Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle. Report - Former of the need for a healthy lifestyle.doc - Report "Formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle: the possibilities of the educational process and extracurricular activities"

A healthy lifestyle includes the following main elements: fruitful work, a rational mode of work and rest, the eradication of bad habits, an optimal motor regime, personal hygiene, hardening, rational nutrition, etc.

Productive work is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Human health is influenced by biological and social factors, the main of which is work.

A rational regime of work and rest is a necessary element of a healthy lifestyle. With a correct and strictly observed regimen, a clear and necessary rhythm of the functioning of the body is developed, which creates optimal conditions for work and rest, and thereby contributes to strengthening health, improving working capacity and increasing labor productivity.

The next link in a healthy lifestyle is the eradication of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs). These violators of health are the cause of many diseases, drastically reduce life expectancy, reduce efficiency, and adversely affect the health of the younger generation and the health of future children.

The next component of a healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet. When talking about it, one should remember two basic laws, the violation of which is dangerous to health.

The first law is the balance of received and consumed energy. If the body receives more energy than it consumes, that is, if we receive more food than is necessary for the normal development of a person, for work and well-being, we become fat. Now more than a third of our country, including children, is overweight. And there is only one reason - excess nutrition, which ultimately leads to atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and a number of other ailments.

The second law is the correspondence of the chemical composition of the diet to the physiological needs of the body for nutrients. Nutrition should be varied and meet the needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber. Many of these substances are irreplaceable, since they are not formed in the body, but come only with food. The absence of even one of them, for example, vitamin C, leads to illness and even death. We get B vitamins mainly from wholemeal bread, and the source of vitamin A and other fat-soluble vitamins are dairy products, fish oil, and liver.

Not every one of us knows that we need to learn a culture of reasonable consumption, to refrain from the temptation to take another piece of a tasty product that gives extra calories or introduces an imbalance. After all, any deviation from the laws of rational nutrition leads to a violation of health. The human body consumes energy not only during physical activity (during work, sports, etc.), but also in a state of relative rest (during sleep, lying down), when energy is used to maintain the physiological functions of the body - maintaining a constant body temperature . It has been established that a healthy middle-aged person with normal body weight consumes 7 kilocalories per hour for every kilogram of body weight.

The first rule in any natural diet should be: - Eat only when you feel hungry.

Refusal to eat with pain, mental and physical ailments, with fever and elevated body temperature.

Refusal to eat immediately before bedtime, as well as before and after serious work, physical or mental.

It is very important to have free time to digest food. The notion that exercising after eating aids in digestion is a gross mistake.

Meals should consist of mixed foods that are sources of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Only in this case it is possible to achieve a balanced ratio of nutrients and essential nutritional factors, to ensure not only a high level of digestion and absorption of nutrients, but also their transportation to tissues and cells, their complete assimilation at the cell level.

Rational nutrition ensures proper growth and formation of the body, contributes to maintaining health, high performance and prolonging life.

People with chronic diseases need to follow a diet.

It plays an important role in health and the environment. Human intervention in the regulation of natural processes does not always bring the desired positive results. Violation of at least one of the natural components leads, by virtue of the interrelations existing between them, to the restructuring of the existing structure of natural-territorial components. Pollution of the surface of the land, hydrosphere, atmosphere and the World Ocean, in turn, affects the state of human health, the effect of the "ozone hole" affects the formation of malignant tumors, air pollution affects the state of the respiratory tract, and water pollution affects digestion, sharply worsens the general condition human health, reduces life expectancy. However, health obtained from nature is only 5% dependent on parents, and 50% dependent on the conditions surrounding us.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account another objective factor influencing health - heredity. This is the inherent property of all organisms to repeat in a number of generations the same signs and features of development, the ability to transfer from one generation to another the material structures of the cell, containing programs for the development of new individuals from them.

Affect our health and biological rhythms. One of the most important features of the processes occurring in a living organism is their rhythmic nature.

It has now been established that over three hundred processes occurring in the human body are subject to the daily rhythm.

Optimal motor mode is the most important condition for a healthy lifestyle. It is based on systematic physical exercises and sports, which effectively solve the problems of improving the health and developing the physical abilities of young people, maintaining health and motor skills, and strengthening the prevention of adverse age-related changes. At the same time, physical culture and sports act as the most important means of education.

It is useful to walk up the stairs without using the elevator. According to American doctors, each step gives a person 4 seconds of life. 70 steps burn 28 calories.

The main qualities that characterize the physical development of a person are strength, speed, agility, flexibility and endurance. The improvement of each of these qualities also contributes to the strengthening of health, but not to the same extent. You can become very fast by training in sprinting. Finally, it is very good to become agile and flexible by applying gymnastic and acrobatic exercises. However, with all this, it is not possible to form sufficient resistance to pathogenic effects.

For effective healing and disease prevention, it is necessary to train and improve, first of all, the most valuable quality - endurance, combined with hardening and other components of a healthy lifestyle, which will provide a growing body with a reliable shield against many diseases.

Hardening is a powerful healing tool. It allows you to avoid many diseases, prolong life for many years, maintain high performance. Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the nervous system, improves blood circulation, and normalizes metabolism.

Another important element of a healthy lifestyle is personal hygiene. Personal hygiene - it includes a rational daily regimen, body care, hygiene of clothes and shoes. Of particular importance is the mode of the day. With proper and strict observance of it, a clear rhythm of the functioning of the body is developed. And this, in turn, creates the best conditions for work and recovery.

Unequal conditions of life, work and life, individual differences of people do not allow recommending one variant of the daily regimen for everyone. However, its main provisions must be observed by everyone: the performance of various activities at a strictly defined time, the correct alternation of work and rest, regular meals. Particular attention should be paid to sleep - the main and irreplaceable type of rest. Constant lack of sleep is dangerous because it can cause depletion of the nervous system, weakening of the body's defenses, decreased performance, deterioration of well-being. The study of morbidity led to the conclusion that the cause of the vast majority of diseases are various violations of the regime. Chaotic eating at different times inevitably leads to gastrointestinal diseases, going to bed at different times leads to insomnia and nervous exhaustion, a violation of the planned distribution of work and rest reduces efficiency.

The mode has not only health-improving, but also educational value. Strict observance of it brings up such qualities as discipline, accuracy, organization, purposefulness. The mode allows a person to rationally use every hour, every minute of his time, which greatly expands the possibility of a versatile and meaningful life. Each person should develop a regime based on the specific conditions of his life. It is important to follow the following daily routine: Get up every day at the same time, do regular morning exercises, eat at set hours, alternate mental work with physical exercises, follow the rules of personal hygiene, keep your body, clothes, shoes clean, work and sleep well ventilated room, go to bed at the same time!

So, let's rethink our life tasks and goals, thereby allocating time to improve our health.

The earliest of the definitions of health - the definition of Alcmaeon, has its supporters up to the present day: "Health is the harmony of oppositely directed forces." Cicero described health as the right balance of various states of mind. The Stoics and Epicureans valued health above all else, opposing it to enthusiasm, the desire for everything immoderate and dangerous. The Epicureans believed that health is complete contentment, provided that all needs are fully satisfied. According to K. Jaspers, psychiatrists view health as the ability to realize "the natural innate potential of human vocation." There are other formulations: health is the acquisition by a person of his self, "realization of the Self", full and harmonious inclusion in the community of people. Valeology: Diagnostics, means and practice of ensuring health. St. Petersburg, 2007, 269 p. With. 114 K. Rogers also perceives a healthy person as mobile, open, and not constantly using defensive reactions, independent of external influences and relying on himself. Optimally actualized, such a person constantly lives in each new moment of life. This person is mobile and adapts well to changing conditions, is tolerant of others, emotional and reflective.

F. Perls considers a person as a whole, believing that mental health is associated with the maturity of the individual, manifested in the ability to realize one's own needs, constructive behavior, healthy adaptability and the ability to take responsibility for oneself. A mature and healthy person is authentic, spontaneous and internally free.

Z. Freud believed that a psychologically healthy person is one who is able to reconcile the pleasure principle with the reality principle. According to K.G. Jung, a healthy person can be a person who has assimilated the contents of his unconscious and is free from capture by any archetype. From the point of view of W. Reich, neurotic and psychosomatic disorders are interpreted as a consequence of the stagnation of biological energy. Therefore, a healthy state is characterized by the free flow of energy.

The Constitution of the World Health Organization defines the concept of health: “... a state of complete, physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects.”

According to S.V. Popova “If you think about this definition, we can conclude that absolute health is an abstraction, and besides, this definition initially excludes people who have any (congenital or acquired) physical defects, even in the stage of compensation.” Popov S.V. Valeology at school and at home // On the physical well-being of schoolchildren. St. Petersburg, 2007. p. 136

In 1968, WHO adopted the following wording: “Health is the property of a person to perform his biosocial functions in a changing environment, with overload and without loss, provided that there are no diseases or defects. Health is physical, mental and moral.

G.L. Bilich, L.V. Nazarova, taking as a basis the definition of the World Health Organization, they consider it necessary and justified to add two factors. So, "health is a state of complete, physical, mental and social well-being and the ability to adapt to constantly changing external and environmental conditions and the natural process of preservation, as well as the absence of disease and physical defects."

In the Great Medical Encyclopedia, health is interpreted as a state of the human body, when the functions of all its organs and systems are balanced with the external environment and there are no painful changes. At the same time, throughout its development, it changes the forms of interaction with environmental conditions, while changing not so much the environment as the organism itself.

Academician N.M. Amosov believes that "the health of an organism is determined by its quantity, which can be estimated by the maximum duration of organs while maintaining the qualitative limits of their functions." Amosov N.M. Thinking about health. M., 2007 p. 44 V.P. Kaznacheev interprets health as "a process (dynamic state) of the preservation and development of biological, physiological and mental functions of optimal working capacity, social activity with a maximum life expectancy."

Academician Yu.P. Lisitsyn that “human health cannot be reduced only to a statement of the absence of diseases, ailments, discomfort, it is a state that allows a person to lead an unnatural life in his freedom, to fully perform the functions inherent in a person, primarily labor, to lead a healthy lifestyle, that is experience mental, physical and social well-being."

I.I. Brekhman, the founder of the science of health - valueology, defines health as “a person's ability to maintain age-appropriate stability in the face of sharp changes in the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the triune flow of sensory, verbal and structural information. Brekhman I.I. Valeology is the science of health. - 4th ed. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2004. p. 37

AND I. Ivanyushkin offers 3 levels to describe the value of health: 1) biological - primordial health implies the perfection of the body's self-regulation, the harmony of physiological processes and, as a result, a minimum of adaptation; 2) social - health is a measure of social activity, an active attitude of a person to the world; 3) personal, psychological - health is not the absence of illness, but rather the denial of it, in the sense of overcoming it. Health in this case acts not only as a state of the organism, but as a “strategy of human life”. Ivanyushkin A.Ya. “Health” and “disease” in the system of human value orientations // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2005. V.45. No. 1, pp. 49-58, No. 4, pp. 29-33.

So, health is considered as an integrative characteristic of a person, covering both her inner world and all the peculiarities of relationships with the environment and including physical, mental, social and spiritual aspects; as a state of equilibrium, a balance between the adaptive capabilities of a person and constantly changing environmental conditions. Moreover, it should not be regarded as an end in itself; it is only a means for the most complete realization of a person's life potential.

According to the conclusion of WHO experts, if we take the level of health as 100%, then the state of health depends only 10% on the activities of the healthcare system, 20% on hereditary factors, and 20% on the state of the environment. And the remaining 50% depend on the person himself, on the lifestyle that he leads.

In another approach, the concept of lifestyle is considered as an integral way of being of an individual in the external and internal world, as “a system of relationships between a person and himself and environmental factors”, where the system of relationships between a person and himself is a complex set of actions and experiences, the presence of useful habits. that strengthen the natural resource of health, the absence of harmful ones that destroy it.

A.M. Izutkin and G.Ts. Tsaregorodtsev presents the structure of the way of life in the form of the following elements: “1) transformational activity aimed at changing nature, society and man himself; 2) ways to meet material and spiritual needs; 3) forms of participation of people in social and political activities and in government; 4) cognitive activity at the level of theoretical, empirical and value-oriented knowledge; 5) communicative activity, including communication between people in society and its subsystems (people, class, family, etc.); 6) medical and pedagogical activities aimed at the physical and spiritual development of a person”. Yu.P. Lisitsyn, N.V. Polunina, E.N. Savelyeva and others offer such components (aspects) of a lifestyle as industrial, socio-political, extra-labor, medical activity. Lisitsyn Yu.P., Polunina I.V. Healthy lifestyle of a child. M., 2006.

Other authors in the concept of lifestyle include labor activity of a person, social, psycho-intellectual, physical activity, communication and domestic relationships, habits, regime, rhythm, pace of life, features of work, rest and communication.

Lifestyle - a type of people's life activity due to the peculiarities of the socio-economic formation. The main parameters of the way of life are work (study for the younger generation), everyday life, socio-political and cultural activities of people, as well as various behavioral habits and manifestations. If their organization and content promote health, then there is reason to talk about the implementation of a healthy lifestyle, which can be considered as a combination of activities that ensures optimal interaction between the individual and the environment.

We believe that S.V. Popov is right when speaking about the lifestyle of S.V. Popov, that it should be remembered that although it is largely due to socio-economic conditions, at the same time it largely depends on the motives of a particular person, on the characteristics of his psyche, the state of health and functionality of the body. This, in particular, explains the real diversity of lifestyle options for different people. Human lifestyle includes three categories: standard of living, quality of life and lifestyle. Popov S.V. Valeology at school and at home // On the physical well-being of schoolchildren. St. Petersburg, 2004. p. 196

The standard of living is primarily an economic category, representing the degree of satisfaction of the material, spiritual and cultural needs of a person. The quality of life is understood as the degree of comfort in meeting human needs (mainly a social category). Lifestyle characterizes the behavioral characteristics of a person's life, that is, a certain standard under which the psychology and psychophysiology of the individual (socio-psychological category) adjusts.

Human health will primarily depend on the lifestyle, which is more personalized and determined by historical and national traditions (mentality) and personal inclinations (image).

The relationship between lifestyle and health is most fully expressed in the concept of a healthy lifestyle; this concept is the basis of valeology. A healthy lifestyle combines everything that contributes to the performance of professional, social and domestic functions by a person in optimal conditions for health and expresses the orientation of a person's activity towards the formation, preservation and strengthening of both individual and public health.

In Western and Russian science, the problem of a healthy lifestyle was touched upon by such doctors and thinkers as F. Bacon, B. Spinoza, H. De Roy, J. Lametrie, P. J. J. Kabanis, M. Lomonosov, A. Radishchev. Vasilyeva O.S., Zhuravleva E.V. Study of ideas about a healthy lifestyle // Psychological Bulletin of the Russian State University. Rostov-on-Don, 2005, Issue 9. With. 422

B.N. Chumakov characterizes a healthy lifestyle as “an active activity of people, aimed primarily at maintaining and improving health. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the way of life of a person and a family does not develop on its own depending on the circumstances, but is formed purposefully and constantly throughout life. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is the main lever of primary prevention in strengthening the health of the population through changes in style and lifestyle, its improvement using hygiene knowledge in the fight against bad habits, overcoming adverse aspects associated with life situations. Chumakov B.N. Valeology. Selected lectures. M., 2004. p. 213

S.V. Popov highlights the biological and social principles of a healthy lifestyle. Biological principles are characterized by the following: the way of life should be age-related, provided with energy, strengthening, rhythmic, ascetic.

Social principles impose the following requirements on the way of life: it must be aesthetic, moral, strong-willed, self-limiting.

However, the way of life of people cannot be the same, since we are all initially different. It is known that a healthy lifestyle is one that leads a person to optimal length and quality of life. This is possible only when a person is really interested in his health and is able to manage it.

To preserve and restore health, it is not enough to passively wait for the nature of the organism to do its work sooner or later. A person himself needs to do some work in this direction. But, unfortunately, most people realize the value of health only when there is a serious threat to health or it is largely lost, as a result of which there is a motivation to cure the disease, to restore health. But positive motivation to improve health in healthy people is clearly not enough. I.I. Brekhman identifies two possible reasons for this: a person is not aware of his health, does not know the size of his reserves, and puts off taking care of him until later, when he retires or in case of illness. Brekhman I.I. Introduction to valeology - the science of health. L., 2005. 125 p. With. 84 At the same time, a healthy person can and should focus in his way of life on the positive experience of the older generation and on the negative experience of sick people. However, this approach does not work for everyone and with insufficient force. Many people, by their image and behavior, not only contribute to health, but destroy it.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle should be understood as typical forms and methods of daily human activity that strengthen and improve the reserve capabilities of the body, thereby ensuring the successful performance of their social and professional functions, regardless of political, economic and socio-psychological situations. And it expresses the orientation of the activity of the individual in the direction of the formation, preservation and strengthening of both individual and public health.

The task of early formation of a health culture is relevant, timely and quite complex. How to strengthen and maintain the health of our children? How to promote the formation of physical culture of the child? How to instill healthy lifestyle habits? When should this start? Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it is up to seven years that the intensive development of organs and the formation of the functional systems of the body take place, the main personality traits are laid, and character is formed. It is important at this stage to form in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

The study of children's health problems in our time is of particular relevance.

The art of living long consists, first of all, in learning to take care of your health from childhood. What is lost in childhood is difficult to make up. Therefore, the priority direction in preschool education today is to increase the level of children's health, the formation of healthy lifestyle skills (HLS), as well as a steady need for regular physical exercise.

Data from various studies show that in recent years the number of healthy preschoolers has decreased by 5 times and is only 10% of the contingent of children entering school.

It should be noted that children lack physical qualities (perseverance, the ability to strain without harm to health, simply adjust their emotional state, switch from one activity to another), that is, those indicators that are closely related to self-education. Consequently, there is a need to create such a system of work, in which the integration of recreational activities into educational activities took place, which ultimately contributed to the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of the child, the formation of a healthy lifestyle habit.

Today, the preservation and strengthening of children's health is one of the main strategic tasks of the country's development. It is regulated and provided by such regulatory legal documents as the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 51), "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population", as well as Decrees of the President of Russia "On Urgent Measures to Ensure the Health of the Population of the Russian Federation", " On the approval of the main directions of the state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation, etc.

Health is not only the absence of diseases, it is a state of optimal performance, creative output, emotional tone, which creates the foundation for the future well-being of the individual.

Therefore, the main tasks of improving the health of children in kindergarten are the formation of their ideas about health as one of the main values ​​of life, the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Teachers should teach the child the right choice in any situation, only what is good for health and the rejection of everything that is harmful. To instill in a child from an early age the right attitude towards his health, a sense of responsibility for it. These tasks should be solved by creating an integral system for the preservation of the physical, mental and social well-being of the child.

Particular attention should be paid to the following components of a healthy lifestyle:

exercise, walking.

rational nutrition, personal hygiene: hardening, creating conditions for good sleep

Proper nutrition ensures the normal course of the processes of growth and development of the body, as well as maintaining health. Proper nutrition is of great importance for the development of the child's body, in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

The next factor in a healthy lifestyle is hardening. Almost everyone knows the saying: "The sun, air and water are our best friends." And indeed, the use of these natural forces of nature, the use of reasonable, rational, leads to the fact that a person becomes hardened, successfully resists adverse environmental factors - hypothermia and overheating. Hardening is an effective means of improving human health. The success and efficiency of hardening is possible only if a number of principles are observed:




Accounting for individual characteristics.

Mental hardening also stimulates physiological defense mechanisms: immunity, the function of the endocrine glands. Speaking of positive emotions, it should also be remembered that in pedagogy, encouragement is considered a more effective lever of influence on a child than punishment. By encouraging the child, we preserve and strengthen his health

friendly attitude to each other, the development of listening and speaking skills, the ability to distinguish lies from the truth

respect for the environment and nature

medical education, timely visits to the doctor, implementation of various recommendations

the formation of the concept of "do not harm yourself"

Physical culture and health activities include:

Creation of a system of physical activity during the day:

morning exercises (daily);

physical education (3 times a week);

musical - rhythmic classes (2 + 2 times a week);

walks with the inclusion of outdoor games;

health jogging (daily);

finger gymnastics (daily during regime moments)

visual, respiratory, corrective gymnastics in the relevant classes

health-improving gymnastics after daytime sleep (daily);

physical education minutes and pauses (in sedentary classes, daily);

emotional release, relaxation;

walking on massage mats, sand, pebbles (barefoot);

sports leisure, entertainment, holidays (1 time per month)

The need to maintain and improve the health of children.

The need for health and a healthy lifestyle in a child is also formed on the basis of ideas about himself, his physical and personal capabilities, about what is harmful for health and what is useful. For example, it is harmful not to brush your teeth, not to cut your nails, not to do gymnastics. Children acquire this knowledge in special classes in our kindergarten.

Tasks of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers:

to form ideas that being healthy is good, and getting sick is bad; about some signs of health;

cultivate healthy behavior skills: love to move, eat more vegetables, fruits; wash hands after each contamination; do not get angry and do not worry; be friendly; spend more time outdoors; observe the regime;

help to master sustainable behavioral skills;

develop the ability to talk about your health, the health of loved ones;

develop correct posture skills;

enrich children's knowledge about the physical movement in general;

develop artistic interest

The task of preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children is the main one in the work of the kindergarten.

Therefore, it is especially important to form an interested attitude towards their health from preschool age. Proceeding from this, the purpose of our activity is: the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children. The goal is achieved by solving the following tasks:

the formation of vital motor skills and abilities of the child in accordance with his individual characteristics, the development of physical qualities;

creation of conditions for the realization of the needs of children in physical activity;

ensuring physical and mental well-being;

to promote the preservation and strengthening of children's health;

educate a conscious attitude to a healthy lifestyle;

develop health-saving skills and habits.

In our work, we rely on the “Program of Education and Education in Kindergarten” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, the main task of which is to preserve and strengthen the health of children, the formation of an interested attitude towards their health.

I consider it important to form in children adequate ideas about the human body (about the structure of their own body); help them create a holistic view of their body; learn to hear and listen to your body; realize the intrinsic value of one's life and the value of the life of another person; to form the need for physical and moral self-improvement, for a healthy lifestyle; to instill skills in prevention and hygiene, first aid, to develop the ability to foresee the possible life-threatening consequences of their actions for themselves and their peers; develop protective self-awareness, an optimistic worldview and self-awareness, cultivate respect for the life of another person, the ability to sympathize, empathize with someone else's pain.

Based on the goals and objectives set by me, I organized a developing subject environment. The environment surrounding children in a group ensures life safety, promotes the health and hardening of the children's body, and also satisfies the innate need of children for movement, which serves as an important condition for the formation of all systems and functions of the body, one of the ways of understanding the world, orienting in it, and also a means of comprehensive development of the preschooler.

The training area is well lit, it has tables where classes are held. Tables are arranged in a circle, i.e. so that the teacher works "not on", but "together" with the children. The functional role of this zone is teaching, relaxation. Children are here not only in the classroom, but they can also organize games and relax. During the day, finger gymnastics (promoting neuropsychic development) and breathing exercises are held here.

The green laboratory was created to develop children's cognitive interest in research activities and contributes to the formation of a scientific worldview. Here is the center of "water and sand". Children are happy to explore the sand, learning its properties, splashing in the water, revealing its secrets. Children's games with water help to improve breathing, harden the body (the hands, as well as the feet, are heat exchanger zones; 70% of the heat passes through these zones; the water temperature should not be lower than 28 degrees). The functional role of the center is cognitive, health-improving. In the laboratory we set up a "garden on the windowsill" - where we grow onions, dill, parsley all year round, then use all this in the diet of children, thereby increasing the supply of vitamins.

All famous teachers from antiquity to the present day note: movement is an important means of education. Moving, the child learns the world around him, learns to love it and purposefully act in it. Movements are the first sources of courage, endurance, determination of a small child. The living conditions of children in kindergarten should be considered as the foundation on which the construction of the personality of the baby is laid. The starting point is the following: everything that is in the kindergarten (in the premises, on the territory) must be acceptable to the child and in no way be harmful to his health and well-being (physical, mental, social).

Motor activity contributes to an increase in mental performance, speech development, the full formation of voluntary movements and actions that underlie a person's motor behavior. It is the progress in the development of movements (motor analyzer) that to a large extent determines the progress in the development of the functions of the human brain. The more diverse the movements, the more information enters the child's brain, the more intense its development. In addition, the child can carry out continuous activity for 12-15 minutes, after which rest or a change of activity is necessary. And an older child can maintain a forced static posture for 3-4 minutes, after which it needs to be changed. Based on this, when conducting training sessions, I try to organize children in such a way that their dynamic posture during the session changes throughout its duration - children sit at a table, in a semicircle on chairs, on a carpet, etc. Also during the classes I use various forms of organizing children - they work in pairs, individually and collectively. In addition, given the short duration of continuous activities of children, physical education minutes and dynamic pauses are held during classes. Their topics correspond to the topic of the lesson.

In addition, I try to fill the lives of children with movement, not only in the classroom, but also in everyday life. I compiled a card file of outdoor games and exercises, and I constantly use them in my work with children.

Every day I organize finger games, because they allow you to satisfy the need for movement not only of large muscles, but also of smaller ones (fingers). Systematic finger exercises are a powerful tool for improving brain performance. I widely use finger games without objects in my free time, on walks. In the classroom, in the morning period, in games, I suggest that children perform exercises with objects: clothespins, corks, counting sticks, buttons, hedgehog balls, handkerchiefs, etc. Gymnastics for the fingers develops mental activity, memory, attention of the child. The group has card indexes of finger games, various objects and massagers for performing exercises.

Thus, I take care of the satisfaction of motor activity during classes and in the free activities of children, and movements for a child are a path not only to health, but also to the development of intelligence.

To improve the health of children, I also use various hardening methods. One of the most popular is walking along the salt paths after an afternoon nap. This routine moment in our group has been turned into a fun game - exercises on individual and general massage mats are accompanied by various nursery rhymes. Also, children really like dousing their hands up to the elbow with water at room temperature. Since children are immuno-weakened, I use gentle hardening in my work.

What is massage, many people know. The word massage comes from the Arabic word for mass, to touch. The beneficial effects of massage on the body cannot be overestimated. Massage is one of the means of therapeutic and preventive work. And more importantly, massage does not require special expensive equipment. How to make the beneficial effect of massage most fully affect the health and well-being of each child? I decided to teach every child self-massage. I picked up different types of self-massage taking into account the age, the capabilities of the children and the conditions of the kindergarten. Many self-massage complexes have a game form, the exercises are given names understandable to children. Each type of massage has a specific time in the daily routine.

On the face of any person there are massage zones associated with the regulation of immunity and hardening of the body (developed by A.A. Umanskaya). We call local impact on these zones acupressure. It includes five main zones: on the forehead (middle of the forehead), at the inner ends of the eyebrows (parallel), at the wings of the nose (parallel), at the corners of the mouth (parallel) and between the thumb and forefinger (first on one hand, then on another). These points are available to children from 4-5 years of age.

I also use the Five Little Healers massage. This is a finger massage. On the zones of the fingers there is a representation of the whole organism: massage of the thumb by rubbing increases the activity of the brain, the index finger - the activity of the stomach, the middle one - positively affects the functioning of the intestines, the ring finger - normalizes the function of the liver, the little finger - stimulates the heart. Self-massage is available to everyone, even kids, which is great! And, of course, health!

I use a lot of music during my classes. The use of music in physical activity makes it fun and effective. It cheers up, organizes the movement of children and facilitates their assimilation in a number of cases. Music helps to improve posture, gives expressiveness to movements, contributes to the development of their accuracy, coordination.

I try to pay special attention to walking children. Various water games, breathing exercises, barefoot walking, sunbathing are held on walks.

The health of children depends not only on their physical characteristics, but also on the living conditions in the family. Therefore, it is false to achieve positive results in solving the tasks set if a community of children - parents - teacher is created in the group.

Conversations are held with parents about the impact of lifestyle on health;

at meetings I talk about the meaning of movements in the life of preschool children;

at general parent meetings with the involvement of specialists from the institution: physical education instructor, speech therapist, music. leaders, doctor, art. nurses, st. we tell the educator about our plans, ideas and emerging problems;

designed a health corner for parents with recommendations and medical advice on recovery, where health sheets are posted monthly, from where parents learn that the health index of our children is increasing;

We are conducting a health survey.

The results of the survey show that our parents are very concerned about the health of their children, and they are ready to be our helpers and allies. This leads to close contact in working with parents, since only parents can bring to our attention those features of the child that he shows at home, because it is no secret that in our practice there are such children who behave differently in kindergarten and at home.

I am convinced that the introduction of health-saving technologies in the pedagogical process helps to preserve and strengthen the health of children, as well as their intellectual development. Children develop health-saving skills and habits. All this favorably affects the growth and development of the child's body. Allows you to systematically solve the complex issue of preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The main idea of ​​the Concept of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the system of continuous education is the development of the physical and mental health of the younger generation, which will become an important component of the philosophical humanistic education necessary to solve the problem of understanding the value of life of each person in the general system of the universe.

Since physical health forms an inseparable unity with mental health and emotional well-being, the whole life of a child in a preschool educational institution (DOE) should have a health-improving orientation. And first of all, the organization of physical education of preschoolers should meet the principle of health orientation.

It should be noted that the system of health-saving forms of human life activity contributes to the preservation and promotion of health - a healthy lifestyle that is laid down from an early age. The formation of a system of knowledge and skills in the field of a child’s knowledge of himself, his capabilities and ways of their development is most influenced by educational institutions, which are entrusted with the task of forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle, based on the social foundations of health and awareness of society’s responsibility for children’s health.

The implementation of the health-improving orientation of the physical education of preschoolers will be effective if:

Preschoolers have formed knowledge about the elements of a healthy lifestyle (compliance with the regimen, hygiene procedures, physical activity) and an emotionally positive attitude towards these elements, as well as the ability to implement them in behavior and activities;

Teachers in an accessible form convey information to preschoolers about the basics of a healthy lifestyle and form on this basis an emotionally positive attitude towards this process;

Cooperation between a preschool educational institution and a family based on the unity of educational interaction has been organized.

The third year of a baby's life is the final period of early childhood. Hehas its own, only this year inherent, age features. During this period, the intensity of physical development slows down, which is so characteristic of the first two years. Due to the accelerated growth of the arms and especially the legs, the proportions of the body change. Posture changes, children become slimmer. They have more pronounced muscles; as a result of the development of small muscles of the hands and fingers, the accuracy of movements is improved. Cartilage tissue is intensively replaced by bone. The bones of the skull, hands and feet grow intensively. But the intensity of growth in length decreases, however, individual fluctuations are possible. B: on average, per year, body weight increases by 2 kg, body length increases by 7-8 cm. By the age of 3, the child’s body weight reaches, as a rule, 14.8-15.0 kg, body length 95-96 cm, chest circumference cells 52 cm.

In the third year of life, the eruption of milk teeth ends. After 2 years, the absolute and relative values ​​of annual gains in total body size decrease.

At the age of 3 to 3.5 years, there is an accelerated development of physical qualities associated with the expansion of range of motion. This is the first critical period in the development of motor function.

The younger preschool age is a period of active improvement of the quality of movements that the child mastered at the previous stages. The movements of the arms and legs become more coordinated, the extra movements that the child did before disappear. At this age, children master all kinds of basic movements such as walking, running, climbing, throwing, throwing, jumping.

work done:

Yusupova N.V. biology and geography teacher,

classroom teacher,

GBOU Pestrechinsky boarding school

for children with disabilities of type VIII;

scientific director:

Takhtamysheva Gulnara Chingizovna,

Associate Professor of IRO RT

Analysis of the effectiveness of the educational institution

Project concept

“Health is a treasure, and moreover

the only one for which really

it is worth not only not to spare time, effort,

works and all sorts of benefits, but also to donate

for him a particle of life itself,

as life without it becomes

intolerable and humiliating."

Michel de Montaigne

The current state of health of all children, and even more so the mentally retarded, causes serious concern. Only 5% of school graduates are practically healthy, 40% of schoolchildren are chronically ill, 50% have morphophysiological abnormalities, instead of acceleration there is deceleration (a 20-fold increase in the number of short people), annually up to 300 thousand young men do not go to military service for medical reasons. Up to 80% of children suffer from various neuropsychiatric disorders.

In the Concept of health protection forvillages of the Russian Federation in the transitional period of reformeconomy and social sphere, one of the priority tasks is to change the behavior of the population. This is due not only to diseases that lead to premature death of adults, but also to the growth of socially caused diseases in adolescents.According to the conducted studies, the prerequisites for behavior related toconsidered with a health risk are laid at the age of 18 years. That's whyin the Concepts of education and health protection, great importance is attached to strengthening thehealthcare cooperation with institutionsyami educationand first of all in institutions of a closed type (boarding schools).This is especially true for auxiliary schools of the 8th type, since they have a special mode of life. But, taking into account the peculiarities of physical development, the state of the nervous system and the health of pupils of these schools, the regimen formust be protective. Therefore, the work of the teacher and educator should be aimed at strengthening the physical condition of children, their nervous system and health.

Of course, the reasons for the decline in the level of health are diverse: these are aggravated heredity, environmental problems, and a social crisis. The modern school with its increased physical and mental stress often has a sharp negative impact on the weakened body of children, causing maladjustment, provoking the growth of diseases. The choice of a healthy lifestyle for a child should be conscious. That is why any educational institution should become a "school of a healthy lifestyle" for pupils, where any of their activities (educational, sports, leisure, as well as eating, physical activity, etc.) will be of a health-improving and pedagogical orientation, and contribute to the education of children habits, and then the needs for a healthy lifestyle, the formation of skills for making independent decisions regarding the maintenance and strengthening of one's health.

The relevance of the project -

The relevance of a healthy lifestyle (HLS) is caused by both an increase and a change in the nature of stress on the body in the conditions of modern life, which is associated with an increase in environmental, psychological and technogenic risks. Stress, malnutrition, physical inactivity, telemania, passion for computer games, "bad" habits accompany the life of a modern person.

The concept of "healthy lifestyle" has not yet been clearly defined. Representatives of the philosophical and sociological direction (P. A. Vinogradov, B. S. Erasov, O. A. Milshtein, V. A. Ponomarchuk, V. I. Stolyarov, etc.) consider a healthy lifestyle as a global social problem, an integral part of the life of society as a whole. In the psychological and pedagogical direction (G. P. Aksenov, V. K. Balsevich, M. Ya. Vilensky, R. Dittles, I. O. Martynyuk, L. S. Kobelyanskaya, etc.), healthy lifestyle is considered from the point of view of consciousness, human psychology, motivation. There are other points of view (for example, biomedical), but there is no sharp line between them, since they are aimed at solving one problem - improving the health of the individual.

Health - the category of reserves of life, the viability of a person as an integral being in the unity of his bodily and mental characteristics. Such reserves, viability are formed in the process of education. And this is the area of ​​pedagogy. So, health is a pedagogical category. Health is either strengthened or lost in the process of raising a person in the family and school.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the current situation is complex and requires immediate action. In order to preserve the health of the child, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all adults surrounding him (parents, teachers, educators, doctors, etc.) in order to create an atmosphere around him filled with the needs, traditions and habits of a healthy lifestyle. Thus, a certain culture of behavior and an appropriate lifestyle is formed from an early age.

And if the solution to the problem of healthy lifestyles is not addressed today, then there will be “probably” no one to think about it tomorrow. The priority areas in the work of the teaching staff were: maintaining and strengthening the health of schoolchildren, educating the internal need to lead a healthy lifestyle.Analyzing the current situation, there was a need to revise the formation of a healthy lifestyle and createthe healthy lifestyle program.

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of other aspects of human life, the achievement of active longevity and the full performance of social functions. As the saying goes:“Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.”

Healthy lifestyle elements implemented through a set of actions in all major forms of human life:





Every day we face a choice, we make decisions - we choose the path to follow. Our life consists of these decisions-paths. And the main task of the educator of the child is to teach how to make the right choice!

From elementary school in a special (correctional) boarding school of the 8th type, a certain culture of behavior and an appropriate lifestyle are formed. This is especially true when it comes to caring for the health of children with intellectual disabilities. When compiling the program, the mental deficiencies of children and age characteristics were taken into account. Therefore, the "ABC of Health" consists of six sections and in each of them, classes are allocated for younger, middle and older ages.

The main principles of the program:

Humanization and democratization- define-specific goals and objectives of education, upbringingresearch and development of personality, creation of a comfortable environmentand conditions for its self-realization;

Compliance of goals, objectives of the contentpro-programs of the national strategy, the interests of the statemilitary and regional policy;

scientific— to introduce pe-cutting-edge scientific experienceeducators to create health-savingtechnologies;

Participationinvolvement of pupils in non-means and conscious participation in purposefullenient activity to improve your body,rational usetimecarried outnie sanitary-educational work;

Succession— providing comprehensiveapproach to health education between differentdifferent age groups;

Allocate three aspects of health or wellbeing:


mental (psycho-emotional)

social health

The way of life is formed by the society or group in which the person lives. Therefore, the formation of a healthy lifestyle is primarily an educational task. The program highlightsthe main components of a healthy lifestyle:

1.favorable social environment;

2. spiritual and moral well-being;

3.optimal motor mode (culture of movements);

4. hardening of the body;

5.rational nutrition;

6.personal hygiene;

7. Refusal of harmful addictions (smoking, drinking alcohol

drinks, drugs)

8.positive emotions.

Human health (a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being) depends on lifestyle (up to 70%), heredity (15%), environment (8-10%), medicine (8-10%). Therefore, the main task in preserving and strengthening the health of children is the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Main design lines

Based on the study of the works of V.V. Kolbanova, I.I. Sokovni-Semenova, B.N. Chumakov can be distinguishedmain components of a healthy lifestyle:

1. Rational nutrition.

Food should cover the body's energy costs, be complete in chemical composition and contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates (1-1-4), vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements, be chemically harmless and safe in terms of bacterial composition.

2. Optimal physical activity for the body.

The role of motor activity in determining human health has been known for a long time. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato considered movement to be "the healing part of medicine." The great Russian writer L. N. Tolstoy wrote “You must certainly shake yourself up physically in order to be morally healthy.”

3. Compliance with the daily routine (taking into account individual biorhythms).

I.N. Pavlov believed that the regime was based on a “dynamic stereotype”, i.e. regularly repeated activity, but not inert, monotonous, but dynamic, changing depending on the influence of the environment. This contributes to the development of the child's good adaptation to changing conditions. Be sure to perform only the main components of the daily routine (waking up and falling asleep, eating, walking). Other activities of children can be changed in time and duration. And if, moreover, the regime will be based on the features of the individual “biorhythmological portrait” of the child, the systems of his body will be in better conditions for functioning.

4 . Prevention of bad habits (or rejection of them) and the formation of good habits.

Good habits and hygiene habits are better fixed when they are realized. As for bad habits, the basis of their acquisition and getting rid of them is the will.

5. Increasing psycho-emotional stability.

Judging by the experiments, it is not active emotions that are especially dangerous for health, but passive ones - despair, anxiety, timidity, depression. In humans, these emotions often acquire a social connotation of guilt, regret, remorse.

That is why one of the components of health is considered positive thinking. Positive thinking is not an innate quality, it is achieved by hard training. It is important to teach a child to rejoice even in his small victory, and even more in someone else's luck.

6. "Meaningful life" (meaning of life).

It is directly related to health. Everything else - food, movement, and hygiene makes sense, only when a person has something to get out of bed every morning, if there is a task that no one else can do except him or better than him, there is an interest in the world, there is love at least for something.

When compiling the program, the following methods of research and influence were used.

Research methods I: study, observation, experiment.

Methods of influence : verbal, practical, visual.

The need for widespread use of verbal methods is due to the fact that pupils with intellectual underdevelopment, especially children, have a limited vocabulary, and they do not understand the content of many words. Often a conversation is used, organized with the help of a system of questions, gradually leading them to the assimilation of new material. At partially search conversations, problem situations are created (questions are posed, tasks are offered), a collective discussion is organized.

Using the illustration method (showing posters, sketches on the board,

pictures, etc.) and demonstration method (demonstration of real objects,

experiments) allowed to increase the effectiveness of classes. Much attention is paid to the example method. In the classroom, the methods of "accustoming" and "exercise" are actively used. In order to increase the emotional background of the classes, didactic games (of various themes and content), elements of visual activity, and motor exercises were used.

When compiling the program, various educational and methodological literature was used. The book "Extracurricular Activities in Correctional Classes" contains the development of a health day - "If you want to be healthy - try!", Lesson - advice - "How to learn to observe the daily routine", compiled by G.P. Popova. Great methodological assistance was provided by the book by L.A. Obukhova et al. “New 135 Health Lessons, or the School of Doctors of Nature” (Teacher's Workshop). It contains a fully developed course for students with planning. A practical guide was the manual for educators "Organization and planning of educational work in a special boarding school, orphanage" Khudenko E.D.

The program is a synthesis of knowledge about the main factors of a healthy lifestyle and

includes 6 interrelated blocks of classes:

Each block of the program consists of three subsections. for threeage student groups:




Each age group has its own theme.

For example, section"Proper nutrition":



Middle link :

1. Nutrition is a necessary condition for life (conversation).

2.Healthy food for the whole family (presentation).

3. Nutrition is the basis of life (oral journal).

4. How to become Hercules? (distance travel).

5. Vegetables and fruits - vitamin products (conversation).

6.What are nutrients? (Questions and answers).

7. "Useful" and "harmful" products (crossword puzzle).

8. What do you know the rules of eating? (generalization of knowledge and skills).

9. What does a person need in food? (food rules)

senior level:

1. Healthy eating (question and answer hour).

2Peculiarities of nutrition by the seasons of the year (compilation of recommendations).

3. Home doctor (conversation with the "doctor").

4. The way of the pie (presentation).

5. Relationship between nutrition and disease (auction of opinions).

6. Health pantry in the forest, in the garden (correspondence trip).

7. "Evil products" (crossword puzzle).

8.Avitaminosis and exacerbation of chronic diseases (role-playing game).

9. Rational nutrition is the key to a healthy lifestyle (conversation).


1. Basic foods and human health (oral journal).

2. Reasonable diet (menu work).

3. Diet - pros and cons (auction of interests).

4. Rational nutrition is the key to a healthy lifestyle (conversation).

5. Vitamin deficiency and poor health (doctor's advice).

6.Vitamins and chronic diseases ("hike" to a dietitian).

7. Analysis of the daily menu (workshop).

8. Product shelf life and my health (work with food packaging).

Work with students begins with the consolidation of basic knowledge about human nutrition in the form of conversations, game moments, entertaining moments, then in the senior level more attention is paid to practical and research work.

The number of children suffering from gastrointestinal diseases was analyzed.


Types of diseases

Number of students

1 .

Liver disease.

Gastrointestinal tract




Violation of the musculoskeletal system

Respiratory diseases





From the data in the table it can be seen that almost every pupil (7 people) has gastrointestinal diseases. And most of these diseases are acquired.

In the course of extracurricular activities, a survey of children was conducted. Example "Your food preferences."


1. What foods do you like to eat? A) fruits B) flour products C) chips D) croutons E) other

2 .What drink do you prefer when buying? A) juice B) coca-cola C) sprite D) lemonade E) mineral water E) other drinks

3. Do you know the benefits or harms of these foods and drinks? A) Yes B) I have a vague idea C) I don’t know D) I don’t care

After analyzing this questionnaire, we got the following results: Diagram.

At the end of the academic year, the results have changed for the better:

Question 3

Question 2

Question 3

Option A




Option B




Option B




Option D




Option D



Option E


In this way, healthy lifestyle program provides

a large-scale health-saving culture of pupils, with

taking into account the possibilities and conditions of the boarding school. It provides

mechanisms for the transition of the external culture of a healthy lifestyle into the internal culture of the pupil's personality, primarily through the construction of a route for the development of the personality, the formation of the pupil's self-awareness. The program provides a link between the physical, moral, mental components of the child and the corresponding types of health. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, special approaches are selected for each child through non-standard,active forms and methods of training and education.

Objective of the project : formation of the pupils' need for a healthy lifestyle.

Project objectives: 1. Formation of mo-motivation and responsibility for maintaining one's ownhealth, ensuring a healthy lifestyle by creating an environment in the group that is conducive to strengtheninghealth.

2. Organization of diverse and versatile activities of children in the formation of a physically healthy personality,

3. Development of a holistichealth saving systemsand its application for indigenousimproving the state and quality of health of all participants in the educational process;

Target group of the project: students of special general educationboarding schoolVIIIkind

Project participants : administration, teacher-class teacher, educator,teachers, school psychologist, boarding school medical staff, students with disabilities, parents.

Location of the project: State budgetary educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities "Pestrechinskaya boarding school of the VIII type"

Project implementation timeline: 2013-2016 years.

Life cycle and stages of project implementation

I stage. Information and analytical - 2013-2014

II stage. Practical - 2014-2015

III stage. Practice-generalizing 2015-2016

Chapter I . Theoretical foundations of the project implementation:


The first direction "Fundamentals of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle"

A healthy lifestyle is a rational lifestyle, an integral feature of which is vigorous activity aimed at maintaining and improving health. A lifestyle that promotes public and individual health is the basis for the prevention, protection and promotion of the health of the people.


The second direction "Education of culture of health"
Education of a culture of health - the creation of pedagogical conditions that ensure the development of the student's personality as a subject of health-improving activities in accordance with his interests, inclinations, abilities, value orientations for self-preservation of health, as well as knowledge, skills and habits of sound healthy lifestyle.


The third direction is "Prevention of bad habits".
A bad habit is a way of behavior fixed in a person, in relation to the person himself. The quality of life depends not only on the observance of the rules of a healthy lifestyle, but also on the habits that a person has at a particular age. The referral has a preventive effect on a number of bad habits such as smoking, alcohol and drug use.


The fourth direction "Mobile and educational games"

The game is a natural companion of a child's life and therefore meets the laws laid down by nature itself in the developing child's body - its irrepressible need for cheerful movements. The advantage of mobile and developing games over strictly metered exercises is that the game is always associated with initiative, fantasy, creativity, flows emotionally, and stimulates motor activity.

Chapter II . Project Implementation Mechanism

2.1 The structure of the complex of recreational and physical education activities used in the boarding school

(A) During the learning process

PE lessons from 1

12th grade 2-3 times a week;

Outside of physical education classes:

Morning exercises;

moving change;

Physical education minutes.

(B) During extracurricular and

extracurricular work



Violation of posture;

Violation of vision.

Physical therapy classes from 1st to 6th grade

2 times per week

Health Days

and health lessons;

Classes in sports sections;

Carrying out sports


2.2 Improving moments in the classroom and in the course of extracurricular and extracurricular activities:

Physical education minutes, dynamic pauses

Minutes of relaxation

Breathing exercises

Gymnastics for the eyes

Active point massage

2.3 Indicators (criteria for project performance, diagnostic methods) To solve the tasks set, the research method was used: analysis of methodological, psychological, pedagogical sources on the stated topic.

2.4 Expected results of the project implementation

1. Acceptance of the value of health as one of the main values ​​of a person will allow students with disabilities to focus their behavior on saving and strengthening the health of themselves and those around them;

2. Successfully adapt in the educational and social space;

3. To reveal the creative abilities of students with disabilities;

4. To fully realize personal potential, increase success in sports.

During the work to improve the health of children with disabilities, a system has developed that has made it possible to record positive results: the incidence of children has decreased, a healthy lifestyle culture is being formed, and independent beliefs about health are being developed.

Previously, when information about the state of health was only available to health workers, information about the state of health was not always complete for educators. Filling out the health passport made it possible to work purposefully with children and conduct conversations about those violations, which are the most in the group.

Currently, a large number of healthy lifestyle measures have been developed. These are the radio line “Traveling around the city of Zdoroveyka”, the distance travel “Why teeth hurt”, the drawing competition “A healthy mind in a healthy body”, the lesson “Vegetables and fruits are vitamin products”, the presentation “If you want to be healthy!”, “Let’s say no to drugs!”, “Smoking is harmful to health”, compiling a crossword puzzle “Evil products”, etc. The topics of the DRC (diagnostics, regulation and correction) carried out in the group: the health of students in the daily routine of the boarding school; the state and level of comfort of the student in the school and group.

She has repeatedly spoken at methodological associations and pedagogical councils with topics on healthy lifestyles (“The influence of psychoactive substances on a teenager”), we share our experience with the “Methodological piggy bank of the group”.

The problem of children's health is in the hands of our teachers, doctors, parents, and whatever socio-economic conditions surround us. Protecting the health of children is our top priority. Health will become a value for a child if: - He will form an interest in this problem; - Supported by entertaining, playful activities;

“Care for human health, especially the health of a child, is, first of all, concern for the harmonious fullness of all physical and spiritual forces, and the crown of this harmony is the joy of creativity.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky


1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation;

3. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";

4. Sanitary norms and rules approved by the joint

Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision;

5. Order 1418 dated May 15, 2001 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On Approval of the Approximate Regulations on the Center for Assistance in Strengthening the Health of Students, Pupils of an Educational Institution".

6. V.V. Kolbanova, I.I. Sokovni-Semenova, B.N. Chumakova

"The main components of a healthy lifestyle in the educational process", M., 2003.

7 G.P. Popova. "Extracurricular activities in correctional classes", M., 2000.

8. L.A. Obukhova “New 135 health lessons, or the School of Doctors of Nature» Rotov on / D: Phoenix, 2009

9. E.D. Khudenko "Organization and planning of educational work in a special boarding school, orphanage", M., 2006.

10. Kvach N.V. Health-saving pedagogy. - M., "VLADOS", 2001.

11. The health of our children.// Primary school, No. 8.9 - 2004


Application No. 1

Healthy Lifestyle Formation System


Education of a culture of healthy lifestyle

Therapeutic and preventive measures

physical Culture and sport

Wellness activities

Teaching and educational work

Introduction of new technologies

extracurricular activities "Sport is health"

Purpose and objectives of the program

Target: ensure the possibility of preserving the health of children during the period of schooling; to teach children to be healthy in body and soul, to strive to create their own health, applying knowledge and skills in accordance with the laws of nature, the laws of being.


to form in children the necessary knowledge, skills and habits for a healthy lifestyle;

to form in children the motivational sphere of hygienic behavior, safe life, physical education;

ensure physical and mental self-development;

to teach how to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life;

achieve the need to comply with elementary rules of health conservation.

Program features

This program is builton the principles :

scientific ; which are based on an analysis of statistical medical research on the health status of schoolchildren.

Availability ; which determines the content of the course in accordance with the age characteristics of younger students.

Consistency ; defining the relationship and integrity of the content, forms and principles of the proposed course.

At the same time, it is necessary to highlightpractical orientation course.

Providing Motivation

Being healthy means being happy and successful in your future adult life.

Classes are scientific and educational in nature.

The main activities of students:

discussion skills;


the game.

The study of program material begins from the 1st grade at a level accessible to younger students, mainly in the form of educational games and in the process of practical activities. In addition, each separate section of the course includes additional activities:

    • learning and performing songs;

      organization of outdoor games;

      conducting experiments;

      performing physical exercises, relaxation exercises, concentration of attention, development of imagination;

The organization of training sessions suggests that any activity for children should become a lesson in joy, revealing to each child his own individuality and reserve capabilities of the body, which provide an increase in the levels of working capacity and adaptability.

It should not be a "memorization" lesson, in which instead of achieving a healing effect, only an additional load is created. Each lesson should be a real lesson in "health".

The program is designed for children 7-10 years old, implemented for 4 years. The number of students is 10-15 people.

Expected results

As a result of mastering the program, students should be able to:

fulfill sanitary and hygienic requirements: observe personal hygiene and carry out hygiene procedures during the day;

carry out active recreational activities;

shape your health.

Students should know:

factors affecting human health;

causes of certain diseases;

causes of injuries and first aid rules;

types of hardening (staying in the fresh air, dousing, wiping, sunbathing) and the rules for hardening the body; the impact of hardening on the physical condition and strengthening of human health;

about the benefits of physical exercise for the harmonious development of a person;

main forms of physical activity and types of physical exercises.

Modern society, the highest rates of its change, make ever higher demands on a person and his health. More and more studies in recent years consider the concept of "healthy lifestyle (HLS)" as a set of recreational activities that contribute to the improvement and strengthening of human health. And the components include: labor activity, optimal motor mode, rejection of bad habits, personal hygiene, hardening, rational nutrition. In our opinion, a healthy lifestyle cannot be considered as a series of activities. Compliance with a healthy lifestyle also depends on the internal mood, needs of a person, his general culture.

Their mental development, the strength of knowledge, and faith in their own strength depend on the health and cheerfulness of children. Teenagers perceive their health as something natural, given for life. And children do not even think about the fact that health needs to be protected. It is possible to change a teenager's attitude to his health and personal lifestyle if he understands these values. It is known that water and stones wear away, therefore, when creating an educational environment aimed at a single goal, it is possible to form a value attitude towards one's health among pupils.

The purpose of the work on the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle is to teach each pupil how to maintain and preserve health, educate and develop children based on health-saving knowledge, skills and abilities; the formation of an emotionally valuable attitude towards one's health.

This goal will contribute to the main goal of education and upbringing - the achievement by each graduate of the maximum possible independence and independence. Pedagogical tasks corresponding to the formed goal:

· Correctional and educational: formation of knowledge about the human body, its functioning in different social and natural conditions, about health factors and healthy lifestyles.

· Correction-developing: correction and development of pupils' cognitive processes (perception, thinking, memory, attention) based on the establishment of the relationship between the human body and the environment, the development of will in the adoption and implementation of healthy lifestyle components.

· Correctional and educational: the formation of a personality adapted to natural and social conditions, responsible for their own health and the health of other people, strengthening their physical health, striving to protect the immediate environment.

The organization of work on the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle in an orphanage has its own characteristics.

The success of correctional work is aimed at overcoming shortcomings in the development of children; in a specialized orphanage, it depends on the complex interaction of all adults involved in the educational process.

Children with intellectual disabilities of any clinical gradation, due to the peculiarities of psychophysical development, have a variety of defects that exacerbate the secondary defect - a persistent impairment of the cognitive sphere. Therefore, the problems of correction and elimination, smoothing of violations must be considered from the standpoint of recovery and enrichment due to a properly organized correctional and developmental environment.

Pedagogical conditions should be "developing". Around our children from childhood, it is necessary to create such an educational and educational environment that would be saturated with the attributes and customs of a healthy lifestyle. The implementation of the introduction of healthy lifestyles into the daily activities of children should be carried out on the basis of the formation of traditions. Tradition building is a long-term process. It is important not only to accumulate knowledge, but also to find practical and permanent application of it at the level of natural needs, habits and affections. It is not enough to know and understand, it is important to live it.

The education of the habit of a healthy lifestyle provides for the unity of two components:

First component is designed to equip pupils with knowledge about the culture of health, physical culture. To this end, classes are held to familiarize and consolidate the rules of personal hygiene, life safety, as well as the formation of skills and abilities on personal hygiene, nutrition, proper posture, maintaining vision and hearing, preventing diseases and bad habits. We begin the story about health in the narrow sense - the absence of diseases in a person (a healthy person is active, cheerful, he is in a good mood, it is easier for him to study and work). What does health depend on? Nutrition, daily routine, personal hygiene, physical activity, outdoor walks, hardening. Gradually, the material becomes more difficult.

Second component- physical culture and health-improving activities in the daily routine: gymnastics, walking, corrective pauses, sports holidays, health days, hardening, massage.

Program consists of three blocks:

I. Correctional and educational activities.

II. Physical culture and recreation activities.

III. "Know Thyself" Program.

Correctional and educational activities:

1) Creation of gentle, favorable conditions for children: strict observance of the daily regimen, inclusion in the regimen of healthy sleep after dinner.

2) Conditions have been created to meet the biological needs of children in movement: basketball and volleyball courts, a sports and gymnastics complex, and a football field are equipped on the territory of the orphanage. In the building of the orphanage there is a gym, table tennis, mini trampoline. For physical education lessons purchased: skis, skates, scooters, soccer and basketball balls, darts. The orphanage also has equipment for tourism work - a catamaran has been purchased. The accumulated didactic material allows you to properly organize correctional and educational work.

3) An effective means of preventing fatigue and improving the general condition is physical education minutes, they are held during self-training.

4) Corrective pauses are held throughout the day in the orphanage. Corrective pauses include a variety of exercises for the eyes, acupressure, finger gymnastics.

5) Prevention of posture disorders - in groups, educators conduct morning exercises, taking into account correction. It includes a traditional set of exercises of an imitation nature for the development of attention, the accuracy of performing actions. The main purpose of morning exercises is to raise the mood and muscle tone of the child, as well as to ensure the prevention of postural disorders.

6) A complex of recreational activities: the organization of motor activity during a walk.

7) Swimming in the pool.

8) The use of massage in corrective work:

a) Acupressure is the effect of fingers on biologically active points (performed by a specialist).

b) Self-massage of fingers and hands - develops fine motor skills of the hands.

c) Finger gymnastics - necessary to relieve tension from the fingers, as well as develop their mobility and flexibility.

Physical culture and health-improving activities:

The main focus is on the development of skills and teaching children movements, motor actions, the formation of physical qualities, familiarization with the rules of physical exercises.

1) Organization of motor mode: physical activity creates an energy basis for the growth and formation of the body system, normal physical and psychological development.

Motor activity is a good means of mental hygiene of a child. The concentration of excitation in the nerve centers associated with the work of the muscles leads them to active inhibition, which take on the load during mental work. Movements relieve mental tension, stress, irritation and fatigue, improve children's well-being.

During physical exercises such personal qualities as endurance, courage are formed. Moving, the child learns the world around him.

Preservation and promotion of health is impossible without observing the rules of personal hygiene - a set of measures for caring for the skin of the body, hair, oral cavity, clothes, shoes. When developing hygiene skills, you must adhere to the following rules:

*systematic, gradual and consistent activities,

* taking into account the psycho-emotional state of the child,

*correspondence of methods and techniques to the age characteristics of pupils,

* coordination of actions and requirements of adults,

* example of others,

* substantiation of the importance of acquiring and consolidating basic hygiene skills.

Skills become strong if they are constantly fixed: at home, at a party, on hikes.

Of great importance leisure, the main task of which is to give children pleasure, to create a joyful mood. It is very important that all children be active, joyful, liberated, friendly towards each other. Participation in sports activities and games improve the formation of speech and thinking.

An effective means of education, training and rehabilitation is camping trip. The main goal of the hike is health-improving, and the most important of the tasks is the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Joint activity in nature contributes not only to physical development, but also to moral education, forms positive emotions, unites children.

Course "Know thyself"

In order for the work on the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle to be more effective, it is not enough just to create the necessary conditions for corrective-rehabilitation and physical culture and health-improving activities. It is necessary that each pupil realize the value of his life, learn to take care of himself and his health, so that he develops a need for a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary that the words "In a healthy body - a healthy mind!" acquired personal meaning for the student. For this purpose, special classes are held. For new children, classes are aimed at studying and consolidating the rules of personal hygiene and life safety. In the future, the deepening of knowledge and skills on personal hygiene, nutrition, proper posture, preservation of vision and hearing, prevention of diseases and bad habits, methods of first aid, acquaintance with elementary medicinal plants is carried out. Pupils consolidate ideas about the importance of cultural and hygienic skills in human life, ideas are laid about the integrity of the human body, about the interdependence of all its systems, as well as about their own relationships with the outside world.
