How to hypnotize a girl to follow orders. Hypnosis for Children: Safe and Effective Techniques

Everyone knows about the existence of hypnosis. However, only a few are interested in how to learn hypnosis on their own. If you fall into this small category of people, today's article will be interesting.

Hypnosis - influence on human psyche. People who are fluent in this art use special techniques and sound effects to introduce the client into this state. The impact brings a short-term stop of the activity of consciousness, which changes the behavior of a person. While in this state, it can execute various commands.

There are three types of hypnosis. I will briefly describe each. I note that the impact on consciousness can be harmful and beneficial.

  • Classic hypnosis . It provides for the impact directly on the human mind using clear guidelines and formulations. Classic variety Hypnosis is used on stage and in medicine, it helps to normalize sleep, treat phobias and neuroses, fight addictions. Classic variant helps to stop drinking and smoking.
  • Hidden hypnosis . It implies an indirect effect on the psyche and consciousness. A covert form of hypnosis is used in business, advertising, and politics for a specific benefit.
  • Psychotropic hypnosis . It is based on the use of various narcotic and psychotropic substances and drugs that strongly affect the psyche.

Hypnosis is a procedure in which a person is under the influence of medications and monotonous stimuli plunges into a trance. In turn, trance is the concentration of attention on the stimulus of the internal or external character. Being in this state, a person cannot rationally analyze and control the information that enters his consciousness.

Where to begin

There are a variety of reasons why people want to learn hypnosis quickly at home. Some like experiments with consciousness, others are attracted by a pleasant state of trance, which helps to solve mental problems.

  1. If you really decide to learn hypnosis, first of all, understand that while comprehending the basics of this art, you will put yourself in danger. There is a possibility of falling into a trance, from which one cannot get out without the help of an expert.
  2. Read on to reach your goal. thematic material, learn to strengthen and fix the state of trance. Remember, the ability to fall into a trance without help will only come with time.
  3. Some people do not need to be trained, since they can subconsciously hypnotize others from birth. Remember merchants who provoke a client to buy unnecessary things.
  4. If you want to become a professional hypnotist, believe in yourself. It is recommended to develop this feeling gradually, trying to protect it as much as possible.
  5. The ability to hypnosis detract from some qualities. It's about insincerity, nicotine or alcohol addiction, regular consumption of coffee and other stimulating drinks.

You've got the first idea of ​​how to learn hypnosis on your own. Over time, gain experience and master complex versions of the impact on consciousness, including waking suggestion. This technique is like magic. With its help, you can hypnotize a person without immersion in a state of sleep, it allows you to penetrate into the subconscious, overcoming consciousness.

How to learn hypnosis at home

Hypnosis has been around for a long time. It used to be an element of occult science, and is now considered part of psychotherapy. In ancient times, any information relating to putting a person into a trance was considered secret knowledge owned by a select few. Nowadays, everyone can learn to hypnotize people if they learn how to learn hypnosis at home.

Studying hypnosis at home has many advantages - it allows you to independently set the training regimen, choose the training system and trance technique.

  • Find out what can get in the way of learning hypnosis. This is about various forms dependence, irregular use of stimulating drinks, inconsistent activities and lack of self-confidence.
  • Any specialist must possess certain qualities, and the hypnotist is no exception. A hypnotic person is a reserved and confident person, characterized by the ability to concentrate and control himself.
  • As you move towards your goal, develop the listed qualities. As a result, this will have a positive effect on willpower, concentration and self-control.
  • Literature will help speed up learning. Books and printed publications are sold in specialized stores. It is enough to look into the nearest book store and get some tutorials.
  • To obtain the result, theoretical knowledge is not enough. Exercise regularly of varying complexity to help you master your skills.

I shared short instruction how to learn hypnosis at home. Before you begin to actively act, decide whether such abilities are needed. If you are guided by curiosity, you will not get good result because it requires perseverance and constancy. However, this will allow you to become smarter and increase intelligence.

If you intend to master the technique of manipulating people, I'm afraid you will be disappointed in the end. The fact is that such skills, coupled with great knowledge, are accompanied by great responsibility. Therefore, when studying hypnosis, strive for self-development for the benefit of society.

Secrets of hypnosis with the eyes

A look can attract, suppress, bewitch and even burn through. Any serious hypnotist is fluent in the technique of hypnosis with the eyes. It is safe to say that the look is the strongest tool of influence.

According to experts, only a person who is able to concentrate, focus and transmit thoughts at a distance can hypnotize people with their eyes. Such a skill will not appear on its own. It must be trained and developed.

The method of hypnotizing people that I will share is in old days gained immense popularity in Europe. Even modern experts use it widely. To master the technique will require patience, perseverance, a couch and an assistant.

  1. The assistant needs to sit comfortably on the couch, and the hypnotist needs to bend over his head and look into his eyes. All thoughts should be concentrated on the assistant's sleep. Carry out the procedure in complete silence.
  2. If you want to master the technique, prepare yourself for the fact that in order to achieve the result you will have to sit over the subject's face for several hours. In most cases, the result is shown after thirty minutes of exchanging glances.
  3. Initially, the helper may resist. But, after a few minutes, you will notice that his efforts gradually weaken. He will eventually fall asleep.

Gaze Concentration Exercise

Speed ​​up learning hypnosis with a look will help effective exercise. On a piece of paper, draw a small circle with a diameter of about three centimeters. Fasten the sheet in front of the eyes when you take a sitting position.

Having taken comfortable posture on a chair, carefully look at this circle. During the process, imagine that rays come out of your eyes, which close in the drawn figure. Keep exercising until tears appear. Do the exercise for several days in a row.

With the help of this exercise, master the technique of focusing your gaze at a certain point, which is important for achieving your goal. Remember, a focused eye can even be felt in the back. You don't even have to become a psychic.

History of hypnosis

The history of hypnosis is as interesting as the history of the New Year. Therefore, I dedicate the final part of the story to her.

The discoverers of hypnosis are ancient shamans who lived on the planet many centuries ago. In those days, people widely used the technique of immersion in trance. This state was used by shamans for various purposes.

With the help of trance, they raised the morale of warriors, treated the sick and predicted the future. At the end of the 19th century, the study of phenomena related to hypnosis acquired a scientific character. Among the people who made a huge contribution to the development of hypnosis, there were also scientists from Russia.

National history hypnosis was accompanied by ups, downs and high-profile scandals. For example, in the middle of the 19th century, a visiting hypnotist named Gensen was popular. The cost of the session, which was held in a small apartment, was 200 rubles - at that time a huge amount of money.

Domestic scientists in the field of neurology and psychiatry, who managed to visit the sessions of a specialist, strongly criticized him. Later, public hypnosis was banned. Medical advice. It was allowed to use the technique only for healing people, provided that another doctor was present at the session.

Since that moment, the development of hypnosis in our country has slowed down greatly. According to patients, they did not seek help from specialists, since they had to pay for the services of two doctors at the same time.

Modern psychological practice welcomes absolutely different methods influences: consultations, art therapy and even hypnosis - video sessions with correct application hypnosis can even be viewed online.

However, before you begin to master the basics of real hypnosis, learn the secrets of the magnetic gaze and try to apply them in Everyday life, remember some rules.

  1. Of course, in order to hypnotize a person, we you need to have his consent. The only way. Your ward must completely trust you, otherwise it will not be possible to establish contact.
  2. Use hypnosis only for positive purposes. Of course, it will not be difficult for a real professional to put a person into a state of hypnotic sleep in just 2 seconds. However, the use of hypnosis for medical and psychological purposes requires a special license. At home, we can put a person into a state of superficial trance, when he begins to fully concentrate on his inner feelings. A similar practice is used by yogis.
  3. Remember the main rule is do no harm. Teach the person the right way to come out of hypnosis.

Hypnosis is an altered experience of consciousness.

It should not be confused with a dream. During hypnosis, the characteristics of the imagination are structured on the basis of suggestion. As you know, almost anyone can be hypnotized. Most susceptible to hypnosis is the one who is in a relaxed state. So, before you can hypnotize a person, you need to relax him. This process occurs in the first stage of hypnosis.

As soon as you establish contact with your ward, ask him about previous experience hypnosis, and make sure he is ready to follow your commands.

So let's move on to initial stage hypnosis - relaxation. Ask a man take a comfortable position in a darkened room. Make sure that no one interferes with you in advance. For the transition to the relaxation stage, you need to prepare not only your partner, but also yourself. Namely - to pick up phrases with which you will immerse your ward in relaxation, train your voice, control intonation. You can learn all this on your own. Dig into the thematic literature, after which you will be able to operate with words and sentences that can relax any person.

However, to hypnotize a person, relaxation alone will not be enough. Gradually your voice should become more impressive, you will have to switch the partner's attention to immersion in hypnosis. The central feeling here is peace and tranquility. Your phrases should be inspiring, and your voice should sound monotonous and natural.

Hypnosis and getting out of it

The next step is hypnosis itself. In this state, a person loses the ability to look at things critically. At the same time, he will remember and realize everything. If you are not yet confident in your suggestion skills, try hypnotizing a cat.

Exist different techniques :

  • you can stroke the animal and it will be imbued with confidence in you and simply fall asleep;
  • you can use the moment of surprise and catch the animal during the jump, take it by the scruff of the neck and turn it over in the air;
  • use mechanical methods exposure: cat looks at washing machine or on a watch, etc.

There are plenty of videos out there on how to learn hypnosis. And you can try to hypnotize both animals and people. Remember that for every person individual phrases and methods work effects during hypnosis. However, never try to scare or commit any illegal act.

The fact that a person is immersed in a state of hypnosis, you will be notified by him even breathing and a peaceful look. Try to match the rhythm of his breathing. Don't speak too fast, but don't stretch your words either.

A relatively small step will be the exit from hypnosis. Take the man out slowly but surely. For example, count aloud to five and ask them to open their eyes. Be sure to emphasize that it was a positive experience and ask the person to share how they felt.

How to learn hypnosis: simple exercises

Sessions are sessions, but the question remains unsolved: how to learn hypnosis? This will help you simple exercises with a drawn dot to be looked at every day.

Since the simplest method is gaze hypnotism, we will learn how to control it. Have you ever seen how a person can stop an intruder with one glance or pacify an angry animal? There is nothing fantastic in this, it just lends itself to such a skill as magnetic gaze. And it can be easily developed.

To start draw a dot on a piece of paper, whose diameter is two centimeters. Hang a piece of paper at a distance of 2-3 meters from your eyes. Concentrate your gaze on this point, try to look at it for 5 minutes without blinking. When you start to succeed, increase the time.

Further complicate the exercise- move around the room and look at the dot on the wall. If you suddenly have watery eyes, then continue to look at the point in a static position. Repeat the exercise every day and you will succeed. After a while, place several sheets of paper with dots drawn on them on the wall at once. After that, you need to focus on each point alternately.

Thanks to daily exercise you will learn to concentrate your gaze and be able to hypnotize a person to follow orders. Of course, the concept of an order is conditional - they must be understandable and simple. Don't force someone to do something you don't want for yourself.

Mastering the art of hypnosis is the dream of many, but most often it is based on selfish purpose get what you want through suggestion. But knowing how to hypnotize a person, you can decide important issues- cure psychological and physical illness, return the memory. Any suggestion is the control of the subconscious through submission to one's will. It will take experience and skills to turn off the opponent's mind and control it.

Translated from ancient Greek, "hypnosis" means "magical sleep." Wise Men and Priests ancient egypt, Greece, Russia knew how to introduce their wards into a special state of trance in order to erase painful memories, protect them from pain during an operation, and cure amnesia. But there were also less good goals - to force certain actions to be taken, which would be difficult for a person in a normal state to decide.

Such suggestion was used massively by soldiers before the start of battles and individually for personal intentions. With its help, the heads of state were set up so that they could confidently lead the people. In the Middle Ages, hypnosis training independently or with a teacher was carried out for the elite in monasteries, Masonic orders. This knowledge was considered elite, and those who possessed it could easily command the crowd.

In the 19th century, work with the subconscious became the prerogative of psychotherapists. They not only used their skills in practice, but also wrote many scientific works, thanks to which anyone can apply these developments and master a special technique. For this, it is not necessary to have natural gift, it suffices to be:

  • charismatic and self-confident;
  • own a commanding tone of voice;
  • be able to psychologically dispose to oneself;
  • to have a hypnotizable (suggestible) recipient.

Not everyone is easily hypnotized. It has been proven that a third of the population is completely insensitive to it, it is difficult for the majority of people to trust and relax, and only 20% are easily suggestible. Beginning hypnotists should first of all know what types of magical trance exist. Hypnosis happens:

Playing with the subconscious and trying to suppress the will of another without consent is fraught with consequences. mental disorder, depression and nightmares- the least that an insufficiently prepared neophyte can get:

It is impossible to suppress someone else's will without the ability to concentrate. The power of the eye is of paramount importance. Even in the photographs of Grigory Rasputin, one can see the extraordinary power of the eye with a penetrating gaze into the interlocutor. With such a look, a person can be hypnotized to follow orders of any nature. If there is no natural gift, then you need to train a lot.

Before giving mental orders, you need to learn how to focus your attention on one point, which will then become the starting point for issuing commands. If it is difficult to imagine it mentally, then you should:

The second set of exercises will give the look piercing and tenacity. This is a rather monotonous work, but before moving on to influencing people, you need to develop a base, otherwise nothing will come of it.

  1. The point is the center of focus of the eyes, the goal is not to blink for as long as possible. The image of a red dot inside a labyrinth of black and white lines is well suited - this will relieve a little peripheral vision and train the vestibular apparatus.
  2. Additional points at the top or bottom (they can be drawn or found among household items). Concentrating on the central one, look down, then up. Start with one minute and increase the time gradually.

The third complex will help the gaze become penetrating, conveying thought. Such work on oneself is useful not only for those who want to learn hypnosis, but also for insecure people. Communication with others will acquire a new quality.

Having learned to do such things, you can easily influence people - support in Hard time or stop aggressors with a single glance.

Having mastered the concentration on the point and on the reflection, you can proceed to the next stage - influencing people. It is important to observe the ethics of behavior, remembering that the practice should not harm anyone. It is best to ask a friend or parent to help:

One of the most ancient methods is suggestion with the help of a bright pendulum, which will serve as a metal pendant on a chain, and any pendant, even multi-colored paper circle. The pendulum is ideal for learning hypnosis at home. The exit from a trance is indicated by a sound signal - snapping fingers, clapping or ringing a bell. This may be preceded by a countdown from 10 or 3 to 0. The subject must be familiar with the sound prior to the session. Hypnosis is carried out in several stages:

  • relaxing the patient on the couch with calm phrases and the power of the gaze;
  • an agreement on a sound signal and a countdown;
  • swinging the pendulum in front of the patient's face and verbally putting him into a trance;
  • quick shutdown of consciousness by the command;
  • introduction of the program to the subject through auto-training;
  • suggestion of a command to be executed after waking up.

Sometimes, with well-executed hypnosis, you can talk to the patient, ask questions, and at the same time suggest a healing program. But most often a person is just sleeping, and the brain in a relaxed state absorbs attitudes expressed confidently and clearly. It is always necessary to bring out of a trance quickly by simple algorithm and without too much anxiety.

After training and gaining experience, introducing anyone into an altered state of consciousness will be easy and will not take much time. The famous Wolf Messing could hypnotize a person in 2 seconds. Of course, great importance had his natural gift, but psychotherapist Erickson believed that anyone could develop such abilities in themselves if they worked hard.

For successful instant hypnosis, you must not doubt your abilities and have experience working with sound to turn off consciousness (most often this is a snap of your fingers in front of your eyes):

  1. The metal pendulum lulls the patient's attention.
  2. A sharp sound turns off consciousness, plunging into a trance in a couple of seconds.

Hypnotists around the world lead daily work over yourself in order to achieve just such a result.

Rapid suggestion can also be used by parents of schoolchildren who are not good at educational material or when the child finds it difficult to calm down before bed. The pendulum and suggestion method works great even in daytime. The student must be laid on the couch, calmed down and brought into a meditative state by the pendulum. Complete sleep in this case is not required, it is enough to relax the mind.

The parent inspires a program to overcome the problem, for example, says that the child is now an excellent student, completes lessons quickly and efficiently, gets along with classmates, remembers the material well. For very young children, you can come up with a fairy tale to captivate the attention of consciousness and then inspire that the baby is always calm, falls asleep well and wakes up filled with strength and health.

Mastering hypnosis is a useful and productive skill with which you can help your family, friends and yourself. In the event of a collision with injustice or deceit, hypnosis will stop ill-wishers and save a person from problems.

It is not difficult to hypnotize a person who wants to be hypnotized, because hypnosis is ultimately self-hypnosis. Contrary to popular misconceptions, hypnotism is not mind manipulation or mystical ability. The hypnotist basically helps the hypnotized person to relax and enter a trance state. The progressive relaxation method described here is very easy to learn and can be used even by inexperienced people.


Part 1

Preparing for a hypnosis session

    Find someone who wants to undergo a hypnosis session. If a person does not want to succumb to hypnosis or does not believe in the power of hypnosis, it will be very difficult to hypnotize him, especially if you are a beginner hypnotist. Find an interested partner who is willing to undergo a hypnosis session and is willing to patiently follow all instructions.

    Choose a quiet, comfortable room. Your partner should feel comfortable and relaxed in it. The room should be tidy and subdued lighting. Invite your partner to sit in a comfortable chair and eliminate any distractions, such as the TV on or other people around.

    • Disable Cell phones and music.
    • Close the windows if it's noisy outside.
    • Warn your family not to disturb you until you yourself leave the room.
  1. Tell your partner what to expect from hypnosis. Most people have erroneous ideas about hypnosis, imposed by cinema and television. In fact, hypnosis is just a relaxation technique that helps people find solutions to problems and answers to questions in their subconscious. We all regularly enter hypnotic state- during dreams, when we immerse ourselves in listening to music, watching a movie or falling into deep thought. In reality, during a hypnosis session:

    Ask your partner why he wants to have a hypnosis session. It has been found that hypnosis relieves anxious thoughts and even strengthens the immune system. it great way strengthen mindfulness, especially before exams or important events. It can be used for deep relaxation during stress. Understanding your partner's motives will help you put him into a trance state.

    Ask your partner if they have been hypnotized before and what their impressions are. If he was under hypnosis, ask what he was told to do and how he reacted to it. This will help you understand how receptive he will be to your instructions and what you should avoid during the session.

    • As a rule, people who have already been hypnotized are more easily hypnotized later on.
  2. Ask your partner to visualize solutions to problems. Instead of imposing concrete solutions on your partner, invite him to imagine that he himself solves his problem. How does he envision a successful solution? How did he come to him?

    • How does he want to see his future? What changes will make this possible?
  3. Remember that hypnosis can be used for many mental problems. Of course, it is better to seek the help of a professional psychotherapist, however, hypnotherapy has been successfully used to combat addictions, physical pain, phobias, self-doubt and a number of other problems. You should not try to "fix" the person, but rather use hypnosis to help him heal himself.

    • Help your partner visualize a world where their problems don't exist. Let him imagine that he spent a day without smoking, or imagine a situation that increases his self-esteem.
    • Hypnotherapy is much more effective when the person is willing to work on their problem before going into trance.
  4. Remember that hypnosis is only one step towards solving any problem. psychological problems. The main advantages of hypnosis are relaxation and the ability to safely reflect on a problem. It allows you to dive into yourself and find the answer in your own mind. Yet hypnosis is not a panacea or remedy. quick decision problems, it is just a way to help a person dive deeper into his own mind. This kind of self-reflection is very important for a strong mental health but for treatment chronic diseases and solutions to serious psychological problems, you need to contact a qualified professional.

Part 4

Ending a session
  1. Slowly bring your partner out of the trance. It should not be abruptly pulled out of a state of deep relaxation. Let your partner know that awareness of the environment is gradually returning to him. Tell him that he will be fully conscious once you count to five. If you see. that he is still in a deep trance, take him up an imaginary staircase, bringing him back to consciousness with each step.

    • Begin by saying, “Now I will count from one to five, and on the count of five you will be fully awake, returning to consciousness refreshed and full of energy.”
  2. Discuss your hypnosis session with a partner to improve your technique in the future. Ask him what moments he liked, what threatened to break the trance state, and how he felt during the session. This will help you in next time act more efficiently.

    • You should not immediately insist on a conversation. Just start a conversation, and if your partner looks relaxed and wants to be quiet for a while longer, give him some time and wait for the right moment.
  3. Get ready for future FAQs. Be prepared to answer questions like this in advance, because understanding the process and trust will determine the susceptibility of a person to your instructions. The most common questions about hypnosis are:

    • What are you going to do?“I will ask you to visualize pleasant scenes, while I myself will suggest to you how to use your psychic abilities more effectively. You can always refuse to do what you do not want, and at any time you can interrupt the session yourself if necessary.
    • What is it like to be hypnotized?“Most of us experience changes in awareness several times a day without noticing it. Every time you are deeply taken over by a melody or a passage of a poem, whenever you let your imagination run wild, or become so involved in the events of a film that you feel like you are a participant in the scene rather than a spectator, you are experiencing a form of trance. Hypnosis helps you focus and observe these changes in conscious perception in order to use your abilities more effectively. mental capacity».
    • Is it safe?“Hypnosis is not an altered state of consciousness (like sleep, for example), it is only a change in the degree of awareness. It is impossible for a person to impose any actions or thoughts against his will.
    • If it's just a work of the imagination, what's the use of it?“One should not confuse the tendency in the language to use the word “imaginary” as an antonym to the word “real”, and also confuse it with the term “image”. Imagination is absolutely real group mental abilities that scientists are only now beginning to explore, and these abilities are not limited to the ability to form mental images!
    • Can you make me do what I don't want to do?“In a state of hypnosis, your personality remains with you, you remain yourself, so you will not say or do anything that you would not do in similar situation out of trance. You can easily refuse any suggestion you don't want to accept."
    • What can I do to better respond to installs?“Hypnosis is very much like being caught up in a melody or a poem, immersed in a sunset or a flickering campfire, or feeling like you are part of a movie scene rather than a spectator. It all depends on your ability and willingness to follow the hypnotist's instructions."
    • What if I love it so much that I don't want to go back? « Hypnotic Suggestions are basically exercises for the mind and imagination, just like, say, a cinematic plot. But at the end of the session, you will return to ordinary life, as well as after the end of the film show. However, it may take several attempts for the hypnotist to bring you back to normal. It's very nice to be completely relaxed, but there's not much you can do during hypnosis."
    • What if it doesn't work?“Have you ever been so addicted to the game as a child that you didn’t hear your mother call you to dinner? Or maybe you are one of those people who can get up every morning at certain time just thinking about it since the evening? We all have mental faculties that we are often unaware of, and some of us are more developed than others. If you simply allow your thoughts to respond freely and naturally to the words and images that are offered to you, you can follow your mind wherever it takes you.”
  • Remember that relaxation is the main key. If you help your partner to relax, you will be able to put him into hypnosis.
  • Do not trust the common myth that hypnosis allows you to get anyone to do anything with just a snap of your fingers.
  • Before the session, ask your partner to imagine themselves in a pleasant and calm place. For example, in the spa, on the beach, in the park. Or take an audio player and turn on the sound of waves, wind, or other soothing sounds.
  • The hypnotized person should not be too animated and joyful before the session, but he should not be too tired either.
  • Speak in a calm and relaxed voice.
  • Don't snap your fingers or clap your hands to bring the person out of a trance.


  • Do not attempt hypnosis to treat physical or mental disorders(including pain) unless you are a qualified professional trained to treat such conditions. Hypnosis should never be used as a substitute for psychotherapy or to salvage a failing relationship.
  • Don't try to bring people back to the memories of their youth. If you want, ask your partner to act like they are ten years old again. Some people have repressed memories that they would not like to return (humiliation, resentment, etc.). They suppress these memories as part of a natural psychological defense.
  • Although many people rely on the effect of post-hypnotic amnesia, this is not a reliable way to hide the consequences of the hypnotist's dishonesty. If you try to get a hypnotized person to do something they don't want to do, they will simply come out of the hypnotic state.
  • Do not hypnotize the same person too often, this may affect his health.

Hypnosis is a short-term state of slowed-down consciousness of a person with the preservation of a sharp focus of attention and high suggestibility. AT similar condition a person can be instilled with beliefs that are far from his usual view, which is what hypnotherapists use in working with patients. However, almost every one of us at least once in his life wonders if it is possible to hypnotize a person without possessing any unique abilities?

It is not enough just to know the technique of how to hypnotize a person with a look - it is necessary to develop in yourself this same magnetic look that can lead you into a state of trance. To work out such hypnotic gaze Still, you have to work on yourself by performing a series of simple exercises:

  1. Gaze concentration. To complete the exercise, you will need White list, on which a clear circle with a radius of 1.5 cm is drawn with a compass. The sheet is attached to the wall, after which every day you need to look at the circle from a distance of two meters for five minutes, trying not to blink. If this succeeds, the exercise time should be gradually increased.
  2. Endurance training. You need a mirror to complete this exercise. Standing in front of him, you need to look at the center of the bridge of the nose and look for three minutes. Every day, the exercise time is recommended to be increased by one minute.

After two or three months of training, you can try to test the method of how to hypnotize a person with a look. First of all, for this it is necessary to create a favorable atmosphere: to talk with a person on topics close to him so that he can relax. For the same purpose, it is recommended to listen to the voice of the interlocutor and adjust to his timbre - this will help inspire confidence at the subconscious level.
