What Indian women are silent about are bad lovers. What is the attitude towards Russians in Goa

Keitan Subaji, a 28-year-old Goan physical education teacher, has never been outside of India, but he has many friends and acquaintances among foreigners, including Russians. In an interview with "C" he shared his opinion about Russian women, Putin and the changing life around.

“Russian women are very strong,” says Keitan. - You can make your own decisions. For example, if you want to travel, you do it. You earn money and leave. No one can stop you, no one has the right to forbid, because this is your life.

Indian women have different values, they are much more dependent on their family: parents or husband. They are unable to break out of their lives. If a girl is 25 years old, her parents only think about marrying her off. If she declares that she is going to see the world, they will twist her finger at her temple: she has gone crazy! And God forbid, the girl wants to travel alone, people will immediately decide that she is a whore.

It’s bad when the family decides everything for you: where to study, whom to marry. Everyone has own feelings, and he must have a choice: live the way your mother lived, and before that your grandmother and great-grandmother, in the same house, among the same environment, or live in the modern world.

Reference: Goa is a state in the southwest of India, the smallest among the states in terms of area and one of the last in terms of population. Former Portuguese colony. The population is 1.5 million people.

- But your women also work and earn money?

- Yes. When I worked in a bank, there were six men for every ten women. My boss was a woman. But they only spend the money they earn on family and boyfriends. Now many Indian girls go abroad to study, become photographers, models and never come back.

“But what happens if you lose this, lose your family?”

— Of course, this is bad, not only for the Indians, for any nation. But we have too much family influence. If you are crossed out of the circle, you will never be accepted back.

Under what circumstances can this happen?

- Under the most different. For example, if you fall in love with someone from another caste. I have a brahmin friend who fell in love with a girl from a lower caste: there people earn their living exclusively manual labor: make things out of bamboo sticks or something like that. The girl reciprocated, but they could not be together precisely because of caste differences.

What is the real difference between people from different castes?

- Yes, there is no difference! In India, there are two lower castes: some make things from bamboo sticks, others, for example, clean shoes. A guy from such a caste worked with me in the bank - he was no different from me. We even shared food with him, and that was fine.

How can you tell if a person belongs to a certain caste?

We have different surnames. Of course, you can change your last name, but everyone still knows where you came from, they see the color of your skin, which is slightly different. Now many do not care about this, but in India there are still a lot of religious and superstitious people. We are the largest country in the world that believes in supernatural powers.

What professions are the most prestigious in India?

— Teachers, doctors, policemen. Almost everything depends on the latter. If someone catches you at night, the cops will help. If you want to throw a night party, the cops will help. If someone hurts you, the cops will help. Even Sunburn festival tickets can be bought from them.

But they have to pay for everything?

“And a lot of money. You pay the cops and they solve all your problems. That's why everyone here wants to be a cop.

Such different people

Keitan dreams of traveling: he intends to first visit all 29 states of India, and only then go beyond its borders. A month ago, he traveled to Rajasthan (this is a state in western India, on the border with Pakistan - author). He says that he was struck by the people and how they differ from the people of Goa: “They are much happier, although they are poorer. They are cheerful, full of enthusiasm, very musical. There is beautiful architecture delicious food although there are no fish there because of the absence of the sea.”

“Last year in the Himalayas I saw snow for the first time in my life and flew in an airplane for the first time,” says Keitan. “If I really liked the snow, although I’ve never been so cold before, then I definitely don’t want to fly anymore.”

- What do you like to eat?

— Fish curry with rice. I worked for ten years in a cafe on the seashore, which belongs to my family, and, of course, I ate there for free. So, every day I waited until five o'clock in the morning to eat a freshly caught fish curry. And I didn't get tired.

But, in principle, I can eat any food. If you're hungry, eat whatever you want. Give me bread and cheese and I'll eat it. Once, Russian friends even treated me to lamb shish kebab. It was very tasty.

- Do you like to fish?

- Oh yeah! This year from April to July I fished almost every day from 7 am to 10 pm alone.

- AND favorite remedy movement?

- I love to ride a bike. We wanted to go to Rajasthan on a bike, I invested all my money in its preparation, but then my friend and I counted the number of days we would spend on the road and the time we would spend on the spot, and decided to still move out by train.

— How do you feel about Russians?

— I like Russians, although I must admit that your language seems very rude. Because of this, many locals consider you aggressive. And not only locals.

In the 60s of the last century, when hippies appeared in Goa, life changed a lot. Before that, we were engaged only in fishing and rice cultivation. Americans and Europeans brought new subcultures alien to us, for example, nudism. Then Jews appeared, many Jews, but when Russians began to travel to Goa, Jews fled to other states.

Everything becomes different. We also began to constantly think about money, drink a lot, always rush and show aggression.

— What do you think of Putin?

- Of course, Putin is a dictator, and some of his decisions seem stupid to me, for example, that he banned Russians from leaving for some countries. But on the other hand, it is clear that he cares about you. I would like India to have such a ruler.

- Now I want to work at school, with children, and with little ones, - clarifies he . — Second important thing for me, it is the study of yoga: I plan to go to special courses. Yoga gives calmness, peace, relaxation for the soul and body. It makes you younger and healthier. After comprehending the technique, I want to teachthis people. Free, everyone.

Photo by Olga Revenko

Yes, Indians also marry Russian women, and not exclusively Indian women - Indian law does not prohibit marriages with foreign women, and for this, Indian legislation provides for a special law - the Special Marriage Act.

But not all Indians who are in close contact with foreign women seek to marry them just because they really liked the girl. Many Indians know how to make sweet speeches, but if you watch a few Indian films, it becomes clear where such beautiful and beautiful things come from. romantic words and emotions.

And some Indians try not to introduce their Russian girlfriends to their friends, because. they can tell their parents about their close relationship, which the Indian is not going to advertise (for example, because a bride is already waiting for him in India or he simply does not want to marry a girl with whom he has a good time in Russia).

If the Indian is in tune with serious relationship and the creation of a family - for him it can become important opinion parents - both his own and the girl's, although this does not guarantee that after the wedding he will not return to his homeland, leaving his Russian wife (alone or with a child) without any help.

And yet, Indo-Russian families still exist. Often, both a man and a woman in such a marriage have to make compromises, because. the difference in mentality still manifests itself, no matter how people love each other.

What attracts Indians in Russian girls

In India, due to many moral prohibitions and laws prohibiting the open display of feelings in public, couples in love are often forced to meet in secret, while realizing that if their parents find out about their feelings, the wedding is unlikely to take place, and if the couple has already moved to the stage of more intimate relationships, the girl's parents, if they are not satisfied with her chosen one, will be able to at least sue the "groom".

Therefore, when coming to Russia, many Indians enjoy some “freedom”: a girl in love will not mind holding hands on the street, almost no one looks back and condemns public kissing, and hardly anyone will sue for a closer relationship with a girl, if she consented to them herself. Someone after graduation will leave for India, marry the one whom their parents choose and remember their Russian beloved, someone will marry a Russian girl, but few of them really understand the difference between the mentality and life in Russia and India, see in a Russian woman not only a housewife who easily adapts to new, not always acceptable, living conditions in India in general or in a joint family (a family with numerous relatives under one roof) in particular, but a woman with her own views on life, career and with her own interests.

Christina and Armand

What if he's already married?

Indians are known to marry abroad while already married in India, or marry in India after being imprisoned. official marriage Abroad. But, of course, almost none of them say that they are already married.

Unfortunately, even an affidavit signed by the parents of an Indian stating that their son is not married in India can sometimes mean nothing - if an Indian has any selfish goals regarding a foreigner, then he will find a way to convince his parents to sign this paper despite his real civil status.

Of course, in the passport of citizens of India there is a column about the spouse, and although religious ceremony in India, since February 14, 2006, it is not enough to recognize a marriage as valid without subsequent registration in court, this field is still often filled out only when changing a passport after its expiration (and not immediately after marriage), or is not filled out at all, because relatives often have enough of a religious ceremony, and not everyone has a passport, as an optional document in India.

Maria Arbatova with her husband - financial analyst and Indian aristocrat Shumit Datta Guptu

Maria Arbatova about India:

India must not be a foreign country to you, given that your current husband is Hindu?
India is interesting for me not only in connection with my husband, the interest arose in my youth. In the Soviet Union there was a shortage of information about the world, it had to be obtained independently, so I endlessly went to those places where they could offer me an intellectual alternative. I attended an Indian dance studio, underground Buddhist groups, studied astrology.
In addition, there has always been a cult of Indira Gandhi in Russia. Her newspaper portraits hung not only in intelligent houses, but even in villages. My father was in ideological work, and her portrait also hung in our house.

Tell me about your husband.
The newspapers say that my husband rides an elephant and makes me wear a sari. My husband has been living in Russia for 20 years, graduated from Patrice Lumumba University and stayed here. He is already Russian. We met when I was doing a program on Indian democracy on Mayak Radio. I am not in any patriarchal danger, as my husband comes from a liberal aristocratic family. His uncle is the creator and general secretary of the Communist Party of India, and his aunt is a national heroine who went to prison at the age of seventeen for organizing a prison explosion in which her comrades-in-arms in the anti-British resistance were imprisoned.

Traditions probably depend on the level of education of the population. How is education in India?
Of course, public schools are terrible, they are terrible in America. 50 percent of the inhabitants are illiterate. India was freed from the British colonialists only in 1950, the country was plundered, people lived with the conviction that it was pointless to work for an Englishman. The economy is just picking up. In that sense, they are like us. We were destroyed by socialism, they were destroyed by colonialism.

Is it possible to draw a parallel between our rural workers and Indian peasants? Is there anything to learn from them and, conversely, from us?

I am not a big expert on India, but even I understand how close our landowning mentality is to Indian. After gaining independence, the country began agrarian reform. It was carried out approximately like our privatization, as a result of which the land was taken over, mainly by the kulak elite. This increased the social stratification of society. The landless Hindu lives on asphalt, eats bananas from a palm tree, communicates with the gods and is completely happy. Programs for its integration into working life the government has not yet succeeded. A Russian village peasant is simply rich compared to an Indian - he lives in own house and has a piece of land. Only fruits, unfortunately, he does not hang from a branch, he has to work in the sweat of his brow. But in India, too, agriculture is incredibly hard, it is irrigated, in many states people work in unreal heat in an unreal drought.
Our countries are united by many years of friendship. Meanwhile, we know very little about each other. Maybe in India they know more about Russia and its culture?

The population of India is 1 billion 200 million people, with diasporas - one and a half, they have 80 million living in one state alone. And there are only 145 million Russians. Hindus ask: Russians - where is this? We are to them what Luxembourg is to us. But in Delhi there is a street of Tolstoy, who had a huge impact on Gandhi.
In character, there is no one in the world closer to us than the Indians. They are just as open, lazy, dreamy. At the same time, it's a different world. They have tribes with feudal cults, and monkeys run around the parliament, they are the messengers of the god Hanuman, if they are offended, he becomes angry. And the conservative factions of parliament are still against the expulsion of monkeys from the premises. They have a traffic jam for a day if a cow blocked the road. Even the ambulance is not coming. In the Delhi subway, for example, a healthy monkey in uniform walks and catches small monkeys so that they don’t misbehave. The first thing a tourist encounters is monkey theft. If you gape, they will snatch your mobile phone, wallet and take it to the owner. But a breed of “social” monkeys appeared, they themselves realized that they could take away a mobile phone, take it to the market and exchange it for fruit. If a snake crawls into the house, this is happiness, for them it is the messenger of the gods, they put a saucer of milk for it. If a snake appears in a hotel room, the police are called, but the policeman may say that he will not remove it, because it will bring misfortune to his entire family. Another question is that the snakes themselves never attack there.
In India, luxurious temples. Crowds of Russians come to India for super-truth. However, it is naive to think that there is more divine in a Hindu temple than in any Russian village church with an honest priest. As my Buddhist teacher said, you will not be closer to the heavenly controller, even if you stand on the highest peak of Shambhala.

Here it is, probably an Indian prince, a model from a clothing catalog, no less. Maharaja. Imagination draws something like that.)))

Indian men - stress or exotic? I sit at the computer at night, I work, I don’t touch anyone. Someone frantically starts typing me on Skype. I politely ask through a written message who and why knocks on my Skype in the middle of the night. It turned out that a black-haired young man from India, Kashmir, 31 years old, wants to meet at random and talk. There is no limit to surprise, but what if I bearded man? Indian youth insists on talking and sends his photo. I politely refuse. And now, for the third day, the restless Indian guy has been calling and writing to me on Skype at night and in the evenings to no avail. Time to blacklist. However, it became interesting, what are such restless Indian men like?

The Slavic wife has always been the pride of foreigners from America to Japan. Whatever the reasons give rise to such a high demand in the bride market, you cannot deny the popularity of our women. In turn, modern ladies are also well oriented to the situation, and from time to time there is a fashion for men from a certain region. Today, American and German "classics", Arabic and Japanese "extreme" have receded into the background. The focus is on mysterious India and no less mysterious Indian men.

And here it is, the average variant improved by education. Let's say a doctor, or a programmer.

And here is a wild improved average version.

Many may not agree, but there are certain trends in the marriage field one way or another. For an explanation, psychologists advise turning to a banal market theory - no matter how cynical it may sound, in matters of marriage, we consciously or unconsciously act according to the same scenario. It is not customary to say this out loud, but other things being equal, they will stereotypically prefer a Japanese worker, a Scandinavian designer, a French lover, and, for example, a German husband. Generalizations are very conditional, but they form a certain fashion.

Historical and social information. There are more men than women in India. Because in order to marry a daughter, you have to pay the groom a certain amount money, then the birth of a daughter means losses for the family in the future, since she will take significant funds from the family in the form of a dowry. In this regard, selective abortions were common in India at one time, when, when determining the sex of a child on an ultrasound scan, a woman gets rid of the fetus if it is a girl.
Now in India it is officially forbidden to determine the sex of an unborn child using ultrasound. Of course, in modern India there is a certain part of the women who have received an education and live according to more civilized rules. But their number is not large enough to speak of a significant improvement in the rights of Indian women. Attempts to legally ban selective abortions have not yielded great results, which has led to a change in the composition of the population towards an increase in men. However, this problem, created by the Hindus themselves, has not yet prompted Indian society to radical changes.

Unlike European standards, it is enough for a woman in India to be a good wife and mother, and a man does not need to be explained why he should fully provide for his family and help his parents.
We will not talk about women for whom getting married abroad means a chance to improve their standard of living. However, even those who are looking for a big and pure love, often limit their search to a very specific region or even one country. This is, in principle, clear: cultural differences are insurmountable, and few in their right mind would want to live anywhere in Zimbabwe. AT total mass temperamental Italians are close to hot Ukrainians, thorough Germans are close to economic Russians, and restrained Scandinavians are close to calm Belarusians. Such inclinations are confirmed by the statistics of marriage services.


Of course people everywhere are different and beautiful and not beautiful. The percentage is equal in almost all races and nationalities.

This is the call for new recruits in the Indian army. real photo from the fields. They are all very different as you can see. Of course, the nationwide, unaccustomed to us, somewhat unpleasant in my opinion "darkness and swarthyness" is evident.

Why did the trends suddenly turn to the East? Psychologist Elena Kostyuk explains this by ideal cultural and genetic compatibility. At first glance, this is not at all obvious: how is it - incomprehensible and somewhat barbaric India and we are all so ... different. In fact, Indian culture at one time became almost the basis for the Slavic one. The Vedas, runic writing, pagan gods and legends, even the language (and now you can find many words with the same root), and most importantly, family values. Indian man like Slavic woman, focused on creating a family, the intra-family structure also does not differ much, but most importantly, these ideas largely coincide. Unlike European standards, it is enough for a woman to be a good wife and mother, and a man does not need to be explained why he must fully provide for his family and help his parents. Plus beautiful courtship, a rather mild temperament and the needs of the family in the first place - that's the new Indian-Slavic cell of society is ready. This is a kind of balance between the radical East, too strict for the freedom-loving Slav, and the West, obsessed with cold rationalism.

A guy who is looking for random acquaintances with me via Skype. Sorry mate, you got it. Be careful with online dating.

Why do we need it?
The most main reason- a banal imbalance of men and women in the main three suppliers of brides Russia-Belarus-Ukraine. It is known that there are disproportionately few men here, and if we subtract infantile egoists spoiled by traditional upbringing, drinking, having certain problems and simply lazy, finally, the figure will come out completely microscopic. Whether it's India - they just have a catastrophic lack of girls, but there are more than enough guys of all stripes. Any Slav, just walking down the street in an Indian city, will forever receive an inoculation against all complexes, a hundred compliments and a dozen marriage proposals (a couple of which will be in all seriousness). In India, there are many poor people, quite a few rich ones, and there is also a middle class that is quite typical for us. Not all Indians will be able to live with a foreigner, not everyone earns enough for our usual level of comfort, not everyone good intentions towards a white girl. Some are frankly ugly and many are uneducated. But there are also a huge number of attractive young (and not only) people - with an excellent education, the necessary worldview and the desire to start a family.

Our girls get married in the "Olympic" way - for those who came on an exchange or former students. Someone left their heart in time tourist trip, while others, inspired by the example, deliberately register on Indian dating sites. By the way, unlike Western resources, most of the men there are focused specifically on creating a family. And it is considered normal when the questionnaire is filled out by relatives or close friends. True, due to the same traditionalism, many prefer Indian women, but a lot of attention falls to the lot of Slavic beauties. And the Indians know how to take care of best traditions Bollywood - with poems (sometimes even with dance songs), passionate confessions, promises to throw the world at your feet and love until death, dramatic gestures and other attributes of sugar melodramas.

Why do they need it?
Everyone has their own reasons. One of the most important is the impossibility or unwillingness to find a partner in India. There are very few women in some states, and a suitable young man with modern views- even less. Often Indian women are unemotional, shackled by traditional upbringing, often uneducated. Sometimes obstacles become financial situation, family status or parental plans. In addition, it is prestigious among young people to have a foreign girl: Slav women are considered very beautiful (especially blondes, exotic for the East), caring and smart. A wife from abroad is also a challenge to the foundations, impudence and self-affirmation, because even today most marriages are arranged by agreement between parents and resemble bargaining, where material condition and social status both families, and the interests of young people are purely symbolic meaning. As a result, the situation is normal when a young family is almost completely absent sex life. A husband may never see his wife without clothes in her entire life, and relationships on the side are carefully hidden only from neighbors.

However, in this spicy barrel of honey, half is tar, when the pluses turn into minuses. It is not uncommon for white girls to play the role of an expensive toy (including a sexual one) before marriage at the choice of their parents. Indians are able to fool their heads for years, have children, live in two families, lie about the death of their mother, tell the Great sad story all his life and invent other reasons that "yet" do not allow you to introduce the chosen one to the family or officially register the marriage. At this time, the "poor lover" may well raise three children at home or prepare for own wedding. For some reason, it is believed that all foreign women are fabulously rich, so a narrow-minded, but handsome swarthy young man can persistently drag any lady with foreign name. At the same time, “madame” must pay for the entertainment of the “poor, but selflessly loving” young man, and if you're lucky, then for something bigger than a drink at the club.

History reference. Most tall men- in Northern Europe, the lowest - in India and Southeast Africa. Average height Indian man - 165 cm.

Why Indian?

* Ddiana: Because of the nature. Calm, caring for children, helper around the house, no bad habits.

* 0lu: I was purposefully looking for just such a man. Bright films, and passionate dances of Indian machos in clips, heartfelt chats with the inhabitants of Hindustan, Indian friends with whom it was very interesting played their role ... But the main thing was their perception of life, positive thinking, their desire for complete reunion with the soul of their beloved.

* Jalpari: Yes, of course, everything is beautiful in Indian cinema, the heroes are ready to give their lives for their beloved and overcome all obstacles, while singing beautiful songs.

And in life everything is much more prosaic. And for the most part, Indian men, on the contrary, are brought up not too romantic natures, do not know how to care (because arranged marriages are frequent) and strain (you don’t need to win a girl). So all these rainbow tales are only in films. In life, everything is completely different.

* NatalyaGhotra: I am free from drunken Fridays, the smell of fumes, the stench of socks and armpits, obscenities, passive smoking and disrespect for my mother with an Indian.

* Luanika: My Indian knows how to love sincerely and tenderly, and passionately, and devotedly, and... I used to think that such love happens only in Indian films, but it turns out that they really are like that. Our relationship can be called solid Indian cinema, sometimes with real dramas.

* Nadia: Reliable and loyal! This is exactly what Russian men cannot boast of!

* Alia: Many people go to India with pleasure solely for the purpose of seeing the country. But there remain units. Another thing is that many simply get used to it and put up with it, because they see no other way out. I know more than one couple who broke up because the girl could not agree to live in India.

* Oxana Devi: My Indian compares favorably with the Russian guys. Educated, athletic, non-drinker, non-smoker, non-swearer, with respectful attitude to female gender, parents (including mine, although they did not accept him). And, of course, interesting. From our men, it is obviously clear what can be expected and what will happen in the end, but with him everything was new and unusual! Well, how can you not fall in love at the age of twenty?

* Kusaka: My Indian smokes, and he can drink so much that my Russian relatives opened their mouths. Therefore, when asked why an Indian, I cannot answer in the same way as many girls. And even though I myself are just these bad habits confuse

and strain, I love him, smoking and wildly emotional, drinking vodka in Russian, but very gentle, caring and overly intelligent. He turned out to be so similar to my dad, who was mine best friend in life, similar in a way that no native Russian guy was like.

* leno4ka_love: I never had intrusive thoughts connect your life with a foreigner, especially with an Indian. Now I see that in many ways the Indians are superior to the Russians, at least my husband. Indians are much more inclined to do romantic things than Russians. And they know how to have fun very cool and most often without alcohol. In our relationship there were many of the same moments as in Indian cinema: romance, passion, and the intensity of relations with an unknown ending. They are all very hot. So this is another plus in favor of the Indians.

Thanks for the responses from forum.bharatconnect.net forum members.

But it's all at the top of the photo were expectations.))) But the harsh reality.

Bollywood with borscht flavor
Mariana is a typical Ukrainian woman with magnificent forms and explosive nature. She met her future husband Prana at one of the conferences. Behind a typical jock, in front - an intellectual with glasses. He intrigued the girl like an exotic curiosity. All week they were exclusively semi-scientific disputes, and after - two years of life in front of an Internet camera. The young man still could not earn money for a bright future and tell about his Ukrainian love conservative parents, who quietly threw him photos of girls suitable for marriage. The temperamental Maryana tried several times to break off relations, but each time Pran staged a drama in the best Bollywood traditions, and she gave up. So that the girl would not get bored, he sang national songs and even showed skits, wrapped in a curtain. But when the second year of sobs and scandals in front of the camera was already ending, the girl set a condition: if in three months he did not resolve his issues, she left. Pran realized that everything was serious only when, after this time, Maryana stopped answering calls and letters. A month later, an Indian stood on the threshold of her "three-ruble note", where a grandmother, two hamsters and a dog lived with the girl's parents. Right on the threshold, he made an offer and, quickly orienting himself, divided big bouquet roses for three dumbfounded women. To say that the parents were shocked is an understatement. Mom clutched at her heart and moaned that she would not let her girl go “to the Papuans”, the grandmother considered the guy as an unusual animal and all the time tried to feed him bananas. As a result, after talking with the future son-in-law, the father made a decision: there would be a wedding, but in Kyiv.

In Jaipur, the whole street came to look at the Ukrainian daughter-in-law. And for the family, the news of their son's marriage was a real horror. The mother did not even want to talk to her, and the father defiantly poured the boiled borscht into the barnyard. Carefully selected gifts were contemptuously checked in the hands and distributed to the neighbors. On the very first night, the mother-in-law screwed the door handle to the wall hook, so that the bedroom of the young remained open all the time, “because you never know what can happen behind behind closed doors". By the way, the husband's parents defiantly did not close their doors, and the mother went to bed right in the sari. The next day, relatives ran in and, without ceremony, climbed into the suitcases to examine clothes, touched their hair and fingers with extended nails, talking in the local dialect. Pran declared that they would live with their parents, and that's when all hell broke loose.

Mariana had to get up at half past five and do all the housework, do laundry for her family, cook only local food and not leave the house without permission. She found things spoiled, the surrounding aunts - in her Guerlain lipstick, and in the living room - regular matchmakers. After a week of such a life, the girl rebelled. Mariana personally hammered a huge latch on the door and ignored all the knocks of her mother-in-law until 10 in the morning, then put on jeans, a very frank top and, taking a neighbor's teenage girl, went shopping. By lunchtime, she was greeted at the gate by the whole house, but attempts to scold stumbled upon a response in the spirit of "hands on hips - and on the tank." As a result, when Pran came home from work, there was a pot of borscht and a dish of dumplings on the table. The young ate with pleasure, but the parents did not touch. For two days Maryana was in charge of the kitchen until the family gave up. Diligently grimacing, they nevertheless tried Ukrainian cuisine for several days - from a loaf to jelly, but in the end they presented their son with an ultimatum: he must take his wife “where he took it” or he is not their son.

Here Pran rebelled, he took his wife and went to live in Delhi. It suddenly turned out that it is customary to hire an assistant (and, in fact, a servant) to work around the house, that you can equip an apartment to your liking and cook only for your own pleasure. Outside the parental home, the husband changed a lot and tried to fill the void that was formed away from friends, family and beloved work. Gradually, Maryana liked India, Pran helped her open a design studio, they traveled a lot, and gifts flew to Kyiv from all over the country, and three years later they had twins. When the children were two years old, the young family decided to go to Jaipur again. This time, the kids were able to melt outright hostility, and borscht became a signature dish, which the whole street now cooks with pleasure. The marriage of Maryana and Prana is already six years old, and both did not regret their decision for a minute.

Double past
Anna and Nikhil's romance began during the rainy season in Mumbai. The handsome doctor knew how to care, and by the end of the vacation, the girl left head over heels in love. He called her daily, and six months later she again gathered in India to support the man in difficult moment. He did not come to meet her, and the girl got to the house of her lover herself. But Nikhil did not let her even on the threshold, so as not to disturb the peace of her dying parents. Anna rented a room in a cheap hotel and fought insects all day, and in the evening Nikhil came and spent the night with her. He constantly borrowed money for taxis, food, and "suffered a lot." One evening he called and said that his parents were very bad and he would not come, but what a pity: they would never see his bride. The girl rushed to his house so as not to deprive the old people of their last joy, and what was her surprise when she found an elderly couple quite healthy and not even aware of her existence. But the worst thing was that Nikhil's wife came out to meet her - a pretty young Indian woman with a baby in her arms. By the way, the man turned out to be not at all a respected and busy doctor, but an ordinary waiter who borrowed clothes from his friends for dates. Losing his temper, he threatened to lay out intimate pictures Anna on the Internet and deleted them only under an oath that he would never see her on the threshold of his house again.

Among Indian youth, it is prestigious to date a foreign girl: Slav women are considered very beautiful (especially exotic blondes for the East), caring and smart. A wife from abroad is also a challenge to the foundations, audacity and self-assertion
A year after the story with Nikhil, Anna married Arjun, a guide from Agra. The wedding mehendi had not yet come off her hands, as it turned out that she was obliged to obey her husband in everything, to wear only indian clothes, cook only indian food. She is obliged to please his friends, who make noise in the kitchen all night and can camp in their house for several days, but cannot spend money on themselves. A silent elderly Indian woman helped her with the housework, and the neighbors only talk about housework and TV shows. A culturologist by education, Anna was crazy about this medieval life, but her husband was happy with everything. Slow, like all Indians, he never had time to do anything, earned little, and commanded a lot. The girl was able to live in Agra for only a year and a half, she often wandered among the many sights and, it seems, was the only way to save herself. It has been a year since she returned to St. Petersburg, where she lives with her son Arnav, and it seems that now she is allergic to Indians.

Everything ahead
- I met Sanjay on the Internet two and a half years ago. He wrote to me on a dating site, where I registered to raise my self-esteem, - says Olesya from Minsk. - The idea that my boyfriend could be an Asian, I dismissed immediately. Not for racist reasons - very much different cultures. However, India was a desirable exotic for me, and I really wanted to talk with a real Indian. And when Sanjay wrote a correct and polite message, I thought that it’s definitely not forbidden to talk, even if you don’t like the person outwardly. And his photo, I must say, was terrible. At first, I bombarded him with questions like "is it true that ...", he wrote long letters about ourselves, and then we did not notice how we became friends.

When he turned on the camera, I realized that I had hit. The guy turned out to be a real handsome man with a stunning smile, I even slid down to the floor and sit silently, and he was afraid that I didn’t like him. Directly on the Internet, Sanjay suggested that I meet and then marry him (we had not even seen each other then). Then he came here, met my family, I heard his parents only on the phone. I have to wait two more years.

I may seem crazy to some, but not to me. closer than human. Every day for two years he talks to me on Skype, supports me, endures all my tantrums and whims. It is very difficult to love at a distance, and I tried to break it more than once - it all became so unbearable, but even from another country he managed to prevent this. Sanjay is soft and at the same time does not let himself be overwhelmed. And he is very, very patient - we do not have such men.

I have my own small business in Minsk, and I am one of those girls who will not eat, but buy Louboutin shoes. I need comfort and prosperity, and I know that Sanjay cannot provide them for me. I can’t give up my ideas: I’ve worked for this all my life. You can say I'm a bitch and a careerist, I know that if I decide to be with him, they will big problems- we just have absolutely different level minimum comfort. But, even being sure that our common tomorrow is impossible, I believe: it will find a way out, and I will get my personal Bollywood love story.

The Slavic wife has always been the pride of foreigners from America to Japan. Whatever the reasons give rise to such a high demand in the bride market, you cannot deny the popularity of our women. In turn, modern ladies are also well versed in situations, and from time to time there is a fashion for men from a certain region. Today, American and German "classics", Arabic and Japanese "extreme" have receded into the background. The focus is on mysterious India and no less mysterious Indian men.

Many may not agree, but there are certain trends in the marriage field one way or another. For an explanation, psychologists advise turning to a banal market theory - no matter how cynical it may sound, in matters of marriage, we consciously or unconsciously act according to the same scenario. It is not customary to say this out loud, but other things being equal, they will stereotypically prefer a Japanese worker, a Scandinavian designer, a French lover, and, for example, a German husband. Generalizations are very conditional, but they form a certain fashion.

Unlike European standards, it is enough for a woman in India to be a good wife and mother, and a man does not need to be explained why he should fully provide for his family and help his parents.

We will not talk about women for whom getting married abroad means a chance to improve their standard of living. However, even those who are looking for great and pure love often limit their search to a very specific region or even one country. This, in principle, is understandable: cultural differences can be insurmountable, and few in their right mind would want to live anywhere in Zimbabwe. In the general mass, temperamental Italians are close to hot Ukrainian women, thorough Germans to economic Russian women, and restrained Scandinavians to quiet Belarusian women. Such inclinations are confirmed by the statistics of marriage services.

Why did the trends suddenly turn to the East? Psychologist Elena Kostyuk explains this by ideal cultural and genetic compatibility. At first glance, this is not at all obvious: how is it - incomprehensible and somewhat barbaric India and we, all so ... different. In fact, Indian culture at one time became almost the basis for the Slavic one. The Vedas, runic writing, pagan gods and legends, even the language (and now you can find many words with the same root), and most importantly, family values. An Indian man, like a Slavic woman, is focused on creating a family, the intra-family structure also does not differ much, but most importantly, these ideas largely coincide. Unlike European standards, it is enough for a woman to be a good wife and mother, and a man does not need to be explained why he must fully provide for his family and help his parents. Plus beautiful courtship, a rather mild temperament and the needs of the family in the first place - that's the new Indian-Slavic cell of society is ready. This is a kind of balance between the radical East, too strict for the freedom-loving Slav, and the West, obsessed with cold rationalism.

Why do we need it?

The main reason is the banal imbalance of men and women in the main three suppliers of brides Russia-Belarus-Ukraine. It is known that there are disproportionately few men here, and if we subtract infantile egoists spoiled by traditional upbringing, drinking, having certain problems and simply lazy, finally, the figure will come out completely microscopic. Whether it's India - they just have a catastrophic lack of girls, but there are more than enough guys of all stripes. Any Slav, just walking down the street in an Indian city, will forever receive an inoculation against all complexes, a hundred compliments and a dozen marriage proposals (a couple of which will be in all seriousness). In India, there are many poor people, quite a few rich ones, and there is also a middle class that is quite typical for us. Not all Indians will be able to live with a foreigner, not everyone earns enough for our usual level of comfort, not everyone has good intentions towards a white girl. Some are frankly ugly and many are uneducated. But there are also a huge number of attractive young (and not only) people - with an excellent education, the necessary worldview and the desire to start a family.

Our girls get married in the "Olympic" way - for exchange students or former students. Someone left their heart during a tourist trip, while others, inspired by the example, deliberately register on Indian dating sites. By the way, unlike Western resources, most of the men there are focused specifically on creating a family. And it is considered normal when the questionnaire is filled out by relatives or close friends. True, due to the same traditionalism, many prefer Indian women, but a lot of attention falls to the lot of Slavic beauties. And the Indians know how to take care in the best traditions of Bollywood - with poems (sometimes even with dance songs), passionate confessions, promises to throw the world at their feet and love until death, dramatic gestures and other attributes of sugar melodramas.

Why do they need it?

Everyone has their own reasons. One of the most important is the impossibility or unwillingness to find a partner in India. There are very few women in some states, and even fewer who are suitable for a young man with modern views. Often Indian women are unemotional, shackled by traditional upbringing, often uneducated. Sometimes the financial situation, the status of the family or the plans of the parents become obstacles. In addition, it is prestigious among young people to have a foreign girl: Slav women are considered very beautiful (especially blondes, exotic for the East), caring and smart. A wife from abroad is also a challenge to the foundations, impudence and self-affirmation, because even today most marriages are arranged by agreement between parents and resemble bargaining, where the material condition and social status of both families are necessarily taken into account, and the interests of young people are purely symbolic. As a result, the situation is the norm when a young family has almost no sexual life at all. A husband may never see his wife without clothes in her entire life, and relationships on the side are carefully hidden only from neighbors.

However, in this spicy barrel of honey, half is tar, when the pluses turn into minuses. It is not uncommon for white girls to play the role of an expensive toy (including a sexual one) before marriage at the choice of their parents. Indians are able to fool their heads for years, have children, live in two families, lie about the death of their mother, tell the Great Sad Story of their whole life and invent other reasons that "yet" do not allow you to introduce the chosen one to the family or officially register the marriage. At this time, the "poor lover" may well raise three children at home or prepare for his own wedding. For some reason, it is believed that all foreign women are fabulously rich, so a narrow-minded, but handsome swarthy young man can persistently drag any lady with a foreign name down the aisle. At the same time, the "madame" must pay for the entertainment of the "poor, but selflessly loving" young man, and if you're lucky, then for something bigger than drinking in the club.

Why Indian?

* Ddiana: Because of the character. Calm, caring for children, helper around the house, no bad habits.

* 0lu: I was purposefully looking for just such a man. Bright films, and passionate dances of Indian machos in clips, heartfelt chats with the inhabitants of Hindustan, Indian friends with whom it was very interesting played their role ... But the main thing was their perception of life, positive thinking, their desire to fully reunite with the soul of their beloved .

* Jalpari: Yes, of course, everything is beautiful in Indian cinema, the heroes are ready to give their lives for their beloved and overcome all obstacles, while singing beautiful songs.

And in life everything is much more prosaic. And for the most part, Indian men, on the contrary, are brought up with not too romantic natures, they don’t know how to care (because marriages are often arranged) and strain (you don’t need to win a girl). So all these rainbow tales are only in films. In life, everything is completely different.

* NatalyaGhotra: I am spared from Indian drunken Fridays, the smell of fumes, the stink of socks and armpits, obscenities, passive smoking and disrespect for my mother.

* Luanika: My Indian knows how to love sincerely and tenderly, and passionately, and devotedly, and ... I used to think that such love happens only in Indian films, but it turns out that they really are like that. Our relationship can be called solid Indian cinema, sometimes with real dramas.

* Nadia: Reliable and loyal! This is exactly what Russian men cannot boast of!

* Alia: Many people go to India with pleasure solely for the purpose of seeing the country. But there remain units. Another thing is that many simply get used to it and put up with it, because they see no other way out. I know more than one couple who broke up because the girl could not agree to live in India.

* Oksana Devi: My Indian favorably differed from the Russian guys. Educated, athletic, non-drinker, non-smoker, non-swearing, with respect for the female sex, parents (including mine, although they did not accept him). And, of course, interesting. From our men, it is obviously clear what can be expected and what will happen in the end, but with him everything was new and unusual! Well, how can you not fall in love at the age of twenty?

* Kusaka: My Indian smokes, and he can drink so much that my Russian relatives opened their mouths. Therefore, when asked why an Indian, I cannot answer in the same way as many girls. And even though these bad habits confuse me myself

and strain, I love him, smoking and wildly emotional, drinking vodka in Russian, but very gentle, caring and overly smart. He turned out to be so similar to my dad, who was my best friend in life, similar in a way that no native Russian guy was like.

* leno4ka_love: I have never had obsessive thoughts to connect my life with a foreigner, especially with an Indian. Now I see that in many ways the Indians are superior to the Russians, at least my husband. Indians are much more inclined to do romantic things than Russians. And they know how to have fun very cool and most often without alcohol. In our relationship there were many of the same moments as in Indian cinema: romance, passion, and the intensity of relations with an unknown ending. They are all very hot. So this is another plus in favor of the Indians.

Thanks for the responses from forum.bharatconnect.net forum members.

Bollywood with borscht flavor

Maryana is a typical Ukrainian woman with curvaceous and explosive character. She met her future husband Prana at one of the conferences. Behind a typical jock, in front - an intellectual with glasses. He intrigued the girl like an exotic curiosity. All week they were exclusively semi-scientific disputes, and after - two years of life in front of an Internet camera. The young man still could not earn money for a brighter future and tell conservative parents about his Ukrainian love, who slowly threw him photos of girls suitable for marriage. The temperamental Maryana tried several times to break off relations, but each time Pran staged a drama in the best Bollywood traditions, and she gave up. So that the girl would not get bored, he sang national songs and even showed skits, wrapped in a curtain. But when the second year of sobs and scandals in front of the camera was already ending, the girl set a condition: if in three months he did not resolve his issues, she left. Pran realized that everything was serious only when, after this time, Maryana stopped answering calls and letters. A month later, an Indian stood on the threshold of her "three-ruble note", where a grandmother, two hamsters and a dog lived with the girl's parents. Right on the threshold, he made an offer and, quickly orienting himself, divided a large bouquet of roses into three dumbfounded women. To say that the parents were shocked is an understatement. Mom clutched at her heart and moaned that she would not let her girl go “to the Papuans”, the grandmother considered the guy as an unusual animal and all the time tried to feed him bananas. As a result, after talking with the future son-in-law, the father made a decision: there would be a wedding, but in Kyiv.

In Jaipur, the whole street came to look at the Ukrainian daughter-in-law. And for the family, the news of their son's marriage was a real horror. The mother did not even want to talk to her, and the father defiantly poured the boiled borscht into the barnyard. Carefully selected gifts were contemptuously checked in the hands and distributed to the neighbors. On the very first night, the mother-in-law screwed the door handle to the wall hook, so that the young couple's bedroom remained open all the time, "because you never know what can happen behind closed doors." By the way, the husband's parents defiantly did not close their doors, and the mother went to bed right in the sari. The next day, relatives ran in and, without ceremony, climbed into the suitcases to examine clothes, touched their hair and fingers with extended nails, talking in the local dialect. Pran declared that they would live with their parents, and that's when all hell broke loose.

Mariana had to get up at half past five and do all the housework, do laundry for her family, cook only local food and not leave the house without permission. She found things spoiled, the surrounding aunts - in her Guerlain lipstick, and in the living room - regular matchmakers. After a week of such a life, the girl rebelled. Mariana personally hammered a huge latch on the door and ignored all the knocks of her mother-in-law until 10 in the morning, then put on jeans, a very frank top and, taking a neighbor's teenage girl, went shopping. By lunchtime, she was greeted at the gate by the whole house, but attempts to scold stumbled upon a response in the spirit of "hands on hips - and on the tank." As a result, when Pran came home from work, there was a pot of borscht and a dish of dumplings on the table. The young ate with pleasure, but the parents did not touch. For two days Maryana was in charge of the kitchen until the family gave up. Diligently grimacing, they nevertheless tried Ukrainian cuisine for several days - from a loaf to jelly, but in the end they presented their son with an ultimatum: he must take his wife “where he took it” or he is not their son.

Here Pran rebelled, he took his wife and went to live in Delhi. It suddenly turned out that it is customary to hire an assistant (and, in fact, a servant) to work around the house, that you can equip an apartment to your liking and cook only for your own pleasure. Outside the parental home, the husband changed a lot and tried to fill the void that was formed away from friends, family and beloved work. Gradually, Maryana liked India, Pran helped her open a design studio, they traveled a lot, and gifts flew to Kyiv from all over the country, and three years later they had twins. When the children were two years old, the young family decided to go to Jaipur again. This time, the kids were able to melt outright hostility, and borscht became a signature dish, which the whole street now cooks with pleasure. The marriage of Maryana and Prana is already six years old, and both did not regret their decision for a minute.

Double past

Anna and Nikhil's romance began during the rainy season in Mumbai. The handsome doctor knew how to care, and by the end of the vacation, the girl left head over heels in love. He called her daily, and six months later she again gathered in India to support the man at a difficult moment. He did not come to meet her, and the girl got to the house of her lover herself. But Nikhil did not let her even on the threshold, so as not to disturb the peace of her dying parents. Anna rented a room in a cheap hotel and fought insects all day, and in the evening Nikhil came and spent the night with her. He constantly borrowed money for taxis, food, and "suffered a lot." One evening he called and said that his parents were very bad and he would not come, but what a pity: they would never see his bride. The girl rushed to his house so as not to deprive the old people of their last joy, and what was her surprise when she found an elderly couple quite healthy and not even aware of her existence. But the worst thing was that Nikhil's wife came out to meet her - a pretty young Indian woman with a baby in her arms. By the way, the man turned out to be not at all a respected and busy doctor, but an ordinary waiter who borrowed clothes from his friends for dates. Having lost his temper, he threatened to post Anna's intimate photos on the Internet and deleted them only under an oath that he would never see her on the threshold of his house again.

Among Indian youth, it is prestigious to date a foreign girl: Slav women are considered very beautiful (especially exotic blondes for the East), caring and smart. A wife from abroad is also a challenge to the foundations, audacity and self-assertion

A year after the story with Nikhil, Anna married Arjun, a guide from Agra. The wedding mehendi had not yet come off her hands, as it turned out that she was obliged to obey her husband in everything, wear only Indian clothes, cook only Indian food. She is obliged to please his friends, who make noise in the kitchen all night and can camp in their house for several days, but cannot spend money on themselves. A silent elderly Indian woman helped her with the housework, and the neighbors only talk about housework and TV shows. A culturologist by education, Anna was crazy about this medieval life, but her husband was happy with everything. Slow, like all Indians, he never had time to do anything, earned little, and commanded a lot. The girl was able to live in Agra for only a year and a half, she often wandered among the many sights and, it seems, was the only way to save herself. It has been a year since she returned to St. Petersburg, where she lives with her son Arnav, and it seems that now she is allergic to Indians.

Everything ahead

- I met Sanjay on the Internet two and a half years ago. He wrote to me on a dating site, where I registered to raise my self-esteem, - says Olesya from Minsk. - The idea that my boyfriend could be an Asian, I dismissed immediately. Not for racist reasons - very different cultures. However, India was a desirable exotic for me, and I really wanted to talk with a real Indian. And when Sanjay wrote a correct and polite message, I thought that it’s definitely not forbidden to talk, even if you don’t like the person outwardly. And his photo, I must say, was terrible. At first, I bombarded him with questions like “is it true that ...”, he wrote long letters about himself, and then we did not notice how we became friends.

When he turned on the camera, I realized that I had hit. The guy turned out to be a real handsome man with a stunning smile, I even slid down to the floor and sit silently, and he was afraid that I didn’t like him. Directly on the Internet, Sanjay suggested that I meet and then marry him (we had not even seen each other then). Then he came here, met my family, I heard his parents only on the phone. I have to wait two more years.

Maybe I will seem crazy to someone, but for me there is no closer person. Every day for two years he talks to me on Skype, supports me, endures all my tantrums and whims. It is very difficult to love at a distance, and I tried to break it more than once - it all became so unbearable, but even from another country he managed to prevent this. Sanjay is soft and at the same time does not let himself be overwhelmed. And he is very, very patient - we do not have such men.

I have my own small business in Minsk, and I am one of those girls who will not eat, but buy Louboutin shoes. I need comfort and prosperity, and I know that Sanjay cannot provide them for me. I can’t give up my ideas: I’ve worked for this all my life. It can be said that I am a bitch and a careerist, I know that if I decide to be with him, there will be big problems - we just have a completely different level of minimum comfort. But, even being sure that our common tomorrow is impossible, I believe: it will find a way out, and I will get my personal Bollywood love story.

November 28, Sunday. I have fun teaching the Dravidian people the Russian language, since they have a double-sided English dictionary and a textbook in Russian, though very stupid and they call me now "strengthen", that is, the teacher. The people, in turn, teach me words in Tamil and Malayalam.

Today, while talking about Lord Shiva and his temples, in broad daylight they poured me rum and cola, delicious, but on an empty stomach, how it falls even for the glory of Mahadeva ... swimming and sunbathing after an oldmonk in the afternoon is rather disgusting. But she starved to a large portion of food, ate it with an appetite unprecedented for daytime, sipped tea, lit a cigarette, just beauty ...

A handsome, handsome guy of my age is sitting at the next table, sitting and reading Freud. I read a lot and came to me with a text from which I only understood the word cigarette. I gave him a cigarette, it's sacred to smoke after a meal, and he pokes me 50 rupees in return. I'm playing imposible dude, a pack of 35 costs, I asked the guys in the restaurant they sell it here, no, they say. Well, word for word, he understood from the lying books that I was from Russia, and he was an American. And then I feel that something tense appeared behind the back of the chair, 2 people are standing and watching with characteristic Indian tactlessness .. The guy looked around and immediately retreated, he forgot his matches ... Kingsley missed the beginning, but as the current came up immediately asked what I was talking about. back side Indian immediacy. Not that I was looking for some kind of relationship, absolutely not, but in some century a cute white monkey will come across, talking with an American is also useful, maybe he knows something interesting ...
But half an hour later, a proposal was received to make me a visa for 5 years, like a merridge, I don’t know what it is, how serious and finally there seems to be no reason, although fictitious marriage everywhere, but...

I thought how funny a declaration of love can look in the era of globalization - ... Instead of the outdated kneeling: "I love you, be my wife and make the happiness of my whole life ...", just "if you want, I will make you a 5-year-old merridge visa?" Like a bonus for a foreign bride for the right to live in her favorite country. However, they can be traded. Every peasant can find a wife and earn decent money on it. However, the Indian authorities are probably monitoring marriages with foreigners, someone wrote from Indian wives that migration officials came to them, asked questions, indulged in tea. So, no matter how tempting it is to get an Indian visa even just like that, you still need a lip-roller, otherwise they will see that they didn’t take place and I don’t know what they will do. Interestingly, they can be deported from the country if the bride has violated the obligation to marry, in principle, of course, they can catch and send her home ..

Free Wi-Fi never appeared, although a week has already passed since the promise and showing the modem for it.

29th of November. Let's go with Mohan to, I forgot the name, it ends in bagh, which means garden. The beach is 12 km from Agonda, there is no housing for people, it is clean, the sand is fine, there is a center for the study of turtles, such as a protected area, I really didn’t see turtles, but dolphins swam near the shore.
We went on a legendary bike, which is called the Royal Enfield, I’ll take a picture like a thread, it’s old, but licked to a shine, as if it had just come off the assembly line.

Select rating Nonsense Poor Average Good Excellent

Comments: 12

In India, sometimes, as I noticed, on the one hand, it is always subordinate to social sense creature, not a maid, but like, give it, bring it. On the other hand, this is the incarnation of the Divine Mother, it is a living one who actually leads everything in the house and often spiritual life, and sometimes her husband because of his back. Although indian woman and is not the head of the family, a rare exception like Indira;) And these 2 aspects are merged, as I don’t really understand, but it’s cultural phenomenon India. In megacities, of course, the situation in last years is changing....

And to be or not to be .... who can tell you?! only your heart!

Sea on .... I concluded that I would not go anywhere else! it was terrible .... I really wanted to go see India, but after such behavior, everything was gone! Moreover, he arrived and his parents do not know that he went to me! everything is a secret .... they say they will find out - they won’t let them in! in general, it’s very insulting! different, the attitude is different .... the perception is not the same at all .... so I think it’s worth continuing such a relationship in order to go and become a slave Izaura there ... if you please .....

Ranikta 7 years ago
he tells me something else! that he is the youngest in the family ... they say he is a pet (6 children in a row, 5 brothers and one sister). he helps them and supports them all, he works as a massage therapist, long time on worked! the salary is normal! says that they will listen. if I change in many ways! but I myself think, who the hell did he go to and didn’t tell them to whom, but didn’t say, because he wouldn’t be a 30-year-old man - they wouldn’t let me in then! hell, they will accept me with my habits and worldviews! no one needs me there with my rights and worldview, and I won’t be a slave there and I won’t allow everyone to kick me - I won’t either, I can send them all! he knows my character and is unlikely to introduce me to his family! tells me that in India everything is not as people write and tell: that there are no slaves there ... there is freedom, he does not believe in horoscopes, and that now it is fading into the background when parents themselves choose their wives or suitors! asked what caste he belongs to - does not answer - falls for the fool! said that there are no castes! probably makes a fool of me .. how can I trust him ?! where he is lying, and where not - I don’t know ..... chtol nah .. send him?

Achadidi Anushka Adm > Ranikta 7 years ago
You understand, here is a completely different environment than in India. If the Russians who were born in Moscow and who have lived all over here in India are changing, I know from my own experience, then so too ...

If a person requires you to change, then he is not ready to accept you for who you are. It’s one thing when it’s purely external: “in my country they don’t go to mini, if you come to me in India you will have to wear long dress or "I like long hair, please grow back, I think you will be better", another is an internal change, if you do not agree with this. Sometimes people ask us to be softer and more tolerant, or talk about the benefits of vegetarianism - IMHO this is good, so they are trying to see us better, but there are other options, and it's not about the nation.

The question of castes does not matter here, what difference does it make to you, in essence? but for him it may not be pleasant, this is his clan, clan, this is where he grew up ... Perhaps he really is not a caste, are you sure that he is a Hindu? the inhabitants of India are Indians, and not everyone has castes, the Sikhs do not, in general, I wrote about this in detail.

Women in India, as I already wrote, are different and are perceived differently. Sometimes a woman is an object of worship, sometimes a servant.

Ranikta 7 years ago
That's right - courtship and all their clouds of tenderness are one thing, but try to live together for a while, go to relax or the same household, kitchen, but everything in the world ... oh, and it won’t be sweet ... so open your eyes early and leave your illusions behind...and drive all the clouds to hell...all Indian films are a fairy tale, his words are not mine!!!

Pro indian men -2
Ranikta 7 years ago
Prospects - zero! I decided to follow your advice - like meet the family, etc. He said he would only introduce me to his family when I changed! I said that I wouldn’t change, I should change, but he didn’t .... he told me that I should obey him (a man of the type) unquestioningly, I think he decided to enslave me there specifically - fig! sent each other - and that was it! Well, fuck them .... Vse oni zvezdynu!

Rani Kapoor 6 years ago
Well, I don’t know, the heart is silent, then vice versa! very hard to find mutual language, it’s almost unrealistic, or you obey like a slave or go for a walk ... around the world, it’s just that their manner of pressure and instructions what you will do and live and behave as I said .... does not attract me and does not suits absolutely! such pressure on submission ... does not suit me, at the beginning there was no such thing, and then how it went .... let's go, a very complex people .... only their worldview and opinion is taken into account ..... they one word - I, the words - WE don’t even remember ... it disappointed me greatly .... I thought that the younger generation is more modernized, but what happens in the end? nothing ... I live the same way as before ... .never they will get out of the poor and everything else, until they change at least a little their attitude towards the modern world ...

Achadidi Anushka Adm> Rani Kapoor 6 years ago
I think it’s not necessary to speak for everyone, people are different, relationships too, if you are unlucky, this does not mean that others also have everything, like this.

although after all, no one says that it’s just to get along with another person AT ALL, and even with a person of a different faith, nation, culture ...
