What do classes with marbles give. Marbles pebbles in speech therapy classes and in the free activities of children

Moshkova Svetlana Vladimirovna,


MAUDO "Kindergarten No. 9",

Yalutorovsk city, Tyumen region

« The origins of the abilities and talents of children at your fingertips.

From the fingers go the thinnest streams,

that feed the source of creative thought.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Target: - consideration modern technique applications correction technology in educational activities with children;


To acquaint parents with the non-traditional technology of using Marbles stones in teaching children;

Motivate parents to use Marbles stones at home;

Use unconventional methods work to improve the efficiency of the process of correcting speech disorders;


1. pieces of paper round shape to write a name;

2. markers;

3. trays;

4. pebbles Marbles different color, shape, texture, size;

5. pictures for work: "Flower meadow", "Mosaic" - toys, fruits, vegetables, letters, numbers, "Cake", labyrinth, snail, giraffe, sudoku, field for tic-tac-toe, colorful stripes, field for clouds and flowers, a bunch of grapes, games - rpg

6. wonderful pouch

Event progress:

1. Greeting

Good afternoon dear parents! I am glad to welcome you all to my master class.

2. Introduction

The theme of my master class is “Marbles pebbles - multi-colored happiness of children”, i.e. How can Marbles be used with children? preschool age. In order to start the master class, I need to know how to address you by name. Write your name on a piece of paper and attach it to the left of your chest.

The whole life of a child is a game. And so the learning process cannot be carried out without it. Tactile sensations, fine motor skills, mental operations develop in children's play. Working with a child should be playful, dynamic, emotionally enjoyable, tireless and varied. This prompted me to look for both traditional and non-traditional play techniques and means of working with children. One of these methods is specifically organized activity using interesting pebbles called Marbles.

3. Theory

Marble are balls or flattened oval or round shapes. They can be made from clay, wood, plastic, or most commonly glass. They have a variety of shades, colors, the beauty of which fascinates so much that both adults and children want to touch them, hold them in their hands. And most importantly, their purpose is fun, useful and simple games. From what age can these stones be used - from 2-3 years and older. But remember that kids younger age can freely take in their mouth, so it is recommended to take larger Marbles and be sure to play under adult supervision.

There is a rich and varied practical material - game complexes using Marbles pebbles. And now I want to introduce you to some of them.

4. Practical part

Everything that we are going to do now is done by my children.


What's in these vases? What do you think?

Dip your hands into the vases and notice the shape, color, texture and how they are (smooth, slippery, cool, rough, etc.)

Look at the color of the pebbles and say in one word what they are? (colored, multi-colored)

Now think, as adults, what can you offer children besides shape, color and texture?

And now let's try tactile sensations, they are:

ü Cam (take as many pebbles into the cam as possible, and open the cams, determine visually, not counting which cam has more (you can count)

ü Pinch grip (take the stones with both hands (leading hand grabs more)

ü Tweezers (take a pebble with the thumb and first finger of both hands, absolute silence, we will also listen to speech sounds, one pebble was dropped into a vase, the second on the table)

What sounds did we hear? (in a vase - ringing, on the table - knocking)

(take red pebbles large and third), etc. You can exercise all fingers in any order from left to right

Once again they took it with two palms and dropped it into a vase.

What did you hear? (noise)

Like this on simple material children distinguish non-speech sounds.

Question: What do you think can be developed during the use of such exercises? (finger motor skills, concentration, tactile sensations)


First person - take green stone right hand and put to your left;

Second person - take a red stone with your left hand and put it to your right;

Third person - take orange stone and lay before you;

Fourth - take yellow stone and put the dishes behind;

Question: What concepts can be formed by this exercise?

(we fix the concepts on the left, right, behind, in front, etc.)


On the left, those sitting lay out a straight path of any color, you can alternate

Seated on the right - a curve (you can alternate in color, shape, size)

And now, we will collect and arrange a rumble.


Find as many smooth and rough stones as possible (rough stones can be considered as having edges) and touch them with your fingers.


Imagine that your mother has a holiday soon. What gift can be made from stones?

(cake, flower, butterfly, bow, etc.)

You can lay out a typewriter from squares and circles.

Anything that can be made out of sticks can be made out of stones.


I suggest using Marbles to organize the following games:

v The game "Flower meadow"

Exercise:- lay out a flower meadow on the left, where the flowers have no centers and add leaves on the stems

To the right of those sitting - on the contrary, add the petals of the flower and lay out the missing stems and also add the leaves.

v Mosaic game»

Exercise- in the picture, you need to fill in the circles with the appropriate color (it is advisable to choose the size and color)

v Game "Decorate the Cake"

Exercise- the top row of the cake - with alternating two colors, the middle one with one color, and the bottom tier - with large Marbles

v" Great bag"

Exercise- Take the items out of the bag one by one. What did you take out of the bag? (colorful stones)

What color is the stone, what color is the object (for example: yellow stone - yellow lemon)

v Game "Labyrinth"

Exercise- lay out the labyrinth in any color or according to the color of the labyrinth stripes

v "Letters" - remember them visually

Exercise- lay out letters of different colors and make a word (for example: tire). Think of words that begin with these letters.

v« Mirror"

Exercise- lay out the letter in a mirror image

v "Techniques"

Exercise- fix broken letters

v "Numbers" - remember the image of numbers

Exercise- posting numbers desired color. What happens two?

v "Tic Tac Toe"

v "Multicolor Stripe"

Exercise- find the best transparent stone and he will travel and change color - move him along the strip, naming what color the stone became and adding (for example, white, like snow, etc.)

v "Lay out according to the model"

Exercise- you need to lay out a similar picture according to the model.

But you can use in games not only oval and round pebbles, but the shape of a certain object. But with such pebbles, many new ideas arise. And it will be over challenging games, which contribute to the development of reading and writing skills, i.e. we will learn to divide words into syllables, determine the first and last sound in a word, the sequence of sounds

v "Bunch of grapes"

Exercise- you need to attach blue grapes to a twig. (for example, an adult shows a picture or names words, and a child divides a word into syllables and looks for a small branch of the required number of syllables on a branch of grapes)

Words: cat, juice, wheel, lemon, water, car, house, hand, etc.

v "Cloud and rain"

Exercise- you need to choose a word for a given sound. (for example, rain should pour from a cloud and pour a flower with a K sound at the beginning of a word, with a Sh sound in the middle, with an A sound at the end, etc.)

v "Giraffe"

The task is to determine the first sound in the word (decorate the giraffe with spots after the first sound in the word is determined.

Can be used different games to determine the second, last sound in a word.

Words: chair, street, heron, cloud, cat, watermelon, book, etc.

v "Sudoku"

The task is to fill in all the cells so that the color of the stones does not repeat.

v Adventure games - to automate sounds in words

Help Snow White get to the house of the seven dwarfs and treat them with sweets. To do this, you must correctly name the pictures (or repeat the words after me). With each word correctly pronounced, you take a pebble and lay out Snow White's path to the 7 dwarfs' house. Speak beautifully, highlight the sound [L]. At the end of the game, you can count the number of pebbles on the track, name the colors of the laid out pebbles. For this version of the game, sheets with subject pictures can be cut to get cards with sound being worked out;

Look closely at the pictures this case sheet with pictures is not cut). Tell me those pictures where the sound [L] is at the beginning of the word (middle, end);

Name and show domestic animals, wild animals, fruits, vegetables, products (sheets with subject pictures are used);

Help me get to the island. Speak correctly sounds З - ЗЬ

Help the boy get to the pool. Say R sounds correctly

Help the fish to rise to the surface. Say the correct sound J

(you can cut and mix all the pictures and invite the children to choose their pictures for a certain sound)

To develop color perception, you can lay out pebbles different colors...

There are a lot of games on the use of Marbles pebbles. When working with these pebbles, the child needs to be given clear instructions for performing.

When using Marbles stones in children, speech is enriched, attention, thinking and creative imagination. Children become self-confident and enrich themselves positive emotions. These games help speech activity children and can be used both in under group and individual lessons and free activity.

5. Reflection

And now once again put your hands into the vases with stones and feel the positive energy coming from them.

Tell me, what do Marbles pebbles develop?

Sections for working with Marbles stones:

Þ Development of tactile-motor perception;

Þ Formation of a sensory culture (sensory standards - shape, color, size);

Þ Development visual perception;

Þ Development of perception of space;

Þ Development creativity;

Þ Speech development;

Þ Formation of letter analysis;

In conclusion, I suggest that you evaluate our master class. Post an emoticon with a smile, who received a lot of interesting and useful things at the event, and a sad emoticon - who did not like it very much.



We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, YNAO and KhMAO-Yugra publish their methodical material:
- Pedagogical experience, copyright programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

The whole life of a child is a game. And therefore the process of teaching a child cannot take place without it. Tactile sensations, fine motor skills, mental operations develop in children's play. The movements of the fingers stimulate the activity of the central nervous system and accelerate the development of the child's speech. Constant stimulation of the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for fine motor skills - necessary element in the system of logopedic influence. The use of pebbles "Marbles" is one of the non-traditional teaching methods, interesting for children.



Use of glass pebbles "Marbles" for development fine motor skills and mental operations.

The whole life of a child is a game. And therefore the process of teaching a child cannot take place without it. Tactile sensations, fine motor skills, mental operations develop in children's play. The movements of the fingers stimulate the activity of the central nervous system and accelerate the development of the child's speech. Constant stimulation of the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for fine motor skills is a necessary element in the system of speech therapy. The use of pebbles "Marbles" is one of the non-traditional teaching methods, interesting for children.

During the exercises, on the one hand, the solution of sensory problems is provided, taking into account the various skills of children, on the other hand, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills by children that they could use in different types activities.

MM. Koltsova came to the conclusion that "the morphological and functional formation speech areas is performed under the influence of kinesthetic impulses from the hands. "She especially emphasizes that the influence of impulses from the muscles of the hand is very significant in childhood while the speech motor area is being formed. This applies to children with both normal and impaired speech development. Systematic exercises for the fingers not only stimulate the development of speech, but are, according to M.M. Koltsova, " powerful tool increase the efficiency of the brain.

speech therapy children have a number of features (violation of sound pronunciation, difficulties in distinguishing acoustic and articulatory similar sounds, underdevelopment of lexical and grammatical structure speech) there is an inferiority of dynamic praxis, auditory and opto-motor coordination, which prevents the automation of the graphomotor skill. Along with this, there is a deficit of visual and auditory memory; insufficient level of attention processes, violation of the formation of self-control and arbitrary regulation of behavior. And this is not an exhaustive list of possible disorders.

The balls got their name from the English "marbles" (that is, marble).Modern marbles are made from silicate sand, ash and soda, which are melted in a furnace. With the help of special dyes, glass is given a wide variety of colors. The beauty of pebbles fascinates so much that both adults and children want to touch them, hold them in their hands, play with them. So the aesthetic appeal of Marbles increased interest in this game among modern children, as opposed to the latest, high-tech toys.

The following tasks are intended for children from 3 years old to 7-8 years old. summer age, as well as for children with developmental disabilities (cerebral palsy, mental retardation, ONR, FFNR - these are the diagnoses with which the ball was tested). For children with disorders in the musculoskeletal sphere, it is proposed to equip the manual with additional stability, i.e. on reverse side glass pebbles, glue the Velcro with the needle side down and organize a rough surface for working with them (carpet, drape, etc.). All exercises may vary depending on the age of the child, his mental and motor ability, as well as his interest in the game.

A lesson conducted by a teacher may include one or more types of exercises. Each exercise is carried out several times, gradually complicating them. Acquisition, workload and duration of the lesson varies by the teacher.

Purposes of using this manual:
1. Form the correct grip of the ball with the hand;

2. Develop complexly coordinated movements of the fingers and hands;
3. Develop in orientation on the plane;
4. Work on color differentiation;

5. Practice counting;
6. Enrich vocabulary;
7. Develop phrasal speech;
8. Develop attention, memory and thinking;
9. prevention of dysgraphia;
10. Raise a positive emotional state of the child in the classroom.

List of games with Marbles and their description:

1. The use of Marbles pebbles in the study of lexical topics.

"Collect according to the pattern."A picture is offered - a sample, as in a mosaic, according to which you need to assemble your picture.

Exercise "Help"

Target: development of the ability to distinguish colors, find a color according to a sample and according to a verbal designation; stimulation of visual search activity. Learning the names of colors.

2. Lay out the outline.

Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge on the topic under study and their classification.

"Continue." Continue the pattern or row.

3. Sound-letter analysis of words.

Purpose: development of sound analysis and synthesis skills.

Lay out the pebble chips under the letters.


1 . What sound does the word begin with? Is it a vowel or a consonant? What other words can you think of with this sound?

2. Where is the sound (:) (beginning, middle, end?)

3. How many vowels are in the word, how many consonants?

« magic pouch».

1 option. The child takes out a pebble (green, blue or red) from the bag and comes up with a word for the corresponding sound ( Blue colour- hard consonant, red - vowel, green - soft consonant).

Option 2. The child takes out a pebble of any color from the bag and correlates the color with the object, while learning to correctly coordinate the word-object and the word-sign: green pebble - green cucumber, onion, crocodile, etc. yellow pebble - yellow turnip, yellow sun, and etc.

"Fashion caterpillar"

The adult names a number of words, and the child determines the first (last) sound in each word and successively lays out the corresponding pebble (blue color is a hard consonant sound, red is a vowel sound, green is a soft consonant sound).

4. Making proposals.

Purpose: Development of coherent speech, consolidation of prepositional case constructions.

1. Making sentences with prepositions.

2. Compiling a sentence with a given word.

5. Development spatial representations

1. Help the butterfly fly to the flower.

2. Help two friends meet.

3. Let's help Thumbelina get out of the swamp by building a path of pebbles, while naming words with the diminutive suffix IK. For example: a ball, a table, a candy wrapper, etc. Purpose: To teach children to form nouns with a diminutive suffix. Task: The teacher gives oral tasks like: Place a red stone in the center of the sheet. Blue - to the left top corner, green - to the upper right corner, blue - to the lower right; green - to the lower left. The task can be checked by presenting the standard to the task and through oral control by the teacher. The teacher offers a standard of laid out pebbles on a plane, the child needs to repeat the drawing.

"Coloured Paths"As you follow, describe your path along the path. For example: "I'm walking on a green path that goes up, right, up left, up, right, up." I walk the red carpet. The path goes left, up, left, down, left, up, right, up. I'm walking down the yellow path. The yellow path goes: up, left, up, right, down, right, up, right.

Lay out the last path with blue pebbles, describe its route using the wordsright, left, up, down.

"Labyrinths". Goal: Development of spatial relationships

6. Development of tactile sensations.

Exercise "Find an object" or "Guess".

Purpose: development of tactile sensations; development of the ability to choose objects that differ from the pebbles "Marbles" (For example: a small construction material, kinder toys, etc.) Equipment: deep container, Marbles pebbles, toys from kinder surprises. Task: the teacher offers to find toys hidden in pebbles with open eyes, first with one, then with the other hand. Complication: search for toys eyes closed to determine what it is.


AND). Sort by color.

In the general container of a large volume there are colored pebbles of the same shape, but of different colors, it is necessary to disassemble the pebbles into smaller containers by color.

B). Sort by form.

Same as the previous one, only pebbles different shapes- oval, round.

AT). Sort by size.

Just like the previous ones, only pebbles of different sizes - large and small.

7. Work on the correction of dysgraphia.

Mirror game. Children are told a story about letters - fashionistas who loved to look in the mirror so much that, in the end, they got confused; where are they and where are their reflections. Children are invited to help the letters, remove their incorrect reflections. Tech game. We restore broken syllables (AP, KI, UX). The game "Look at the letters."

7. Getting to know the letter.

Purpose: to fix visual image the letter being studied, the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Equipment: pebbles "Marbles", cards with sample letters for imposing pebbles. For children with low motor skills specially prepared pebbles and samples.

8. Development of attention, memory and thinking.

"Tic Tac Toe"

Like ordinary tic-tac-toe, only figures of the same size, but different colors; different sizes; different shape.

9. Development of the account.

"Happy Account"

Lay out as many pebbles on the table as:

Does the person have noses?

How many fingers are on one hand? on two?

How many ears does a dog have?

How many eyes does a cat have?

How many wings does a bird have?

How many legs are on the table? etc.

10. Positive emotional attitude.

Independent games.The children make up their own story.

The game of Marbles is recognized by child psychologists as one of the most useful for the younger generation: it develops accuracy, speed, accuracy and motor skills, and beautiful shades glass pebbles awaken in the child a sense of beauty.

I hope that such an accessible and attractive manual as Marbles pebbles will help diversify speech therapy classes and increase interest in correctional activities.

Speech therapy games with
the use of marbles in
individual work With
Pavlova E.N.
teacher speech therapist
MDOU "Kindergarten No. 3"
P. Rakitnoe

Preschool children with speech pathology have a pronounced
general motor failure. Level of speech development
is directly related to the degree of development
fine finger movements. To teach a child to speak
it is necessary not only to train his articulatory apparatus,
but also to develop fine motor skills.
Correctional developmental work to overcome speech
violations, revealed the problem of developing fundamentally new
approaches to the development of motor skills
older preschoolers. One of the most interesting and
innovative methods can be
use of marbles
(flat stones - "cabochons")
games with marbles
stimulate speech development
by training the fingers,
increase activity by 100%,
children's interest in the lesson,
improve the result of speech correction,
versatile and easy to use.

An object that binds to itself
attention, helps mentally

to focus on.
Prolonged viewing of color
a pebble gives thoughts a harmonious flow.
Tibetan and Mongolian lamas in their practices
used stone pyramids, balls,
rosaries and massagers.
Systematic finger exercises not only
stimulate the development of speech, but are, according to
M. M. Koltsova, “a powerful means of increasing
brain performance."
The child develops
speed of nerve impulses
from the receptors of the hand to the center of speech.

Based on the analysis of studies on
problems of speech development of children,
speech development:
highlighted the following methodological principle

The principle of the relationship of sensory, mental and
speech development of children is based on the understanding of speech
as speech and thought activity, formation and
the development of which is closely connected with the knowledge of the surrounding
Speech is based on sensory representations,
forming the basis of thought. Speech development
cannot be separated from development
sensory and thought processes.
The use of marbles is
completely new idea
in speech therapy.


The development of fine manual motor skills in children with
speech disorder through marbles
In the "coupling" of nylon mesh place
marbles and perform rolling
balls to hands. Vary speech
tasks: automation of sounds, repetition
pure talk. Balls don't roll
staying in the clutch.

I offer games game exercises With
- fix sounds, syllables, words, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes;
- exercise in a consistent change in the tone of the muscles of the arm
- exercise in orientation on the plane of the sheet;
- work on differentiation;
- practice counting
- enrich vocabulary;
- develop phrasal speech;
- form and fix
correct image letters.
Games are easy to apply in
speech therapy work co
older preschoolers.

Application variability
MARBLS pebbles
I suggest using pictures, applications, sound tracks and cells
for laying out pebbles of different colors.
Plane orientation games,
development of tactile sensations,
complexly coordinated movements
fingers and hands; prevention

Card file of games with pebbles
- "Kolobok"
- "Cinderella"
- "Labyrinth"
- "Dry pool"
- "Magpie - crow"
- "Wonderful Patterns"
- "A heron walks through the swamp"
- "Funny raindrops"
- "What changed?"
- "Soundtracks"
- "We poured balls ..."

A game " wonderful pattern»
Who comes up with more
words with a given sound?
Sound Automation
in words with simultaneous
laying out a pattern.
Every word is a stone.
The game develops creativity,
imagination, direction
on the sheet, fine motor skills.
Sound automation at the beginning of a word,
middle, end.

"Amanita" "Green
We fix the sound [P], decorate the hats. Blossomed on branches
The poem "Amanita" green leaves. We select
In a red jacket fly agaric, green pebbles.
We fix
Proudly sat down on the slope, pure tongue:
We don't need fly agaric, Ra-ra-ra - bloom
it is time
Let's not go to the slope.

"Polka dots" "Funny drops
Help the mouse collect the peas
- develop general motor skills;
- develop rhythm, tempo;
- develop speech.

Purpose: automation of sounds in connected speech in children
preschool age.
automation of sound in syllables;
automation of sound in syllables;

automation of sound in words;
automation of sound in phrases;
automation of sound in phrases;
automation of sound in a phrase;
automation of sound in a phrase;
automation of sound in speech.
automation of sound in speech.

Game exercise options
dew on a leaf
Let's decorate the Christmas tree
Cooking a treat

History of Marbles

One of the most popular children's games in the West is the game of pebbles or, as it is also called, the game of marbles. It is safe to assume that the marbles game dates back to the time of our cave ancestor, when little Neanderthals played free time small pebbles or balls of clay. Products in the form of balls have been found in various archaeological zones around the world. Marbles were made from flint, stone and fired clay. Clay balls for playing(see fig. 1) , have been found in the pyramids of Egypt and on the sites of the ancient cities of the Aztecs.

(Fig. 1 Clay pebbles for games)

Making Marbles

For centuries, marbles have been made from natural material. Approximately two hundred years ago, the Western world was first introduced to Chinese ceramic balls. The appearance of porcelain balls in everyday life is described in the very first book about marbles, published in 1815 in England. In 1848, a German glassblower invented a special scissor-like tool that could quickly produce large batches of marbles. The first marbles produced using factory machines appeared in 1890, first in Germany, and a little later in the United States, as the supply of marbles from Europe became difficult due to the war. In the middle of the last century, another technology for making marbles came from Japan, by mixing glass and natural marble, which allows you to achieve very beautiful stains. started new era in the production of marbles. Modern marbles are made from silicate sand, ash and soda, which are melted in a furnace at 650 degrees Celsius. With the help of special dyes, glass is given a wide variety of colors, for example, by adding cobalt, one obtains blue balloons, villages - red(see fig. 2) . After leaving the furnace, the molten mass is cut into small pieces, with the help of mechanical rollers they are given a spherical shape, after which the resulting balls are cooled for a day. New manufacturing technologies for marbles make it possible to achieve very spectacular interesting colors, which raises simple balls to play the level art products and makes it interesting for collectors.
In addition, spectacular marbles are loved by designers, and they are willing to use them as decoration material. The beauty of marbles fascinates so much that both adults and children want to touch them, hold them in their hands, play with them. So the aesthetic appeal of marbles has increased the interest in this game among modern children, as opposed to the latest, high-tech toys.

(Fig. 2 Marbles)

The whole life of a child is a game. And therefore the process of teaching a child cannot take place without it. Tactile sensations, fine motor skills, mental operations develop in children's play. The movements of the fingers stimulate the activity of the central nervous system and accelerate the development of the child's speech.

MBDOU No. 133, Novokuznetsk.

The use of pebbles "Marbles" in overcoming speech disorders in preschool children.

Methodical development

"Sources of Ability"
and gifts of children
at their fingertips...

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

"The hand is the instrument of all instruments"
concluded Aristotle.

"The hand is a kind of outer brain,"
wrote Kant.

In children with speech disorders, there is a weak development of fine motor skills of the fingers, which is characterized by motor awkwardness, a small range of movements, insufficient pace and switchability. Therefore, this direction is one of the most important in the correctional and developmental educational activities of a speech therapist teacher.

Solving the tasks of developing fine motor skills of children with speech disorders, speech therapists use a variety of games, exercises and manuals in their work. All of them contribute to the development of speech and small muscles of the hands. At the same time, dexterity is developed, the ability to control one's movements, to concentrate attention on one type of activity. In children, excitability decreases, interest in educational process, attention, memory, perception are activated.

In order to diversify pedagogical process, to maintain children's interest in completing tasks, the teacher-speech therapist is in constant search for new methods and techniques that positively affect the fine muscles of the fingers and hands of the child. One of such means that can be used in correctional and developmental educational activities is pebbles. MARBLE.

History of MARBLS

The MARBLE glass ball is a distant descendant of clay balls, which served as toys for ancient people many thousands of years ago. The balls got their name from the English "marbles" (that is, marble). MARBLE balls originate from the entertainment of the ancient Romans and Greeks. They unite sea ​​wave, stardust, amber and a drop of water.

Modern MARBLEs are made from silicate sand, ash and soda, which are melted in a furnace. With the help of special dyes, glass is given a wide variety of colors. The beauty of pebbles fascinates so much that both adults and children want to touch them, hold them in their hands, play with them.

The use of pebbles speech therapy classes for the processing of material of a certain lexical topic allows you to give your child maximum amount knowledge in an interesting and accessible form. Actions with pebbles have a positive effect not only on speech development, but also give him joy, contribute to the creation of a comfortable emotional mood. Through the use of this gaming technology in the presence of corrective orientation mastering the material is more successful and faster.

The variability of the material used allows the teacher to give children new knowledge, consolidate previously acquired, and, if necessary, repeat the material covered.

Purpose of using MARBLS stones:

To diversify the pedagogical process, to increase the interest of preschool children with speech disorders in correctional and developmental tasks, to develop the small muscles of the hands, to intensify cognitive and mental activity.

Correction-developing tasks:

Formation of the correct grip of the pebble with the fingers of the hand;
the development of complexly coordinated movements of the fingers and hands;
development of orientation on the plane;
prevention of optical-spatial disorders;
vocabulary enrichment;
formation of phonemic representations;
automation of delivered sounds in children.
prevention of dysgraphia;

Types of pebbles

Pebbles are different: they have a round or square shape, vary in size and color.
Along with such pebbles, figures are used that display real images: leaves and apples. various colors, acorns, owls, Marine life. They are used with plot picture, for example: “Hang autumn (spring) leaves on a tree”, “Apples ripen in the garden in autumn”, “Acorns grew on an oak tree”, “Underwater kingdom”, etc.

Forms of work with MARBLS stones:

– Individual correctional and developmental educational activities(as part of the lesson);

— Frontal correctional-developing educational activity (as part of the lesson).

Requirements for the organization of exercises with MARBLS stones:

- To increase the effectiveness of the impact when performing various exercises, it is necessary to use the fingers of both hands.

- Selection of exercises is carried out taking into account the age and individual capabilities of children.

- The presence of a cognitive orientation of exercises.

- Safety: performing exercises with pebbles does not imply their use by children in independent activity only under the supervision of an adult.

List of games with MARBLS and their description.

1. The use of MARBLS stones in the study of lexical topics

Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge on the topic under study and their classification.

"Lay out the contour."

"Collect according to the pattern." A picture is offered - a sample, as in a mosaic, according to which you need to assemble your picture.

"Fill the picture with pebbles"

2. Sound-letter analysis of words.

Purpose: development of sound analysis and synthesis skills (place chips-pebbles under the letters).

"Magic Bag"

The child takes out a pebble (green, blue or red) from the bag and comes up with a word for the corresponding sound (blue is a hard consonant, red is a vowel, green is a soft consonant).

Sound analysis according to the word scheme.

3. Compilation of proposals.

Purpose: Development of coherent speech, consolidation of prepositional case constructions. Count how many words are in the sentence, lay out the diagram with pebbles.

4. Development of spatial representations and prepositional case constructions.

“Put it right” The teacher gives oral tasks like: Put a red pebble in the center of the sheet. Blue - to the upper left corner, green - to the upper right corner, blue - to the lower right; green - to the lower left. The task can be checked by presenting the standard to the task and through oral control by the teacher.

“Continue the row” (the teacher offers a sample of pebbles laid out on a plane, the child needs to repeat the drawing).


"Around and around" (work with prepositional case constructions)

The teacher gives the task: “Put a red pebble on the ladybug (where is the ladybug? (in the middle); blue is above ladybug(clarify who is above the ladybug? (beetle); put green under the ladybug (clarify who is under the ladybug), etc.

5. Development of the grammatical structure of speech(inflection and word formation, agreement)

"Help Thumbelina"

Help Thumbelina get out of the swamp by building a path of pebbles, while naming words with a diminutive suffix IK. For example: a ball, a table, a candy wrapper, etc.

"Magic bag" The child takes out a pebble from the bag certain color and says: A green stone is a green cucumber, a red stone is a red dress, etc.

6. Work on the correction of dysgraphia.

Mirror game. Children are told a story about letters - fashionistas who loved to look in the mirror so much that, in the end, they got confused; where are they and where are their reflections. Children are invited to help the letters, remove their incorrect reflections.

Tech game. We restore broken syllables (AP, KI, UX).

"Introduction to Letters"

Purpose: to fix the visual image of the studied letter, the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Equipment: pebbles "Marbles", cards with sample letters for imposing pebbles. For children with low motor skills specially prepared stones and samples

7. Correction of sound pronunciation.

"Labyrinths on Automation and Differentiation of Sounds".

Purpose: Fixing the pronunciation of an automated sound; sound differentiation.

8. Development of phonemic representation(allows you to fix the correct pronunciation of oppositional sounds).

"Speech therapy chamomile"

Purpose: Consolidation of the ability to distinguish sounds by ear (soft sound, hard sound), distinguish them from words, compare them with each other.

Purposeful and systematic work on this direction should be carried out in close relationship speech therapist and group educators, which allows children to achieve high results in cognitive and speech development.


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