew food, saliva splashes can get into the face of the interlocutor, and at the same time you pronounce the words indistinctly;

if two adults are talking, the child should not interfere in their conversation, much less demand that it be stopped;

it is impolite if a boy is sitting talking to an adult standing next to him, of course, the boy should stand up.

The teacher offers to listen and discuss a poem that talks about the rules of conduct during a conversation.

G. Oster. Tips for naughty children.

If to dad or mom

Her tall aunt came

And leads some important

And a serious conversation

Necessary behind unnoticed

sneak up on her,

And then shout out loud

Directly in the ear

“Stop! Give up! Hands up!"

And when from the chair aunt

Falls down with a fright

And spill it on your dress

Tea, compote or jelly,

It must be very loud

Mom will laugh

And being proud of your child.

Dad will shake your hand!


The course of the conversation. The teacher talks about the fact that on the street - like in a store, you need to learn how to behave correctly,

He asks children to answer the following questions:

Where should you play outside?

What do you do if you and your mom have lost each other?

What to do if mom got on the bus and you didn't have time?

Who can you turn to for help and who can't?

How to behave if stranger asks you about the house, about the parents?

What to do if a stranger offers you sweets, cookies on the street, go to visit him?

The teacher can ask the children to talk about the difficult situations they have experienced on the street. They can also be discussed with children, paying attention to the following aspects: whether the child behaved correctly in this situation; how to do the right thing; how parents advise them to act in a given situation.

The teacher tells the children about the rules of behavior on the street (you can’t quarrel on the street; you can’t draw and write on the walls of houses, fences; it’s indecent to talk loudly, laugh, shout on the street; you can’t cross the street at a red light, you can only go green; you can’t play on the road part of the street; be attentive to the elderly, give them a seat in transport).

In order to consolidate knowledge, the teacher, together with the children, can play several riddle scenes: “What is wrong here?” (Situations are offered based on the material covered, and the children must answer what they agree with and what they do not.)


Program content. Develop a dialogic form of speech, skillacceptingbeuchastie in group conversation

(listen carefully, answerchat on questions, proactive statementsto respond to the partner's statements) .

Material. Animal postcards: dog,cat, hturtle, parrot, etc.

The course of the conversation. educatorinfluences on the panel of the postcard with the imagethe chewing of animals. Children pay attention to thisTopanel. The teacher gives them the opportunity to examine postcards, freely exchange impressions. Then he invites you to sit on the couch. He sits down, turns to the children.

you, onright, they recognized their four-legged friends. Tell us what animals live in your home. (Children's statements.)

Tell us how your animal friends are doing. What do they know how to do, how do they spend their time? How do you take care of animals? What do you feed? Do they love yourAnd four-legged friends bathe? Has something funny, interesting happened to your animals, birds, fishkami? (Children's statements.)

Guys,want to hear what happenedwith me when I was a schoolgirl? On summer holidays I went to the camp. Lthe guard was in the forest. There we picked up a hedgehog and brought it to the house. The hedgehog liked it with us. The children brought him various delicacies. Ayou know what to eathedgehog? (Children's statements.) We brought the street hedgehogcurrent, flies, worms. He was very fond of homemade meatballs andmilk. During the day, the hedgehog slept almost all the time, and at night it made noise: it loudly pounded its paws on the floor when walking, rustled with a newspaper, and snorted. The summer has gone by unnoticed. It's time to head home from camp.Werelease with the guyswhether a hedgehog, and he ran into the forest to build a nest on theimu.

And what do you guys think, is it possible to let a cat, a dog, a parrot live on the street without an owner? Why? (Children's reasoning.)

-Yes, you're right guys, the hedgehog lives in the forest, so he needed to be released, and the cat and dog need care. Their home is in the human homecentury. A person should be responsible for those whom he has tamed. (Recording children's stories in the album.)


software content, To teach children to take part in a meaningful conversation, reason, justify their statements, listen carefully to interlocutors, respond to their reasoning. In a conversation, observe the sequence, express disagreement in a polite manner.

Material. Picture of children playing ball near the road.

The course of the conversation. The teacher reads a poem by I. Tokmakova “Crocodiles.

I beg you, do not move down the railing,

You can get in the teeth of crocodiles!

They lurk on every platform

And everyone who moves out is grabbed by the heels

And dragged to the bottom of the African Nile.

Please don't slide down the railing!

And why, in fact, can not move down the railing? (Children's statements.) And who thinks differently?

It's not safe to slide down the railing. Today we will talk about security. Of course, you are not afraid of anything. Still, there are dangerous things to watch out for. Let's remember what dangers await you in the house, in the yard, on the water. Can you remember yourself? (Children's statements.)

Most dangerous house- gas, matches, electrical appliances not turned off. Why? (There may be a fire.) What rules must be observed so that there is no fire? (Do not play with matches, do not turn on gas and electrical appliances yourself.)

Imagine. Mother went to the store and left her child alone in the apartment. I really want to watch the cartoon. There is a TV. Can turn on. The time has come. What would you do in this situation? Why? Who thinks differently? (The teacher leads the children to a generalization: you can’t turn on the TV, because sometimes color TVs light up by themselves. You have to wait for mom.)

You are waiting for your mom from the store. The doorbell rings. How to do it right? (Statements.) Is it possible to open front door without asking Who? Why?

What is the right thing to do if the postman, locksmith, doctor responded? Why? Who thinks differently? (Children are led to the idea that you need to politely ask your mother to wait. Outsiders should never open the door).

At home there is another insidious place. This is a first aid kit. What is stored in the first aid kit? (Medicines.) Some medicines are very tasty, smell good, look like candy. Maybe they can be eaten instead of sweets? Why not? (Reasoning.)

Dangers lie in wait for children in the yard. Which? (Cars, broken glass, dog, unkind people, explosive and flammable substances used by builders, repairmen.)

Look at this picture. Imagine: the children missed the ball, and it rolled out onto the road. How to do it right? ^Ask one of the adults to get the ball.) And if there are no adults around, and a car appears on the road, it can crush the ball. How to do it right? (Try to attract the attention of the driver by shouting so that he stops.) And the best thing, guys, is not to play near the passing transport.

Imagine such a situation. You are walking in the yard. Someone else's dog came running and began to bark at you. Scared What to do? Why? (Children's reasoning.) That's right, you shouldn't be afraid of a dog. Russian people have this proverb: brave dog barks, and tears the cowardly.

One more situation. You are sitting on a bench in the yard. A man with a dog comes up and says: “Don't be afraid, this is a kind dog. She is a little worried because she has puppies left at home. Do you wanna take a look? Go with us". How will you do it and why? (You can’t go anywhere with strangers.) How can you politely refuse? (Answers.)

Today we ourselves managed to remember very the right rules behavior at home and in the yard. I hope that you have memorized all these rules and will apply them in your life.

Parent Meeting #2

in the second junior group №2

« Development of communication

abilities in preschoolers

Target: revealing the meaning of speech comprehensive development child's personality.

Tasks: to acquaint parents with the methods and techniques for developing communication skills, to cultivate a culture of communication, to continue working on interaction with parents.

Implementation plan :

1. Introductory part. "What is Communication and Communication Skills?"

2. "The importance of speech for the development of children's communication skills."

3. General questions.

Assembly progress.

1. Introductory part. "What is Communication and Communication Skills?"

Good evening dear parents! We are glad to meet you. Thank you for taking the time and coming to Parent meeting.

It is proved that the leading role in the development of the child belongs to the family. You can not argue with the words of Sebastian Brant:

The child is learning

What he sees in his house

His parents are an example to him.

The wolf did not raise the sheep

The gait of cancer was given by the father.

If children see us and hear us,

We are responsible for our words.

And for the words: easy to push

Children on a bad path.

Keep up your house

So as not to repent later.

The child himself, teachers and parents participate in the formation of the personality of the child. One can imagine a certain triangle in which the top is the children, and teachers and parents are the base of the triangle. It depends on who is at the base of the triangle what the personality of the child will be. The theme of our meeting The development of communication skills in preschoolers».

Our whole life is spent in communication - with ourselves and people. From how we are able to communicate, express our requests and feelings, understand other people's will and respond to them, it depends on how successful a person will be in society. At what point is a person ready to communicate? Starting from the first days, the child hears our voice, reacts to it with a smile, he is ready to communicate with us. In the first period of life, intonation is perceived brighter. For example: We can say sweet words in a rude tone - in response, the child may burst into tears. And vice versa. And what is called a non-verbal means of communication, that posture, gesture, facial expressions are of a subconscious nature. And later the meaning of the words is understood.

What is the secret successful communication? Social psychologists talk about communicative skills - skills communication. There are about 50 of them. Here are some of them that are learned at preschool age.


There are special words and gestures for greetings. These wordings are familiar to all of us: “Hello”, “ Good morning(day, evening)”, “Hello!” - and it is important that the child makes a distinction between whom you can throw a friendly “hello” and who should be greeted more respectfully. Our speech etiquette requires that the greeting is also answered with a greeting, and not silent.

2. "Farewell".

In the same way, teach your child that "bye" is suitable for friends and close adults, and it is better to say goodbye to the rest more strictly: "goodbye." In response to parting, it is also customary to say goodbye.

Let's consider the situation:

You pick up the child from kindergarten, dress him and push him to the door, say loudly: "Say goodbye"

What do you think is wrong here?

3. "Conversion".

The child should know that when he wants something from someone: whether to call for help, whether to tell interesting story, complain or boast - you need to contact this person. It is important that the child himself responds to the appeal when he is addressed.

4. "Request for help, support, service."

This important point. When something doesn’t work out for a child, he can start to get upset, angry, cry - often in the hope that after that they will come to him and help him. A child should be taught that almost any adult can help him - you just need to ask correctly, and there is nothing wrong with that.

5. "Provision of assistance, support, services."

If a child is asked for help, and he is able to provide this help, then he can do it with the comment: “Good”, “Please”.

6. "Thanks"

« to the magic word"Teach almost from infancy, so with a known

"Thank you" is usually not difficult. You can tell the child that if he feels for someone warm feelings for a specific service, then this is a feeling of gratitude, and gratitude can be expressed in words.

7. Accepting gratitude.

This is a feedback method. Responding to gratitude: “Please”, “To your health”, “Not at all” - the child shows that gratitude is accepted.

8. "Apologies."

To apologize, we use words with which we admit our guilt and ask for forgiveness from the victim. “Excuse me, please, I won’t do it again”, “I’m sorry”, “I’m sorry.” The form "I'm sorry" is illiterate and not correct.

9. Accepting an apology.

These are words and gestures that can be used to show the offender that his apology has been accepted, the issue has been resolved, we no longer hold a grudge against him. “Okay”, “Okay”, “I forgive you.”

10. "Refusal".

The child must know that he has every right to give up without hesitation everything that he considers bad, unpleasant, dangerous or unacceptable - and no one can force him to do this.

11. "Requirements".

Demands differ from requests by their categoricalness and inflexibility. The child must know that if he feels in danger, if something unpleasant, bad is done to him, he has the right to demand and threaten - and at the same time count on support. (At least parents).

12. "Hearing".

It would seem, what is there to teach? Sit and listen. But the ability to really listen is to follow the speech of another and understand, hear the speech!

It is this skill that allows you not to interrupt another, but to calmly wait for him to finish his thought. And developing it in preschool age is not so difficult: reading books, meaningful conversations, joint inventing stories and children's audio cassettes and CDs help with this.

13. "Detailed statement."

This is the ability of a child to express his thoughts and considerations not just smoothly and evenly, but at the same time in detail and in detail. At the same time, the child must understand in which situations it is worth building detailed statements, and in which ones you can get away with short ones. The ability to build detailed statements helps to reason and clearly express your thoughts.

Nothing more is required of a preschooler.

2. Today, I would like to talk about the importance of speech for the development of children's communication skills.

Speech is a verbal means of communication.

The development of the child's speech is carried out in different types activities: in the game and artistic activity, V Everyday life, when reading fiction, looking at illustrations ...

But one of the main means is speech environment in which the child grows.

Speech and speech behavior of the child is improved in the process of communication with adults in the family. When communicating with your child, keep him/her talking about favorite toys, about family members, about relaxing on a day off, about interesting events in the life of a child and his loved ones, about exciting walks. The more we talk with the child, the more we show and tell him, the better for his development.

Many nations have developed proverbs about speech and speech communication, because proverbs are a storehouse of wisdom.

Open the envelopes, they contain sheets with words from which you need to make a proverb. The game "Make a proverb."

1. Without tongue and German bell.

2. What is the mind, such is the speech.

3. Word-commander of human strength.

4. A bird is visible by feathers, a person by speeches.

5. A living word is more valuable than a dead letter.

6. A short speech is clear, and therefore beautiful.

7. With a word you pierce what you cannot pierce with a needle.

8. Learn politeness from an ill-mannered person.

9. A horse is recognized in riding, a person in communication.

10.One good word better than a thousand words of abuse.

11. Respect the word of another - and your word will hear.

12. Listening is the same as curing.

13. If someone says, you shut up and look at him.

14. Who swears, is rude, no one talks to him.

15.Where is the word hello, there is a smile for the answer.

16. An unkind word burns more than fire.

Our words, as well as the manner of communication, are copied by the child. You, watching the child at home, and we in kindergarten (in communication with peers) can see how he conveys this or that character of communication, imitating his mother, grandmother, teacher. Moreover, psychologists have proven that a child will communicate with his children in the same style in which you communicate with him.

And you, dear parents, largely copy the communication style of your parents and transfer it to your children. What did you take from communication with your parents and transferred to your children?

Try to be your child's friend. Both the results of upbringing and the general well-being of the child depend on how communication takes place. A friendly atmosphere of communication is important, it is created by mastering and using communication skills.

Summary of the parent meeting.

1. At home, pay attention to the development of the child's speech and more with him. Read fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes, riddles to the child and learn them.

2. Along with other games, play finger games with children, encourage the child to practice modeling and drawing in the family.

3. For more successful communication with children, we have prepared for you a memo "Secrets of communication of a child in a family."

3. Condemnation of issues of interest to parents.

Reminder for parents

"Secrets of communication of a child in a family"

*Save to family unity of views on education and communication with a child.

*Childd You should feel the love of those close to you.

*Notice your progress child, rejoice with him.

*Communicationd should have a positive emotional tone.

*Smile more often to kid.

*Notice successes and achievements child.

*Accept child as he is.

* Show interest in child during communication: nod of the head, approval, gesture. facial expressions, eyes.

*Keep aspiring child to communicate with adult members families.

*Communication should be positive emotional.

Shcherbakova Valentina
Conversation with parents "The role of communication games"

Publication: « The role of communication games»

The goal is to level up communicative cultures of preschoolers and their parents. What is communication skills? (Answers parents.) Communicative skills - this is the child's ability to enter into the process of communication with children, with adults, the ability to follow the rules of communication in relations with comrades, the ability to navigate situations

communication. Do you think that the formation communicative your child's skills? (Listen to answers parents.) Do you think it is necessary to develop communication skills in children? For what? (Listen to answers parents, summarize.) Need so How: preschool age - milestone in personality development. This is the period of joining universal values, the time to establish relationships with the leading areas of life, the world of people, the world of nature and one's own world. The child changes the content of communication, his motives, communicative skills and abilities. 6-7 summer age child is the preparation of the child for school, since it is during this period that future "students" it is easier to acquire, retain and retain the formed skills and abilities for a long time. For children with unformed communicative skills will typical: fear and uncertainty, they are embarrassed by the novelty of the situation, the unusualness of the role, they are afraid to say the wrong thing or not the way the teacher or educator seems to want, they are afraid of being ridiculed by their comrades. Therefore, it is necessary to develop in the child communication skills, to teach communication, the ability to learn the basics of moral, aesthetic, physical culture which develops the habit of systematic work. Without specially developing work, it will be difficult for a child to be sociable, sociable which is essential for school readiness. What do you think is the best way to develop communication skills? (Answers parents.) What games do you know? (Answers parents.) What is a didactic game? (Answers parents.) Didactic game is an educational game in which are included: learning task, rule, game action. (Disassemble the didactic game. For example, "Zoological Lotto") What is a mobile game? (Answers parents.) An outdoor game is a game based on dexterity (physical competence, which includes a rule and game actions. For example, an outdoor game "Traps". What do you think communicative skills are formed in the game? (Answers parents.) the ability to organize the game;

the ability to lead the game; the ability to negotiate the course of the game; the ability to sum up the game; the ability to choose the leader in the game. In games, the child develops such quality: self-control, endurance, the ability to interact with each other, the ability to negotiate and come to a single result, self-esteem, mutual assistance is formed. Remember and name the games that you remember from childhood? (Answers parents.)

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